October 16, 2000 A Scientific Explanation: Author's notes: This story attempts to explain Ryoko's powers, excluding her ability to translocate, scientifically as they would function in reality, that is, outside all the Tenchi anime. I was originally planning on writing this in simple textbook format, but, since TMFFA is a fan fiction archive, I decided to attempt to do it in a simple story, which is mainly a conversation between Washu and Ryoko. It is based on the OVA series, mainly because it is my favorite. The beginning is a bit surprising; I just put it in there for the reaction, even though I think that the opposite would provide a better storyline for the OVA series 3 if it is ever made. Anyway, enough of my rambling, see for your self what I'm talking about. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mom, can I ask you a question I've been wondering about for quite sometime?" asked Ryoko. "How the hell, did you get into my lab without my noticing, but, I guess, if you must know, No," Washu said bluntly, "I am not now or have I ever been a goddess, though I appreciate the complement, it is simply that I and Tsunami were acquaintances long before the birth of this universe." "But," Ryoko paused, "why would ask a question like that?" "Umm..." Washu stuttered, "Sorry, just forget I ever said that and, umm, go ahead what's on your mind?" "Okay, if you like," "I do like," Washu interrupted. "ANYWAY, Mom, what I wanted to know is, how do my powers work?" Ryoko asked inquisitively. "Oh, I was expecting this sooner or later." Washu-chan remarked, "That's a simple really a simple question, even though the answer is quite long, it is mainly simple [American] high school physics, but I'll start at the beginning anyway." "Fine with me, since I never went to school." Ryoko agreed "Hmm, let me see, where to begin..." Washu thought out loud, "Ah! In all actuality, Ryoko, you have only two powers." "Um, noooo, I have FIVE powers." "NO YOU DON'T!" Washu yelled, "Now just listen." "Sorry." "Apology accepted, now, continuing with the lesson..." your first and most versatile power is your ability to control the electromagnetic force, as it is called on earth." "But, my powers have nothing to do with magnets." "QUIET!" Washu admonished Ryoko, "no they don't, but the electromagnetic force has more to do with than just simple magnets. It is the main force in the universe, it is the force you feel when your fist impacts with Ayeka's face, or when a baseball collides with a baseball bat, it is the force which holds the atoms of your body together, it is present almost everywhere." "Ahh, I see, but how does that allow me to walk through walls or fly or translocate?" "I was just getting to that!" said Washu beginning to become angry, "Now, all matter is composed of atoms, atoms are the smallest part you which you can cut something down to without changing it into something else. Why is this important, you ask? Well, all atoms are comprised of a nucleus, which is made of a bunch of protons and neutrons, with a number of electrons orbiting around it, now, if you were to enlarge an hydrogen atom, which is composed of a single proton orbited by a single electron, so that its nucleus, the proton, were the size of an orange, the atom would be about twenty kilometers in diameter, and the electron would also be the size of an orange." Washu paused, "Now Ryoko, I ask you this, what fills in the space between the proton and electron?" "How am I supposed to know that?" asked a somewhat perplexed Ryoko. "Empty space is what!" said Washu in a quite over-enthusiastic tone, "Because of this, all matter from the water you drink to the air you breath, even the fat in your ass," "Hey, my ass isn't fat!" Ryoko argued. "Is mostly comprised of empty space," Washu continued without a pause, "now, what do you think keeps you from falling through the sofa when you sit down on it to watch you favorite anime show, or what allows you to bear hug Tenchi without going right through him, and what, I ask, causes different atoms from going right through each other, huh?" "Electromagnetic force," Ryoko said with a slight hint of confusion on her voice. "Exactly, oh, I'm so proud of you, you pick things up so fast," exclaimed Washu with a sigh. Ryoko grunted angrily at Washu. "Yes, the electromagnetic force," Washu continued, "keeps atoms from passing through each other. And, what you do when you pass through a wall or a door, et cetera, is to negate the electromagnetic force between yourself and the wall or whatever it is you happen to be passing through." "Oh! I get it now." "Now this takes a lot of mind power, more power, in fact, than I have, were I to have made the portion of your brain which controls just this ability, alone, not to mention the rest of your abilities, you would definitely be FAR more intelligent than I," Washu confessed, "Anyway continuing on...your ability to control the electromagnetic force is also the root of your ability to fly. When you fly, what you are doing is simply causing the atoms in front of you to pull you and the atoms behind you to push you and therefore you are accelerated in the direction of your choice." Explained the scientist, "Your ability to generate orbs of energy and your energy blade, is also from you controlling the electromagnetic force, all you are doing is stripping atoms of their electrons and forming them into the item of your choice." "Wow, that's interesting." "Yes it is." agreed Washu. "Okay, now what about my translocation?" asked Ryoko. "Well, er umm," Washu cleared her throat, "oh, that, well, umm, I haven't quite figured that one out yet, because according to all currently know laws of physics, it should be totally impossible, because through his experiments, Heisenberg concluded that the accurate measurements of one of two related observable quantities, such as position and momentum, produces uncertainties in the measurement of the other. He even figured the parts of the uncertainties of the position, and the uncertainties of momentum, equal to or greater then 'h' over 2 'pi', where, "h" equals Planck's constant. It means that observations in quantum mechanics always leave uncertainty. You understand this, don't you?" "No, not at all." said Ryoko. "What, it means is that if you were to take someone apart at the atomic level and attempt to put them back together again because it is impossible to know exactly where something is and where it is going at the same time, because of this, by all, known laws of nature, when you dematerialize you should not be able to put yourself back together again!!!" exclaimed Washu, "Once you dematerialize, you shouldn't exist anymore, you should be dead, gone, nada." "Oh, my, I'm beyond the realm of science!" yelled an excited Ryoko, "Well, I guess, if that's all, I'm gonna go now and continue on my quest to acquire Tenchi's hand in marriage." "Okay, go ahead, and good luck, my dear, I'm so proud of you." Beamed Washu with maternal pride. "Yeah, whatever mom. Goodbye, for now." Said Ryoko as she departed her mother's lab on her way to Tenchi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there it is, that's how Ryoko works according to modern science. It's not really going to win any awards for being the most exciting or anything similar to that, but it does have perfect grammar, except for the quotes, and no typos, but it is probably the most interesting thing you'll find on this page because it proves how it might be possible for some of Ryoko's powers to work in reality, except for the translocation, of course. Anyway, If you have any questions or comment please e-mail the to me at: yolk@snowcrest.net If you want you can also visit my Spud gun website (sorry, no anime on this page) at: http://members.nbci.com/yolk_/