Disclaimer:  Ryoko, Washu and the like are owned by Pioneer.  I'm just
out to prove a point to my baka friend.

Tenchi Muyo!:  Proving a Point

Brian Burke

        "She does too!"  I say to my friend across the table.

        "No, she doesn't," he answers.  Although Jeff is a friend, he can still
be a bit...dense at times.

        "She does so!  I've got the videoes to prove it!"

        "I got the same videoes, and I'm telling you she doesn't."

        "When was the last time you watched them?  Maybe you need to watch

        "Brian, Ryoko doesn't need the gems."

        "Why is that?  It's her power source.  She said it herself!"

        "No, her powers were inherited from her mother."

        "Then, why does she need the gems?"

        "It's just a scam that Washu invented.  You know how her mother is."

        I face-fault.  "What?  That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

        "It's true.  You know what a sicko Washu is.  Remember that last

        <I guess that's true.>  "Okay, then what about Kagato?"

        "What about dummy?"

        "Why did he want the gems?"  <I got him this time.>

        "The gems serve to amplify powers, including Soja's."

        I bang my forehead on the table, laughing en route.  "That doesn't make

        "It's the truth."

        "Okay, smart guy, why didn't Ryoko escape in OVA 12?"

        "OVA 12?"

        "Yes.  When Clay had her.  If she didn't need the gems, then why didn't
she just break out?"

        "I told you.  Washu said to her that the gems were her power source.
She didn't know any better."

        <I give up.  WAIT!>  "What about the first OVA?  Why didn't she keep
fighting after losing the gem?"

        "Washu."  We both say.

        "How did she escape?" he asks.

        "Simple.  She had a gem as an earring."


        "Then why did she want her gems so badly?"

        "Washu's scheme."

        "Then, why did she need one to contact Ryo-Ohki?"  <He's gotta break
sooner or later.>

        "Again, Washu."

        "How much of this do you believe?"

        "All of it."

        <Damn, he's dense.>

Next day

        Holding up a diagram to Jeff, "here.  This is how I believe the gems
are constructed."  The image shows the three gems, but divided into
three parts.  Each of them has the names Tsunami, Tokimi, and Washu
pointing to a part of the three gems.  "See?  Part of each is Tokimi,
part of each is Tsunami, and part of each is Washu."

        "Considering that they have any power at all."

        I think about bashing it over his head, but continue otherwise.  "The
Tsunami part of each is responsible for healing.  The Tokimi part of
each is for her movement.  Like flying and teleporting.  The Washu part
is for her beam swords.  Remember:  Washu made her own beam sword."

        "That was inherited to Ryoko."

        "I'm gonna clobber you if you don't shut up."

        "Since it was Ryoko who built the bath bubble, I'm guessing she did
inherit part of Washu's intellegence.  Or, it could have been from her

        "How do you know it was Ryoko?"

        "You think Ayeka or Sasami could have built it?"

        "Or Mihoshi?"

        "Mihoshi?  Are you insane?"  <Wait!  I guess you are!>  "But, in any
case, Ryoko needs the gems.  They are her power source."

        "Whatever you say.  I have my own theories, though."

        <Which are probably wrong.>

-end?-  <Note:  I mentioned how the gems were constructed.  This is my
idea, and I'm building a story around it.  Nobody steal it!>