Circle Part 6 WRITTEN BY: Adam Chris Leigh MSTIED BY: Jamie Jeans a.k.a. JOLT!!! Back to ACL... man, why do I feel like I'm being punished? Oh yeah, for continuity sakes, this takes place after the Second AAAT, but before Alexander flies off into outer space and onto the SOL, and before Rebecca and Tseuno show up. And this is my 41th MSTied fanfic. LEGAL STUFF: All the Anime characters in the following MST belongs to the talented and creative people who made them. Please don't sue me for I am merely borrowing your characters and not making any claim on them. The Club Anipike belongs to Nightbreak, whom I am grateful to for allowing me to use it. Samantha Jones and Alexander Misamoto are characters of my own making and belong to me. They can be used with permission. Now, on to the story! ________________________________________________________________________ "I missed you too, love," Samantha said, starring into the monitor, tears barely held back as she gazed into her love's eyes. The look was the same on Bret 'The Hitman' Hart's face and he brushed the hair o ut of his eyes, simultaneously wiping tears away. "As do I. We've been doing okay, though, even with what happened to Vince in the last AAAT and..." Suddenly, Bret was pushed aside and Kevin Nash's face came onto the monitor. "The hell wit' dat! Vince has been torturing us nonstop with horrible fanfics! He won't stop! And that damn Pippkin ain't helping either!" Samantha felt a jolt of pain pass through her heart at this even as the camera violently shifted about. She giggled as she heard Mark scolding Kevin. Predictably, Kevin shot back with some wise-ass remark and was promptly friend with an lightning bolt. The camera refocused on Mark for a moment. "Sorry about that. Here's Bret," he said, his usually stoic voice sounding tired and stress. Thanks Mark." Bret came back onscreen and gave Samantha his trademark 'hitman' smile. She blushed and suddenly became serious. "Bret... is it as bad as the big goofball said it was?" Bret laughed slightly at the 'goofball' part, but turned serious as well. "Yeah, it has... that Pippkin can sure drag up some rough stuff. Even Eric's feeling the pinch of the bad fanfics." Eric appeared in the background, dancing slightly about and singing 'I feel pretty'. Samantha caught the sight of the bottle he held in one hand, filled with a blue liquid. "And now Mcmahon has cut off the viewscreen so that we can't talk normally. I was able to set up this camera and transceiver to catch any thing from the Anipike, but beyond that..." Samantha drew up her strength and flashed him one of her smiles, the kind that always brought a blush to his face. It worked, as always. "Don't worry! Washu is working on a way to get you guys off the SON. She'll figure something out, I'm *sure* of it!" ***** Alexander Misamoto gently sipped on his ginger ale and looked over to the corner of the Anipike where a hap hazard communications unit had been set up by Washu. His big sister was talking with Bret again. Although the young man had been extremely surprised to find out his sister was the famous wrestler's girlfriend, he hated to see her suffer. Added to this the fact that the woman he loved, Deb Lawson, was actually in love with Ankoku, and there was general misery for both of the Author Avatars. "Nihao Alex. Why so gloom?" Alexander looked up and saw Shampoo and Ryoko, both standing dressed in Tennis outfits with rackets slung over their shoulder. "Yeah, you look like ya just got signed up for a horrible fanfic series," Ryoko added. "Space pirate would know," Shampoo said as she sat down. "Please... don't remind me... although Aikan Muyo was nice..." Ryoko sat down, a big goofy smile spreading on her face. "What kind of series was Aikan Muyo?" Alexander asked, totally confused. "It was..." Ryoko started. "Good fanfic series," Shampoo finished, then shot a look at Ryoko. "Oh," Alexander said, then winced as Samantha cursed and punched the Comm unit. She growled at it and then walked over to the table, dropping into a chair beside Alex. "Mcmahon discovered our talk and blocked the signal. It'll be awhile before we can try again." Samantha looked tired and worn out, huge bags stretching under her eyes. "Where is Washu, anyhow?" "Oh, she's setting up a holocabanna beside the theater," Ryoko answered, pointing to a Star Trek-like door beside the theater doors. "She and Misato were up all night talking about uses and designing it." The door hissed open and out walked a very tired Washu. She yawned and stumbled over to the table, pulling up a chair and taking a spot besides Ryoko. "Well, it's finished," she said, yawning again. "And already, the schedule for it is packed." All of the reviewers looked over to see a line forming up at the bar where Misato, pen and notepad in hand, was taking down the names and reserving times. Predictably, many of the cast members from DragonBall Z were lined up first, Ki crackling off fists or in eyes as they anticipated their turn in the hologram room. Alexander blinked and finished off his ginger ale before speaking. "Why do I get this feeling that Haim Saban will be the man of many deaths by the end of the day?" "End of the day?" Ryoko repeated. "Try end of the hour." "So, shall we get on with today's fanfic?" Washu asked. ***** [Washu, Alexander, Samantha, and Shampoo entered the theater and took their seats in the front roll, Alexander in the fourth seat, Washu in the third, Samantha in the second, and Shampoo in the first.] SAMANTHA: Well, Ryoko wasn't too pleased about this. ALEX: About as pleased as you were when you heard Adam was back in the AAAT. SAMANTHA: Exactly. SHAMPOO: Shampoo amazed at how fast she join line up. WASHU: Well, she wasn't too happy when she heard we were taking on Part 6 of Full Circle. ALEX: Is it really that bad? SAMANTHA: Strap yourself in, little brother. You're gonna be in for one hell of a ride. WASHU: PLAY!!! [The fanfic starts up.] INTERLUDE ALEX: A good thing we had plenty of those during the Second AAAT. That was tiring! SAMANTHA: Good one, bro! ALEX: Thanks! Establishing Shot: WASHU: Remember, that said establishing, not pleasing, Samantha. SAMANTHA: Oh, you're no fun! Space... again. SHAMPOO: <Kirk> Final Frontier. These voyages of Starship Enterprise. Her five year mission: seek out new life new life forms. Predominantly shown is a large planet that has come to be known as Earth. WASHU: A good thing too. I wouldn't want this story starting off on the wrong planet! A small twinkle is shown ALEX: Twinkle, twinkle, little star... in the space to the left of the planet, as a ship suddenly appears heading towards the screen. SHAMPOO: Ah! It *is* Starship Enterprise. KIYONNE (V.O.) SAMANTHA: Victim character number two. ALEX: Who's number one? SAMANTHA: Tenchi. Officer First Class Kiyonne, ships log, supplemental: SHAMPOO: <Kirk> Lost toupee and girdle, and can't leave room. ALEX: Stolen MST3K riff # 1. SHAMPOO: Hey! WASHU: About how many people will get *that* one? SAMANTHA: Don't ask me. I'm just preparing myself for allot of pain. I have arrived in the system that the explosion assumed to have been from the A1 class criminal Kagato's ship, the Souja. ALEX: Hey! Kain was the A1 class criminal, not Kagato! And I don't recognize this show at all! Which one is this based off of? WASHU: Don't even bother trying to figure it out, Alex. Adam is writing this and he don't give a damn about the continuity of either the TV or the OVA series. *yawn* SAMANTHA: Nor of key plot points. SHAMPOO: Nor of characters. The ship continues to move SAMANTHA: And straight into the camera. Oh the humanity! WASHU: That's the fifth one they broke in this scene alone! forward passing the camera which follows it as it moves into orbit of Earth. SHAMPOO: After while, camera got bored and left for better pay in "College Life" series. ALEX: Can you blame it? All it's doing is watching a ship. As it passes we notice some signage, the Galaxy Police insignia, a strange looking string of characters, WASHU: They're called Japanese Kanji, Adam. and the name YAGAMI in script near the front of the ship. Cut to the interior of the ship WASHU & SAMANTHA: Ouch! SHAMPOO: What that? SAMANTHA: A running gag. WASHU: Just go along with it. ALEX: Okay. a few seconds after it passes the camera to show KIYONNE ALEX: Spelled with one too many N's. sitting in a chair in the cockpit of the ship. SHAMPOO: So, this turn into Top Gun in space? She is wearing her GP uniform, including her patented headband, under a black leather jacket. SAMANTHA: But they don't wear leather jackets in the Galaxy Police. WASHU: Details, details... KIYONNE The system is classified as A031X in the Galaxy Police files, and is better known as the WASHU: Most boring place to ever go to for a vacation. ALEX: Now I know this is all made up! Kiyone never said anything like that on the way to Earth in the TV series. SAMANTHA: Why do I have this feeling he'll be saying that throughout the entire fanfic? Sol System in reference to it's sun, the most energizing one on this side of the galaxy. SHAMPOO: It keep going and going and going... It is well known as the home planet of the Jurai Emperor's wife, Funaho, and has been for the last three millennia, under a non-interference status by the GP. WASHU: Is that like StarFleet's Prime Directive? ALEX: And look how good the crew of the Enterprise followed that! In a hopefully unrelated event, this is the area of space that my late partner Mihoshi had last been at before she went missing. SAMANTHA: As well as some commas. KIYONNE turns in her chair to lean forward and hold her hand over one of the buttons on the console beside her. WASHU: I guess those buttons have gotten more wild. ALEX: What was holding Kiyone back? SHAMPOO: Pardon? ALEX: Well, it said she turned in her chair to lean forward. I'm just wondering what was keeping her from leany! Yukinojo wasn't on the Yagami! Yukinojo wasn't even in the TV series! SAMANTHA: Calmness little brother, you'll just burn yourself out if you keep this up. ALEX: But he's screwing up the whole series! This never happened at all in the TV series! Kiyone never... WASHU: [starts typing on subspace computer and a bucket of water appears over Alex, dousing him with water and then disappearing.] ALEX: [steam rising from him] Thanks. I needed that. SHAMPOO: Poor guy. He turn into Dan. One of the bulges SAMANTHA: Kiyone's got a few guys in the cockpit? WASHU: SAMANTHA!!! on the ceiling of the cockpit pushes its way down and opens to show two optic sensors that almost look like eyes. SHAMPOO: Wow! Shampoo no figure that out! Shampoo amazed! WASHU: Tone down the sarcasm. It descends to be a little more than two feet in front of KIYONNE. When it speaks, its top half and bottom half shake. ALEX: They didn't shake! The bottom moves up and down to imitate mouth movement! SAMANTHA: Alex... ALEX: I'm sorry. I just hate seeing good shows screwed up so massively. SHAMPOO: [whispering to Samantha] Bets he no make it halfway through without losing it. SAMANTHA: [whispering back] It's not a bet if we both agree. YUKINOJO In system data has been gathered and analyzed. There are four types of wreckage apparent in the surrounding space. WASHU: <Yukinojo> I'm *still* trying to figure out the methane part. Behind YUKINOJO a viewscreen appears and displays various data about shards of metal found in the wreckage. SAMANTHA: <Kiyone> The hell... what is duct tape and glue doing on the edges? As YUKINOJO speaks, KIYONNE takes off her jacket. ALEX: [blushes] Oh no! Not another Tenchi lemon! SHAMPOO: She just take jacket off. Nothing worry about. WASHU: What was the last one you reviewed? ALEX: [blushes really red] Ummm... "Where's Ryoko?" WASHU: Oh. SAMANTHA: She's in line for the holocabana, remember? WASHU: Eh... he knows that. He meant the name of the lemon. YUKINOJO Most of the wreckage conforms to readings and energy analyses performed during the several brief encounters with the Souja prior to now. WASHU: <Yukinojo> And the empty bean cans are really starting to make me think... SAMANTHA: Would you quit it with the farting jokes? Percent of error on this fact factors down to five point three seven. ALEX: So Mr.Spiner was secretly the voice for Yukinojo? KIYONNE leans forward to look at the data. SAMANTHA: <Kiyone> Yup! It's data. SHAMPOO: Thought he on Enterprise. OTHERS: <groans> KIYONNE Well, that was easy enough. Don't really think they needed to pull me from that concert on Yavin to do this though. <beat> WASHU: The author for that bad Star Wars plug? Certainly! ALEX: OOC already. Kiyone's a dedicated cop, and she wouldn't have any problem leaving a concert for an investigation! What's the data on the rest of that wreck out there? ALEX: It's split right in half and are a few kilometers from each other. YUKINOJO There are parts and debris from three ships that are well documented in GP files. The ships are the GP ship 'Pure Heart', the Royal Jurai ship Ryo-oh, and the once wanted criminal Ryo-ohki. SAMANTHA: Don't Alex, just don't. SHAMPOO: Amazing how wreckage from crash on Earth get in orbit. WASHU: Well, it did follow OVA # 5 for a bit so there would be wreckage from Ryo-oh and Ryo-oh-ki floating around. ALEX: And what about the wreckage of the Souja? WASHU: Lost in bad writing. KIYONNE suddenly cringes and makes motions that she's dying. SAMANTHA: To hurt Adam, I know. KIYONNE The <beat> 'Pure Heart?' WASHU: Oh no! Not another movie based around a special effect! YUKINOJO Affirmative. The Galaxy Police ship 'Pure Heart' is currently issued to-- KIYONNE Don't say it! I don't want to be hexed by saying <beat> that evil incarnation's name. SAMANTHA: So here, Adam considers Mihoshi stupid while Kiyone considers her evil. ALEX: <laughing> Evil?! <more laughing> Saying Mihoshi's evil is like saying Kiyone's lazy! <still laughing> It simply don't fit them! Can you determine if there is enough wreckage of the 'Pure Heart' to conclude that the ship was completely destroyed and further investigation isn't necessary? WASHU: <Fate> Kiyone, this is Fate speaking. I'm gonna have to slap you in the face now. YUKINOJO makes a motion with its optic sensors that resembles blinking. SHAMPOO: In fact, it was blinking. YUKINOJO <flat> Negative. SAMANTHA: Actually, my blood's B positive, but enough about that. KIYONNE Shit. ALEX: Hey! She cursed! WASHU: Damn, there goes the PG-13 rating. I wish I stayed at the concert. Even if 'Suicidal Salarians' was playing SHAMPOO: That no sound like Kiyone music. SAMANTHA: What *would* be Kiyone music? WASHU: We'll ask her when we get out. it would be better that finding out that SHE is still alive. ALEX: She's not too fond of Mihoshi, is she? In the Masaki house, the gang is eating Lunch around a table. MIHOSHI suddenly sneezes. ALL: Gseudeint! ADAM Bless'you. MIHOSHI Thank you. ALL BUT ALEX: *GASP* ADAM WAS NICE TO MIHOSHI!!! THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING!!! AAAHHH!!! [They all get up and start running around, screaming bloody murder.] ALEX: I think you all are taking this a little too far. [Samantha, Washu, and Shampoo sit back down.] SAMANTHA: True, but it's fun! TENCHI <smiling> Someone must be talking about you, Mihoshi. SHAMPOO: Shampoo thought you say "hey good looking" when someone sneeze. ALEX: *ACHOO* *SNIFF* Sorry. WASHU: Go on, Shampoo. Say it. SHAMPOO: *sigh* Hey good looking. ALEX: [blushes] MIHOSHI Oh! I hope its something nice. WASHU: Oh, the irony of the situation is killing me. Twisted Plot Productions ALEX: It's twisted all right. Presents SAMANTHA: <Mike Tenay> The third AAAT! Tune in now for the exciting tag-team action of Silhouette and Shadow!!! SHAMPOO: Shameless plug, Samantha. SAMANTHA: Thanks. I was hoping to avoid a shame*filled* one. OTHERS: <groan> ALEX: My sister, ladies and gentlemen. My sister. In Association with Tempest Creations A Division of Starlight Pictures SHAMPOO: New line of pornos. OTHERS: GYAH!!! SAMANTHA: Don't be giving Adam any ideas! FULL CIRCLE ALEX: What comes around, goes around. By Adam Chris Leigh WASHU: Who ranks right up there with DJ Croft in the most bizarre use of PC. Based On "Tenchi Muyou" By Masaki Kanajaki WASHU: WOOHOO!!! You're the best! ALEX: Do you always do that? WASHU: Well, I'm only trying to point out what *good* parts of this fanfic there is. SHAMPOO: You mean *script* to fanfic. WASHU: Okay, *script* to fanfic. Episode 6: The Calm Before The Storm SHAMPOO: Isn't that now? Third AAAT only week or two away. WASHU: I was wondering why I didn't see many Author Avatars around here. Establishing Shot: Washuu's lab. WASHU: Grrr... Stop spelling my name wrong! ALEX: This is not a good sign. The floor is indiscernible from the walls, SAMANTHA: Well, it would be if the walls had grass on them. SHAMPOO: Has Adam even OVA series? WASHU: Well, considering that Adam thinks that the OVA series is the TV series, I would have to say no. if there are any, ALEX: Okay, now that's just plain dumb. Of course Washu's subspace room has walls! It wouldn't be a room without walls, it would just be a place with a ceiling and a floor. but by the way all the equipment is positioned it looks like it's a small room. ALL: ... SAMANTHA: You know, Adam is one of those authors that make you wish he had Ratliff's level of descriptive writing. ALEX: Actually, I'm just wondering how arranging equipment makes a room look small. WASHU: Not to mention that I keep allot of my equipment hidden away until I need it. SHAMPOO: Shampoo say we toke up to bad writing due to lack of research. OTHERS: Agreed! WASHUU is typing on her holographic keyboard WASHU: Subspace computer. while ADAM tries to wiggle ALL: <singing> Wiggle it, just a little bit! I wanna see you wiggle it... his arm free from a vice that is holding it under some incredibly large examining device. SHAMPOO: Oh! It machine that goes PING! She turns to ADAM and stops typing. ALEX: <Washu> When did you get here? WASHUU Very interesting. <beat> WASHU: <German> But stupid. Much more efficient than Ryouko's design. Not very high on aesthetics though. [Stunned silence] WASHU: I did not read that. I did not read that!!! SAMANTHA: *sigh* It was bound to happen. Adam has the other characters stroking his ego. ALEX: No!!! WASHU: I did not read that!!! SHAMPOO: This no bode good, Sam. ALEX: How could he be a more efficient design then Ryoko?!?! He was born, not created! SAMANTHA: Calmness little brother. It's gonna get allot worst before it gets better. WASHU: I did not read that! Doesn't look comfortable either. Are you in pain? WASHU: <dark> Yes. Pain. Lots of pain. Extreme pain. Pain for the author. SAMANTHA: Uh, Washu, cut it out. You're beginning to scare *me*. ADAM Not anymore, it was painful at first but not anymore. ALEX: <Adam> Especially since I've lost all feeling in my arm from lack of blood flow. SHAMPOO: He masochist? That explain lot. WASHU: Really? SHAMPOO: No. It is very, inconvenient though. Think you could remove it? SAMANTHA: <Washu> Okay... *CHOP* Oh, that looks like it hurts, what with all the blood flowing pouring out of the stump. ALEX: <Adam> Well it did, but not anymore. *THUMP* WASHUU <long and drawn out> Well... I suppose after extensive testing I could. Maybe a look under the intense invasive radianic scanner would better inform me. ALEX: @_@ SAMANTHA: ^_- SHAMPOO: Hoo boy. WASHU: When the heck did Adam get a Star Trek technobabble generator? SAMANTHA: About the same time he wrote the lines to stroke his ego. ADAM Forget it, I'll just have Ryouko rip it off my palm. SHAMPOO: That be *out* of palm. Gem went *into* palm in part four, remember? ALEX: He has a gem in his palm? The same kind of gem that Ryoko has? WASHU: Of whose name he is spelling wrong as well. ALEX: But how could he?! He's human!!! SAMANTHA: No he's not, he's an Author Avatar. Get used to it. ALEX: But sis, we're Author Avatars. SAMANTHA: [Sighs and reaches under seat, pulls out a thick stack of papers and throws them away.] Damn, there goes those jokes. I'm sure she won't have any problems with that. WASHU: [evil smile] Oh no. She won't. WASHUU Nonsense, Ryouko holds you in the highest respect. ALL: AHHH! SAMANTHA: Sweet Jesus. It's happening again. ALEX: And within a few lines of each other. WASHU: <Bob> This is bad. This is very bad. Higher than me these days. She thinks you quite the man. SHAMPOO: Please Adam, don't. Shampoo try and keep lunch down. ADAM <sarcastically> I'm sure. WASHU: Hey! When the greatest scientific genius of the Anime multiverse tells you something, you listen! ALEX: <Ryan> I suggest the patented... BOOT TO THE HEAD! SAMANTHA: God help me if you ever meet Ryan. SHAMPOO: Foreshadowing folks! WASHUU Well, she doesn't want to kill you anyway. SAMANTHA: We are obviously not talking about the same person. WASHU: It could be one of those alternate dimension Ryoko's. It's more than I can say about most people in this house. SHAMPOO: <Washu> Yeah! Washu get to kill you! SASAMI (O.S.) Washuu? Adam? Dinner's ready! SAMANTHA: <Tenchi, whispering> Now, did you load his ramen with sionide? WASHU: <Sasami> You bet! SAMANTHA: <Tenchi> Excellent. ADAM Oh good, I'm starved. SAMANTHA: <Tenchi, evil> Yes Adam... eat... eat *all* you want... heh heh heh... mwahahahah... BWAHAHAHAHA!!! ALEX: Sis, you're scarring me! WASHUU I guess I could take a break from my strenuous work. ALEX: <Washu> What with pushing buttons and all, it's just so tiring. WASHU: Excuse me? ALEX: <nervous> Heh heh... sorry. ADAM <sarcastically> Oh sure, highly strenuous. ALEX: Oh no! I'm thinking along the same lines as Adam! [breaks out crying] SHAMPOO: [patting Alex on the shoulder] It okay. We get drink after? ALEX: *sniff* Okay. WASHUU looks back and hits a button on a panel causing the vice around ADAM's arm to tighten abruptly. SHAMPOO: And slice it off. SAMANTHA: Oh great. Now what's Adam gonna do whenever he's alone? ALEX: Huh? WASHU & SHAMPOO: SAMANTHA!!! His hand turns beet red WASHU: Not a word! SAMANTHA: No! You're letting a good riff go by! and he struggles violently. WASHU: [gives Samantha a stern look] SAMANTHA: And another one goes by! Come on! Please? WASHU: NO! WASHUU laughs satanically. ALEX: That should be