Hello again, and welcome to Norad III, the MSTing Battlecruiser. As always, I do not own these characters, except for myself, and of course I don't own any characters in the MSTed MST, or the MSTed fic. Megaman X belongs to Capcom, Washu Hibiki belongs to Pioneer, Meis Triumph belongs to Atlus and Red Company, Samus Aran belongs to Nintendo, and Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines Third Company and Warhammer 40K belongs to Games Workshop. No offense to the MSTer that I am MSTing for using their characters a few times. Also, my spellcheck is broken, so there may be a few mistakes. You will have to read my last MSTs to get some of the jokes in this one. And lastly, I encourage anyone who is interested in comedy, to buy a copy of The Reduced Shakespeare and Co. videotape. It is absolutely hilarious! With that said, on to the descriptions of our heros, and then to the MST of an MST. NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 These are the tales of the crew of the Terran Battlecruiser Norad III. They were trapped there by Dr. Wily, who forces them to read bad fanfiction. And, just to give you an idea of what we look like, here are some descriptions. JS: A seventeen-year-old kid with a somewhat muscular build, pretty fast, and tall. Bald because of an incurable disease, and proud of it! Armed with only his fists and a broadsword. Black glasses, a South Park hat, and black sweatpants. Also wearing a grey shirt that says, "Beer: Helping ugly people have sex since 1862" Megaman X: Last robot created by Dr. Light before his death. Leads the Maverick Hunters fourth unit, as Captain. Can interchange armor parts, and use a variety of weapons. Wearing Gaea Armor, a grey-and-white super-dense armor that is slow(But who needs speed when you're sitting inside a theater?) but very protective. Can be hit with a large amount of punishment before any serious damage. Has an arm cannon called the X-Buster. For this time around, armed with the weapons from Megaman X5. Samus Aran: A bounty hunter from deep into the galaxy, her family was killed in a space pirate attack. Wears a special suit of Power Armor that was built by the Chozo, or Bird-People. This version of the armor is the Varia suit. Armed with an array of different energy beams, that can charge up to become more powerful. Has optical sensors built into helmet for better sight in the dark. Hates all perverts, especially Meis. Washu Hibiki: One of three Goddesses: Herself, Tokimi, and Tsunami. Self-proclaimed "Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe", and nobody except maybe Yume has the brains to contest that title. Wears her old Science Acadamy clothes, and is armed with her Holoputer. She is 20,000+ years old. Also has a small forcefield generator, because of a certain pervert's continued insults toward a certain purple-haired princess. Has her hair inside a hat, so that it doesn't catch on fire in case anyone decides to use fire weapons. Meis Triumph: Possibly the luckiest guy in the world. He has twelve beautiful women all falling for him, and he isn't afraid to date them all! Wears a cloak, white pants, and a brown shirt. Has his trusty W- Blade at his side, and also can call upon many powerful beasts of magic to aid him. (For example, if Samus was trying to kill him again, he would summon Aquoon, the water dragon.) Probably the biggest pervert in the world, and proud of it. Has a high threshold for pain, possibly because of the constant beatings he gets from the other MSTers. Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines First Company: From the year 40,000, is second-in-command of one of the most powerful Space Marine Chapters in the galaxy, the Ultramarines. They are one of humanity's greatest achievements. He is eight feet tall, wears a suit of Terminator Armor.(Very large, bulky suit of all-enclosing mechanical armor, increases senses and reaction time one-hundred-fold.) Armed with a Storm Bolter(Huge double-barreled gun with detonate-on-contact ammunition) and a glowing blue Power Sword.(four foot long blade, with a matter-disrupting field around it, basically allows him to cleave through anything) Has three hearts, four lungs, can spit acid, see in the dark, hear a pin drop from a thousand paces, run at speeds of up to thirty miles per hour, and do just about anything else you can think of. Also wearing an Iron Halo, which gives him a powerful forcefield. -Inside Norad III's rec room- (Sparring with Invictus, who has exchanged his power sword with a broadsword) God Damn you're fast! How do you think I could have survived for four hundred years if I wasn't this quick? Good point.(Gets broadsword knocked out of his hands) Crap! Nobody can best a Space Marine in close combat! You lose! I will have to do some tests on Invictus later. ^__^; At least get his permission before you do. Fine, fine. That's the twelfth time you've beaten me! Well, what do you expect? You're just a normal human, and I am a genetically-enhanced superhuman! Brag, brag, brag. Is that all he ever does? No, he also says some disgusting comments and gets booted up into the rafters. =__= oh, yeah. -----Incoming Transmission----- It's time for another MST! *Groan* This time, you're MSTing an MST of a non-lemon! Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're MSTing someone else's MST? Yep. I decided that I should give you something a little milder, but not too easy. So, as normal, get your snacks while you can, 'cause once you go in, you can't come out until it's done. (All grab snacks and go inside) (With a mouthful of Sour Patch Kids) Tho, what ith thith one called? (Eating a Twinkie) It's called, "No Need for Twelve More", whatever that means. (Eating a Ho-ho) Maybe it's about the twelve days of christmas. "No need for twelve more"-MSTed MSTed, and then MSTed again! (I don't own anything, if you sue me you won't get anything, the original fic was by "Tia~Sailor Nova". I don't recall there being one called that. It's a name some fangirl came up with. I am too lazy for a story. (Reduced Shakespeare and Co.) "Right, we'll cut that and go straight to the good part." O__o; Um, what good part? I dunno. Crono (me), Vegita, and Magus are back in yet another MST.) Gee, think this guy likes Crono Trigger? And here I was, thinking Crono was a mute! Crono Cross SUCKED! That was out of the blue. Well? It had nothing to do with the original story. By: Shawntia Key Where's the lock you put her into? Lame. Chapter 1: Yes, I am from the Ultramarines, one of the first Chapters of Space Marines. Not that kind of chapter, you idiot. It's another day in the Masoki home. AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that's a good one! I wonder where the Masoki residence is. It is obviously nothing like the MASAKI residence. Well, there's your bad story beginning. What do you mean? "It's another day in the Masaki home." One of the most common beginnings. Of course, I'm not one to talk, because in my story, Warhammer 40K Muyo, that's how it starts out too. But then it changes dramatically. Stop plugging your own fics! Heeheehee.. Well, I guess this is going to be long as hell, because being the nitpicker that I am, I'm gonna have to pick out EVERY typo! The birds are singing, Sasami and Myuka Evil clone of Mayuka! I thought you were a fan of Ksa and Peter. But I am! Then stop stealing their material! Watch your mouth, or I'll turn you into a water sprite! No, no, no, no, NO. It goes like this: (Ralph Wiggum) I have a leprechaun friend, and he tells me to BURN things! are playing in the yard. Ryoko's sleeping on the roof, She sometimes hangs out there, you know. Ayeka's watching a sop opera on the television, Hey Invictus, what exactly is a sop? Ummmm, maybe some kind of mop? Will wonders never cease! What do you mean? An MSTer has been infected with the bad spelling virus, transferred from the author! (Dr. Evil) Riiiiiiiight. Washue's Bless you. down in her lab. Tenchi's was pulling out carrots with Ryo-ohiki. Justice friends, ASSEEEEEMBLE!! White Tiger! Vaaaaaaalhallen! Speeding Bullet! Miss-Spell! Capital G! SAM!--R!--I! Phan-Tone! The Infraggable Krunk! Major Glory! Aaaaand, Ohiki.I mean, TIKI TORCH! O__o;;;;;; Okaaaay.. True dat. Everything just seems fine, well shored of. (Old hick) Everyshing jusht sheems fine, well shored of, shonny. "Sasami, what's that big shinny thing in the sky?" Not by the hairs on my shinny shin shin! It's chin, you moron. And you don't have hair. You're a robot, remember? I. AM. NOT. A. ROBOT!!!!! TRI-THUNDER! *KRRRZZZZZZZAAAAAAAP!* (Twitching) Ouch. This is your last warning! "I don't know, I'll go get Ayeka." Sasami yelled running inside the house. "Ayeka, Ayeka, something really big's in the sky." A giant WHAT? Sasami yelled pulling her sister to the door. (Ayeka, being pulled by Sasami) Sasami, I never knew you were this strong! "Calm down Sasami I see it. I'll go ask Washu NOW he gets my name right. to take a look at it." Okay, that didn't even make sense. Ayeka said pulling away from her little sister. When Ayeka got to the door she knocked on it very softly. Actually, it's more like FOUR planets worth. After four times of knocking she walked inside. When she entered the room it was completely dark only showing a bit of light from a far corner. Ayeka followed the light until she was inside a room she had never witness before. HEY! I was going to say that! When she was inside completely she saw Washu sitting on top of a little table. Oh, come on! I would be sitting on a cushion, or something! Ayeka walked closer to her and began to call her name when she saw someone's hands around her. I hope it's Tenchi's! "What is she doing?" We don't want to know. Exactly! Ayeka wondered as she listened closely. After a couple of moments of waiting she began to hear a little laughing and kissing. I thought Wily said this wasn't going to be a lemon. You retard! Just because there is kissing in it, doesn't mean it's a lemon! Well, whenever me and Sodina kiss, it always winds up like that. =__= We REALLY didn't need to know that! SMACK! SMACK! (As Ayeka) And why the heck am I asking all these questions? I can't let this continue."