The Book Of Nightmares Tenchi Muyo is copyright of Pioneer and The Nightmare Before Christmas is copyright of Tim Burton so please don't sue. If I forgot something I'm sorry, but I don't wanna be sued. Thanks. One Halloween night on a full moon at the Masaki house, Tenchi was sitting alone on the couch of the living room waiting for trick or treaters. He was alone in the house except for his father Noboyuki, and Ryoko. They had both been drinking and decided to watch a movie and sing along with the songs. Washu had gone to a Science meeting and would be back soon. Ayeka and Sasami had gone to see a play of "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Mihoshi and Kiyone had been called to patrol the streets for crime, and no one knew, or really cared where Yosho was. Pretty soon the doorbell rang and Tenchi grabbed a bowl of candy and opened the door. "Trick or Treat!" said three little kids. "Great costumes," Tenchi said as he gave the kids candy. The kids giggled and ran down the stairs of Tenchi's house. Tenchi closed the door and put the bowl of candy on a table. He wandered back to the couch and noticed an old book on the floor. He picked it up and wiped the dust off of the cover. He then read the title which was marked in 17th century golden letters. "Vampirism?" he said aloud, "Oh well, I may as well read it. I have nothing else to do." So he opened it and began to read. He was shocked by the horribly graphic drawings of vampires and their victims. As he was reading Noboyuki walked in. Tenchi looked up and saw his father dressed in an old fashioned black suit with a frilly white shirt underneath and a long black cape with a with red satin lining. "Dad! You got all dressed up!" Tenchi said, rather bewildered. "Whatever do you mean?" Noboyuki said with a sly smile. "Is something wrong Dad? I mean that has to a be a costume," Tenchi said. "Oh, but it is not," Noboyuki said, "'Tis our everyday dress." He moved aside and revealed Ryoko, who was dressed in an old fashioned black velvet gown. Her hair was curly and she was pale except for her red lips. "R...R...Ryoko! What's going on?" Tenchi said startled. "Nothing my dear," Ryoko said. She walked over to to Tenchi and sat by him on the couch. That was when Tenchi noticed two small holes in Ryoko's neck. Tenchi jumped up and looked from Ryoko to his dad. Noboyuki smiled and exposed two blood-stained fangs. Ryoko came behind Tenchi and exposed two glistening white fangs. "It is her turn to feed Tenchi," Noboyuki said. "Now this won't hurt much," Ryoko said into Tenchi's ear. She then bit deep into Tenchi's neck. He screamed but to no avail. Noboyuki smiled and watched as his son fell lifeless to the floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Washu was returning home sooner than she expected. As she walked up the stairs to the house, she saw some little kids going down, talking and giggling about what they had gotten for a treat. Washu smiled and opened the door to the house. She looked around but saw no one. "Tenchi? Tenchi where are you? Ryoko? Noboyuki? Is anyone here?" she called. "I am here mother," Ryoko said, walking from the shadows. Washu looked at her daughter and noticed something was wrong. "Ryoko, what's the matter with you? Your hair and clothes are different, and you're so pale." "I am fine mother," Ryoko answered. "You never call me mother, Ryoko," Washu said. Just then, two male hands came from behind Washu and caressed her body from her neck to her waist, where the grip then tightened and pulled her back against something or rather someone. "Ahh! What's happening?!" Washu yelled. Noboyuki stepped out and beside Ryoko. "You don't expect my son to go hungry do you?" Noboyuki said. Washu looked up and a little behind her to see Tenchi smiling down at her with two large white fangs. Washu panicked but couldn't move. "It only hurts for a little while," Tenchi said evilly. He then brushed the pink hair away from Washu's neck and bit deep into it. Washu let out a horrible scream but she could not be saved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Ayeka and Sasami were now returning from the play and they were talking about it as they walked up the stairs to the Masaki house. "I'm glad you liked it Sasami, it was very nice to spend time together," Ayeka said. "Yeah? Well thanks for taking me Ayeka! I had a great...." Sasami started. She was cut off by a piercing scream. "What's that Ayeka?!" Sasami asked obviously scared. "Why, it sounded like Miss Washu's voice!" Ayeka answered. "How can you tell, Ayeka?" asked Sasami. "Just hurry up!" Ayeka said and ran up the stairs to the house. Noboyuki and Ryoko were looking down when Ayeka and Sasami flung the door open and Tenchi was on his knees bending over something. They all three looked up at Ayeka and Sasami