maniacally. SHAMPOO: Actually expect Adam to get something right? ALEX: This is starting to turn into a Adam bashing fest. OTHERS: WE'RE BITTER DARN IT! Cut to the forests surrounding the lake. ALL: OUCH! A small dirt path is surrounded on both sides by tall trees that reach up into the sky but don't block the constant stream of light pouring in. ALEX: But are Redwoods indigenous to the landscape of Japan? The trees sway back and forth suddenly and there is a large flash of yellow light SHAMPOO: Hey! It Goku in super-sayin mode! that quickly dissipates and leaves KIYONNE behind. SAMANTHA: <Kiyone> Hey! Come back! She holds up a cube that shows what looks like a compass. WASHU: But compasses are round. ALEX: It makes no sense really! SAMANTHA: And the award for most creative use of the English language goes to... KIYONNE Damn, her homing signal is still Strong. <beat> Enormous amounts of high energy potential around, SHAMPOO: <Kiyone> Kiyone better call Queen Metillia! I wonder if there's been some contamination from the explosion of Kagato's ship. WASHU: Oh, there's been contamination all right! SAMANTHA: Are you still bitter over the whole 'more efficient' line? WASHU: <sarcastic> Naw! What makes you say that? KIYONNE walks down the path with her head down watching her cube. ALEX: <Kiyone> AHHH!!! <imitates a body rolling down the hill> SAMANTHA: Maybe she should have been watching where she was going. Cut to Masaki household interior. ALL: Ouch! AEKA and RYOUKO are watching what looks like a soap opera, SHAMPOO: <Aeka> Yup! It soap opera! SASAMI is playing with RYO-OHKI by the window. Zoom to show television. SHAMPOO: <Aeka> Yup! It television! MAN Exactly what you wanted, forty pounds of rice from the market. Now, you know what I want in return. ALEX: <man> My money. They raised the price in rise at the grocery store today! WOMAN I <beat> I don't know if I should. ALEX: <Man> What do you mean, you don't know? I need some money for gas, bad! What if my husband finds out? SAMANTHA: He'll be pissed! MAN You know you want to, and he won't care if you do. WASHU: Do the dew! SAMANTHA: Shameless Product Plug # 1. Cut to RYOUKO and AEKA. ALL: Oww! Their eyes widen and they lean forward towards the television. ALEX: *THUMP* *THUMP* WASHU: Don't lean *too* far. WOMAN Well, I suppose it'll be alright, as long as it's quick. SAMANTHA: <Man> Okay... there, I'm done. MAN You can do it as quick as you want it to be, I just want it so much. SHAMPOO: <Man> Caramilk secret. Must have it. RYOUKO is almost drooling, ALL: Eww! AEKA is biting on the ends of her robe. WASHU: <Aeka> Hmmm... crunchy! Cut to the television screen. ALL: Ouch! WOMAN Okay. Let's do it! I'll cook Lunch for you! MAN I'll get the hibachi! ALEX: Isn't that an electronics company? Cut to RYOUKO and AEKA. ALL: Ouch! They both face fault and RYOUKO falls on the ground. SHAMPOO: *THUMP* SAMANTHA: <deadpan> It must hurt falling on your face like that. AEKA quickly picks up the remote control, turns off the television, and starts walking off. WASHU: The deep end. ALEX: <Aeka> I can't stand Adam no more! I just can't!!! AEKA I wonder what Tenchi is doing. SAMANTHA: Making sure this script doesn't get to Masaki Kajishima. RYOUKO I think I'll see what Washuu is working on. ALEX: That line alone tells us volumes of how much Adam knows about the characters of Tenchi Muyo. WASHU: <Ryoko> Yeah, I'm just going to see Washu. Yeah, that's it. SHAMPOO: <Aeka> Not buy it. WASHU: <Ryoko> DOH! SASAMI(O.S.) Hey everybody! Look what's going on outside! SAMANTHA: <Sasami> Another unfortunate member of the Tenchi cast is about to meet Adam! AEKA and RYOUKO turn to look out the window. Cut to exterior of Masaki household. ALL: OUCH! Rather large flakes of snow are falling but have yet to accumulate on the ground. ALEX: So, in other words, it's snowing. SASAMI What is that? ALL: SNOW! RYOUKO Oh great, SNOW. <beat> I really hate the weather on this planet. I can't stand the cold. ALEX: So this is where the TV series comes into play, right? WASHU: Yes. ALEX: Okay. SASAMI Looks like fun. <looks down> Come on Ryo-ohki, lets go outside and play! AEKA Isn't a little unusual to have snow in this area of Earth? SHAMPOO: No, it snow every year just like in Canada and other places. RYOUKO Yeah, I think the last time it snowed was close to ten years ago. WASHU: Remember folks, foreshadowing! The door to WASHUU's lab opens and ADAM walks in. SAMANTHA: [blinks] But Adam was already *in* Washu's lab. SHAMPOO: We stuck in flashback here? ADAM Hey! Snow! I was wondering if we were still in a temperate zone. ALEX: Temperate: meaning moderate, balmy. WASHU: I admit, the area around the Masaki house can be hectic, even after filming, but it's not like it's a war zone. RYOUKO Don't tell me YOU like snow. ADAM Oh yeah! I love snow. Don't know why, just do. WASHU: Remember, he likes snow, but doesn't know why. This'll be on the quiz later. SASAMI Adam, you want to come play in the snow with me? ADAM Uh, sure. I'm done with my work for now. SAMANTHA: So being a test subject is work for Adam. It says a lot, doesn't it? SHAMPOO: Like what? SAMANTHA: I haven't the foggiest. AEKA Work? What work are you doing? ADAM I'm working with Washuu on something special. WASHU: Oh hoo hoo really... Sure, the greatest scientific genius in the Anime multiverse is gonna let some kid help her on a project. ALEX: Hey, I think my leg just grew a few inches in length with that line. She says it's something that has been on her mind for the last 1200 years. I can't say what it is yet. <beat> Mostly because I don't know. SAMANTHA: Isn't that kinda like getting someone to run a nuclear plant when they have *no* idea what they're supposed to do? ADAM reaches into the doorway and pulls out a black trench coat. SHAMPOO: Instead of winter coat like smart person do. ADAM Okay Sasami, lets go! ALL: <singing> Hey ho! Let's go! ADAM and SASAMI walk out the glass door with RYO-OHKI. ALEX: *CRASH* WASHU: Guess they should have *opened* the door first. AEKA and RYOUKO look at each other for a moment then SHAMPOO: Run like hell to find Tenchi. RYOUKO walks past AEKA and into the doorway to WASHUU's lab. SAMANTHA: *THUMP* SHAMPOO: That had to hurt. A few seconds later TENCHI walks in with a held out fist. WASHU: <Tenchi> Hmmm... if I follow this trail of blood, I'll find out who this fist belongs to. TENCHI Oh Aeka! I was looking for you. AEKA <hopeful> Oh, you were, Lord Tenchi? SAMANTHA: Bomp-chika-bow-wow. ALEX: AH!!! All my "Where's Ryoko?" memories are flashing back! TENCH Yeah, I need to give you something. SHAMPOO: How enticing can lemon be in script? TENCHI opens his fist and in his palm is a large seed with a few buds already sprouting from it. SHAMPOO & SAMANTHA: Oh. TENCHI Tsunami told me to give this to you, she said it was Ryo-Oh's seed. It seemed very important, so I didn't want to forget. ALEX: Did Tenchi go to William Shatner's school of acting? AEKA looks at the seed in his hand and picks it up with her two fingers. SAMANTHA: But wasn't she already holding it? Oh, it said, *his*, not her. My bad. AEKA Thank you very much, Lord Tenchi. <beat> This is all that is truly left of my ship, Ryo-Oh. WASHU: That honestly sounds like someone was trying to think of a name for the ship when they first saw it. SHAMPOO: Ryo-Oh god! Look at size of ship! But hopefully I can grow a new tree from this bud and Ryo-Oh won't really die. <beat; saddened> But I'm not sure it can grow in Earth's soil, and if it takes root it'll be stuck here forever. ALEX: Don't forget. You and Sasami will be stuck on Earth for a long time as well. TENCHI Oh, <beat> maybe you can get Washuu to make you something! She is a genius, after all. WASHU: Damn right! AEKA Yes... yes, maybe she can. I'll go talk to her about it. Thank you again Lord Tenchi. There is an uncomfortable silence and AEKA and TENCHI just look at the floor. Suddenly AEKA looks up at TENCHI. SAMANTHA: <Aeka> Come here good looking! *SMOOCH* AEKA So, have you seen the snow yet? TENCHI Snow? WASHU: Oh no... has Tenchi been hitting the same stuff as Misato has? TENCHI looks past AEKA and out the window to see the white flakes dropping the ground. ALEX: I guess the snow flakes have been working out. SHAMPOO: <Mike Tenay> Oh and a powerful slam by the Snowflake! It's all over for the Ground! SAMANTHA: Oh sure, steal my riffs. SHAMPOO: Well, no didn't see you going for riffs. The snow is starting to accumulate and SASAMI and ADAM are making snowballs by the lake. WASHU: Then, technically, that should be a blizzard out there if they're already making snowballs. SHAMPOO: Or it could have been snowing all night. WASHU: But he didn't say. SHAMPOO: Ah. Cut to a blurry, black and white scene ALL: Ouch! with a young TENCHI playing around in the snow seeming very happy. SAMANTHA: But inside he was a nervous wreck, fearful of what others would think of him. A woman walks up in robes with a parasol whom we can't see the face of. ALL: ... ALEX: So he couldn't see her face, right? WASHU: I think so... I'm still trying to figure out the line. SAMANTHA: Hey, it's the parasol's face he couldn't see! SHAMPOO: That no make sense. SAMANTHA: Just like this fanfic. ALEX: That's not fair. The fanfic does make sense, it's only certain lines that are confusing. WASHU: [places hand on Alex's forehead] Are you feeling okay? ALEX: [nearly in tears] No... Cut to TENCHI's view ALL: Ouch! as he looks up at the woman, her face shrouded in the shadow of the parasol. SHAMPOO: In case we all forget first time around. WOMAN Having fun Tenchi? SAMANTHA: <Tenchi> No, I'm having to do a reliving of my past screwed up by Adam! WASHU: <Tseuno> No, we're watching a bad fanfic. SHAMPOO: *Script* for fanfic. WASHU: *sigh* Script... got it... You better put on your coat though, or you'll catch a cold. TENCHI Awww, mom, it's not that cold out. ALEX: *SNAP* SHAMPOO: It bad when finger snaps off. WOMAN <laughs; warmly> No, not now, but it will be. So make your poor mom happy and put on your coat. WASHU: Strange, I don't remember Tenchi's parents as being poor. TENCHI Okay mom. AEKA(V.O.) Tenchi? Cut back to Masaki household interior. ALL: OUCH! AEKA is looking at TENCHI strangly. SHAMPOO: <Aeka> What you been hitting? And where can Aeka get some? AEKA Tenchi? Are you alright? TENCHI Huh? <beat> Yeah, I was just remembering something from when I was young. ALEX: <Tenchi> When there weren't any fanboys inserting themselves into our worl d... There's a loud smack and TENCHI and AEKA look outside to see a large white splotch on the glass door. SAMANTHA: Now if that had been a *brown* splotch on the door... Outside SASAMI is laughing and ADAM is smiling at the window. He seems to mouth the word, "Sorry," through his smile. TENCHI sighs. WASHU: <Tenchi> I'll be so glad when he leaves. Cut to Masaki Shrine. ALL: Ouch! YOUSHO is standing on the porch of the shrine watching the snow fall with a cup of tea in his hand. WASHU: <Yousho> Damn. My tea is getting cold. YOUSHO Hmm... <beat> It was on a day like today that it all happened. SHAMPOO: <Yousho> When other Author