
Hope this one's funny as.well, hope it's funny.


(In dark hallway of the castle, a place where little have explored, 
Ranma wanders cautiously down the hall)
<Ranma> Damn.I'm lost.  This is what I get for not buying a map of this 
(Ranma's eyes squint)
<Ranma> (as Ryoko) Go get the sake half boy! (back to normal) Last time 
I listen to her.
(He hears shoes clomping behind him) 
<Ranma> Who's there?!
<Ranma> Aw man, this place gives me the creeps, I'm getting out of 
(A dark, shadowy figure pops up where Ranma was heading)

(The room is dark, and you can here JS's voice)
<JS> This is Joe Smith here dealing with.!
<Jim Hawking> Hey numbskull, take off the lens!
<JS> (surprised)Oh. Well what do you know?
(The room quickly lightens up, and we get a close-up on JS's blue eyes)
<JS> There, all better. (runs to where his body is in full view) This 
is Joe Smith here, dealing with the nasties of fanfiction.! (pause) 
Dammit, I don't think it's on.
(He goes up to camera, nosies can be heard, he steps into full view 
<JS> Okay, third time's a charm.  This is Joe Smith here, dealing with 
the nasties of fanfiction, and having fun in the process!  Today, Asuka 
has the day off, and Vegetta has some jury duty.
<Jim> (off camera) Jury duty?
(JS runs up to camera, and turns it towards a screen, where we see a 
<Master Roshi> (in judge's robe) Order!  Order!  Court is now in 
<Vegetta> (in jury row, next to Goku and Xellos) I can't believe I was 
called to one of these stupid things.
<Goku> Why exactly are we here?
<Xellos> (smiling) I could take a guess at it but the author writing 
this probably taking a joke used from another author.
<Goku> Huh?
<Serena> (in a lawyer's dress) Your honor.
<Roshi> (smiling) Oh I like that, please continue.
(One of the jury member's throw something at his head)
<Serena> (eye twitching) As I was saying, me and my clients (points to 
Takesawa Kuno and Sailor Mini-Moon) are here to prove that they are not 
the parents of the prosecutor.
<Harry Champ> (from prosecuting side) Absolute lies.  It is so clear 
even without any DNA testing, that Mr. Seriyo Jurai, is in fact, the 
offspring of that little tramp and the pedophile.
(He is respectfully jumped by all members of the defending side)
<Vegetta> (sweatdrop) This is going to be a long day
<Seriyo> (trying to ignore the fight next to him) I didn't even really 
want to come here.

<JS> (sweatdrop, along with Jim) Uh.anyway.since Vegetta won't be back 
for like.forever.knowing the jury.and I gave Asuka the day off.
<Jim> Where is she anyway?
(JS turns to camera to another screen, it shows a lovely beach which is 
totally secluded, except for a lone figure on the beach.  Asuka, is 
laying on the beach, back to the camera, eyes closed, in a bikini, well 
only half of it, the top is missing.  She stirs as she hears a noise, 
then turns to the camera.she screams.)
<JS> Asuka dear!  How is your vacation?!  Enjoying the weather?!  You 
can take that towel from away from your chest now.
(Asuka just glares at him, covering herself with a towel, then she 
reaches for the camera and then there is snow.)
<JS> Damn, we lost feedback.  I try to continue transmission.
<Jim> Anyway!  This idiot is trying out some new form of.what did you 
call it?
<JS> Psychological, emotional, and possibly physical pain and pleasure.
<Jim> (sweatdrop) .just take a look for yourself.
(Turns the camera to the theater below, Ryoko, female Ranma, and Kiyone 
walk in)
<Ryoko> What the hell is going on?!
<Ranma> I was jumped in the hallway, someone splashed some cold water 
on me, then they knocked me out and dragged me in here.
<Kiyone> Is this another one of those stupid MSTing theaters?
(Ryoko and Ranma nod, the next few sentences are blocked because of 
foul language, but then the door flies open, and a site most horrible 
to any straight female in the anime world.Fatora, Alielle, and Solude 
stand in the doorway)
<Jim> ('nother sweatdrop) Exactly who does this pleasure?
(JS says nothing as he continues to type at the keyboard)
<Jim> (sighs) Anyway, why am I here you ask?  I am here to serve as 
control board for the theater, and to give brief comments.
(Stopped as JS puts his hand over his mouth)
<JS> (whispering) Shh!  I REALLY don't want to get on Peter and 
Ksawarrior's bad side.
<Jim> (shoves hand away) Why not? 
<JS> Lime and Ratchet.
(Jim stares in utter confusion)
<Jim> (turns to camera)The fic today is Red Rose Drops.good grammar and 
spelling.bad lemon.

