ON THE COUCH... by Choua Yang 1-1-2000, My first fic, and it's the first of the new millennium...how about that? UNDERSTAND PLEASE THAT THIS FIC IS STRICTLY, STRICTLY, STRICTLY, STRICTLY, EVER SO STRICTLY, TOO STRICTLY BASED ON THE OAV SERIES. IF ANYBODY WISHES TO ASSOCIATE THIS FIC WITH ANY OTHER UNIVERSE, THEN PLEASE SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD... THANKYOU... Copyright (c) 2000, Choua Yang; All Rights Reserved. Tenchi Muyo and individual characters are of the respective copyrights of Pioneer LDC and AIC Entertainment (c) 1992. 9:00AM. The nurse got up from her seat and walked into the waiting room. "Tenchi Masaki?" "Yes," answered Tenchi. "You're next; come on in," said the nurse. Tenchi got up from his seat and proceeded to the door; opened it, and walked through, following her all the way to the end of the hallway, where a door stood open. They entered the half-dimmed room, where a couch stood near the forefront of a table, with an executive chair on the other side. "Please wait here on the couch until Dr. Clay (no, not that Dr. Clay, but another Dr. Clay, yes, another Dr. Clay--- Hey, I didn't know what other doctors to use, so the OAVs came to my aid on this one) can examine you," said the nurse. She exited the room, and closed the door behind her. Tenchi looked around the room, staring at the hollow ceiling and at the paintings of the Renoir era on the wall. A sense of nervousness came from deep within him. "How should I tell the doctor this?" he said. "What should I say?" A couple of minutes passed by, with the quietness of the room almost making Tenchi insane. As he was about to get up from the couch, 3 knocks came from the door, followed by a "Hello?" He turned his head to greet Dr. Clay, a clinical psychologist working for the Behavioral Sciences Institute in Tokyo. He had a huge notepad in his left arm, a recorder in his right arm and a funny little instrument on his shoulders, draped around his neck and over his back. He set them all onto the desk, and then proceeded to his chair, where he started to plug the weird instrument into the power adapter on the side of the desk. He flipped on the recorder, and grappled his notepad, pulled a pen from his desk drawer, and started to write something on it. Then, he turned to Tenchi with a frown. "Okay young man, now what seems to be the problem today? I overheard that you're having some problems with your peers and with some of your fans on the preliminary charts. Could you care to elaborate more on that?" said the doctor with a bass filled voice. "Sure," replied Tenchi. He stared back up at the paintings and began telling the doctor what had been troubling him. "I've met some very interesting people quite some time ago, and I feel very privileged to have met them all. However, during the past years, I've met quite a bit of criticism over especially two girls, Aeka and Ryoko, whom I believe are interested in me. I'm not sure what to think of it all, but I wish some people would just leave me alone," said Tenchi, his face becoming more distinct. "I see. So, some of your fans have been trying to get you to choose between these two girls?" asked the doctor. "No, not just those two. There were a couple of other people I know that my fans wanted me to get involved with: Mihoshi, Kiyone (I know this is not a part of the OAV continuance, but if you think about the Mihoshi Special, that production came between the production time where the OAVs were released, and it's one of the few areas where I can actually include Kiyone to get examination while staying as close to the OAVs as possible, and some people do consider it a part of the OAV and not just a derivative), Washu, and even Aeka's little sister, Sasami," Tenchi replied. "Ah. The ever-classic dilemma of choosing whom you will be with. A marriage proposal?" asked the doctor. "No, not really, although it sure seems that way to me. I just don't know what to do anymore. Everything I've said doesn't matter to them. They all want me to do things their way, and just about nobody wants to listen to what I have to say. My title appearance in Tenchi Muyo really is that: Tenchi Muyo; they don't even think I exist to make decisions for myself. I wish somebody would understand what I'm feeling." "Well, start by explaining your feelings of the two main girls you're having problems with, and maybe we can come to some conclusion as to why you're being troubled so much," started the doctor. "Okay," answered Tenchi. "It started when I met both of them suddenly about 8 years ago. I've been living with them ever since, and I do get along with them very well. One of the girls, Aeka, is a princess...," said Tenchi, declining to state that she was from Planet Jurai, in fear that the doctor would make a mockery of him. "She has a very soft demeanor. She works pretty hard throughout the day, she's very responsible and caring, and she's also pretty shy. She looks out for her sister all the time, and likes to be tidy with her chores and her social life. The other girl is Ryoko. She's outgoing and easy to talk to. She has a lot of initiative, and sometimes, she's very independent. She isn't very shy at all, and sometimes, she can be almost too close. She's thrifty and carefree, and she has a cunning sense of humor." "And what about the other people you've mentioned before: Mihoshi, Kiyone, Washu, and Sasami?" asked Dr. Clay, going back to his notes quickly. "What are your feelings towards them?" he asked. "Well, come to think of it, I really don't know too much about Mihoshi and Kiyone. They are partners for the... um, the police force, but I really don't know too much about them. I know Mihoshi can be pretty funny sometimes. She's also carefree like Ryoko, but she has a certain knack for doing things wrong, and somehow, they turn out right. She's very easy to talk to, though, and she's very approachable. I've only met Kiyone briefly, but it seems she and Mihoshi are somewhat unwilling to be partners, even though Mihoshi denies it. Kiyone's also independent like Ryoko, but she can be very nice at times. She had a leadership-type of personality, and she is a hard worker, constantly trying to impress her peers at work. Washu is a lady by herself. I can't explain her in any way except that she is unexplainable. She has the qualities of a loving mother, a really nice person to talk to when you have a problem, and she somehow has all the solutions you can ever need. She's also the smartest person I've ever met, and she can be sarcastic and funny sometimes. Sasami, Aeka's sister, is very likeable. In a way, she's like the mother of our house, and since my mother died when I was very young, I sort of look to her for everyday household