Avatar showed up. KIYONNE suddenly emerges from the trees covered in snow, still holding the cube in front of her. She's shivering quite violently as she walks out of the trees. YOUSHO picks up an umbrella and starts walking over to her. ALEX: Isn't it amazing how he always does that? SHAMPOO: Do what? ALEX: Be prepared for everything. SAMANTHA: Maybe he's a scout? WASHU: Hopefully not a *sailor* scout... ALEX: [picture of Yousho in a fuku appears in his mind] AAARRRGGHH!!! [collapses to the floor] Mental picture... go away... SAMANTHA: Stop stealing my schtick! WASHU: Sorry. KIYONNE <to herself> Damn you Mihoshi. SAMANTHA: Now *she's* stealing my schtick! Even when you aren't here you're causing me trouble. YOUSHO Excuse me miss. KIYONNE jumps, startled by YOUSHO's voice and that he's holding the umbrella over her. SHAMPOO: *THUMP* <Kiyone> Ouch! YOUSHO It is very cold out and you don't seem to be prepared for the weather, perhaps you should come inside and warm yourself before you continue on your way. WASHU: <Yousho> I should also check over my script. There appears to be one too many commas in it. KIYONNE debates it in her mind for all of half a second ALEX: Yes. SHAMPOO: No. ALEX: Yes. SHAMPOO: No. ALEX: Yes. SHAMPOO: No. ALEX: Yes. SHAMPOO: No. ALEX: Yes. SHAMPOO: No. SAMANTHA: QUIT THAT! SHAMPOO & ALEX: <giggle> before she nods her head and walks with YOUSHO back to the shrine. SAMANTHA: Bomp-chika-bow-wow. OTHERS: GYAH!!! SAMANTHA!!! WASHU: There probably is a lemon out there about those two. Cut to shrine interior. ALL: Ouch. YOUSHO is pouring KIYONNE a cup of tea. YOUSHO So tell me who you are and what you are doing out in the snow. ALEX: <deep> Tell me and I might make you death... quick... SHAMPOO: Where that come from? ALEX: [shrugs] Any James Bond movie. KIYONNE My name is Kiyonne, and I'm a police officer First Class. SAMANTHA: So she solves crimes in luxury? SHAMPOO: Oh! Lots of leg room in first class. ALEX: A good thing since she has long legs. SAMANTHA: What was that, little brother? ALEX: She has long legs. [blushes] I'm just saying. WASHU: You know, if you want a date with her I could... ALEX: [blushing *really* red] No! I mean... er... no thanks. I was send out SAMANTHA: First class, of course. WASHU: Alongside past tense. here to look for one of our missing officers, we found some evidence that suggested she might be here. YOUSHO nods silently, absorbing the information. WASHU: *SLURP* KIYONNE I wasn't expecting any snow because the sky was clear earlier today, so it caught me off guard. ALEX: She was caught off guard by snow? This doesn't bode well for the Galaxy Police. YOUSHO So how did you end up in the forest. SHAMPOO: <Yousho> And could you find question marks? There is a direct path to the house from the road. KIYONNE rubs the back of her head and smiles nervously. SAMANTHA: <Kiyone thinking> Will he go out with me Saturday night? KIYONNE Well, I wasn't really looking where I was going and by the time I realized I was lost, I couldn't retrace my steps anymore. WASHU: <Kiyone> I keep the paper right on top of the picture but I still can't *trace* it anymore. YOUSHO Hmmm... I heard you talking about Mihoshi before. Is she the missing Officer you were sent to find? KIYONNE drops her cup and lunges over to YOUSHO. She grabs him by his collar and pulls him forward. ALEX: <Yousho> Ack! Can't... breath... KIYONNE <tense; loud> Do you know who she is? Have you seen her? Where is she. SHAMPOO: <Kiyone> Where's the question mark for my third question? WASHU: Lost in cyberspace. YOUSHO <calm> She lives in the house at the bottom of the steps of this shrine. ALEX: I swear, that guy could remain calm in the face of a hurricane. KIYONNE drops YOUSHO and sits back and just stares for a second. Then she starts to cry. SAMANTHA: What? Did she just find out who the author was? KIYONNE Noooo!!! It's all gone, my peace and quiet, my success, my life. It's all ruined, all GONE! WASHU: Don't cry so much Kiyone, there'll be other better fanfic authors to work for. YOUSHO sweatdrops. ALL:Yeah right! Cut to subspace, WASHUU's Lab. ALL: Ouch. WASHU: And that's Washu's subspace lab! Get it right! A large multicolored floor stretches into a large room with walls that go beyond the camera. SAMANTHA: Ack! We're stuck in a bad 70's movie! Any minute now John Travolta is gonna come out and start Disco dancing!!! WASHUU is sitting on a floating pillow typing on her holographic keyboard. WASHU: Subspace laptop. The outline of a door appears then fills in yellow with a window as ADAM pushes it open and walks into the Lab. He walks over to her with his hands in his pockets. SHAMPOO: Ah, he play pocket pool. ALEX: Pocket pool? SAMANTHA: But how can he play it with only two balls and one limp stick? WASHU: That's enough out of you two. ALEX: What are they talking about? WASHU: Nothing, just ignore them. ADAM Washuu. WASHUU Adam. JAMIE: <over intercom> AHHH!!! ALL MY SHOWGIRL MEMORIES ARE COMING BACK TO HAUNT ME!!! ALEX: The heck...?!?! SAMANTHA: Jamie! Get out of the theater! JAMIE: <intercom> Sorry. ADAM <beat> You called? SHAMPOO: <Lurch> You rang? OTHERS: [applaud] WASHUU turns in her pillow and looks up at ADAM. WASHU: Hmmm... I wonder if I can turn him into a water sprite? WASHUU Your work on the subspace inverter assembly is incomplete. I was hoping you could finish it. <beat> Now. ALL: ... WASHU: Oh... he's working on something in my lab, with my equipment... and I'm asking him to finish it. It's funny, isn't it? <begins laughing maniacally> ALEX: Big sister! Washu's scaring me! SAMANTHA: I know Alex. She's scaring me too. SHAMPOO: You no only one scared. ADAM <blinks> Of... of course, Washuu. I just need to review the schematics for reference. SAMANTHA: <Adam, reading> Hmmm... Tab A goes into slot B... *THUMP* *THUMP* Come on you stupid thing! WASHU: Adam, the schematics are not in the first edition of Where's Waldo. ALEX: Whoa! That was harsh! WASHU: I'm very bitter. SHAMPOO: You think? WASHUU <flat> Proceed. SHAMPOO: <Picard> Engage. WASHUU turns back around and continues typing on her computer. SHAMPOO: <Washu, thinking> Stupid twit. WASHU: Very good! You get a cookie. [Washu types on her subspace laptop and a cookie pops out of a and lands in Shampoo's hand.] SHAMPOO: Thank you! [Eats cookie] ADAM reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring which he puts on his index finger. ALEX: [looks closer] Hey, it's a mood ring. SAMANTHA: Now why is it turning black. As he raises his hands another holographic keyboard appears and he begins typing on it. WASHU: <Sarcasm on high> Oh, and he has a subspace laptop as well! Does this make him my son? Are we gonna find out that we're genetically related and that he was the son taken away from me all those years ago in the OVA series? Or is he the son of both me *and* Sailor Pluto, created from genetic samples taken from us thousands of years ago? SAMANTHA: Washu... stop or you're gonna hurt... WASHU: <disturbingly calm> Adam? Why yes I shall. SHAMPOO: Adam dead man. ALEX: Dead man walking. ADAM Are you okay, Washuu? You see a bit-- WASHU: <normal> Actually, I see quite well. 100/100 vision. ALEX: Isn't that supposed to be 20/20 vision? WASHU: 100/100. I've got *very* good eyes. WASHUU I'm fine. WASHU: Considering I'm watching a bad script for an even worst fanfic. ADAM <quick; quizzical> How old are you? SAMANTHA: You idiot! Never ask a woman their age! WASHUU stops for a moment, she is visibly pained for a second before returning to her typing. SHAMPOO: <Washu, thinking> Now, if Washu places Genetic Polarizing distablizer o ver head then... ALEX: <imitates a falling object then the impact of heavy metal on flesh> SHAMPOO: <Washu> Perfect! WASHU: You both get a cookie! SAMANTHA: Now that's just encouraging bad behavior. WASHU: Excuse me? Who's the kettle calling the pot black? SAMANTHA: Heh... sorry. WASHUU I'm old. <beat> Much older than you'll ever be. WASHU: And I don't look a day over twelve. Pretty damn good, huh? ADAM Oh, of course. The many years you spent as Kagato's prisoner are probably much longer than I'll ever live. But you have information that you've dated as thousands of years old. ALEX: But he could only tell that if he was tapping into Washu's databanks. WASHU: Kill... kill... SAMANTHA: If you keep this up, you're gonna have to leave. WASHUU <angered> *Very* old. Happy? ADAM You aren't like the rest of the people here. SHAMPOO: In that she have IQ fifty thousand points strong. WASHU: Fifty thousand and *one*. You're not Juraian, not like Mihoshi, and I don't think you're like Kagato -- ALEX: Please skip the research and get on with the story... no, hang on. I take back what I said. WASHUU I am NOTHING like Kagato. In age, or species. SAMANTHA: For Kagato was a member of the Evilus Scientificgus Genuises... SHAMPOO: Much like Dr. Forrester and Vince Mcmahon. SAMANTHA: Dr. Forrester, yeah, but not Vince. He's just a cheap rip off. ADAM Then how old are you... WHAT are you? WASHU: What is this? Twenty questions? Is Barbara Walters going to come out now and start conducting an interview? She seems to think about it for a long time before answering. SHAMPOO: <Washu> Ah-hah... So I get the disk and serum then proceed down to the bottom lab, being wary of the zombies and plant monsters... WASHUU I'm Washuu. SAMANTHA: <Borg> We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. ADAM Then what does that mean? ALEX: It's her name you dolt! [pause] I'm sorry. Adam is getting to me. SHAMPOO: He get to all of us. WASHUU doesn't move for several moments. WASHU: <British> I'm not here. You can't see me. ADAM What do you know about Pluto? SHAMPOO: It planet. Next. WASHU It's a planet. SAMANTHA: Good call, Shampoo. ADAM looks at her with his eyebrows raised. ALEX: Hey, that's the Rock's trademark eyebrow arch! He's going to sue! WASHUU Oh, *HER*. <beat> You know I did detect her... TAINT on you, SHAMPOO: *Taint*? WASHU: My god! These are supposed to be *my* lines? No way! I call for a rewri te! A rewrite!!! SAMANTHA: This is Adam we're talking about, Washu. He'll probably make it worst the second time around. but I assumed it was a malfunction. ALEX: Yes, that's generally the word I would use to describe Adam: Malfunction. I really didn't think she'd do it. ADAM Do what? SHAMPOO: <Washu> Get pissed drunk and fool around with Time stream. What mess!!! Had Dinosaurs in modern cities, cyborgs in Old West. Took weeks to fix! WASHUU Produce a child. ADAM Prod... <enraged> WHAT?! SAMANTHA: Sweet Jesus! WASHU: [frantically typing on laptop] I can't control it! It's too big! SHAMPOO: Hit deck!!! [Everyone dives for the floor as the theater violently shakes, a massive wave of energy streaming from the screen, blowing away all the seats and nearly driving the exit doors from their hinges. After a few seconds, everyone gets up, clothing slightly torn, but none the worst for wear with the fanfic on pause.] ALEX: Oh man! That was cool! SHAMPOO: PC or explosion? ALEX: Well, the explosion of course. The PC was just plain bad. SAMANTHA: I hope we don't get too many more of