Sakuya Gotta Die by Cool Max 0 Cool Max walks in to a room filled with little kids "Hello kiddies. I'm here to tell you about a girl you must kill" said Max "Killing is bad," said a little boy "Oh, its okay to kill this girl" said Cool Max as he began to sing This girl is evil, this girl is bad, and this girl must die!! Who is writing this crap, i'm sick of it i'm sick of it Did not like anyone else, so he maid up this bitch I'm sick of it i'm sick of it She gotta fry She gotta cry The only thing I know is Sakuya gotta die Tenchi had to pick her out of six chicks, i'm sick of it i'm sick of it A evil minion who don't know who she is, I'm sick of it, i'm sick of it On the floor she well lie Her guts will fly The only thing I know is Sakuya gotta die AND just to thick THAY SUCK LIP, i'm sick of it i'm sick of it I wish to see her in a cyrp, i'm sick of it i'm sick of it She gotta fry She gotta cry On the floor she will lie. Her guts will fly The only thing I know is Sakuya gotta,Sakuya gotta SAKUYA GOTTA DIE ALL RIGHT All the kids were looking at Max like he was a psycho-path. (I would to). "Why do we have to kill her?" ask a little girl "If you didn't get it the first time, you don't get it" said Max Then a tall man came in to the room and pull out Max, when the man came back in to the room he said "Sorry, but when the crazy Tenchi fans get out of jail they always go to the pre-school first, some thing about a army of minion six-year olds. (WOW, that was creepy. But I DON'T LIKE SAKUYA and I just cant found a"Sakuya must die" page, so I write this, Oh yeah if you're a Sakuya fan (yeah right) DON'T READ THIS or is it too late now, BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA E-mail me at Oh, I don't own that little bitch Sakuya. )