(Seating arrangement.Alielle, Ranma, Solude, Kiyone, Fatora, Ryoko)
<Alielle> (holding onto Ranma's arm and smiling) Oh this isn't so bad 
is it?
<Ranma> (tears running down her face) Why me?
<JS> (through loudspeakers) Alrighty then, you guys ready?
<Straight> NO!
<Others> YES!
<JS> Good.  Red Rose Drops coming up!

>Disclaimer: I don't own Tenchi Muyo, blah, blah, blah!!!

<Fatora> Yakkity yak.
<Others> (dully) Don't talk back.

>Note: I am F.T.W. the infamous writer of The Jynx Saga and all related 
>Also I am Blut Und Rissen, 

<All> Bless you.

>I have no intention of finishing that series.
>Also one thing. Mr. Sinister (the author)

<Kiyone> No?  Really?  Not Mr. Sinister the plumber?

>is a bitch. He whines about MST's
>which is pretty damn annoying. And now for the fic. I thought a change 
>name would be nice. 

<Fatora> So it was originally "Blue Fish Scales."
(Others stare at her nervously)
<Guys> O_O;

>I also write under the name C.3.3. 

<Ryoko> The deformed brother of C-3PO.

>but I don't think any
>of his fics were ever posted. 

<Fatora> So why is this one here?

>Now, time for a Kiyone and Mihoshi lemon.

(Kiyone stares in shock at the last line, then silently weeps into her 
<Solude> (patting her back) It's hard coming out, I know.
<Kiyone> BUT I'M NOT GAY!
<Solude> Shh.shh.let's go talk about this somewhere else.

>There's not enough of em!

<Ranma> Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Southener writing this, we have 
a southener.
<Fatora> (rubbing chin) So there's going to be nasty things with horses 
and carrots.
(Others stare at her nervously)
<Ryoko> Where did that come from?
(She shrugs)

> Also I want to take a moment if I may to share
>something with everyone.

<Alielle> There shall be no use of any comma's in this story.
<JS> (in control booth [which, by the way is in the back of the 
theater, so they're watching this too])What was that thing Scimitar 
said?  "Does everyone that comes in here automatically know how to MST?

> Every night for I don't know how long I've been
>staying up every night staring at the ceiling worrying about death.


> I think
>I figured out the secret to beating this ultimate fear.

<JS> Waitaminute, was this sent after September 11?
<Jim> Uh.yes.
<JS> Then I have total respect for him.

>Death Is Like An Animal. When You Fear It, It Comes Faster. If You 
>Everyday To It's Fullest The Animal Is Slowed Down.

<Ryoko> Well this may work with gorilla's and bears, but this is 
something a little different we're talking about here.

>Thank You.

>Red Rose Drops

>Mihoshi: "Kiyone! Let's go play in the snow! It's so soft and fluffy!"

<JS> (as Kiyone) That isn't the snow Mihoshi.
<Fatora> The hell?!  He's here too?!
<Ryoko> We can't go anywhere without him following.

>Kiyone: "And cold! No way Mihoshi!"

>Mihoshi: "Aaawwwww......."

>Kiyone: "Why don't you see if Sasami will play with you?"

<JS> (as Mihoshi) But Ayeka's got her strapped to the bed and is.
<All in theather> YAY!  GO JIM!
(Jim does a couple bows as they cheer his name)

>Mihoshi: "She's busy cleaning."

>Kiyone: "Which is exactly what you should be doing."

<Kiyone> That's the last thing Mihoshi should be doing.
(Everyone makes sounds of explosions)

>Mihoshi's shoulders slumped low.