those. WASHU: [typing on laptop] Indeed. The theater might not be able to handle it. [After a few seconds, four large love chairs pop out of a subspace hole.] Here, we can sit on these. I'll fix this up later. [The four take their seats.] PLAY! [The fanfic resumes.] ALEX: I like this! [starts spinning around in the chair around] Whee!!! Cut to the exterior of the Masaki household. ALL: Ouch. The snow is still Falling heavily and a thick layer of it covers almost everything. A Pair of figures walk up to the house and enter. Cut to interior, ALL: Ouch. Mihoshi is watching television on the couch laughing hysterically. YOUSHO walks in from the hall wearing a hood and cloak that makes him look a lot like Obi-Wan Kenobi. SAMANTHA: <Yousho> Use the Light Wings, Tenchi. KIYONNE walks in behind him and cringes when she see's MIHOSHI. WASHU: <Kiyone> That shirt simply does not go with those pants! YOUSHO Mihoshi! There's someone here to see you. ALEX: <Yousho> It's the mailman. You have acouple of overdue packages. MIHOSHI Who? <beat; yelling> KIYONNE!! ALL: AHH!! SHAMPOO: Audience now deaf. ALEX: What? SHAMPOO: Shampoo say audience deaf!!! ALEX: The audience left? SHAMPOO: No, audience deaf!!! ALEX: I gotta take a breath? SHAMPOO: *Sigh* MIHOSHI jumps off the couch and runs over to grab KIYONNE. SAMANTHA: <Kiyone> Mihoshi! Not there! WASHU: Samantha!!! She holds her close and shakes her back and forth. ALL: [everyone shakes about in their seats] MIHOSHI Oh Kiyonne! I missed you soooo much! SAMANTHA: <Mihoshi> Especially on those cold, lonely nights... Then again, I had Tenchi so... *BAP* Ouch! WASHU: Cut it out. I thought I'd never see you again I was stranded here without my ship an I lost my hypercube and... ALEX: It's a‚¸Óîÿÿþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ control cube, and where did she lose it to, anyhow? SHAMPOO: Through plothole. KIYONNE Mihoshi! Shut UP! <beat; softer> I'm almost afraid to ask. <normal> Mihoshi did YOU have anything to do with the debris of Kagato's ship? SHAMPOO: <Mihoshi> Well, Mihoshi did press big red button marked 'self-destruct' so... MIHOSHI Yes! <beat;very quick> Oh, Kiyonne it was so scary, we were on the ship and all these big faces were attacking me and then I was alone and big snakes were after me and then Washuu broke out of this crystal and destroyed the the snakes but we were trapped an.. WASHU: What do you know? Adam got Mihoshi's character right for this set of lines. SAMANTHA: Yeah, *this* set. What about the next? YOUSHO <softly to KIYONNE> How much longer will she go on like this? SHAMPOO: Till she run out of breath. KIYONNE Until she's told us every little detail from the event, and believe me, she remembers EVERY detail. ALEX: Mihoshi has photographic memory? MIHOSHI So then she made Aeka come over to the reverse side and then he was gonna destroy the Earth but Tenchi and Adam showed up to stop him and... SAMANTHA: [shudders] Please, don't remind me. WASHU: Stopped him? Yeah right... ALEX: Did me and Shampoo miss something? WASHU: Fortunately, yeah. KIYONNE, who looks like she's gonna have an aneurysm, WASHU: Aneurysm... [types on her subspace laptop] Ah! That's when a blood vessel in the brain pops. ALEX: [winces] Sounds painful. yells into MIHOSHI'S ear causing her to fall backwards. KIYONNE MIHOSHI! SHUT UP!! ALL: AHHH!!! SAMANTHA: The audience is deaf again! SHAMPOO: What?! SAMANTHA: I said the audience is deaf again! SHAMPOO: Why we shift left? SAMANTHA: I said... ah, never mind. SHAMPOO: This fanfic is a crime!!! SAMANTHA: <groans> MIHOSHI Well, I'm so glad my best partner is back! ALEX: Best? I though Mihoshi was her *only* partner. WASHU: A good topic to speculate on, but that's for later. We can be a team again, Kiyonne! We were the best! SHAMPOO: Notice key word: were. KIYONNE <softly> Why couldn't you just stay dead? WASHU: She wasn't dead to begin with. Cut to Subspace, Washuu's lab. ALL: Ouch. WASHU: And that's Washu's subspace lab! ADAM and WASHUU as still just where we left them last except for the large vein bulging from ADAM'S head. SHAMPOO: Oh! He have aneurysm. ADAM Her child?! <beat> Absolutely not! I'm not.. I *CAN'T* be related to her. SAMANTHA: I'll give Adam this: At least he dosen't want to believe his own plot devices. WASHU: I'm not giving Adam anything... ALEX: Even the use of your lab? WASHU: *Especially* the use of my lab. Hell, I don't even know what she IS. ALL: An Outer Senshi!!! My mother was a magnificent person, she died when I was a kid, but I KNEW HER. SHAMPOO: Chance for insulting riff here. Anyone take it? SAMANTHA: Naw... we're bitter but we're not vengeful. WASHU: Speak for yourself. ALEX: Washu? Do you want to leave now? You're getting really bad now. WASHUU Just the same, her presence almost emanates from you. ALEX: In the same kind of relationship that Tsunami and Sasami share? WASHU: Gods, I hope not! ADAM I tell you, she is NOT my mother. SAMANTHA: That sounds like an ABC movie of the week. WASHUU Well, it would be awfully strange for her to break the rules, she must be the strictest one of us all about rules. SHAMPOO: Proper term OOC. <beat> How do you know her exactly? ALEX: <Adam> Well, I was watching TV one day and... ADAM I *don't*. <beat> I've been hearing her voice recently, WASHU: Uh-oh... time to call the nice people in white. but she doesn't tell me anything about her, just about some goal I'm supposed to fulfill. SAMANTHA: <growls> Which he never did. And I met her on the Souja with Tsunami, WASHU: Which was actually on the ship, Tsunami. she said that I agreed to do work for her a long time ago, then she showed me a scene I don't even remember from my youth. <beat;soft> it was just after my mother died too. SAMANTHA: Well, he got one part of the recap right. ALEX: Wow! Talk about inconsistency. WASHUU Hmm, very interesting. I'll have to do additional tests, SHAMPOO: <horrified> Please.... no ask for sample... ALEX: Sample? [thinks over OVA series and then turns green] NOOO!!! you could me more interesting than you first appeared to be. ALL: @_@ SHAMPOO: Shampoo dizzy. SAMANTHA: I think Adam misplaced a 'b' somewhere. ADAM So what is Pluto and why is she picking on me? ALL: An Outer Senshi!!! WASHU: And she wouldn't pick on you. She's got better things to do like p rotecting the timestream. WASHUU Pluto, <beat> is a planet. ALEX: Gotta love the emotion in this story... don't cha? WASHUU smiles evilly as ADAM looks at her scornfully WASHU: I'm the god, I'm the god!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! just as the door appears again and AEKA walks in. AEKA <calling> Oh Washuu! ADAM keeps staring at WASHUU, SAMANTHA: <Adam> I'm not touching you. Does this bug you? who returns to her typing. WASHU: Ah-hah! Only three thousand more bugs to work out and Window 98 will be perfect! AEKA walks over to WASHUU and ADAM. WASHUU What do you want? SAMANTHA: I can't say it. It's too easy! AEKA Washuu, I was wondering if you had something I could plant Ryo-oh's seed in that will be like it was on Jurai. WASHUU Of course I do. WASHU: I'm Washu! The greatest Scientific genius in the Anime Multiverse! ALEX: That line was coming up. I knew it was. There's a short moment of silience. ALL: [Remain quiet. A tumbleweed rolls by.] ADAM <laughing> Will you get Aeka the device for Ryo-oh's seed? WASHUU Oh, okay. ALL: ... WASHU: Grrr... SAMANTHA: Oh crap. ALEX: Washu? Are you... SHAMPOO: You have to ask? WASHU: YOU STUPID... [Washu proceeds to go into a long scientific rant, denouncing Adam on every level from the metaphysical to the molecular. After about twenty minutes of ranting, she sits back down, pleased and more calmer then she was before. The others are totally bewildered by the number of compl icated and sophisticated terms she had used] Well, I feel better. [blinks] You three okay? OTHERS: @_@ Cut to dining room of the Masaki house, ALL: Ouch. a large table with KIYONNE, MIHOSHI, YOUSHO, and TENCHI kneeling around it. ALEX: Bow down before the mighty table! SAMANTHA: Pray to your table god!!! SHAMPOO: Table God supreme! WASHU: You three are weird. TENCHI So you're Mihoshi's partner? I suppose you're glad you've found her, ALL: <everyone sniggers> she's been very upset about being stranded here on Earth. KIYONNE <flat> Yes, I'm so glad. SHAMPOO: <Tom Servo> Acting! MIHOSHI Kiyonne and I were the best Galaxy Police Officers, first class, number one, the top of our-- KIYONNE I think they get the POINT Mihoshi. <beat> Actually, I was on the way to becoming sector chief when the commissioner's wonderful granddaughter was assigned to be the partner of the best officer in the GP. Me. ALEX: Whoa whoa whoa! Kiyone does not have that big an opinion of herself! In fact, she said that she was near the top of her class upon graduation. WASHU: Forget it Alex. Adam ain't listening. So now I'm a patrol officer, but I suppose I should be grateful to have such a caring partner as opposed to the hundreds of officers I WOULD have had, all under my command to keep an entire sector in order instead of a small patrol. But, I guess it was fate. SHAMPOO: Oh no... run on sentence make no sense. ALEX: I feel like this literature is slapping me about, in an intellectual sense . SAMANTHA: I feel like this *whole* fanfic is slapping me about. WASHU: Me? I just feel insulted. KIYONNE is visibly depressed by that statement. WASHU: She finally read the fine print on the contract? YOUSHO So what are you going to do now that you've found Mihoshi? SAMANTHA: <Kiyone> Kill her... D'OH! I spoke out loud again. KIYONNE Well, I've got to take her back to GP Headquarters so she can testify as to the destruction of her ship ALEX: Even though it was sucked into a blackhole. WASHU: Actually, that was one part Adam took from the TV series. and so she can deliver her report on the death of Kagato. SHAMPOO: And then Death of Oscar and Death of Kintobor and Death of Samantha Jones... SAMANTHA: Hey! MIHOSHI Ooohhh, but Kiyonne, I want us to stay here, on Earth. SHAMPOO: <Mihoshi> Please? With sprinkles on top? KIYONNE We can't, we have to go to HQ to get our assignment. SAMANTHA: Actually, a better line would be that they had to report back in. MIHOSHI But, but Kiyonne, everyone is here. We can't leave them. We can't, we can't we can't! ALEX: Oh no! She's gone into full crying C-ko mode! KIYONNE Mihoshi! Just be quiet! You don't have a choice! SHAMPOO: <Kiyone> We stay in script for fanfic together and suffer! AEKA walks in from WASHUU'S door, SAMANTHA: So she's got Ryoko's phasing ability? followed by ADAM. SHAMPOO: *THUMP* WASHU: But it appears that Adam doesn't. At the same time, SASAMI and RYO-OHKI come inside from the cold snow. ALEX: <sarcastic> Wow! Snow is cold? I didn't know that! SAMANTHA: Tone it down little brother. She shakes off her clothes and takes off her boots before noticing KIYONNE. WASHU: I guess all those hours of watching cartoons are starting to take its effect on her. SASAMI Oh, hello. TENCHI Oh, this is Kiyonne, she's Mihoshi's partner from the Galaxy Police. <beat> SHAMPOO: <Tenchi> And new girlfriend! ALEX: No way! If anything, Tenchi