Full Circle Part 4 WRITTEN BY: Adam Chris Leigh MSTIED BY: Jamie Jeans a.k.a. JOLT!!! This is my thirty-second MSTied fanfic and, after reading the AAA Tournament, I must say that it's about time that I get back to riffing the Full Circle series. I'm more dedicated now because I heard from a friend that Adam is going to start on a OVA version of this series and that will demand some *special* attention. LEGAL STUFF: All the Anime characters in the following MST belongs to the talented and creative people who made them. Please don't sue me for I am merely borrowing your characters and not making any claim on them. The Club Anipike belongs to Nightbreak, whom I am grateful to for allowing me to use it. Now, on to the story! ________________________________________________________________________ SHAMPOO: So who you think Washu get to help us riff fanfic? REI: I don't know, but with Samantha stuck up on that satellite, we'll need someone else to add more riffs. SHAMPOO: Hope she do okay. REI: Same here. WASHU: And that's the story. So, you feel like helping? RYOKO: Oh, no problem! Anything for Samantha. MIHOSHI: Especially after the way she beat up Adam Chris Leigh. WASHU: Speaking of which, that's whose story we're going to be MSTing today. RYOKO: And here I thought he didn't make any more chapters. MIHOSHI: Look at it this way, Ryoko. Who better to riff his stories then the people he puts down the most! > INTERLUDE RYOKO: An arrogant jerk inserted himself into an Anime series and rewrote its history. > >Establishing Shot: Darkness. As V.O. proceeds, fade into starry expanse >panning across the various constellations and systems before finally settling >on the eastern hemisphere of earth. MIHOSHI: Huh? This thing is done in script! WASHU: Well, lets just hope that it doesn't get made into a show. > > ADAM (V.O.) > When I was young, I used to look > out into space and wonder what > life was out there. My greatest RYOKO: It's dark and cold. Next question please. > dream would be to one day grow > up to help work on launching an > interstellar ship and meet who or > whatever was out there. > When I finally realized that the > possibility of such an occurrence > was so slim, I began to concentrate SHAMPOO: Oww! My brain hurts! > my efforts in making those creatures > come to earth. Not in ships or in sub- > space portals, but in the imagery > of the human mind. My dreams were > now filled with making the New York > Times bestseller list, an event that > I’m sad to say never happened. REI: With what I heard about his earlier stories, I'm not surprised. > It was funny, or maybe ironic, that > I was thinking about those times, > when I was young, at the time I > stumbled across Tenchi Masaki’s > house only four days ago. MIHOSHI: The four days which shall live in infamy. > Excerpt from the fourth Chapter > of Adam Leigh's first bestseller > novel, A Promise To Pluto, > published on August 1st, 2015 RYOKO: Pluto? Is that *Sailor* Pluto? WASHU: I'm afraid so. MIHOSHI: Oh great, it's turning into a crossover with Sailor Moon. REI: Hopefully, it's the Sailor Scouts and not the Senshi. > >Quickly zoom into Japan ALL: >and to the Masaki household where AZAKA >and KAMIDAKE are standing at the gates to the property. The newspaper >boy rolls up on a bike and leans over to push a paper through the >slot on one side of AZAKA. > > AZAKA > Thank you good sir. > >The boy quickly stumbles backwards and AZAKA turns to face the boy. >He, of course, screams and runs away, tugging his bike behind him. > > KAMIDAKE > What do you think was the problem? SHAMPOO: Stock footage provided by Pioneer Inc. > > AZAKA > I don’t know. > >Cut to the inside of the Masaki household. ADAM slowly walks down >the staircase in one of Tenchi’s work outfits. He’s buttoning up the >shirt as he walks. RYOKO: So before he was naked. EVERYONE ELSE: AHH!!! WASHU: Don't do that! RYOKO: Sorry, it slipped out. > > ADAM > I gotta get > myself a wardrobe, I can hardly > stand these outfits anymore. ALL: Boo!!! REI: Yet more reason for Samantha to beat up on him some more. > >Pan backwards to show TENCHI facing away from >the staircase in a couch. MIHOSHI: I would face away from him too. > > ADAM > Hey, Tenchi. You know, these > pants are kinda small, maybe > you father has something I can > use. SHAMPOO: Putting on a little weight, Adam? REI: He's not fat, he's just big boned. WASHU: Either that or his ego is taking up allot of room. > >Cut to TENCHI’s face, he starting off out of the house towards the lake >that the couch faces. ADAM stops in his tracks when he doesn’t get a >response from TENCHI. MIHOSHI: Wahhh!!! Tenchi's ignoring me when he knows I'm the center of the universe! WAhhh!!! > > ADAM > YO! > >TENCHI jerks up and looks at ADAM. RYOKO: Oh, it's you. > > TENCHI > Sorry, I don’t think > my father has anything you > could fit in, he isn’t that much > bigger than me. You could > wear one of the robes that > Grandpa has though. WASHU: Good old