needs. She does most of our cooking, she does a lot of yard work, laundry and she's very caring. It does seem she's maturer for her age (thinking of Tsunami), and she's probably the most talkative and lively of all the girls that I've met. And also, I forgot to mention that... um... well (he thought about Ryo-oki, but at the last minute, decided it wasn't a good idea to mention her because it would be pretty hard to explain why she's a space ship and a cabbit at the same time; if the doctor even knows what a cabbit is in the first place) that's it." "Hmm, okay then. It seems you have these 6 girls around you that are really likeable and caring for you. You should be proud," exclaimed the doctor with a noticeable grin. "I am," answered Tenchi. "I feel very fortunate. But a lot of my fans are forcing me to choose mainly between the two girls I've mentioned before, Aeka and Ryoko. They've even written stories about me with either of the girls I've mentioned before, and none of them seemed to reflect what my feelings really are." "I understand. You're pretty popular though, and it would seem natural that you'd choose between one of these beautiful girls around you. Anybody probably would," remarked the doctor. "But that's the problem," shot back Tenchi. "I don't want to choose. Ever since I've met the girls, I didn't want to choose between them. I don't want to hurt their feelings, and I always thought that we got along better if we were just friends. I like Aeka and Ryoko for whom they are, and getting involved with either one of them is just going to make things more difficult and complicated. They constantly fight over me all the time, and to be honest, it does get on my nerves. I don't mind having Ryoko around most of the time; she's very sweet, but she can be annoying sometimes, especially when she believes that we're alone, and tries to make advances on me. I also don't mind Aeka trying to protect me. In a way, she is trying to protect me from Ryoko, but I'm not sure why. I keep on believing jealousy between the two girls is why they are both bickering at each other, but I hope I'm wrong. I guess I understand why Aeka's try to protect me; she and I are related in a way." The doctor paused for a moment, his fingers reaching for his forehead before responding. "Hmm. Interesting. I've seen your OAV series before, and I can tell you this..." "What? You've seen it before? Why didn't you tell me? You could've saved me some frustration!" exclaimed Tenchi. "Yes, I've seen it before. It was very popular, and I've been a fan since. But from what you told me, and from what I've seen, I can tell you this: Aeka loves you because you are the grandson of her half-brother. She's devoted to you because you are of the same blood. She cares for you because she sees you as a vision of her half-brother, the one she has loved since. She doesn't like Ryoko because she believes Ryoko was responsible for her heartache when her half-brother left her planet to battle Ryoko. She seems very protective to you because she fears that Ryoko might do to you what she did to Yosho long before. She doesn't understand that it wasn't Ryoko's fault for her attack on Planet Jurai, and the disappearance of her brother was his choice to stay on Earth. You must accept her for that. Ryoko loves you because she was there with you ever since you were little, and when you lost your mother, she felt every bit of your agony. Being held captive with no one to turn to, she had no feelings and no love, until she met you. She was freed, literally and spiritually and in every other way, because of you. You, in essence, became her life, and she will guard your well being with her life, if need be. She doesn't like Aeka because she believes Aeka is trying to steal you away from her, like a mother having her baby stolen away from her. She doesn't understand that her actions in the past, even though it wasn't her fault, had a large impact on Aeka. She exhibits such straightforward feelings towards you because that's the only way she knows how to exhibit her love for you, and because she was trained to be a space pirate, she doesn't have much humility for her actions. You must also accept her for that. "Do you understand what I've said so far?" asked the doctor. "Yes," replied Tenchi. "But what about the others?" "Well..." said the doctor. "Quite frankly, I'll put it to you this way. Mihoshi is interested in you in only a crush. She believes you wanted her to live with you, and that interpretation to her means that you care for her. And indeed, you do care for her. Kiyone is a different story. I'm not sure why some of your fans wanted you to be with her, but as far as I'm concern, their fantasies outweigh what Kiyone and you really want. I'm not sure if Kiyone has the time for a relationship, since she's always hard at her work, unlike Mihoshi, you might notice. Washu was only teasing you, if you haven't already noticed. She cares for you more in an experiment-wise fashion, since you have powers beyond even her reckoning, but she does express interest in you because she believes you will become something shy of greatness one of these days, and that you might face some sort of danger. Sasami is the only other person I can see that is as close to you as the two main girls are. She is similar to a mother for you, as you've elaborated earlier. Her other self, Tsunami, believes that you hold the key to the galaxy; however, that's only my interpretation. Sasami loves you more for a brotherly figure, rather than a romantic figure, and her soft and cunning side is what makes her very likeable. And I know why you didn't mention Ryo-oki. I understand. It's funny nowadays what people can demand, right?" smirked the doctor. "Yep," replied Tenchi. "But you know, even after talking to you all this time, I still don't know what to do with those two girls." "Ask yourself these questions," replied Dr. Clay. "Why should you choose? What difference does it make? Dou you know how you would affect the others if you do decide to choose? And who is forcing you to choose? Against your will? Against what you feel is right? When you answer these questions, you'll know what to do." Tenchi looked at the doctor for a long time, seemingly an eternity. He looked up at the ceiling, then turned towards the wall. Then, he gazed at the couch he was sitting at, looked up at the doctor, and said: "I can't choose because I won't choose. I refuse to. I like things just the way they are. And I hope other people can respect me for what I like." The End... Not bad, I would say, for a fic that was written in about an hour with absolutely no planning whatsoever and no proofing by anyone, and it being my first. Call it spontaneous.