disclaimer: i don't own these characters, nothing is mine except the plot, although a special thanks to Annie for some ideas. (hope you don't mind your name here!) anyway, please don't sue me, and i don't advise you to read this unless you have read the first two cause i'm not explaining much about what happened, ok? Again, I DON"T OWN THESE CHARACTERS! thank you, have a nice day. Tenchi Masaki, Mr. Masaki, Yosho, Mihoshi, Ryoko, Sasami, Ayeka and Ryo-oki were sitting around the dinner table, staring at their cold dinner that Sasami had prepared for them. Tenchi sighed, pushing his food around with his fork. Mihoshi's face was streamed with tears, she hd been crying all day, everyone else just seemed a little shaken. Now What? Tenchi thought. Just wait for everyone else to disapear like Washuu and Kiyone? That didn't sound very pleasant to him. Suddenly Ryoko stood up and slammed her fist on the table. Everyone jumped a little and stared at her with tired faces. " Grrrr! I can't take this anymore! Somebody, let's do something!" she shouted. Ayeka stood up as well. " I quite agree, we must try and find Miss Washuu and Kiyone!" she looked at Tenchi. " Don't you agree Lord Tenchi?" she asked in a sweet voice. Ryoko's face scrunched up with anger. " Of course he agrees! It was my idea!" Ryoko and Ayeka glared at each other while Tenchi did his best to hide under his napkin. The silence was broken by Sasami's angry but quiet voice; " You guys! This is no time to fight! We know we gotta do something, but how can we think with you two making so much noise!?" That got their attention and both slid back into their seats. " I know! Maybe we should try searching for clues!" Mihoshi suggested. Everyone glared at her. " We've been searching for clues all day you idiot! What, do you think some are going to simply appear, now that's the hundredth time we search for them!?" Ryoko snarled at Mihoshi. " Well, it was just an idea and you don't have to be so mean about it!" And with that, Mihoshi ran from the room in tears. " Lord Tenchi, you appear stressed, perhaps a nice relaxing nap would make you feel better?" Ayeka asked, her voice practically dripping with honey, as she batted her eyelashes. Ryoko punched her before Tenchi could reply. " You disgusting pig! I know what you're up to! Trying to trick my Tenchi into falling asleep so you can---" Ryoko was interuppeted slightly, since Ayeka had just punched her back. " How dare you suggest such a thing you disgusting creature!" Ryoko started clawing at her hair as Ayeka tryed to pin her to the floor. " ENOUGH!!!! Now I'm tired of you two fighting when we have more important things to do!" Ryoko and Ayeka echanged a venomous glare before guiltily sinking back into their seats. " Now what?" Mr. Masaki asked aloud. " Does anyone have any suggestions? If not than it may do us some good to inspect the spot where you last saw Washuu, Nobayuki." " Hmm...very well, alright, I'll show you, but someone had better bring the lantern, it's dark out" Soon everyone was busy searching for things to take outside, however, Ryoko was lazing about on the couch. " Ryoko, if you're not going to help do something, maybe you should go apoligize to Mihoshi," Ryoko started to protest, but Tenchi had already left. " What does he mean, I don't help?" She asked herself as she flew towards Mihoshi's room. " I do plenty! Where would they be without me?" As she reached Mihoshi's bedroom, she noticed the lights were turned off. " Odd," she muttered, "Mihoshi is such a wimp that she's afraid of the dark if she's alone, maybe she's not here" and one glance through the room confirmed this. Starting to feel slightly panicky, Ryoko headed quickly to the Tv room..... ******************************************************** Mihoshi looked around. Now where is that light switch? She thought. She wondered where she had wondered into. She didn't remember being in this room, someone must had added another addition to the house. But that doesn't make sense, I don't remember hearing any construction. She had been so hurt by Ryoko's remark, (She can be so mean!) that Mihoshi had not even looked where she was