This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai". The Dark Jurai - Chapter 5 - "Midpoint of Efforts" by Timothy Turner email: The small scout ship arrived on Jurai. The two princesses and prince went to the throne room. Yosho had reverted to his true younger self. Yosho bowed. "Your Majesties, I thank you for being concerned with our safety. I came here to confirm what I fear. I take it that the Dark Jurai have declared war on us?" "Yes," Funaho sighed, "the Dark Jurai are readying themselves to fight and conquer us. Our fleets will not last long." she looked around. "Where is Tenchi?" "Tenchi is training hard in the Dark Jurai martial arts. I happened to had gotten the last copy of their training book available in the Light Jurai Empire." "WHAT!?," Azusa looked furious, "Why? If Tenchi learns black magic, the evil that has made the Dark Jurai what they are will overtake Tenchi's judgement!" "Far from it...;" the prince stood up, "you know Tenchi can generate Light Hawk wings. They will provide Tenchi with the extra power he needs. Tenchi would not dare touch black magic without knowing what it will do to him. Besides, the techniques must be learned. None of the Light Jurai martial artists except me know any of their techniques." "Very well..., but it angers me you did such a thing." Azusa stood up. "That's all I have to say. Please stay for the remainder of the day. Your advice is needed before a meeting of the Light Jurai Counsel today. After that, you need to return to Earth and prepare Tenchi for the upcoming battle. You will leave immediately after the meeting. Do you understand me?" "Yes." Yosho nodded. Saying what needed to be said, Azusa left the room. "You have half an Earth day to enjoy family, friends, and other things," the emperor said as he left the room. Sasami immeditately ran to Misaki. "Mommy!," Sasami cheered. "My baby!" Misaki gave Sasami a big hug. Ayeka watched the reunion. Misaki turned around to Ayeka. Ayeka pretended to be happy, "My mommy!", she yelled with fake tears in her eyes. Misaki cried with real tears. "I missed you so much! I want you to be safe throughout this entire war! I don't want my little baby to die!" Ayeka twitched from the sheer pain of her mother's motherly embrace. she thought to herself. Another thought came to mind, . Many terrible scenarios reaced through Ayeka's head; whatever she thought is up to anyone's imagination. Yosho walked with Funaho in the palace halls. "So, how is Tenchi?," Funaho asked. "He has been just fine. Still having trouble deciding his true love!" the Juraian prince / warrior laughed. The queen giggled, "Poor, poor Tenchi. It must be an epic struggle to live day-to-day." "There is a saying on Earth about durable people and things: 'It takes a licking and keeps on ticking'. That's Tenchi for you." "No doubt about it. Tenchi gets it from us." Funaho winked at her son. Yosho laughed. "I wonder how he's doing now? That boy has been training from that book nonstop since he learned the Jurai language." "Oh?" the queen got a wide-eyed face, "Please do tell me more about this..." Meanwhile on Earth, Tenchi had wrapped up another hard training session. It was lunchtime. Tenchi fixed lunch for fear that Ryoko would mess up in making a meal and kill Tenchi before he could see some battlefield action. It was very awkward; the only people in the house were Tenchi, Ryoko, Washu, Mayuka, and Nobuyuki. The other living occupant of the house was Ryo-Ohki, who was still undergoing a little "upgrading". Ryoko teleported into the kitchen. "Teeenchhhhiiii," she playfully whispered. Then Ryoko proceeded to put her arms around Tenchi. "What are you making there?" she looked over Tenchi's shoulder with bright, curious eyes. Tenchi was annoyed but replied to Ryoko, "Crabstick daikon rolls with salmon and nanban sauce. And would you please quit that? I can't cook with you hanging on me like this." Ryoko saw Tenchi was under stress and got an idea, "How about I do... *this*?," Ryoko grabbed Tenchi's shoulders and massaged them heavily and deeply. Tenchi, though annoyed because of his training, subdued thoughts of blowing off Ryoko this time and let her massage him. After about five minutes, Tenchi turned around, "Thank you very much. I needed that. In return I do *this*..." he gave Ryoko a big hug. Ryoko was at first stunned by Tenchi's reaction, but then she became happy about it. Ryoko thought to herself. All of a sudden, she thought of going deeper into this prospect. <"I know what you're thinking!"