Because It's There By Ozelon Part 5: Now What? "All right," said Ryoko, staring at the space where they had returned from the past only moments before, "we've saved the world, now what?" "Whaddaya mean "now what," we just saved the world, that means we're heroes, right? We should start getting showered by gifts any time now!" answered Noboyuki, practically drooling at the very idea. "I hate to bring this up, but do you think that's really going to happen? I mean, we know we saved the world, but does anyone else know?" asked Washu, displaying an extremely irritating amount of practicality. (Have I mentioned that they're on the Galaxy Police ship? They're on the Galaxy Police ship.) "Oh yeah," said Noboyuki, looking slightly put out that at the prospect of hit gift showering fantasies not being realized. (pity crew on three, ready? One. Two. Three. awwwwwww) "Wait, wait, wait just a minute!" yelled Sasami, looking about ready to start frothing at the mouth, "You mean to say that we risked our lives to save the world and no one even knows about it?" "Well..." said Washu, appearing to think about it, "yes." "Now that that's settled, allow me to repeat my previous statement," said Ryoko, "now what?" Suddenly, a light bulb appeared over Tenchi's head, indicating that he had had an idea, though not a good idea judging from its dimness and the fact that it was wobbling. Tenchi opened his mouth, and would doubtless have stated his idea, but for the fact that the light bulb finally went out and came plummeting to the ground. Unfortunately, its path to the ground was obstructed by Tenchi's head, and it plummeted to that instead, accomplishing the twin goals of shutting him up and making him forget his ideas. "Well," remarked Washu, "wasn't that an interesting little aside." "I feel I should add on of my depressing, conversation-stopping remarks in to this conversation," stated Kagato thoughtfully, "but Ryoko said she'd punt me into next week if I did that again, so I don't think I shall." "Smart man," said Ryoko. "Smart vampire, you mean," muttered Mihoshi not quite softly enough to keep everyone from hearing. Everyone exchanged glances at this and as one took a large step away from Mihoshi, except for Kagato who...did something else, which essentially involved punting her into next week. (that's my new expression, can ya' tell?) "You BAKA!!" shrieked Ryoko after it seemed that Kagato had calmed down a bit. (he's much too tense, don't you think? He should relax a bit, maybe go on a cruise, or to one of those health spas...hey, there's a thought...) "Mihoshi was the only one that could fly this thing. With her gone, we'll crash and DIE!" Kagato looked hurt for a moment, "You never asked if I could fly it..." "Can you?" "Well...strictly," said Kagato, ignoring the various things that came flying at him after that statement. "I just felt that I should bring it up." He thought for a moment and began to rummage in his cape while the others looked on warily. After a few moments of this, he triumphantly pulled out a book entitled "How to fly in 3 easy lessons." Everyone groaned and looked around for something to throw at Kagato. They then did a double take, suddenly remembering that they had thrown stuff at him only a few moments before and he still seemed to be standing. (hah! you thought I forgot, didn't you? well I didn't, so there :P) "Hey," said Noboyuki, voicing the thought that was in all of their minds, "what happened to all the weapons and stuff that we threw at you?" Kagato looked up from where he had been reading his book and blinked, noticing for the first time the line of items hanging in the air about a foot away from him waiting for him to notice them. He calmly put the book down, got up, let out a strangled scream, and proceeded to try to run out of the...deck thing? Well, wherever it is they're always standing in on the Galaxy Police ship. I say try because it just so happened that Yosho chose that particular moment to walk they collided. Well, actually, Kagato ran into him, rebounded, and fell, in a very undignified manner, on his bottom. (sorry to all of you Kagato fans, but it was the only way I could think of to save him from the remember the objects, the ones that had been thrown at him) The aforementioned objects, having been deprived of their original target, it being a little lower than it was before, now, of course, ran into Yosho, knocking him unconscious. Fortunately for me, I don't think there are any Yosho fans, so I should be safe. Let's recap, since I've pretty much forgotten what was going on anyway. Mihoshi has been punted into next week by Kagato and Tenchi is mercifully unconscious because one of his stupid ideas formed a defective light bulb and it fell on him. Kagato is relatively unhurt, except for having lost a substantial amount of dignity, and Yosho took the fall for Kagato and is also currently unconscious. Everyone else is relatively safe, except that there is no pilot for the Galaxy Police ship and eventually they're going to either run into something or plummet uncontrollably to the ground in an unstoppable...plummet. Right then, now that I remember what was going on, which is to say: nothing, we can get on with the fic. "You know," said Ryoko, "I really don't feel like saying "now what" again, but it looks like I'm going to have to. Now what?" "Well, first things first, can anyone fly the Galaxy Police