Disclaimer: tenchi myuo/universe is not mine and never will be because AIC and pioneer own it (and i'm a fan fic writer who cant spell). So in summary not mine dont sue chapter 1 : "arrival" Ayeka paced up and down outside the masaki house. She was anxious to meet up with her old friend Tiy and she could tell Sasami was. The last time they had seen him he was on the planet Auroura. Thanks to the lack of communication between Jurai and Auroura thought the two hadn't spoken in a while. Tiy had been betroved to Ayeka but the marridge never seemed to come around as the two were friends and not lovers. "what do you think he's like now," Sasami asked. Ayeka smiled "I dont know," she replied. There was a light in the sky and Sasami jumped to her feet. She stood next to Ayeka ready to greet Tiy to Earth. Ayeka looked at the ship something was strange about it. She looked harder and found there were two ships locked together. "Quick Sasami find Tenchi i dont like the look of this," Ayeka shouted to Sasami. Sasami ran as fast as she could towards the fields. Ayeka turned towards the house, she thought about calling Ryoko. "Ryoko come here quick i need your help". Ryoko yawned stepping out of the house. Hearing a noise she looked up to see two ships falling to the ground. "I think something isn't right," Ayeka said readying herself for a fight. Ryoko also got ready for a fight. Tenchi came running from across the fields "what's the matter Ayeka" he called running next to them. Ayeka pointed to the sky. Tenchi pulled out the tenchi sword. The ships felll at great speeds. The bottom ship was a dark blue ighter ship and the on above seemed to be a brown ship one that a bounty hunter would have. The ships slammed into the ground the bottom one being destroyed totally by the crash. A young boy dropped in front of the group. "long time no see Ayeka" the boy said. He reached for his sword which he drew quickly. The brown ship's capsule opened and a 6ft tall man stood in front of them. e seemed alot stronger than Tiy looked. The small teen dove forward with great speed spinning his sword forward and then slamming it down on the man with superb accuracy. The man had predicted the move though and was able to block the blow and fling Tiy accross the floor. Tenchi took several steps forward "I think I should teach you some manners" he proclaimed elbowing the man in the ribs and knocking him back off his balance. Ryoko disappeared reappearing behind the tall man. She grabbed hold of his arms but he struggled. Grasping his legs with her right leg she tripped him quickly. Tiy flipped to his feet. "who is he Tiy" Ayeka questioned. Tiy turned to face her with a grim look. "He's a mercenary named Darcon," the young prince said pulling his sword to his sword. Darcon kicked Ryoko away andstood to his feet. Tiy charged forward, as Darcon swung he ducked under it jamming the handle of his sword in his ribs. He span it round trying to catch him. Darcon caught hold of it and lifted the teenage prince into the air. Tiy dropped down behind him kicking him forward. Tenchi saw his chance he swung the tenchi sword slicing it through Darcon. Darcon split in two and fell to the floor disappearing into oblivion. Tiy fell back slightly his breathing was heavy and he held his right arm. "Tiy are you allright" Sasami called as she ran over to him. He struggled to his feet. "yea I'm fine just the impact broke my arm i think," he muttered. The prince had blue hair that stretched done just past his ears and violet purple eyes. He looked younger than Tenchi but older than Sasami. "How are you then Ayeka," he said with a cocky smile. Tenchi watched Tiy suspiciously while he sat meditating. There was something about that didn't seem right. The way he fought that fight the guy seemed to be beaten by Tiy easily but not Ryoko. Tiy couldn't be that strong. "what's the matter Tenchi," Ayeka asked sitting next to him. Tenchi sighed "nothing i was just wondering about Tiy. Is he a really good friend?" he asked curiously. Ayeka looked at him puzzled, "what do you mean by that Tenchi," she answered with a slight giggle. Tenchi than had a thought. What if Tiy could read minds. He looked over at Tiy. The young prince opened one eye and nodded smiling. Tenchi banged his head on the table. How could let himself get embarrased like that he felt like such an idiot. Tiy stood up and sat next to Ayeka and Tenchi. "Oh I'm so sorry Tiy i never introduced you to everyone did I," Ayeka said embarrased. "This is Tenchi...," she began. "Nice to meet you, Tenchi," Tiy said with a somewhat sarcastic tone. How could he be so cocky thougt tenchi. He seems to act like he knows everything. ".... and that's Ryoko, Kiyone , Mihoshi and Miss Washu." she continued. Tiy smiled wavingat them. He had a purple t-shirt on and a matching pair of trousers. "nice clothes where'd you ge them somewhere chepa i would suspect," Ryoko mummbled under her breath. "I bought thee clothes on Earth Ryoko. Unlike you i dont have to steal things to get what i want," he answered sticking his tounge out. "Unlike you Tiy I'm not an idiot," she growled. TIy frowned at her. "I can tell that i'm going to fit in her really well," he joked. Tenchi was glad Tiy was staying even though he had a slight suspision of him. It meant that there was someone else to help keep the peace. Tiy smiled at Tenchi and Tenchi smiled back. "But I dont know where you will sleep." Ayeka replied. Tiy seemed to be a little off on the subject. "I dont sleep," he replied sternly the smile gone from his face, "I think it's a waste of time to be honest and seeing as though i don't need to sleep i might aswell not sleep." Ayeka nodded. Tenchi smiled it was a good thing he didn't sleep where wold he stay no one else would give up their rooms for him."If it's alright with you I'd like to take a strole about outside have a look about." He quickly picked up his sword and a small backpack and went out of the house and towards the forest. Tiy sat on the rock by the waterfall. This was the perfect spot as no one was around for miles and the masaki house was far away. He dropped the backpack on the floor. Opening the bag he revealed a small computer. He pressed several buttons on it and opened a web link with a base on the dark side of the moon. The screen flicked and a soilder answered the com link. Tiy smiled "put me through to General Xenon, tell him it's Neon." The soilder disappeared off screen and soon he returned with General Xenon. "Neon my trustworthy assasin i hope everything is going to plan," General Xenon questioned. "Not exactly, not only is there Juraian family members but also space pirate Ryoko, two galaxy police officers and some scientific genius," He answered "tougher than i thought i may need some help," "Of course you will not Neon damn it you destroyed Darcon the bounty hunter did you not," Xenon sneered "and you are a prince of Auroura aswell as a Dark assasin," Tiy nodded. "then you will cpture the two princesses Sasami and Ayeka and in the process bring me Washu." Tiy nodded disagreeently. The com link cut off. Tiy looked at his situation. Auroura would be destroyed if he didn't do this but now he had to defy his own friends and some innocent people he only just met. He need to do something but at themoment he couldn't. It was best to play both sides untill something became clear. TO BE CONTINUED Autour note : This is my first fan fic for a while so I am a little rusty so be nice. E-mail me about anything you want to see or if you want to become a pre reader and be mentioned in my credits. And send me your ratins of this episode please I need to know weather I can improve or not.