and Ayeka got a clear view of what they were looking at: Washu. "Call Mihoshi and Kiyone, Sasami," Ayeka whispered. Sasami snuck behind the couch and grabbed the phone. Ayeka looked at Tenchi and the others. "What have you done to her?!" Ayeka demanded. "Hold on, I have not gotten a chance yet to finish," Tenchi said. He held up his left hand and on his index finger was a large golden ring up around the tip. On the end of the ring was a sharp point in which he used to cut his other wrist. Tenchi held his bleeding wrist over Washu's mouth and pulled it away when he thought she had had enough. Washu then started breathing, or more like hyperventalating. Her chest heaved up and down and her outfit began to change into a black gown similar to Ryoko's. Her hair curled up and her pale white lips turned blood red. Her green eyes shot open and she looked up and around. All this time, Ayeka watched in horror. "How do you feel, Washu?" Tenchi asked. "Weak and hungry," she answered. Tenchi pointed to Ayeka. "There is your first victim," Tenchi said. Ayeka tried to back out of the door, but Ryoko had teleported over there and was blocking her. "Where do you think you are going, hmm?" Ryoko asked evilly. She then pushed Ayeka to the floor so it was easier for Washu to bite her. Sasami made not a sound while Washu sucked Ayeka's blood and then turned Ayeka into a vampire such as Tenchi had done with her minutes earlier. "I want blood," Ayeka said as she slowly got to her feet. Sasami leaned against the couch trying her best to remain hidden. "I know I saw Sasami come in with Ayeka," Noboyuki said, "I suggest you all look for her." "Yes master," was the answer from everyone. They searched around and Sasami started to wonder if she could escape through the door. 'If I was quick, no one would see me,' she thought. She started to crawl towards the door but was spotted by Ryoko. Sasami quickly got to her feet and tried to run, but Ryoko grabbed her and pushed her towards Ayeka. "Ayeka no! Please don't do this Ayeka!" Sasami pleaded. Ayeka seemed not to hear her as she bit into her sister's neck. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Aboard the Yagami, Mihoshi and Kiyone rushed toward Tenchi's house. They had just received a call from Sasami that everyone seemed odd and that a scream was heard outside. Pretty soon they were at the Masaki house. "Now just land easy Mihoshi," Kiyone said. To her surprise, Mihoshi landed perfectly. "Like that Kiyone?" Mihoshi asked. "Uh, yeah, just like that. Now, I'll go in first, after a few minutes if you don't hear from me that something is wrong, come inside ok?" Kiyone asked her ditzy partner. "Ok, I think I got it!" Mihoshi said happily. Kiyone sweatdropped as she got off the Yagami. She walked into the house with her Galaxy Police gun ready to fire. She looked around and saw no one. "Hello? Sasami? Anyone?" Kiyone said somewhat softly. Sasami ran out into the living room from the kitchen. She looked different. She had a long black dress on and curly hair. "Thank you for coming Kiyone," Sasami said as she jumped up on a table to match Kiyone's height. Kiyone noticed Sasami looking at her oddly. "Uh sure Sasami, now what's wrong?" Kiyone asked. "Nothing with me, but I think you may be in a bit of trouble," Sasami smirked. Kiyone didn't have time to answer that because Sasami had bitten into Kiyone's neck hard. As Kiyone fell to the floor Sasami said: "Now you don't expect a child to go hungry do you?" With that she smiled and laughed evilly. Outside in the Yagami, Mihoshi had lost track of time and was playing with her little space cube. Suddenly Yukinojo popped down. "Mihoshi...Mihoshi!" he said. Mihoshi snapped to attention. "Yes?! Yes?! Oh, it's you Yukinojo," Mihoshi said. "Yes it is! Have you forgotten what you are supposed to do?" Mihoshi looked blank so he continued, "After a few minutes you were supposed to go in after Kiyone, remember?" "Uhhhh....oh yeah! I forgot! I'll go now!" Mihoshi said." "You do that Mihoshi," Yukinojo said a little disgusted. Mihoshi jumped out of the Yagami and ran inside the house. "Kiyone! Kiyone! Where'd ya go Kiyone?!" Mihoshi yelled. Mihoshi looked around. She started to get scared and cried. Everyone stepped out of the shadows and surrounded Mihoshi. Mihoshi looked up and smiled. "I thought I was all alone! I'm so glad to...ahhh!" screamed Mihoshi as Kiyone bit her neck. All the others began to laugh. "Kiyone?! What are you doing?! That hurts!" Mihoshi screamed. Kiyone just kept sucking the blonde's blood. Everyone now had been turned into vampires. Noboyuki thought this a good time to say something. "I must say this now, before the sun rises and it is too late. We cannot stay here, we must move. The castle outside of town would suit us well. I suggest we leave immediately," he said. Everyone agreed to this and they quickly left and headed towards the castle. As they walked, no one noticed the old man walk past them and into the Masaki house. 