Disclaimer : I do not in any way own the characters whom I am now putting through sheer hell and utter torment. I do own the characters that are putting them through that hell, even though they are cheesy rip off’s of god knows how many other fan fics. Please don’t sue me, cause I have no money to give you, and I shit you not. Arigato. ************************************************************ TENCHI MUYO : DARKEST HELL - Chapter II : THE DARK EMPIRE Tenchi groaned, and rubbed his weak eyes. Before him stood his grandfather and Sasami and his mind was flooded with images of a surreal experience, one that he was convinced of it’s unreality. “Oh, man… what happened?” Tenchi asked. His grandfather stepped up to him… Meanwhile, in the vastness of space, there was a flurry of activity. Just beyond the moons orbit, the blackness became distorted, and soon the area was completely full of black, ugly ships. Their color matched evenly with the dark surroundings, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye… “What?” Tenchi asked his grandfather, utterly confused. A demon? Then, Tenchi realized something and smiled. “Hah… you’re funny Grandpa. Man… I had the strangest dream though…” As the sun’s soft kiss descended over the cloud covered surface of the Earth, a fleet of massive warships began to breach the outer lithosphere, plunging to Earth like fallen angels… “Tenchi, I don’t think it was a dream…” Sasami returned. As the pieces of Tenchi’s tattered memory began to reattach themselves, Tenchi began to suspect so too. Tenchi heard his grandfather sigh as he began to talk. “Well, whatever it was, I’m sure it’s not over yet…” Katsuhito added grimly as he heard Nobuyuki and Ayeka groan. He turned and saw them stir. Above the Masaki house, the black, evil clouds slowly began to part, letting in only the faintest amount of sunlight. But, even that small amount was soon drowned out by the huge ships plunging through the hole in the sky… “I think everything’s going to be okay…” Tenchi said hopefully as he watched Sasami tightly hug his father and Ayeka. Next to him, Ryoko’s slumped form began to twitch as consciousness slowly washed over her. Tenchi’ s hopes for “everything being okay” were stripped away when the house suddenly shook violently, knocking over various items and breaking the weaker ones. The fright building up in him, Tenchi tossed the covers off of him and ran to the window. Fearfully, Tenchi flung the curtains wide open and gazed out into the sky. He saw the evil looking ships hovering almost silently above his house, and how the clouds twisted and conformed to them, as if they were under their control. The sky was absolutely full of these ominous black ships, and they all surrounded his house. The largest one loomed closer still, until it was only twenty or so feet from the surface. From the dark, convoluted nose of the ship, a bright light flashed ever so slightly as a green beam of energy slammed into the ground. The soft dirt became hot, brittle rock as a form slowly emerged from the green energy. Tenchi gazed upon the intruder, his mind and body knowing only one emotion, fear. “Oh god…” Tenchi muttered as he took a step backward. He still stared at the figure, who was clothed in black. He wore a thick, biomechanical armor and a long flowing cape that seemed to have a life of it’s own. Tenchi noticed that as he walked, he left all sorts of spectral trails behind him, almost as if he was some sort of effect in some movie. He watched as the dark figure slowly looked up at him, their eyes meeting. Tenchi saw the blackness in the eyes of his skull-like face mask, and deep down, he noticed a small red light. Tenchi blinked and shook his head, as if he just broke himself away from some trance. The monstrosity rose it’s vile, spiked hand and pointed at Tenchi as the light in his black eyes grew even brighter. Suddenly, the house seemed to convulse violently. The walls began to crack and Tenchi’s mirror shattered into a million little pieces. Sasami screamed loudly as she hung onto Ayeka, who was screaming too. Ryoko looked all around her at the shaking house, her body trembling. Tenchi fought the urge to scream and he took a final look at the evil one. The glowing in his eyes was now blinding as the red light poured from them like blood. Tenchi saw them flare immensely a mere second before he was tossed across the room by some invisible force, much stronger than he. He smacked against the wall with a thud, and groaned as he slowly sunk to the floor. “TENCHI!” Ryoko screamed as she teleported to his side, helping him back to his feet. Tenchi was still groaning and wobbled slightly when Ryoko heard Sasami scream. She turned around and saw that the drapes had caught on fire. Soon, other places began to instantaneously combust and soon the whole house as ablaze. Tenchi regained a small amount of the senses knocked out of him and forced himself to stand straight. “EVERYONE… RUN!” Tenchi shouted as loud as his winded voice could carry. And his obvious advice was well heeded, for everyone headed for the door. Tenchi saw his father pick up the still unconscious Washu and run out of the room. Ayeka and Sasami followed Katsuhito as he led them down the stairs to the burning living room. Still having trouble standing, Tenchi began to hobble out, with help from Ryoko. His hallway was illuminated with dancing blades of fire that seemed to reach for the two with unbridled ferocity. Finally, they made it to the stairs. ‘This is taking too long!’ Ryoko thought to herself, and attempted to teleport. But, to her surprise, she couldn’t. Her attempts to fly were also met with failure. “Come on Ryoko!” Tenchi said as he limped down the stairs. Gritting her teeth and cussing under her breath, she ran down the stairs after Tenchi. The two dodged the fire at every turn, their clothes being singed viciously. Ryoko heard Tenchi cough profusely and doubled her efforts to hurry out of the fiery house. Soon, Tenchi collapsed, unable to breath in the heavy smoke. “TENCHI!” Ryoko screamed over the loud sound of the fire destroying their once beautiful home. She bent down to help him up and lifted his convulsing, limp body. Overhead, she heard a creaking noise, as did Tenchi. Still hacking up a lung, Tenchi looked upward and saw Ryoko’s napping beam shatter, splinter and fall. Not thinking about himself, or much of anything for that matter, Tenchi summoned as much strength as he could and tossed Ryoko out of the path of danger. She flew across the room and slammed against the wall, knocking her partially unconscious. Tenchi tried summoning the Light Hawk Wings, but much to his surprise, they wouldn’t appear. Tenchi looked up at the beam with a whimper as it fell on him with a loud CRASH, and a smaller, sickening “Crunch”. Everything around Tenchi then faded into a deep darkness… ************************************************************ Ayeka managed to make it outside with Sasami unharmed, but then she heard a dull thump and a loud crash. She turned around and ran back toward the burning inferno that used to be their home, praying for everyone’s safety. She coughed and squinted through the smoke and bright fire, and saw Ryoko sprawled across the floor. Before she was burned alive, Ayeka pulled the only barely conscious Ryoko through the burning threshold. She turned around when she heard Sasami screaming again. Before her stood several figures, clothed in similar, albeit less elaborate, armor and capes as the creature that set the house on fire. In their hands were objects resembling the Master Key, but longer and more red. From the top protruded a blood red blade. It hummed with energy and seemed surrounded with a menacing glow. When one of them took a step forward, he found himself fighting for his life, for Katsuhito was slamming into him with his blue energy blade. When the soldier finally managed to regain his posture, he returned a volley of well placed hits, but nothing Katsuhito couldn’t easily parry. Everyone was sure Katsuhito would win, but their hope faded when he barely ducked under the blade of a second attacker. Katsuhito leapt up into the air and landed a few feet away readying himself for the next attack. The two soldiers walked up to him, their stances identical. Suddenly, the two villains put their swords down, plunging them into the ground. Determined to take the opportunity, but remaining cautious, Katsuhito carefully, and quickly, slashed at the two, but his blade never hit. The Blue Blade seemed to phase through them like Ryoko phases through walls. Katsuhito gasped as he leapt over the two, dodging their return strikes. Still, he remained and fought the two creatures, determined not to let them touch the others. During the battle, he looked around and saw that they were surrounded by hundreds of them, all standing and staring at the battle, their capes swaying in the wind. ************************************************************ Washu finally regained consciousness, and was startled by the loud battlecries Katsuhito let loose and saw the strange figures gathering around them. But something about them didn’t seem right. They didn’t seem to be there, but they were. It was almost as if they were trapped between two dimensions… Washu then focused on Katsuhito, and saw his losing battle. With a thought, he sent a message to Ryo-oki, who ran out into the carrot patch, but had not yet seen the soldiers. ‘RYO-OKI!’ Washu’s voice echoed in the cabbit’s head. “Meow?” Ryo-oki answered. ‘GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!’ Washu shouted desperately. Ryo-oki nodded her cabbit head and leapt into the air, transforming into her crystalline ship form. But, just when she was about to go to the rescue, Ryo-oki found herself under a massive barrage of laser fire. Light blue lasers flooded all over her, slamming into her hull. Meowing in pain, Ryo-oki made her way to the group, who were under attack by the strange intruders. Knowing she is outnumbered and outclassed, Ryo-oki promptly snatched up the distressed group with her teleportation beam and pushed past the large hail of weapons fire and finally made it out of Earth’s orbit. Ayeka looked out at the Earth, and saw that it was surrounded by thousands of those evil ships. “Oh my god…” Ayeka muttered as she placed a trembling hand over her mouth. However, back on Earth, all the soldiers began to fade away until only one was left. The last remaining figure walked back to the burning house. His eyes flashed briefly, and the fire mysteriously stopped. He walked up to the charred threshold and passed through it. The wood began to crack and part, as if it was being pushed away by the mere presence of the figure. Finally, the figure stopped in front of a large, scorched beam. With a wave of his hand, the beam shattered into thousands of small pieces, revealing the burnt, broken body of Tenchi. The side of his face that the beam connected with was torn and smashed, with the bone showing. He was also missing an eyeball. The vile figure’s eyes flashed slightly as he bent down and grasped the dead boy’s limp neck… ************************************************************ “Who… were those… things…” Ayeka muttered in between sobs. She was still in shock over the events of the last few hours. “My guess is that they were the Dark Juraians…” Katsuhito added from the background. Ayeka and Washu gasped at the revelation. Sasami and Nobuyuki blinked, confused. “Who are the Dark Juraians?” Nobuyuki asked. “On Jurai, there are legends of a great war between the gods. The Dark Juraians were creations of the God of Darkness, as we, the Juraians were created by the Goddess of light. But, the legends say that they were defeated and cast into another realm! How can they be here?” “Yuzuha…” Washu added, her eyes widening at the revelation. “WHAT?” Ayeka screamed. Washu looked over at her. “Yuzuha was the spirit of the Tree of Darkness. When she died, so did the tree. They must have come back for revenge.” Katsuhito grumbled before Washu could talk. “So you’re saying that these guys are like the opposite of you Juraians?” Nobuyuki asked innocently. “If it’s one thing you should have learned, Nobuyuki, is that the Juraians aren’t that lovable to be these guy’s opposites…” Washu chided. Ayeka turned a deep shade of red. “So… what are they?” Sasami asked. “I don’t know. Their leader, from what I could sense, had all the energy signatures of a Higher Dimensional Life form, but he can manipulate the physical world around him too easily. That thing’s very existence is a paradox…” Washu mumbled, “ but, if want my best guess, they somehow managed to break through to our universe. Someone let them in, and there is only one being that I can guess must have let them in…” “Tokimi…” Sasami added. The rest of the group looked on at them, totally perplexed. “Now, if you would please make some SENSE of all this!” Ayeka demanded. “Fine. These things are some sort of alternate dimensional life form. They were created in the legendary war between the gods, and were used as some sort of soldiers. That’s all they are. They don’t feel, they don’t love, they just follow orders. Their war machines, and whoever’s running them has a grudge against us because we destroyed their precious tree. Apparently, for some unknown reason, Tokimi, someone who you shouldn’t concern yourself with, granted them access into our world. I don’t know, maybe she thought she could control them. This is the explanation I’m willing to bet my money on.” Washu argued. “How do you know so much?” Nobuyuki asked her. “This is all merely a hypothesis, an educated guess, but I think this one might be right.” Washu answered grimly. “TENCHI!” Someone screamed from behind. The group turned around and saw that Ryoko had finally regained consciousness. Everyone ran over to her. Ryoko wobbled onto her feet and ran to the center of Ryo-oki. “Ryo-oki! Where’s Tenchi!?” Ryoko screamed. Ayeka had an incredulous look on her face. “What do you mean Ryoko, Tenchi’s right here…” Ayeka began to say, but stopped herself when she looked around and didn’t see Tenchi. No one did, but they all assumed he was there. “Where IS Tenchi?” Sasami asked. The look on Ryoko’s face went from worried to totally distressed… “Ryo-oki, locate Tenchi! PLEASE!” Ryoko pleaded. Ryo-oki meowed in compliance. Suddenly, a monitor appeared with a picture of Earth. A small green square flowed onto the area of the Earth where Japan resided. The image blurred as it zoomed in, and refocused a few meters above the scorched Masaki house. Ryoko stared at the monitor, waiting to see Tenchi, but the picture never came. “Well? Where is he!?” Ayeka yelled at the cabbit / space ship. Ryo-oki meowed solemnly. “What do you MEAN you can’t show me? Why?” Ryoko asked, angered to the point of tears. “Meow…” Ryo-oki eventually said in a barely audible tone. “Wha… what!? No… don’t say that, please