§--(Continue with your life off)--§ (And call 911 to prank call them) The Continuation of Dark Dawn -MSTied By John 'CrowBar' Hurst MakoReno@aol.com http://crowbar.cjb.net Continuing Epdisode 105..... NOW! ___________________DISCLAIMER INFO IN PART 1_____________________________ [Mike and the Bots come into the theater, Mike in pain] Mike: OWW! Man, I didn't know you even could use a sledgehammer like that! Crow: I've had practice. >DARK DAWN Tom: That would be a sunset, wouldn't it? But it refers to dawn as the start of the day, but it's dark so it can't be a dawnnAAHHH!! [Head explodes] Mike: Well...crap. Crow: Isn't that a record? Mike: Let's see....yep! >Prologue to Armageddon Prophecy Crow: Waitaminute.... Dr.F just found this AFTER sending us Armageddon Prophecy? Mike: Apparently, yes. >by: Pyrous Tom: [With New Head] You have enter the Pyrous Zone... Crow: Do do do do... do do do do Mike: Glad to have you back Tom! How do you feel? Tom: Uhh.. Gimme a Ram Chip and a Giga Drink and I'll be OK. > "Welcome Kento, Crow: (Voice) Did you bring the money? That wasn't free last night Mike: Crow.... > I see you have come as I've asked," Mike: (Dude) You are officially my new dog. Fetch! Heel! Get the newspaper! > said a dark figure in the shadows. Tom: Well, it wouldn't make sense for a light figure in the shadows Crow: Or a dark figure in the light. > He stood behind a pedestal and gazed down at the >lowly ronin at the base of the pedestal. Mike: Jimmy Carter's Secret Society... > The room was exceedingly dark and > the room was full of cloaked figures. Tom: How could he see the dark figures if the room was dark? Mike: Smile and Nod. > He looked up as if to speak. Crow: (Kento) Can I go home? Tom: (Kento) Where's the bathroom? Mike: (Guess Who) Listen! I still think it was Miss Scarlet, with the rope in the Library! > "Silence mortal!!!" The cloaked figure at the pedestal cried. Tom: But he was already silent... Mike: What was that saying you guys have? Crow: Stay Frosty. Mike: Oh Yeah... Stay Frosty, Tom. > A figure emerged from the shadows, "All new members are allowed to > ask three question. Any insubordination will be punished. Ask your > questions now," the shadow remarks. Tom: (Kento) Can I have more questions? Crow: (Kento) Can I hurt you? Mike: (Kento) How much chuck can a woodchuck chuck is a woodchuck could chuck chuck? > "I do have one. Why are you guys wearing mouse ears and bras on >your heads?" Crow: We hit the Mickey Mouse club! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! Tom: Prepare the mouse trap! > "That is insubordination, no more questions today. > You now have Mike: A meat lover's sandwhich Tom: Anime... if you pay me Crow: Se...... [Looks at Mike]....never mind. >your first task, bring use five now went into convulsive laughter, Bots: Huh? Mike: Thats a simple quest... > "Member Beta Zeta, Tom: (Dark Dude) You will work with Beta Gamma, Alpha Sigma, and Moe. >observe his test and make sure he does his own dirty work for >once." Crow: Watch him buy Dirty Magazines and get Dirty Mike: [Groans] >______________________________________________________________________________ Tom: You know... I am tired of these Tetris jokes... STOP TRYING TO GIVE US LINES!! Mike: Easy there Tom. [Hands > >There was a smell of grease and fast food filled the air like a foul perfume. Mike: Home.... What I would give to go there. Bots: We here you, Mike. > The smell gave way through the double doors as the smell was then matched > with that of cheap perfume. Crow: TONIGHTS MATCHUP! The Grease Cast Vrs Mary Kay!! >The lights of signs stood glowing >like hypnotic beckons. Tom: I think it's time to SLEEEEPPPP! >Signs of sales broke the almost alien atmosphere of the brightly lit mall. > Serena looked around at the glorious shops Crow: (Serena) I don't have any money! WAHHH!! >and stores that all were baring > signs of sales. Mike: And no signs that could say you could buy. > "Amy why did you have to drag us to a chess match today?" > Serena asked Amy quietly. Tom:(Ami) Well, I took your comma's away. You'll get them