"The Trick" Ayeka yawned mutedly as she slid the door marked "Ladies" to the side. The calming sound of the waterfalls of the onsen pleasantly filled her ears as she stepped in and padded across the deck. She dipped her foot slowly into the warm water... just right. Slowly, she began to step in - and that's when she saw her. Ryoko was floating naked, belly-side-down, in the middle of the pool. "Ryoko? Ryoko, are you okay?" Ryoko's body remained still. "Ryoko! Are you joking around? This isn't funny!" Ryoko's body was as lifeless as ever. "Ryoko? Oh my God!" Without further hesitation, Ayeka flung herself through the water toward Ryoko's body. "Ryoko! Oh, no, Ryoko!" She shook Ryoko's shoulders, but got no response from her. "Oh my God!" Ayeka flipped Ryoko's lifeless body onto it's back and began to check for her pulse at her neck. It was then that she realized Ryoko had a huge grin on her face. "Ryoko?" "HA!" Ryoko shouted Ayeka fell backwards into the water in shock. Ayeka regained her footing and faced the hysterically laughing Ryoko, her face turning red with anger. "That wasn't funny, Ryoko. There was absolutely no humor in it at ALL." Ryoko managed to stifle her laughter. "You fell for it! You actually thought I'd drowned! I CAN'T drown! I don't NEED air, remember? You actually came over to check if I was dead!" She began to laugh again. Ayeka turned her back and folded her arms. "I was just doing it for Tenchi'ss ake. I really couldn't care less if you were dead or not." "Tenchi! Oh, Tenchi... I've GOT to tell him THIS one." She phased out of the pool and reappeared by the onsen door. "Tenchi will not find it the least bit funny, and- Hey, put some clothes on first, you slut! AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT REVENGE!" Ryoko opened the door and stepped through. 'She cared,' she thought with a small smile as she phased down into the Masaki home au naturale. -- -Garrett Albright Mac Addict - Straight-edge - Vidiot - Toonatic albright[at]students{dot}sonoma(dot)edu XNS: Albright AIM: Albright Guy