don’t say that….” Ryoko muttered as she began to sob. Ayeka and Nobuyuki were surprised, and wondering what the two were chatting about. Washu fell to her knees, crying, bringing Ayeka and Nobuyuki out of their small trance. Ayeka looked over at Sasami, and saw the look of sheer terror in her face, and how vacant her eyes had become. A chill began running up Ayeka’s spine, and, after some internal debate, finally understood what was going on. Nobuyuki saw Ayeka’s face turn white and her whole body begin to tremble, and wondered what the hell is going on. “Washu… What’s happening? What’s going on? Where’s Tenchi…” Nobuyuki said, but as he heard himself talk, it clicked… “No… please Washu, don’t tell me that Tenchi’s…” Nobuyuki began to say, but before he could finish, a consoling hand dropped onto his shoulder. He turned around to see a distraught Katsuhito. He also noticed that he wouldn’t look him in the face. A wave of nausea washed over Nobuyuki as reality suddenly smacked him in the head. Katsuhito watched as Nobuyuki joined Washu on the floor, crying his eyes out. Out of the corner of his tear streaked eye, he saw Ryoko stand up straight. He turned and saw the angered look in her eyes and how she grit her teeth. “I’ll _*KILL*_ you bastards!” Ryoko shouted as she glared at the large black ships on the monitor. She clenched her fists tight, her knuckles whitening. Before she could do anything, she felt a strong hand grasp her wrist. She turned her head and saw Katsuhito, his face stern, yet completely devoid of happiness or hope. Behind him stood Washu, her face eerily matching his… “We have to get out of here, Ryoko. Come on, before they decide to come after us.” Washu told her daughter. The anger in Ryoko’s face drained away, and was replaced by insurmountable grief. Ryoko literally flew into Washu’s waiting arms, crying harder than she ever had before. The atmosphere of the room was dismal and depressing, as everyone mourned the loss of the one person who held them together, the one person whom they all loved. Ryo-oki, too, mourned the loss of Tenchi, but knew better than to attack his murderers head on. Somberly, Ryo-oki decided to head to the only other place they could go. “Ryo… Ryo-oki, where are we going?” Sasami asked the living space ship when she saw the stars streak by. A monitor came up, showing the planet of Jurai. ************************************************************ Out in space, in an insignificant solar system, a tiny blue planet orbited around it’ s medium sized star. Around this planet orbited a small moon and hundreds of tiny satellites. But also orbiting this planet were hundreds of huge warships, armed to the teeth and black as pitch. In the center of all these ships was a larger, more corrupt ship. Inside this vile ship are hundreds upon thousands of glowing red vats, full of a thick, viscous liquid which gave them their color. Inside one of these cylindrical vats floats a person. His body is scarred and he doesn’t move. But suddenly, his limp hand twitches ever so slightly… “Did you find the girl?” a voice called from the darkness. “Yes. She’s being prepared for the vats as we speak.” Answered a vile winged individual, clad in a large flowing death robe. “Was there trouble?” The voice asked. “We met some resistance from the human who shares the avatar’s bloodline. Dispatching her was no trouble.” “Good. You know of my plans for this child. See to it that they come to pass.” “It will be done. What about your plan to awaken the Demon of Darkness? What shall you have me do?” “I leave the finer details to your very capable hands. We must dispatch of our enemies in this realm first, then we shall see of his resurrection.” “What about the Earth?” the winged creature asked in his deep, dark, unnatural voice. “Destroy it. They are nothing. As for the Avatar, he is now mine. We will become one and those who contravene me will die a slow painful death. His hell begins… NOW!” The darkness spoke as two bright red lights shown from the darkness. Suddenly, the man in the vat lurched forward, his fists and feet slamming into the clear walls of the vat. He convulsed violently, slamming harder into the vat, cracking it. Soon, the thrashing calmed, and the man was still. Inside the vat, two bright red lights poured through the thick liquid, glowing menacingly into the darkness… ************************************************************ “Ayeka… Sasami… you’ve returned.” Emperor Azusa muttered, pleasantly surprised. He watched his children walk in, surrounded by their friends. They bowed before him. Azusa gazed at the group, and noticed the absence of that Tenchi kid. His attention focused onto his daughters and son, and saw their immensely saddened faces. “Things didn’t quite work out on Earth, eh?” Azusa said with a smirk. Now finally things were going to be back to normal. Even his son returned, which is a feet in itself. He stopped smiling to himself when he saw Sasami’s face, and how