'Just as I feared,' Yosho thought to himself, 'I cannot stop them tonight, I will have to wait until the next Halloween that has a full moon.' ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- The family of vampires lived in the castle for many years, feeding on innocent people by night, and sleeping in coffins to escape the sun by day. One night many years later there was a full moon. That night happened to be Halloween. Everyone had returned from "supper" as they liked to call it and were getting sleepy. A couple decided to sleep now, but the others stayed awake. It was on this night that Yosho had waited and planned for for many years. Finally, he would be able to rid everyone of these horrible vampires. At midnight he and a band of men headed towards the castle. The arrived a 1:00 am and entered quite easily. They had spread out, but it was Yosho that would do most of the work. First his "henchmen" had gone downstairs and found a row of coffins. Only two vampires were inside. The henchmen started a great fire and burned the coffins containing Ayeka and Mihoshi. Their screams could be heard throughout the castle as they were burned. Yosho had gone upstairs. He saw Sasami, Washu, and Kiyone on the balcony and grabbed each of them with some help of one henchman that had followed. They threw the three vampire girls in a tower. Yosho planned to deal with them later, but he noticed the tower had no real roof. There were bars over it so no one could get in or out, but the sky and moon was in full view. Yosho decided that the sun would take care of them. Yosho then spun around after hearing a scream. He saw Ryoko had killed the henchman and was expecting to do the same to him. Ryoko teleported behind Yosho, but he drove a wooden stake through Ryoko's heart, destroying her. He stepped over Ryoko's body and opened a door to a room. At this time Tenchi was running frantically throughout the castle. All the henchmen were dead, but where was Yosho? He ran upstairs and saw Ryoko's body on the ground. 'That makes three,' Tenchi thought. He did not know about Sasami, Washu, and Kiyone and what their fate held for them. Tenchi opened a door and saw his father lying on the bed; his throat cut and a stake through his heart. Tenchi backed out of the room and turned around to see Yosho standing there smiling. "Er, what do you want?" Tenchi growled. "You know that I can't let you continue like this don't you?" Yosho said holding a sword up. He took a swing at Tenchi but Tenchi backflipped over his head. Yosho smiled and said: "You are fast, but do you know that it is near dawn?" "Why does that matter as long as I am inside the castle I am safe from it," Tenchi replied. "Yes maybe, but Sasami, Washu and Kiyone aren't safe," Yosho said and smiled as he pointed at the tower. "They are inside?!" Tenchi said in panic. Tenchi tried to open the door but he could not; Yosho had the key. Inside the tower, the three vampire girls were huddled together, hiding as best they could from the sun. The sun had begun to rise and they were hiding in the shadowy part. The sun rose steadily though and soon enough the sun was upon them. The screamed in pain as they were turned to stone, never to move again. Tenchi could hear this and got very angry. He tried to bite Yosho, but Yosho was quick and shoved his sword through Tenchi's back and through his heart. Yosho twisted the sword around and ripped it out of Tenchi's body. "So sorry it had to come to this, but it was for the good of the world," Yosho said as he walked away to go home. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Ryo-ohki awoke with a start. She looked around and meowed for someone to come to her. She could not see anyone. She ran around and into Washu's lab. She sighed with relief when she saw everyone gathered in Washu's lab. It had been a dream. Only a dream! Ryo-ohki walked over to everyone and listened to their talk. It seems they all had plans for Halloween. Noboyuki and Ryoko were going to stay home and watch movies because they were obviously drunk. Washu had a meeting about Science. Ayeka and Sasami wanted to go see a play about "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Mihoshi and Kiyone were to patrol the streets looking for crime and Tenchi was going to tend to the trick or treaters. No one knew where Yosho was, but they really didn't care. Ryo- ohki was started to freak out when she heard all this, but no one noticed and they all went their separate ways. After Tenchi had given out candy to the first trick or treaters he found a book labeled "Vampirism" on the floor. He opened it and began to read. The end?