Spanish Sucks By:Jeremy Sciarrino Disclaimer:I do not own Tenchi Muyo, AIC does and Pioneer and I probably will never own them, So please don't sue me I'm poor anyway,..Thank You Ok heres how I came up with the idea. Me and my friends were in Spanish class and we hate that class, we're also fans of Tenchi Muyo! So we came up with this story, hope you enjoy it =D (name) is the person that is talking Tenchi Muyo! SPANISH SUCKS Introducing: Tenchi! [Tenchi is just standing there] Ryoko! (Ryoko)"SEX SEX!" Aeka! (Aeka)"Ryoko hes mine keep your hands off him!" Yugi! (Yugi)"Don't leave me in the dark!" Sasami! (Sasami)"I'm gonna cook for the rest of my life!" Mihoshi! (Mihoshi)"YAY, my favorite t.v. show Police Police Men Show!" Kiyone! (Kiyone)"Mihoshi!!!!!!!" Washu! (Washu A)"Hail Washu shes the best!"(Washu B)"I agree hurray for Washu!" Yosho! (Yosho)"I will beat you with my stick." Nobuyuki! (Nobuyuki is looking in the women's bathroom with binoculars)"Ooooo La La!!! Episode 00 No Need For This Episode! Tenchi is in the field working on the carrots.(Spanish) "Me no speak English." Tenchi runs to Yosho's shire.(Tenchi) "Grandpa, someone is here and he doesn't speak...English!"(Yosho) "I shall..beat him with my stick!"(Spanish) "Hola!" (Yosho) "I'm going to.. beat you with my stick!" Yosho charges at Spanish. BOOM!! Yosho died. (Tenchi)"Everyone some guy is here and he doesn't speak..English! (Sasami) "Pretty Sammy!" (Pretty Sammy) "Choko muka rato lovie thingie!!" BOOM!! Pretty Sammy is gone We find Kiyone and Mihoshi on top of a cliff near the edge.(Kiyone) "If I can catch this `Spanish` I can go back to H.Q.! (Mihoshi)"Can I come too!" (Kiyone) "...Fine." (Mihoshi) "Give me a hug." (Kiyone)"..NO!!" Mihoshi charges at Kiyone. (Kiyone) "MIHOSHI!!!" Mihoshi runs in to Kiyone and they both fall the cliff and die.(Spanish)"Mu stupido." BOOM!!! Mihoshi and Kiyone are dead. Yugi walks out of the cave.(Yugi) "I finally got out of the dark!" BOOM!!! Yugi go bye bye Spanish meets Washu in her lab. (Washu) "Lets play Ciber Tic-Tac-Toe,I go first...OK your turn." BOOM!!! The Greatest Scientist In The Universe..died Spanish decides to take a bath in the house. Nobuyuki is watching Spanish take a shower. (Nobuyuki) "Hehehe I can see you Spanish....HUH!?!?!" BOOM!!! Nobuyuki's body parts are spread all over the place. Ryo-oh-ki turns in to a big robotic thing like a Gundam [I don't own Gundam ethier.] (Ryo-oh-ki) "Meoww!!! [she said self destruct]"BOOM!! Ryo-oh-ki blows up in order to kill Spanish..But Spanish was a mile away from the explosion. Ryo-oh-ki died Ryoko and Aeka are pinching each other.Ryoko backs off and summons a monster. (Ryoko)"Take this Aeka!!" The monster steps on Ryoko. Then the monster grabs Aeka. (Aeka) "Ryoko me and Tenchi are related by blood, we were meant to be togeth..." The monster swallows Aeka. Spanish watches in confusion, then blows up the monster. Aeka, Ryoko, and Ryoko's monster are dead. Tenchi summons the sword Tenchi. Tenchi runs at Spanish with the sword.Tenchi hits Spanish with the sword and Spanish falls on the ground. (Tenchi) "Even though you killed all of my friends, my grandpa, my dad, and Yugi I still won't kill you because im that way."He puts his hand near Spanish. (Tenchi) "Live with us.. I mean me." (Spanish) "Si, Senoir." Tenchi and Spanisg are playing cards then David walks in.[Daivd is my friend who also came up with this story, David I hope your reading this =P] (David) "Darn't Spanish you suck!"(Spanish) "Shutting fuck up!" BOOM!!! Tenchi and David die The End..Or is it???..well it is. Wasn't that fan-fic f@#ked up!! Yep =/ That was my first fan-fic,I hope you had enjoyed it [Yeah right] If you really did like it go ahead and e-mail me,, and if you didn't like it well you can go ahead and flame me...Give me your worst! J Oh yeah I also have a Gundam, Outlaw Star, and DBZ Spanish Sucks e-mail me if you want those stories and e-mail me if you want me to make more stories J Peace Out Go America!!! copyright March 12,2202