it seemed to shatter like broken china. The tears streamed from her face. “Azusa… is someone here? Oh… SASAMI!” A voice came from behind Azusa. It was Misaki. At first she was irritably overjoyed, but then she saw how much her daughters were crying. “Oh, my… what happened?” Misaki asked as she ran up to Sasami and Ayeka. “M… mommy…” Sasami sobbed as she hugged her mother. Ayeka joined her as they cried, sobbing their royal eyes out, almost driving Misaki to the point of tears. Azusa wasn’t sure how to handle this. What in the hell could have happened to them to induce such a reaction? “Does someone mind filling me in on what has happened?” Azusa asked gruffly. “He’s dead…” Ayeka cried as she grasped onto her mother. “Who is?” Asked another voice from behind. Funaho entered the room through the same door Misaki used. Her face was completely concerned after hearing of someone’s death. She took one look at the crowd and made a guess of who it was. “Tenchi… he’s dead…” Ryoko said from the background. Funaho’s suspicions were confirmed as a tear fell down her cheek. “Oh no…” Misaki mumbled as she clutched onto her daughters even tighter. Funaho walked over to Yosho and Nobuyuki, and gave them a gentle hug. Nobuyuki grasped onto her and let loose any grief he still had. Yosho remained tight lipped and tried to suppress his sadness, as always. Funaho began to weep to, and Yosho hugged onto his mother tighter, trying unsuccessfully to make her feel better. Azusa looked deep within himself to find the urge to mourn that little whelp, but he couldn’t find enough reason to. ‘So? Good, now the little brat’s out of my hair.’ Azusa thought as he lightly touched his beard. But then he saw how sad his daughters were, how much they missed that Earthling. If Azusa had one weak spot, it was his family. He wanted so much for them to be happy, and now, because of that little jerk’s death, they are far too sad for his tastes. Azusa took a deep breath and walked over to his daughters. Ayeka promptly broke her hug with her mother and embraced her father, still sobbing deeply. “Who did this?” Azusa asked Yosho sternly. “The Dark Juraians.” He answered. “Bah! You’re kidding! The Dark Juraians are just a fairy tale told to little children when they disobeyed their parents!” “But Father! The stories are true! Everything! If it weren’t for Ryo-oki, Yosho, and Ryoko, we’d ALL be dead by now…” Ayeka argued. Then the full content of her words hit her and she wept even deeper, seizing her father even tighter. Azusa sighed. His daughters weren’t prone to lying, and their current emotional state confirmed his belief. Even though the merest thought of the so called “Dark Juraians” causes him to scoff, Azusa believed everything his children told him. “Whoever they are, they will pay for this intrusion. Ayeka… you have full control of the fleet. If they are strong enough to kill the boy who can produce the Wings of the Light Hawk, then we must hunt them down and destroy them. But first, I suggest that you, all of you, get some sleep. You look like you need it.” Azusa said, somewhat reluctantly. He was happy his children have finally returned, but the somber atmosphere tugged at his carefully concealed heart strings. “Thank you, father. I think we should rest for a while. It has been a long… long… trip.” Muttered Ayeka as she forced a smile. “What!? Whatta ya MEAN rest!? You want to catch some Z’s while those bastards that killed Tenchi are still roaming around out there!?” Ryoko shouted from behind. “Ryoko…” Ayeka began to say. “No! I don’t wanna HEAR it! Fine, stay here! But I’m not going to sit around here and let those monsters run free! You disgust me…” Ryoko shouted as she grimaced and stomped off, slamming the massive oaken doors. Ayeka sighed as her posture became hunched over, her body reacting to the lack of rest. She attempted to regain her sovereignty as a short, beady eyed servant boy led her to her quarters. She gazed around her old room, soaking in the memories and reliving her youth. She sat down in her old chair and stared out her old window at the eternally colossal universe. She watched as Ryo-oki soared into the great unknown at a mind-boggling pace. Then, soon after, she fell asleep. ************************************************************ The warm sun shone brightly as the large waves crashed to shore, throwing up massive amounts of mist into the fresh coastal air. On the sandy seashore lies Ryoko on a beach towel, sunning herself and purring contentedly. With her eyes closed behind her, Ryoko flipped onto her stomach, sighing comfortably. Suddenly, a shadow cast down over her, blocking out the pleasantly warm sunlight. The figure lurched closer and closer, looming near the oblivious Ryoko. The figure stopped a few inches away from Ryoko, and bent ever nearer. The figure then grasped her shoulder, breaking Ryoko out of her semi-conscious state of relaxation. Ryoko turned herself over and gazed up and the figure, the sunlight