Description of this story: This is the first step for tenchi and his 5 ladies. For the future. The story that should done next. BREAKFAST IN BED Chapter 1 Hi here is my first fanfick enjoy All of the fan fiction I have read misses the obvious truth, Five beautiful powerful women do not chase one man With out a reason. Unless the universe has something in mind. All five ladies end up with tenchi, and their children, are the next Many levels of evolution. Now tenchi and his ladies will live for many thousand years, and Tenchi will head the jurai empire, when it is necessary. The best leaders are the ones who do not want the job, because they know The amount of work involved. It seams that earth will play an important supporting roll in the future evolution Of the universe. Tenchi is 1/8 jurai and 7/8 human, and he is the most powerful of the jurai royalty ever. So human DNA makes other races DNA evolves to the next level. Tenchi's mother was very strong and she was 1/4 jurai and 3/4 human. I see tenchi's children, going a few levels above him, but his children's children, becoming gods. The solid moral and ethical base that tenchi provides will set the new gods on a good footing. Towards the future. So how does the process start? Simple breakfast in bed. _________________________________________________________________________ The time is early morning, tenchi is up at the shrine cleaning up and readying the temple For the up coming girls festival. We get to listen in on tenchi's thoughts. This festival is a great opportunity for me, but How can I tell the ladies in my life, that they all mean the world to me, without upsetting, one of them or All of them. Because I do care, so much for them. I can't do flowers and candy that is to romantic, I can't take them all out to dinner, that would Attract attention, and not be private enough. I am not showing them my undying love, Like in the movies. I just want them to know, that they are closer to me than a friend, and mean More to me then family. I could cook dinner, but my cooking talent pails compared to Sasami's, and I can only cook Simple things. Now breakfast is a simple meal, and I can make eggs, bacon, pancakes Rice, fish, OJ, tea and milk. But having everyone just eat it in the kitchen, is not enough, and does not have the personal Touch to make it special. I want this meal, to show to these five ladies how much I honor and respect them. Come on tenchi, you have a brain use it!. Of course breakfast in bed, and I can serve each one individually, one at a time, and make each Breakfast different. I am going to have to invite Mihoshi over for the night and she can sleep in the living room, and Ryoko will have to sleep in my bed, for the night since she does not have a room of her own. I will sleep on the deck, for the night in my sleeping bag. Now which of the ladies do I serve first, this could cause a big problem, do I go by age, In alphabetical order, in the order I met them. I know I will have the ladies pick numbers out of a bowl, and then no one will feel slighted, And thoughts of favoritism will not be created. Boy I dodged that problem before it Was created. What else am I going to need? First I'm going to need my dads, help on some of this, I will need five bed trays, nothing to Fancy. Dad could pick them up after leaving work, He always want to help in my development, As he calls it. Well this is his chance. This will work, if I keep it simple and try to think of problems and their solutions before they Happen. And I hope everyone will be happy. When I go down for breakfast this morning, I will make a call to Mihoshi in Tokyo, and see if She can make it in tonight, through washu's dimensional doorway. If she can, I will tell everyone About my idea at breakfast. Now a happy tenchi, attacks the job of cleaning the shrine with happy heart, and cannot wait To call Mihoshi. Tenchi has finished his work early, so that he can go back and call Mihoshi, before she leaves for work. A happy but nervous tenchi is at the phone waiting for Mihoshi to pick up the phone. Then tenchi hears a Hello from Kiyone, and tenchi says " this is tenchi, can I speak to Mihoshi?" "Is anything-wrong tenchi?" Says Kiyone "you never call this early in the morning". 'No, nothing wrong. I just need to talk to Mihoshi for a couple of minutes" says tenchi. "I'll get sleeping beauty; in just a second" says Kiyone. A waiting tenchi hears over the phone. "WHAT", and a scrambling sound followed by a crash. Then the happy sound of Mihoshi Saying "Yes tenchi what can I do for you?" A nervous tenchi says quickly "I was wondering if you could come over to my house tonight. And spend the night" but at that point Mihoshi interrupts tenchi and says "EEEEEE". Then a panicking tenchi says "No that is not what I Meant! Tomorrow is Saturday and The start of the girl's festivals, I want to honor the ladies in my life with breakfast In bed for each of you. And you have to sleep over tonight so that I can serve you And do honor to you tomorrow