I do not own any characters in this MST, except JS. Megaman X is property of Capcom, Samus is property of Nintendo, Meis is property of Atlus and Red Company, Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines 1st company and Warhammer 40K are property of Games Workshop. Oh yeah, Washu Hibiki is property of Pioneer. I think that's all of them. Also, my spellcheck is broken, so I might screw up in some places. NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 My inspiration to become an MSTer came from Ksawarrior, Peter Suzuki, The Mysterious Bumblebee, Jim-Ohki, and the crew of the Winner Queen. HALLELUJAH! They are FINALLY making new episodes of Tenchi Muyo! This is the tale of the passengers on the cursed battlecruiser, Norad III. These are the MSTers: Jamie Sherman, AKA JS age: 17 height: 6' clothing: Black sweatpants, a blue t-shirt that says: [Stop inbreeding! Ban country music!] Armament: Absolutely nothing Warhammer 40K fanatic through and through, also a major otaku Megaman X age: 35 height: 5'8 clothing:Falcon Armor Armament: X-Buster, Z-Saber Captain of the Maverick Hunters 4th regiment, saved world from Sigma multiple times Samus Aran age: she's not telling height:5'7 without power suit, 8' with power suit Clothing: Power suit Armament: Arm cannon, bombs, hyper jump Most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy Meis Triumph age: 18 height: 5'3 clothing: his cloak, brown pants, white shirt, and goggles Armament: the W-Blade Saved the world from the evil Dark Emperor, has a tenchi complex(about 12 girls are after him) however, he is not afraid to date them. "Little" Washu Hibiki age: 20,000+ height: varies hairband, Science Acadamy clothes Armament: her Holoputer Greatest scientific genius in the universe Captain Invictus, of the Ultramarines First Company age: 325+ height: 8'2 clothing: Adeptus Astartes MK7 Blue Power Armor with Bionics and Terminator Honors Armament: Power Sword and Plasma Blaster Led the final assault against the Tyranids forces attacking his home world of Macragge, killed in the battle. (inside Norad III) Yeah, what is up with that? I'm supposed to be dead! Why am I standing here now? I have teleported you here seconds before your death. No matter what, though, when you go back, you WILL be torn in half by a Hive Tyrant. THAT'S how I die? Well, you DO take it down with you, enabling your battle brothers to finish the rest of the Tyranids off. As long as I don't die in vain, I have no regrets. Okay, changing the subject, because most people won't know what the hell you're talking about................ (to everyone) So, I asked Wily if we could have some more comfortable living areas on this ship, and this is what he came up with! (Opens some double doors and inside are six doors to different bedrooms, an arcade, a bar with Zero as the bartender, a nice 8 seated dining table, a gym, a couple barrelfuls of Legos(TM) a snack machine with about a million different snacks and sodas, and some gaming tables for playing Warhammer and Warhammer 40K.(just because I like those games) WHOOOOOAAA!!!! Zero? Is that you? Yeah, it's me. Since Wily created me, I have to work for him, no matter how degrading the job. Well, that sucks. Maybe you can MST with us sometime? I dunno, I hear you MST some pretty bad stuff in there. Yeah, well, it is kinda fun, especially when you can't throw up like the rest of the MSTers.(all except Zero glare at him) Oh yeah, Wily gave me this to use on you.(pulls out a raygun and zaps X) Okay, what was that supposed to do? You now have a stomach, so you can suffer with the rest of us. OH NO!!!!!! (to everyone except X and Zero) Now, let's all point and laugh! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Very funny, guys. Zero, why did you do this to me? Hey, like I said, Wily controls me, so I have to do whatever he tells me to. Well, I am going to turn in for the night. Yeah, me too. Me three. Why don't we all go rest for a little while and check out the new rooms we now have. OK. Wait, why are there 8 seats at the dining table? There are only six of us! I dunno, maybe we'll find out in the morning. -----Next Morning----- Testing, one, two, three. Testing, one, two, three. This is a test of the emergency GET THE HELL OUTTA BED YOU'VE GOT AN MST TO DO test. SHUT UP!!!!!!! I'm serious, get out of bed or I'll electrocute you. Okay, okay. You too, JS. *Shnork* JS!!! *Snooooooore* Okay, you asked for it. *BAZAPAZAPAZAPAZAPAZAPAZAPAZAPA* WHA?*ZAP*WHAT THE HELL?*ZAPAZAPAZAPA*YEEEOOW!!!! Okay, fine, I'm getting up! (JS walks out of his room in his Pjs. He hears a faint screaming noise, but ignores it.) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!!!!(Slams into JS) (simultaneously) OW! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!!!! Me? I just walked out of my room when you came flying into me! (stuck to JS) OH LITTLE WASHUUUUUUUU!!! What do you need? Get him offa me!!! Oh dear. hold on a sec, 'kay?(she leaves and comes back with an RC car.) What on Earth is that for? Watch and see.(throws the RC car at the tangled mess that is JS and X, and is almost blinded by the flash of light that follows) AAAAAARRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!! Good, just as I thought. When Wily electrocuted you, he caused a massive buildup of static electricity. That's why X flew into you, JS. And now, we have an eternally powered RC car! WHEEE!! Maybe I should get up when he tells me to, or this could happen every morning. You mean that happened because you tried to sleep in?*THWACK* Idiot. OW! Okay, maybe we should get on to the MST, don'cha think? Agreed. -----Incoming message----- Ok, you are about to MST a Sasami Lemon. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! And what's worse, it's a three parter. Dear God WHY?! Yeah, even I'm not THAT sadistic. And that's saying something! No kidding. Get your snacks and drinks while you can, because once you go in, you're not coming back out until it's done. -----All grab snacks and rush into the theater----- Well, lets get this over with. Hey, how did you get that beer? You're not supposed to have that!*THWACK*WHAP* OWWWW!!! Trust me, never piss Washu off. (Mortal Kombat voice) it is about to begin............ Hi there! This is the third part of a 5 parts story. Hey, I thought Wily said it was a three-parter! Maybe he meant only three parts have been done. So, the story is about 5 body parts? Or what? It is also my first attempt at writing something in English (I'm French), therefore there might be some errors in it. Bonjour! (MK voice) It has begun........ Cut that out! Legal stuff. What a descriptive disclaimer. I don't think it has begun yet. But I already said it has begun........ (levels armcannon at Invictus's head) I'm warning you! Hmph. Being pushed around by a girl. ME, an almighty Space Marine, being pushed around by a GIRL! Don't say I didn't warn you!(FRYS Invictus) (cooked to a golden brown) OUCHIES!!! This story is in the Tenchi Muyo OAV universe. Oh boy. What? Whenever someone says that, they always wind up mixing up the different series. Oh. All rights reserved to whomever possessed them blah blah blah you get the point. THAT'S the disclaimer? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So, who possesses them now? Blah blah blah? What kind of idiot uses that as a disclaimer? Important stuff (as author) I would like to give out my address so that you can come beat me when you're done with this! I live at 267 MORON Drive....... I would like to thank JEEPEAGLE and WYVOREN for their help with the english translation of this text. Merci ! Greeeaat, more pedophiles. (Lex Luthor) Mercy, bring the car around! Sasami's Quest I It had been a hard day for Sasami. Yeah, she had to stop Ryoko and Ayeka fighting. In addition to the daily chores of cleaning and cooking, she was forced to stop yet another battle between her sister and Ryoko, (strutting around) Who called it? SIT DOWN! fight to defend the carrot reserves against Ryo-o-ki I hate it when people spell Ryo-ohki's name wrong. It is spelled R-Y-O-O-H-K-I! You tell 'em, Washu! and save Tenchi from one of Washu's new experiments. Yeah, I guess I do try to experiment on Tenchi a lot. (sarcastic) You think so? At last, all of that was done and she could finally relax in the family flying-domed-bathhouse (who built that anyway ?). Flying-domed-bathhouse? Well, I am pretty sure there is only one person on Earth that could possibly do something like that, and that would be.....ME!!!(A and B pop up on her shoulders) You're a genius, Washu! You're the best, Washu! AAIIEEEEE!!! DIEEEE!!!(Blasts A and B into tiny pieces) What the hell did you do that for? WE HATE THOSE THINGS!!! Being alone except for Ryo-o-ki, RYO-OHKI! Not Ryo-o-ki! Please tell me that the cabbit is not involved in this lemon. According to my readings, she's not. Thank God! she left her towel on the side of the bath, enjoying the contact of the water on her body. She liked this. When the others girls were in the bath with her, she'd always keep her towel on, being too shy to show her little body to all of those fully grown women. (Homer Simpson)Mmmmmm.....Ryoko............ For more than a hour, Sasami was in a near-sleep state, being awakened from time to time by surprise attacks by Ryo-o-ki who kept trying to poke her on the head while staying at a safe distance from the water. *Yaaaaawn.* Is it almost over? No, it's not. Damn! She finally decided it was time to get out. It was long past her usual bed time. After all, she needed to be awake and ready more than a hour before the rest of the gang to prepare breakfast. And THERE'S your stereotypical Sasami! She stood up, her eyes closed, feeling the water rolling down her body. (singing) Keep Rollin' rollin' rollin rollin', YEAH! Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin', YEAH! When she opened her eyes, she saw her reflection on the clear water. She knew that it would be many years before she could really enter the battle for Tenchi's love. I hope to the Emperor that she will be at LEAST 18, if not older. I am all for Tenchi and Ryoko, but I'm no AHRLI. I just think it's disgusting to marry blood relatives. If only Ayeka felt the same way, Ryoko would get Tenchi much quicker. But then the series would have no plot, really. I think Mihoshi should get Tenchi. No comment. I think Washu should get Tenchi. Why thank you, X! For that, I won't turn you into a water sprite.(presses a button on her holoputer, and everyone except herself and X turn into water sprites) QUACK! QUACKQUACKQUACKQUACKQUACK!!!!! I will change you back when I feel like it. Would he still be available ? The young girl continued gaze at her reflection. He forgot the "to". And he even had two extra people to help spellcheck for him! She often saw Ryoko naked in the baths, *drooooool*....... QUACK! [Hentais!!!!!] (Beats them with her chair)*WA-BAMMMM* QUUAAAAAACK![OOOOUCH!!] and therefore realized that she was a long way from womanhood. Her breasts had begun to grow less than a year ago. She raised her hands to them, they were still small but firm, and the little nipples were pointing out on each of them. Recently she had discovered that her nipples sometimes felt hard. More specifically, they felt hard when Tenchi was around. QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!! Fine, fine, I'll change you back(presses another button on her holoputer) Ahhhhh, much better! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN, WASHU!!! That's LITTLE Washu!(turns JS back into a water sprite) (crosses his flippers)Quack.[crap.] Still looking at her reflection in the water, (as Sasami) Hello, reflection! QUAAAAAACK quack quack quack?