blocking her view. As the light calmed, and the figure’s facial became more noticeable, Ryoko recognized who the figure was. “Hello Tenchi! Having fun?” Ryoko asked sweetly, a smile crossing her face. “Yeah. Man, I really needed this, to get away from it all. I don’t know how to thank you, Ryoko.” Tenchi said, a similar smile crossing his face. For a few seconds, the two just stared at each other, love burning in their eyes. Suddenly, Ryoko moved to her side, facing Tenchi, the burning love in her eyes turning into fiery lust. “I know one way…” Ryoko winked as she move in close to Tenchi, their lips meeting in a wild, passionate kiss. Tenchi’s arms went around Ryoko, embracing her lovingly. Ryoko resumed her contented purring when she felt Tenchi undoing her top. “Oh, Tenchi… you animal…” Ryoko said as she opened her eyes, but, Tenchi was no longer there. Confused, Ryoko looked around excitedly. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Tenchi, several hundred yards away, waving to her. “Tenchi!” Ryoko shouted. Suddenly, Tenchi began to walk away. “TENCHI! Wait up!” Ryoko screamed as she reattached her top and ran after the retreating Tenchi, the soft sand flying into the air. She watched as Tenchi passed over a sand dune and disappeared, and soon ascended the dune herself, only to see a strangely familiar, old, haunted looking house. She looked around her and the land was flat and barren, and all traces of the beach were gone, having vanished into thin air. Ryoko looked down and noticed that she was in her regular red top and denim shorts, instead of her kinky bathing suit. Ryoko’s thoughts were interrupted when she watched Tenchi walk into the house, casually looking up at her as he did so. “Tenchi!” Ryoko uttered, her hand outstretched. Ryoko took a second to notice how eerily still the air is, almost like the calm before the storm. She looked up and confirmed her suspicions. The sky was crisscrossed with huge, black storm clouds, flashes of lightning illuminating their interior. Ryoko ran toward the house, preparing for the worst. As she reached the door, Ryoko paused and took a deep breath, preparing her for the worst. Slowly, she reached for the knob and turned it, opening the door ever so slightly. When the door was opened just enough, a force, almost like a fierce wind, pushed Ryoko into the creepy, creaking house. “Oh god…” Ryoko muttered when, all of a sudden, she was surrounded by massive towers of flame. All around, she saw her old home burning. Trying to avoid the fire, Ryoko ran into the living room, and was confronted by a ghastly sight. In front of her was her napping beam, plus a large section of the ceiling and parts of the other beams, all of it blazing. Under her beam lies a familiar form. She ran up to the beam, only to see Tenchi, broken, battered, and bruised. Suddenly, the prone form of Tenchi stared up at her with dead eyes. “Ryoko! I thought you loved me! You promised me that we would die together, didn’t you?” Tenchi asked, his bloody face oddly melancholy for a dead man. Tenchi grasped Ryoko’s wrist before she had a chance to run away. She screamed as the fire grew higher and higher, it’s roar nearly deafening. Ryoko’s eyes suddenly shot open when she felt something light an fluffy fall upon her shoulder. She opened her eyes and was blinded by the whiteness. She blinked her eyes several times and looked up, seeing small white flakes falling from the cloudy sky. One landed on her nose, tickling it slightly before it melted from her body heat. “Snow?” Ryoko asked herself, not expecting an answer. From a short distance away, she heard the laugh of a small child. She turned around to see Tenchi, maybe seven or eight years old, leaping into the air, trying to catch the snowflakes as they fell. Ryoko was awestruck, seeing the young boy she loved like her own once again. Slowly, she approached him, expecting only to watch. She saw Tenchi turn around, his playful face replaced by a confused one. “Who are you? Are you here to see Grandpa?” Tenchi asked Ryoko. Ryoko almost jumped back several feet, not expecting to be seen at all. “You… you can see me?” Ryoko asked, still astonished. Tenchi smiled and giggled slightly. “Of course, silly! Who could miss a pretty girl like you?” Tenchi answered, his innocence beaming off of him like light. Ryoko smiled at the complement and neared the boy. Ryoko looked at the snowman Tenchi had just built, and pointed to it. “Who’s this?” “That’s my daddy. He should be home any minute…” Tenchi said as he looked over at the shrine steps. Ryoko turned and looked too, and saw Nobuyuki somberly walking up the steps. “Daddy!” Tenchi shouted happily. Seeing Nobuyuki jogged Ryoko’s memory, and then she knew what will happen. This was to be the most tragic day in Tenchi’s life, the day his mother died. “Oh, no…” Ryoko said. “Hey! Where… where’d you go?” Tenchi asked with a perplexed look on his face. “I’m right here…” Ryoko returned, waving her hand. But