The screen is dark. Suddenly a spot light illuminates a circle on the ground and a young man walks into it He seems to be your average anime otaku Blue eyes framed by glasses, shortish, evil little grin. You know the irreversible type ^_^ He seems to be wearing a variation of sayia-jin armor from dragon ball z with the old color scheme of blue, white, and yellow switched for green, black, and gray (in that order). Hello all! Thanks for stopping by, I am the author of this MST and I'd just like to tell you all what a pleasure it is to see you. No really I believe anyone who would read an MST is someone a little higher up the evolutionary ladder then others. Anyway, I hope you like this, and before any hate mail comes no affront was intended to the author of this work I'm about to rip into little pieces. But he seems a good sport about it, I hope. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is owned by Best Brains (and god love them all) So it does not belong to me But if Best Brains wants me on staff, I would be happy to accept (Yeah, I know, in your dreams fan boy! ^_^) Let me just clear my throat for a min here What? Like you can here me clear my throat? Oh, and there are other characters in here that I also don't own I don't own any of them, except for me. I'm my own man! Unless you ladies would like me to be yours ^_- Now how'd you see that? Magic Voice: you should really- "-Just relax, right, thanks sweetie, So without further ado, I give you." Mystery Science Theater 3000 Ep. EA-01A: The Introduction The ship floated lazily in the vastness of space It was a newer ship, still having some of the floor room shine, but it had seen its share of action It was a cruiser until the end of a great war that is best left forgotten. It was sold off for scrap and refurbished, given a new mission and name It's mission, or rather that of it's crew, is to find the dregs of fiction and, if not destroy them, at least to make them more enjoyable to read. The Capitan of this ship is one Ketran Jigoten; an author from earth who must now prove his mettle if he is to stay in command of his ship The Ecchi Ai Washu and Ketran were sitting at a table in the lounge of the ship having a discussion over the coming Fic "I mean I've been used in just about every MST group known to man, woman and asexual being so I know about these things" Washu stated matter-of-factly, before taking a sip from her cup. "So what does that mean? How am I different then those other guys, girls and asexual beings?" Ketran asked before taking a bite of his pastry "Well it just that that you haven't even proven that you can take the pressures of an MST" "Well this is my first one! Everyone starts somewhere." Washu stared at the bit of cinnamon bun on his cheek and sighed "And another thing, you are a si character who doesn't even have anime powers, how are you going to handle working with, lets say piccolo? That Suzuki guy works with anime, hell one of his crew is Aeka for kame's sake, and he doesn't seem to have any problems, how will I be any different? Suddenly a giant green mantis walks into the room holding a coffee cup and a muffin. He sits down at the table "Well, he has a sense of humor" "Oh great, it's zorak!" the keyboarding vest changing doff of space ghost! Oh joy!" "That right fleshy" "Who brought you on board? I don't remember you on the crew roster" "Ha, ha very funny writer boy! Ask red over there" Zorak jerked his thumb to Washu, who was just taking another slip of tea "You!? Why would you bring this onboard?" Washu actually looked sheepish "Well, I needed to run some tests on the new inter-dimensional cross genera teleporter and needed a test monkey" Zorak nearly choked on his muffin "hey!" Ketran put his arm on zorak's shoulder "Oh poor thing, you hurt his fragile feelings! You really need to watch how you handle people like zorak, you can't talk about them like that" "Wow, maybe you aren't such a bad-" Ketran pulled the mantis out of his seat and started dragging him out of the lounge "You just throw them out the airlock!" "You bastard!" Washu rubbed her temples and stared at where they were "Well this is going to be a weird gig, I can just feel it...."she realizes what Ketran just said "Hey wait! KETRAN!" Washu runs after them, cursing the Fic writer and all of his descendants. Meanwhile, at the airlock. Ketran had zorak in the air lock and was pretending to hit the button that would open it to space Washu runs into the room and skitters to a halt" don't do it Ketran the airlock will be covered insect innards!" Ketran grimaces at the image of zorak spread over his ship's hull "Oh fine, just spoil my fun" He opens the hatch and zorak tumbles out "Let's just start the Fic already, I want him off my ship as quickly as possible" "Oh like I'm going anywhere with you!" zorak huffed Ketran threw up his arms. "Oh, what's a little death threat between friends? Lets do the Fic." "I've read these before! Do you really think I'll sit through some god awful Fic so you can riff it to shreds? I have better things to do then listen to some wanna-be mike nelson try to drag a show out of it's grave!" (A Springer show like OOOOOOHHHHHHHH is heard over the loudspeakers) Washu looked at Ketran who was, for lack of a better adjective, stone "zorak that was not the brightest thing to say." Ketran shook himself out of whatever he was in and in a surprisingly calm voice said "Well then, I think it's time you learned something, my buggy little brat.." Zorak was all rebellion "what 's that?" Ketran reached into his jacket. "While I don't have any anime abilities." Ketran pulls out a weapon about the size of a small pistol and points it at zorak's head. "I do have a X-09 FUBAR blaster!" Zorak turned a lighter shade of green and backed away "Now wait a minute, can't we talk about thi-" ZzzzzzPOW!!!! Ketran holstered his weapon "no, we can't" "Cough owwwweeee" Washu could do nothing but stare at zorak, who has been transformed into a charred version of himself "It's best not to push him like that" "Cough 'kay..." "So anyway, back to the matter at hand, Ketran, how are we going to see if you can handle being an Mster?" "You think I can't handle a little sarcasm?" Washu gave him a stern look "It's more then just making fun of another author's work, it's a way to criticize with humor without them hunting you down to kill you! You should know that by now!" Ketran looked down "you're right Washu, I'm sorry" "When am I not?" Ketran and zorak's still charred carapace face faulted Washu sweat-dropped "I'll let that slide this time, now let's get you into the theater!" "Well, I still think you can't do it," zorak snickered Ketran glared at the mantis with pure rage, "shut your mouth!" "Make me!" Washu pulled out her holotop and began to type Suddenly a giant statue landed on zorak's head, Ketran had dived away at the last second "Washu!" "What?" a confused Washu asked He just stared at her, she looked startled for a second then smiled, and scratched the back of her head Oh right! The human thing, sorry! "Well, thank god I can dodge" he laughed as the adrenalin eased out of his system "Ok, I know what we have to do" "What?" a perplexed Ketran asked. "Step this way" Washu left the room heading aft towards the holodeck Ketran followed her "Let's do it " "This is something I have to see" Zorak followed them towards the holodeck The holographic reality chamber Washu stood in front of the door that led to the holodeck busily punching something into her holotop. Ketran walked into the room, followed by zorak "So what's up Washu?" Ketran asked, getting the snack machine ready for the Fic. She glared at him "Oh fine, *little* Washu" she smiled and in her cutest voice continued "The holodeck is set with a MST program: you go in, MST the Fic, and come out alive" "Alone?" Ketran was confused, He'd read singular msts before, but with the people just riffing to themselves, it was a little unnerving. "No, that would be boring, creepy and lame." Washu stated, not even looking up from her laptop, "The program has the PEC's of the robotic cast of the show" "PEC's?" "Personality emulator chips" Washu clarified Ketran blinked, " 'kay, so I just go in?" "Yep" At that point zorak piped in "twenty says you don't make it back!" Ketran smiled, "ha, I'll see that and raise you fifty." "You're on Jigoten!" They shook on it. Ketran walked halfway into the room and turned to look at them. "See you on the other side guys" They waved to him as the door closed "He's such an otaku" zorak mused "Yep" Washu remarked "So, chewy bar?" "Sure!" To be continued.. Well, hello again! I thought that I needed to set up the group a little bit before I got to the actual MST. And that made the intro amazingly long, and not really that important for the next mst with just ketran and the bots, so I deceided to make it a separate file, the MST Should be right underneath this one so enjoy