<Ranma> What would happen if they slumped high?
<Kiyone> That would be from standing on her head after I turned the TV 
upside down.
(Others stare at her nervously)
<Jim> (to JS) Should I call the ASPCA for cruelty to dumb animals?
<JS> (watching anxiously as Solude tries to get closer to her) I think 
this is punishment enough.

> She and Kiyone finally got some time off
>and Kiyone wouldn't even leave the room. 

<Fatora> They could do it right there.
<Alielle> (examining room) Feather bed, bottle of honey, strap-on.nope, 
all the accessories are right where you need it.
<Ranma> (sweatdrop) You seem to have experience in it.
<Alielle> (gropes her) Oh I've done it once or twice.
<Fatora> (to herself) Fifteen maybe.

>Without anything else to do Mihoshi
>started to pace across the room while Kiyone lay on her bed reading a 

<Kiyone> And that is all I SHALL be doing.

>Eventually, after about 12 minutes Mihoshi began to get an idea, 

<Solude> (as narrarator from Grinch) An awful idea.

>rather....risque idea. 

<Fatora> A r.a what?
<Alielle> Would that be pronounced ris-kay, or ris-ka?
<JS> Judging by how this is heading, I think it's ris-kay.

>She sat down on the edge of the bed and began to
>unbutton her shirt top. As it slid off Kiyone lowered her book to 
>watch her

<Kiyone> Why do they always refer to her as my "partner?" How about 
"women I'm stuck with for the rest of my life?!"
<Solude> Boy you really are stressed, how about a back rub?
<Kiyone> (glares at her) Fine, but don't try anything funny.
<Others> O_O!;
<JS> (leaning on the edge of his seat) And Kiyone has made the first 

>Kiyone: "You know Mihoshi...I know what you're trying to do...it's 
>pointless and childish."

<Fatora> (as Kiyone) You know I'm the first one to undress.
<Kiyone> Oh shut up!  Gee.that does feel good.
<Others> o_O;
<Jim> (to JS) Let's see how Vegetta's doing?
<JS> (almost falling off his seat) I don't think the readers want to 
see that.
<Jim> (pulls out a walkie-talkie and presses the button) Hello, Asuka.  
Yes.I just caught Joe going through your.
<JS> FINE! (turns around and presses some buttons)

<Harry> (with a black eye and several cuts) And so your honor, I revert 
your attention to the fact that a little girl CAN get pregnant through 
the use of magic.
<Jury> o_O;
<Goku> I'm confused.
<Vegetta> For once Kakarotto, I agree with you.
<Mini-Moon> (to Serena) What is he doing?
<Serena> (staring at Harry horrified) He's using the Sammy Defense.
<Harry> (walks up to his suitcase, and picks something out) The next 
thing may not be easy for most to handle, and I sincerely ask everyone 
in the jury to prepare anything to hurl in. (he holds the thing high) I 
give you Tank Cop's Sammy's Little Secret 5.
<Roshi> (covering his mouth) This courtroom shall be dismissed to take 
a three hour bathroom break.just enough time for our stomach's to empty 
out all the bile.
(Everyone sprints out the door covering up their mouths)

(JS and Jim stare in remote shock)
<JS> I can't believe he used the Sammy defense.
<Jim> (looks down into the theater) The girls down there have more luck 
than them.

>Mihoshi turned around slowly and began to tear up.

<Solude> (still giving Kiyone a back rub) Feel good?
<Kiyone> (dazed) Hmm-mmm.

>Kiyone: "I mean, c'mon. We've been dating for 2 years and you don't 
>think I
>can tell when your horny?"

(Kiyone face-faults)
<Solude> That ruined the mood.

>Kiyone put her book aside and began to tiger crawl over to Mihoshi. 

<Fatora> Wow, for a good cop you sure like to show your cleavage.
<Kiyone> Don't start with me.

>began to kiss Mihoshi's neck from behind slowly and started to go up. 

<Ryoko> (stares nervously back and forth and leans next to Kiyone) Are 
<Kiyone> (crying) WILL YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!

>put her hands on the sides of Mihoshi's shoulders and began to move
>backwards until she was able to pull Mihoshi to her back and had 
>access to
>her lips and breasts.

