Subject: [FFML] [C&C] [WFL] The Mihoshi Incident, chapter 1-5 Sent: 9/3/96 1:39 AM Received: 9/3/96 7:13 AM From: Travis Butler, Reply-To: Fanfic ML, To: Fanfic ML, As the lights come up in the theatre, we see Frito standing on a soapbox, fist upraised in what would be a highly dramatic gesture -- that is, if it weren't being made by a squat halfling in a terminally-stained doublet. Frito: Now it's time ta reclaim my destiny! The camera pulls back, to reveal Windir and Lyra tied into their seats. Both show signs of a struggle. Windir occasionally strains against his bonds, while Lyra leans back resignedly. Frito: Some people ain't been takin' me seriously. But dat's all gonna change! I ain't just comic relief no more -- now *I'm* takin' over da review team and remakin' da reviews da way I like 'em! I'm gonna mold da fanfics in *my* image, and CONQUER DA UNIVERSE! Moohoohoohahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Windir: