Hello again, and welcome to Norad III, the MSTing Battlecruiser. As always, I do not own these characters, except for myself, and of course I don't own any characters in the MSTed fic. Megaman X belongs to Capcom, Washu Hibiki belongs to Pioneer, Meis Triumph belongs to Atlus and Red Company, Samus Aran belongs to Nintendo, and Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines First Company and Warhammer 40K belongs to Games Workshop. With that said, on to the descriptions of our heros, and then to the MST. Also, my spellcheck is broken, so there may be a few mistakes. You will also have to read my last MSTs to get some of the jokes in this one. NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 These are the tales of the crew of the Terran Battlecruiser Norad III. They were trapped there by Dr. Wily, who forces them to read bad fanfiction. And, just to give you an idea of what we look like, here are some descriptions. JS: Formerly a bald human seventeen-year-old, but was recently changed by Washu to have one attribute from each MST crew member. He now has an arm cannon called the J-Buster, a blue sword called the J-Saber, a helmet with ocular sensors in it, acid spit, and he didn't want anything from Meis. Megaman X: Last robot created by Dr. Light before his death. Now leads the Maverick Hunters thirteenth unit as Captain. Can interchange armor parts, and use a variety of weapons. Wearing the Ultimate Armor; a black and cool-looking armor that allows him to hover in midair, take lots of damage, and use a special Giga Attack. For this time around, armed with the weapons from Megaman X4. Samus Aran: A bounty hunter from deep into the galaxy, her family was killed in a space pirate attack. Wears a special suit of Power Armor that was built by the Chozo, or Bird-People. This version of the armor is the Varia suit. Armed with an array of different energy beams, that can charge up to become more powerful. Has optical sensors built into helmet for better sight in the dark. Hates all perverts, especially Meis. Washu Habuki: One of three Goddesses: Herself, Tokimi, and Tsunami. Self-proclaimed "Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe", and nobody except maybe Yume has the brains to contest that title. Wears her old Science Acadamy clothes, and is armed with her Holoputer. She is 20,000+ years old. Also has a small forcefield generator, because of a certain pervert's continued insults toward a certain purple-haired princess. Has her hair inside a hat, so that it doesn't catch on fire in case anyone decides to use fire weapons. Meis Triumph: Possibly the luckiest guy in the world. He has twelve beautiful women all falling for him, and he isn't afraid to date them all! Wears a cloak, goggles, white pants, and a brown shirt. Has his trusty W-Blade at his side, and also can call upon many powerful beasts of magic to aid him. (For example, if Samus was trying to kill him again, he would summon Aquoon, the water dragon.) Probably the biggest pervert in the world, and proud of it. Has a high threshold for pain, possibly because of the constant beatings he gets from the other MSTers. Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines First Company: From the year 40,000. Is second-in-command of one of the most powerful Space Marine Chapters in the galaxy, the Ultramarines. They are one of humanity's greatest achievements. He is eight feet tall, wears a suit of Terminator Armor.(Very large, bulky suit of all-enclosing mechanical armor, increases senses and reaction time one-hundred-fold.) Armed with a Storm Bolter(Huge double-barreled gun with detonate-on-contact ammunition) and a glowing blue Power Sword.(four foot long blade, with a matter-disrupting field around it. Basically allows him to cleave through anything) Has three hearts, four lungs, can spit acid, see in the dark, hear a pin drop from a thousand paces, run at speeds of up to thirty miles per hour, and can do just about anything else yo can think of, except fly.