will end up with Ryoko! SHAMPOO: No! Tenchi be with Kiyone! Least expected relationship! ALEX: Ryoko! Tenchi will end up with Ryoko! SHAMPOO: Kiyone! ALEX: Ryoko! SHAMPOO: Kiyone! ALEX: Ryoko! SHAMPOO: Kiyone! ALEX: Ryoko! SHAMPOO: Ryoko! ALEX: Kiyone! SHAMPOO: See? Told you. ALEX: D'OH!!! Kiyonne, this is Princess Sasami, Princess Aeka, and Adam. ADAM waves meekly. SAMANTHA: Gee... I wonder why? ALEX: Well he was probably tired from all that typing. SAMANTHA: So *that's* what they call it these days... ALEX: Huh? AEKA gives a slight bow and SASAMI waves her hand cheerily. WASHU: GYAH! Put your hand back on! You're spraying blood everywhere! OTHERS: WASHU! WASHU: What? I can't have any fun? SASAMI Hi! AEKA It's a pleasure to meet you. ADAM Uh, Yo. SAMANTHA: Oh no! Adam is channeling Scott Hall! SHAMPOO: Any moment now, he take survey. ALEX: <Scott Hall> Survey says... one for the good guys! KIYONNE starts to wave then stops and freezes. WASHU: Stop! Hammer time! [Everyone gets up and starts dancing for a few seconds and then sit back down.] KIYONNE Wait! You mean THE Princesses to the throne of the House of Jurai? <beat> ALEX: No, the other princesses... these are the replacements. And they were here, all along with, <turns> YOU? SAMANTHA: Ugh... bad lesbian image there... WASHU: What is with you? Your mind's in the gutter! ALEX: I think big sister is *still* trying for next years best Crow/Martaism. SHAMPOO: Her and Crow and Marta and Nash and Gigan and Ryan and... way too many people to list. MIHOSHI smiles innocently. Suddenly RYOUKO appears in the rafters and flies down and smothers TENCHI. ALEX: I didn't know Tenchi's blanket could do that. WASHU: With me in the house, *anything* is possible. AEKA quickly turns red. SHAMPOO: She gonna blow! RYOUKO Oh Tenchi! Please, please, PLEASE, make the snow stop. I hate the cold weather! SAMANTHA: Well, she's certainly found a good way to warm herself up! SHAMPOO: That bad, Sam. SAMANTHA: It's true... [sighs and happily thinks about Bret] KIYONNE <stands; louder> AND the Space Pirate Ryouko? Attacker of Jurai 700 years Ago? <beat> In the SAME HOUSE? <beat> With YOU? <beat; yelling> AND NO ONE SEE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THIS? SHAMPOO: You think that bad, should see Tendo Dojo some days. ALEX: Not to mention Ushio's shrine. WASHU: Heh. NERV's Geofront ain't so nice and calm either. SAMANTHA: Plus, you can never forget Captain Tylor's ship! Everyone looks at KIYONNE and shakes their heads slowly. WASHU: <imitates squeaky gate opening> She slumps down onto the floor and sighs. ADAM walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder. SAMANTHA: Oh great! First Ryoko and now Kiyone. Can't Adam stop with just *one* girl? SHAMPOO: Chris Caldwall didn't. SAMANTHA: <growls> How can I forget. AEKA rushes over to TENCHI and pulls RYOUKO away from him. ALEX: <Mike Tenay> And puts her up in the torture rack! It's all over for Ryoko! SAMANTHA: Hey, I'm the one who does the wrestling riffs around here! ALEX: You were slow. ADAM You've got to find a way to get rid of stress. This raving and yelling like a lunatic is very unbecoming. ALL: <laugh their heads off> WASHU: Excuse me? But who was just ranting and raving that a certain Senshi wasn't their mom? SHAMPOO: He big hypocrite! SAMANTHA: Bet yah later on he'll say he hates violence as well. RYOUKO <yelling> Let me be Princess! ALEX: <British, indignant> Unhand me you foul peasant! AEKA <yelling> You get your hands off of Tenchi! SHAMPOO: Ryoko no longer holding Tenchi, Aeka. Calm down now. RYOUKO I'll do what I want Princess and you'll not stop me. WASHU: Ryoko is starting to sound more and more out of character. Or at least her lines are. SAMANTHA: Yeah. In fact, I could mention a few other words Ryoko would use. ALEX: But then we would lose the PG-13 rating. OTHERS: [look at Alex] ALEX: What can I say? I know my sister. AEKA If you don't let go of him I'll be forced to make you let go. SHAMPOO: Silly Aeka. Ryoko no longer hanging onto Tenchi! RYOUKO Oh yeah? You and what army? ALEX: At last! A Ryokoish line... A line from Tenchi Muyo in Love, but a Ryokoish line nonetheless. The bickering between the two continues in the background ADAM <sighs> Of course, around here, it's almost normal. WASHU: True. Cut to Masaki house exterior, ALL: Ouch! a man in a trench coat is walking up to the house. SAMANTHA: Oh no! It's Craig from A-ko: The College Years! Fade to interior ALL: <sigh in relief> SHAMPOO: Thank goodness for that. More cutting and we be badly hurt. as NOBUYUKI walks into the house with a briefcase in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. As he's taking his shoes off, TENCHI walks into the foyer. TENCHI Oh, hey dad! I thought I heard you come in. ALEX: So Tenchi has enhanced senses too? NOBUYUKI quickly hides the flowers behind his back. He smiles nervously. WASHU: <Noboyuki> No, I'm not holding any flowers! No, not me! None at all! NOBUYUKI Yeah, just got back from the office. I had to work on a house design that has to be done in a couple of days. SAMANTHA: Then shouldn't he be working overtime? TENCHI Even today? In this weather? SHAMPOO: He work inside, Tenchi. NOBUYUKI Well, some people think I don't have a personal life, they insist that I get these things done in such a short time. SAMANTHA: In a matter of speaking, Noboyuki really doesn't have a social life. ALEX: Especially when you consider how big a pervert he is. SHAMPOO: That on screen, Alex. Noboyuki actually ladies man in real life. I've designed 6 houses this month alone! YOUSHO sticks his head into the foyer behind TENCHI. ALL: GYAH!!! SHAMPOO: AH! There blood pouring on floor! SAMANTHA: Oh man! When did this turn into an anti-fic? ALEX: [turning green] Please stop... WASHU: And don't even *think* of describing Kagato's Revenge to him. Misato had a heck of a time cleaning up the bathroom. SAMANTHA: Okay, okay, I won't! YOUSHO Ahhh, Nobuyuki. Going to drink some sake with me tonight? SHAMPOO: [quickly covers Samantha's mouth] Vigilante no say! No say it! SAMANTHA: Mmmmpppfffggghhh... ALEX: Why yes, that would be pretty bad to say right here. NOBUYUKI stands holding the briefcase in front of the flowers and Starts walking up the stairs. WASHU: Gee, are you inconspicuous enough? ALEX: He's not attracting any attention, is he? NOBUYUKI Uhh, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I've got to go put this in my room now, bye. SAMANTHA: [struggles free of Shampoo] Look, I won't say anything! Sheesh! Give me some credit. SHAMPOO: Okay. TENCHI and YOUSHO watch NOBUYUKI smile nervously as he rushes up the stairs holding his briefcase in front of him. TENCHI What's wrong with him? SHAMPOO: <Tenchi> It almost as if he try hide something. YOUSHO The mind goes quick for those who don't use it properly. ALEX: Ah, the wise words of Yousho. We shall never forget them. YOUSHO ducks back away from the foyer. TENCHI turns around and stares into the doorway strangely. WASHU: Hmm... Tenchi *has* been hitting the same stuff as Misato has. TENCHI And what's that supposed to mean? Cut to subspace, Washuu's Lab. ALL: Ouch. ADAM and WASHUU are both typing furiously on holographic keyboards. WASHU: Subspace laptops! It's dark all around them, ALEX: Then how can they see the laptops? SAMANTHA: Shh... you're trying to make sense of this. the sounds of machines clicking and popping can be heard in the background. WASHU: Believe me when I say that if anything pops or clicks in my lab, then it's a good time to get out. SHAMPOO: Remember that when next time come over. Simultaneously they turn around and grin. SAMANTHA: Washu grinning is bad. Washu grinning alongside an infamous Author Avatar is even worst. WASHU: Oh come on... like I would *ever* let Adam work in my lab... and not e verything I make turns out bad. ALEX: What about Mecha-Washu? WASHU: Look, that was in the TV series, where they called for some of my best stuff to malfunction. And besides, Mecha-Washu going wrong was Mihoshi's fault! Pan around them to show the large machine that is in front of them. SHAMPOO: *GASP* That new improved machine that goes PING! WASHUU It's almost finished! <laughs> ADAM It just needs to be tuned to the right frequency and tested. <beat> Which, of course could take a while. ALEX: <Washu> Well if *someone* would stop playing Doom on *their* subspace laptop, then we could get something done. WASHUU It's simple! For a genius like me! WASHU: Got that right! MIHOSHI (O.S.) So what does it do? WASHUU Well, it takes what you've always desired and... SHAMPOO: Isn't there saying about getting what wish for? ALEX: And I have this feeling that Adam is gonna describe that to us in *so* many ways... ADAM and WASHUU quickly stare at each other then slowly turn to face MIHOSHI who's smiling behind them. SAMANTHA: So they turned away from her... SHAMPOO: No. They face Mihoshi, but smile behind them. ALEX: So the lips were disembodied? Cool! WASHU: You three are reading into this far too much. ALEX: Well, we're bored. WASHUU jumps behind ADAM and sticks her head out from behind him. ALEX: What's she doing behind him? SAMANTHA: With Adam writing this, I honestly think you don't want to know. WASHU: Oh thank you for that wonderful mental image. SHAMPOO: [Has turned green and fallen on the floor] WASHUU AHHH!! How'd you get in here!? MIHOSHI I used the door. SHAMPOO: [gets back in her seat] ADAM <slowly> You used the door? SHAMPOO: You no know what door is? Shampoo weep for you, Adam. ALEX: Really? SHAMPOO: No. WASHUU You can't use the door to get in here. You have to go through subspace first! WASHU: Even though my lab is in a subspace pocket... SAMANTHA: It makes no sense, really. MIHOSHI looks like she's confused beyond her brain power. ALL: BOO!!! Washuu steps out from behind ADAM and looks at MIHOSHI. WASHUU So what do you want? SAMANTHA: [receives glares from the others] I ain't gonna say anything! MIHOSHI I just wanted to know what you were working on in here. ADAM <quickly> You wouldn't understand it. ALEX: Grrr... SHAMPOO: And here we see Adam's dislike of Mihoshi arise. WASHUU and ADAM look at each other and smile for a second. WASHU: All of this smiling is disturbing me. SAMANTHA: You too? Good, for a moment there, I thought *I* was the only one thinking along those lines. WASHUU So get ooooout! You'll ruin something in here! SHAMPOO: Perfectly understandable. Mihoshi's screen-self very clumsy. They turn back to see MIHOSHI is no longer standing there and has moved over to the machine. MIHOSHI So what does this do? ALEX: No! Leave the machine that goes PING alone! MIHOSHI presses a button SAMANTHA: <Dr. Forrester> Push the button, Frank. and the panel explodes with wires and circuitry. ADAM and WASHUU dash over to her. SHAMPOO: They *are* the Flash! WASHUU NO! Don't touch anything!! ADAM MIHOSHI, STOP!! WASHU: Hammer time! [Everyone gets up and dances wildly for a few seconds before sitting back down.] ADAM pulls MIHOSHI from the panel as a few others explode in a flash of light. SAMANTHA: And fire and sparks. Can't forget that. WASHUU puts her