back after the match. >"Come on Serena, she needs our support. Mike: (Whoever) She has mud wrestling after that you know. Crow: Mike... you get after us for that! Mike: Ehh..Bite me. > She is going against the reigning > champion of the city, two years in a row," Mina Remarked. Tom: So, Two Years in a Row is the guys name huh? Mike: You want your head blown off again? Tom: No.. it's just that Two years in a row is a interesting name and that he may be referring to two years in a row and..... I dont feel so good. [sparks fly out and finnaly blow up his head] >The group comes to a large open area, in the center sits a single chess >board in which crowds of people are around. Mike: (Dude) [Sarcastic] Wow....exciting. Crow: (Ditto) [Sarcastic] I thought I saw a piece of dust move. > Banners are hang about that > read "CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH TODAY" >"Rei, do you remember my opponents name?" Amy asked. Tom:(With New head) (Rei) Umm.. I beilive he's that champion from Russia. Crow: Back again, Tom? >"One Rowen Hashiba of Shin-sha University."Rei Answered, Crow: (Rei) Coming right up! Do you want him original or extra crispy? In fact, can you give me a piece of him.. Mike: Thats enough, Crow. >"Don't worry you can beat Frat boy there." Mike: (Rei) But maybe not over there. >______________________________________________________________________________ >A group of sinister figures stand in watch as part of the crowd. They look >at each other as if they have something to do in recent time to come. Crow: (figure) Remember, tee time is at 4, the meeting is at 6, and the special show is at 11. Mike: What did I say, Crow? > "Darkwolf," One says with a caw like a bird to his voice, "You think that Tom: (One) Are names are really crappy? > the people we are looking for are going to come here to a teenage chess >tournament. You must be crazy. We are looking for great heros, not little > kiddies." Tom: Waitaminute...they are looking for hero's..but they were bad guys in the last fic... that means they must be spies, but they attaaaaAAHH!! [Tom's head blows up....again] > "Shut up Grayhawk, your mouth seems never to shut. Crow: (GrayHawk) Well, thanx to that plastic surgery tip you gave me, it never will! >I'm sure, in >fact two of the people we're looking for are in this match," the one named > Darkwolf answered with a growl to his voice. Mike: And he immedently starting howling to the Macarena Song Crow: (DarkWolf) Arwoooooooooooorena! Mike: That was very lame, Crow. >"Rampage don't care as long as Rampage get to beat something," A rather >large and barbaric looking man said rather primitively. Tom: (with another new head) And I rather use this fanfic to beat the author rather than to listen to this story! Mike: Tom, I gave you 5 heads this morning...how many heads you have left? Tom: 2... Mike: So don't think for now on in this fic. >"Shut up!" Grayhawk and Darkwolf cried in unison. Crow: But they could've done this! [The 3 do the Hello jingle from the host segment of Space Children in a different way] Mike: (No. 1) Shut up! Tom: (No. 2) Shut up! Crow: (No. 3) Shut Up! >______________________________________________________________________________ >Two college student come to the open area of the mall but at the upper level. > They look down at the crowd and at the young girl taking a set at the black > side of the chessboard. Crow: Well, fine! Give us every little detail Mike: It's not the author's fault, guys. Tom: We don't care! >"Pretty cocky opponent a Rowen,"Sage remarks. Tom: So... Rowen's cocky, but it is a spelling error and Rowen is not. But Rowen might be cocky and we may not know..AHHHH![Sparks fly out. Then his head explodes again] Crow: Oh great. Mike: One head left, Tom! [Crow this time helps out with Tom putting his head on] Tom: Thanx Crow. Crow: And you have one spare head left. >"Pretty yes, cocky no. I won last time on the white side so now I'm stuck > as white," Rowen answers. Tom: And does that MEAN anything? Crow: Apparently, No. >"So I think you may be giving someone your