(Well, besides when Samus boots him up to the rafters, but that's not really flying) Also wearing an Iron Halo, which gives him a powerful forcefield. Also has two weapons chips; Rising Fire and Frost Tower. (Although he'll never use Frost Tower again) And the newest crew member, Chuck: An eighteen year old kid who is little taller than JS, with brown hair, a white shirt and combat fatigues, and a black belt in martial arts. Loves video games as much as JS, and can hold his own against Samus in combat. Sure, he's gotten charred a few times, but never mind that. --------Inside Meis's bedroom-------- (Thinking to herself) Now I've got you, you little pervert! (Snoring) zzzzzzzzzzzzzz............ (I wonder why there are a bunch of Z's above Meis's head? Oh well, won't matter in a minute. (Hovers above Meis and is about to shoot when....) zzzzzzzzz...Flareniel...zzzzzzzzz.......(A ginat fire-beast appears above Meis) CRAAAAAP!!!! *FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH* (Snickering) Hee hee hee... (Walking out of Meis's room, burnt) Grumble grumble I'll get him for this grumble grumble... >__< What's all the racket? ^__^ Oh, hi Samus! (Looks at her more closely) O__O; What the heck happened to you? MEIS! Oh, tried to kill him in his sleep again, did we? Grrrrr...... Well, back to bed. ---------Next morning-------- (Cheerful, having a cup of coffee) Hiya guys! (Everyone glares at him) What did I do? (Rings under her eyes) Whoa, that party we had last night was a killer. I think I'll be feeling the effects of that one for days! Eh, it wasn't too bad. It needed more drinks though. Yeah, it was pretty good. And why am I still here? Oh yeah, I forgot about you. 'Bye! WAIT! I never said I wanted to leave all you guys (And the free booze)!!! I guess you can do one more fic with us. Besides, I think Washu and X need a break after all the partying. (Waking up, and rubbing his helmet) Ungh....what did you say? Exactly my point. He's out of it. Now you two go rest some, and we'll cover today's fic. I wonder what it'll be about. --------Incoming transmission-------- I see two new people here! You two, why are you here? I'm just here for the Sake, nothing more. Well, and to MST a fic, I guess. And I'm the newest MSTer! Is it true you get all the cable channels?! Sure is. Well, I do like new blood, so I guess you can stay. ^__^ Yay! Although, after this fic, you'll wish you weren't here. O__o And why is that? Because today's fic is a AAA-Phucknut fic! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Who's AAA-Phucknut? You'll have to read his fics to understand how truly demented he is. Now get in there! (Everyone rushes into the theater except Ryoko, who is busy raiding the bar) HEY! Get away from there! (Sticks her tongue out at him) Don't wanna! (Grabs a couple dozen bottles of Sake and teleports into the theater) I can only wonder which one it is. Magical Girl Pretty NOBOYUKI!!! This can't be good. Ah yes, MGP Noboyuki, one of his more infamous fics. A senseless fic from a senseless person, AAA-PhuckNut !! I'd like to beat him senseless. Disclaimer: I dont own these characters, but AIC and Pioneer do. This fic contains sex so you have to be 18+ to read it. It's probably some sort of violent, weird sexual act. Tenchi and Ryoko lovers rejoice!! ^__^ Well, at least he's gotten something right. This isnt really related to the Pretty Sammy series, but Noboyuki goes insane, and I needed a funny title :P I don't like those kinds of emoticons. Well, can you make a stuck-out tongue the way YOU make emoticons? ..............I'll get back to you on that. ________________________________________________________________________ ___ Yet again it was just another normal day at the Masaki household. Tenchi just woke up to the sound of Ayeka and Ryoko fighting over him outside of his door, It's usually in the yard, not outside his door. Otherwise we'd blow him to smithereens! "God... Not those two fighting again!" complained Tenchi. "I know they're fighting over me.. I love them both equally though.. or do I? I seem so attracted to Ryoko for some reason. (Pointing finger to her chin) I wonder why. Maybe its because she never had anyone to love her, and I feel like it is my duty to show her affection, a feeling that no one has ever given her before." Boy, was that a run-on sentence. HEY! That's MY job! Tenchi said to himself. Great, now he's talking to himself. "Hmmmm..." Tenchi sighed. "Thats it! Today im going to show her that I truly love her and end this silly fighting!" exclaimed Tenchi. Yeah! Go Tenchi! Tenchi then got dressed and snuck past Ryoko and Ayeka who were too busy fighting to notice Tenchi. I guess that does happen a lot. On his way down to breakfast, a scary thought popped up in Tenchi's mind, (Tenchi) "Ayeka will kill me if I say I love Ryoko!" "Oh no! That bitch Sakuya still thinks I love her!! AARRGG!" Tenchi thought to himself. >__< ...............NO. (Whispering to Invictus) What's with him? (Whispering to Chuck) He's a Sakuya hater. \__/* DO NOT SPEAK THAT NAME IN MY PRESENCE! ^__^; Okay, okay! "Oh well.. HEHEHE I have the perfect plan!!" Tenchi said to himself as an evil smile crossed his lips. Just then, out of the blue, came Noboyuki wearing a pink tutu and holding a paper mache wand, (Clawing at faces) OH GOD, THE HORRIBLE IMAGES! "AHAHAHAH!! I AM MAGICAL PRETTY GIRL NOBOYUKI!!!! AHAHAHAHAH" screamed a very deranged Noboyuki. Well, that was expected, I guess. I am beginning to see why you do not like this AAA-Phucknut. "I WILL MAKE EVERYONE LOVE EVERYONE!!!! Now THAT is an impossibility. AHAHHAHAHA!!!" screamed MPGNoboyuki as he skipped out the front door and headed to the bus stop. ((MPGNoboyuki stands for Magical Girl Pretty Noboyuki, in case you didnt know :P) - AAA-PhuckNut) Duhhh, I'm a retard, so I didn't know! DER! And isn't it MGP, not MPG? "Oh Great!! There goes dad acting insane again!! That dirty bastard!" Tenchi yelled. To who? Tenchi ran to the kitchen and yelled to Sasami, Oh God, why does he have to involve Sasami in this?! "Sasami! Quick call the Shady Oaks Insane Asylum!! Isn't that name from the Simpsons or something? Dad thinks he's Magical Girl Pretty Noboyuki again!!" Tenchi beamed. >__< I think you've nailed it into our minds hard enough, thank you very much. "NOO!! Not again!! This could be dangerous!!" Sasami said. NOO? What's "NOO"? (TV commercial) Yes, it's NOO and improved! Even though that's a contradiction in terms! Sasami then called the Shady Oaks Insane Asylum, "Hello! and welcome to the Shady Oaks Insane Asylum automated commiting a person to the asylum hotline!" said a robotic recording. You would think they would have someone LIVING on the phone. "If you are being murdered by an insane criminal, please press 1 now." said the recording. (Recording) "And by the time we get to you, you'll already be dead!" "If you are the insane person, please press 2 now." said the recording. (Author) Okay, I'll press number two. (Thinking) Maybe he won't notice the number. AND he used a number instead of a word! >__< D'OH! "If Magical Girl Pretty Noboyuki is on the loose again, please press 3 now." said the recording Wow, that must happen pretty often, then. Sasami then pressed 3, "Thank you for choosing 3, please hold for an operator!" said the recording. This guy seems to be infected with Loreal's syndrome, too. Sasami waited patiently while some elevator played over the phone. Wow, that's one talented elevator! Finally a operator came on, "MGPNoboyuki is out again!!!" screamed the operator sounding very scared. Yes, this is a serious case of Loreal's syndrome. He's even beginning to use abbreviations when someone is talking! "Yes he just came out!! --Of the closet! He left the house and headed for the bus to Tokyo!" yelled Sasami. "OH GREAT!! THIS IS TERRIBLE!! Has he raped any small animals yet?!" said the operator. ..................... I do not like where this is heading. Luckily, I brought a handful of barf bags. (Drinking Sake madly) MUST GET DRUNK!!! "No, not that I know of.. But you better hurry before he does!!" Sasmi said. Evil twin of Sasami! *BAM* (Retracting fist) Stop saying that! (But it was too late) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!! Please, spare the hamsters! ________________________________________________________________________ _ MGPNoboyuki skipped along through the woods until he ran into a squirel, --And got rabies as a result, dying a horrible, foamy death. (Shaking head) U__U; He doesn't even know how to spell squirrel. How.............pathetic. "HELLO MR. SQUIREL!! (Gambit) He lowd, pedee! I AM MAGICAL GIRL PRETTY NOBOYUKI! I WILL SHOW YOU LOVE!