No Need For Broadcast Executives! A short story on Love, War, and Business! “Move camera 2 about 6 degrees to the left…. that's right. Now zoom in, we want to catch that next fight sequence… Oh! Hi! You're finally here! I'm glad you could make it to the production zone on such short notice! Well, as you can see behind me this is the central nerve center of the operation. Here we monitor the actor's reactions and amplify and tweak the ones that we think will get the best reactions from viewers around the world. As you can see we are now tweaking adrenaline and pheromone levels so as to get the two main females to, well, you can see what they are doing now. Fighting over that boy again! God knows what they see in him, but the viewers love it! Ah…. I see you are wondering about that particular panel! That sends signals to their brains that makes them see high energy blasts and 'Jurian powers' that don't really exist! Hahaha! Isn't that crazy?! Well, of course we make it so that they fell a pain reaction when an 'energy blast' Oh….yes sir, you want to interact with the actual subjects, personally? That could be tricky sir. Well, you see, if we actually enter the world their beliefs could be shattered and the program would end and that would mean no more show. No more show means no more ratings, which means no sponsors, which means no money. No money sir! Ooh…. well I guess we could do that. We were going to get hire a temp but I guess you could do it. You wouldn't actually know who you are for a while though sir. I understand sir. Joe! Yeah, fire up Program: Kain! Hey maybe we could make this into a movie! Yes sir, Ill talk to the rest of the staff sir. Ill be sure to send you the medical release forms within two weeks sir. Thank you! Well, glad he's gone, can get back to work. Hmmm… my wife would make a great mother of Tench!" Ah…. I hate this part. If you absolutely loathed this fanfic please direct all e-mails that have no purpose then to say “you suck!” to Do not expect a reply. If, however you have some constructive criticism please direct all of those to Now I have to make one thing clear. I am not saying that what I just thought up is true, untrue, or is a fuzzy creature from Alpha Centauri. No, this is just something I made up off the top of head because I thought it would be cool to do a Tenchi fanfic. I basically ask that you look at this as something to enjoy and not something to toss down and rip on just because it doesn't the atypical mind view, you and every other living being on this planet has. Its my first, I will do more hopefully. They might spin off of this one depending on feedback. So if you like it please tell me! If anyone wants to copy this, please do! Mimicking is the greatest form of flattery so i'll probably be honored! Hell, I might just do another one just for the hell of it. Thanks! One last thing, everyone go to Two Guys’ Tent Muyo Fan Fic Review Page! Cav and Dav rock! The URL is Rock on!