ship?" asked Washu. "We've already established that Kagato can't, I refuse to entrust my life into Tenchi's hands, and I'm sure most of you feel the same..." "Um, isn't that what we've been doing these past few months?" asked Sasami, who obviously either had no sense of self-preservation, or that short attention span thing was kicking in. Instead of an answer, she received the Look of Death from Washu and wisely decided that making any more comments would not be a very smart thing to do. Besides, if she didn't say anything long enough, then someone else was sure to feel the need to make up for the lack and watching them get pounded into the pavement (another fun expression) would be way fun to watch. "As I was saying," said Washu through clenched teeth, "Ryoko has demonstrated by her willingness to panic that she can't fly...Sasami?" he asked sweetly. She mutely shook her head to indicate that, no, she couldn't fly the Galaxy Police ship. "All right," Washu continued. "Then I vote that we go beat up Kagato to show our extreme irritation with his punting Mihoshi overboard. Anybody got a better idea?" The others, except for Kagato who was making preparations for running away very fast, shook their heads and turned toward Kagato, who, not being as dumb as, say Tenchi, was already gone. They were about to give chase when Mihoshi abruptly got back from being punted into next week. (so she was actually only punted into the next hour, or something like that) This meant that they had a pilot again, and thus they did not have to kill Kagato, though they seriously considered doing it anyway for scaring them like that. However, he had, by this time, managed to lock himself in the karaoke room and refused to come out until they promised not to hurt they left him there. (after moving some heavy machinery up to block the door, of course. Don't worry, he'll be back, he's too much fun to irritate not to bring back.) In any case, they decided that they would continue their discussion (or lack thereof) on the ground as it was a pretty fair bet that Mihoshi was going to say something to get her punted into next week again sooner or later (probably sooner) since she was actually more tactless than Tenchi. (but that's all right, because he's supposed to be tactless, whereas Tenchi, being the leader-type person, isn't. Leader-type people are generally supposed to be strong, confident figures which sometimes serve as the moderators, not tactless, schizo gimboids-I read Red Dwarf recently) While my mind wandered into a world where someone actually knew what that last sentence meant, Mihoshi landed the Galaxy Police ship, and everyone got out. Ryoko began wondering whether she should say "now what?" again, since the author had named the fic that and all, but a light from the direction of Tenchi stopped her effectively as it meant that he had had an idea and she should probably go and save him from the light bulb that was sure to fall on him. (I keep getting these weird urges to drop camels on him, I don't know why) Turning to him, she was greeted by the sight of Tenchi, with his head on fire, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, (except his head wasn't cut off, or Ryoko wouldn't have been able to notice that it was on fire) Apparently, his idea had only been good enough for a lit match to appear over his head and, when the match had dropped, the quantities of hairspray he put on his hair to make it all spiky and weird had ignited. The rest of the group had already conferred within itself and decided that the best thing to do would be to wait and let the blaze burn itself out, so they just stood there watching and occasionally wondering whether to go and get some popcorn or try roasting some marshmallows over Tenchi's hair. (the last was discarded as impractical because Tenchi refused to cooperate and stand still, stubbornly insisting that running around and screaming was the better course of action) Ryoko, not having the sense or practicality of the others, and having been cursed with affection for the little gimboid, glared at them and tried to figure out a way to help Tenchi. Finally, she figured that the only way to help him was to dunk him in water, so she kicked him into the conveniently situated river near where they landed. This did, indeed, have the desired effect and Tenchi was soon back to normal, except for the fact that his hair was charred in places and his spikes hung limply, making him look even more like the gimboid he was. (that's my new favorite word) Actually, now that I think about it, he also bore a slight resemblance to a drowned rat. Unfortunately, he was still conscious and could thus relate his idea. "We should go to that Hot Spring we always seem to own," he said. "We don't have it yet, you moron," stated Sasami, "all of those fics are "after" fics where a bit of time has passed and you've" she trailed off as realization suddenly hit. "Let's go buy it right now!" she exclaimed for the benefit of all the readers who hadn't figured out what the realization was. They all looked at each other and nodded, after which they got in the Galaxy Police ship and flew to the Hot Spring without incident, to the amazement of all the readers who don't know that it's nearly midnight and I'm getting really sleepy. They were just about to go buy the spring when they remembered that they had forgotten to get Kagato out of the karaoke room and he was liable to start tearing holes in the Galaxy Police ship if they didn't let him out. Since Mihoshi was kinda adamant that this not happen, they went back to the Galaxy Police ship. However, once they had put back all of the machinery that they had used to block the door and opened the door, they found that the karaoke room was empty. "Why are you all staring into that karaoke room?" asked Kagato, who just happened to be standing behind everyone. "Because you're supposed to be inside," answered Washu. "Ah." Kagato waited for a couple more minutes as everyone continued to stand in front of the stable. "Well, I'm not," he said, seeing if that would get a response. "In fact," he threw in for good measure, "I am right here." Nothing. "and not in there at all," he said helpfully. "Hmmm?" asked Ryoko. "Oh. So you are, well, let's go!" "Don't you want to know how I got here?" asked Kagato. "No, not really," said Washu as they all walked away towards the real estate office. Well, thought Kagato, that was...odd. The author must have felt depressed. A setup like that would usually involve someone kicking me around, me being insufferably smug, and, like as not, various objects dropping on Tenchi. He pondered this for a moment. I hope he stays depressed. he decided with an evil grin. (no worries there) Much to everyone's amazement, other than a short incident in which the author couldn't take it anymore and dropped a camel on Tenchi, the session at the real estate office occurred without incident, (mostly because I have no idea how something like that would go) and Tenchi was soon the owner of a hot spring which they moved into later that day. They found the hot spring to be a huge and empty place. It was also somewhat mysterious, with wind whistling through the halls, and strains of eerie depressing music... "KAGATO!! Turn that music off right now!" screeched Ryoko. "If you have to get depressed, do it quietly, and out of sight of everyone, or, more specifically, me. And shut the windows, you're letting the heat in." Kagato sulkily did so, muttering about uncultured philistines with no sense of drama. "Look Kagato, we've tried to explain this before," said Washu patiently, "The Soja is a fine place for drama, but a hot spring isn't. Neither is the Galaxy Police ship, any of the hotels we've stayed in, and the host of other places you've seen to make dramatic and depressing comments in." Kagato diplomatically chose to ignore Washu's obviously uninformed statement and went of to the basement to find a dark corner for his daily sulk and guilt trip. (out of Ryoko's hearing, of course) For a brief moment, Washu considered contriving some reason to have Ryoko go down to the basement, but, not being nearly as violent or vindictive as the others, he discarded that notion. Five minutes later, he told Sasami to tell Ryoko, who was looking for the washing machine so that she could wash her 12 sets of identical dresses belts, that she should check in the basement. What followed was a lot of screaming at Kagato and the sounds of general carnage which ended in a Kagato-shaped hole forming in the floor where the basement ceiling had ended his flight into next week. While Kagato was recuperating, everyone settled into the hot spring and was soon bored out of their minds. "I really hate to steal Ryoko's line," said Washu, "but now what?" Everyone thought about this for awhile. "We could....go on a long and perilous quest..." ventured Yosho, who had been sent to the hot spring to irritate everyone. He quickly shut up and tried to pretend he didn't exist, as Ryoko immediately sent him a Look of Death. "or maybe not..." he whispered in a small voice once her attention turned elsewhere. "Hello!" exclaimed an extremely cheerful voice from the door. As everyone turned towards the door in question, Ayeka waltzed through it. "Hi everyone!" she exclaimed some more, "How's my Tenchi-chan!? Oh my Ryoko, I don't think it's healthy for your teeth to grind them that way!" (Ugh, perhaps I should make her less perky, Kagato might shoot her on sight...hell, I might shoot her on sight.) "For you see..." she continued, suddenly going from perky to mysterious, "the balance must be maintained." "Uh, yes...quite," said Washu. Sasami leaned over and whispered to Washu. "Was she always this weird?" "I don't think so..." she answered uncertainly. "Geez, it sounds like something Kagato would say..." she muttered to herself. "I protest," said Kagato, who had been released from the hospital about half an hour previously. "Why would I say a stupid thing like that?" "To be irritating," answered Ryoko quite reasonably. "Well...maybe. But I'm sure I could think of something way more irritating than...hey! Quit throwing things at me!" Dodging the various objects, he went off to his room in the basement to catch up on the sulking he had missed during his stay in the hospital. Meanwhile, everyone else was pondering the meaning of Ayeka's words. "Balance? What are you talking about?" asked Sasami. Washu pondered the meaning of the words. Balance, balance, what could she mean by... Suddenly she groaned. "Oh no. No, no, no, no..." "What?" everyone asked. Ignoring them all, Washu turned to Ayeka. "Kain's been resurrected, hasn't he?" She nodded, trying to look cheerful and solemn at the same time and only succeeding in looking cheerful. Everyone groaned. "Oh, but you see," said Ayeka earnestly. "He's been brought back to be able to atone for his sins." Kagato stuck his head into the room. "Really? I'll help, I happen to know quite a bit about atoning." Ryoko groaned. "Oh no, not two of them, what did I do to deserve this?" "Oh come off it," said Washu crossly. "We all know that the author resurrected Kain because he likes him, not so he can atone for anything." (Wasn't I going to stop making my characters so bloody perceptive?) "No, that doesn't really work, because, if you follow your reasoning, she ought to bring back people like Clay as well," countered Kagato. "Did he even die to begin with? I never figured out if he did or not. But that wasn't what I meant, what I meant was that they were both main characters." "Geez, enough with the philosophical discussions already!" said Ayeka. "Don't you think we should be talking about other things, like what to do about the homicidal maniac running around?" "Who? Ayeka?" asked Tenchi, who was too stupid to have a sense of self-preservation, either that or knew Ayeka wouldn't schmack him. "Tenchi you moron!" said Yosho who promptly got punted out the window by Ryoko, who was sick of everyone calling Tenchi a moron. He eventually landed on a small island where he was worshipped as a god until he said the word "it"-then he was thrown into a volcano. "Oh, but I told you already!" Ayeka was currently exclaiming. "Kain is here to atone for his sins and..." "Do you think he needs any pointers?" interrupted Kagato. "Atoning is a very delicate and subtle process and..." "Kagato, shut up," said Sasami, sticking her tongue out at him. Kagato carefully waited until no one was looking and stuck his tongue out back. "and therefore he can't go around being mean and nasty to people," Ayeka continued. "Tell me Ayeka, did he seem particularly set on the atonement thing the last time you saw him?" asked Washu doubtfully. Ayeka blinked at him in surprise. "Oh, but I haven't seen him. I may be perky and somewhat naive, but I'm not stupid...unlike others," she said, pointedly not looking at Ryoko. (How exactly do you pointedly not look at someone? I mean, I could see pointedly looking looking, but not looking, I don't know) "Why you little..." screeched Ryoko, looking about ready to lunge at Ayeka in a snarling fury. Which is what she did in fact, or would have done if Kain hadn't chosen to teleport into her path at that exact she landed on him instead. Kain smirked at Ryoko. "Well, I know you're happy to see me, but..." *SLAP* "Owiee," said Kain plaintively as Ryoko got up and brushed herself off, "I think you dislocated my jaw." "Well," she sniffed, "you deserved it." "GAAAAH!" screamed Tenchi, "It's Kain! Kill him!" "Tenchi, you scream like a girl," said Mihoshi, who was promptly unceremoniously punted out the window and joined Yosho in the volcano, which, incidentally, had been dormant for 1,000 years but was still quite deep. "You know," said Kain, gliding out of the way of Tenchi's lunge so that Tenchi could smack into the wall behind him, "this is a really nice place you people have here." "Yes, quite," said Washu hurriedly, "and now that you've seen it, you can leave, goodbye." "Oh no," answered Kain innocently, "I couldn't do that, I'm here to atone for my sins to you people..." he continued, smiling evilly. "We forgive you," said Ryoko even more hurriedly, "now go away." (Many people may be wondering why Kagato isn't saying anything since this conversation is about one of his favorite subjects, the answer to that is quite simple, he was currently in the corner muttering "amateurs" to himself) "Well, ok," said Kain, "but I don't quite think that I've atoned enough yet. In fact, I think I'll be here rather often..." he looked about to start laughing maniacally, but thought better of it and started towards the door instead. He undoubtedly would have left, except that Sasami reached up and grabbed the bottom of his mask. "Not so fast," she said, bringing him up short. "I suppose you just expect me to forgive you like a good little girl scout?" Kain nodded. "Well yes, you have to, it written into your character that you would do something like that," said Washu. "Quite, well, I have here…" she continued, pulling a small piece of paper out of thin air, "a 1hr "out of character" pass, which allows me to act out of character for the duration of one hour." Kain began to look a little nervous at this. "Starting," said Sasami gleefully, "right…about…now." The piece of paper abruptly burst into flame and white light surrounded Sasami, temporarily blinding everyone. When the light went away, Sasami stood there with an evil smile on her face and a really nasty looking spiked mace in her hands. Everyone sweatdropped. "Come on," said Kain, beginning to sweat nervously, "can't we talk this over?" "Hmm," Sasami appeared to think it over for a while, "Nope!" she said sweetly. She then decided to punt Kain out the window. So Kain went sailing out of the hot spring, making a new window as he did so. Sasami then pulled out a sub-machine gun from thin air and smiled sweetly while the others gaped at her. "I'll be back in an hour. Kain, on the other hand, probably…won't. Bye!" and she skipped off in the direction that Kain had sailed. "Um, well, then," said Ryoko, looking about ready to say something else. "DON'T SAY IT!" everyone yelled. Alas to no avail. "Now what?" *CRASH* the end…or maybe, the beginning