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The squirel shrieked in terror as MGPNoboyuki grabbed onto the squirel, then he lifted his tutu and rammed his hard cock into the squirel's ass, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*pantpant*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*pantpantpant*AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAARRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" yelled MGPNoboyuki. He misspelled "HA". He spelled it "HHA". He is SO friggin' pathetic it's not even funny. Besides the fact that he seems to be into bestiality, and must also be gay. MGPNoboyuki's penis ripped through the squirel's entire body and popped out of the top of the squirel's head. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*pantpant*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*pantpantpant*AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAARRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then the squirels body split in half and squirel blood covered MGPNoboyuki's cock. Ewwwwwwwwwwww. MGPNoboyuki then took the squirel's body and happily ate it, Double ewwwwwwwwwwww. "IT IS MY DUTY TO SHOW LOVE TO ALL THE CREATURES OF GODS PLANET!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. If that's love, then I'm a midget. He then skipped off down the trail to the bus. (People on bus, badly dubbed) OH NO, IT'S MAGICAL GIRL PRETTY NOBOYUKI!!! (Continues to move mouth until Samus thwacks him) \__/* I think you've made your point. ________________________________________________________________________ __ "Well, I guess we shouldn't worry too much now, Sasami." said Tenchi. "Yeah, I guess so.. The insane asylum should take care of everything." said Sasami. "But dont you remember what happend last time?" said Sasami. (Tenchi) Yeah, he misspelled "happened". "Yeah I know, it took 15 men to stop him from raping all those people in Tokyo, they practically beat him to death with night sticks." said Tenchi. I would've continued to beat him until he was dead, so that it would end this NIGHTMARISH FIC! "Well I hope they can fix him permanently this time!" exclaimed Sasami. "Me too. Well I have to go take care of some business, Ill see ya later Sasami." said Tenchi. So, now Tenchi's ill? "Ok Tenchi see ya later!" Sasami said. Tenchi then left the kitchen and headed up the stairs to Ryoko's room. Tenchi arrived at her room and opened the door, and she wasnt there, Then I suddenly appeared behind Tenchi, and glomped him. "Hmm, she must be at her favorite tree, ill go there." Tenchi said to himself. I didn't know she had a favorite tree. And I guess Samus was right, he IS ill. Tenchi then went downstairs and headed out the door, avoiding Ayeka, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. Tenchi got outside safely and went to Ryoko's favorite tree, and he saw her laying up there on a branch, "Wow, she is so beautiful." Tenchi thought to himself when he saw her. ^__^ Maybe this AAA-Phucknut guy isn't so bad! Two words: Squirrel rape. >__< I take back everything I said. "Hey Ryoko!" yelled Tenchi. Ryoko turned her head towards him, and then she saw it was Tenchi and she said, "Oh hi Oh hi oh, Tenchi! Tenchi!" then she teleported down next to him. "What brings you here?" asked Ryoko when she got next to him. (Tenchi) Oh, nothing much. I just want to have hot, passionate sex with you right here and now! Damn skippy! "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me, because I have to tell you something. (Tenchi) I love you with all my heart, Ryoko! Like he's really smart enough to decide--GACK! (Holding Meis by the collar) What was that?! ^__^; Oh, nothing, nothing. "Ok, sure." Ryoko said, sounding a little bit suprised. They started to walk down a trail that leaded into the forest, then Tenchi spoke up, "Ryoko, what I wanted to tell you was that.. umm.. I..." Stutter, stutter! Ryoko's heart started to flutter when she heard him say this, Yes, it's true, I'm a butterfly. "I love you!" exclaimed Tenchi. SMOOCHY SMOOCHY! *BAMBAMBAM* OW! U__U* Don't do that again, JS. "Oh Tenchi!! You dont know how long I have waited for you to say that!! I love you so much too!!" exclaimed a VERY happy Ryoko. Yes, I'm VERY happy! They then hugged each other and gazed into one another's eyes. Their faces slowly came closer and closer together until their lips were touching, then they went into a deep kiss. As they kissed, Ryoko moved her hands all over Tenchi's chest, slowly moving downward untill she put her hands into his pants and massaged his growing erection, "Oh TENCHI!! I want you so bad!!" exclaimed Ryoko. (Ryoko) I want you so bad that I'm using bad grammar! "oh umm.. HEHE.. umm HEH." said a very nervous Tenchi. STUTTER, STUTTER! Ryoko then teleported them both to Tenchi's room, and she layed him down on the bed and she started to strip, That was a run-on sentence if I ever saw one. "mmmmmm.." Ryoko moaned as she stripped her clothes off. Whoa, Ryoko! You're THAT sensitive?! >__<* I don't know what this author is talking about!!! "My god.. she is so fucking gorgeous!!" Tenchi though to himself. And now, it's the Out of Character Show! With your host, Tenchi Masaki! Ryoko finished taking her clothes off and started to take Tenchis off. Is that pronounced Ten-kis? I'm pretty sure that he just forgot to put an apostraphe there. She took his pants off and then got on top of him, stradling his waist. I wish I was STRADDLING his waist! Slow down there, tiger! She then slowly sat on Tenchi's cock, sliding it up her wet, tight, virgin pussy. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *KLONGKLONGKLONGKLONGKLONGBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM* I_AM_NOT_A_SLUT!!! (Badly bruised) @__@ Okay, okay! "oooohhh Tenchi, ive always wanted my first to be with you." said Ryoko. (Try to stifle laughter) Grrrrrrrr....... "Ive always wanted my first to be with you too." said Tenchi. now THAT I can understand. "Wow she's a virgin?? I never would have guessed that by the way she acts!" Exactly! \__/*** SHUT UP AND DIE!!! *BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM* ^__^ Ouch! Is he a masochist? Yes. ^__^; Reeeeeeeally now. I'm not lying. O__o Oh..... Tenchi thought to himself. Ryoko started to bounce on him faster and faster, BOINGY! BOINGY! BOINGY! "RYOKO!! YES!!!" screamed Tenchi as he blew his load into her. KABOOM! Ewwwww. "OOOOOHH YESSSS TENCHIIIIIII!!" screamed Ryoko as she orgasmed shortly after Tenchi. And Ayeka walked in, saw them having sex, and flash-fried them. Then they slowed down and got off each other and went into a deep kiss, "I love you so much!" said Ryoko. "I love you too Ryoko, that was soooo good..." said Tenchi. To quote Vegita from Joe's group, "He went for romantic, but overshot and hit crap." Then they kissed each other some more and eventually fell asleep... And, as I said before, Ayeka walked in, saw them naked, and flash- fried them. ________________________________________________________________________ ____ MGPNoboyuki neared the bus stop, he had already raped 3 squirels, 2 dogs, and a goat, WHERE THE HELL CAN YOU FIND A GOAT IN A JAPANESE CITY?! "NOW I WILL GO TO THE CITY AND SHOW LOVE TO EVERYONE!!! AHAHAHHAHAHA!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. Please God, don't have him rape any people. Or, if he does, have them pull a forty-caliber out and blow his head off. Just as he got close to the bus stop, he saw the all to common sight, to him, of the white paddy wagon with its sirens on speeding his way, Just like on Looney Toons! "THE ANTI-LOVE MEN HAVE COME TO STOP MY LOVE!! I MUST RUN!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. Oh geez, the "anti-love men"? This guy is scaring me. He then ran back as fast as he could to the house. When he got to the house and came to the front gate he saw Azaka and Kamidake. Please tell me he's not going to have sex with a floating log. "AHAHAHA!! I MUST SHOW MY FRIENDS LOVE!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki as he headed right towards Azaka. Aw, crap. "Ah, greetings sir!" said Azaka as MGPNoboyuki headed towards him. "Um sir? May I ask why you are wearing that womans dress?" asked Azaka. (Noboyuki) Because I'm in a AAA-Phucknut fic! Me so craaaaazy! "I WILL SHOW YOU LOVE MY LOG FRIEND!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. OH GOD, NOOOOOO!!! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Azaka screamed. That sounds like a sigh of contentment. MGPNoboyuki quickly grabbed ahold of Azaka, and plunged his penis into Azaka's little electric eye thingy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!! His penis shattered the glass eye, and destroyed all the electronics inside. That's one powerful penis. Why do you have to be so disgusting? ^__^ It's my job! MGPNoboyuki was in pure ecstasy as the broken glass and sharp electric components ripped up his penis. O__O! By the Emperor! Is he a minion of Slaanesh or something? What the hell is Slaanesh? It's the Chaos god of pleasure. His minions are VERY sadistic. ^__^; Riiiiiiight. Blood started pouring from his penis, Ewwwwwww. "AHHHHHHHH-----" was all Azaka could say before he lost power. Oh my God, he killed Azaka! YOU BASTARD!!! Kamidake was smart and already ran away when MGPNoboyuki attacked Azaka. MGPNoboyuki pulled his penis out of Azaka and cried at what he saw, I would cry too if I just lost the thing I hold dear most. "NOOOOO MY LOVE STICK HAS BEEN DESTROYED!! HOW CAN I SHOW LOVE TO EVERYONE NOW??!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. ................... "Love stick"? Jesus Christ, what a friggin' wacko! MGPNoboyuki's penis was a bloody mangled mess of shreds of skin and stuff. "And stuff". I'm no expert on the male anatomy, but isn't it only a piece of skin? (Shake their heads) "I GOT IT!! I WILL JUST MAKE MYSELF BECOME REBORN SO I WILL HAVE A NEW LOVE STICK!!!!" exclaimed a very happy MGPNoboyuki. Y'know, this guy must be impervious to pain, because if I had my privates cut off, I'd be rolling on the ground, screaming my head off in pain! T__T REALLY?! Let me test your theory! (Tries to grab Meis) O__O! EEK! GET HER AWAY FROM ME! MGPNoboyuki then ran into the house and into the kitchen, where Sasami was, OH MY GOD, NO! STAY AWAY FROM HER! "Oh no!!!! HES HERE!!!" screamed Sasami, unfortuneatly no one heard her. "YOU WILL HOLD MY REBORN FETUS!!!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. (Glowing bright red) rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... O__O! Samus, go and get Washu right now! I'm on it! (Runs out of the theater) RRRRRRRRRRRRR............ I hope she makes it in time! What are you guys talking about? Last time someone did something like this to Sasami, JS transformed into a giant demon and nearly destroyed the ship. O__O! Yep, and only Washu can stop him. (Samus comes rushing in with Washu in tow) OH NO! He's starting to change! RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!(Transforms into Belarius) I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS IMPUNITY! THIS AAA-PHUCKNUT WILL DIE!! I know what I can do! (Types on her Holoputer for a few seconds, and a giant hole appears below Belarius) WHAT TRICKERY IS THIS?! (Starts falling into hole, then floats back out with his wings) JS, sweetie, calm down! If you don't stop, you'll destroy the ship! I CANNOT ALLOW THIS HORRIBLE MISTREATMENT OF SASAMI GO UNPUNISHED! (Comes walking in, sleepily) =__=* What's all the racket?! (Looks at Belarius) O__O! It's HIM! Shhh! I'm trying to calm him down! Now JS, do you really want to kill us all? NO! BUT I MUST GET MY REVENGE! Okay, then go in that hole. It should take you to AAA- Phucknut's home. I THANK THEE FOR THINE HELP, M'LADY! (Teleports out of the ship) Phew, that was a close one! I'll say. I'm tired, so I'll go back to bed. (Leaves the theater) There needs to be six MSTers, so you'll have to stay Washu! Crap! He then grabbed a knife and sliced his scrotum off. He took his nuts and broke them open and grabbed onto Sasami and shoved them up her pussy, (Throw up) BLEAAARGH! Geez, I wake up and almost immediately I throw up! That was absolutely disgusting! Now I see why JS wants to kill him. "OH GOD HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" screamed Sasami. "AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA!!!!! NOW TO GO BECOME REBORN!!!" screamed MGPNoboyuki. MGPNoboyuki then ran out of the house with the knife and stabbed himself in the head so that he could be reborn. YES! The bastard died! Then knife punctured the side of his skull and went straight through his brain, he died a few seconds later. GOOD! Of course, he was insane and he wasnt reborn.. REALLY GOOD! ________________________________________________________________________ _ Tenchi woke up and looked over to see Ryoko still asleep. Just then Ayeka burst POP! into the room and saw a naked Tenchi and Ryoko hugging each other in bed. I wonder why she burst into the room? "YOU DEMON!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO TENCHI!!" screamed Ayeka. "AYEKA!!" Tenchi yelled. "Its.. its not her fault Ayeka.. I love her Ayeka.." Tenchi confessed. And the repetitiveness appears. Ayeka ran out of the room crying and ran out of the house past Noboyuki's bloody corpse, not even caring about it. Ayeka headed out into the woods and found a tree and sat by it. Wow, two run-ons in a row! "WHYYY!!! WHY DOES HE LOVE HER!!!!!!" screamed Ayeka. "How could he fall in love with that... that.. that DEMON!!" screamed Ayeka. I'm beautiful, that's why! Ayeka cried some more, then decided that she didnt belong here anymore. "He doesnt love me.. he loves HER.. I dont need to stay here.. IM LEAVING!!" yelled Ayeka. I don't think this guy knows what an apostraphe is. And at that she went back to the house and found Sasami balled up in a corner crying her eyes out, "Sasami!! Lets go we are leaving!!" yelled Ayeka. Ayeka then grabbed Sasami and they left, never to return. GOOD! Well, except for Sasami. ________________________________________________________________________ __ "Theres still one thing I have to do, my love" Tenchi said to a sleeping Ryoko. END THE FIC! "I must KILL THAT SAKUYA BITCH!!" Okay, maybe not. screamed Tenchi, almost waking Ryoko up. Tenchi then went to the phone and called up his 'old friend'. It MUST be someone from the Yakuza. "Hello? God father?" said Tenchi. That's the Mafia, not the Yakuza! "hmm Tenchi is that you?" said the voice with a heavy italian accent. And a raspy voice, but never mind that. "Yes, it is I, I need you to 'take care' of someone for me." Tenchi then told what he wanted to his Italian friend. Yes, we get the point that he is an "Italian friend". ________________________________________________________________________ ___ Sakuya sat in her shitty little hovel she calls home, thinking about Tenchi, when she heard a knock on the door. Sakuya went and answered the door and saw 2 tall, strong looking, italian men wearing very expensive looking suits, and black sun glasses. JS would be dancing a jig right now, if he were here. Remember, he's off killing the author. ^__^ Oh, yeah! "Good day miss, you must be Sakuya?" said the first man. "Yes my name is Sakuya. May I help you?" said a puzzled Sakuya. "Would you please come with us? A man named Tenchi would like to see you." said the man. That means, "We'd like to take you out to a yacht, put you in wet cement, duct tape your mouth, shoot you in the arms and legs, bash your spine in, strap a bomb to you, and feed you to the fishes." Sakuya didnt want to go.. but then she heard him say Tenchi wanted to see her, so she went with them. They arrived outside and they went over to the shiny black car, with black tinted windows. She got in the back and noticed there was a driver already waiting in the car. (Ominous music) BUM BUM BUMMMMM!!! The ride was totally silent untill they reached their destination, but Sakuya was puzzled.. "Why are we at the docks?" asked Sakuya. It seems I may be right after all. "Your friend Tenchi is waiting for you on a yacht out at sea, we will get on a boat and head out to him." said one of the men. "Oh ok." said Sakuya. They hopped on a motor boat and headed out to the yacht. They finally arrived at the yacht. "Come, your friend awaits you." said one of the men. This is so boring and predictable. Sakuya and the men stepped off the boat and onto the yacht. "Please wait here while I go and get him." said one of the men. Ho hum. The man walked around to the other side of the captains area. "Please follow me." said one of the men standing next to Sakuya. "Ok." said Sakuya as she followed him. They headed around to the other side where the other guy had gone, then Sakuya noticed a box with what looked like wet cement inside it. (Look at Chuck) "What is that? It looks like cement." asked Sakuya. All of the sudden one of the men grabbed Sakuya and shoved her feet into the wet cement. Hey! I was right! "AHHHHHHH!!! what are you doing!!" screamed Sakuya. Then one of the guys stuck duct tape over her mouth. Then all 3 of them pulled out their pistols and started shooting her in the legs, filling her legs with hot lead. (Stare at Chuck) "MMMPPPPPHHH" Sakuya screamed in pain. Blood poured from her legs, then one man grabbed a crowbar and started to beat her in the spine with it. (Gaping at Chuck) The sound of bones cracking could be heard very clearly. Then they strapped a bomb to her that was set to detonate when her heartbeat slowed almost to stopping, but not quite. (Bug-eyed at Chuck) They shot her in the arms some more, then threw her into the ocean once the cement dried. (Screaming at Chuck) HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW ALL THAT?! I dunno. Lucky guess? She sunk like a rock, screaming all the way down, she started losing oxygen quickly, and her blood filled the water, her heart slowed way down and then the bomb detonated filling the water with blood and chunks of her body. That......was ONE sentence. Scary! Then extremely hungry sharks arrived and ate her remaining body parts. That was the end of Sakuya!! ((YES AHAHHAHAHAHAAH!!! SAKUYA THE BITCH IS DEAD!!! HAHHHAHAHAHA) - AAA-PhuckNut) (Sarcastically) Gee, you think this guy hates Sakuya? ________________________________________________________________________ ____ Tenchi and Ryoko were married and lived happily ever after, having 8 kids. That's a lot of kids! ________________________________________________________________________ ____ THE END YAAAAAAY! Dont forget to join my chat room if ya want!! We don't wanna! Just connect to a DAL.net server and join WE DON'T WANNA! #Ryoko Yeeeeeees? See ya there! Send all comments to: viperz00@winfire.com Yeah, he's going to win some fire alright, straight from my storm bolter! And my AC! And my Flareniel! And my energy beams! And my.....and my......crap, I don't have any special stuff! --------All exit the theater-------- Washu> I guess we should wait around for JS to come back, huh? Yeah, probably. (JS appears, VERY badly burned) What the hell happened to you?! _SOMEONE_ TELEPORTED ME INTO THE SUN!!! ^__^; Oops, hehe. So, how was the rest of it? Well, he killed Sakuya in a horrible and gruesome manner. WHAT?! GODDAMMIT, I MISSED THAT! OF ALL THE ROTTEN LUCK! I don't think I can stand another one of Wily's fics, so I'm outta here. (Tries to teleport, but can't) HEY! What the hell? NO TELEPORTING! Oh yeah, I have to send you back. Okay, say "I love Jamie and want to marry him". Fine, fine. "I love Jamie and want to marry him". Why hasn't it sent me back? ^__^ Oh, I just wanted to hear you say that. Okay, I'll send you back now. (Ryoko disappears) I don't know if I want to stay, either. I mean, that was pretty disturbing. Fine, if you want to leave, just ask. GET ME OUTTA HERE! Okay, okay! (Chuck disappears) Looks like it's back down to us six again. Yup. Okay, so what do you rate it? Horrible. Very strange and disgusting. An abomination! Just plain freaky! And, what I saw, it was vomit-tastic. The End Jamie here. I know this guy tries to be funny, but he winds up just being disgusting. I guess if you have a sick mind like him, it's a real laugh-a-minute. There are some parts which could be counted as funny, but in a gross sort of way. I know this guy's fics, and he aims to disgust every time. Jamie out.