One Day a Tenchi Muyo! Poem written by Heather McNully aka Sakuya Misaki aka Ran-chan I see you as a baby strapped to your mother's back You reach at me with tiny fingers I want to reach back, but my efforts would be in vain I see you as a child running and playing in grassy fields cooking sweet potatoes over an open fire So close I can almost taste them I want so much to help you up when you fall but I can't I see you as a boy weeping for your mother gone to a better place Pounding the earth, crying out to God, believing if you're determined enough, He will return her to you I want to comfort you, to see your smiling face again "Everything will be all right," I say, "You'll see... I'm still here... I'll never leave you." But my words don't reach your ears I see you as a man now, matured and handsome You glance my way, your thoughts flooded with childhood memories My heart skips, my face burns, thinking for a moment, a brief moment, that your smile was for me but who am I kidding? Did you ever reach for me? run with me? eat with me? cry with me? smile at me? Many years have already gone by, but one day We'll play together, I'll be there to protect you, comfort, and watch over you, I'll be with you when you wake, with a smile for you, eager to see your face, and you'll smile back at me, knowing that I'm there "I'll never leave you... my Tenchi"