Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 04:48:33 -0400 From: Replicant Subject: Re: Okok.... What about Tenchi Vrs. Ranma? To: >Everyone's thinking on Tenchi vrs Kuno or Tenchi Vrs. Mouse... but who would win in a Tenchi Vrs. Ranma match? My vote would be on Tenchi! > The Answer: Illustrated in Anime form! The Scene: Tenchi w/LHW facing Ranma with Katana(I guess!) Imagery: They are standing in front of the Misaki Shrine with the wind fiercely blowing and the skies darkening from the power being used. The Tenchi cast along with the Ranma cast are watching and intensely waiting or the first move. The Battle: Tenchi eyes Ranma with fear and anger swelling inside of him. Ranma shows careful attention to the position of Tenchi's sword and his feet. Looking for a weakness. Tenchi: "Why have you challenged me?" Ranma: "I heard that you said that you were better than me!" Tenchi: "I said no such thing. Someone has lied to you." (Happosai smiles in the background and checks out Aeka) An acorn from a nearby tree falls and startles Tenchi causing him to jump. Ranma sees this as an action of attack and runs in to slash Tenchi. With his/her sword raised preparing for battle, Ranma's world suddenly grows dark and he slumps to the ground. The last thing he hears is a mad laughter and the words "Watch it buster, he's mine." Tenchi looks at the fallen Ranma and looks up to see what had taken him down. (Ryoko Smiles, still clutching Mayuka who she had used as a bat to hit him from behind with.) Tenchi: "Put Mayuka down, right now." (Ryoko drops Mayuka with a thud) Tenchi: "Why did you do that? I can take care of myself." (Ryoko teleports beside of Tenchi and drops to her knees, clutching his legs in a passionate hug) Ryoko: "I'm sorrrry Tenchi. He was trying to hurt you and I couldn't let him do that." Ryoko: " You know I only meant well." (She looks up at Tenchi with caring and apologetic eyes) Tenchi: "I know, but let me do the fighting next time, OK?" Ryoko: "Anything you want Tenchi darling. Now, lets go get something to eat, I'm starving." (The Tenchi walks over and scoops up Mayuka) Tenchi: "Are you o.k. Mayuka-chan?" Mayuka: "Yes. I'm fine, but my head hurts a little. What happened?" Tenchi: " I'll tell you later, lets go get you something to eat." Mayuka: "Thank you, daddy." Tenchi and the cast of Tenchi walk toward the Misaki household for dinner, leaving the confused and shocked Ranma cast behind to gather their warrior. My Theory, Replicant "Yuzuha is Yuzuha, Mayuka is Mayuka." - Mayuka > >