hands to her head and pull on her hair then turns to look at MIHOSHI. ALEX: Can you do all that while chewing gum? WASHU: Why of course I can! ADAM quickly begins pressing buttons on the console and looking at the circuitry. SHAMPOO: <Adam> No idea what Adam doing, but urge to push buttons overwhelming! WASHUU Mihoshi! What did you do? Don't touch ANYTHING when you're in here! MIHOSHI Sorr-- ADAM Shit! WASHU: <Mihoshi> Actually I was about to say sorry, but that word about sums up the situation. WASHUU What? ALEX: If you don't know what it is, then I ain't explaining it. ADAM The entire sub-matrix is trashed! Not to mention the controls for the dimensional analyzer and conformer. I'll take me a day to rebuild all this damage. SHAMPOO: <Adam> And Star Trek Technobabble start get out of hand! WASHUU Nooo! My machine! Mihoshi! Get ou-- <beat> Mihoshi? WASHUU and ADAM look around but Mihoshi isn't around. They look at each other in confusion. WASHU: More like fear. You don't want someone like Mihoshi running around in a lab full of sensitive and dangerous equipment. Cut to Masaki household interior, ALL: Ouch. living room. YOUSHO and NOBUYUKI are sitting on the couch drinking sake. SAMANTHA: <singing, drunk> I's the boys dat sells the boat... I's the boys that sells her... They are watching the snow Fall through the sliding glass door which is currently open. A Really thick layer of snow covers the nighttime landscape. WASHU: That's one heck of a blizzard they're having. ALEX: Makes you wonder why they're keeping the door open. All the snow and wind coming in must be freezing them! YOUSHO A lot has happened these last few days, Nobuyuki. NOBUYUKI Yes, a lot grandpa. SHAMPOO: Note how emotional scene is. SAMANTHA: What emotion? SHAMPOO: Exactly. YOUSHO You know, even though you aren't my son, you're a lot like me. NOBUYUKI Yes, I've noticed that. <beat> I used to be a lot like her as well. ALEX: This is a complete rip off of Tenchi TV episode number... WASHU: You might as well stop comparing this to the shows. You'll only hurt yourself. ALEX: But I'm bored! YOUSHO Yes, my daughter was a lot like you. I Think she loved you because of it. WASHU: But isn't it the man who's supposed to change in a marriage? ALEX: No not always. Right? <silence> Right? NOBUYUKI <soft> Achika. NOBUYUKI gets up from the couch and walks out onto the porch and holds his cup of sake out in the snow. Several flakes fall into it. SAMANTHA: And now it's watered down. OTHERS: <groans at the bad joke> NOBUYUKI She loved the snow. <beat> I hated it. SHAMPOO: No like snow either. It melt on you and then curse kicks in. ALEX: That has got to suck! YOUSHO gets up to stand next to NOBUYUKI, he also holds out his sake. SAMANTHA: Watered down sake is not on my list of favorite drinks. YOUSHO I never understood how she could love the snow so much when I hated it. <beat> but you know, I don't hate it anymore. WASHU: <Yousho> Especially after we sat down and discussed our problems at length, at last coming to a reasonable and intellectual conclusion. NOBUYUKI I don't hate it anymore either. When I got up this morning and saw it, I could only think of how beautiful she looked in the snow. How much she loved it, how much it pained me to see her... NOBUYUKI drinks the rest of his sake and looks down at the ground. SAMANTHA: [wipes a tear away] I'm gonna need some drinks after this... ALEX: <concerned> Big sister? SAMANTHA: I'm fine... [wipes another tear away] Just fine... ALEX: [Goes to say something but thinks better of it, a determined look growing on his face.] YOUSHO It was just like today that it happened. The snow came down furiously, but she kept smiling. <beat> Nobuyuki? WASHU: Guess he got buried from all that snow coming in through the door. Cut to NOBUYUKI, ALL: OUCH! still with his head down. Pan downwards SAMANTHA: <Director> Down, down, down, down... SHAMPOO: *THUMP* SAMANTHA: <Director> Not that far down. to show the empty cup of sake he's holding in his hand. A teardrop falls into the cup and settles in the center. Shortly after, a snowflake joins it, mixing with it until the snowflake is gone. NOBUYUKI <strained> She smiled till the end. She said to me, 'Time is short, but I lived my life to the fullest, that's all that really matters.' [Both Samantha and Alexander wipe a tear away, obviously touched.] SHAMPOO: That beautiful. So what on Fight Scene? WASHU: D'OH! You just ruined it! SAMANTHA: Not to mention make a shameless plug. YOUSHO She always used to say that. From the first day you two started going out regularly. I used to think it was that sparkle of joy she had when she was with you talking. But... ALEX: It was really from the time she had stuck her finger into a plug-in. YOUSHO drinks the rest of his sake and turns around to go in the House. NOBUYUKI looks up at the snow, his eyes are slightly wet. SAMANTHA: No duh. He was just crying. He turns and follows YOUSHO back inside closing the door behind him. Pan left to see ADAM, standing beside the house, holding a mess of wires and machinery, SHAMPOO: Poor Playstation. Adam no get past Guardhouse with Leon. WASHU: Oh! A product plug and obscure game reference in one shot! Very good! his eyes are wide and he looks a bit shaken. ALEX: <Adam> I'm... f... f... freezing... o... o... out... h... h... here... The top of his head is covered in snow. ADAM <whispered> Tenchi's mother... PLUTO (O.S.) She died from a massive immune system shut down, in this house, on November tenth, 1985. ALEX: That's a very debatable date... WASHU: As well as wrong. Who wants to debate the death of a kind and caring mother? ADAM spins on his foot to see PLUTO standing in her sailor fuku, holding onto her staff. SHAMPOO: And also freezing butt off. ALEX: Well those fuku's are pretty short... [blushes] Uh... not that I look or anything! Really, I don't! WASHU: It's okay, Alex. We know you ain't no pervert. ALEX: [breaths a sigh of relief] SAMANTHA: And if you were... [cracks knuckles] I would have to show you the err or of your ways. ALEX: YIPE!!! Strangely, none of the snow seems to be falling on her. PLUTO For all intense purposes, SAMANTHA: Not just any purposes, but INTENSE purposes. WASHU: Haught. SHAMPOO: INSANE! ALEX: The Mystery Wrestling Theater 3000 sketch, ladies and gentlemen! she died from what seemed like, old age. She was thirty-two. ADAM What really happened to her? WASHU: The usage of Jurai energy in a body unused to it caused her to fall ill, thus... SAMANTHA: I know Washu. ALEX: We saw the movie. PLUTO She spend all of her energy when she was in her teens. She had none left to continue living. SHAMPOO: Well, someone no see Tenchi movie. ADAM <slowly> All her energy. <beat> How? PLUTO You'll find out. ALL: ... NOOOOO!!! SAMANTHA: HE'S GONNA SCREW UP A GREAT MOVIE!!! ALEX: AND INVOLVE THE OUTER SENSHI OF TIME!!! WASHU: AND DO NOTHING TO HELP!!! SHAMPOO: Shampoo glad she no be here for all parts of Full Circle. Not effected as much... ALEX: Well, I haven't and I'm pretty affected. WASHU: But you're a hopeless Tenchi fanboy. ALEX: Well, that's true. ADAM Great. <beat; annoyed> So why are you here now? Come to give me more cryptic information that won't be useful until it's too late? SAMANTHA: Did you change the channel, Washu? This sounds allot like a line from the X-Files. WASHU: Not that I know of. PLUTO I know what you and Washuu are building. Do not continue. ADAM Why? SHAMPOO: Why ask why? Anipike dry. ALEX: That was... uh... big sister? SAMANTHA: Well... it's not *technically* a product plug... WASHU: But it comes close... PLUTO The very fabric of the space time continuum relies on the fact that only those who fully understand it, may manipulate it. SHAMPOO: Nuts! Shampoo sense rip-off of Star Trek plot! WASHU: Actually, since this is no doubt going to crossover with Tenchi Muyo in Love, it'll more likely be a rip off of the plot from Back to the Future. Washuu would know that if... ADAM Don't trail off like that! SAMANTHA: What do you mean trail off? You butted in! Why doesn't she know? And why does she think that I'm your son? SHAMPOO: Twisted plot device... next! PLUTO Modifications were necessary. Side effects can be mistaken for genetic similarities. ALEX: And if you put a quarter in her mouth, another fortune will pop out! WASHU: Gotta love how the script captures the character, don't ya? ADAM Modifications?! What do you mean? SAMANTHA: You know, a tweak here, twist there, some oil over in there... modifications PLUTO waits a moment then turns and waves her staff SAMANTHA: Into Adam's head... Sorry, couldn't pass it up. until a large portal appears. ADAM Don't you dare ignore me! What am I to You? Your puppet? WASHU: That's a good puppet! I don't see any strings anywhere. PLUTO You are my messenger. <beat> It's what you agreed to be. SHAMPOO: Pluto's messaging system! Guaranteed to get you any message, anywhere, and anytime. PLUTO steps into the portal. ADAM <yelling> Why don't I remember then?! ALL: Ouch! ALEX: This is getting painful on the ears. The portal closes with Pluto inside. ADAM blinks a few times then shakes his head ALL: GYAH! SAMANTHA: Please put it back on! You're spraying blood everywhere! so all the snow falls from the top. ADAM Why am I always the one who doesn't know what's going on? WASHU: Pure irony considering he's the AA. Cut to space, interior of the Yagami. ALL: Ouch. SHAMPOO: Shampoo glad we not farther to go. That hurt! KIYONNE and MIHOSHI are sitting in the cockpit of the ship as it orbits the earth. They are both wearing their GP uniforms. KIYONNE Yukinojo, open Hyperlink-Comm to GP headquarters. ALEX: <Kiyone> And see what's on the Sci-Fi channel, while you're at it. YUKINOJO descends from the top bubble and stops right in front of KIYONNE. WASHU: <imitates screeching brakes> FUKINOJO Hypercomm active. Vocal password Identification requested. KIYONNE 'She had so many children, she knew not what to do.' SAMANTHA: Now how does a person from an alien race know about an old child's rhyme from Earth? ALEX: I'm wondering why the password ain't "It's all Mihoshi's fault!" FUKINOJO Password confirmed. Hypercomm open. KIYONNE Good. Transmit Mihoshi's report. SHAMPOO: 1 K... 2 K... 3K... WASHU: At this rate they'll be there all day. ALEX: Should have gotten the 56K modem. Suddenly a big screen appears, floating in mid air. The GP SECTION CHIEF is on it. CHIEF Good job Kiyonne! Oh, I see you are Both there! That's great. KIYONNE Why is that great? CHIEF Twelve hours ago, the Galaxy Police battleship Shunga was stolen and is reported to be heading in that direction of the galaxy. I want you two to remain there incase the ship does come to the Sol System. ALEX: Wow, gee... he managed to screw up the end of that Tenchi TV episode. How does Adam do it? SAMANTHA: A creative and imaginative mind. SHAMPOO: How you say that with straight face. SAMANTHA: It wasn't easy. KIYONNE Wha? <beat> WHY? This is a backwater planet in the middle of nowhere! We don't even have direct jurisdiction over this area of space! It's a protected region by the House of Jurai! WASHU: Sorry Kiyone, Fate here