morning ok!" A stunned Mihoshi blinks here eyes a couple of times, and says in a cheerful voice "ok". " Great " says tenchi "I will see you later tonight Mihoshi, goodbye". "Goodbye" Says Mihoshi. And tenchi hangs up the phone and breathes a big sigh of relief. "Now to go talk to dad, and ask for his help in this plan". Thinks tenchi. As tenchi turns around he sees his father, standing in the doorway, with a big Smile on his face. "Oh son what a wonderful Idea you have, what can I do to Help?" Says Nobuyuki. "This is getting to easy to do", tenchi thinks to himself. "Well I will need five breakfast In bed trays, and maybe some special food, you could pick up before coming home >From work?' Say's tenchi. "Oh son I am so happy to help," says Nobuyuki. "It's wonderful Too watch you grow up and make the right decisions" "you make me very proud of you tenchi" say's Nobuyuki. He then gives tenchi a hug, and tenchi say's "A thanks dad, I think I will go upstairs and clean myself up before breakfast" "You go right ahead son, I'm looking forward to this breakfast" says Nobuyuki. A happy but perplexed tenchi goes up to take his morning bath, and thinks to He "how am I going to express my Idea without blushing and looking? Like a fool? I want this to be perfect". Tenchi's first stop is to his bedroom to grab his cloths to work in the garden. "Today I will change into my work cloths in the bathroom" thinks tenchi "It will save time and keep others from bargaining in on me as they do in my bedroom" "Now for a good hot both, it should relax me" says tenchi. Now while tenchi sits in the tub He thinks " what am I going to say to the ladies during breakfast". "I could give an along speech about what I want to do and why". "But I have never talked that way to the girls or anyone else". "So that Idea is no good". Then tenchi thinks "in school they taught, the best way to talk to people is to keep it short, and simple". "So if I said breakfast in bed tomorrow, what do you want?" "No that won't work either, but it is close". "I just need to add a little of why I'm doing it, and how I am going to do it". "yes that's it!" say tenchi to himself as the Ideas and words come together in his head. Downstairs Sasami has been cooking breakfast and filling the house with the wonderful smells of Her food. Ayeka and Washu have awakened by alarm clocks and have been getting ready for breakfast. However for Ryoko it's, the smell of food that wakes her. As she would say the only good thing about morning is breakfast. The sound of the house wakening up lets tenchi know it's almost time to go down stairs. Then tenchi thinks to himself "I will wait until Sasami calls me down for breakfast, that way everyone will Already be there. As Ayeka goes down the stairs to have breakfast she notices, Nobuyuki sitting at the table with it Already set, and a big smile on his face. Which causes her to comment. "Good morning Nobuyuki, You seem to have been busy this morning, and happier than normal". Nobuyuki replies with a larger Smile "Good morning Ayeka and yes I am happier, one of my longer projects just took a big step, Forward towards completion". At that point Yosho enters the living room and says " good morning Ayeka good morning Nobuyuki". Both return the greeting by saying "good morning ". Now Sasami steps into the room and says " the Food is done! Ayeka would you bring in the food?. While I get the rest of our group to come and eat it". Then Sasami looks up and says "Ryoko are you ready for breakfast?" Ryoko says "I'm already their kid". As Ryoko teleports to a seat at the table. Next Sasami opens the door to Washu's lab and yells down "Washu breakfast is ready" To which washu replies " I will be there in 5.24 seconds". Finally Sasami yells up the stair to tenchi in a happy high voice. "Tenchi breakfast is ready, don't let It gets cold". Tenchi's muffled reply is "I'll be right there". Now a nervous tenchi leaves the bathroom, trying not to look nervous and hoping that he does not Trip down the stairs. He sees everyone is at the table waiting for him. Ryoko say's " tenchi I saved a spot Right next to me". Tenchi groans, but then Ayeka says, "Yes and I have saved you a place to eat lord tenchi"" Of course the special seat is between the 2 girls Ryoko and Ayeka. As tenchi sits down to eat a puzzled Washu says " Tenchi what's wrong you seem too nervous this morning". This causes all the others to look more closely at Tenchi. Which causes tenchi to feel like a bug under a magnifying glass. As tenchi Blushes, the group looks even closer at Tenchi. Except Nobuyuki who just smiles. "Thank you for that observation Washu" says tenchi a little annoyed but with a smile, because it gives tenchi. The perfect opportunity to say what he wants to say. So as tenchi stands up six puzzled faces look his way. A nervous tenchi clears his through and says " As most of you know tomorrow starts the girls festival And I want to show the ladies in my life the honor and respect I have for them. So I want to