number. Aren't you?" Sage looks > at him doe eyed, in a mocking fashion. Mike: I, the great and powerful MikeZinni, will predict Lemon scenes soon! Crow: That was very lame, Mike. Tom: And we have already seen Parts 1 and 2, so there isn't a lemon scene. Mike: Oh. >"Ummm......Look there's Kento and Cye, lets go say hello,"Rowen answered >just barley dodging the question. Crow: The Ultimate game of Dodge Ball, using Question's to dodge another one! Mike: Say, Crow, why do you have copies of certain Manga's in your room. Crow: Uhh..Uhh... Let's read the fanfic now! >They looked down at the crowd of people and sure enough there was Cye and >Kento. Tom: Well...duh! >They walked toward the escalator only for a moment when over the >loud speaker Mike: (Announcer) Will the owner of a White Bronco, please come down and talk to the police man. Crow: (Announcer) Bingo will be cancelled tonight because of a strip show in the room. Mike: Crow... Tom: (Announcer) Will a postal worker come to the front office. He left his AK-47 in the food court. >"Rowen Hashiba please make your way over to the tournament board in >five minutes or you forfeit." Tom: (Announcer) Then we brand you a loser for life and never get any girls...huh Mike? Crow: Sounds familiar...huh Mike? Mike: Shut up.. > "Lets move it or your title goes to a high school student," Sage says to > his buddy in a frenzy. Tom: (Sage) Come-on-man! I-need-the-Jolt! I-only-had-three-bottles! Crow: Shameless SVAM plug Number X-25: The Jamie 'Jolt' Jeans Scheme. Mike: Don't break the 4th wall now, Crow. >"Your right. To the chessboard!" Rowen says in his light Aussie accent. Crow:(Rowen) Thats right! To the chessboard so I can be whooped by a girl! >They race down the escalator to the chessboard and Rowen takes his set in a > record twenty-five seconds. Mike: Sorry, but Carl Lewis has beat your record. Tom: And plus, Mike Powell can jump that far as you walked. >Sage went to the crowd and stood next to his friends Kento and Cye. "Cye > where is Ryo?"Sage questioned quietly for the match had just started. >"He's out with Mia somewhere. Crow: [Opens Mouth, but then sees Mike's face and closes it] Mike: Muuuchhhh better! > They'll be here just in time for Rowen's >famous death blow," Cye remarks at the question asked by Sage. Crow: [Creates the critical flash from FF6] Mike: How did you do that? Crow: It's a gift. >"So you to are friend of the champion nice to meet you,"Mina says to Sage > and the rest. Tom: (Mina) Hehe... It's fun to say Hi to loser college students! Mike: The Ronin Warriors are cool...uhh I mean.. Crow: Fanboy! Mike: Otaku! >"Mina. What are you doing bothering them when their friend is losing,"Rei > remarked smartly. Crow: (Rei) Remember, our Commas are still with Ami. >"What? Rowen what do you think your doing, She's killing you," Sage mutters > aloud. Tom: As opposed to muttering 'softly'. >After some time Sage is on the ground in tears. Mike: (Sage) Why! First they take my Bud Light, and now that penguin got my Bud Ice! WHY!?! > Rowen is continuing to lose to Amy. Crow: Where? On the chess, or seducing? Mike: I'll let you free on that one. > The match looked sealed and it was. Tom: In a air-tight vault and our heroes suffocate! The End Mike: That was dark Crow: (Ala Darth Vader) Join Us, Mike Tom: (Darth Vader) It is your destiny! Crow: You know what? I'm your brother's, sister's, neighbor's, elf's neighbor's! >"What the heck is he doing?" Ryo asked as he enters the group of > low spirited ronins and high spirited school girls. Crow: So Lemme get this straight. The Sailor Senshi are preps? Mike: No.... well... I'm not sure. Tom: But if they were preps, then they would be on the cheerleader squad and get guys fast, but they can't. That would make them low-spirited, but they are watching Ami win and...AHHHH [Tom's head explodes once again] Mike: TOM! You have this last head left...so don't think anymore! [Tom's body hears this, but he cannot speak at the momment. He walks out of his seat and gets his last head and puts it one, using the wall.] Tom: This bites. Crow: The fic