The Books of Ryoko Written by Lionman6 Disclaimer: This… isn’t a true story. The characters and events named in this story (with the exception of Kagato’s robot, T-75) are not owned by me, myself, I, and the person that represents the author of this fanfic. Any persons, places, or things mentioned do not belong to me in any way what so ever. (Chibi Washu A & B appear on author’s shoulders) “Hope you don’t get made at us”, “Sorry Sam”. The chibi Washus aren’t my idea either (I’m borrowing them from a friend of mine). Blah, blah, yada, yada, etc., ANYWAY, please don’t sue me, but if you have a question or comment, e-mail me at, Hey, this is my first fanfic, so go easy on me please. (Please note: when you see these ‘’ a person is either communicating telepathically, or thinking in their head. Which one it is, you’re on your own on that question. Book 1: Mysterious beginnings Chapter 1: The Awakening Cold. That’s all she could think, all she could feel, all she could anticipate. Where was she? How did she get here? And who exactly was that kid with that wild hot-pink hairstyle? She couldn’t figure out any of these, but most importantly who was she? Then she remembered, about 2 years ago she remembered a name. Ryoko. Was that her name, or was that the kid’s name? She didn’t care, but she liked the name and decided to keep it. So Ryoko just sat there floating. Floating? Her eyes suddenly shot open. She was behind glass…under water!! For a moment she kicked and screamed loudly, but no sound came out. Ryoko finally remembered, the ‘Kid’! She expected the kid to run and alert somebody, or sound an alarm, but she just calmly turned toward the glass prison and sadly shook her head with her arms crossed, as if she thought Ryoko was denser than a brick. ‘Breath you dolt’, said a voice in Ryoko’s head. It was an adult feminine voice that sounded as if it was emitting directly in front of her, from the little girl. Ryoko’s mind thought ‘Are you crazy!’ ‘Fine, don’t live if you want to!’ Ryoko was surprised at this. The voice responded as if she was actually speaking to it! ‘Oh well’ Ryoko finally thought as she took in what might be her last breath and…she could breath! The kid, obviously noticing this, pressed a few buttons on a control panel that appeared out of nowhere, and Ryoko’s suspension tank disappeared. Ryoko, gasping for real air, fell to her knees looking up at the mysterious adolescent. “Wh…who...are...y-you?” Ryoko said with great difficulty. She hadn’t used her voice ever since she ‘appeared’, but hearing conversations from outside, she practiced in her mind and had done surprisingly well. “Isn’t it obvious?” that voice! “Well, for being in a suspension tank for most of your life, (she said this with a hint of annoyance in her voice) I’ll give you the biggest hint known to man! I’m the greatest scientific genius in the entire universe of course! The wise, wonderful, and beautiful Washu!” At this, two puppets, one on each shoulder that looked exactly like Washu, appeared, “Washu’s the greatest scientific genius around!” they said in unison, “Hooray for Washu”, and just as they abruptly popped up, they disappeared. Ryoko shivered furiously. Not because of the scary looking puppets that appeared, but because her central nervous system had finally kicked in, and she saw that she was ‘indecent’. She had never paid any attention to this before, but how could you when you haven’t felt anything, or had your eyes open for the past 21 years (aside from speech she also learned many other things to.) “W-w-w-Washu?” Ryoko finally responded. “This… is going to take a lot of work,” Washu sighed with remorse. “If you are wondering where we are, we are in my secret complex, located in sector 2,600X-730Y!” Washu’s spirit lightened as she said this as if it was one of her greatest achievements, but her face immediately got serious. “Now. Time to go to work!” ----- End of chapter 1----- Chapter 2: The Power From Within “Before we go any further”, Washu said as if she was checking an extremely punctual list, “I’ll need to teach you how to speak and read better.” As she said this, suction cups with little sensors on them, attached to Ryoko's head. “Now…. this is gonna hurt a little bit.” “Huh?” “This is gonna hurt a little bit.” “Huh?” “I said, this is gonna hurt a little bit!!” Washu yelled in Ryoko’s ear as she tried to play a little game with her ‘specimen’. At the exact same time she turned on a machine as small as her fist. “Ow! It… al…r-r-ready does!” This surprised Ryoko, because she was talking as clearly now, as if she talked for years and years. “Now that that’s over with,” Washu said as she pulled some earplugs out of her ears she put in at the last minute, “We need to get you some clothes.” With a snap of her fingers, clothing appeared at Ryoko's knees. “And, you might want to try standing for a change,” Washu said matter-of-factly. Later, Washu led Ryoko to a small 4-sided room. “Is this some kind of a joke, Washu?” “Just watch.” “Alrighty then. But if this turns out to be some sadistic, twisted, (her language improved) tasteless trick to…” Ryoko was cut short as the room dematerialized to form a large dojo. “Self-defense!” Washu said this so loud that Ryoko nearly jumped ten feet in the air. “It’s what keeps us alive, keeps us safe, and separates the strong from the weak.” “So what will you be teaching me Washu? Karate, Ju-jitsu, Tae-kwon-do?” “Nope! I’ll be teaching you …other stuff.” Washu smiled evilly at this. “Oh, and by the way…(Washu’s hand crackled with electric energy) Duck!” then she suddenly shot an energy blast straight at Ryoko! ‘Think Ryoko, think!’ she thought to herself, as the ball of electricity moved closer and closer to her faster and faster. Then she thought of a different place to be, like behind Washu! That would be perfect! The ball of light was coming closer than ever and Ryoko closed her eyes tightly to accept her fate, but nothing happened. Ryoko opened her eyes and she was standing behind a very bewildered Washu. “Ryoko? Ryooookoooo!!! I didn’t disintegrate, you did I?” Ryoko tried not to laugh, but couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Washu whirled around, very surprised, and annoyed at this, and yelled, “How the hell did you do that?” “I don’t know. I would like to know that myself. All I remember was thinking about being behind you and ‘poof’ here I am!” “Really? Well try dodging this!” Washu yelled as she charged up what might be an endless barrage of electric bolts at her creation. “I suppose I can’t jump out of the way this time, but Here goes!” Ryoko jumped as high as she could and the energy barrage flew under her a split second later, and blew up half the room. The only problem was she kept going up. “Hey! How do I get…DOWN?” At that moment she fell to the ground just as fast as she got up. “Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!” Ryoko repeated over and over, and she floated gently to the ground. “Ryoko. Do you know what this means?” Washu questioned Ryoko as soon as she caught up with herself. “Nnnnnnot really.” Washu gave Ryoko the old ‘oh my god, you couldn’t be any dumber’ look, and said, “ It means that you have powers beyond relief!” “Really?” Ryoko said with tons of hope in her eyes. “Nope” “WHAT!!!" The hope was sliced into oblivion. "I disappeared and reappeared at a different place, I almost jumped higher than this frickin’ practice gym, and you say I don’t have a special bone in my pathetic little body?” Ryoko started making the same electric energy crackle around her just as Washu had done, but they immediately disappeared as soon as she noticed them. “How did I do that!” “You just built up pure anger,” Washu pointed out. “You and I have practically the same powers. Electric expulsion, and super strength,” She had just made a pile of metal beams appear with her personal laptop and with her pinky finger chopped them in halves, fourths, and eighths. “But my powers, which I would like to call ‘Goddess power’ are natural, and since you are made from my egg cells through a difficult process, I had to ‘download’ my powers on the jewels on your wrists and neck. However, you seem to have powers that I don’t posses, like your ability to dematerialize.” Ryoko, a little confused at this replied, “What?” “You can teleport.” Washu said with a sense of irritation rising in her voice “Could you try speaking in English? We all didn’t graduate from your Scien, sci, en, tiff, aw forget it!” “That’s Science Academy, Ryoko, and what I mean is that, you, can, dis-ap-pear, in, one, place, and, ap-pear, in, a-nother, place!” Washu yelled at Ryoko, making every syllable precise, and clear. “I’m not an idiot you know!” ‘Oh no?’ Washu thought “I heard that,” Ryoko said in a voice as if she would never get any respect from her ‘mentor’. Just then, a bright yellow light flashed everywhere, and an earsplitting siren sounded throughout the entire complex. The dojo, or what’s left of it after Washu’s disastrous onslaught, melted away to reveal a security room that made Fort Knox look like a baby’s crib. “Proximity alert, level 2! Proximity alert, level 2!” “What!” Washu exclaimed checking about a hundred different monitors at one time, “How can we be detected? This lab is even in sub-space! We shouldn’t have been picked up by anything!” “I thought you said this place was a secret, miss ‘I’m the smartest person in the galaxy’.” “That’s universe! And besides, I didn’t say my technology and inventions didn’t have their flaws every now and then!” Suddenly the yellow lights flashed to a deep, blood red and the repeating voices changed from Proximity alert to, “Intruder alert, level 3! Intruder alert, level 3!” Ryoko didn’t need Washu’s vast knowledge to tell that this was bad. ----- End of chapter 2----- Chapter 3: The Mysterious Intruder “Computer! Pinpoint the exact location of the intruder. Pronto!” “Complying request. Searching…Intruder found!” the computer voice said after what seemed like eternity. “Great!” Washu shouted. “Intruder lost” “Not great” Ryoko sighed. Oblivious to the fact that they may be killed, raped, or worse, if there was a worse, Ryoko started to float around, waiting for their inevitable fate. Suddenly, everything went black, “Wonderful,” Washu sighed, “he cut the power.” “Hold on Washu, I’m gonna try something.” “We’re doomed,” Washu said flatly, but Ryoko thought differently. She was actually going to try. Ryoko opened her palm, concentrated as hard as she could, and made a little ball of energy appear, using it as a lamp. “Apart from other things, you’re a fast developer at least,” Washu said a little surprised at Ryoko’s enthusiasm and results. A loud explosion near them on the far wall opposite of them soon interrupted this sign of appreciation. “Washu?” Ryoko pointed to a shadowy figure walking towards them, “What’s that?” “No. It can’t be! T-75!!” “Subjects located,” Ryoko noticed that it’s voice sounded like Washu’s computer. “Subject 1 is renowned mad scientist, Washu. Subject 2 has not yet to be identified. Beginning apprehension and retrieval process.” “Apprehension and retrieval? Washu, who, no, what the hell is that thing?” “It’s a specially programmed cyborg named T-75. It belongs to Kagato, one of the most feared criminals this universe has ever known! And… I would appreciate you not using profanity at your age Ryoko!” “Well, sorry for being alert!” This was no time to argue, T-75 was closing in on them fast. Who knows what his creator would do to them? Well Ryoko wasn’t going to find out, because this was time to test out her skills and engage in her first battle! “Come on, you walking pile of tin cans! Let’s rumble!” And with a loud battle cry Ryoko leaped into the air ready to make her first strike. ---------End of chapter 3--------- Chapter 4: The Man Called Kagato “Ryoko, be careful! T-75 is a force not to be taken lightly!” “Don’t worry Washu! This may be my first fight, but I can hold my own, but I wouldn’t mind a handout every now and then.” Ryoko said as if she wanted Washu to take care of the cyborg for her. “Tactics level confirmed, estimating lgical victories, engaging unknown subject,” T-75 was obviously ready. “Would you quit it with that ‘unknown subject’ stuff?” Ryoko was totally annoyed at the fact that this empty-headed machine referred to her as ‘unknown’. “I have a name, and it’s Ryoko!” Ryoko charged at the cyborg to deliver a menacing blow, but it disappeared! “Behind you Ryoko!” Washu screamed, but it was to late, for T-75 launched a counter attack that nearly knocked Ryoko unconscious.After she shook it off she glared at Washu and yelled, “Washu! You never told me it could teleport,” “Oops silly me,” she said with a hint of sarcasm. “Well guess what?” “What.” “You never asked,” Washu said in the voice of an annoying three year-old. “Well, could you try telling me these things before I experience them?” “Sure, and one more thing, Jump!” Ryoko did this just in time to dodge a missile barrage sent by her opponent. “Persistent little twerp aren’t we!” she mocked. “Well you gotta try faster than that!” “Complying request.” T- 75 began to move faster than Ryoko could handle. “Damn it!” she hissed. ‘Just had to open our mouth didn’t we’ Washu thought. ‘Oh, like you could do any better?’ Ryoko responded. “Just watch, and be amazed!” Ryoko felt as if she was in a sideshow (Washu also taught Ryoko little ‘extras’ through her language builder). “Alright tin man, it’s time for us to…” Washu’s words were caught in her throat before she could get the rest of her sentence out. A dark silhouette walked toward them, “T-75, why are you taking so long to do a job that you could’ve done in minutes?” “Sorry master, But the unknown subject is a good fighter, with the exception of her many flaws.” “What the Hell do you mean Flaws!” Ryoko shrieked. “Well, return to the ship. I will wrap things up here.” Ordered the mysterious stranger, and with that he raised his hand, opened his palm, and fired a green blast of energy straight at Ryoko! “Ryoko, watch out!” yelled Washu, but Ryoko was frozen with fear, “Ryoko, teleport now!” “I-I-I can’t, I’m to scared” Washu couldn’t take it any more. This was it. “Computer! Maneuver tactic 64-1” she yelled with tears in her eyes. “Complying request.” And with that, Washu was launched by a springboard, and landed in front of Ryoko. KABOOM! There was a loud explosion, followed by a flash of bright green light. Ryoko unshielded her eyes to see Washu lying down with her eyes closed. “Washu?” there was no answer. “Washu?” Ryoko’s voice got louder, tears started to form. “Washu, NO!!!” Ryoko collapsed over the tiny frame of her creator, and wept. “Enough of this melodrama, she is alive.” “What, she is?” Ryoko’s mood lightened a little. “She is, but you two are coming with me!” The stranger commanded. Soon after, the nose of a spaceship crashed through the wall of Washu’s ‘not so secret’ laboratory. “Souja is ready for takeoff, master Kagato,” reported a familiar voice. ‘Kagato?’ “Right. We must leave, before we are picked up by Galaxy Police scanners!” ------End of chapter 3----- Chapter 4: Memory Lapse (to help you out, the people talking are Kagato and T-75. Ryoko is thinking) “She is almost done master Kagato.” ‘Where am I?’ “What about Washu?” “She has been stored in the alternate dimension of the ship’s chapel, as you requested, master Kagato. She is in a crystalline stasis lock as we speak.” ‘I feel so very cold’ “Good. I want everything erased, except her knowledge of her fighting skills. Report to me again when you are almost done, and set a coarse for the nearest planet. When she awakens we need to get her some suitable clothing.” “Understood. Estimated time until memory erasure process is complete is 45 minutes in Earth time, sir.” ‘Who am I?’ These and many more questions popped into Ryoko’s mind. Suddenly images of the not so distant past appeared. A battle, missiles, explosions, electricity, and finally a dark figure firing a strange green light at a kid, who looked no older than 12. Ryoko shuddered at this memory “Memory relapse detected. Scanning for other memories recovered by the cerebral core…Memories found. Beginning memory erasure process.” The pod Ryoko laid down in started to change colors randomly. As the machine started to activate Ryoko started to shake all over her entire body, “T-75, what’s going on?” a monitor with Kagato’s concerned face on it appeared next to T-75. “An unimportant seizure sir, nothing more than the side-effects of the process.” It responded calmly. “Continue then, but if anything out of the ordinary occurs, notify me immediately!” Kagato closed the connection. “Memory erasure process will be complete in 30 seconds… You’re lucky, rodent, that master Kagato has intimate feelings with you, otherwise, you, and that fool woman Washu would have been executed on the spot.” Later, Ryoko found herself in an examination room that felt cold, and lonely. She was wearing what was a shabby-looking tunic, with chemical stains all over it. A minute later, T-75 walked in the ER room. Ryoko hoped that whatever this thing was it would tell her everything she needed to know. “Good morning miss Ryoko.” “Ryoko, is that my name?” “Yes. You are on my, or should I say, our master’s ship, Souja. His name is Kagato.” “Wait a minute, what am I?” “Why a space pirate of course. You have just been hired here under my master’s orders. He wishes to see you as soon as you are ready to do so.” "...Okay. I'm ready" ----------End of chapter 4--------- Chapter 5: Too Close for Comfort (This chp. has a little lemony side to it, but you have to read it all) “Master Kagato?” “Who dares to disturb my studies and solitude!” ‘That cold voice! I’ve heard it before, but where?’ “It is I Master. I have come with Ryoko, as you requested.” “Very well, send her in.” The room was large and extravagant, but that’s not what caught Ryoko’s eyes. It was the fact that the walls were lined up with an innumerous amount of books, files, encyclopedias, and many other types of informational sources. No doubt that this must have taken a long time to collect, even longer to study. Kagato noticed the surprised look, and responded, “Please, sit down. I see you noticed my ‘collection’ of files,” he said while approaching slowly. “Well, let me tell you something, they’re not mine.” “Well whose are they ?” she asked almost falling asleep in the comfort of the chair she sat in. Kagato chuckled at her naivety and innocence and walked closer until he was directly in front of Ryoko, who was feeling extremely uncomfortable by the distance of her new, ‘master’. “They belonged to my old teacher, who I thought I could make a good use out of her ideas and creations. Even this ship was designed by her.” He laughed to himself at his memory of stealing away her ship just as soon as it was complete. “Very young she was, but she was just as naïve then as you are now.” “Hey! I have feelings too you know!” Ryoko yelled at this ‘uncalled for’ remark. At this, Kagato’s hand raised high into the air and his palm opened to form a broadsword of green energy. He pointed the energy weapon’s blade at Ryoko’s throat. “What was that, you incompetent fool? Have you not thought of the fact that I could kill you with one fell swoop of my light-sword? Have you not comprehended that you are in My ship, deep in space, and that you have no way of escaping whatsoever?” The blade inched its way ever so closer as he yelled at Ryoko for her rebellious act. He stopped at a distance so close, that the energy emitting from the broadsword started to singe the hairs on Ryoko’s neck. She showed great fear at this drastic move that Kagato just had to laugh out loud. It was a laugh that was a combination of both comfort, and unassurance. “I see great potential in you, Ryoko,” his sword disappeared, “ I also see even greater beauty.” Ryoko didn’t like the way his voice sounded, or the way he approached her. Slowly he leaned over her small figure to give her a kiss, but Ryoko dodged this attempt, making Kagato miss Ryoko, and kiss the back of the chair. “Feisty aren’t we?” Kagato apparently was being amused at Ryoko’s attempts to free herself from his abrupt ‘friendliness’. “But if it’s one thing I learned, it’s to ‘never try to escape the inevitable’”. After many attempts, Kagato’s lips finally hit their mark. He kissed her passionately, but she tried with all her might to hold back any feeling towards him, besides, she hardly knows him. Ryoko’s mind raced with a million questions: ‘What is he trying to do?’ ‘How did I end up in this mess?’ ‘What did I do to disserve this?’ ‘How long until he stops kissing me? I’m running out of air!’ Kagato continued to ‘show his feelings toward Ryoko’ to the point where it made Ryoko sick to remember this entire event, the room it occurred in, the person who did ‘it’, and the voice and touch of that person. It all just made her nauseas to think about it now. Her mind then shot back to reality when Kagato started to undo her tunic. With enough courage, she finally forced out a small, “Stop.” But he didn’t. He just laughed it off and continued to undress Ryoko, kissing her neck in unison. “Please stop,” tears began to form and her voice was louder, but he still continued to strip her of her clothing, which she tried desperately to keep on her terrified body. Kagato’s hand, then, slid up between Ryoko’s inner thighs. That did it. With all her strength, Ryoko summoned all her courage and yelled out, “I said, STOP IT!!!” And with that, Ryoko shoved Kagato off her somehow, and teleported back to the examination room. “Ryoko.” ‘His voice again! No. it’s just an intercom’ “I enjoyed that little game of ours earlier, we must do it again sometime.” ‘That was a game?’ “Tomorrow, you will be taken to the training area by T-75 to meet my Second-hand man, Yakage, who will teach you the sword technique I ‘introduced’ to you earlier. I, myself will report you on how much you’ve learned from this lesson. If successful, I shall ‘reward’ you. Get some sleep, you will need it.” Ryoko, disgusted from hearing his voice again, thought back to the events of the past. A second later, she vomited on the floor. From this day forward, she will never be the same again. -----------End of Chapter 5------------- =======End of Book 1=========