she received no response. Tenchi couldn’t see her, no matter how much she waved or shouted. “Oh god…” Ryoko said as Nobuyuki climbed the last step. She could only watch and listen as Nobuyuki told his son about the tragic death of his mother. She saw the shocked and dismayed expression on Tenchi’s face and watched as he started to cry. Ryoko felt like she had just been crushed by a two ton beam, as she too began to cry. She hated that she couldn’t be there to comfort Tenchi in his time of need. But, then, the scene changed. Instead of Nobuyuki falling to his knees to consul Tenchi, he merely took a step back. Ryoko saw Nobuyuki’s eyes glow red and his lips turn a pale blue. Nanoseconds before she could react, several long, strong, decaying arms flew forth from the snow, grasping Ryoko’s arms and legs, and wouldn’t let go, no matter how much she kicked and screamed. She watched as Nobuyuki gradually turned into an evil demon, a demon that seemed to only be made from darkness, like a living shadow. The stench of death hung heavily over the horrid creature as it stared vilely at the young boy. Before Tenchi could run, the demon charged, grasping the child by the neck. Ryoko felt like retching as she watched the demon tear apart and viciously murder the little boy, his blood staining the perfect white snow below him. Ryoko screamed in rage as she struggled even harder to free herself, only drawing the demon’s attention toward her. The demon surrounded the pinned and confined Ryoko, until the only thing she could see was the demon’s blood red eyes. “Death is the only way out…” The demon said as the eyes lurched ever closer. ************************************************************ Suddenly, Ryoko shot up, her eyes wide in terror. She gleamed with sweat and her chest heaved, as if her lungs wanted to escape from her chest. Ryoko took a moment to observe her surroundings. She saw the easily recognizable bridge of Ryo-oki, her crystals shining in the light shining from Sol. Ryoko shook her head and rose out of her chair, her body trembling. She stumbled her way across the deck and looked out at the Asteroid belt. The position of the Star and of all the asteroids produced an eerie light effect, both welcoming, and disheartening, to Ryoko, the shaken space pirate. She took several deep, calming breaths as she watched Mars fly by in mere seconds, and Earth not far in the distance. The planet that had been her home for hundreds of years now seemed alien to her for some unknown reason. And, as she neared closer and closer, she swore to herself that something was missing from the small, blue planet. Then it hit her… “Crap! Their GONE!” Ryoko shouted, not seeing the ships she had come to seek revenge on. The anger in her welled, until Ryo-oki “Meowed” worriedly. “What? Show me.” Ryoko commanded. Then, suddenly, several monitors appeared, showing various energy charts, all of them rising above the DANGER zone. One the other monitor, Ryoko saw numerous images of people, young and old, screaming in pain and agony. She saw a shot of Tokyo, and saw the whole city was on fire, the ground rising into the air, as if the planet lost it’s gravity. Ryoko’s teary eyes widened in shock and horror. “No! NO!” Ryoko shouted, slamming her fists on Ryo-oki’s transparent hull. “MEOW!” Ryo-oki screamed as she began to back away from Earth at a rapid pace. “RYO-OKI! WHAT’RE YOU DOING! WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!” Ryoko shouted, but then, Earth was encased in a blinding white light. By the time the light faded enough for her to see, Ryoko knew that Earth was gone. The planet was replaced by a massive quantity of asteroids and debris. It was almost like the Earth was torn apart, rather than exploded. Ryoko fell to her knees, crying wildly. Suddenly, behind Ryoko, a monitor popped on, showing a Galaxy Police officer, wearing the typical blue uniform. “My GOD! What HAPPENED!? We registered a major energy discharge in this vicinity!” He shouted. “The Earth… they destroyed it…” Ryoko cried. “WHAT!?” The GP officer shouted, almost leaping out of the monitor. “It’s gone… it’s all gone…” Ryoko mumbled before breaking out into a loud fit of sobbing. ************************************************************ “Ayeka…” said a small voice, awakening Ayeka. She blinked and saw Sasami, her eyes red from crying. “Y…yes Sasami?” Ayeka asked. “I had a bad dream.” Sasami sniffled. She walked up and hugged Ayeka, barely suppressing her tears. Ayeka, too, was having trouble keeping her sadness in check. She hugged onto her distressed little sister for a while, only looking up when a soft knock came from the door. “Who is it?” Ayeka said grimly, almost sounding disgusted at the intrusion. The door opened flooding the room with light. The blaring light made Ayeka’s head pound as she considered beating the infidel who opened the door. In stepped the beady eyed little servant boy from earlier, his head hung low in respect. There almost