going, she had run into a door and she had thought that maybe it was the women's bathroom, but it wasn't, and the door had closed behind her, leaving it dark. Tears welled up in Mihoshi's eyes, she was scared, being all alone in the dark. SHe groped for the door handle. Aww, there it is! Now I'll go find Ryoko and make her apoligize to me! Maybe Tenchi will side with me and----- Mihoshi turned the handle, but it was locked. " Uh oh!" She whispered, trying to open the door. It wouldn't open, she was locked in! Mihoshi screamed, took a deep breath, ready to scream again, but this time she fainted. ************************************************************* Ayeka looked up. Was that someone screaming? She glanced at Sasami who was searching under a cupard trying to find lantern fuel. She didn't seem to have heard it, yet, it had sounded so close.... " Sasami?" asked Ayeka tentaviley. " Ouch!" Sasami bumped her head on the cupard ceiling. " What is it Ayeka?" " Did you hear anything?" "No," "Ok, are you sure?" Ayeka asked, Sasami frowned. " Well, maybe you did hear something, my head was in the cupard, so I couldn't hear a thing." Just as she finished saying that, Lord Tenchi, Ryoko,, Yosho, and Mr. Masaki burst through the kitchen door. " My goodness, what is going on Lord Tenchi?" Ayeka asked the same time Sasami asked, " What's happening?' " We-we can't find Mihoshi!" Tenchi said, gasping for breath. ********************************************************** Mr. Masaki felt very uncomfortable. They were sitting around the dining room table, telling Ayeka and Sasami what had happened and he had to use th bathroom very badly. I wonder if they notice if I just slipped to the men's room. He thought. No, then they'd think I had disappeared too! He sighed, why did these things always happen to him. Finaly he just couldn't stand a moment longer. " I'llberightbackeverybody!" He said as fast as he could, extremely embarrased. He practically flew to the men's bathroom. Phew, that was close! he sighed with relief as he opened the door, took a step and fell flat on his face. Something was under him, something warm, and soft.... " AAAAAAAAGHGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" he screamed. " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The thing screamed. There was a few moments of confused movements as they both scrambled to get up. " W-Who's there?" Mr. Masaki asked, almost wetting his panting. This is ssuch bad timiing for this! he thought angerly. " Mr., Mr. Masaki?" asked a voice. " Mihoshi!" Mr. Masaki exclaimed. " What are you doing in the men's bathroom?" He asked. Mihoshi blinked and looked around. " Oh, is that where I am?" " Yes!" Mihoshi started crying, " The door locked and I couldn't find the light and, and" " It's ok Mihoshi, everyone is looking for you, we thought you had Disapeared!" So Mihoshi returned to the living room ( Mr. Masaki had some unfinished buisness) wondering how the others would receive her. " Mihoshi!" chorused 5 voices. " Where were you?" asked Sasami. " Are you hurt?" asked Ayeka. " Was that some kinda joke?" shouted Ryoko. " Where' s Dad?" asked Tenchi. Mihoshi answered all of their questions. " And he said we should start looking for Kiyone and Washuu once he comes back." she finishd. Yosho knodded. " Very well then, let us wait for him." So they waited. And waited. And waited. " Dad's been in there an awful long time, do ya think he's ok?" asked Tenchi. " I shall go knock on the door, if he's ok then hopefully he wont' be too angry, understanding the circumtances" Yosho replied as he got up. About 3 minutes later he returned, with no Mr. Masaki. " I'm afraid there has been another Disapearence" Yosho replied in his calm voice, his face, however, betrayed his worry. " Oh no!" Tenchi sank back into the couch. " Dad..." he said hoarsley. All anyone could do was to give him sympathetic looks. " Now what?" Sasami asked. Good Question, thought eveyone else. Ok, how was it? Trust, me, the next ones get more dramatic in the way they disapear, but i'm not giving anything away! Comments, Criticism, and questions are always welcome, go to: Kprofsea@aol.com