Disclaimer: (Drum roll. Yamabushi, dressed as clown, jumps on-screen) Hey, kids! Time for another super-fun disclaimer from your ol' uncle Yamabushi! Hyuk hyuk hyuk! (Cheer) That's right, boys and girls! This is where I say that Tenchi and the gang are property of Pioneer and AIC! (Cheer) Boy howdy! And now I'm gonna say that Ronin's mine, you spoiled little bastards, (shakes finger) and if you try to use him without my permission, I'll rip your cute little goddamn heads off and eat your spinal cords! Hooray! (Scattered, hesitant applause) Well, kiddies, have fun with this latest installment of Blade of the Jimmu! Author's note: This chapter is a little longer than the others, so go to the bathroom before you read it. You could be sittin' in that there computer chair for a while. Tenchi Muyo! Blade of the Jimmu Chapter 10: Calm Before the Storm Nathan smiled slightly at the young stowaway. Ignoring Sasami for a brief moment, he turned to Washu. "Washu, the crew of the Night Edge needs your help. Their power core is damaged. Can you fix it?" Washu raised a hand and stroked her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I don't know if I can make a difference. I'm just one little girl, after all." She made a slight beckoning motion with her lower hand. Nathan sighed and played along. "But, little Washu," he began in an exasperated monotone. "You are the greatest scientific genius in the universe. Even the mighty God of Knowledge kneels before your superiority. Please, oh please, won't you help them." The short scientist couldn't hold back. Eyes shining, she cackled maniacally. "Aaahahaha! Yes, I am the Incredible Washu!" Her robotic cheering section appeared to pile it on a little more. "Washu, you are a great!" "Washu, you are brilliant!" Nathan raised an eyebrow. "Ok, that's enough. Just get over there and help them." Sticking her tongue out at the young swordsman, Washu replied, "I'll go there when I feel like it. Genius cannot be rushed, Bird Boy." "That's Phoenix Knight." Nathan retorted. He deliberately moved his hand towards the hilt of his sword. By the time he grasped the handle, Washu was out the airlock. Having dealt with one taxing task, Nathan turned to Kiyone and Mihoshi. "Would you two please accompany Washu? I'd like to have a word with our little stowaway." Mihoshi smiled. "Yes, sir, Mr. Ronin sir!" She ran to the airlock. Kiyone paused a moment and walked over to Nathan. "Go easy on her," she whispered to him. "Don't worry." He replied, smiling slightly. "I was counting on this." "What do you mean?" "You'll see when we get to Lorian." Looking somewhat puzzled, Kiyone exited. Nathan turned to Sasami. "Well, princess, would you mind explaining this?" Sasami looked at Nathan angrily. "I couldn't just stay home while all of you went to beat this Kel'Doran person." With a slight smirk, the Phoenix Knight replied, "I don't think the term 'person' applies to him. Listen, Sasami, I don't mind the fact that you came along. In fact, our mission can succeed now thanks to you." Sasami's eyes widened as she sat down, obviously bewildered. "What?" Ronin sat down opposite Sasami and placed a gloved hand on her shoulder. "I know you are aware of your own power, although I doubt you know how far the power can go." "I still don't know what you mean." "The power of a goddess exceeds even the power of Kel'Doran and his entire army combined. I trust you understand now." Sasami gasped. "Tsunami." Nathan nodded. "All that remains is for you to learn how to use that power." "Do you know how I can do it?" He nodded again. "Yes, but I cannot tell you how. You will know when the time comes. I'll understand if that's a little unsettling." Sasami laughed. "If you think I can do it." "I know you can. Now here's my real plan." "Real plan?" "Yes. I didn't think the others would let you come, so I had to play along. I knew you wouldn't just stay put. Now listen, the majority of my plan will go as I explained earlier-with four minor exceptions. You will go with Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka. Those three will take out Kel'Doran's generals. However, there are many ground troops stationed with them. The power of Tsunami should be more than enough to take care of them." Sasami gulped. "I don't know, Nathan. Maybe I shouldn't come." "Don't say that. Like it or not, you are the key to our success." Nathan closed his eyes. "I believe Washu's work will be done in about an hour. When she returns, I will gather everyone here and reveal the rest of my plan." Tenchi nearly fainted. "What is Sasami doing here?!?" "SASAMI!" Ayeka yelled. "What is going on?!? You know this is a dangerous mission!" Nathan spoke up. "I can explain. She is going to fight in your group." "WHAAAT?!?" everyone said simultaneously. The blue-haired swordsman proceeded to explain his reasons for letting Sasami come along. However, the legendary Phoenix Knight has always been better at fighting than persuading an angry mob. When he regained consciousness an hour later, he explained the rest of his plan. "Now, the plan to use Yagami to distract Kel'Doran's naval forces is still a go. However, I failed to mention the fact that a large force of ground troops will be guarding the Daemon King's fortress. I was planning to take them all out with a Phoenix Flare, at great personal risk. But now that we have the crew of