[PLEEEEAASE change me back?] Oh fine, I'll change you back again. But be sure to call me LITTLE Washu! Fine. she let her hand trail down to her flat, smooth stomach. Her waist was thin, but not to the point of being boney. (singing) I'm Booooney, I'm Booooney, leave me aloooooooooney! O_o; What? Weinerville was a good show! A little retarded, but still funny. She finally put both her hands on her waist and looked at her sex; a fine line was separating the two thin layers of skin. Recently, she had happily noticed the appearance of little blue hairs on the lower part of her belly and on her nether lips. (turning green) How.....descriptive...... (also green) So this is what nausea feels like. Jurai society being quite conservative about sex, Yeah, only inbreeding for them! the only thing she knew is that she had started to look like the other girls. I guess that means she only knows things that are WRONG. On some nights, when Aieka That's a new one. Why can't people spell our names right? It's AYEKA, RYOKO, WASHU, MIHOSHI, KIYONE, and SASAMI. Yeah, Washu's Name is Spelled with One "U", Dammit! Do you want to be a water sprite again? I'll be good. and her are in their beds, she can hear her sister moving under her futon while gently moaning Tenchi's name. (as Ayeka) Wimp....wimp....wimp.... Isn't that a little harsh? Hey, if I was in a house with four girls fighting over me, I would probably pick one, or maybe two. Feigning sleep, Sasami could not help but notice the strange feeling between her legs. One time she even moved a hand to the spot and found that it was a little wet. Invictus> (as Sasami) I'm leaking! Old joke. From Ryoko's talking, Sasami knew that a human body can bring great pleasure and that is what was probably happening to Aieka. A-Y-E-K-A! Can't you get it right? While thinking about that, she once again felt that strange sensation inside of her. Looking around to be sure that she was still alone, she carefully moved one finger on her sex, feeling a curious but pleasant sensation. It was decided. She was going to kill herself to get out of this horrible fic. No such luck. Rats. The next time she heard Aieka AYEKA! moaning, she would ask her a few questions. Like, 'Why do you like inbreeding so much' and 'Why don't we fall over with the weight of our hair'? More than a week had passed since Sasami's resolution and still nothing had happened. Each day, Sasami got to bed even earlier than usual. When her sister, some hours later, finally joined her in their common room she had always feigned sleep. Nevertheless, her big sister simply undressed, got in bed and fell asleep. This evening Sasami took another bath. What is it with all the baths? Haven't they ever heard of a shower? This time, however, Mihoshi was there too, so Sasami decided to keep her towel on despite the fact that the young galaxy police officer was completely naked. Mmmmmm....Mihoshi........ Do you want to be a french fry like blue boy over there?(points to a still burnt Invictus) Ummmm, no. The little princess really liked Mihoshi and they talked for more than two hours In the words of this author, "Blah blah blah". before Sasami had to get out to prepare supper. During all that time Sasami could not get her eyes off of Mihoshi's breasts. She pulled as hard as she could, but they wouldn't budge. They were so big that she could not help but feel jealous. She was wondering if they were firm like her's or if they were as soft as they looked. Look! A hobo apostraphe decided to take up residence between the 'her' and the 's'! Two times during the bath the blue haired girl Actually, I think it's more of a turquoise. had walked toward Mihoshi and then had intentionally slipped and fallen toward Mihoshi, her hands attempting to grasp one of her breasts. I would try to do that too! But instead, her head met the floor, ending this horrible fic. Okay, great. First this guy has the bad idea of making a Sasami lemon, then he makes her a lesbian?*shudder* What a FREAK! Now now, Samus, don't be too harsh on the author. Even if the fic is bad, they might be a good person. (thinks about it).........Naaaaaah. The first time she missed completely and got nothing more than Mihoshi's concerns. The second time her fall was more accurate but her hand still missed and she found herself really falling out of control. She dove completely under water, her head crashing onto the concrete, Hey, I was right! just between the detective's legs. The girl felt a bump growing on the side of her head but her attention was caught by something else. For a second, time seemed to cease, and Sasami found herself staring directly at Mihoshi's sex. What a wide vocabulary. A great patch of golden hairs were rippling slowly in the water like wind across a field of wheat. In the middle of that the little princess could see, Mihoshi's lips being slightly opened by the pressure of water, the clit peeking a little out of the folds of her skin, and a little corridor of darkness. Then time suddenly resumed, and Sasami could sense Mihoshi's hands coming into the water to help her out to the air. So, time stopped just so she could sneak a peek? One of the officer's hands landed on Sasami's left shoulder (air controller) *krsht* Hand, you are cleared for landing *krsht* but the other fallen on her right breast, completely engulfing it in the dark hand. The princess felt a shock trough her body at this contact and gulped, losing what air was left in her lungs. She got her head out of the water, Aw, go soak your head! And more typos appear! 'Trough'? What, is he electrifying some feeding pigs? gasping and coughing. When she finally re-opened her eyes, Mihoshi was looking at her with concerned eyes, (as Sasami) Hello, Concerned Eyes! asking her if she was alright. Her left hand had moved quickly to the right shoulder of Sasami but the little girl could not forget the sensation she had nor the arousing vision she had seen for a mere second before. Sasami was in her bed for more than a hour and she still could not sleep. Behind her closed eyelids she was reliving the incident at the bathhouse. She could still see Mihoshi's breasts in her mind, And so can I! (being held back by the others) I swear, I'll kill him! Let me go! wishing that she could have been able to touch them. They looked so soft. The princess was feeling strange, she was fairly sure she should not feel this way about another girl Yeah, no shit, sherlock. Hey! Watch your mouth! *SMACK* OW! Yes, "mother". Grrrrr........ but she still desperately wanted to touch the blonde woman. She was thinking about her under-water vision if I'm not mistaken, your vision underwater is not very good, right? when she heard the door of her room open. She didn't move or make a sound so her sister would think that she was asleep. Aieka AYEKA! closed the door quietly and started to undress herself. Sasami could hear the many layers of clothes of her sister fall on the ground. As usual the first princess did not take care of placing her clothes correctly and would have to ask Sasami to iron them tomorrow. MORE Sasami stereotypes. Aieka AYEKA! finally got in her bed and the silence returned. After 2 or 3 minutes Sasami heard her sister calling her quietly. "Sasami? Sasami," she asked softly. Who's Softly? ARGH! Why can't you guys stop stealing lines from other MSTers?! I dunno, Maybe because they have used all the good lines up? The little girl didn't respond, hoping that something would happen. "Good," Aieka AYEKA! STOP THAT!!! said to herself, "she's asleep." (as Sasami) Oooh, no I'm not! (as Ayeka) Oooh yes you are! (as Sasami) Oooh, no I'm not! (as Ayeka) Oooh yes you are! (as Sasami) Oooh, no I'm not! (as Ayeka) Oooh yes you are! Oooh yes I am! Oooh no you're not! Oooh yes ! am! Oooh no you're not! We are about to have two less MSTers, if you know what I mean. We'll stop. Sasami could not repress a little smile that crept on her face. It would seem that she was right. At first she could not hear anything and thought that maybe Aieka Grrrrrrrrrrr........ was sleeping. Then she heard movement under her sister's futon. She tried a quick glance and saw that her sister was on her back, eyes closed, mouth open and both her arms under the futon. The little princess moved her head a little to get a better view. She could see a little movement under the futon. It would seem that one of Aieka's hands was moving around her breasts while the other was busy between her legs. Busy, busy, busy as a bee! Sasami was still quiet, looking at her sister with a little smile, listening to her breathing increasing in speed. All of a sudden, she hyperventilated and suffocated. Bitter? I think we all are. She started to feel that strange sensation between her legs and quietly moved her right hand to that region. It was a good idea. She was only touching her pajamas, but she could still feel a pleasant sensation. Aieka was still breathing faster and now both her hands seemed to be between her legs. Sasami was still looking, but she was a little confused. She should be! She's only about 8 years old! Of course the contact on her sex Is that all he calls it? Why do you think it's a he? I don't think there are too many female lesbian Tenchi Muyo loving pedophiles out there, do you? was feeling good but Aieka looked like she was having a really great time. Almost unconsciously, the little princess moved her hand under her pajamas and felt the soft fabric of her panties. An electric shock PIIIKAAAACHUUUUUU!!!!! God damn, do you have to do that at every mention of electricity? seemed to pass trough Sasami's body and she let go of a little "ah! At the sound of her sister's voice, Aieka abruptly stopped her action (Car braking) SCREEEEEEECH! Hehe. and turned her head toward Sasami. The little princess's eyes were wide open, looking directly at Aieka and a little blush was on her cheeks. Aieka didn't know what to do. Had her sister heard her touching herself? Now what do you think? Did she know what she was doing ? Well, since Sasami seems to know more about sex than Christ, I would say so. What should she say? (As Ayeka) Oh, I'm sorry Sasami, did I wake you when I was masturbating while thinking about Tenchi? Why had Sasami moaned ? She was a moanin' and a groanin'! And why is there a space between the question mark and 'moaned'? The two sisters were looking at each other in the little moonlight. Finally, Sasami got a full breath and decided to talk. "What were you doing sis," she asked. She said without a question mark. "What ? Well.. I.. I was not doing anything," she replied evasively. Quick, evasive maneuvers! NOW!!! Sasami could not help but laugh softly when she saw how red her sister's face was now. So, even at night in very little light, she can see what color Ayeka's face has turned? Hey, you made a rhyme! "You where doing something. Your hands were moving under the futon." Maybe she was scratching herself for a long time, while thinking about Tenchi. "No. I was.. scratching myself that's all." I am a GENIUS!! "Come on sis. Tell me what you were doing. I want to know, please," Sasami begged. Aieka was feeling worse and worse. How would she get out of this mess? Talking about sex had always made her feel bad. She remembered the first and only time she had a talk about sex with her mother, Misaki. She was fourteen and her mother was more open about sex than the average Juraian. She told her about the reproduction side of the sex and a little bit about how "fun" that sex can be. Yeah, and 9 months after you have "fun" with your brother, or whatever relative, you can hear the pitter patter of malformed feet. Okay, that was a little too harsh. I agree. Water sprite time! NOOOOOOOQUACKQUACKQUACK!!!! You'll stay like that until you can behave. QUACKQUACK QUACK QUACKQUACKQUACK! [I HATE BEING SMALL!!!!] However, should she try to explain all of that to Sasami now? She felt really strange. She was about to come when she had stopped. What should she do? Sasami was now sitting on her bed still looking at her. Aieka was still feeling the moisture between her legs and she wanted to touch herself but couldn't. Aieka finally sit up on her bed, keeping the cover over her body, just letting her face show. "Ok Sasami. What do you think I was doing," Aieka asked, resigned. "You were touching your body," Sasami said. (as Ayeka) Yes, because it itched! Stop it! "Why do you think I was doing that?" It was Sasami's turn to blush. She didn't know how to respond. "Because it felt a little.. good?" (As Ayeka) No, because it itched. Ok, this time,you aren't going to be a water sprite, you are going to be.....a seal! Oh, SHI-ORT, ORT ,ORT! "Why do you say that ?" "Because sometimes when I put my hand between my legs it makes me feel strange .. and good." (as Ayeka) I am shocked and appalled! "I see. It would seem that you're older than I thought. I haven't see your body for some time now so I can't tell how much you have developed but ..." "But what?" A little smile was on Aieka's ORTORTORT!{AYEKA!] If you don't stop, I'm gonna turn you into a bug and squish you! ORT![EEP!] face. An idea had just occurred to her. For some time she had been masturbating while thinking about Tenchi. Of course it felt good but surely not as good as when somebody else touches you. Oh. Dear. God. Please tell me that they are going to go right back to bed. Nope, they're going to have lesbian oral incestuous sex, alright. I've got the paper bags! I don't think they can handle it. "Do you know how to get pleasure by touching yourself," asked Aieka. The little princess was blushing even more. "What ? N.. no," she stammered. Today's letter is the letter 'N'! Ortort.[Lame.] "The best way for you to learn would be for me to show you how to touch me so you will know how to touch yourself." (Mario) Here we gooooo! "You... you think so?" (Ateka) No, I don't. "Yes. But we must keep that for yourself ok?" Nokay. "Ok... What should I do?" (Ayeka)Okay, first you take a paper bag and put it over your head, then you.....(All too familiar logs appear) *RRRRRZZAAAAAAAAAP!!!!* Aieka felt a surge of triumph. What, that she'sabout to make her 8-year-old sister blow her? That's disgusting! I expect that from Meis, but not from you! She glanced at the door and pulled the blanket off of her. She was wearing pajamas too. She started to unbutton her top slowly, bit by bit it opened a little more. The princess kept the top on, but it was open enough to see that she was not wearing a bra. With all the extra clothing she wears, I'm surprised she doesn't have three bras on. Ort.[Yeah.] Oh yeah, I forgot about you! I guess you can be normal again, but no more stupid stuff! Okay, okay, LITTLE Washu. You remembered! I'm so proud! Then, still sitting, she removed her pajama pants. Now Sasami could see a little of her sister's breasts and a white pair of panties. Y'know, it's kinda strange that Juraians have the same exact types of clothing that we have. Yeah, what's up with that? You already said that in the beginning! "Come here Sasami," Aieka said. The little princess came Already? That's an old one, and now we all have to beat you for saying that about Sasami! (everyone except Meis nod their heads) OHBOY. (momentarily, the view goes outside into space to give you a beautiful sight of Betelguese, while miscellaneous beating and bashing noise are heard inside the theater. Returning to the theater, there is a puddle of mush where Meis used to be.) OUCH. and sat near her sister. When she was close enough, Aieka took Sasami's left hand and put it on her legs. Then, still holding the little girl's hand she made her slide it up to the top of her panties. "I will teach you how to give me pleasure," Aieka said in a soft voice. (As Ayeka) Yes, you wear tight black leather and whip me!(the logs appear) O_O! Now you've done it!*KRRRRZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!* DON'T SAY STUFF LIKE THAT! I'm not really like that! Then the older princess laid down on her back, still holding Sasami's hand against her underwear. She spread her legs apart and started rubbing her sister's hand between her legs. Then she let the hand go and Sasami kept the rhythm, rubbing and rubbing her hand against her sister. Aieka was moaning with pleasure. It was really something else. Sasami started enjoying it, and it was obvious that Aieka was having fun so the girl was happy. Then Aieka's hand came .................................. I didn't know hands could do that. Maybe Juraians are configured differently. Or maybe it could be the author's poor chice of wording. Rule #1: NEVER use the word "came" in a lemon, during a part where they aren't actually doing just that, because it is ALWAYS misinterpreted. once again over her's. She removed the hand from her body then let go off it. EXTRA "F"! EXTRA"F"! SHUT UP! Sasami looked at her sister with surprise and all she saw was a great big smile on Aieka's face. She looked back at her sister's undies and saw that Aieka was removing them. A thin layer of purple hairs were showing under the little light. "Again Sasami. Please," Aieka said urgently. Sasami blushed once again but put her hand back where it was a moment ago. The sensation was quite different. She was still rubbing her fingers on her sister's sex but now she was able to really feel the heat and the moisture (Sasami) Hmmmmmm, maybe there's some flaming gasoline in there. The little girl was not able to look away from the purple patch, Uh-oh, someone's poisoned the Cabbage Patch! and continued rubbing and rubbing. Aieka was really enjoying all this. She keep moaning and shivering with pleasure. "That's good Sasami. Now let me show you what else I want you to do." I want you to shoot me, so I can get out of this horrible lemon. Aieka gently removed her sister's hand and put her's between her legs. She rubbed herself 2 or 3 times and then put a finger inside of herself. A shock passed trough her body at the contact. There's those electrified feeding pigs again. She then thrust another finger in and started pushing them in and out again and again. And again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and aga-*BLAMMMMM*(Blasted by Plasma Blaster, Arm Cannon, X- Buster, and Washu's Laser) YEEEEEEEEEOUCH!!!! "You understand Sasami ? (Sasami) Duhhhh.......no? I want you to do this. Do it softly but quickly. Never completely remove your fingers okay?" Sasami was amazed by the situation. She would have never thought of putting anything inside that. I guess she DOESN'T know more about sex than Christ. But then she decided to comply. She put one finger at the entrance of her sister's sex and then started pushing it in. It was now very wet and she could feel the muscles of Aieka's (PISSED) GODAMMIT! IT IS SPELLED A-Y-E-K-A! CAN'T YOU GET IT RIGHT?! JS, sit down and SHUT UP! (Still PISSED) YOU SHUT UP!!! Oooooooooooh........ JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY! Um, er, I mean, could you please not tell me to shut up? REEEAAARGH!!!!!! Aw crap. (Gets blasted into the wall) OUCHIES! vagina contracting from the touch of her finger. She keep pushing until all of her finger was inside. (Weakly from inside the wall) She also keep talking like Shampoo. Her sister was arching her back with pleasure. Who's Pleasure? "Like this," Sasami asked questioningly. (Still plastered to the wall) Sasami asked questioningly WITHOUT a question mark. "Oh yes Sasami, that's... that's just perfect. Keep it going, faster," Aieka (Inside the wall) AYEKA!(Gets blasted by Samus) OUCHIES again! encouraged. Sasami was moving her finger in and out of her sister, accelerating more and more with the ever increasing speed of her sister's breathing. "Put another finger in too please," Aieka said between pants. (you know the drill) Sweat or hot? Someone please get him out of there. Fine, fine. Now there were two fingers inside of Aieka. (Monotone) and the peasants rejoice. (Monotone) yaaaaaay. Sasami could now feel more and more heat coming from between her own legs (Sasami) AAAAIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'MON FIRE!! but kept fingering her sister. More and more juice Why do they call it "Juice"? Even I don't know. was dropping on the bed. Aieka was on the verge of the greatest orgasm she ever had. "Stop Sasami," she gasped. Who, me? Gladly! The little girl took her fingers out of her sister and looked at her happily. "Why do you want me to stop sis," Sasami asked. What is with this guy and not using question marks? "I want you to do one last thing. You may find it strange, or even disgusting but you must do it to learn ok?" Here comes the oral part. "Huh, ok. What is it ?" Aieka put her hand on her sex and opened the lips, showing a very swollen clit. "You see this ? This is what is makes a girl feel good. I want you to lick it." "What ? Lick it Hey, Meis, what did you have for breakfast? Rubber buns and liquor. What'd you have for lunch? Rubber buns and liquor. What'd you have for dinner? Rubber buns and liquor. What would you do to Ryoko if you had the chance? Rub her buns and lick her! HENTAIS!!!!!*KA-BLAMMMM!*(Blast Meis and Invictus into the roof) Y'know, you might want to stop doing that before we blow a hole in the hull. (Singing) Ohhh, there's a hole in the hull, a hole in the hull, hi- ho the derry-o there's a hole in the hull!!! O_o; ? With my tongue you mean," Sasami asked incredulously. "Yes please." (Ayeka) Please sir, I'd like some more. "But, but, pee is coming from there. Yuck!" My sentiments exactly. "There's no pee now. Please. At least try it." "Geez. Ok I will but..." (as Sasami).....First put this bag over your head!(there's a faint *krrrzzzaaaaaaaaap*, then screaming) hey, it's kinda wierd how all humanshapes have the same exact anatomy, isn't it? Yeah, it is kind of wierd. Aieka was using 2 of her fingers to open her vagina so that Sasami could easily see her clit. The entire area was now soaking in juice, a sight that Sasami was not really enjoying. (rafting instructor) Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stro-- *BAM!* OW! OW! OW! OW! Then after a second another, and another, coming more and more What stamina! Shut up, you! rapidly. At first Sasami found the taste strange, but after a couple of licks she enjoyed the taste and even wanted more. Her tongue was licker Hey, Meis, what did you have for breakfast? Rubber buns and liquor! What'd you have for lunch? Rubber buns and liquor! What'd you have for dinner? Rubber buns and liquor! What would you do to MIHOSHI if you had the chance? Rub her buns and lick her! As soon as come down, you're dead! Aw, go screw! Okay, sure! SCREW ATTACK!(Starts air-jumping up to the rafters) C'mere you! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! GET AWAY FROM ME! EEEEK!! HELP ME!!! (Nelson Muntz)HAW HAW! You're next, buddy-boy! (Running away) Gotta run, gotta hide! (Shaking heads) u_u; faster and faster while Aieka was having difficulties trying not to scream (Running from Samus) AAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Get back here so I can kill you! with pleasure. Needing to get more of this juice, Sasami decided to put her whole mouth on her sister's sex and started sucking the whole area. Aieka was feeling electricity moving trough her. (Stops chasing Meis for a second) More electrified pigs!(Resumes chasing) (Screaming to Samus) IT'S OLD NOW! She was shaking and she was biting her pillow to keep herself from screaming. (Ayeka as Homer Simpson) Mmmmmm......pillow........... Then came the last straw. ......That broke the camel's back. Still sucking, Sasami got the idea to put her fingers back inside her sister. BAD IDEA! Aieka's breath stopped for a second as she put both her hands on Sasami's head, pushing it into her sex with all her strength. Sasami was feeling the quick contractions inside her sister. There was so much juice that she couldn't get it all. Hey, maybe she'll drown or something, and end this stupid fic! We can only hope. Help me Obi-Wan-Kenobi, you're my only hope! Okay, playing off the author's words is bad enough, but playing off MY words? She was about to suffocate Hey, I was right! Notice it says, "about to" Crap. when the pressure of Aieka's hands on her head finally relaxed and she pulled her head away, gasping for air. The little girl was very happy. She looked at her sister. "Now what sis ? You will give me fun too ? (Stereotypical Russian accent) You give me fun too, Dah? Dah? And give me a space in between my words and question marks? Dah? Dah? Sis ? Sis," Sasami asked. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? SEE? I have a million question marks, just ask for one! The older princess was on her back, her eyes closed with a smile on her face. "Sis ? Did you fall asleep ? Sis ? Hey wake up!" Sasami was shaking Aieka to wake her up but all her big sister did was say Tenchi, oh Tenchi" over and over. "Damn sis, that's not fair," the little girl exclaimed angrily. For us it is! AHA! Got you now, Meis! Prepare to die! NOOOO!!! GOLDA!!!(A giant gold hydra appears and starts blasting Samus with energy) AAAARRRGGHHH!!!!! Will they ever stop? The little girl finally went to her bed and tried to go to sleep. She was so angry that she didn't even notice when she put her hand inside her panties. I hope you liked this. I plan to write the 4 others parts in a near future. So, that was only the end of the FIRST one? -CRAP IN A HAT!- O_o; WHAAAAAT? I said, -CRAP IN A HAT!- What the hell? I just implanted a censoring chip into the theater sound system. If it senses you trying to swear, it will censor you and put a silly phrase instead of the swear. Each of you has their own censor phrase. Oh! Lemme try! -FLIBBITY FLOO!- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Me too! -GREAT GOOGELY MOOGELY!!!- Oh! My sides! they hurt! Hahahaheeheehee...... Hi there ! This is the second part of a 5 part story. It is also my first attempt at writing something in English (I'm French), therefore there might be some errors in it. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*THUD* Golda JUST got finished with you? OUCH. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't scare the crap out of Meis like that again. I think I might want to kill him at a distance. ^__^; But, right now, I think I'll leave him up there(Points to the rafters) Ahhh....... Legal stuff. This story is in the Tenchi Muyo OAV universe. All rights reserved to whoever possessed them blah blah blah you get the point. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'll never get over that! Important stuff too. I would like to thank JEEPEAGLE for his help in the english translation of this text. Merci ! Sooooo...What happened to WYVOREN? Maybe some pedophile-haters(All NORMAL people) hunted him down and killed him. Sasami's Quest II - Mihoshi - OHBOY. WARNING: READ THIS! I STRONGLY suggest that you read the first part of this story before reading this. I STRONGLY suggest the author should go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. I STRONGLY suggest he should be exposed to his friends as the pedophile he is. Although, they might be pedophiles too. I STRONGLY suggest you DO NOT read the first part of this, if you're a somewhat decent person. I STRONGLY suggest Meis should fall to a greusome and gory death! I STRONGLY suggest you GET ME THE HELL DOWN FROM HERE!!!! I STRONGLY suggest that we stop using this joke! The first part is also available on this site (Sakura Lemon Fan-Fiction Achive) (Scribbling the site down) WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU HENTAI?!!! Who, me? I'm just writing down the website so I can send a virus to it! In that case, I'll help with the virus. The following morning, Sasami awoke alone in her room. Aeka's clothes were gone too. The girl quickly dressed herself and got down the stairs, hoping to find her sister. After a quick search Google, Yahoo, or AOL? it seemed that Aeka was not in the house. Sasami finally gave up the search, She should have used Google! the gang was about to get up, and they would be hungry. While making the breakfast, the little princess was thinking about last night's events. PLEASE DON'T! Her sister told her that she would explain all this "sex" thing to her, but she fell asleep after asking some strange things to Sasami. Heh. I thought only guys did that! Now that's just not fair! The gang finally got up, while they were around the table Sasami noticed that Ryoko was not present either. When Tenchi asked where Aeka and Ryoko could be, his father responded that he saw them earlier this morning talking and finally going out. Yeah, the "talking" was probably them screaming at each other. After a little time everybody got out of the table. (Everyone looks at Washu. Samus notices that Meis and Invictus are looking down from the rafters and shoots at them) EEEEK! WHAAAAT?!! Did you, by chance, do anything to the table? What do you mean? Look at the last line. (reads the last sentence) Wow. I don't remember doing that! Washu returned to her lab, Tenchi went off to school and Nobuyuki grabbed Ugh. Please tell me it's not what I think it is. (turning green) Samus! his HIS stuff and was on his way to his job. What, is that supposed to be a sexual innuendo or something? While cleaning the table with Mihoshi, Sasami was still pondering the reasons of her sister's disappearance. Did she flee because she was afraid of what Sasami would do or say this morning? Was she ashamed? Where did she go? The table was now clean and Mihoshi was heading for the couch for her after-breakfast nap. And THERE'S your Mihoshi stereotype! When Sasami got out of the kitchen, half an hour later, the galaxy police officer was sound asleep. The little girl decided to take a little break before starting the laundry and sat in the other couch, in front of Mihoshi. She closed her eyes, remembering the last week'S Here we go again with the bad grammar and spelling. Week'S? events; those strange but good feelings she got between her legs, the last night with her sister, and her bath with Mihoshi. Again she was seeing the breasts of the blonde girl. She was still wondering if they were as soft as they looked like. Once again, those thoughts generated some heat in Sasami. She instinctively put her right hand on her sex. Here we go again........ Hey, I already said that! She could feel a little heat coming through the many layers of clothes. What is with lemon writers and their flammable subjects? She could picture Mihoshi's breasts in her hands, SOFT and glowing in the light. I KNEW IT! Mihoshi is radioactive! THAT'S why she's always screwing up my electrical equipment! She suddenly realized the presence of her hand and opened her eyes. She looked at it; the touch of her hand, even over all her clothes had increased the sensations between her legs. She was still thinking about this strange effect when she saw Mihoshi still sleeping in front of her. The young princess' eyes were following the officer's curves. And so am I! That's it, I'm bringing you guys down here!(types on her holoputer, and a few seconds later a tractor beam comes out of nowhere and pulls Meis and Invictus back down to their seats) Heh, heh, heh.....I was only joking? Not this time, kid!*BLAM!*(Meis goes sailing back into the rafters) You idiot! I only had enough power to get him down once! Now the only way to get him down is if he falls down! I can arrange that!(Switches her AC to plasma beams, and starts shooting at the rafters. after a few shots, some of the rafters come down, with Meis attached to them.) aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA*WHUMP!**CRASH!* Mihoshi was on her back, she was wearing her usual light-brown pants with her light pink top. (Homer Simpson) Mmmmm, Mihoshi. Holllllllllllll.......... She could see her breasts going up and down following the police officer's breath. (Breasts) HOOOEEEE! She sure needs a breath mint, don't she? An idea was forming in Sasami's mind I hope that idea is to go outside to play with Ryo-Ohki. and she mentally blushed just thinking about it. Damn! I guess it's another lemon scene! And how the hell can you mentally blush? Another Juraian trait? She got up and walked to Mihoshi's couch. If I recall correctly, it is NOT Mihoshi's couch. For some time she did nothing but stare at the officer's body. Duhhhhhhhh....... She was afraid that somebody might catch her but after all she was alone in the house. She kneeled in front of the couch, still staring at Mihoshi. Finally she raised her right hand toward the breasts that were moving in front of her. (Grabbing Washu's breasts and squeezing) HONK HONK!(Starts running away) WHY YOU LITTLE PERVERT! GET BACK HERE!(Chases after Meis) Geeez, he has got SOME balls to do that to Washu. (nod their heads) u__u; She was not afraid that she might wake up the police officer, after all she knew that Japan could proceed to a nuclear test in the yard and that would not wake Mihoshi. Hey! This guy actually DOES know something about Tenchi Muyo! She took a last glance behind her and finally took one of the breasts in her hand. (Points Arm Cannon, still set to Plasma, at JS's head) Do it and DIE! (Innocently) I wasn't going to do anything! The moment she touched it, a wave a pleasure passed through her body. (Gambit accent) Ah wave ah pleasure passed troo her. Her hand was on Mihoshi's breast, she din't dare moving at first, (Redneck accent) She din't dar move dat dem der hand at furst. but after some time she started caressing it slowly. Mihoshi din't react, she was still snoring, her mouth wide open. She kept caressing the breast, more and more heat was coming from between her legs, Any minute now, I expect Sasami to burst into flames. MEIS! GET BACK HERE!!!! NYAH NYAH! You'll never catch me! (Stops chasing Meis) Hmmmm, you may be right.(Sarts typing on her holoputer. Seconds later, a small green cactus drops out of nowhere and falls to the ground.) Bah! What is that dinky little thing gonna do to me? Watch and see! Cactuar, attack! ............(Takes off a supersonic speeds and catches up to Meis in a split-second) WHAAAAA?! You obviously don't know anything about the Final Fantasy games, do you? A Cactuar is possibly the fastest thing alive! It's speed is astounding! .............(Grabs Meis and brings him back to Washu) He is also the strong, silent type! ............. Oh crap. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Now I have you in my clutches! Surprise, surprise! HEEEEEELP MEEEEE!!!! You will now be my guinea pig! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Her breasts were in full view of Sasami, the sunlight was reflecting on them, they looked so soft, so warm. For a moment Sasami could not move. The sight in front of her was nearly making her cry. She then moved one hand to them, slowly, quietly. When she touched them, Mihoshi let a little "Ah!" go then resumed her snoring. The little girl was now caressing both breasts in her hands. Oh yes, they were soft, hot, they almost looked... tasty ? The princess stopped moving. What was happening ? The heat in her was overwhelming. (Sasami)*FOOOOMF*(Bursts into flames) AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE! OH DEAR GOD WHY?! (Pulls out a bucket of Water)*SPLASH!* Are you okay, Invictus? (singed around the edges) OW....I think so...... (English accent) Jolly good show, dear boy! She wanted to taste them. Why? OH DEAR GOD WHY?! Stop that! She was getting her head closer and closer to Mihoshi's chest, she wanted to fight this urge but she could not. Finally, her mouth was less then an inch away from the detective's right breast. Sasami could not see anything but the red nipple, pointing toward her. Red nipple?.........O_o I'm no expert, but aren't they, um, pink? She put her hand around the breast, took a good breath and put her open mouth around it. Once again Mihoshi let a moan go but did not awake. Sasami was sucking the nipple hard. She was doing like she did on her sister's sex but now it was on a breast. You know, this guy has a one-word vocabulary for the word vagina. What about crotch, or $#@&, or maybe even -BEAN ME!!- What the hell? Bean...me?......AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, you were up in the rafters before. Wily put in a cenosr that replaces swears with a silly phrase. I guess your phrase is, BEAN ME!!!! Don't tempt me, buddy. From time to time she stopped sucking to play with the nipple with her tongue. She seems to know a lot about how sex and foreplay works. Okay, let's see, I need......A SAMPLE! Okay, SURE!!!! Hmmmm, let's make that a BRAIN SAMPLE! ACK! No thanks, I don't need a lobotomy. Yeah, I'd be hard-pressed to find one in there anyway.(Others snicker) Her other hand was carressing the other breast. She was acting more and more quickly, the heat in her was incredible, (ALL look at Invictus) WHAT?! Oh, all right. (As Sasami, bursts into flames) AAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEE!!! OH DEAR GOD WHY?!!! (Others clap, as JS pours a bucket of water on Invictus) C-C-C-COLD! she finally removed one hand and put it between her own legs. Still sucking, she could feel her own heat under the clothes. I'm not doing it again, so you can just go screw. Hey! That's MY line! She finally stopped. And there was much rejoicing! HALLELUJAH! A large quantity of Sasami's saliva was on the chest of Mihoshi and on the little girl's face. Ewwwww. What is she doing? Exactly what we want to know! She was about sure she should not do this. Her eyes moved upward, up to Mihoshi's face. The detective was still sleeping, her eyes closed, her mouth wide opened. The typo of THIS sentence is.....drumroll please.........-ED on the end of open! Now don't you feel special? <-ED> Yup, sheeeeer doo. I thunk me will goe tu a Tanck Copp fic nowe, ware I weel blend in betur. (Singing) It's the famous mister -ED! Sasami was blushing, staring at Mihoshi's mouth. She remembered the TV shows Aeka and Ryoko were always watching, from time to time people would kiss in those shows. Yeah, they are called soap operas. (Stifling laughter) YOU watch soap operas? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, shut up! She was blushing even more. She never kissed anybody Ya need a 'had' there, boy. and wanted to know how good it felt. She tried to wipe the saliva she had on her own mouth and got closer to Mihoshi's head. This close up did not help her to relax. For the first time the little girl took the time to really look at Mihoshi's face. She was cute, You JUST noticed that? her little nose, her perfect dark skin, her mouth, her lips, what beautiful lips, she had to taste them. (Dully) yum, yum. She opened her mouth, closed her eyes and got closer. Open your mouth , and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise! Their lips made contact. A shock passed through the princess' body. (pointing AC at JS's head) Do it and die. You already said that! I know, but it's a good warning. The hand that was still between her legs started to feel moisture passing through the clothes. At first she din't move. Yep, this guy's a redneck, that's for sure. The bare contact of Mihoshi's lips on hers was enough to make her head spin. (Washu does a CARRIE impression) O_O;;;;;;;;;;; HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! (Xelloss) THAT is a secret! She then started to move her lips a little, kissing the upper lip, then the other, closing and opening again her mouth. It tasted good. She started to kiss more quickly, she wanted more of the officer's saliva but not enough was coming out; then she had to go get it. Does this guy have a saliva fetish or something? She stopped moving her head, then she slowly put her tongue inside Mihoshi's mouth. It felt so good. Instinctively, her hand started to slowly rub between her legs. Now she could really taste the galaxy police officer. yuk, yuk. Her tongue was moving trough the entire mouth, she was playing with Mihoshi's tongue, once again her face was full of saliva but now it was not just hers. Her other hand got back to Mihoshi's nipples, she was now rubbing them between her fingers, she could hear the blonde girl moan in her own mouth but still her eyes were closed. (Sasami) I'M BLIND!! Oh wait, my eyes were closed. Silly me! Sasami was drinking more and more, it tasted good, nearly as good as that stuff that came out of Aeka. The girl suddenly stopped, got her head up and re-opened her eyes. Oh, no. She's going to give oral sex to Mihoshi WHILE SHE'S ASLEEP?! The juice that came from Aeka'S sex was probably the best thing Sasami had ever drank in her life. EWWWWWWWW! AND he's capitalizing letters at random again! Would Mihoshi have some too? Would it taste the same? Or even better? Slowly, she got out of the couch. (Everyone looks at Washu again) YOU CHANGED THE COUCH TOO?! NO, I DID NOT!!!! She could remember the taste of her sister's juice in her mouth. Her eyes were no longer on Mihoshi's breasts or lips, they were fixed on the officer's pants. (Shakespeare narrator) And, in a scene of timeless romance, Romeo will try to get into Juliet's pants! Heeheehee. Again, the princess took a good look around her to be sure that nobody was around, then she got on her knees. (Drill seargent) On your knees, maggots! You do that very well. Why thank you! Delicatly, she unbuttoned the kaki pants and unzipped them quietly. She could now see a little pair of fancy red panties. It was much more sophisticated than anything she or her sister had. Typical, just like a girl to spend all her money on clothing. (Looming over him) WHAT WAS THAT?! EEK! Oh, nothing, nothing. We thought so. She removed completely the pants and got back to the panties; little patterns were sewed into it, I do believe the word is "sewn", not 'sewed'. which the little girl was following with the eyes. The red was the same as Washu's hair, except between the legs was a spot of a much darker red. X marks the spot! NO I DO NOT! For that, I will let my pet tentacle monster play with you for a little while! OH NO! Hey, you asked for it. Sasami smiled and put a hand on the dark spot; as she suspected, she felt moisture on her fingers. Yes, she had juice too. Gee, what a surprise. She had got back on the couch, kneeling between Mihoshi's legs; her left hand was on the officer's leg, keeping her from falling while the other was rubbing the little red panties. A loud "Oh!" came out from the detective; (Kasumi) Oh, my. Sasami froze in terror but no other signs of awareness came from Mihoshi. After nearly a minute the little girl started breathing again What lungs! and resumed the rubbing while trying to keep her heartbeat under control. (Heartbeat) Badump, badump, badump, badumpbadumpbadumpbadumpbadumpBOOM! EEEEK! You scared the crap out of me! Then clean it up! Ha, ha, not funny. Sasami wanted to see the other girl's sex, WE DON'T! I DO! You don't count! to taste her juice, to feel the heat on her face again, but in the same time she could not keep her eyes from the red patterns on the panties. She keep rubbing and rubbing the detective with her right hand while the other was moving toward her own sex. (Monotone) oh, happy day. Once again, the contact of her hand between her legs gave her a burst of pleasure. After 2 or 3 minutes of rubbing, the red panties were completely soaked with juice, it was then that the little girl decided it was enough. She quickly removed the officer's panties and was staring with awe at the sight before her eyes. (Saimus the sage) By the Precursors.........THE END! O__o; WHAT? That's how Jak and Daxter ends! The same yellow patch of hair that she saw in the baths was in front of her but this time the sex was covered with juice and the clit was peeking out for fresh air. (clit) GAH! Boy, was it ever muggy in there! Don't say you didn't deserve this. (The scene goes outside to give you a very nice view of Orion's belt, while screams of agony and anger, and loud crashing noises are heard) (Back inside) BLUB BLUB. I think that means OUCH. After a little contemplation the princess moved her head toward the brown opening she had before her. WRONG HOLE! WRONG HOLE!!!!!!! Both her thumbs were opening Mihoshi's sex to let more juice come out. The blue haired girl started by just smelling the area, the odor was nearly the same as her sister's but something was different. The heat between her own legs was intense I'm not doing it, so nyah. Ok, let me try. (Sasami, bursts into flames) AAAAIIIIEEEE!!! IT BURNS!!! I'M SERIOUS GUYS, IT REALLY HURTS! HAHAHA! PUT ME OUT!! Okay, okay. (Burnt) How can you do that without it hurting? I have a strong constitution. but she had to keep both her hands in front of her. At last she decided to taste. Slowly she put her tongue at the base of the sex and slid it up. He's really milking that one-word vocabulary for all it's worth, isn't he? It really tasted good. She moved her tongue quicker and quicker to get more juice, going deeper and deeper into the officer to taste that wonderful thing. Sasami wanted more of it. She saw the extended clit and remembered what her sister said to her. That "button" was the center for pleasure, (Deedee) OOOOOOOOOOOOOO, what does this button do? if I want more juice I have to play with it. Her tongue concentrated on the clit. Licking it quicker and quicker she then decided to simply put it in her mouth. BAD DECISION! A spasm passed trough Mihoshi's body when Sasami's lips closed on her clit but still she was sleeping like a log. The girl keep sucking the sensitive clit, she started to put a finger inside the sex like she did with her sister, Didn't she already have most of her fingers in there? Remember, Samus. This is a bad Sasami lemon. Most things in it are screwed up anyway. then 2, then 3 fingers Then four, then five, then six......>AAAAAAHHH!!! I have six fingers! Were inside, pushing their way inside the hot sex, then going out only to get in again, quicker and quicker. The juice was now coming out like a spring, the girl was still sucking and licking the area, I think you've siad that enough times, thank you. drinking more and more of this wonderful liquid. Wonderful liquid? YUCK! Now all her fingers were inside the police officer. That's GALAXY police officer. At each thrust her hand was going deeper and deeper inside the sleeping girl. The little girl's head was spinning with pleasure, (To Washu) DON'T DO IT! Aw, you're no fun! she felt a little drop of liquid going out of her own panties and sliding down her leg, the heat in her was more intense than ever. (To the other MSTers) Believe me, you do not want to try what me and Invictus did. Why, is it painful? YES!!!!!! Then her hand felt a resistance inside Mihoshi; Mihoshi's a virgin? That's a larf! Hey! is it the end ? No, she could feel the wall bending a little under her push. She pushed a little more then there was no more resistance. She resumed the drinking, still going deeper inside her friend. Her eyes were closed so she din't see the blood coming out with the rest of the juice, she din't even realize the slightest change of taste the juice had for some moments, (Throw up) BLARGH!!! Boy, is that ever painful! she was completely absorbed by the feelings and the pleasure inside of her. Each thrust she made with her hand made her breasts make contact with the couch, the light but strange sensation was generating even more pressure inside the girl. KABOOM!! She felt another drop of liquid coming out of her panties and decided to go investigate the situation. While she kept drinking Mihoshi's juice, using her left hand to keep the sex open, she made her right hand pass trough You can tell this guy is a southerner, because he keeps referring to pigs. (No offense to all you southerners!) her clothes, up the her own underwear. The nearly direct contact on her sex made her moan with pleasure, she could feel that she was becoming very wet too. Still licking and sucking she started to slowly rub herself over the panties. Spasms of pleasure were passing through her, Mihoshi's body too seemed out of control and while the little girl felt contractions inside the officer's sex a final shock made its way inside her. Both girls got their orgasm at the same time; Sasami's first ever. Then Ayeka walked into the room. (Ayeka) Sasami! What are you doing? Don't you know Mihoshi is MINE? O__O;;;;;;;; You MORON!(Logs appear) CRAP! *KRRRRZZAAAAAAAP!* OW....... Hey, I didn't know your hair could get any pointier, Washu! WATER SPRITE TIME! NOOOO! QUACKQUACK. [Crap again.] For about a minute the girl didn't move, a smile was on her mouth, her hand still inside her clothes she was catching her breath. After a moment the princess got up and was back on the floor. A smile was also on the officer's face, she was still fast asleep but Sasami knew that she would get up soon for her mid-morning snack. She quickly got to the kitchen to get a towel and tried to remove any traces of liquid on Mihoshi's body; there was not much left. She put the blonde girl's shirt down but when came the time to put the red panties back Sasami decided to keep them to remember this day. Is it almost over? This story is. Two down, one to go! Quack QUACK?'[ change me back!] Fie. But I'm warning you, no more funny stuff, okay? After all, Mihoshi would surely not be surprised to realize that she forgot to put on a pair of panties this morning. With much difficulties she put back the pants in place and took a last look to be sure everything was all right. Her own clothes were a mess too, she had to change, she also realised that one of her hair straps had broken during the "action" so one of her tails was loose in her back; Well, she better go catch it! she will have to comb her hair back as usual too. She took the officer's panties in her hands; they were still warm and moist with juice, the girl put her nose in it, smelling the odor of Mihoshi. (Sasami) WOO! Nitrous Oxide! No wonder she's so airheaded. "I hope this smell will never go." With a last glance at her friend she headed upstairs to her room. She had to make it quick before dinner. In her hurry she din't notice a strange yellow device in an upper-corner of the living room. One could say it looked like a camera. ........................... In a lab, somewhere in pseudo-space, a red haired scientist was reviewing what she had just recorded. A grim smile was on her face. O_O! Oh boy....... WHY THAT LITTLE PERVERTED AUTHOR!!! IF I EVER GET MY HANDS ON HIM, HE'S DEAD!!! - Well well. Who would have thought ? How interesting. I Can't beleive that I'm involved in this piece of crap too. I guess so. Besides the fact that I would have said how DISGUSTING, not how interesting. ..... I hope you liked this. I was very surprised to get that many good comments about the first part of this story and I would like to thank all who took the time to give their impressions to me. OH NO! He has a pedophile posse! The third part should come out soon. I would welcome and appreciate any comments or suggestions. Yeah, like 'go to hell', 'I'll find you', and 'you're gonna die!' Azathoth ( bonhumm@yahoo.com ) Hi there! This is the third part of a 5 parts story. It is also my first attempt at writing something in English (I'm French), therefore there might be some errors in it. Legal stuff. This story is in the Tenchi Muyo OAV universe. All rights reserved to whomever possessed them blah blah blah you get the point. I'm too angry to laugh. Thanks. I would like to thanks my new friend TankCop for is moral support. O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; They are trying to form a Pedophile League of America! See? They are all banding together! WYVOREN, WHERE ARE YOU???? Probably being burned at that stake. Adzz, j'temmerde ! Whatever the hell that means. Can you please get me off this table now? Oh yes, the pervert. Well, first you have to go play with my tentacle monster. CRAAAAaaaaaaaaaaap! Sasami's Quest III - Washu - UPDATED!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........... WHAT`S NEW ? Why updated ? Well, the story itself din`t (Redneck) YEE-HAW!! change but you might find some serious improvements in the english. Aw, but it's fun to insult your lack of spelling ability. I would like to give a lot of thanks to my new friend Patrick "Friend of Key" who corrected this novel Novel? BAH! I call it toilet paper! And another pedophile to add to 'The List'. and will help to correct the next too. Thanks man. (Hippie) Yeah, groovy, man. WARNING: READ THIS! I STRONGLY suggest that you read the first 2 parts of this story before reading this. I STRONGLY suggest that we take a little break. We STRONGLY agree! (All exit the theater) [In the game room of Norad III, JS and Invictus are playing a game of Warhammer 40K. JS being the technologicaly advanced alien race, the Tau, while Invictus, being a Space Marine, is, of course, playing as Space Marines] HA! My Tau Railgun has line of site to YOUR own character model, Captain Invictus! Oh crap. Rolling to hit....HIT! Rolling to wound....WOUND! He is insta- killed! Oh yeah? He has an invulnerable save of 4+!(Rolls dice, they go flying and smash through a few walls) Maybe you should roll them a little gentler, Hercules. (Sheepishly) Oops. Here are some new dice. (Invictus rolls them) WOOHOO! He saves them all! Crap. Well, my Broadside Battlesuits(They look kinda like short, fat gundams, don't they?) are firing THEIR Railguns and Smart Missile Systems at your Terminators! Oh, no! Oh, YES!(rolls to hit and wound, two railguns, and 9 smart missiles hit and wound) That's two insta-kills, and 9 wounds! make nine 2+ saves, big boy! Okay, I will! (Rolls nine dice, five of which come up as ones) Crap! There goes my last squad! Do you want to concede, or would you rather see your leader get smashed to a bloody pulp? A Space Marine NEVER gives up! (Proceeds to decimate JS's army with his lone commander) HOW?! HOW?! Well, I still have my Hammerhead Battletank , and if that hits, he's a goner!(Rolls to hit, and then to wound, and Manages to wound) I guess you'll manage to pass this save too, right? (rolls dice, fails save) NOOOOO! Oh yeah, I win! Who da man?!(Does a Crash Bandicoot dance) Well, that was interesting. Yeah, nice stratagy, JS. Thanks! (All file back into the theater) The first parts are also available on this site. Good, he forgot to put the site address. Four days had passed since the "Mihoshi Incident" and there was still no news of Aeka or Ryoko. They were in a Motel 69 having hot, passionate, lesbian sex! (Logs) *KRRRZZZZAAAAAAAAAAPPPP!!!!!* Why did you do that?! Someone has to fill Meis's shoes. Speaking of which, how is Meis doing?(Scene changes to a jungle setting, showing Meis hiding behing a tree stump) WHEW! I finally lost it! ROOOOAAAARRRR!!!!!! (taking off) Aw crap! (Back to the theater) Well, at least he's getting a workout. I thought this was to punish Meis! I was talking about the Tentacle Monster! Oooooooh...... Although it was common for Ryoko to disappear for weeks, it was not for the princess. Each day since the 2 girls vanished Sasami and Tenchi got more and more worried, while Mihoshi was speculating amazing theories to explain their disappearance. During all those days Washu never came out of her lab nor showed any interest in the case. The little princess had to bring her meals to the lab and each time she got in it, Washu looked at her with a mysterious smile that made her ever more nervous. It should! You basically raped one of your friends! On the morning of the fifth day, Sasami entered the lab with a light breakfast for the scientist, doubting that she had slept last night for a change. Much to her surprise she didn't find the genius working feverishly on her computer, but instead she was simply sitting on a hovering pillow, her legs crossed, that strange smile still on her face. (^__^) Sasami let the tray on a table and was about to leave when Washu asked her to stay. She let the tray WHAT on the table? "Come on Sasami. Have a seat. We hardly speak these days." I don't like where this is heading........ The girl was about to say that she had to go clean the house but a chair popped up from under her feet and she found herself sitting before she realized it. "So Sasami. How are you doing ? Everybody seems nervous in the house." (Tweak) AAH!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS KIND OF PRESSURE! The princess resettled herself in the chair to free her long ribbons of hair which she had sat down on. "Well, Aeka and Ryoko have disappeared with Ryo-oh-ki Well, I guess that's an acceptable way to spell it. for 5 days now, and nobody know where they are. I know it's normal for Ryoko but I..." "Don't worry about it, Aeka asked Ryoko for a ride on Ryo-oh-ki to Jurai. I think she had to speak to your mom--urgently." She probably wanted to know what she should do about the other night. So that was it. Aeka was afraid of what happened the other night and had to seek counsel. o_O What?! It was just a guess! What will happen now ? How will mother react ? (Misaki) You made Sasami do WHAT?! Bad Ayeka! Bad bad bad! She still didn't know if what she had done was wrong. Certainly, her sister seemed to enjoy it, so why would it be wrong ? Why would Aeka be afraid of it ? Remembering the last night she spent with her sister brought back some memories, which made her cheeks turn a light red. Of course the scientist noticed it and wondered what was the real story behind all that. Although her link with Ryoko and Ryo-oh-ki made it possible for her to know their destination, she didn't know the reasons for the trip. Something very special must have happened. She had reviewed the full recording of the "incident" she recorded five days ago in the living-room only minutes ago. To her own surprise, each time she saw it she got more aroused by it. You're a pedophile? >_<; Remember, this is the fic Washu that's talking, NOT ME! Her last "real" sexual experience dated from more than 7000 years ago and, Is that true? Well, there was that one time Tenchi popped the wrong pills..... O_O;;; Tenchi takes medication? Well, of course, silly! He has depression pills, energy pills, and some vitamins. I'm guessing one of the vitamins was blue, and that was the one that he mixed up. How did you know? although she had a lot of devices and machines to "compensate", O_o; (Blushes) Hee hee. they would never be able to replace a real human touch. A strange idea had been building in her head since the original recording. Of course it was not very ethical but after all, in physical term, she too was a minor. Damn skippy! "It's been so long since we really were together that I think you grew a little bit since last time." "Really ?" "Yes, in fact I would like to monitor your development so I could keep track of your evolution. I know this is going really low, but.....(Sasami) Sasamimon digivolve to....Tsunamimon! (Slowly move away from Samus) After all you are in the first stages of womanhood." "Hu, sure. What should I do ?" The little girl remembered how Tenchi was afraid of entering Washu's lab now because of all the "tests" she made him undergo. Washu pressed a button on a board and many controls, screens and computers popped out of nowhere. Some kind of vertical platform appeared behind Sasami. Little handles were on that platform where the hands and feet of a humanoid form should be--if somebody was on it. (To Washu) You're into bondage? *WA-BAMMM!* OUCH! I deserved that. "I would like you to remove your clothes and take your place on it, Sasami." "All... all my clothes ?" Don't do it! DON'T DO IT! Washu had observed for some time that Sasami was very shy about her body. She'd always kept a towel on in the baths, even if there were just girls in it. In fact she didn't remembered seeing her naked ever. So she decided to take it slowly, to give her a chance to adapt. "Well, it would be better if you'd remove them all so I could place electrodes everywhere but if you don't want to you can only remove what you want of course." (Little Red Riding Hood> My, what a big sentence you have there! (Wolf) All the better to confuse you with! The little girl smiled and started to remove her belt, folded it correctly and put it on the chair. She removed her "dress-apron" then the fluffy-white kind of pants she had underneath. When she stepped on the platform she had only her top "kimono-shirt", Kimono-shirt? I think it's only supposed to be kimono. pale-blue panties and a pair of little white socks. Washu put the chair behind the platform then adjusted the handles for Sasami's size. Since the platform was hovering a foot over the floor, Sasami was standing higher than Washu so the scientist had to stretch to put the electrodes on the princess's head. Now, if that was me, which it isn't, I would just change to my adult form! The genius started a couple of sensors then got behind the platform to check some connections. Something brought her attention to Sasami's clothes, all perfectly folded on the chair. A little spot of red fabric was showing out of a pocket on the dress. As she removed it from the dress, Washu discovered a pair of elaborate red panties, far too big to be Sasami's. I can't beleive she still has those. The scientist was speechless. During her monitoring of the "events" between Mihoshi and Sasami she saw that the little girl kept the officer's panties for herself but to realize that since then she'd always kept them on her was amazing. As she saw Sasami did, she took a good sniff of the panties. It did smell good. "I will have to run some tests on Mihoshi too some day". (Evilly) Yeah, like how much pain she can tolerate! (Whispering) Hmmm, she's an S&M fan, too? "All these readings are looking pretty good Sasami. You are in perfect health and all of your vital signs are good. Now I would like to test your reactions about people. I will tell you the names of people and I want you to think about them so I could measure your reactions to them. Ready ?" (As fic Washu) Barbara Streisand. (Sasami)AAAIIIEEEEE!!! KILL IT! KILL IT!! (same) Now, how about osama bin laden?(his name doesn't deserve to be capitalized) (Sasami) GRRRR, I'LL FIND HIM MYSELF! I'LL BEAT HIM TO DEATH WITH A FRYING PAN! (same) Hmmmm, typical reaction. "Yes." "OK. Think about your sister." The readings appeared on Washu's screens. The little girl had a deep love for Aeka, but on the outer layers of her brain some jealousy and even some frustration were apparent. (Sasami) Yeah, she always gets all the good jewelry, all I've got are these stupid red thingies in my hair! Why jealousy ? Is she jealous because Aeka is the first princess ? Or is it something deeper ? Maybe because of Aeka relationship with Tenchi. "Very good Sasami. Now please think about Ryoko." Love was still present on her screens but this time the jealousy was stronger. Well duhhh, she has the body of a supermodel, minus the ears. The scientist thought that it was definitely a physical jealousy. (Sarcastically) Naaaah, couldn't be that! The little girl was jealous of the body of the space pirate, jealous that she could try to seduce Tenchi while she could not. Yes, it's becoming very interesting. "All right, now what about Mihoshi ?" Her love for Mihoshi was different than for the others. At first a sense of friendship was apparent but something else was there too. It nearly looked like.. a physical attraction. Yes, no doubt after the events of the other day. Jealousy was still present but the frustration was lower. Obviously the princess didn't think that Tenchi would be really interested in the police officer. Washu also noticed a small elevation of temperature and an increase of hormones in the girl's blood. She was probably thinking of her experience with Mihoshi and was getting a little aroused by it... and so was Washu. (singing) Pedophile, Pedophile, everybody's coming to get you...GACK!(Washu's hands are around JS's throat) TAKE IT BACK! YETH MA'AM! "Fine, think about Tenchi now please." Wow, a very deep love was showing. A melange of respect, friendship, love and even physical attraction. Yes, the sensors were detecting a significant increase of heat around her sex organs and her hormone level was seriously rising. That must be it. She's jealous of the others girls because she can't enter the fight for Tenchi yet. Oh GOD! I forgot about Meis! (types on her holoputer, Meis falls ut of a portal, bruised and beaten) The pain, the pain. Meis, are you Okay?! Let me just say this. That thing did things to me I didn't even know were possible! EWWWW! Yeah, I'll have to try some of those moves on my girlfriends! He's back to normal, I see. "And last: what do you think about me ?" Now the girl was a little shy. She was trying to shield her emotions but to no avail. Much to her surprise there was no trace of the immense respect that the girl should naturally have for the greatest scientist in the universe That's Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe to you!( two robots vaguely resembling two familiar dolls hop up onto Washu's shoulders) You're the greatest, Washu! Nobody can top you, Washu! AAAAIIIIEEE!! They're back! DIE!(Is about to fire when the two robots pull out giant lascannons and aim them at his head) Try it again and you're space dust! EEK! but only a deep friendship and love. No jealousy was present either. "Hum, since my physical form is not much older than hers she does not consider me a threat for Tenchi." "Now I will ask you some personal questions, please don't be shy OK ?" "OK." "How do you feel about Tenchi ?" (Sasami) He's like a big brother to me. The little girl flushed and searched for an answer for some moments. GOD -GREAT GOOGELY MOOGELY!- She should've used Google! "Well uh, I like him very much. He is kind, gentle and polite. It's almost like I had a big brother." O_o WHAAAAT?! It was a lucky guess! "I see, nothing more ?" "N.. no, not really." "OK. Have you started to have periods ?" The little princess knew what a period was. It was a time of the month when her sister would be even more aggressive So, I guess Samus is having her period, right? Nope, I'm always like this. O__O; and that she had to wash blood spots on Aeka's underwear. She also knew that it was a very important sign of womanhood. "No. Not yet." "And do you masturbate ?" (Football Referee) *TWEEEEEEET!* Asking a minor if they masturbate! 20-yard penalty! "Wh.. what ? What do.. what do you mean ?" "Do you touch yourself sometimes to give yourself pleasure ?" A grim smile was on Washu's face. Sasami was remembering the extraordinary feelings she had during her experience with Mihoshi, the touch of her own hand on her sex had created sparks Be careful, she's flammable! of pleasure inside her. It even made her create a little of that juice that she so feverishly drank from Aeka and Mihoshi. Her body started to feel hot, she wanted to put her hands inside her panties but could not. She was red from embarrassment. "Hu, can I go now ? I don't feel so good and I have a lot of work to do." (Sasami, as Filbert) I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous. "You didn't answer my question. By the way, I would like to show you a little something." A giant screen came out of the floor in front of the girls. 10-to-1 it's a video of her raping Mihoshi. "I would like you to take a look at that and tell me what you see." As she pressed a button on a panel the surrounding got darker and the screen lighted-up. On it appeared a ceiling-view of the Masaki's living room. Mihoshi was clearly asleep on one couch while a little blue-haired girl was touching the breasts of the officer with her hands. They could see the little girl looking around then removing Mihoshi's shirt to reveal the officer's magnificent breasts. Told ya! As the movie went on and on the princess was speechless. Her eyes were wide open, signs of despair, fear and embarrassment on her face. Meanwhile Washu was recording the physiological reactions of Sasami. Her body was heating up like a furnace *sigh* Alright, this is the absolute LAST time, OKAY?! (Sasami, Bursts into flames) AAAAIIIEEEEEEE!!!! OH DEAR GOD WHY?! (Is put out by JS) (everyone else claps) and the hormone readings showed a definite sexual reaction. As she looked at the screen herself she started to feel some excitement too, her clit was calling for caress and so was the rest of her body. O__o; The princess was astonished by what she was seeing. Washu knew all along what happened that day. Does she knows about her sister ? Seeing those scenes were making her feel hot again. She could sense moisture building in her panties and she was craving to touch her sex but she was still bound to the wall. As the end of the movie was nearing the little girl's breath was quick, sweat was pearling Oooooh, Pearls! I like pearls, they're pretty. everywhere on her body and she could feel a drop of her own juice rolling down her left leg to stop at her sock. Washu was looking at her with a smile. She too was feeling more and more excited but not so much by the movie as by the reactions of Sasami. (Breaking down) Oh, noooo....... (patting Washu on the back) It's okay, it's just a fic. Finally the film ended with a view of Sasami climbing the stairs in a hurry, red panties in her hand. The film had ended, but no light came on. The sole illumination was coming from the statics of the now empty screen. The only sound was Sasami's heavy breathing. The feeling between her legs was nearly hurting her, she HAD to touch herself to let go a little of the pressure there. *POP!* Then Washu's voice came from the darkness. I am JUSTICE. I am the NIGHT. I AM BATMAN! "So, what were you saying about touching yourself ?" No responses came, only rapid and heavy breathing. "You seem pretty daring about sexual relation with your housemates, Sasami. Do you do this often ? With Mihoshi ? With somebody else ?" "No... first time ever... Mihoshi... will not do it again... promise... please let me go." Must....keep talking......like..........................................William Shatner! "First time with Mihoshi ? And what about with others ? Does your sister's disappearance have something to do with that ?" "No.. yes... gave her... pleasure... SHE asked... I swear." (as Sasami) I......have a........William Shatner....................................complex.......... "I see. Did she touch you too ? Did she give you "pleasure" too ?" "No... all this was new for me... never felt like that before... nobody ever touched me." "Nobody eh ?" "No." "And you never touched yourself before the other day with Mihoshi ?" (Sasami) Y-Yes. "No" I was close. No, you were dead wrong. "Did it bring pleasure to you ?" "Y.. yes" "Would you like to feel that again? To have it both ways this time. Not only to give it but also to receive it?" (starts sobbing) Boo hoo hoo hoo....... (comforeting her again) It's okay. You have to remember, it's just a fic. No responses. The speed of the breathing increased again. "So ?" "Yes... YES!" Washu walked from behind the platform and was standing between Sasami and the screen. Although all that the princess could see was a dark shadow (Ultramax) DARK SHADOW ATTACK!!!! (staring at JS) o__O; against the static field she could tell that the scientist had removed all her clothes. Since the platform was still hovering a foot in the air, their heads were nearly at the same height but Washu was still standing in front of the screen, a couple of meters away from the bound girl. Yup, this author is definately into underage lesbian bondage. Having the light at her back instead of in front of her, she could see Sasami perfectly. Her face was red, her body covered with sweat, she could discern some moisture on the princess's panties and on her legs and two hard nipples were pointing directly at her under the light shirt. Now, if she's is wearing clothes, how can fic Washu tell she is covered in sweat? This view was overwhelming for Washu and she could not stop her hand from quickly touching her own sex. She rubbed herself only once then removed her hand, took a deep breath and walked toward Sasami. She used her right hand to caress the girl's hair, slowly and passionately. She then started to go down, caressing her cheek, her nose, she passed a finger on the princess's lips and the girl reacted by licking it. The hand was now on the neck, caressing both sides and the back of her head. Well, this is getting boring. So, Washu, how's the weather today? We're inside a spaceship, you idiot. Then, her hand still behind the head, Washu gave a light but passionate kiss on the princess's neck. Sasami let go a little "ah!", the heat inside of her was burning. (Ralph Wiggum) I have a leprechaun friend, and he tells me to BURN things! She had to be touched now, quickly, why was Washu taking so long ? To prolong our agony? In reaction to the princess' exclamation Washu put her mouth near her right ear and whispered: "It's only the beginning". Greaaaaat. The scientist took a step backward and was now looking at the pointed breasts of the little girl. They seemed bigger than what they looked like when the princess had all her clothes on. Considering she wears about 5 layers of clothes, I'm not surprised. Being careful not to touch the body, Washu stated to open the light kimono-shirt that was the last layer of clothes before the skin. The bra, of course, was an Earth invention and even if Aeka had adopted it So Ayeka's a Saggy Maggy? You stupid eeediot! (Logs) What? Oh. Crap! *KRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!* Are you a glutton for punishment or something? her little sister didn't really felt the need for one yet. The shirt open, the blue-haired girl's chest was in full view of Washu. Wow, I can't see anything! What a surprise! Remember, these authors like to give Sasami D cups, if not larger. The little breasts were indeed bigger than Washu thought. See? Although they were still smaller than hers, Hey, for once someone got it right! the scientist had no doubt that Sasami would be at the same development stage than her in a matter of months. The breasts were standing about two inches in front of the rest of her chest, two little pink nipples, about the size of a nickel, were erected and eagerly awaiting to be touched. (Points AC at Meis> I swear Meis, if you say "Touch me!", I'll blow a hole the size of my fist through your chest. Okay, "Don't touch me!". You're really pushing it, you know. ^__^ I know! Lower, a flat stomach was visible with a middle line going from the base of the breast to the blue lines of the panties. The scientist got down on her knees to take a better look at those panties. They were "standard" kid cotton underwear, sky-blue with a little pink ribbon on the top, They also have little Barneys and Big Birds on them. AAAAAGH!!! KILL IT! KILL IT! but they were really getting wet now. A line of moisture was present from between the girl's legs to the middle top of the panties. The fine line of the pussy lips was visible trough the underwear soaked in the girl's love juice. O__o;;;;; Love.....juice?.......... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Placing her face nearer to the panties, Washu put a light kiss on the base of it and then run a finger along the full length of the pussy lips. The word is 'ran', not 'run'. At the contact, even if it was over the underwear, Sasami arched her back and let go a loud "AH!". She never felt like that. When she touched herself the feeling was incredible but there was no description for the sensation she had now that somebody else was touching her. Smiling at the princess's reactions, Washu kept running her finger on the panties, going slowly back and forth. After only a minute or so, the girl's breathing got quicker as she climaxed. No sound came from Sasami's mouth as juice flowed out of her. The scientist was surprised at the early orgasm. "Already? Wow, Jurain really ARE sensitive". (As author) And me really AM Shampoo! The princess was beside herself. It was only the second orgasm of her life but this one was already so much more powerful than the first one that the princess was wondering how many other surprises her own body had in reserve. (Sasami's body) Are we deploying any more surprises in reserve? Well, there's one she hasn't done, but let's hope it doesn't end in that happening, or we might have to kill the author. As it is, he's gonna get a SEVERE beating when we find him. Not more that a minute had passed when Sasami felt that the floating wall was moving. (Dr. Frankenstein) It's alive! ALIVE! AHAHAHAHAHA! The "wall" was rolling backward until it come to a horizontal position, now being more a table than a wall. The restrains on her ankle suddenly disappeared but her hands where still held above her head. Although the only light in the room was still coming from the statics of the big screen "TV", Why is TV in parentheses? It's either a TV, or not a TV. (Hamlet) To TV, or not TV! the girl could see Washu climbing on the table and placing herself just above her. The scientist was on all fours, (Dog trainer) Now sit! (As fic Washu, sits) That's a good girl! just above the little princess. She could see the green eyes looking at her. Slowly she lowered herself toward Sasami and kissed her again. At first she only gave her a quick kiss on the princess's face and neck but before long their lips made contact, creating waves on pleasure in both girls. How can a wave be on pleasure? Maybe Waves and Pleasure are both people. Washu used her hand to open Sasami's mouth and began to use her tongue to explore the girl's orifice. That's a new one. Wow, this guy actually knows some big words! Surprised at first to have somebody else's tongue in her mouth, the princess quickly adapted and sent her tongue in response. After about one minute of passionate kissing, the scientist broke the embrace and started to move downward. Once above the princess's breast she started to blow some air softly on the already hard nipples. She kept teasing the little girl for some time. (As fic Washu) Nanny nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo! (As Sasami) WAAAAAAAAH! Sasami was about to go crazy. The light contact of the air on her breast was good but not enough, she wanted to be touched but her hands were still bound. Smiling at the look on Sasami's face Washu, now sitting on her knees, began to rub the tits with her hands. At first she was only caressing the "outer rim" of them It's called the aureola, hon. Didn't they teach you anything in sex ed? but slowly she made her way up to the already hard nipples. Playing with them with her fingers, she suddenly pinched them hard. The shock passed trough ARGH! What is with this guy and shocking pigs? (As author) Well ah think ah'll go tazer some o' dem dat der piggies! YEE-HAW! the princess's body as she let go a little cry of pain. "Oh! I'm sorry. Did I hurt you ?" asked the scientist with a grim smile on her face. "Here, let me heal them." she said as she moved her mouth toward Sasami's right breast. At first she only stroked the hurting nipple with her tongue but before long she was sucking it gently. She switched from one nipple to the other, sometimes only kissing them, sometimes engulfing them completely in her mouth. Sasami was drifting in a world of bliss and pleasure. (picks up a box of Bliss and starts singing the song, Hellbent) Controlling me, controlling me. You're losing me, you're losing! O__o; Yeeeeah. She tried to rub her thighs one on the other to get some friction on her sex but to no avail. Again Washu moved downward. Her hands were running down Sasami's waist as she was nearing the now soaked cotton panties. She removed them slowly, kissing the princess's thighs as she did so. Pucker up! Think about what you just said. um...............................so? (Samus starts wringing his neck) A thin line of blue hair was running along the lips, juice making them glow. And here I thought that Mihoshi was the only radioactive one in the house. I guess Sasami, with all that heat and glowing, is a walking nuke! Closing her eyes Washu was smelling the area. "Hum, it's been a long time indeed. (Ents, from Lord of the Rings) HUM, HOOM! ^__^; And I think it will even be better than with Yume (*)." But she's flat as a board! Yeah, just like Ayeka! (Logs appear) HA! I have given everybody EXCEPT Meis rubber shields!(All but Meis hide behind shields) Aw crap. *KRRRRRRRZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!* It didn't take long for Sasami to reach her second orgasm of the day. The red-haired girl had only started to touch the princess when she was convulsing with joy. "You do taste good, you know that?" asked the scientist. Does she? >__< I WOULDN'T KNOW! No response came from Sasami; she was trying to catch her breath. "So! Liked that ?" NO! No words. Only a smile, a beautiful and satisfied smile. "Don't think its finished. Now it's my turn." O__O! Oh boy. With a snap of her fingers she freed Sasami's hands. She quickly placed herself upside-down on the princess in a good old 69. Washu's pubic hair was brushing on Sasami's face, her eyes were wide open. The scientist was not doing anything, her eyes were closed, waiting for Sasami. Washu was already pretty much exited, (Snagglepuss) EXIT, stage left, even! her juice was dripping from her sex to Sasami's face. Licking it off of her cheeks the princess began to lick her friend. Her experience was helping. She immediately found Washu's clit and attacked it hard with her tongue and fingers. It didn't take long either before Washu climaxed but Sasami didn't stop. She wanted more of this new juice, still good but again just a little different from the others. Washu was catching her breath while smiling. It as been good (Stereotypical Italian accent) It 'asa beena gooda! (Thwacks Invictus upside the head) You want to have every culture hating us? and Sasami looked like she was up for another round. She started fingering, licking, sucking her partner. (Turning green) And we started gagging, dry-heaving, and vomiting.(Throw up) BLARGH! She could feel the princess's fingers inside of her and did the same. "Wow, at least she is still a virgin, look how tight she is." The confirmation came quickly as she reached Sasami's hymen. (Sarcastically) Wow, what a surprise. She pushed it a little but decided to leave it intact. Instead she used some tricks that Sasami didn't know: secret pleasure places, electric zones, areas of joy. Y'know, all these bad lemon writers seem to know exactly where "The Spot" is, while I bet most of them don't even have girlfriends! Sasami was overwhelmed by all this, trying to do all those new wonderful things to Washu but she had trouble concentrating. As she pushed her fingers in the scientist she absently remarked that there was no resistance like she met in Mihoshi. Both fingering, drinking, licking, sucking, And we are getting, up, and, leaving. SIT DOWN! It's almost finished! Yaaaay! even gently biting each other they finally came together. For Washu it was a very good relief but for Sasami it was the greatest orgasm she ever had (even if it was only her fourth). Exhausted, the little princess fell asleep. When she woke up she was in her bed. Looking at the clock on the wall she saw it was 3.00 p.m. She was wondering if she had dreamed all that but then she realized she was naked. I would laugh if someone walked in and saw her like that. Looking at her sex she knew she did not dream it, her sex was swollen red and very sensitive. A sense of doubt and fear rose in her. What is happening ? How could I ever look at Washu again ? Like this!(Stares at Washu) O_O >__< STOP IT! After half an hour of meditation (Holding fingers in meditative pose) Ommmmm......Ommmmmmm........ a little meow startled her. Ryo-oh-ki had jumped on her bed and was looking at her with a big smile. She's almost alaways smiling! Smiling she took her into her arms. "I'm so happy to see you again. But wait, if you're here it means that Ryoko is back... and Aeka too." She quickly got up to dress herself. Her clothes were put on the floor near her bed and so were Mihoshi's panties but however long she looked around, she could not find her own panties. Do you have them? >__< NO I DO NOT! (*)-Yume. See the manga "Unreal Genius" by Viz Comics, based on the Tenchi Muyo OAV. They are pretty good. Hey, for once, this guy is right! End of part III WHAT`S NEW ? Why updated ? Well, the story itself din`t change but you might find some serious improvements in the english. Except for "din't". And your electrified pig fetish! I would like to give a lot of thanks to my new friend Patrick "Friend of Key" who corrected this novel and will help to correct the next too. Thanks man. I hope you liked this. Believe me, we DIDN'T. I was very surprised to get that many good comments about the first 2 parts of this story and I would like to thanks all who took the time to give their impressions to me, even to that MST guy (hell, I thought I had time to spare). O__O; Is he talking about me? No, I think someone else MSTed this pile of crap before we did. The fourth part should come out soon and yes, it will involve Ryoko . O__O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Isn't she, y'know, a little ROUGH? I would welcome and appreciate any other comments or suggestions. You will BURN! I know it was not as good as the others but my limitation in english No comprende Engles. That's Spanish, you moron. show itself much more when I have to involve more than 1 person in the same action. Thank you to Tank Cop for bugging me so often for part III that I decided to finish it. I hereby declare, that I will have my cousin hack into his P.O.S. computer and erase the memory files!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry it have taken that long before I finish part 3 but I promise I'll do the 2 others more quickly. Thank God he hasn't. And when he does, we'll be right there to MST them! Azathoth ( bonhumm@yahoo.com ) ( bonhumm@hotmail.com ) VIRUS TIME! NO VIRUSES! Aw, you're no fun at all! (All exit the theater) So, heres the obligatory review part. Everyone? I HATE IT BECAUSE I'M IN IT! It had a horrible plot, if you could even call it that. I liked seeing Mihoshi naked! (Imitating Meis's voice) I liked to THWACK Meis upside the head, just like I'm gonna do right now! *THWACK!* Oh, look at the Tweetys and stars.........*Whump*(Falls unconcious to the floor) ^__^ As for me, I HATE PEDOPHILES, ESPECIALLY ONES THAT USE SASAMI AS THE LEMON SUBJECT! I thought it flat out SUCKED, except for the electrifying pigs, that was funny. Yeah, to think he could misspell the same word over and over and over again. It's just plain stupidity. (All nod their heads) Well, that was my second MST! How did you like it? and would you like me to do more? Questions and comments are always welcome, but flames will just be used to heat my living quarters. Send all comments to: Pepper4099@aol.com