Rasta by The Unknown DJ WARNING: This fic is an Improve, meaning I wrote it without any ideas beforehand. This is totally on the spot, so it will suck. I warned you, remember that. "It was a hot day," said the writer. Then he was shot and replaced with a drone... Tenchi sat in his room, thinking about his latest obsession. It was a full covered, thick and creamy Gordita. Ever since that damn Taco Bell dog had stormed the airways and described that damn pillowy flat bread, Tenchi had been suckered in. Now, all he thought about was how a nice Baja Steak Gordita would taste. Ryoko entered the room. "Hi, Tenchi. How are you?" Tenchi did not respond to the space demoness. Instead, he drooled, thinking about the Gordita. He was so dazed, he didn't even notice Ryoko. She went over, shook Tenchi hard, and was answered with a, "Huh?" "Dammit! Tenchi!" Tenchi stared at Ryoko as if he could see right through her. I got an idea, thought Ryoko. She suddenly took off her shirt and waved her breasts at the confused Tenchi. Tenchi's nervous system suddenly kicked in and he began to hallucinate. The large mountains suddenly turned into a couple of Gorditas. Tenchi drooled hard and began to advance on the space pirate. "Now, this is more like it!" said Ryoko. Then, Tenchi reached out and...