or the head exploding? Tom: Both. >"He's throwing the match," Sage said in a pool of tears, Mike: The wind up... and the pitch! Ohh, he threw the match right out of the ball park! > "I betted on Rowen against the rest of the ferturnity." >"Check,"Amy said playfully. Crow: Sayyy.. Mike: No... Crow: Come on...lemme Say it! Mike: I'm sorry. No! >"You mean Check-Mate,"Rowen corrected also in a playful manner. Crow: PLEASE, Mike!?! Mike: Oh, allright! Crow: I bet they like to *Play*! Mike: CROW!! Crow: You said I could say it! Mike: But I thought this was something else. >"Your right,"Amy said as a roar came from the crowd and the sound of sobbing > came from Sage. Tom: (Sage) I ....betted my Hanson tape on this! WAHHH!!! >The two shock hands and went to their friends. Crow: Electrical Hands attacked the audience? Tom: But... Crow: Don't think, Tom. Tom: Ok... > The great >moment was Mike: Changed by Nav coming in a destroying everyone Tom: Welcome to the dark side, Mike. > broken by a Crow: A rusty nail bomb. >shrill scream from the crowd. >"What was that?"Rowen and Amy cried at the same time. Crow: (Stan) Oh My God! They Killed Kenny! Mike: (Kyle)You bastards! >The crowd cleared to reveal three men standing there in full armor that >resembled animals. Tom: Ahh...so the freak show has arrived Mike: (Animal Dude)Hey..I'm the package delivery dude. Here's the script, man! >"Welcome to a new championship, one between you ten and us. We are the new > dark warlords," Mike: I didn't know there was even OLD ones. >One said, He appeared to be in armor that looked like that Crow: A can of spam? Tom: Agent for Harm? Mike: Oscar? Others: [Shudder] > of a vulture. ALL: Ohhhh... >"Shut up you over dramatic fool,"Another said, Crow: So lemme get this right... The warlords names are One and Another Mike: Apparently....yeah, I guess your right! > he appeared to be in wolf > like armor, "I am Darkwolf, the over dramatic fool as I called him is > Grayhawk, and the simpleton is Rampage." Tom: (DarkWolf) He can't count to three, so watch what you say around him Mike: (Rampage) 1...2.....6.....4.....3!! >"Rampage not simple!!"Rampage screamed, Grayhawk grabbed him at the > midriff of his rhino armor. >"Save it," Darkwolf said calmly. Crow: [Makes the save game noise from FF6] Mike: I am still impressed by how you do those things Crow: I ate a ram chip of Final Fantasy 6 by accident. >Suddenly another shrill voice filled the air, "A-ko look, Puppies!!!" Crow: Sayyyy.... Mike: [groans] >A young blonde teen-age girl goes running through the armored warriors >standing ready for battle. Tom: Waitaminute.... C-ko looks like a 5 year old, much less a TEENager Mike: Smile and Nod. > As she runs she knocks over Rampage and forces > Grayhawk to let go. Tom: Oh...wonderful Detail!! I didn't even know they were holding SOMETHING! Crow: Hold it there, Tom. Tom: I WILL NOT! THIS IS INSANE!!! [Head Blows up] Crow: Crap! That's his last head. Mike: Well, we can make it on our own...huh? Crow: No... I need my red buddy [Starts to sob] Mike: It will be ok, Crow. [Pats Crow] > She runs over to a pet store and picks up a small > puppy. Mike: (C-ko) It's so CUUUTEE! Can I keep it A-ko? Crow: (A-ko) No...remember the microwave incident with the last one, C-ko? Tom: we already did that joke Crow: Oh. > "C-ko watch out!" Crow: (A-ko) That acid hasn't kicked in yet! >a red haired girl shouts running after the little girl. Crow:( A-ko) You forgot your shirt!! Mike: (Groans) >"That distracted them, ready guys?" Ryo shouts to the others. ALL: NO! >"Wait what did he mean by ten of use?" Kento added. >Suddenly Serena leaped up and yelled, "Moon Prism Power!!!" Mike: Go ahead, Crow Crow: Wonder Twin Power's...Activat..... ahh, it just doesn't sound right. >"Shot, what does little missy there think she's doing?" Sage laughs Tom: [Magically formed with a new head] Is there a sniper somewhere in this fic? Crow: SERVO!! [Hugs Servo] Tom: I didn't know you missed me! Crow: [Realizes what he is doing] Uhh.... I didn't! Mike: I thought you were out of heads though. Tom: Well, The