Ryokos Diary Of Feelings of Love By: Rameela Dalaten MST/Short Story ryoko_rd@hotmail.com PLOT: This is Concerning Ryokos feelings when Tenchi and Sakuya kissed that one time in Tenchi in Tokyo, but the author just spiced it up a bit.......KINDA!! Disclaimer: Okay I know This is not my ANIME..its Masaki (sorry i forgot how to spell your last name) Please do not sue me. I only do this for fun, and to show my feelings. This is how I felt when I was writing a Tenchi-Fic with my b/f..hehe..I just cried when we were writing it. We were obviously make a Real Life Tenchi-Fic, meaning you put yourself in the story. Hmph...he put himself falling in love with Sakuya...it kinda made me jealous. Oh well who cares..you probably dont care bout MY love life do you?...(listens).. thought so..Oh well enjoy the fic! As they went forward, I dragged behind and snickered as i teleported to Tokyo. Today was the day I was going to tell my love that I truly had feelings for him. As I flew down, I saw two figures walking together. I had already knew it was him, so I flew down closer to hear his deep, dark, voice I loved so much. As I got there, there i listen to their conversation. And this is what they said. She said, Hey what are you gonna do this weekend? He said, hey how bou' you and me go to the movies. She said Sure! I aghast at this talk, i was furious, but then I calm down a bit and I thought about it more. They werent going on a date it was only a friendly outing with a friend, nothing more...or thats what I thought. That night i had a plan worked out for he and i to be alone after his friend left, but nothing had dome to plan that night. As they walk down the path of Tokyo Park. She looked down and shivered and was trying to keep herself warm. She was shivering because she clumsily forgot her jacket at home. She said, Im cold.. Then He said, here wanna use mine. So he gave it to her but wrapped himself with her as well. They looked at each other for a few seconds then a kiss for about 1 minute. I cried at this moment and to believe he loved me too, but no, he didnt, he loved another girl he never knew for a long time, only a few weeks, and he chose her over ME?...How could he, how dare he.. And I almost about to tell my feelings to him...Why never....Not Anymore This world is a cruel place to be for my heart to be in. I must flee and die where the cosmos belong, in a dark, serene place of cruelity, not ever again, being with that boy i thought i loved as my first true love. I flew away and my tears slowly fell down to the ground of earth. I cried my heart out for days..And asking why?...how come?...Is this how it shall be?.. Me being lonely, and him with that girl named...Sakuya, meaning Midnight love Of course, he chose her..my name only meant Demon summoner, thats not love but just evil...I looked at his name and his name meant Heaven & Earth.... He was my heaven and earth forever...or so I thought to myself....So that one final night...I crept down to look at the boy, or shall i saw man who stole my heart and stepped on it, like a some toy and wept. Then flew to the no where skies of Japan then said my final words to the skies and my friends forever in my heart. I thought to myself....I have never told him, i loved him at all, but I think its best for him to never know what I truly feel anymore, cause now he has someone and i do not. So I make a blade in my hand looking at the black light shine onto me. And say my final words as I fly above the land below me...Love shall always pay for what is has done to my precious heart. Then I lift up my precious blade to my heart, choking, dying, falling to a terrible death, called love. Love Forever Always, Ryoko Hakubi Masaki NOTE:...SO WHAT DID YOU THINK OF MY DAMN FIC!! DID IT MAKE YOU CRY, DIE, SLEEP AND KILL YOURSELF........WELL JUST E-MAIL ME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU DAMN THINK..OKAY?...WELL SEE YAH!