Hello again, and welcome to Norad III, the MSTing Battlecruiser. As always, I do not own these characters, except for myself, and of course I don't own any characters in the MSTed fic. Megaman X belongs to Capcom, Washu Hibiki belongs to Pioneer, Meis Triumph belongs to Atlus and Red Company, Samus Aran belongs to Nintendo, and Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines First Company and Warhammer 40K belongs to Games Workshop. With that said, on to the descriptions of our heros, and then to the MST. Also, my spellcheck is broken, so there may be a few mistakes. You will also have to read my last MSTs to get some of the jokes in this one. NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 These are the tales of the crew of the Terran Battlecruiser Norad III. They were trapped there by Dr. Wily, who forces them to read bad fanfiction. And, just to give you an idea of what we look like, here are some descriptions. JS: Formerly a bald human seventeen-year-old, but was recently changed by Washu to have one attribute from each MST crew member. He now has an arm cannon called the J-Buster, a blue sword called the J-Saber, a helmet with ocular sensors in it, acid spit, and he didn't want anything from Meis. Megaman X: Last robot created by Dr. Light before his death. Leads the Maverick Hunters fourth unit, as Captain. Can interchange armor parts, and use a variety of weapons. Wearing the Ultimate Armor, a black and cool- looking armor that allows him to hover in midair, take lots of damage, and use a special Giga Attack. For this time around, armed with the weapons from Megaman X2. Samus Aran: A bounty hunter from deep into the galaxy, her family was killed in a space pirate attack. Wears a special suit of Power Armor that was built by the Chozo, or Bird-People. This version of the armor is the Varia suit. Armed with an array of different energy beams, that can charge up to become more powerful. Has optical sensors built into helmet for better sight in the dark. Hates all perverts, especially Meis. Washu Habuki: One of three Goddesses: Herself, Tokimi, and Tsunami. Self- proclaimed "Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe", and nobody except maybe Yume has the brains to contest that title. Wears her old Science Acadamy clothes, and is armed with her Holoputer. She is 20,000+ years old. Also has a small forcefield generator, because of a certain pervert's continued insults toward a certain purple-haired princess. Has her hair inside a hat, so that it doesn't catch on fire in case anyone decides to use fire weapons. Meis Triumph: Possibly the luckiest guy in the world. He has twelve beautiful women all falling for him, and he isn't afraid to date them all! Wears a cloak, goggles, white pants, and a brown shirt. Has his trusty W- Blade at his side, and also can call upon many powerful beasts of magic to aid him. (For example, if Samus was trying to kill him again, he would summon Aquoon, the water dragon.) Probably the biggest pervert in the world, and proud of it. Has a high threshold for pain, possibly because of the constant beatings he gets from the other MSTers. Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines First Company: From the year 40,000, is second-in-command of one of the most powerful Space Marine Chapters in the galaxy, the Ultramarines. They are one of humanity's greatest achievements. He is eight feet tall, wears a suit of Terminator Armor.(Very large, bulky suit of all-enclosing mechanical armor, increases senses and reaction time one-hundred-fold.) Armed with a Storm Bolter(Huge double-barreled gun with detonate-on-contact ammunition) and a glowing blue Power Sword.(four foot long blade, with a matter-disrupting field around it, basically allows him to cleave through anything) Has three hearts, four lungs, can spit acid, see in the dark, hear a pin drop from a thousand paces, run at speeds of up to thirty miles per hour, and is about the most loyal person to the Emperor of Humanity you can find. Also wearing an Iron Halo, which gives him a powerful forcefield. Just so you know, this is a little storyline for the cast. If you don't want to hear it, skim down until you get to three lines of dashes. (Hunched over computer screen) Hey guys! Come have a look at this! What is it? I've found the blueprints for this Battlecruiser! Does...does that mean..WE CAN GET OUT OF HERE?! Possibly. Washu, You're in charge of designing an escape pod. X, You'll be a welder, as will you, Zero. Invictus, you'll be a laborer, and Meis, you'll do all the dangerous stuff. Aw, do I have to? What else are you good for? ....I'll get back to you on that. (Thinking) Maybe, just maybe, he'll kill himself. Then I'll be rid of him once and for all! (Out loud) BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! O__o Huh? Oh, did I