serve all five Ladies breakfast in bed tomorrow morning, In your own beds. So what do you each want on your pancakes?" Four stunned females look at tenchi with their mouths open. While a smiling Yosho, and Nobuyuki look at The mass confusion. Ayeka is the first to ask " Lord Tenchi why are you doing this?" In a loving voice. Tenchi replies, "Because you ladies are more then friends to me and closer then family to me. I have to do it". At that moment a stunned Ryoko grabs tenchi around the waist and buries her face in Tenchi's side, while saying loudly in a broken voice "Oh tenchi that is the most wonderful thing you have ever said to me". The other ladies are taken a back a little, but not much because Ryoko just expressed what they felt. But Washu is shocked more than the others, because she is looking at the consequences. In the Future that this breakfast in bed might cause. And she finds herself smiling at all of them. This causes Washu to look at herself and tenchi more closely, much more closely. Now Sasami looks lovingly towards tenchi and sighs and says to herself "he has noticed me ". Then Sasami thinks" who is the fifth girl? Hum, hum, hum, I bet its Mihoshi", which causes sasami To say "Tenchi is the fifth girl Mihoshi?" "Your right sasami " says tenchi. "But where will she sleep?" Asks Sasami. "She is going to sleep On the futon in the living room" says tenchi. " Oh " says sasami. "So where will I sleep? " says Ryoko. "In my bed" says tenchi. "Yes!" Says Ryoko as she jumps up into Tenchi's arms. "What!" Say Ayeka, Sasami, and Washu at the same time. "It's not what you think " Says an embarrassed and frighten tenchi. "I'm going to sleep on the deck in my sleeping bag tonight" says tenchi. "Oh that's no fun, " says Ryoko. "It may not be the fun thing to do, but it is the right thing to do". Yosho stands up and says proudly "tenchi Your idea is wonderful and what you just said to these ladies is great. You really are growing up, you have Made me proud of you". Then nobuyuki says proudly "I to am proud of you son". "Thank you dad and grandpa", says tenchi a little embarrassed. "Lets eat," says Nobuyuki " being happy makes me hungry". As tenchi sits down to eat Ryoko and Ayeka sit a little closer to tenchi. Moreover Ayeka and Ryoko don't mind each other's presence around tenchi this morning. While eating breakfast tenchi says "you ladies still have not answered the question, what items do you Want on your pancakes?". "I want chocolate, " says Sasami, "I like strawberries" says Ayeka, "I want mine plane," says Ryoko, "I'll take raspberry, " says Washu. "Did you get that dad", says tenchi. "Yes son, strawberries, chocolate chips and raspberries " says Nobuyuki. "Oh and dad some fresh oranges for orange juice and does anyone want grapefruit for breakfast?' Says tenchi. "Sounds good to me, " says Washu. 'I'll pickup everything plus some small honey and maple Syrup containers after work". Says Nobuyuki. Breakfast is finished quickly with a smaller, then normal amount of small talk, among the group. After breakfast Nobuyuki goes to work and Yosho and tenchi leave together. While 4 happy ladies Wave and yell goodbye. As the two men walk away from the house tenchi says "Grandpa, I need five prayer strips and some Ink and a brush". "Ah I see, " says Yosho. "At the start of the ceremony I plan to hang prayers on the tree at the shrine for each of the ladies" says tenchi. Then Yosho says, " tenchi if you keep growing up like this; you are going to become impressive". " But you're going to have to be if your plan works". "There is no plan grandfather. This is something I have to do," says tenchi. "Yes I see how your heart leads you, but can a heart make a tough decision?" Says Yosho. "An Honest heart will make the right decision " says tenchi with some emotion. "I hope you are that wise," says Yosho. The two part, and go to do the work of the day ahead of them. Jump forward in time, it is after dinner and Mihoshi has already come over for the night. Washu is Even out of her lab to enjoy the night. Tenchi is in his dad's room, working at the drafting table on The prayer strips. As tenchi works he looks at the bed trays and smiles and thinks. " Dad choose well, the light oak wood With a white laminated top. Looks great and the added touch, of each of the girls names on the trays, Was a wonderful idea, thanks dad". "Well it's time to go out and find out whom number one is? Thinks tenchi. As tenchi leaves his dads room he Takes with himself a bowl with 4 strips of paper on it. With the numbers 1 thru 4 on them. Now as tenchi enters the living room, he pauses with a smile on his face, as he looks over the wonderful sight. The first person to see tenchi standing in the corner is Ryoko. Then Ryoko yells a little loudly and Happily "tenchi" and then teleports to his side. Then she puts her arm around Tenchi's side and says," What have you got in the bowl tenchi?" The rest of the people are now looking towards tenchi and the noise of the room drops by half. "I