the Night Edge." "Wait a minute." Daranus said. "You're going to pit my troops against Kel'Doran's entire army?" "Yes." Daranus slapped his knee. "God damn, Nate! I like this plan!" Rolling his eyes, Nathan continued. "Ok, guys, while Tenchi and his strike force invade the guard barracks, Daranus and Sarlone will accompany my group. You two will help Kiyone and I take out the guards in front of the chamber containing the Mana Stream." "Hey, you got it, buddy." Daranus said. "I shall do my best, Lord Ronin." Sarlone added. "The rest of the plan will go as I outlined back on Earth." Daranus raised an eyebrow. "And when will me and Sarlone get to know this?" "Actually, you already do. We are employing the same strategy we used to take Lorian in the first place." "You mean we're going to put up the leader's head on a pike, light it on fire, and launch it into his own army through a cannon?" Nathan sweat-dropped and covered Daranus's mouth. Shifting his eyes briefly to Kiyone, he whispered to his comrade, "Shut up! Ix-nay on the ecapitation-day!" Daranus looked confused for a moment. He looked up at Nathan, then over at Kiyone, then back at Nathan. "Oh-ho-ho!" he declared triumphantly. "This is the one you wanna get dow-gaaag!" The rest of his sentence was disrupted by Nathan's hands around his throat. Ryoko covered her mouth with both hands, trying not to crack up over this scene. Sasami and Ayeka giggled slightly. Washu let out a sort of half-snort in an attempt to stifle a laughing fit. Tenchi and Mihoshi looked somewhat confused. Kiyone raised an eyebrow and looked at Nathan questioningly. With a halfhearted laugh, Nathan sat back down and addressed the assembled party. "Ok, the plans are laid out. In less than one day, we will arrive at Lorian. Everyone, get a good night's sleep. You'll need all the strength you can muster for tomorrow." One by one, the Tenchi crew retired for the night. Kiyone and Nathan were the last two to leave. Nathan watched her as she stood up to go. This is it, he thought. Tomorrow, any one of us could die. If it's either of us, I know I'll regret never telling her. Please, Jenn, tell me what I should do. That one fateful day flashed back before his eyes. "Thank you for everything, Nathan." Jenn said. "You know, I can make it home by myself. I mean, you live, like, ten blocks away." Nathan smiled warmly. "It's alright. The streets can be kind of dangerous this time of night." The young couple walked down the dimly lit street. As they walked past a darkened alley, Nathan's intuition kicked in. They were not alone. Appearing calm, he quickened his pace. "Come on, Jenn, it's getting kind of late. I don't want you to get in trouble with your folks." "Aw, don't worry about it. You know karate, don't you? You could take my dad any day." Jenn laughed. It was a melodious sound to Nathan's ears. "Hey, kiddies!" the gruff voice came from behind them. The two teens spun around to face the owner of the voice. Jenn's eyes opened wide. "TJ? Wh-what are you doing here?" The heavyset boy walked over to her. "Baby, I missed you. I was just thinkin' maybe you'd wanna get back together. You know, we can go in that alley there. No one'll know." Jenn flashed an angry look. "In case you haven't noticed, we are so over! You are such a pig!" She clung on to Nathan's arm. TJ looked at the blue-haired boy. "What the f***? Hey, you're that geek-wad from school! What are you doing with my girl?" "I am not your girl anymore, and Nathan is my boyfriend now, so just get lost." Nathan stepped forward. "Please leave, TJ. Save yourself the embarrassment." "What the f*** did you say to me?" He pried Nathan and Jenn apart. Grabbing Nathan by the shirt, he balled his free hand into a fist. "Run that by me again?" The young martial artist shifted his mind into fighting mode. Keeping his face a dead-serious mask, he brought one hand over TJ's grappling hand. He brought down a hammer-fist on the pressure point of TJ's upper arm, freeing himself. He then chambered his right leg up and executed a driving kick into TJ's solar plexus. The overweight "gangsta" fell backwards in surprise, clutching his arm. "Get the hell out of here." Nathan ordered in a menacing tone. TJ was boiling with anger. "NOW!" he yelled. Before Nathan knew what was happening, four rough-looking teenagers had appeared from nowhere. Two of them grabbed Jenn by the arms, and the other two did likewise to Nathan. They were dragged into the nearby alley. "All right, boys," TJ growled. "Take care of Bruce f***in' Lee over there. I'm gonna attend to some business." Jenn's eyes widened in horror. Nathan cried out in defiance, breaking free from his restrainers. With a series of quick punches, two of the gang fell to the ground. More of them came from the shadows of the alley. They came at Nathan like a lion at an antelope. However, they were unprepared for his true nature in battle. Nathan leaped in the air, spinning and striking two more of his aggressors. He forced his way through the crowd, on target in mind. TJ looked up in surprise as Nathan advanced. The heavyset boy pulled out a switchblade and held it out in front of him. He was obviously afraid, as he saw Nathan's clear blue eyes harden like ice. TJ thrust the knife at Nathan. The martial artist dodged to the side, then trapped TJ's arm in a lock. With a quick hip motion, TJ's arm was