> Washu's voice came into Ryoko's head. <"SHUT...UP...MOTHER!!!"> Ryoko replied. Ryoko's eyes got very big and angry-looking. Tenchi looked at Ryoko's eyes and wondered, "What's wrong?" a sweat- drop developed on his head. "Oh! Nothing!" Ryoko blushed and covered her face with her hands. <"Look what you did, mom! You blew this opportunity!"> <"Ah-hah! I'll be up in a few minutes to eat. Ryo-Ohki is through with the upgrading."> <"Whatever, mom."> Ryoko frowned at her loss. Washu, or "mom", would pay dearly for this... In that few minutes, Washu came up to eat. Mayuka was in a baby backpack against Washu's chest. Nobuyuki came out of his architecture studio on the other side of the house to eat. Ryo-Ohki came weakly walking out of Washu's lab. "Myaaaaa...", she meowed under her cabbit breath. Washu became cheery. "That's a good little Ryo-Ohki! ^.^ You are very strong indeed! I'll genetically enhance a carrot and make it big just like I promised!" "^_^ Myaaaaaa...mya..." the tiny cabbit passed out. "Don't worry! In a few hours she'll be as good as new!" Tenchi smiled, half stressed and half tired. Mayuka babbled on in gibberish and tugged at Washu's outfit. Everyone in the house was here. It relieved Tenchi of his stress more. Washu looked at Tenchi, "What's wrong?" she looked concerned. "My training...," Tenchi exhaled, "I need to practice some more and get the techniques down. Heh, if you could scan the book and imprint it in my mind..." the young Juraian prince laughed and scratched the back of his head. Washu never thought of it before... The brilliant scientist went into thought. Tenchi looked at her, not realizing that she had went into thought, "Could you do that? It wouldn't be any trouble, right? Uh, Washu?" Mayuka tugged Washu's hair, bringing her back to reality, "Sure!" Washu nodded. I'll eat and do it right away!" "Thank you." Tenchi sighed in relief. Before he knew it, Washu was in her adult form and staring Tenchi in the face. "Anything else?" Washu asked in a teasing voice. "EEEEEEYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" Tenchi freaked out. Ryoko beaned her mother on the head with a broom and chased her around, "MY TENCHI! MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MIIIIINNNNEEEEEE!!!!", tears streamed down Ryoko's face while she attempted to beat her mom to death for trying to take Tenchi. Washu covered her cheeks and ran around, giggling innocently. "Help me!" Tenchi finally quelled Ryoko and got Washu to stop tempting fate with her daughter along with getting her to revert to her child body form. Nobuyuki had watched the fight and was saddened Washu had turned back into a young twelve year-old child. After eating Tenchi's lunch, the remaining gang complimented him on how good his lunch was. Washu went to work; it was only three more days before the Dark Jurai would begin the attack. Even though they did not know the Dark Jurai would attack in three days, the gang worked hard as if the attacks would start in just hours. At Galaxy Police Headquarters, Kiyone and Mihoshi's hard work was paying off. They had worked 96 straight hours with only 12 hours of sleep total. The good news was that their ten pages of orders were down to less than an eighth of a page; one order. Their ships had undergone massive upgrading and the officers were issued new weapons. The only thing left to do was get rations and medical supplies for their ship supply rooms. "Last thing on our agenda is to get food and medical supplies. Mihoshi?" Kiyone looked around. Mihoshi had fallen asleep right in the middle of the hall. Kiyone grabbed Mihoshi by the shoulders and dragged her to the rations room. A single officer was handing out rations and medical kits; the rest were on break for now. The work was taking its toll on the Galaxy Police Labor Forces. Kiyone pushed her way into the line and clawed at the other officers. Mitsuki was at the front of the line. "Hello, Kiyone. My, I see you have managed to complete such a long list of orders in just four days! Congratulations! Initiative is the key to becoming Detective Elite just like me!" Mitsuki mockingly laughed at Kiyone. Kiyone's facial muscles twitched in sheer rage but regained her cool composure. "Sheer attitude, determination, agression and being an utter bitch... are my keys for be better than you." Kiyone countered the mocking attitude with an icy glare and aura. Mitsuki looked stunned for a second. "Sure, kid. You have a nice..." she began to walk away. Kiyone grabbed her shoulder. "Not so fast! I'm not through with you, you snot-nosed twit! You rub in and aim every little promotion at me! Do you think you are better than me? Or anyone in that matter?" she lost her mind. "I just want to keep my academic acquantances up to snuff to know how I am doing and want them to cheer me on!" "It's more like you want them to suffer! I knew from the day I first met you that there was something way up your ass!" Kiyone shook as her anger grew out of control. Mihoshi had woken up and saw Kiyone and Mitsuki arguing. "WAAAHHH! Don't fight, you two! This isn't the time or place!" "Now let's not use that kind of language..." Mitsuki made a fake smile. Kiyone hawked a big loogie and spat on Mitsuki's face. "Go to hell, bitch!" Mitsuki closed her eyes in reaction to Kiyone's rude interruption of her rubbing her personal victories into her rival. She opened the eye that wasn't covered in Kiyone's phlegm. The other eye twitched. The proud Detective Elite wiped the thick mucous off her face. "That one was free," the pride in Mitsuki's voice became less and less, "next time, I'll kick your ass." she walked away. After she left, the other officers cheered. "She deserved that!," one officer rooted. Kiyone became embarrassed. "Just letting off some steam." "As a token of our apprecitaion, we'll let you get your supplies first!," another officer smiled. Other officers obliged. "That person acted all-important and cut in line. And even ran over us like our contributions of service to the Galaxy Police do not even matter. I captured 24 space pirates in the past six months alone!" "That's really impressive!" Kiyone nodded in interest. "Your agressive talk to that Mitsuki has really made my day." Kiyone smiled; she had let out her built-up anger and felt proud of it. Now with her tasks complete, she could sign leave papers with her superior officer and leave to Earth and check on it one last time before the battle. "Thank you," she warmly said to all the officers in the room. "Next time, butt her in the head." On Earth, Washu was almost through with copying the book into her memory machine. Tenchi was sitting outside with Ryoko on the porch waiting on Washu to get finished with the job. "Tenchi," Ryoko asked. "What?," he turned to Ryoko. "Did you...," Ryoko blushed. "Did I what?" Tenchi arched his eyebrows. "Did you...enjoy my massage?" she finally was able to get the words out. "Yes. I did. If it wasn't for that and you guys complimenting my lunch, I would have burned out. I thanked you in the only way I could have and should have. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I really did need that. Let me ask you, did you really enjoy my lunch?" "Yes. I did. Your cooking tasted just as good as Sasami's." "I've been getting pointers from her. We've all forgotten how to cook because of her." Tenchi smiled serenely and looked at the lake. Ryoko caught a look in Tenchi's eyes as he stared at the lake. she then quickly turned away and blushed deeply. Tenchi saw Ryoko quickly turn away. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I..." the close monent was interrupted by the arrival of a ship that looked alarmingly like a Jurai ship. Ryoko felt the dark aura in her dream. "A DARK JURAI SHIP!" she exclaimed in fear. She began to cry and clenched her teeth. The wind made by the ship blew Ryoko's hair and tears back. Ryoko regained her senses and prepared herself. "What's a Dark Jurai ship doing here?!" Tenchi looked up in shock. A man dressed in a Dark Jurai martials arts outfit teleported to the ground. With no experience in fighting a Dark Jurai and no time to get the Tenchiken or his battle ring (the one that makes that Jurai armor in the OAV), Tenchi readies himself for combat... End of Chapter 5