Note: In this story, they are pirates at sea, not space pirates. Just wanted to make that clear... Also note: Nobody in this story uses the common, 'pirate voice' When they talk it is just like they normally talk in the show. Example- when Nobuyuki says 'yarr', it is not a growl, he says the word 'yarr' Also Also note: When in Monty Python mode they all speak with British accents. Nobuyuki is standing at the front of a large boat. He is wearing an eyepatch and a pirate hat with a skull and crossbones sign. He is also holding a fish hook in his left hand. Nobuyuki: Yarr, Hoist the anchor Miss Ryoko! Swab the poop deck Mr Tenchi! Tenchi: Heh heh heh... poop deck.. Ryoko: Oh grow up Tenchi. Nobuyuki: And somebody find my parrot! [Now entering Monty Python Mode] Washu: Here you are. (Hands him a stiff parrot) Nobuyuki: Ma'am, I wish to complain about this parrot. Washu: Whats wrong? Nobuyuki I'll tell you what's wrong... It's dead. Washu: No it's just resting. Nobuyuki: It's not resting, this parrot is dead! Washu: No, he's just all exhausted and shagged out, pining for the fjords.. Nobuyuki: He's not pining, he's dead! [Now exiting Monty Python Mode] Ryoko: Shut up you two! I'm trying to figure out how to 'hoist an anchor!' Washu: Well, I had to go to a petshop in Bolton to get you a new parrot because the old one... well... it imploded... Tenchi: Why don't you just use use Ryo-oki as a parrot? Nobuyuki: Good idea, Mr Tenchi! (He pulls Ryo-oki out of his poket and pops her on his sholder) Ryo-oki want a carrot? Ryo-oki: (Happily) Myow! Nobuyuki: Say it, 'Ryo-oki want a carrot!' Ryo-oki: (Superman's deep voice from old Superman cartoons) Ryo-oki want a carrot. Nobuyuki: Here ya go! (Hands Ryo-oki a carrot he just pulled from his pocket) Ryo-oki: (happily) Myow! (Eats the carrot) Ryoko: Captain Nobuyuki! Luxury yaht off the port bow! Nabuyuki: Steer close Mr Washu! We're boarding them! Washu: Aye Aye Butthead! Nobuyuki: That's 'Captain' Butthead. Washu: And it's 'little' Washu. Nobuyuki: Another tie... (Meanwhile on the Luxury yaht... Princess Ayeka is looking out onto the ocean. Azaka and Kamidake are standing guard by her side. Kamidake: Miss Ayeka, There appears to be a Pirate ship coming towards us. Ayeka: Try to avoid it! Azaka: It's no use Princess! They must be after aur cargo of Candy, Puppy dogs and Fireworks! Ayeka: Fine then. Prepare to engage! Azaka and Kamidake: Yes Ma'am! (Pirate ship) Nabuyuki: Alright Men! (Tenchi, Washu and Ryoko are standing at attention) Nobuyuki: Let's go! (They all raise up grappling hooks, swords and a bananna) Nobuyuki: (With the bananna) Charge! [Now entering Monty Python mode] (The luxury yaht fires a cow high into the air) Cow: Moooooo! Tenchi: JESUS CHRIST! (The cow squishes Washu, but thanks to her super scientific genious [and handy first aid kit] she'll be fine in a few minutes) Nobuyuki: Right. CHARGE! [Now exiting Monty Python Mode] (The two ships sail up right next to each other) Ayeka: We must deliver this cargo to King Yosho! Let us pass! Ryoko: No! [Far away, Yosho is sitting on a big throne. He scratches his butt and belches. Then stares strait ahead] (Ryoko teleports onto the yaht and starts to fight with Ayeka. Ryoko summons energy while Ayeka Summons tiny logs, you know the drill...) (Nobuyuki hurls his grappling hook at the ship, catches the edge, swings off his ship, and smaks into the side of the yaht, falling into the water) (Azaka and Kamidake chase Tenci around, Tenchi screaming like a little girl) (A new smaller ship comes up. Mihoshi and Kiyone are aboard this one) Kiyone: Halt pirates! You are under arrest by the Royal Naval Guard! (Mihoshi and Kiyone have their Galaxy Police balsters with them) (Mihoshi and Kiyone attempt to board the Pirate ship, but Mihoshi somehow manahes to cause a 10 foot wide hole in her own ship and they sink into the water with Nobuyuki. Kiyone is yelling her usual curses at Mihoshi for being such a clumsy ditz, you know the drill..) (Washu saves Tenchi from Azaka and Kamidake by fighting them while Tenchi runs off ands Hides.) (While Ryoko is fighting Ayeka, Washu is fighting Azaka and Kamidake, and Nobuyuki, Kiyone and Mihoshi are climbing aboard the pirate ship, and Tenchi is hiding, a small Rowboat comes up to them. Inside the boat is...) Magical Girl Pretty Sammy: You shouldn't fight like that. It's mean. I can make you all be friends! (Sammy fires one of her arrows of friendship and it twists around so that it flies through them all, except Tenchi, 'cuz he's hiding.) Ryoko: Oh, I was wrong to be so mean. Can you forgive me? Ayeka: Only if you forgive me. Nobuyuki: Now I see that robbing, pillaging and killing people isn't nice. Washu: From now on, I'm only using my mad science for good! Azaka and Kamidake: Us too! Kiyone: Mihoshi, I'm sorry for yelling at your innocent mistakes all the time. Mihoshi: And I'm sorry for making innocent mistakes all the time! Tenchi: (Comes out of hiding) What the heck is wrong with you people? Just a second ago we were at each other's throats! Now we're all friends? Nobuyuki: (Eyes narrow.) I don't think Magical Girl Pretty Sammy would approve of that attitude... Ryoko: The Bad one must walk the plank! Azaka and Kamidake: Yes! Make him walk the plank! Ayeka: (Pulls out a cutlass and points it at Tenchi) Be friends or die... Tenchi: Aaah! (Runs) All except Tenchi and Sammy: The evil one must die! Kill!!! Magical Girl Pretty Sammy: (Smiles.) My work here is done. * * * * * * * * * * * * [Author's note] It's been a while since I've been to this site, and even longer since I submitted. (I was co-author to a flop story No Need For War or something like that...) Anyway, I'm on my own now, and yes this may seem a little insane, but that's what lots of caffiene does to ya! :) Please understand that I don't know why a luxury yaht is transporting Candy, Fireworks and Puppy dogs. It's the caffiene again.. I do not own Tenchi Muyo! or any charactors thereof, nor do I own Monty Python (Though I wish I did...) I don't own Superman either... In fact, I don't own much of anything... I'm sad now... Please don't sue... If you liked this story e-mail me at ...or if you didn't like it... Heck, any feedback would be good... Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.