snapped in two. He screamed in pain and crumpled to the ground. Nathan's voice was filled with urgency. "Jenn! Run! I can hold them back!" Jenn nodded hesitantly. "I love you. Please don't die!" After another moment of hesitation, she left the alley. The young martial artist narrowed his eyes. I don't care what happens to me, he thought. As long as she is safe. The horde of thugs came at him with full force. Nathan was able to strike down five more of them before it happened. One member of the gang slipped a knife past Nathan's defenses. The blade tore into him, finding the way to his heart. Nathan let out a shocked gasp. "NOOO!" he screamed. In desperation, he launched himself into the crowd, lashing out with every move he'd ever been taught. But to no avail. An uppercut sent him sprawling. As he lay there, blood gushing from his deep wound, his eyes caught a terrible sight. Jenn lay not a yard away. A stream of blood trickled from a wound in her stomach. The thug standing over her smiled wickedly. "Nathan.." She managed to choke out. "Jenn.no.." He turned to the crowd. "I'll.get.you for this.You won't get away...with..thiiiii.." Nathan trailed off as everything went black. The last sound he heard was the snickering of the mob. Another memory filled his mind as well. It had been earlier that day.. The cool autumn breeze flowed over the calm lake. The sun had turned a deep red and was setting on the horizon. The place was deserted, except for two people. One of them, a blue-haired boy wearing a grey jacket and loose jeans. The other, a pretty blonde with sparkling emerald-green eyes and a violet sweater. "Hey, Nathan," Jenn began. "I just want to tell you.I had a really good time today." Nathan blushed slightly. "Uh, you're welcome." The teenage girl smiled up at him. "You know, I just love the way you blush at the tiniest thing. You are the sweetest guy." She sighed contently. Nathan turned even redder. This is amazing, he thought to himself. I can hardly believe this is happening to me. A month ago, I was just some nerdy acquaintance. But then Jenn broke up with that filthy chauvinist, TJ. She confided some of her deepest secrets in me, and found something within me she is growing to love. God knows I've been helplessly in love with her for, like, five years now. The two looked up at the setting sun. They walked to the edge of the lake and sat on a large piece of driftwood. They gazed into each other's eyes. Jenn reached up with one hand and touched the side of Nathan's face. She drew her face closer to his and whispered four words; the very words he had always longed to hear. "I love you, Nathan." Both of them closed their eyes as they drew nearer to each other. In that one moment, Nathan felt closer than he had ever felt to another human being. He felt the warm touch of her lips against his. They stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. They broke the kiss hesitantly. Jenn pulled back and smiled at Nathan. "You know, love is the single greatest thing about life. Can I ask you something, Nathan?" "Yeah?" "If something ever happened to me, would you fall in love again later?" "No." "Why not?" "Why would I? I will never love anyone like I love you." "You would have to get past that. If you lose the joy of sharing love with someone, you lose everything in life that's worth living for." "But, I'd be betraying your memory." "No, you'd actually be doing the opposite. Nathan, I want you to be happy, no matter what happens. Promise?" "Jenn, it's not like something is going to happen, anyway." "But if something did, would you fall in love again?" "For you..yes. Let's just watch the sunset for a while, ok?" "You got it." Jenn leaned forward and kissed him again. She leaned her head on his shoulder as the sun disappeared over the horizon. The Phoenix Knight opened his eyes. A mere instant had passed. Kiyone was still exiting the bridge. "Wait, Kiyone." Nathan said. Kiyone turned around to face him. "What is it?" she asked. "I-I'm a..murderer." The look of confusion was obvious. "What are you talking about?" "Remember when I told you.about the gang that.you know." "Yeah?" "When the goddess revived me, my mind was as red as the Phoenix Blade. All I could think of was revenge. I had begged the goddess to revive Jenn as well, but she refused. She told me that my life would follow a path beyond the normal man's. Jenn was not part of that path. I hated that goddess so much.and I vented my anger on TJ and his group." Kiyone's eyes widened. "You mean?" "Yes. I tracked them down, one by one. With the Phoenix Blade in hand, I slaughtered them all. I even warned each one ahead of time, just so I could see the terror on their faces when their time came. I've never forgiven myself for that, and that is why I never could confess that I.." He trailed off. "You what?" Kiyone asked. When she got no answer, she said, "Listen, Nathan. I don't care about your past. What matters is you've changed yourself for the better since then. You are now risking your life to save the lives of everyone in the universe. You are a hero. That is what I love so much about you, even if you don't reciprocate my fee-!" She didn't get to finish her sentence, as Nathan moved forward and kissed her. After pulling back, he said softly, "I could never confess that I love you. I love you with all my heart." TO BE CONTINUED..