again. Gotta slap you in the face again. CHIEF We've already gotten permission from Jurai. They agree that the Shunga should be recovered and any way that might be achieved should be used. ALEX: Why do I get this bad feeling that Adam is gonna be essential in retaking the Shunga? SHAMPOO: Shh! Might give author idea. MIHOSHI Yea! Now we don't have to leave Kiyonne! We can stay with Tenchi and Sasami and Aeka And Adam and Yousho and Ryouko and... WASHU: <Kiyone> Inane... prattling... mind... going... *THUMP* MIHOSHI keeps rattling off the names of the people who live in the Masaki household while KIYONNE keeps talking to the CHIEF. SAMANTHA: <Kiyone> I'm going to kill you for this, ya know. KIYONNE Are you sure we have to stay here? CHIEF Oh I'm positive. By the way, what's in this report? SHAMPOO: <Kiyone> Oh nothing much, just... stuff. KIYONNE The standard Mihoshi-style report. It contains the events leading up to and the actual death of Kagato. CHIEF SHE was reponsable? WASHU: <Kiyone> No, she was responsible. As for reponsable, that's another matter entirely. KIYONNE Not directly. From what I glimpsed at the report, Tenchi and Adam did most of the work. SAMANTHA: But Adam didn't do anything!!! ALEX: Calm down big sister! You'll blow a blood vessel! CHIEF Whatever. SHAMPOO: <Chief> Chief only Section Chief of Galaxy Police. Not like details *important* or anything. You better get going. I'll Make sure this report gets sent to Jurai as well. They've been probably waiting for a conclusion to this for a long time. Section Chief, Out. SAMANTHA: Okay... *POW* WASHU: I don't think he meant it that way. SAMANTHA: But he's out. The screen disintegrates into nothingness. KIYONNE turns to MIHOSHI, who's still talking to herself. KIYONNE <frustrated> MIHOSHI! He's gone! MIHOSHI <confused> What? KIYONNE hits her forehead with her hand. ALEX: <Kiyone> Oh my migraine. Where's the Tylenol? Cut to Subspace, Washuu's lab. ALL: Ouch. Everyone is gathered in the darkness: TENCHI, RYOUKO, AEKA, SASAMI, YOUSHO, NOBUYUKI, KIYONNE, and MIHOSHI. They are all looking around, a bit confused. SHAMPOO: <Adam> Okay, this casting call for OVA of Full Circle. Be needing you, you, you, you... WASHUU (O.S.) And now, I'd like to present to you, my <soft> second <normal> greatest creation of all time! WASHU: The first being Ryoko! ADAM (O.S.) Ever wish things had gone a bit different? ALL: Yes. Ever wish that you could go back and change a few things? ALL: No because then we would be caught in the cheesiest of plots, a time paradox. Ever wish you could have lived in a time and place where you were a ancient Samurai warrior, or a space faring explorer? Well, wish no longer! ALEX: Nuts! I was wishing for this to end. WASHUU (O.S.) Introducing the Multidimensional Time And Space Manipulator! WASHU: [is shaking in her seat in barely contained fury] SHAMPOO: Oh no... SAMANTHA: Not good... not good! ALEX: Should we dive for cover now? WASHU: IT'S CALLED THE DIMENSIONAL CAUSE AND EFFECT CONTROLLER!!! GET IT RIGHT!!! WATCH THE TV SERIES FOR ONCE YOU BLITHERNG BABOON!!! SAMANTHA: *whistle* That's the maddest I've ever seen you in a *long* time. Lights suddenly come on and we see WASHUU and ADAM standing beside the large machine from earlier. A few repairs can be seen from where MIHOSHI had destroyed things, but otherwise the thing looks sleek and new. ALEX: No offense, but if I see one of your inventions being held together by Duct tape and you're about to use it, then I'm leaving. ALL Oooooohhh! SHAMPOO: <All> We bunch of easily impressed people. Ohhhh... WASHUU My Time and Space Manipulator WASHU: Dimensional Cause and Effect Controller!!! will create a world to your design. SAMANTHA: A world with the hot springs from El Hazard and Bret... *happy sigh* ALEX: A world where *I'm* Deb's husband... *depressed sigh* WASHU: You both know you're speaking aloud... [Samantha and Alex both blush bright red.] Just tell it what you want and it will make it for you. No work, no regrets, just perfection! And It's all brought to you by the genius of WASHUU!! WASHU: Damn rights! SHAMPOO: Shampoo sense ego growth. WASHU: Hey, I'm just agreeing with the good lines. Everyone looks at the machine in awe, then, with hunger. SHAMPOO: Red button looks like cherry tidbit. ALEX: That control dial would make a great hamburger. SAMANTHA: And that lever looks like a hotdog. WASHU: Hey! Don't be looking at my invention that way! ALEX: Well, we're hungry. RYOUKO Ooh! Let me try first! SHAMPOO: <Ryoko> Buttons! Urge... to push... buttons... overwhelming... AEKA No, Let me! SASAMI Oh, I want to give it a try! MIHOSHI Let me have a go at it! WASHUU suddenly stand in front of them all. WASHU: STOP... HAMMER TIME! [Everyone gets up and starts dancing for a bit before sitting back down.] WASHUU NO!! <beat> No one gets to touch it until it's fine tuned. And definitely not without proper supervision by myself! SAMANTHA: Then why show it now? WASHU: To give the people a taste of what my genius can do! ALL Awwww. RYOUKO (V.O.) That's okay. I'll just wait unit you're asleep. Then I'll get MY go at it, heh Heh haa! SHAMPOO: Uh... Ryoko? You spoke out loud again. AEKA (V.O.) I'll do it at night. Then I'll erase That dreaded Ryouko from the entire universe and Tenchi will be all to myself. Oh, Hohohohohohohoh. ALEX: These girls have some major possession problems. SAMANTHA: Oh, like you wouldn't like having a bunch of girls fawning over you. ALEX: [blushes] It's not like that! SAMANTHA: Sure little brother, sure... SASAMI (V.O.) I wonder what it would be like to be a Superhero like in those TV shows. Maybe I'll just look at it when everyone has gone to sleep. WASHU: Don't say it, Alex. It's not worth it. MIHOSHI (V.O.) Ooh! I want to create a world where Kiyonne and I are together forever and We'll always be happy! SHAMPOO: Is that not reality already? KIYONNE (V.O.) I need to create a world where Mihoshi never existed. If only to experience that for a while. WASHUU (V.O.) There, that should have sufficently scared them. They'll never think of touching it when I'm not around. WASHU: Oh no... I can't see what's coming from a mile away. ALEX: About as subtle as a sledgehammer to the head, that foreshadowing is. Everyone lets our a short chuckle at once, then quickly quiets down. All at once they all leave in different directions. Except for ADAM, who's standing by the machine staring at them all leave. WASHU: Oh, for crying out loud! Stop playing pong on it already! ADAM I get the feeling it's going to be a rough night. I wish I knew what they all were thinking though. SHAMPOO: You no telepathic? That good. Fade to black. Caption: SAMANTHA: Hmmm... [reading] I know I have no chance of this being turned into a TV show, but I'll keep writing these fanfics as scripts nonetheless. FULL CIRCLE: The Tenchi Muyou Episodes Episode 7: Time and Space Adventures ALL: AAHHHH!!! WASHU: We knew this was coming, but it still hurt! Coming Soon. ALL: AHHH!!! Authors Notes: SAMANTHA: None! Hopefully there'll be none! *whew* Got that one finished finally. ALEX: Well, you didn't have to go through all that trouble for us. I put in LOADS of material that lead up to the next few episodes. SAMANTHA: Oh, there's loads of something in that fanfic.. and it smells allot like... SHAMPOO: No go there! For those of you who are keeping track of these things, this episode is actually the combination of OAV 7,TV 5, TV 9, and TV 11. See ya in the next episode! ALL: AAAHHH!!! ALEX: Washu, Adam's scaring me! WASHU: He's scaring all of us, Alex. "Tenchi Muyou" was created and is owned by Masaki Kanajaki, and was released by Pioneer Entertainment in association with AIC. All references and characters from this series is held under copyright by its respective owners. SHAMPOO: Who come to sue his butt... WASHU: Now how dead is that horse? Adam Leigh is part of "Legend Equinox" which was created and owned by Adam Chris Leigh ALEX: <Adam> You see? He doesn't have my middle name! it's not me! and was published through multiple sources available through the Internet. All usage of this character is restricted to is owner and is Copyright ©1998 by Tempest Creations, a division of Starlight Pictures. SAMANTHA: Copyrighted bull... WASHU: STOP! SAMANTHA: What? It's the truth and you know it! All Rights Reserved. Adam Chris Leigh WASHU: Prepare the e-mail bombs! ALEX: <shocked> You wouldn't! WASHU: <slyly> Wouldn't I? SHAMPOO: But you group member who hold up moral standards. SAMANTHA: Yeah... in a way... WASHU: Thanks, I think. ALEX: Well, it's over and we survived. Lets go get a drink. SHAMPOO: Sound good to me. [They all get up and leave the theater.] ***** Alexander, Shampoo, and Washu all sat down at their usual spots beside the theater doors and watched Samantha as she walked over to the Comm Unit and turned it on. She waited patiently for it to hook up with the SON and signaled to Rei for a beer. After a few minutes, Bret's face appeared on the screen and the two began talking again. "She's certainly getting some use out of that," Misato commented as she a pproached the table. "Uh-huh," the review group chorused. "So how was today's fanfic?" Misato asked. "And would any of you like something to drink?" "Script takes away emotion and characterization," Shampoo started. "Beer." "There were some very confusing sentences and misspelled words, as well as improper terms for my inventions. Plus we got to see how many more *new* powers Adam has," Washu added. "Martini." "It was a horrible twisting of both the OVA and TV series of Tenchi Muyo. Also, the inclusion of Sailor Pluto, of which she is *very* OOC, has no value to the plot whatsoever," Alexander said. "Ginger Ale please?" "Anything else?" Misato asked. A scream of anger and the sound of glass crashing suddenly echoed throughout the Anipike. Everyone turned to see the Comm unit dark and lifeless, with Samantha's fist in the screen. Her entire body was racked by silent sobs and tears dripped down onto the control board. She wouldn't cry out loud, she was too proud, but it was hard enough to keep it all in. "How long can she keep this up?" Alexander asked, looking close to tears himself. "I mean, her love is up in space and she has no way to get to him." "She's Samantha Jones a.k.a. Silhouette," Washu started, sounding almost sad. "She'll keep going no matter what." Alexander watched as Rei came out from behind the bar to comfort Samantha, who had buried her head in her arms and was leaning against the control board, and came to a decision. He wouldn't stand around and watch his sister suffer, not while he could do something about it. Acting on impulse, he left the table and walked over to Naga the Serpent and Lina Inverse, from The Slayers Anime, who were talking about how to keep their powers in S-I fanfics. "Um... excuse me ladies?" Alexander blushed when Naga turned to him, dressed in her skimpy leather outfit. "Yes?" they asked. "Well, I was wondering if you two could help me with something..." ________________________________________________________________________ Please send any C & C to: