I don't own these characters or profit from them. Things Tenchi makes you wonder about 1.Where did that cat in the first episode go? Are one or more of the girls like Alf and thus eat felines? And if so what about Ryo-oki? Keep your eyes on Sasami, the one who keeps trying to get Ryo-oki alone 2. How dumb can one person be? I don't mean Mihoshi. I mean Aeka. When will she figure out she can't beat Ryoko in a fight? 3. How does Noboyuki manage to pay for everything? Even on an architects salary? 4. If Asuza and his brides haven't aged, why did Aeka and Sasami have to be put into cryogenic suspention? 5. Why are we obsessing over this show so much that we are reading/writing this and similar lists? 6. Aeka admitted to knowing the people from Earth don't marry their relatives. So why is she still after Tenchi? 7. Why the hell won't they let Tenchi kiss Ryoko? Aeka even gave up at the end of Tenchi Forever and he had sex in that. Is one kiss too much to ask? You had to waist it on Sakuya? If in the 3rd OAV he doesn't the number of mailbombs sent will make the Unabomber jealous 8. Who's bright idea was the incest anyway? Not just Aeka, oh no they couldn't stop there. But Tsunami/ Sasami's kiss and Maykua's little trist? Then of course there was the necrophilia with Haruna. 9. Are Mihoshi and Kiyone an item? 10. What else can Ryo-oki turn into? 11. Can you believe that enough of your life is so focused on this one cartoon show that you are not only reading this but have seriously considered not only these questions, but what you would do if you should happen to meet the characters? I somehow doubt any of the girls (Note the hypocrasy here) would do more than step on a guy like you or me. The worst part is that if they did we'd die happy. To comment on this list, email me at clayton_n@hotmail.com