have something important for all you ladies, in this bowl". Says tenchi. As he walks into the living room with Ryoko at his side. All eyes are on the bowl now as tenchi speaks, "What I have in the bowl, is 4 strips of paper. With the numbers one, thru four on them." "This will be the order in which, I will serve breakfast tomorrow morning". "Since Ayeka and Sasami sleep together, I will serve them together". "And since Ayeka and Sasami are Together, they will pick first!". "So who will choose first, Ayeka or Sasami ?" says tenchi. "You choose the number, I know you will pick a good one", says Ayeka. A smiling giggling Sasami walks over to tenchi, and looks up with loving eyes, as she reaches out to the Bowl of folded papers. She grabs the first one that touches her fingers. When Sasami reads the number, on The paper she smiles, and shows it to Ayeka. Ayeka says with a smile "yes two is a good number, just like the two of us". Then Ryoko says, " my turn, my turn" as she reaches for the bowl. Now Ryoko stirs the strips of paper, Trying for the best one. Then Ryoko says triumphaly" I got one" as she pulls the paper out of the bowl, And then she reads it " a four " says Ryoko disappointedly "Whose next" says tenchi? Then washu says "you go Mihoshi". "Thanks" says Mihoshi. The beautiful blond Mihoshi, is smiling as she walks over the tenchi. With out tripping, and pulls out the first paper, that touches Her hand. Then she unfolds the paper, and reads the number out loud, a little too loud. "Three" says Mihoshi proudly. "Well that makes Washu number one" says Tenchi. A little puppet says "There was never any dought", another little puppet says "Washu' s number one". "Well actually " says Washu; "I would like to be last, If that is ok with you Ryoko?". "Yes "says Ryoko happily, then Ryoko says " thanks mom". "I'm number one " says Ryoko. 'Since you are the first Ryoko, when would you like to have breakfast in bed tomorrow?" Says tenchi. "Oh um about 7 O'clock" says Ryoko. "As you wish lady Ryoko" says tenchi. "I like the sound of that" says Ryoko. Ayeka reacting to Ryoko's statement gives a little indignant "Hump", while lifting her head slightly. Then tenchi says "at 7:30 I will serve Ayeka and Sasami . At 8:00 I will serve Mihoshi and at 8:30 Washu" says tenchi. "Great I get to sleep late", says Washu. As tenchi asks "Washu how will I find your bedroom, in the lab?" "No problem Tenchi, I'll just set The door to my lab, to open to my bedroom after 8:29 am." Says Washu. "Now that tomorrow is taken care of, I have to go back and finish a few more things. Good night everyone." Says Tenchi. A happy group of people wish Tenchi a goodnight, as he leaves the living room. Heading back to his dad's room to finish, the work on the prayer strips. Back in the living room after a little while, Yosho quietly walks up to Washu, and says. "You did not Want to just to sleep late did you" "Now is that a question or a statement Yosho", says Washu. "Your call says " says Yosho. After a pause washu says "I want to ask Tenchi a few questions tomorrow". "Good" says Yosho quietly and walks away. Leaving a thoughtful washu looking into her drink. Little over an hour later Nobuyuki goes to his bedroom, to see how tenchi is coming along. As Nobuyuki steps into his room, he see's tenchi sitting at the drafting table. Nobuyuki says "how goes The work son?". "Perfect" says tenchi, "I'm almost done, and I need to get to bed early. Because I plan to take the papers up to the shrine at sunrise". "Oh ! And do you mind if I store the papers in your room for the night?" "Ryoko is sleeping in my room tonight". "I'm happy to help tenchi", says nobuyuki. Nobuyuki sits down on his bed, and watches tenchi as he finishes the prayer strips. Tenchi then places the papers in his school bag for safekeeping. Nobuyuki thinks to himself " Tenchi you are so serious just like your mother. You work very hard to make everything you Do perfect." "She would be so proud of you". As a tear comes to Nobuyuki's right eye. He Quickly wipes it away before tenchi can see. As tenchi gets up to leave, he grabs his clock and sleeping bag, and says "good night dad". "Good night" says Nobuyuki. As tenchi walks through the house to the living room. He pauses at the entrance to the living room. He sees that five very special ladies, are watching a movie and eating popcorn. With only a few lights on. Ryoko's cat eyes spot tenchi first in the darkened room. And Ryoko says "I see someone is of to bed, Early tonight!". "I'd join you but I have a prior engagement tonight". "Someone wants me to sleep, In his bed tonight". "Ha Ha" says tenchi in a very droll voice. This causes Sasami to giggle, and Washu to smile and say softly "Well said ". Mihoshi looks up and says "It's a beautiful night tonight tenchi". "If you where not serving me breakfast I'd join you outside." "The crescent moon is just wonderful". Now Ayeka says "lord tenchi I am assigning one of my guardians to be with you tonight". "That's not Necessary Ayeka" says