MiST helped me. Or the people at SVAM at that. Mike: Huh? Tom: Never Mind. >as he > gets out of a small puddle of tears. Mike: He created a small flood or what? Where's the details. Crow: Then it would be 50 pages long...like Kintobar stories > "I think we've met our match guys," Ryo adds in, "Now guys take'em. Crow: Go! Play! Shake that Thing! Mike: CROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW! Tom: Thats a record, Crow. 14 o's and 5 w's. >Here's your armor orbs." All the guys take the armor orbs and ready them for > the big battle. Tom: You would think that the Ronnin Warriors would HOLD on to their OWN orbs. Crow: One more odd twist in this fanfic. Mike: Shouldn't a Massive Crossover like this be ILLEGAL? Tom: Let's see. Ronnin Warriors, Project A-ko, Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo!, and Ranma 1/2. Oh yes. Most definitly. >They throw their orbs into the air and jump into the light > of them. Crow: (Dude in space in Deep Impact) OWWW!! My EYES!!! >"Armor of the wildfire, DAO JIN!!!!" ALL: Bless you! >Suddenly, where was five college students stood, now stand five battle ready > samurai. Crow: But the thought the hell with it and went a bought ice cream instead. >"Hey Kento look at the little school girls," Cye said pointing in the Mike: (Cye) Heheh...they look like idiots! >direction of Serena and the other four girls. >"I think I'm in love,"Kento replied looking wide eyed at the girls. Tom: (Random Ronin) This is so cool! Now we got five playtoys! Mike: Tom.... >"This is so degrading," Rei said with her head in her hands. Crow: I give this a D+ in a grade, by the way. Mike: (Rei) But I left my thesaurus at home...how did I know that! Tom: (Rei) Thanks for the commas again, Ami! >"Not to interrupt the party but Crow: (Person) Can you all get off me during the party. I just got here! Mike: Crow... >can you please help here!" The red-haired > girl shouts at the ten warriors. Tom: Yet none of them listen, and accedently blow her away! >"She's right people we should help that little girl," Lika shouts > to the rest. Crow: Who's Lika? I know a LITA, but... Tom: Moonie! Crow: POWIE! Mike: Powie? Crow: My term for Power Ranger fans! > "Your right Lika, you guys have to stop gawking at us and get to battle," Crow: There is that LIKA term again! Where is that from?? Mike: Maybe its Like a, Like 'I would LIKA sandwich. Tom: Very Cheesy, Mike. Mike: Bite me. >Rei shouts at the ronins looking them, then suddenly the ronins looked down Crow: Oh god! Now that IS too easy! > and were apologizing for their actions, Mike: (Ronin) I'm sorry about the closet incident Crow: (Ronin) I'm sorry for what happened at the motel Mike: Crow... Crow: Well, you did something SIMILAR to it! Tom: (Ronin) I'm sorry for destroying your grandfather's urn. [Looks at Mike.] Mike: Uhh... That just reminds me. Where IS that urn? Tom: I'm sure....it's around somewhere. [Looks at Crow] Crow: Oh...Yeah Yeah! I mean, we didn't play baseball again and break it, Honest! Mike: You did what!!???!! [Starts choking Crow] Crow: I don't have a windtube. Mike: Oh. Crow: Don't worry. I smoked a pack to put him back up there! >then Rei just about had it, > "GUYS GET THE LEAD OUT!!!" Mike: And they do and beat the crap outta Rei! Crow: That is mean! Rei is a nic...never mind Tom: You see? He IS a moonie Mike: We already know that! >"She's right you know. Lets teach these guys whose boss," Ryo shoots at >the ronins. Mike: (Random Ronnin) Ouch! Damnit, Ryo! Don't do that! >"Oh now ant that just quant. Tom: Ants? Great, I'll call the fire ants for these guys Mike: It was just a spelling error, Tom Tom: Really? I think I'll still call them anyway. >AAAAAHHHHHH....LIGHTNING STARS!!!!!"Grayhawk > screams at the top of his lungs, then a thousand Sparks fill the air as the > warrior appears to toss them. Mike: But that would kill hundred's of citizens, and completly miss our heroes >"It must be a trick," Sage screams as the stars hurdle toward them. >He looks in his sword and sees a thousand stars headed toward them, >" It's not, DUCK!!!" ALL: WHERE??? Crow:[Sarcastic] You know, I can't get enough of the word 'Thousand Stars'. I mean it's not 1 star, 20, stars, or 50 stars! It's a thousand stars > At the same time over at the pet store Rampage is >closing in on the little girl. She is screaming holding a >puppy and backing into a corner. Crow:(C-ko) It's not you, Mr.Bad Man. It's this *Bleep*in puppy Mike: What the *Bleep* happened? [A guy comes down that looks like a executive] Executive: I am Mr.Censor. I have studied this show and saw your cussing. Don't mind me. Mike: Allright...but we don't like you doing that, you *Bleep*in *Bleep*. Crow: Yeah, so *Bleep* off. Mr.Censor: But, there are kiddies reading this. Tom: We don't give a *Bleep* about that. They should learn the *Bleep*ing words at school! Mr.Censor: Allright...if you want a drop in ratings, I'll take the censor-ship off. My next target is South Park. Crow: Here, Let me show you the way out [Exits Theater with Mr.Censor] Mr.Censor: Why, Thank you. > "Rampage smash, Rampage bash, Rampage... >puppy, Mike: Note to ourselves: Rampage is a Puppy Tom: [Making mental notes] Got it. > Rampage like puppy," Rampage said holding out his hands reaching for > the small dog, when suddenly Tom: The Dog turned into a warewolf and killed both C-ko AND Rampage. >the red-haired girl appears and punches him in > the gut. Crow: And My my...thats a big gut!! Mike: What happened to that....that evil thing? Crow: He started gagging as soon as I exited the theater. I then put him out the Airlock. Mike: Good for you. [Hands Crow and Ram Chip] Crow: Thanks! [Looks at Chip] Hey! This one is from a 333 mhZ Pc! [Eats it] Wooo!!! Thanks-for-the-chip-man! >"That's for trying to hurt my friend!!"She screams at the writhing mass below her. >"Thank you A-ko!!"The little girl shouts in joy, then hugs her. Crow: (C-ko) Now-I'll-kick-your-ass-man!! [Digests the RAM Chip] Phew! I feel better. >"Thanks C-ko." Mike: For what? >Back out in the forum the group has it's hands full dodging thousands of > stars. Tom: Isn't it the OTHER way around? Mike: Maybe there is a Celeb Con around the mall or something. > Rei, Lika, Cye and Sage had jumped up to the next level to divert his > fire. Crow: [Makes fire station alarm noises] Mike: [Fire fighter] Get in there! It's a toughie! Tom: [Another Fire Fighter] Hey! Free Food! Mike: [Ditto] Really? Ah, the hell with this. FREE FOOD EVERYBODY! > Serena, Ryo, Kento, Mina, Amy, and Rowen where ready to fight back when > a > voice came from Serena's bag, Mike: [Andrew] Hey! Lemme outta this bag, Man! And once you do...find my body parts! Crow: That was mean! Serena would never do that do...never mind Tom: [Singing ala Mr.Sandman] Mr. Moonie, what the hell is wrong with you? We think you are screwy too. Crow: Shut up! > "Serena, you and your new friends must combine powers. Amy and the dark >blue one shout MERCURY ARROW at the same time." Mike: Someone has been playing too much Chrono Trigger. Crow: But they do as she says and nothing happens. Whats with authors and just saying stuff automaticly works? You gotta do some motion too Tom: Like this? [Starts jumping around] Gumball Omega Attack! [Several Gumballs come out of Tom's head and land on the ground.] Crow: Cool, Tom! How did you do that? Tom: I'm not really sure. >A small cat had been > giving them directions. Crow: Sayyy.... Mike: Why me? >"Why should I listen to a talking cat," Rowen said, "I should have laid off > the sokie last night." >"I'm no alcohol induced illusion,"The cat snapped, "It's your only hope at > this point." Tom: Actually, your only hope is to see if the reader is reading to see if they want you to do it. Mike: And they are not. Crow: (Luna) If noone is reading...then into the hottub girls! Mike: Do I have to really really hurt you? Crow: No... Mike: Ok Then... >"Okay, I'll do it, just let get my bow ready," Rowen mumbled. Tom: Noone will be seated during the getting the bow scene! In fact.. they probably have left before that! >"MERCURY ARROW!!!!" The two shout in unison Crow: [Sarcastic] Oh... I thought it was SEPERATLY!! > and