seemed to be a mocking quality about it, noticed Ayeka. She shrugged it off and decided to find out why this intrusion occurred. “Well… what is it? What do you want?” Ayeka asked, her voice somewhat annoyed. “I bring… bad tidings… my lady. A report from the Galaxy Police just came in. The Earth is no more.” The servant sullenly informed. Both Ayeka and Sasami gasped in horror. The Earth? Destroyed? It wasn’t possible! “Are you SURE it was the Earth?” Sasami asked, more tears falling from her eyes. The servant boy merely nodded, still not allowing his eyes to meet theirs. He heard Sasami break down again, as she clutched onto Ayeka even tighter. Ayeka was eerily silent, shock and consternation flooding her regal face. The servant boy merely bowed and turned around to walk away. “Wait…” He heard Princess Ayeka say. “Yes, my lady?” The servant boy asked. “Summon everyone into the servant room. Have my father prepare the fleet.” Ayeka added. “Yes, my lady.” The servant boy said yet again as he vanished into the hallway. Sasami looked up at her sister through tear stained eyes. “What’s going on?” She asked, still sobbing. “You’ll find out in a little while.” Ayeka said as she stood up and began putting on her fighting outfit. Sasami’s confusion grew every second that she watched. ************************************************************ “So… what’s up? Why’re we all here?” Washu yawned. The bags under her eyes were huge. She eyed Nobuyuki and Katsuhito while waiting for an answer, and saw that they were not much better off. “Who knows. I just hope Ayeka’s quick, ‘cause I’m still tired.” Nobuyuki quipped as he began to nod off. Katsuhito said nothing, but just seemed to stare out into nothingness, meditating on something or other. Finally, after a long time, Ayeka, Sasami, along with the Emperor and Empresses, and several guards, walked into the large meeting room. Washu’s attention was sparked when she saw what the princess was clothed in, her battlesuit. “Washu, Lord Katsuhito, I have come to formally request your assistance.” Ayeka said diplomatically. Washu was confused. “For what?” She asked. “We have just declared war on the Dark Juraians. They have not only killed one of the Juraian Royal Family, but they also destroyed one of the planets under Jurai’s special protection…” Ayeka began. “Oh god, you don’t mean…” Washu gasped. “Yes, I have just been told that the planet Earth has been destroyed. I wish to ask your assistance, Professor Washu, in determining a battle plan for engaging our enemy.” “S…sure…” Washu muttered, totally stunned. Ayeka looked up at Lord Katsuhito, or actually, her brother Yosho. “I shall remain here. I have a feeling that I will be needed on this planet.” Lord Katsuhito grumbled, not in the best of moods. “What about me?” Nobuyuki asked, almost forgotten. “You shall remain here with Sasami and Grandfather.” Ayeka told him. “No! They took away EVERYTHING from me! You HAVE to let me go! I refuse to just stay here!” Nobuyuki yelled, his eyes glaring at the princess. “Then you give me no choice. Guards!” Ayeka commanded. The two guards ran in and grabbed Nobuyuki, dragging him, kicking and screaming, out of the room and down the hall. Lord Katsuhito then stood up and promptly followed, not arguing with, or even speaking to, anyone. He walked down the hall, toward his room, and turned around just in time to see Ayeka and Washu walk out of the room, being escorted by several guards, toward the docking bay. Katsuhito sighed, wishing them luck. He looked up into the dark, early morning sky, and saw that it was filled with hundreds of millions of ships, and that more were joining them by the minute. There were even several thousand Galaxy Police battlecruisers present. The fleet was nothing short of awesome. Katsuhito’s attention was diverted when he nearly was bumped into by a beady eyed little servant boy, who seemed to by in a big hurry. The boy nodded his apologies and continued on down the hall. The serving boy turned the corner, and made sure no one could see him. The serving boy then walked into a deep, dark shadow, which seemed to fluctuate with his very touch. Soon, the only thing that could be seen of the servant boy was his beady, red eyes… ************************************************************ SUGGESTED ENDING MUSIC : ALIEN BY BUSH Authors notes : Well, I’m done with chapter two. I’ve lengthened both the shorter chapters, adding more detail and making things fit a little more. I’m only going to change certain things in the other chapters. Right now I don’t have the time, or the energy, to rewrite every Chapter. But, as soon as I fix up all of the discrepancies in the series, I will write the final chapter, which will be a major undertaking for me, and the best chapter by far… I hope… ^_^ I hope these two chapters are better than their originals, cause I added more structure to them, and more skill. Well, until next time, Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel…