As before: This is situated in a sort of nebulous idealized tenchi where Tv, Oav, and Manga Continuities are all reasonably true. Where this came from in my mind I have no idea. I don't own Tenchi Muyo, but sort of wish I did, after having seen the butchery propagated upon the series by Shin. Reflection of a fallen angel Awake and not screaming in terror/horror/greif/desperation/despair. Then hurling myself away from a face inches from my own. It’s several minutes before I calm down enough to remember that it’s only the mirror, which Noboyuki stored in my room when the mount in the hallway failed. I don’t like the dreams, but I know I can’t stop them, and will probably never be free of them. Millions of faces and places and times come out from some nether cache of horrors in my skull at night, places I’ve destroyed and people I’ve murdered, seeing it again and screaming inside while ‘daddy’ used me like a doll on strings. It happens all to often, though I don’t show it. I’ll wake up from a nightmare in the night, paralyzed with terror and holding back screams with a thousands year old reflex. If I screamed, he would punish me more for not being in control of myself, so I learned early on never to scream, no mater how much the nightmares I had terrified or horrified me. So tonight I wake up and don’t scream and find myself staring into a mirror and repeating ‘It’s only my reflection’ endlessly to myself, trying to calm my racing heart. Only my reflection. It’s almost enough to make me sick, the irony of that reassurance to myself. If I were anyone else who’d heard of me, I’d probably be terrified of that reflection, because that would be she’d be close to me the Demon. The destroyer. The murderer-genocide. The doll. I’ve seen my own face smile as I cut down hundreds of men at a time on dozens of worlds….and seen it on wanted posters across the face of the known galaxy… I’m amazed, really, that it doesn’t bother me anymore. I can separate ‘me’ from ‘her’ who was only a tool for ‘Him’ him being Kagato…Shimata. I won’t think about him anymore. It wasn’t all the time, of course. Eventually even he had to actually experiment on the devices he’d stolen, and he would take away my gems and leave me to my own devices for a while. And I’d live like a rat, bearly able to defend myself against the survivors of the worlds I’d attacked, fleeing from place to place and living by piracy… I bearly remember it. There’s so much I don’t remember. It’s like a big hole (or a collection of big holes) in my mind, where I can’t remember…. His doing again. When he’d take me back, he wouldn’t want me to be anything other than his puppet. Couldn’t let his weapon develop a will of it’s own, after all. Oh no, definitely not that, and definitely not a conscience… Dammit! I don’t want to think about him! Reflections. I’ll think about reflections. What is a reflection, anyway? Just patterns of deflected light? A metaphor for what is actually there? If so it’s a pretty lousy metaphor. Probably be better if you broke the mirror. I’m just pieces of me now…broken down and smashed to bits. Even if my body is unmarked, my mind is in bits, punched full of holes where he didn’t want me to remember. I’ve probably forgotten more of that time than I remember. I’ve probably forgotten more than I remember period! Washuu could probably help me remember, but I don’t want to be poked and prodded anymore, so I don’t admit how much I’m missing. Lets see… what do I have? A few pieces of memory, at least…to match the pieces of me. There’s the piece who watched Tenchi, the piece who tried to let Yousho kill her, the piece that was daddy’s girl (smaller now, thankfully), the piece who ran away… Silly. They’re all the same piece - can’t make a whole person out of this. I don’t need to be thinking like that. Look back at the mirror, then lets see, what do I look like? I am a pretty demon, still. If I am a demon. I’m not so sure anymore. I used to feel small, and afraid and alone. The only one I could remember smiling at me before didn’t even like me. Everyone else bearly tolerated me…I used to think they’d probably kick me out if they knew how afraid I really was. Or lock me up to make me pay for my crimes. Demon's arn't afraid, are they? Not that my Ryohki would let them lock me up. We won’t be sealed up ever again; We’ve sworn it. One thing that makes me glad to be alive is that Ryohki is happy now. She doesn’t have to be the one who is always supporting me anymore. I don’t think Sasami would let them throw me out either. She smiled at me too. So did Tenchi, eventually.. I think…he does understand how much I love him. He does. I’m sure he does. Please let him understand.... Azaka and Kamidrake called me brave. “Not even a thousand knights could match your spirit, Ryoko.”, they said. So why don’t I feel brave? I’m afraid of loosing what I have here. Family. Even if it is with Washuu, who I can’t trust, and the princess who can’t seem to find a compassionate spark in her whole heart and Yosho who sealed me’s family. I don’t want to loose my family. Not when I’ve bearly found it. Because of them, when I look in a mirror I see myself looking back out, instead of ‘him’. I’d do anything to keep them from being hurt. Anything. Gamlain, transuniversal courier & Hero for rent Of course, my homepage is at Http:// "Venus Love Me Chainsaw Masacre"