an arrow is shot from Rowen's > bow trailed by a line of bubbles. It hits Grayhawk and he freezes in place. Mike: All of a sudden, it's like Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. Crow: How about we see a Mars Fire Harpoon next... Tom: Or maybe Moon Tiara Boomerang...never mind.. that's like similar to the other move I was referring do. Crow: So, Tom... you watch Sailor Moon too? Tom: NO! I mean... I only watched one epidsode > Darkwolf has his head berried in his hands. Mike: Mmmm...these berries are good. >"You may have bested those idiots, but we'll meet again and Crow: (DarkWold) We will get our butts whooped again! > the odds will be > in our favor. SHOT, that idiots mellow dramatic attitude is rubbing off on > me," He and the rest of the evil warriors disappear. Tom: That was utterly confusing. Crow: Well, said. Mike: And whats with this SHOT thing...shouldn't it be SHOOT? >"That was easy," Ryo said. Mike: Of course >"Well there are ten of us.." Kento starts but is interrupted. >"You mean eleven," The red-haired girl said, "The names A-ko and this is > C-ko." ALL: AND WE DON'T CARE. >"Hi, I'm C-ko and I'm glad to meet you!!" The little girl shouts loudly. >"I'm Mina and I'm glad Tom: (Mina) ...to be able to kill you in a couple of chapters > to meet you, too," Mina says, "This is Lika, Serena, Crow: (Some Gal) Oh, did I Lika mentioned that Lika's name is Lita? > Amy, and this little jewel of personality is Rei." >"Nice to meet you." >"Hello." >"Hi." Mike: Who's talking? Crow: Dunno, Don't Care. >"Swell," Rei says standing there looking in another direction >"I'm Ryo of the wildfire,"Ryo says to the rest of the people. >"I'm Rowen of the Strata." >"I'm Kento of Hardrock." >"Sage of the Halo." >"And I'm Cye of the Torrent." ALL: AND YET WE STILL DON'T CARE! >At this point Rei is staring at Ryo, at that moment Mia came out of a near > by store with several bags in her hands. She came over to the chess area > totally oblivious to what had just happened. Tom: [Snoring] > She takes one glace at Ryo in > his armor and drops her bags. Crow: But it was ONLY his armor and nothing else...heheh Mike: CROW!! > "Ryo what happened here and who are these, and why are you guys wearing your > armors?" Mia Question in sort of a puzzled fashion. Mike: Well, let's see. There were explosions and fighting earlier that could be heard throughout the WHOLE MALL and YOU Couldn't hear it!?! Right? Tom: (Mia) Write? I'll write a crappy fanfic for you! Mike: No! You don't hear well! Tom: (Mia) What do you mean that I don't serve beer well? Mike: [Groans] >"Mia,"Ryo said quietly at Mia, "Excuse me Mia, did you miss the battle?" >"There was a fight? Ryo are you hurt? Fill me in later Ryo let's go," Crow: Gee...she sounds REAL concerned about the fight, doesn't she? > Mia said very quickly as she dragged him out the door. At that point everyone >returned to normal. Tom: What? No Police? No yellow tape? No Hurt Citizens? What the hell is wrong here!!!!??!! Mike: Smile and Nod, Tom. Tom: NOT THIS TIME! I WANT SOME DAMN POLICE MEN HERE AND.. [Soarks fly out of his head]...and I don't feel so good. Mike: See... you should listen to me! >"We'll all meet tomorrow, you seven should go home your parents must be > worried," Sage says pointing tothe door. Crow: (Sage) And now that your secret is out, we'll post it on the internet and make you *soooo* embaressed! >"We should. So long, till tomorrow," Serena said as she walked toward the >exit. Tom: To leave the fic, obviously > As they leave Amy noticed a small piece of paper in her hands. Crow: And it was on fire. She went to the water fountain and realized it was a Gas tank and was burnt to itty bitty pieces Mike: I doubt that will happen anytime soon. >She read what it said. It read "Call me" and had a phone number. Amy >ran to catch up with her friends with the paper up against her chest. Crow: Sayyyy.... Mike: I should super glue you...but I should've a while back too. >"Tenchi, I knew we missed some thing. Tom: (Ryoko) We barely missed this fic! > I Remember those people that just > past use from some where," Mike: (Girl) I beilive they were on DEATH ROW Tom: Now you get your free Membership card to the darkside, Mike. >Said a girl that looked to be seventeen with > hair that looks like it was done by >Sonic the Hedgehog. Tom: I made a shameless plug and damnit, I'm gonna use it! Crow: 6 letters to Kefka: The Dark One : ASADAE. Mike: Huh? Tom: And a few more letters to it do: MSTied Mike: What are you talking about? Crow: We'll tell you in a bit, Mike. >"Your right Ryoko. But can't today be a normal day for once," said a young > man. Crow: (Ryoko) NO! It can't be normal day! Now, I'll sneak you into Victoria's Secret and.. Mike: [Whacks Crow upside the Head] I'm kind of tired of that. Crow: I'll stop! >The girl looked at him and smiled. "Your right, lets go," the girl said but >she knew this was an omen of things to come. Tom: But if the mall was back to normal... how did she know about a Omen? This is driving me INSANE!! [The three exit the theater] §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ [Door 1: You exit the theater and the door swirves to the right.] [Door 2: It's a a small paper opening.] [Door 3: It's a stack of Metallica CD's. You put the one you got earlier back] [Door 4: It's a portal. You Enter it to continue.] [Door 5: You walk past a broken TV.] [Door 6: It's the game of Tetris. You play it some more and continue on.] §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ "So... what were you guys talking about in there" asked Mike. "About what" asked Servo. "Something about ASADAE" said Mike. "Oh. It's some Dark Sonic fic that these wrestlers have to endure" stated Crow, walking over to the HectoScreen. "W...Wrestlers?" Mike shakily said. "Yeah" stated Servo. "I can't show it to you, though. I mean, I lost the feedback I got from them" "By the way guys, we have nothing to do." said Crow. "Yeah... sure we can rant about the Confusion of the series, but my head hurts and I don't want to." "Oh well. Guess we better check in with Diesel and Lead." told Mike as he hit the button that opened the HectoScreen to a Evil Dr.F, still in his hawaiian shirt, smiling darkly into the screen. "Grettings, My Puppets. Please tell me, how did the Puppett Master do today?" he asked. "Not bad. Not good" Tom said. "The story was WAYYY confusing" "But we are still sane," replied Mike. "Really?" Dr.F said. "I'll just have to get WORSE material! FRANK!" Frank came in as fast as he could. He also had his hawaiian stuff on as well. "Yes, Sir?" he asked, panting from the running. "Go on the internet and find the WORST fic you can find that is NOT a lemon" he replied to his collegue. "Now, Shoo!" Frank ran off and just as he reached for the door.... "Oh yeah... push the button, Frank" he said. And Frank did so. \ / \ / \ / O FWOOOSSHHH!! / \ / \ / \ ___________________________________________________________________________ I kind of did a short ending segment this time, huh? Oh well, I couldn't think of anything else right then. I hope you have enjoyed my 5th MSTing! I had some fun doing this. But when you have your nephew around, it's hard to concentrate, so I had to work a tad harder ()-). All C&C on this should go to MakoReno@aol.com and other stuff. Where I find Most of my Work http://members.xoom.com/gensao/ Special Thanx to my friends comments of my MSTings and GenSao for making the Tenchi Muyo Fanfic Page! My Website is listend at the Top of this MSTing. Thanx for your time. And I will have a bad fic next time... List of Epidsodes 101- Neon Exodus Evagelion, By Benjamin Hutchins: MSTied 6/13/98 102- Tenchi Muyo!- BEHIND THE SCENES By BGlanders@aol.com: MSTed 6/14/98 103-Tenchi Vrs. USA Today By The IceFalcon (???): MSTed 6/16/98 104- The Armageddon Prophecy Part 1 and 2 By Pyrous: MSTed: Part 1 (6/25/98) Part 2: (7/2/98) 105- Dark Dawn (With Short Tenchi Vrs Ranma) By Pyrous (Short By: Replicant) : MSTed 7/8/98 ~~Keep Circulating the Fics!~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ >"Why should I listen to a talking cat," Rowen said, "I should have laid off > the sokie last night."