Do NOT pick the flowers ------------------------ Disclaimer: All Tenchi Muyo characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer. Me messing around with them is not very nice, but at least I don't make any cash on it, so please don't sue me. If this disclaimer covers it all, I think we could begin with the fanfic now ------------------------ Do NOT pick the flowers (Or: "Don't do things that you shouldn't do in certain places, where there usually are signs saying you not to do it and..." Well, you get the idea...) By Vincent M. 'Max Raven' Eskilsson. ------------------------------------------ <---The LINE (Meaning either the end or the beginning) We may think to ourselves sometimes, "This is not the reality i want, itīs to boring! No danger, no adventure, no elves running around in woods or dwarves living in caves, creating faboulus treasure! No evil Empire and no heroic Rebellion! Why do I live such a boring life?" The answer to this, is, of course, that we live in a real world, not a world created in a book or in someones imagination. Yes, some might have a miserable existence, and others think they have a miserable life, but are not even close to it. In many of the rich countries, many of the real adventures in life have disappeared due to the level of technology. Sure, there is bungee-jumping, sky-surfing, bank-robbing, and all those other expensive fashion-sports, but where lies the adventure for an ordinary person? There always is computergaming, of course, but sometime the game has to end and you wake up back in the boring Reality. Reading books is an option, and it is now close to impossible to read every book ever created, given you skip the cheap novels, that takes the writer of the book about three days to make. Many other options are available, but many of these still leave the the person with limited choices and a feeling of not being THERE, where everything happen. This doesnīt count the persons with very broad imagination, who probably find their adventure hunger satisfied in the squared things with pages or as a greatly boasted character on the computerscreen, but sometime must come when they look up from their screens/books and think to themselves: "Iīm bored." School is the final, and most terrifying, solution for all of this(hmm, well, you are FORCED to go there, but anyway), where your mind is kept busy by the French Revolution, equations and such. Still, the most intesified moment many experience today in a world as advanced as this, is when they drop the soap in the bathtub and, under a lot of movement and gestures, try effortlessly to pick it up. Maybe this is why roleplaying games are so popular among young people? This is a story, not about dropping the soap in the bathtub, although it has some elements of it, but about a situation caused in an imaginate borderworld between imagination and reality. Welcome to: (As large drums are heard in the background, a road appears, with a car driving on it. Right behind the driver, the title is displayed) *(Ok, just put in any title you like here)* (Or put the title of the fanfic there, whatever you prefer.) As the car drove along on the road, the engine suddenly began to studder, causing a reduction of speed. Not completely surprising the driver, the car stopped. The driver exited the car. It was a green-haired female, about 17, wearing sunshades, blue jeans , a white shirt and a black leather jacket. Her hair was a mess. She opened the front of the car, and took a look at the engine. "Great,",she said to herself,"the car broke down." She took a short look at the car, a chevriolet(not that it matters, it still broke down) She sighed and started walking towards something that looked like a house in the distance. Meanwhile, halfway across the globe, two persons were jogging in the woods, discussing what seemed like an important subject. A closer contact, however, showed that this was not the case. "So.",Vincent, a blonde 16-year old guy, wearing a red jogging dress, appearently not using it properly, said to his friend,"If the entire Tenchi Muyo! cast would appear in front of you, what would you do?" >Oh, god, another one of his dumb questions!