<Alielle> (reading something) Card key number.LE69DY. (she runs a card 
down Ranma's breasts) Access apporved! (lunges her face into.you know 
<Ranma> EAH! (falls backwards over her seat)

> When the blonde detective was settled her partner gave
>her a deep kiss on the lips and repositioned herself over the women's 

<Solude> So there's more than one Mihoshi?
<Fatora> More for all of us!

>Kiyone straddled her partner and began to undress herself. She slowly 
>her white sweater over her head and let it fall to the floor next to

<Ryoko> Holy shit!  Is that a third nipple?!
(Kiyone runs out of the room screaming)
<JS> Good going Ryoko.
<Ryoko> It was just a joke.
<Jim> She's going.she's rounding the corner.Kiyone has left the 
<JS> This is just great.  You five get something to eat, I'll call you 
back when we find a sixth.
<Alielle> Do you have any tuna?
<JS>.........Sure, it's on the third cupboard to the right.
<Alielle> Cool!  Come with me Ran-chan!
<Ranma> (tears streaming) Ran-chan.she's a lesbian Ukyo.
<JS> As for you readers, you can see how Vegetta's doing.

(All the jury members are in a separate room)
<Vegetta> (wiping his mouth off) I don't have any more organs to puke.
<Goku> Now I'm real hungry.
<Xellos> Are you never not hungry?
(Goku shrugs)
<Otaru> (also in jury) Listen, I just want to get home.  And I have my 
own problems then to worry about this.
<Trowa> You know, I'm tired of hearing your mouth you Quatre-wannabe.
<Otaru> What do you mean "tired of hearing your mouth"?!  That was the 
first time I spoke it the entire story.
<Trowa> Well it was enough for me.
(All the jury members began to argue)
<Vegetta> Shut your damn bickering you queer ass skinny boys!
<Otaru> Oh you shut up or I'll.
<Vegetta> You'll what?  Sprinkle salt on my ass AND EAT IT?!
(All jury members passively sit down)
<Vegetta> (vein popping out of forehead) Let's just get this over with.  
Did anyone pay attention to this stupid thing?
(Sounds of disagreement can be heard)
<Goku> I was too hungry to concentrate.
<Xellos> I was busy throwing up body parts I didn't know I had. ^_^
<Otaru> (blushing, tapping fingers together) I was thinking of someone.
<Hanagata> Oh Otaru.!
(He is blasted in the gut with a Gallic Gun, he makes a permanent mark 
in the wall.  Trowa knocks on the door, and Ashter comes in with a 
police uniform)
<Trowa> (points to Hanagata) Get that faggot out of here.
(He is carried out)
<Vegetta> So no one payed attention?
(Everyone shakes their heads, several seconds pass)
<Xellos> (reaching into pocket) So heads is for defense, and tails is 
<Others> Cool with me.

(Ranma, still female, is rummaging through some cupboards)
<Ranma> Where is it?  Where is it?  (finds a bottle of water) Ah hah!
(She takes it to a microwave and puts it in.  She watches happily as it 
rotates and begins to heat.  After several seconds, she pulls it out 
and dumps it on her, turning back to normal)
<Ranma> Ah, much better.
(Ten gallons of ice water are dumped on his head)
<Ranma> (female) That's cold!
<JS> (loudspeakers) Nice try Ranma, get back in there.

(In control room.)
<JS> I can't do it.I just can't do it.
<Jim> Would you rather bring Asuka back?
<JS> But my life is at stake if I get her!
<Jim> (quizzically) Which one?
<JS> (taps fingers together) Both of them.
<Jim> It's not like she hasn't hurt you before.
<JS> ...You're right. (turns to camera) Ladies and gentlemen, the next 
thing I'm about to do would seem stupid to most, but I have no 
choice.don't ask me why, I just don't.  So if you have anything to say 
to me right now, IM me.
<Computer> You got mail!
<JS>.That was quick. (clicks the mouse a couple times) Joe, you stink.  
Joe, you suck.  Joe, think of your own jokes instead of taking them off 
of others.  Joe, roll over and die.  Jor, sstop makieng fun of mee, 
<Jim> The hell?
<JS> Tank Cop.
<Jim> Oh.
<JS> (dully) And now, for your viewing pleasures.Miss.oh I'm gonna die. 
(The girls enter the theater, only to see someone already in there.)
<Alielle> Oh.hello.
<Ayeka> Good evening.  May I ask what I'm doing here?
(Ranma and Ryoko stare in horror at her)
<Solude> Gee, she's as flat as a.Mmmph! Mmm! Hmm!
(Ranma and Ryoko covered her mouth, she pushes them away)
<Solude> (blushing) Well, if you like bondage.
(Hit in the head by Ranma and Ryoko)
<Ayeka> (looks up at the screen) Oh no.
<JS> Um.Ayeka.I know you don't like me.very much.and you have your own 
problems.with Peter and all.and Ryoko's here too.not to mention three 
carpet munchers.
<Carpet Munchers> HEY!
<JS> Sorry.  So uh, please don't hurt me too bad.
<Ayeka> (smiles) Okay.
<JS> Really?
<Ayeka> (scotish) Really, really.

> She then slid her pants off and tossed them to the side as well.
>Now in only her bra and panties she sat staring at her partner 

<Ayeka> So who's doing who?
<Ryoko> Kiyone and Mihoshi.
<Ayeka> Ah yes, the two most famed female couple in the show.
<JS> (in pain) Next to you and Ryoko.
<Ryoko> Just wait until we get out of here.

>admiring her body. Mihoshi looked up nervously. She quickly undid her 
>and tossed it to the side. 

(The non-straight women watch Mihoshi's.she's throwing her bra away, 
take a guess what moving)
>Kiyone giggled slightly. Mihoshi was behaving as
>if this as there first time together. Mihoshi's breath became more 

<Fatora> So Dirty Cops was true.

>Kiyone, being the kind! person that she is bent over low to kiss 
>neck again. 

<Solude> She really must be kind.  The exclamation mark says so.

>As she did she began to move downward, planting gentle kisses
>every-so-often until she reached the Collarbone. 

<JS> (healed) Cool!  Threesome!

>When she reached this she
>began to nibble softly causing soft moans from her partner.

>Mihoshi: "Oh.....oh Kiyone....don't stop....please..."

<Ayeka> (as Kiyone) Keep talking like William Shatner and I will.

>As Mihoshi went on in her usual way Kiyone moved down further, 
>continuing to
>kiss Mihoshi's body until she reached the waist. 

(Alielle gives Ranma a weird look, her face turns red)
<JS> Come on Ranma, don't deny your insticnts.

>When she felt the kissing
>stop Mihoshi quickly looked down.

<Solude> (as Mihoshi) Kiyone!  Kiyone where are you?
(Others snicker)
>Mihoshi: "Kiyone what's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

>Kiyone: "Your pants are still on....just lay back Mihoshi...I'll take 
>of it."

<Ranma> (as Kiyone) Take two aspirin and mail me the five dollars.

>Making good on her promise Kiyone began to undo Mihoshi's britches and
>tossed them with the pile on the side.

<Fatora> The worst possible mix, a southener with British descendants.
<JS> (British accent) Another spot of tea my good fellow?
<Jim> (British accent) Oh you're too kind.
<Ayeka> I'm going to keep hurting him until he's dead.

> She quickly realized that Mihoshi
>wasn't wearing any panties as usual. Taking advantage of the situation
>Kiyone quickly shoved her tongue into Mihoshi's tender pussy as hard 
>as she
>could and began to go to work.

<Ranma> (makes noises of hitting metal) KLONG!
<Ryoko> Chastity belt!
<JS> (as Larry King) Yow!  Yow that hurts man!
(He ducks for cover, nothing happens)

> The faster Kiyone moved the faster Mihoshi's
>breathing became. Eventually Kiyone pulled her mouth away and inserted 
>index and middle finger.

<Fatora> (looks at her hand) Hmm, never used the index before. (others 
stare at her nervously)

> As she moved back and forth inside of Mihoshi, the
>tanned women began to shout very loudly with pleasure. With her free 
>Kiyone began to kneed her own cunt under her panties and began to 
>shout as

<Ryoko> (as Kiyone) RI-COLA!
<Ranma> (ditto) I'VE GOT THE URGE!
<Solude> (ditto) STOP, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!
<Alielle> (ditto) I.I got nothing.
<JS> (ditto, except more passionately) WHO PUT THE BOP IN THE BOP-SH-

>  Downstairs in the kitchen Sasami heard the shouts. Deciding it best
>to ignore she continued her chores with Ryo-ohki by her side.

<Ayeka> She knows about this.this worries me.

>Sasami: "I guess Kiyone and Mihoshi are at it again. They never seem 
>to pick
>a convenient time.

<Ayeka> When is a convienient time?
<Fatora> (smiles) Oh, any time's a good time. (others stare at her 
<JS> (healed) I guess it depends on the person.  Me, I'd have to be 
equiped with my camera.

> They're gonna bring attention to themselves and get in
>trouble....hmmm....Ryo-ohki I'm gonna go bust up the act before 
>someone else
>does. It's for their own good."

<Ryoko> That's what bothers me.

>Or so she said. Like any person Sasami had an ulterior motive for 
>busting in
>on the detectives.

(Ayeka stares in remote shock)
<JS> (as broadcaster) Miss Ayeka Jurai!  How do you feel about the 
aligations that your younger sister IS a lesbian?

> Recently Sasami had been noticing her body going through
>some changes. Her breasts were growing larger and a small patch of 
>hair of
>appearing above her nether regions.

<All> Her what?!
<Ranma> If a 'u' is where the first 'a' is supposed to be, I'll scream.

> She had also been noticing the other
>girls. Especially Mihoshi and Kiyone. She'd been noticing that when 
>were together in the baths she would feel a little funny inside and 
>would have to leave whenever they touched each other even if it was in 
>innocent way.

<JS> (pervertedly) Ayeka, you naughty girl.
<Ayeka> I do no such thing!
<Solude> (strokes her hair) It's hard coming out, just go with the-
<Ayeka> (Fatora and Ryoko holding her back from strangling her) LET ME 
<Jim> (ignoring JS's sizzling flesh) Ayeka, only women who can't swear 
even when she's on a killing streak.

> She also knew how Mihoshi and Kiyone were involved with each
>other. She knew the others weren't that way so this was her big 

<Ayeka> (praying) Please say she's going to kill them.  Please say 
she's going to kill them.

>slowly made her way upstairs, knowing she was safe. 

<Ayeka> (as herself) Hello Sasami, where are you going?
<Ryoko> (as herself) Sasasmi, what's up?
<Solude> (as Katsuhito) You all right Sasasmi?
<Fatora> (as Noboyuki) Sasami, heading to Mihoshi's room?  Me too!
<Ranma> (as Tenchi) Good morning Sasami.
<JS> (as Washu) Morning Sasami!  Going to join Mihoshi and Kiyone in 
their morning rouse?

>Everyone else with the
>exception of Washu was out at the store getting groceries. She simply 
>Ryo-ohki they'd bother the others to hide her motive. 

<JS> (healed) You can lie to me, you can lie to them, but never lie to 
the cabbit.AH!
<Jim> What's the matter?
<JS> (looking side-to-side) I thought I heard squeeky shoes!

>She held her breath
>and quickly opened the door to see Kiyone and Mihoshi completely 
>necking each othe! r furiously on the bed.

<Ryoko> How do you neck furiously?
<JS and carpet munchers (What?!  Would you rather me just plain out say 
it?!)> Come here and let me show you.
<Ryoko> (sulking in her seat) I deserved that.
<Jim> (to JS) I thought you liked Asuka.
<JS> No I LOVE Asuka.  She just isn't here right now, and.
<Alielle> (cutting him off) If you're not with the one you love, love 
the ones you're with.
<JS> Very good, considering you're the first to think it up.

> She cleared her throat rather
>loudly which caused, as Sasami planned, Mihoshi and Kiyone to stop 
>dead in
>their tracks.

(Everyone cocks their heads to adjust to the view)
<Ayeka> I didn't think body parts moved that way.
<Fatora> They don't.

>Kiyone: "Um.....um.....um...."

>Mihoshi: "Hi Sasami! Did you finish cleaning already?"

(Everyone face-faults)

>Kiyone let out a sigh as a result of her partners statement. Sasami 
>walked in without saying a word and closed the door behind her.

<Ranma> They were never heard from again.
<Others> (dramatic) BA-DA-DUM!

>Sasami: "You know...it's not a very good thing for two officers to be 
>same sex relations in the Galaxy Police. You two could be in a lot of

<JS> Sasami, blackmailing lesbian porn-star extraordinaire.
<JS> (in pain) I deserved that.

>Kiyone quickly jumped off the bed and placed her hands on Sasami's

(Somewhere in the distance, shocking can be heard while Kiyone screams 
in pain)
<Fatora> .......How far away can you shock people?
<Ayeka> (crosses arms) As far as I want to.

>Kiyone: "Please Sasami, don't tell anyone about this....please."

>Sasami looked into Kiyone's eyes for only a moment. Kiyone sunk into a 

<Solude> Oh that's just asking for a comment (glances at Ayeka) 
Although I'm not going to.
<Ayeka> (turns to control room) And someone else isn't going to either!
(JS gives the thumbs up from the ground)

>Sasami: "I have to. It's my duty as a princess and representative of 
>to report any problems with the Galaxy Police in this area."

<Ayeka> This story's a problem.
<All> AMEN!

>Kiyone's eyes filled with tears. She knew her career was over. Mihoshi 
>sat on the edge of the bed watching.

<JS> (as Mihoshi/Ed) Buttered toast.
(Others stare at him nervously)

> Sasami however pulled Kiyone's face
>close and acted as if she was going to whisper into her ear. 

<Fatora> (singing) Tell me all the things that I wanna hear cause it's 
<Others except Ayeka> (ditto) Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
<Fatora> That's what I like about you!
(Ayeka zaps everyone in the theater, in the background, you can hear 
Jim and JS laughing their asses off)

>Instead she
>kissed the detective on the lips and began to insert her tongue and 
>move it
>around, searching Kiyone's mouth.

<Ayeka> What's she trying to find?  Gold?
<JS> (high-pitched) That's my line.

> The blue haired detective's eyes shot open
>at the contact.

<JS> (healed) She's teal!  TEAL!
<Jim> My ear's are still ringing.
<JS> I didn't know your hair could get any more pointy.
<Jim> Shut up.
(Everyone else starts to get up)

> She began to push Sasami away but was met with resistance.
>When Sasami finally broke her hold she looked lovingly into Kiyone's 
>with a slight shade of pink blush on her face.

(Vegetta walks into the theater.not happy.  He looks at the girls, then 
at the horror show that's being unfolded.)
<Vegetta> Where's the jack-ass?
(Everyone points to the control booth, Vegetta heads out)

>Sasami: "I won't tell anyone....just don't turn me away now 
>Kiyone...let me
>do this one thing with you and Mihoshi...and I won't tell anyone I 

<Alielle> (holding up some newspapers) Extra!  Extra!  Read all about 
it! (stops when she notices Ayeka glaring at her)
>Kiyone looked to Mihoshi for advise.

<Solude> Everybody.one.two.three.

>Mihoshi: "Oh Sasami....of course! Come here!"

<All> (as and with Mihoshi) Oh Sasami....of course!  Come here!

>Sasami ran over to Mihoshi and leaped into her outstretched arms. 

<JS> (whining) Oh, this is just asking for a Bob and Tom skit.
<Jim> But nobody but you knows about them, and Ayeka would kill you.

>She began
>to quickly take off her clothes but left on her little cotton socks. 

<Ranma> Just thank God they're not wool.
<Fatora> What was that about?
<Ryoko> What feels like wool when not shaved?
(Others stare at her nervously)
<Ryoko> (sulking) I'll shut up now.

>she was fully undressed she sat in Mihoshi's lap. Kiyone just stood in
>amazement. That's all she could do.

<Ayeka> I can think of some other things to do.
<Others> Kill the author?
(Ayeka nods)

> Mihoshi and Sasami began kissing
>quickly. As they did so Mihoshi touched Sasami's neck with her finger 
>and slowly moved them down to her small breasts. 

<Ranma> At least he realizes they're small.
<Ryoko> Yeah, other writer's seem to think she's Naga the Serpent.
(Steam starts flying from Ayeka's ears)

>Sasami moaned into
>Mihoshi's mouth as the waves of electric pleasure passed through her 

<All except Ayeka> (singing) It's electric!

>Again Mihoshi began to move her hand lower until she felt a small bit 
>hair. Sasami broke the kiss and looked down at her pussy and Mihoshi's
>fingertips standing just above it.

<JS> (as Mihoshi's fingers) Time for some spelunking!  Who wants to go 

> Without warning Mihoshi stuck just one
>finger in. Sasami's mouth opened wide as a reaction. 

<Solude> And the product was.(stops as some steam hits her in the face)

>Mihoshi began to move
>her finger in and out of the princess. She out her free hand on 
>back and began to lower her on the bed. 
>Eventually after only a few moments
>Sasami's screamed as loud as she co! uld as she came on Mihoshi's 
>Sasami's eyes fluttered and she quickly fell asleep in Mihoshi's arms.

<Ayeka> I thought only men did that.
(A sandal hits her in the head, she turns around and glares at JS, 
looking guilty and dumbfounded)
<JS> (points to Jim) He did it.

>Kiyone: "Well that was easy enough."

(Everyone face-faults)

>Mihoshi: "Yeah...but it was fun....I'm sorry Kiyone...I'm a little 
>now...I think I'll just go to sleep with Sasami."

<Fatora> And then Ayeka walked in.
<Ayeka> Death followed.

>With that Mihoshi too drifted away into sleep. Kiyone shook her head 
>began to rub her own pussy as she looked down at Sasami.

>Kiyone: "Great, well I'm left out I guess."

<Solude> And who was the one who ran out of the theater screaming?
<Ranma> (pats her on the back) There, there.
<Solude> (hugs her) Oh you're too sweet!
<Ranma> ......WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!
<Ryoko> What's the matter?
<Ranma> AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (sprints out of the theater)
<Solude> Who's Akane?
<Fatora> An irrepresive bitch who's only good at killing people with 
her food.
(A mallet flies from the back of the theater and knocks her out)
>Outside a soft creak was heard. The sound of a door opening.

<All> (dully) Ha ha ha.

>The End For Now

>Next Fiction-A New Character With Ties To Both Washu And Sasami Makes 
>Scene In Red Rose Drops PT 2.

<JS> Oh no!  Not an SI!
<Ayeka> I will get out of here before I regret it.
<JS> One more for good luck Ayeka?
<Ayeka>..All right.
<JS> (in pain) Thanks.
<Ryoko> (gets up and starts to head out) I'll.just leave now.
(The door shuts and locks in front of her)
<Ryoko> (looks up to the control booth) Uh.guys.
(The three other girls looks at her with a hunger in their eyes)

<JS> So Vegetta, how was it? (he glares at him) That bad huh?
<Jim> What was the verdict?
(Vegetta mumbles something)
<JS> Oh, by the way, you got mail. (hands him a letter, he opens it up 
and stares in shock)
(The letter floats to the ground, Jim picks it up)
<Jim> (reading letter) You are required to attend the court hearing on 
who used who's voice first, Otaru Mumia or Quatre Rebarbre Winner.
<JS> .......Let's hope Quatre doesn't get a hold of a Gundam.
(Ryoko bursts into the room with a pissed off look on her face, her 
hair's mussed up, and her shirt is ripped)
(Vegetta just glares at her, Jim and JS scream like little girls)


And now, here are some notes from the author of the MST.SASAMI IS NOT A 

Eh-hem.  On further notes, I just used Tank Cop's story because frankly 
I didn't have any other place to put it.  My hard drive is almost up, 
and my closet has all my crap in it.  I do not believe one little bit 
of that God forsaken story.  As for Ksa and Peter, they're the best two 
MSTrs out there (to me at least), but what's the harm in a little fun? 
^_^;;;  By the way, does anybody know where they are?