laugh out loud? Oops, silly me! Heh, heh, heh. ^__^; What did I tell you about "heh"ing? I know, I know, it creeps you out. So, shall we get started? Wait! Don't make any sudden movements. You do remember Wily is monitoring us, right? So, what are we gonna do about that? That's where you come in. Use your arm cannon to take out all the security cameras on this level of the ship. Can do! (Runs off) When she's finished, which should be about *CHOFCHOFCHOFCHOFCHOF* now, we start the construction! (Typing on holoputer) Analyzing the resources we have at our disposal, we can make an escape pod out of Twizzlers, Sno Caps, or Gummi Bears. That's not good enough! Can't you scavenge some metal from the ship? We could, but the pod would only be big enough for one person. We'll need a lot of Titanium alloy to build one for all of us. Dammit! (Pondering) Hmmm... What are you thinking about, Jim? *BLAMBLAMBLAM* OW. (lowering J-Buster) GODDAMIT DON'T CALL ME JIM!!! Anyway, Washu, come up with a list of what and how much of it we need. I'm going to go check the other levels for some Titanium. (Walks off) Boy, ain't he just Mr. High an' Mighty! *BLAM* PAIN! I can still hear you, Meis. Well, I'm off. We should hurry, before Wily gets his lackeys down here. --------Switching to JS's POV-------- Boy, it sure is dark in here. What level is this? Fifth? And how many more till the storage bay? A hundred?! Dammit, I've been sitting in this stupid elevator for two minutes! (Music starts playing) OH NO! NOT ELEVATOR MUSIC!! NOOOOOOOOOO! --------Back to the others-------------- Huh? What was that noise? Oh well, probably nothing. We're going to need at least two tons of Titanium for this escape pod to work. I just hope JS can find some. --------Back to JS----------------------- I am NOT listening to this crap music! Where's that damn speaker?! THERE IT IS! *BLAMBLAMBLAM* (The music wavers, then dies) Ah, peace at last! So, what floor am I on now? Hmmm.the sixtieth? Good, good. -----Yet again, back to the others---- Analyzing data..COMPLETE! Now we have a definite list of supplies we will need to build the pod. So, what will we need? Let's see...two tons of Titanium alloy, sixty pounds of Pop Rocks and twenty gallons of Coca-Cola for propulsion, a glass disc so we can see out of the pod, and food for us while in the pod. -------------you know------------------- FINALLY! Got to the storage bay! Now, where's some Titanium alloy? AHA! Good ol' plot device! There's some right there! (Starts walking towards it, but is suddenly blocked by two figures) Aye? An' who are yoo? I'm nobody. And if you want to press the issue further, You're going to get real intimately acquainted..with what your BRAINS look like! You're not getting past us! (starts neighing) Oh, am I? (Starts blasting at the figures) DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!! (The dust settles, and Duff Mcwhalen is the only one left standing) Ye missed me, keedo. Looks like yer arse is oot the windee! OHBOY. *BAMKICKWHOMPSMACKTHUDPOW* GET HIM OFFA ME!!! ----------Back to the others------------------------ Hmmm..I wonder how JS is doing? ----------Back to a very badly beaten JS--------- Well, I don't know what's more humiliating. Being beaten by a whale, who by all rights should be beached, or not getting the Titanium alloy. I guess I'll have to go back to the others and say that we can't build the pod. (Leaves and goes back to the others) I couldn't get the Titanium alloy. WHAT?! It's guarded by some big whale guy. That bastard Duff! I'll get him for this! I guess we can't build the escape pod. Right. So, with that little side-story accomplishing absolutely nothing, on to the MST! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- I hope Wily isn't too pissed about us destroying all the security cameras. JS!!!!!!!!!! Did YOU do this?! Uhhh...no! It was her! (Points to Samus) Why you little traitor! C'mere! (Starts chasing after JS) Well, just for trying to escape, I'm going to give you a little treat! CANDY?! No, something much MUCH worse. A Tank Cop fic. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not "Sammy's Little Secret"! No, it's not that. Although, I might have you do that one in the future. This one isn't a lemon. (Running from Samus) Oh, so it's just a badly-spelled fic. That's all? It's called, "Kain's Revenge". It's a very BAD darkfic. Great, just what we need. Samus, calm down. Fine, but I WILL get you for this. Well, get in the theater, before I have Duffy come down there. EEK! Okay, okay! -------All enter the theater-------- Disclaimer: I love Tenchi Muyo, but I didn't come up with them. So don't sue me. Wow, what an intelligent disclaimer. I love the Tenchi Muyo villains even more then I love the heroes. Could that be why this fic is called "Kain's Revenge"? It takes a good villain to make a great hero. My two favorites are Nagi and Kain. Nagi HOMINA HOMINA! *BLAM* Settle down, tiger. - Has a darker hate for Ryoko, then Ryoko has for her. Kain - Is the embodiment of pure evil, dedicated to one goal and one goal alone, the complete destruction of the house of Juria. What the hell is the house of "Juria"? My mom got a letter telling her that she had "Juria" duty. This story is dedicated to Kain, one of my favorite villains. As I said before, could that be why you called this fic "Kain's Revenge"? If you want to see my other favorite villain Nagi. Then read my series "A Matter of Life or Death." Coming in mid August or early September. I know you'll love it. If you mean "love" in a hate sort of way, then yeah, we'll love it. Warning: If you are offended in any way by the deaths of any Tenchi Muyo characters. Then you should not read any further. This is NOT a good sign. Note: This is a Dark Fanfic which mean it has death, murder, bad word, ect. WOW! It has ONE bad word! It also has bad SPELLING! by Tank Cop (KsaWarrior, old geezer) EVIL! Kain's Revenge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sasami enter Washu's subspace lab. The little crab on the door rings! How exciting! RING, RING I know I'm gong to get shot by JS for this one, but...RING RING RING! RING RING RING! PHONE CALL! PHONE CA-- *BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM* (Falls unconcious) NEVER make ANY Pokemon references in my presence! "Washu its time for dinner." Not a single comma or apostraphe to be seen for miles around. Sasami calls out, but no one answers. "Washu where are you, hello." I think I'm getting dumber just by reading this. Duh dur duhhhhh.... She ventures even deeper into her subspace lab. Until she comes apon TYPO! (Begging) PLEASE don't point out EVERY spelling mistake! Sorry, it's my duty as an MSTer! a strange blue ball (or sphere if you want). The ball vibrates with a strange blue glow (like in Star Wars 1, you know the one Boss Nass held up at the end). This man's idiocy is painful. It almost seems alive! (Sarcastically) WOW! "What a pretty ball." I think Sasami is portrayed as a raging idiot in this fic. Sasami walks over to the ball and holds it in the air. Suddenly, the ball gives off a burst of energy. "AAAGGGHHH!" Sasami screams in pain and falls unconciseness on the floor. So she's not concise anymore. Is that too bad? Well, at least he's staying in one tense. THUMP Hours later. "Sasami...Sasami...are...you...ok? Can...you...hear...me?" It..is I....William.............................Shatner. Sasami slowly opens hear eyes and sees Washu kneeling infront of her. I think there is supposed to be a space in between "in" and "front". "oh Miss Washu I'm..." --Going to be killed off early, don't you wish you were me? Sasami fades once again out of conciseness. So, she became concise again? Washu takes Sasami in her arms and takes her to her room. To WHO's room? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aeka stands outside Sasami's room with a wet wash cloth while Washu tells her what happened. "It seems that Sasami touched some kind of alien device that caused her to lose conciseness for several hours." I can't believe this person can't spell the word "concious". "Is she going to be ok?" Aeka asked. She'll be fine, she just has a very bad headache. She'll need some aspirin and some sleep, that's all." "Can I see her?" Aeka asks. Washu nods. "Yes, you can see her, but don't stay to long she needs her rest." He used the wrong "too". Aeka walks into the room and sits down on the bed next to Sasami. "Hi Sasami, how are you feeling?" Sasami opens her eyes. "I'm just fine Aeka. What happened to me, and why do I have a horrible headache?" Didn't she just say she was fine? Aeka giggles. "You mean you don't remember what happened to you!" --She asked without a question mark. Sasami looking confused. Tank Cop IS Shampoo. "No, I can remember going into Washu's subspace lab, then the rest is a blur." "Well, from what Washu tells me is you touched something you weren't supposed to touch." Bad Sasami! Bad bad! Sasami sits up in bed. "Is Washu mad at me?" No, I'm not. Because you touched that ball, you're going to be mercifully killed off early. Aeka shacks her head. (Singing) LOVE SHACK! BABY, LOVE SHACK! "No, she's not mad at you, but in the future you shouldn't touch what you don't understand. Now take some aspirin and go to sleep." Yes, it's true. Aspirin cures everything from a headache to a concussion from "shacking" your head too much. Sasami takes two aspirin with a glass of water and lays down. Then Aeka kisses her on the forehead. Aeka then turns off the lights and leaves the room closing the door behind her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Around 1 a.m. Here we go with the numbers instead of words again. Sasami started to whine in pain and speak out loud. "I won't let you hurt them!" A strange voice comes from within Sasami. "You can't stop me girl, its futile. I will take your mind, body, and soul by killing you very soon!" Could Kain talk? I'm pretty sure all he did was growl and moan. A powerful shock wave comes from Sasami that causes the glass of water to shatter. POP! Sasami then jumps up in bed drenched in sweat. Sasami runs down stares to get a dust pan and a broom. When Ryoko Who The Who! just happened to be fixing a late night snack, saw her. "Hey Sasami I thought that you were asleep with a bad headache. So what are you doing up?" Sasami with a tremble in her voice. "I had a bad dream and must have knocked the glass of water in my room on the floor, and now the floor is covered with glass. The run-ons, oh God the run-ons. I don't want Ryo-Ohki to get glass in her feet when she wakes up in the morning." Ryoko puts her snack aside and walks over to her. "Is that all, come on kid I'll help you clean up that mess." "Thanks Ryoko." Are you sure this is Tank Cop? There haven't been many errors yet. Maybe he has finally learned about the miracle of the spellcheck. Well, at least this isn't "No Need for Extream". That was all just one big typo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sasami's headaches got worse as the days went on and the nightmares got more, and more intense. Then one day the nightmare became real. The others were outside playing ball, when. "Sasami its me the bad dream of yours, its time to die!" She looks around but sees no one. "Where are you, what do you want?" "I am Kain, and you are what I want!" In seconds Sasami's body erupts in a burst of energy as she screams. "AAARRRHHH!" (Pirate) Arrr...arrr.. OH. MY. GOD. HE KILLED SASAMI! (Twitching) I now have a newfound HATRED for Tank Cop. The force of energy released from her breaks every window in the house at once. POP POP POP POP POP POP POP!!! CRASH Bandicoot! Tenchi looks back at the house. "What the Hell was that!" --He asked without a question mark AGAIN. Aeka with a look of fear. (Mihoshi) And who are you again? Oh, I'm just Look of Fear. "Oh my God, You killed Sasami! You flaming bastard! Sasami's in there!" They get in the house to find that every room in the house is covered with glass. Then they get to Sasami's room to find Ryo-Ohki crying over Sasami, laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. (Stunned silence) Aeka grabs Sasami off the floor and rushes her to Washu's subspace lab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - An hour later, Sasami's body lays dead on a table in Washu's lab. (Stunned silence) While Washu try's It's an extra apostraphe! to calm down a hysterical Aeka, (Ayeka) COOCOO FOR COCOA PUFFS! COOCOO FOR COCOA PUFFS! Kain takes control of Sasami's body and stands up. Washu and Aeka see the body of Sasami rise. Washu and Aeka are astonished by what just happened, approach Sasami. Then Sasami lifts up her head to show that she is no longer Sasami! And we now see the true nature of Tank Cop begin to show. What do you mean? He's starting to use a lot of exclamation points. Her eyes have turned to an emerald green color and her voice has changed to sound like Kain. I can't really remember, but aren't Kain's eyes black or purple or something? Washu and Aeka take a step back. Aeka asks Sasami what's wrong. "Sasami what's happened to you, are you ok?" "I'm sorry Sasami can no longer hear you, she's dead!" Oh, I am SO going to kill this guy when I find him. "Who are you?" Aeka demands. "I am Kain or what's left of him. Still no commas in sight. After my last battle I was badly wounded and needed some place close to the ones who had stopped me to rest, so I changed into that energy sphere. Never mind the fact that he was utterly annihilated by the Dimensional Cannon. Then when Sasami touched me I was able to assimilate her, by taking her life force and growing in strength." I'm pretty sure Tsunami would have stopped him. Washu walks up to Aeka. "We have to get out of here now Aeka!" Kain seeing that they were trying to leave blocked there exit by using his power to pick up a computer and flinging it against the door. "Going somewhere are you!" He may have learned the power of the spellcheck, but he still hasn't learned about question marks. Washu thinks of another way out. "Quick to the transporters (yes, I know how stupid that sounds, but its all I could think of)!" Washu turns back to see Aeka looking strait at Kain. Like the Bering Strait? Kain looks at Aeka and laughs. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! How heroic your going to die for someone that no longer exists!" I think I see a comma on the horizon...nope, just a tumbleweed. And usually, you don't put commas in while the character is laughing. Aeka with her power fully charged. "Give me back my sister you Asshole! Notice how he capitalized "asshole". Or by God I'll..." "What kill me, go ahead I'll just find a new host." Washu grabs Aeka. "He's right, she's gone. We have to go before Kain finds a way to reach full power." Aeka takes one last look at her sister then gets to the transpoter and is beamed outside the house where the others are sitting on the porch. Yet another run-on. The others run up to her to see if she's ok. "Aeka where did you come from, and what's going on?" Ryoko asks. Then Aeka yells out. "KAIN'S BACK AND HE'S KILLED SASAMI! WE HAVE TO GET AWAY FROM THE HOUSE NOW! RUN, RRRUUUNNN!" (Pretending to run away from an exploding car in slow motion) NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! They all run, but the only thing that went threw Aeka's mind --Was the baseball bat that was just thrown at her. was, where's Washu? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Washu was setting the transporter to take her out, when Kain, who is still in Sasami's body grabs her by the neck and rams her against a wall! I didn't know Sasami's hands were that big. Good, I'm going to be killed off early, also. I wouldn't be so sure. Remember, he used Sasami as a host body. He'll probably do the same to you. Aw, crap! "Now tell me you witch, how to get my old body back and at full strength, or die!" Washu looks at Kain then spits in his face! (Kain) GAAAAH!!! You spit gum in my eye! AAAAAAAAAA!!! "Fuck you! I'll never help you, you Bastard! YEAH! GO ME! You may have killed Sasami and taken her body, but there's no way in Hell that I'll never help you! So go ahead and kill me!" Kain looks at her and laughs. "Ha, ha, ha! You don't need to be alive to give me what I want, I'll just assimilate you and take what I need, I was right! just like that little weak Sasami!" Nevermind the fact that she was a goddess. And with that Kain puts Sasami's hands on Washu's head and a blue energy, much like lighting leaves Sasami's eyes and enters Washu's. Then Washu is assimilated. (Sarcastically) Wow. Washu screams out in pain. "AAAARRRRHHHH!" (Pirate Washu) Avast ye mateys! Then Sasami's body falls lifeless on the ground. The Kain, Who's "The Kain"? I think he meant "Then Kain"? now in Washu's body speaks. --To Sasami's dead body because there's nobody else around. "No more need for that lifeless shell anymore. Now onto the remake of my old body." Kain using Washu's mind starts to create a new body. So, now he can use the minds of the assimilated? Not to mention, he can assimilate in the first place? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yosho looks out the window of Mihoshi and Kiyone's apartment O__O! What the HELL is he doing there?! and thinks of what has happened up till now. It has been three days since Kain killed Sasami and maybe Washu as well. We are all staying at Mihoshi and Kiyone's apartment. Oh. Aeka has not said a word since we got here, I think the shock of what happened to her sister has caused her to break down. Ryoko is all primed for an attack on Kain. I have never in all the years that I have known her, I have never seen her so sad! Oh she hides it behind anger and rage, but I know that she misses Sasami, just as much as we all do. TANK COP WILL BURN!!! Ryo-Ohki has not stopped crying since we arrived here. She won't even eat a carrot. She just sits in the corner with a picture of Sasami and crys. Mihosi and Kiyone have been trying to call the rest of the Galaxy Police for assistance, but can't get a transmission out. (TV Commercial) Yes, it's the new and improved KAIN! He now has the power to assimilate, block radio frequencies, survive a galaxy-destroying blast, and do just about anything else this stupid author wants! We can't even leave the planet! There's some kind of energy field surrounding the planet. It must be Kain, he doesn't want use to leave. That's a new one. It seems that Kain has become Green Lantern or something, because now he can make energy fields. Tenchi has told me about Kain. How it was Kain who caused my daughter Achika to die at a young age. I will avenge Achika, Sasami and Washu by sending this demon strait to Hell! There's a strait that goes to hell? Thank God my son-in-law is out of town on business. Suddenly, there is a bright flash in the apartment and the whole group was transported to the front of the house! (Mock amazement) oooooooooooooo... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kain, who is still in Washu's body looks at every one. "Well, well. Nice of you all to come, this will make killing you all so much easier!" Aeka looks right at Kain. "What do you want Kain?" "I want you all to witness the rebirth of my old self before I kill you all!" Just then the ground begins to shack (Singing) LOVE SHACK! BABY, LOVE SHACK! and the house explodes! POP! KA-BOOM Then a strange black mass starts to cover Washu's body. Then a few seconds later its over. YAY! I don't think he meant the fic was over. CRAP! The black mass starts to form into the body of Kain. "Ha, ha, ha! I won't need this anymore." Washu's body is pushed out of Kain, then lays dead on the ground. "Now you die!" MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The others stand ready to fight to the death. Within seconds Tenchi, Ryoko, and Aeka have switched into full battle suits, just like the last time they fought Kain. Then Yosho and Tenchi activated there Light Hawk Swords, I don't remember there being TWO Light Hawk swods, do you? (All shake their heads) while Ryoko powers up her sword, and Aeak O__o Who the hell is "Aeak"? readies her power. Mihoshi and Kiyone ready themselves too. Oh please, that's like shooting ping-pong balls at an elephant. All you're going to do is get it pissed off! Then they attack, first Ryoko with a few energy blast's, One too many apostraphes. then Aeka with a force field boll I didn't know she could make Weevils with her power! intent on crushing Kain. But it didn't work. Kain was able to rip threw the force field like it wasn't there, and the energy blast's He still thinks that apostraphe belongs there! didn't even faze him. Aeka is knocked to the ground by the force field exploding. Kain then try's This guy must have an apostraphe fetish or something. to smash her but Tenchi jumped in and got her out just in time. "Are you ok?" Tenchi asks. "Yes, but he's to strong, we can't win." Tenchi looks at Aeka then looks at Kain. He sees that the others are doing there best but he knows its not going to be enough. Then he gets an idea. He take one last look at Aeka. "Aeka remember that what I do, I do for the world! I will always love you." BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, my sides! That's some funny shit! Watch your freakin' mouth! With that Tenchi kisses Aeka then runs at Kain, cuts a hole in his stomach to get inside Kain and then activates his Light Hawk Wings! Which would have instantly swiss-cheesed Kain, but I bet Tank Cop doesn't know that. Kain's body starts to glow blue with energy released by Tenchi, its more then Kain can take. "NNNOOO! I can't end like this, not like this!" ECHO! ECHO! Echo! Echo! The mighty Kain explodes in a burst of energy so bright it can be seen from space! KKKAAA-BBBOOOOOOMMM Noooo, you do it like THIS! *KRAKA-BOOOOOOOOOM!!!* After the dust clears, there is nothing left but an empty creator and Tenchi's Light Hawk Key. I do think it's called the Master Key, not the Light Hawk key. Aeka looks at the creator that is left where Kain and Tenchi once stood. She runs to the crater, kneels down, grabs the Key and crys. WAAAAAAAAAH!! "TENCHI NNNOOO! JS, if you do that slow-motion thing again, you're going to have one less arm. EEK! OH GOD NO NOT YOU TOO, OH PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" She just sits there on her knees with the Key in her hand and crys. While the others join her. And I leave. And the others join me. SIT DOWN! Its over Kain is dead, but at what price. Looks like he used up all his apostraphes. And he didn't use a question mark. (END) YAY! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I hope you enjoyed reading my story, I just love Kain. I think that was blatantly obvious. Yes, I like dark Fanfics I think that they are the best kind of story. You freakin' Goth! Now now, don't insult the Goths. Please read my series coming out in two or three months. Please E-mail me what you think about my story, I want your opinions. After we're done, He's going to regret ever saying that. ---------All exit the theater----------- Of course, there's the review part. So, Washu, how did you hate it? Well, all I can say is I got killed off early and didn't have to suffer the rest of the horrible fic. It flat out sucked. Then again, ANYTHING by Tank Cop sucks. I'll have to agree with X on this one. It was just plain disgusting. He gave Kain too many new powers. Yes, he HAS to do something to poor little Sasami in ALL of his fics, whether it be a lemon or darkfic. So, what do we do now? I think we should just go back to our rooms and serve our sentences for trying to escape. Fine, fine. If you weren't such a wimp, we could've--*BLAMBLAMBLAM* Ouch. Now, anyone else want to say something about me not beating Duffy? (Quickly) No. Good, good. The End. Hello all, it's me again. I just want to express my personal opinion about this fic. It was HORRIBLE! Even though he didn't screw up as many times as I thought he would, it was still badly written. Kain never had all those powers, and even if he did, he never showed them in the movie. I'll be back with another MST soon, be sure to check it out!