Daughter of Darkness: A Different Point of View
                        Chapter 2; "Explanations"
                          By Locke Gilderthorn

        "Yes, my name is Kagato, but I am THE Kagato. Not my brother Gota.
stole my name because I was born first," The pale-skinned man said.
Katsuhito nodded in understanding.
        "My brother grew insane after the loss of his arms in a
me...." Kagato continued, "He obtained cybernetic replacements and stole
a Royal Space Academy research vesel. Gota upgraded it into a battleship
and began his crime spree. I have been seeking him out for several
millenia...Only to receive orders from Central Intelligence that Earth
has advanced far enlough to be able to handle the stress of knowing
about sentient alien species. And now I am here, but it seems that I
chose the wrong area to land in...." He trailed off.
        Katsuhito nodded again, and spoke:"Of course, but don't assume that
made a mistake in choosing a place to land."
        Kagato raised an eyebrow in cunfusion.
        "I...don't understand in the least...."
        "My grandson Tenchi has slain your brother Gota, but we were under
impression, also that he was the TRUE Kagato."
        "Then my mission and vow are complete." Kagato sighed. "I would have
prefered to kill him myself, though. I've nothing other than to deliver
the message to the True Denizens of Earth, Master Prince Yosho." Kagato
glanced reproachfully at the scimitar sheathed and tied to his belt,
then looked back at Katsuhito.
        "May I meet this Tenchi, your grandson? I would see his skill, if he
was good enough to defeat Gota." He asked.
        "It would be my pleasure," Katsuhito assured him.

        "Oh, Lord Tenchi I- uh..." Aeka began then stopped as she saw who
with him. Ryoko noticed, too.
        "Hey who's that girl with Tenchi?" She asked.
        "I don't know." Aeka responded.
        "Hey, who're you?!" Ryoko said loudly, the girl behind Tenchi shrank
back. "Hey, I'm talkin' to you!"
        "Easy Ryoko." Nobuyuki said walking up in his sunhat, holding a
gardening bucket. "Huh? Tenchi Who's that girl?"
        As Tenchi was trying to answer, Aeka and Ryoko rushed forward, faces
        "I can't wait to hear this one! Spit it out!" Aeka demanded.
        "Yeah!" Ryoko agreed.
        "Well, you, see I was coming down the steps of the cemetary...."
        Mihoshi burst through the front door.
        "Wow! We've got a real visitor!...Two!" She said (as usual) with
as she noticed Kastuhito leading another guy into the group.
        Ryoko most strongly recognized the scent coming off of the newcoming
newcomer. The murderer, rapist, megalomaniac KAGATO! Her eyes flared in
anger and fear, though her face revealed nothing other than agitation at
the girl that followed Tenchi home.
        The pale-skinned, black-haired man in an RSA uniform bowed at the
and straightened again.
        Though the scent was the same, this man looked deffenitely different
from the living corpse who tortured Ryoko thousands of years ago....
        But how...?
        Nobuyuki interupted.
        "Well, it's sure a hot one. How about we all go inside and have
something cool to drink and disscuss this?"

        I don't like any of this, Ryoko thought, Not at all....
        She had heard exactly what Kagato had told Katsuhito, and still
couldn't beleive it.
        The bastard who held her captive for seven hundred years was the
insane, jealous brother of a Royal Space Academy archeologist?
        Yet...here was a six-thousand year-old member of the RSA, pale
complexion, black hair...? And polite beyond all immaginings?!
Absolutely impossible!!!
        But he called her 'Mistress Ryoko' and bowed in respect whenever he
spoke to her....
        One could say that Ryoko was as equally puzzled about THIS Kagato
the girl Mayuka who followed Tenchi home....
        Ryoko's head was starting to hurt....

        "I was born on the planet Kopak, as was Gota," Kagato continued. "I
entered the RSA at a fairly young age,(about a thousand years) and
graduated with Honors. Gota was a failed student. Not because he wasn't
intelligent, my goodness No; he was just arrogant and lazy. Not caring
to pass or fail, thinking success would just come to him like a hungry
curr comes to an outstretched hand."
        He sat seiza position, or his own equivalant on the floor. Tenchi
Mayuki sat on the couch across from where Ryoko sat in an easy chair.
Mayuka sipped a lemonade and Tenchi munched a pocky stick nervously.
        "Guess what, Daddy? Mayuka asked cheerfully.
        "Daddy? Well, I, uh, erm..."
        "I love you very much, Daddy!"
        "Now you've got to stop that talk...."
        "What you mean stop?! Don't you like me at all?"
        "Well, sure. But all this 'daddy' talk...What makes you think that-"
        Ryoko burst out angrily, banging the table with both fists.
        "Raah! I've had it! I'm not going to go through with this, Miss
Innocent! I know what you're doing! Trying to trick Tenchi, that's it!
Well it's not going to work!"
        "You're nuts!" Mayuka shouted back.
        "Huh! HAAH!" Ryoko ignited her energy sword. "Let's Go!" She
taking a swipe at the girl across the table.
        "Are you crazy!!!" Mayuka said leaping away.
        "You haven't seen crazy YET you little punk!"
        "Ryoko, stop it!" Tenchi shouted.
        "Do you have to make such a racket?" Washu asked coming out from her
lab. "Huh?"
        "Please, stop it!"
         "Oh, Miss Polite now, huh?! 'Please stop it!' Tell me who you are
what you're trying to pull on Tenchi, eh?!"
        Almost near tears, Mayuka cried out in anger. "Noooo!" and a wind
unlike any before felt became active in the house. A shaft of blue light
appeared in her hands as she growled at Ryoko.
        "Look, its-it's The Light Hawk Sword!" Tenchi said supprised.
        Mayuka leaped....

        Nobuyuki ran through the foyer to the sliding paper door,
        "This way, hurry!" He shouted.

        In a dimension of darkness and despair, a large eared girl with
skin chuckled.
        "It's a present from me, enjoy it, Yosho...."

        Katsuhito leaped at the same time and caught her. The wind died down
and the sword disappeared. Mayuka grunted in confusion.
        "I'm sorry, but no matter the provocation I never allow killing in
        "Grandpa did you see it?! She had the Light Hawk Sword!" Tenchi said
        "Don't get so bent out of shape, Tenchi. Say, I've worked up an
appetite, how about we whip up some lunch?"
        Tenchi looked away in supprize and confusion also. "Huh?"
        "What'dya say little missy, care for some noodles?"
        "Uh, okay."
        Washu crept up behind Mayuka and yanked out a few hairs from one of
short pony-tails
        "Thanks so much for cooperating in my new scientific research
Buh-bye!" Washu said with gleeful politeness.

        Back in the living room, Kagato still sat seiza, breathing terribly
labored. He clutched his chest with a gloved hand and said a single word
in a hoarse whisper
        Then he collapsed into a dead faint.