< his friend thought to himself. "Uh..." he began, but before he had a chance to answer a strange distorsion caused by the question spit out the entire Tenchi Muyo! cast in the bushes to the front and left of them. Tenchi & C:O quickly ran past them. "Uhhh?" Vincent managed to say before another group of odd-looking characters passed by, consisting of what Vincent knew had to be: 2 mad scientists, 1 long with grey pale skin and grey hair, dressed in green robes, carrying a huge green sword, and one with a haircut which made him resemble an octopus (no need for further distuingishing detailing about him, eh?), 1 black, floating mist, with a white, rather evil-looking face, 1 small goblin looking kid (Ok, HOW do you explain Yezhua's appearance?) and 1 floating goddess, who were shouting at the others to run faster (something like:"Come on! Get them!"). The two friends stared a couple of seconds after them. Then they started jogging again, and Vincent slipped on a carrot left behind and got a nasty bruising. To some people this may seem odd. Not the part about the whole Tenchi Muyo cast appearing in bushes, but the whole part in it self. They will start to ask questions like: "What has this to do with the story?" and "Why am I reading this crap?!" This will eventually end up in the 'great' mysteries: "Why am I here?" and "Why was I born?" The answers to these great questions have not yet been discovered. Some may think, suspicously, that itīs because noone has managed to utilize enough energy to find the answer. This is of course completely wrong. The answers are, right now: "You are here to read this story" and "To live... and to read this story." The answers to the two first questions, or at least the very first one, is: "Read and ye shall see." Not knowing of this (obviously) was the green-haired girl. She herself was walking towards the house. She was just a couple of metres from it when she noticed how quiet it was. She knocked on the door. "Anybody home?" she asked quietly. There was no answer for several minutes. She knocked again, harder this time. "Hello! Anyone there?!" There was still no answer. She pressed the handle down and noticed that the door was open. She opened the door slowly, and took a peek inside. "Hello?", she asked once more. Still no answer was heard. She took a quick look around inside, and entered. A few minutes later she hung up the phone after being told for the fifth time to wait until the line was cleared. She noticed a photo standing on the table next to the phone. She picked it up and observed it slowly. It was a photo taken on some sort of picnic. The only male on the picture was a rather uncomfortable-looking boy. He was standing right next to a cyan-haired woman, who seemed to be attracted to him. For some reason, the green-haired girl got the feeling that the woman in the picture was standing next to him, and not the other way around. Behind the cyan-haired woman stood a girl dressed in a kimono. Her face was all red. To front and right of the picture stood a 12-year old girl with long red spiky hair. She was making a victory sign. Sitting on the grass was a blue-haired young girl with a picnic-basket in front of herself. She seemed to have some sort of rabbit sitting on her head. Right behind her a black haired woman sat to the left of a blonde one. The blonde girl was sipping on something that seemed to be soda. The green-haired girl put down the photo. ,she thought to herself. "Looking for something, miss?", a voice behind her said. To get the answer to who it was asking the question, we can rely on pure logic. It obviously wasnīt Tenchi, because he and the rest of the cast was halfway across the globe being chased by villains. It was absolutely not anyone of the villains, because they were busy chasing Tenchi and C:O, unless it was somekind of new villain, deviced solely for this story, and I promise you I havenīt made any of those. We can therefor make a quick propability check on whom might be behind her. If we take away all villains and Tenchi & C:O, we are left with noone. Of course, this is not the case. Noone wouldnīt say anything. Now, of course Nobyouki wasnīt with Tenchi and the others, but he wasnīt at home either. He was away, working to pay off last monthīs repair bills. Fortunately for him, but maybe not for the girl, Yoshou hadnīt been transferred when the others were. This was because of a state called SCRIPTUS TOOLD, i.e. he was to old to run away from any villains. As they continued jogging, the two friends heard distant explosions and fighting. Not too far away you could see pillars of smoke rise to the skies. Also, some parts of the woods seemed to have caught fire. Of course, persons with supernatural powers fighting werenīt as usual on this part of the globe, and they did attract attention, not only by normal people, but also by the fire-department and the police. The fire-department made quick emergency extinguishing, while the police made futile attempts to arrest the persons fighting, all to the enjoyment of a quickly growing audience. Ryo-Ohki had hid away under a bush. There was a sweet smell emerging from it. A quick glance proved the bush to be a berry bush. She took a look outside the bush. Wandering around, muttering to herself, was Lady Tokimi. She said something like: "I am surrounded by idiots." Ryo-Ohki didnīt like the situation. It wasnīt the thought that she was only a few metres away from a goddess that was most disturbing, although it did trigger some nervous feelings. The thing she found most disturbing was that she lost her carrot. She quickly estimated her chances of beating a goddess in combat, which seemed like almost zero. Then she leaped out of the bushes, aiming for Tokimi. Mihoshi and Kiyone were running as fast as they could. Hunting them was Kagato, blasting at them with green energy beams. Clumsy as she was, Mihoshi fell, pulling Kiyone with her in the fall. , Kiyone thought as she hit the ground. She closed her eyes and awaited the unavoidable end. It never came. Looking up, Kiyone saw Kagato being taken away by some police officers. Or at least they were trying to take him away. Kiyone stood up and pulled Mihoshi on her feet. "Are we dead?", Mihoshi asked. "We will be soon if we donīt get moving.", Kiyone answered. They resumed running away from the rather confused Kagato, watching as they ran away but being much to busy to follow. , he thought as he hurled a police officer 50 metres into a bush. Fortunately the bush was soft, so the policeman just got a little bit hurt. The ones with the largest group following them must have been Tenchi, Ryoko and Aeka. The rather nasty-looking Kain was right behind them, and Yezhua didnīt improve the situation. Ryoko avoided a large energy blast from Kain, making it hit an innocent-looking tree, which immediatly caught fire. The not-so-fully innocent Kain fired once more, this time at Tenchi. Ryoko flew into Tenchi, pulling him with her, saving him from almost certain death. Unfortunatley, this meant they flew into one of the trees which cluttered the forest. Kain followed Aeka, and left Yezhua to alone with Ryoko and Tenchi, currently lying helplessly on the ground. Yezhua grinned much like death as she summoned up energy to destroy the two. This was about the time the burning tree collapsed and fell onto Yezhua, lighting her clothes. With a loud scream she ran away into the forest, leaving Tenchi and Ryoko completely unharmed. As the other trees were lit, Ryoko woke up. She pulled Tenchi out of danger and sat down on a grassy hill, laying Tenchi beside her. , she thought. Kain was for the moment busy chasing Aeka, which he found quite annoying. Aeka herself didnīt have an opinion for the moment, she was to busy running away from the villain. As Kain fired another bolt of energy at her, Aeka couldnīt stop herself wondering what had happened to Tenchi and Ryoko. And Yezhua, she added after a couple of seconds thinking. She shuddered at the thought. Quickly she turned left, ran for a while, and turned left again, heading for the place where she had left Ryoko and Tenchi behind. Kain lost Aeka when he turned after her to follow, and fell victim for a jogger, i.e. the jogger ran into him. Tenchi woke up. , he thought as he saw a pair of feline eyes staring into his. "Ryoko? What happened? Where is everyone?", he asked her. "Nothing to worry about Tenchi... We're safe, right?" "I suppose so Ryoko..." "Do me a favor Tenchi... Just close your eyes and let go.", Ryoko said as she leaned over to kiss him. "Ryoko... Stop that... Really Ryoko, we shouldn't be doing this...", Tenchi stuttered. "Why Tenchi?" "Uhmm... Because... I'm sure I had a very good reason for it...." "Miss Ryoko!", a voice from behind said. "Well, well... Princess Aeka. Care to join us?", Ryoko said with a grin. I guess everyone can imagine what followed that perfect comment. Over to more serious matters. Sasami and Washu were obviously being chased by Dr. Clay, a rather uncomfortable situation for all parts involved. An uncomfortable situation for the two girls, because they didn't seem to be able to figure out why they were being chased by this idiot, and an uncomfortable situation for Clay, because he didn't know when the two girls would realise this. Suddenly, they did, and turned around and jumped him, knocked him unconscious in a mere thousenth of a second, and Washu used one of her ingenius devices to get him tied up. The whole situation was rather discracing for Dr. Clay, who would have trouble explaining to his superiors how he managed to get knocked out by two kids, though one of them was a goddess and the otherone assimilated with one. As Ryo-Ohki flew through the air, she noticed she wasn't. She was just hanging in the middle of the jump, not being able to go anywhere. "Fool", Tokimi said while grinning towards the cabbit, "I knew of your presence even before you ended hid in those bushes. There's no way you could possibly have surp..." Something hit Tokimi in the back of her head, disrupting what she wanted to say. She hit the ground with a small "ounf". For the moment, Tokimi was out cold. Ryo-Ohki landed on the ground again, and looked up at her saviour. "My suggestion is that we get our asses out of this place.", John said, as he and Vincent dropped the log they had been carrying, "Because when she wakes up, she's going to be pissed." "Miya? Ninjin?", Ryo-Ohki asked as Vincent bent down to pick her up. "I'm sure we can manage to find some carrots.", Vincent replied. "Yeah yeah yeah!! Let's get going!!", John said nervously. The three of them headed away from the spot at high speed. If anyone by any chance wonders how the _HELL_ someone could knock a goddess out with a log, the answer would be that because this is in the borderworld between reality and imagination (SI dimension ^^), the goddess couldn't sence the SI-characters' presence and hence they could, to put it in simple words, knock her out. Sasami and Washu decided to find Tenchi and the others. They left Clay on the ground, as they really didn't feel like carrying around the rather worthless villain. As they found the place where the tree had fallen, they were... shocked... Hahaha! Here I could write what they saw, but I'm going to leave you to roast for a little while longer. They say writing fanfics is not fun(you know... _they_), but it's moments like this that makes it all worthwhile. Well, before we return to what Washu and Sasami saw, let's check out what happened at Masaki household... And while we're at it, let's see how Mihoshi and Kiyone are doing. I can't quite hear your agonised screams? Ah... Better. ^^ The woman turned around to face the person. "No... Not exactly... It's just that my car broke down and...", she started. "Oh, I see. Care for some tea?", Yosho interrupted her. "Thank you very much... Do you live here alone? Isn't this house a little big for you?", she said as she followed him into the kitchen. "No, my my son-in-law and and my grandson live here, along with some other. I myself live over at the shrine." She sat down, as Yosho started making tea. "Oh, the girls in the photo.", she said, as she recieved a cup. "Yes...", Yosho said as he started pouring the tea into her cup. "I'm really sorry to barge in here like this, but noone answered." "Nevermind that miss. It's nothing." "I tried to call a towing company to get the car, but the line was busy." "Oh. Well, I'm sure my son-in-law can help you with your car and getting into town." "That's all too kind." "Not at all. After all, it's not everyday your car breaks down, is it?" "I'm not too sure about that, it's happened everyday up until now." The two started laughing. "Let me see... Was it this way or that we came from?", Mihoshi asked. "Argh! Mihoshi!!", Kiyone replied. "Ok ok... Hey, what's that cloud over there?" "Well I'll be...", Kiyone said, "Trouble. Guess we'd better find Tenchi and the others." They started running towards the site from where the smoke rose. The audience was beginning to look a bit disappointed, as the police towed away a man with octupus beard and stuffed him into a police car. This was the second person they managed to bring in, along a strange mist with a white face in it. Both of them had been unconscious when they were brought in. The fire department had succeeded in putting most of the fires out, and were now tending to a few smaller ones. Also, the police had found a lady lying on the ground, and they had got her brought to the local hospital, along with some goblin-like kid with 3rd degree burns. The final element of distorsion was Kagato, and when the police _finally_ managed to subdue and handcuff him, most of the audience sighed out in mixed boredom and relief, and headed home. When Mihoshi and Kiyone finally found Tenchi and the others they were very surprised. The first persons they saw were Sasami and Washu, both shocked by something. As they came closer, and finally came up next to the two girls, they also froze. They stared, shocked, at the scene in front of them. On the ground, Ryoko and Aeka were lying, kissing and hugging a helpless Tenchi, who actually seemed to quite enjoy his situation. Mihoshi and Kiyone just stared, they didn't seem to be able to stop staring. Vincent and John never saw them standing there. They just ran straight into Mihoshi and Kiyone, ending up in a pile just a couple of metres from Tenchi, Ryoko and Aeka. "Ouch...", Vincent said. "Ouch...", Mihoshi added. "Why don't you look where you're going?!", Kiyone yelled at John. "Err...", was John's reply. "Miya!", Ryo-Ohki said as she happily jumped down from Vincents head and started jumping around. "Ryo-Ohki!!", Sasami yelled happily. Tenchi quickly got to his feet, well as fast as he could, yelling: "What's going on?" "You tell me...", Washu replied. "Err....", he wasn't quite able to answer, his mind messed up by a myriad of feelings. Vincent got to his feet, then tried to help Mihoshi get up. John and Kiyone were already standing up, John brushing his clothes from dirt. Washu was about say something, then noticed John and Vincent, the latter helping Mihoshi get up. "I recognise you... You were there when that portal opened, right?" Vincent pulled Mihoshi to her feet, then answered, carefully choosing his words, because he was afraid that what he answered might put both John and himself in trouble: "Yeah, I think so... But it looked like a dimensional distorsion to me." "Well, I guess I will have to explain some of the physical laws of the Universe to you, so that you may understand what the difference is." "Please don't, we've got it...", John quickly replied. "Alright, I won't... But only if you do _one_ thing..." "And what exactly is that?", John asked. "Call me _little_ Washuu!" "Err....", Vincent said. "Now, what were you doing just before and when the portal appeared?" "Let me see... Vincent slipped on a carrot...", John started. "That was _after_", Vincent pointed out. "Miya? Ninjin?", Ryo-Ohki asked. "Don't worry Ryo-Ohki, we'll get you another carrot.", Tenchi said. "After we've returned home, that is.", Washu added. "Well, what did you do?", she asked again. "Let's see, I was walking with my friend here...", Vincent said, pointing at John. "That's what _you_ think.", John said. "And then I asked him what he would do if the entire Tenchi Muyo! cast appeared in front of him. And then...", Vincent continued. "And then I thought, 'God, not another one of his dumb questions', and you popped up.", John finished. "Aha! That's it!", Washu said, quickly tapping away on her sub-space computer. A portal opened, and on the other side everyone could see... "The bathroom?!", everyone but Washu exclaimed. "Hey, give me a break, it's the best I could do at the moment.", Washu answered. Vincent gazed into the portal. He thought he could see something on the other end. It looked like someone was taking a shower. Female, Vincent could make out by the image on the shower curtain. "It looks like someone is showering in there...", he started. "Grandpa never showers in the bathroom, he baths at the Onsen.", Tenchi said. "Uhm... It looks like someone female...", John added to Vincent's comment, as he too saw the image. "Nonsense, who could be showering? All the girls are here.", Washu said. "Alright, if you say so Washu.", Tenchi said. "Uhmm...", Vincent began. "Well, let's go.", Washu said. Everyone said goodbye to John and Vincent, and left. The last one to leave was Washu. "I'll have to examine you two later.", she grinned towards the two. "Eheh...", John and Vincent said, sweatdrops forming. "Until then.", Washu said, as she went through the portal, and it closed. "Hopefully not...", John said. "Yeah...", Vincent agreed. The green haired woman was standing in the shower. Tendrils of water ran down her body, moving down over her bare skin. , she agreed. When the old man had adviced her to take a shower and get all that dirt off her body, she had at first been sceptical about it. "You can always borrow some of the other girls clothes. I'm sure they don't mind.", he had answered her when she had said that she didn't have any change of clothes. And with so many girls in her age in the house, there had got to be someone with her size in clothes. She picked the soap, and gently rubbed her skin with it, cleaning away every little bit of dirt. The door to the bathroom closed. , she thought to herself. Suddenly she dropped her soap, it sliding out under the shower curtain. She stepped out to grab it, when a black-haired boy bumped into her. Tenchi's eyes immedietly got the size of saucers, and his nose started bleeding. "Uhhh...", he said. The End ------------------ Flames, comments, ideas, yadda yadda, and requests for more are to be sent to: Hope you had a nice fic. ^^ -Vincent M. 'Max Raven' Eskilsson, signing off.