Tenchi. "Lord Tenchi I decide what is important for the guardians to guard". "And you are important!". With four heads going up and down, tenchi gets the message. "Thank you Ayeka" says Tenchi. "Your welcome lord Tenchi" says Ayeka with a bow. As Tenchi Walks out the living room, to the deck. Five ladies are watching Tenchi. Ryoko splits herself in half one to stay in the living room. The other to go through the floor boards, and come up outside the house. To watch tenchi lay down and go to sleep. About ten minutes later Ryoko's other half Comes back to the house, through the floorboards and rejoins Ryoko. ______________________________________________________________________ Morning comes too early and quickly, now 20 minutes before sunrise. Tenchi's alarm clock goes off. Tenchi wakes up completely, gets out of his sleeping bag. Rolls it up and takes it inside the house quietly. To his dads bedroom, while trying not to wake Mihoshi But tenchi forgets Mihoshi sleeps dead to the world, she is very hard to wake up. As tenchi quietly enters his dads bedroom, trying not to wake him up. Tenchi sees his father Already awake sitting up in bed, and tenchi says. "I'm sorry I woke you up dad." "Forget it son, I was having a hard time sleeping so you did not wake me up" says Nobuyuki. "Oh good " says tenchi. "well I must run up to the shrine, I am on a tight schedule" says tenchi. A happy and full of energy tenchi, takes the steps of the shrine two at a time. Tenchi goes to the back Corner of the main tree at the shrine. He is the only person there, in the predawn light. Tenchi Takes out a prayer strip with loving care, Kisses it and says "Ryoko" in a loving voice. He ties it to a low tree branch, with a small pink ribbon strip. The prayer hangs about 5 feet off the ground, and the top and is two feet long. Tenchi repeats the Process four more times. He says each ladies name Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, Washu, and kisses The prayer. He ties them in a four-foot circle, from the trees low branches. And all about the same Height off the ground. Tenchi then stands in the center of the circle kneels down. Sits on his feet and places his hands on his knees. Takes a deep breath, bows his head and closes his eyes. And say a short prayer out loud. A happy smiling tenchi gets up, grabs his school bag and walks back to the house. Not looking Back once. Tenchi enters the house quietly, so as not to wake anyone, and heads to his dad's room. To get his Cooking apron, and temple cloths, before taking his morning bath. Now tenchi thinks to himself "Serving the ladies in my temple cloths will add a special touch to the presentation". As tenchi enters his dad's bedroom quietly, he sees that his dad is not in bed. "He must be taking a Morning walk" thinks tenchi. "and the breakfast trays are not here; dad must have moved them, To the kitchen for me. Thanks again sometimes parents can be a big help." "Then I will grab The scrolls and place them in the kitchen with the breakfast trays". Tenchi says "now off to grab a quick shower". Tenchi quietly walks to the kitchen with his cloths and scrolls. He places the scrolls on the kitchen table, then quietly runs up the stairs. At the top He pauses to look down the stairs at Mihoshi. With her blond hair spread out around her head and Her so honest and innocent looking. Tenchi thinks to himself "it would be relaxing to watch Mihoshi Sleep". Then another though creeps into Tenchi's mind, "maybe that saying about a persons true self Being exposed during sleep is true" is his last though as he walks into the bathroom. After a quick five minute shower and tea brushing. Tenchi puts on the light brown and cream outfit. That he has warn during past shrine ceremonies, and places the cooking apron over everything. He then rolls up his sleeves and ties them back over his elbows. And says "I am ready to Do battle in the kitchen". ________________________________________________________________________________ _ next chapter is iron chief ________________________________________________________________________________ _ Folks, this is Fanfic. This means we are taking characters and situations from one story and incorporating them into one of ours, completely without permission. The characters and situations in question are copyrighted. So that means...WE DON'T OWN THEM. Someone else does, therefore out of courtesy (and so those of us who know better don't think you're a total dope) you include the disclaimer that basically says something to the effect of: I don't own these characters, someone else does. I didn't create either them or their situations, someone else did that too . This story comes entirely from my imagination, and is not, nor intended to be, cannon. The last stipulation is usually a pleading for the owners not to sue, because most of us are broke most of the time ________________________________________________________________________________ any and all comments are welcomed . name = steven laird email =