Tenchi. Always willing to help. > >ADAM raises his hands in defeat. MIHOSHI: While we raise ours in disgust. > > ADAM > Oh, no. I definitely won’t > wear one of those. I should RYOKO: And what, pray tell, is wrong with them? > be fine with the clothes I > came in. I’ll just wash them > up and wear ‘em again. SHAMPOO: By then his clothes shrunk so small, he need be thinner then Cindy Crawford to wear them. > So what were you thinking > about that you didn’t notice > me? WASHU: After all, I am the self-inserted character here. > > TENCHI > Oh, just about what I saw in > Funaho’s mind yesterday. I > was wondering about something > I saw, about the cave by my > Grandpa’s shrine. > Hey, would you mind checking > it out with me? RYOKO: Yeah, maybe you can trap Adam in there. REI: Off to a dark start, are we? > > ADAM > Uhhh… WASHU: Stop being so lazy, Adam, and help him! > > > A Twisted Plot Production ALL: Got that right! > > In Association with > Tempest Creations > A Division of Starlight Pictures. SHAMPOO: Is this one of those author companies, like Foxfire Productions? MIHOSHI: Lets hope not. He might have a whole page with different stories of inserting himself into the Tenchi Muyo world. > > FULL CIRCLE > > Written and Directed by, > Adam Chris Leigh REI: Who ranks right up there with Roger Cormen. SHAMPOO: Now that low blow. > > Based on “Tenchi Muyou” by > Masaki Kanajaki > > Special Thanks to > The wonderful people who grace the #TenchiML chat >room on DALnet for endless information about Tenchi, RYOKO: Little did they know of the horror they had helped to produce. WASHU: Ryoko! RYOKO: Sorry, I'm just kinda pissed at this guy. MIHOSHI: Hopefully not on the seat. EVERYONE ELSE: MIHOSHI! MIHOSHI: Sorry. That just kinda slipped out. > Chris Davies, whom I took this writing style from, and > Katie Staal, who gives me more time every day. SHAMPOO: So some woman gives him time every day... for what? WASHU: I dread to think about it. > > Episode 4: Yousho Revealed > > >Establishing Shot: The Masaki cave. TENCHI and ADAM are standing >outside of the cave staring in. RYOKO: Just a few more steps and I can seal him in, thus ending my nightmare forever!!! BWAHAHAHA!!! MIHOSHI: Have you been hitting the Dr. Forrester pills? > > ADAM > Do we knock? ALL: Wah-wah-wahhh!!! > > TENCHI > Very funny. > > ADAM > Honestly, what are we doing > here? I promised I'd come with > you, but we're just standing out > here. What are you expecting? RYOKO: To lock you in there forever. > > TENCHI > Nothing nothing. Lets > go in. > >ADAM shrugs and starts walking into the cave, TENCHI follows shortly >behind him. Half way into the cave they find a gate that looks >surprisingly new. MIHOSHI: Yeah, the price tag was still on it. > > ADAM > Natch. ALL: Huh? > > TENCHI > I'm sorry? > > ADAM > Nothing. This doesn't look > too old, can't be more than > 10 years old. Assuming no > one has been in here polishing > it every day. WASHU: To give your gates that steely look, use... > > TENCHI > 13 years would fit > better. > > ADAM > Did you say something? > > TENCHI > No. RYOKO: Nothing, dear lord. > > ADAM > Are we looking for anything in > particular? MIHOSHI: Yeah, a way for you to get out of here. > > TENCHI > I'll know it when I see it. > > ADAM > I hate people who say that, > I never know what to expect. SHAMPOO: Not knowing what to expect makes life more interesting! > >TENCHI does a sweeping kick against the gate and its flies back >on its hinges. ADAM looks impressed. WASHU: Instead of being angry, since he wanted to knock it down. > > ADAM > I suppose there is always more > than one way to skin a cat. > > TENCHI > Come on. > >TENCHI leads them now. As they continue farther into the cave they >see signs of more and more disrepair, until they come across a part >of the cave that almost completely caved in. RYOKO: The rest then caves in and crushes Adam. The end. REI: Hey, we're barely into the fanfic and you're already getting pretty dark! RYOKO: Yeah, but I just hope Tom Servo doesn't sue me for copyright infringement. > > ADAM > Lemme guess, we're getting > closer? > > TENCHI > Yup, this is looking familiar. > > ADAM > Familiar? WASHU: It means he was there before. > >They climb over the fallen debris and continue down the cave until >they come to part where it looks like a giant boulder had been split >open. > > TENCHI > This is it. This is what I'm > looking for. > > ADAM > Okay, now will you tell me > why we're looking for the Flintstones? ALL: Flintstones! Meet the Flintstones... > > TENCHI > Flintstones? > > ADAM > Forget it, I'm playing to the wrong > audience. Just tell me what we > found. REI: Geez, what a pushy jerk! It's no wonder Samantha hates him so much. > > TENCHI > This is the rock that Ryouko was > imprisoned in. I accidentally let > her loose when I was only five > years old. And if what I saw in > the memory of Funaho was right … RYOKO: The hell...!? MIHOSHI: Huh? WASHU: What the... SHAMPOO: But didn't Tenchi release you from the cave wen he was seventeen. RYOKO: > >TENCHI begins moving through rocks, picking them up and throwing >them places. ADAM is afraid to help, in case he moves what TENCHI >is looking for, so he just watches. WASHU: No, he's just lazy and doesn't want to help. REI: I take it you're al pretty ticked off with this guy, right? WASHU, RYOKO, MIHOSHI: >TENCHI stops when he comes to >one unmarked stone. > > ADAM > Found something? > >TENCHI holds up the stone, on the side it has several Japanese >characters that pretty much outline the specifics of the seal that >was placed on RYOUKO. There is a small hole in the rock. MIHOSHI: Ohhh, pretty rock... > > TENCHI > This seal was made by Yousho, > Aeka's brother, it operated off > a special gem that Ryouko uses > for power. I just bet, that if I use WASHU: Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! The seal was kept in place by the Tenchi-ken. The gems only added to the swords power! > my gem on this, I could find Yousho. > > ADAM > Is this a personal theory, or do > you have any information to back > this up? REI: Nah, it's just wild guesses. > > TENCHI > If I can get the seal to work, I > can follow the energy of one > of the gems to find the others. > > ADAM > I guess it doesn't hurt to try, > just as long as you don't seal > ME in that rock for an eon. ALL: Seal him in! SEAL HIM IN! > >ADAM helps TENCHI move the rock over to a section of the cave that >is flatter. TENCHI takes out the Tenchi-Ken and holds it next to the >rock. WASHU: After holding it out for a moment, Tenchi ignites the blade and proceeds to slice up Adam with it! RYOKO: Mom, don't steal my schtick! > > TENCHI > Now, how did I do this before? > >TENCHI places a finger on the gem. The gem glows for a minute then >dislodges itself from the sword and lands in TENCHI's hand. He sticks >the gem slowly into the rock. They both wait for the light show, >which never comes. REI: Hmmm... I guess the batteries need to be recharged. > > ADAM > What happened? Is our credit > bad? RYOKO: Yours maybe, but mine... > >The stone lifts itself off the ground and begins to shake. The rest >of the cave also begins to shutter. REI: When did we step into a Indiana Jones move? > > ADAM > I don't think this cave can take > this sort of action. > > TENCHI > I think your right, lets get out of > here. MIHOSHI: Hey, I'm always right! Didn't anyone tell you that? > >TENCHI moves to get the gem from the rock when it emits a beam >of white light straight up and out of the cave, into space. WASHU: Which is impossible considering that it would have to smash through the rock and cave the roof in on them. >After a >second of the light, it abruptly stops and the stone comes crashing >into the ground. The cave continues to shake, parts of the ceiling >are now falling around TENCHI and ADAM. > > ADAM > Hurry, Tenchi! > > TENCHI > I’m going as fast as I can, I > just have to -- > >TENCHI pulls the gem out of the rock and drops it. It rolls around >on the ground, under a piece of rock. SHAMPOO: I think you right, Rei. This really sound like Indiana Jones movie. > > TENCHI > I dropped the gem! > >A large rock slams into the ground between TENCHI and ADAM. > > ADAM > What do you mean dropped?! WASHU: Dropped: Adjective. Meaning to let go or... > >TENCHI and ADAM frantically look for the gem, while dodging falling >pieces of rock. During the shaking, the gem rolls out and stops by >ADAM's foot. > > TENCHI > There it is! Get it! RYOKO: Okay. MIHOSHI: He meant the gem, not Adam. > > ADAM > Right! Get > out of here. > >TENCHI moves to get out, ADAM reaches down and picks up the gem >then runs after TENCHI. Just as he leaves the one section of cave, it >collapses. Both TENCHI and ADAM start running as fast as they can >out of the cave. SHAMPOO: This more exciting then action sequence in Boba Fett meets Pizza cats. REI: You have got to be kidding. SHAMPOO: Sorry. Shampoo make mistake. Action sequence in last fanfic better then this one. REI: *whew* You have me worried there for a moment. > > ADAM > Faster, Tenchi, Faster! > >ADAM's hand begins to smoke, he lets out a scream. MIHOSHI: Would it be considered too dark for us to cheer that Adam is suffering? WASHU: Hang on. Yes it would. In fact, we already used up our quota of dark comments already. RYOKO: Sorry. >As the come to >the entrance of the cave REI: Uh... oh... hmmm... SHAMPOO: Did we switch Full Circle with new Dr. Thinker MST? >they both dive out as the section above them >collapses, pushing out plumes of smoke. They both breathe deeply >as they watch the cave continue to collapse. WASHU: Breathing in the smoke and coughing up a lung. > > ADAM > Well, > that was a sterling success. MIHOSHI: Of the Twilight zone. Get it? Because Rod Sterling made... SHAMPOO: We got it. REI: Hey! No using the thesaurus, Adam! > > TENCHI > I had no idea … > > ADAM > Ooww! > Damn you, this thing is burning > me. WASHU: No cursing! We're still trying to keep the PG-13 rating! > > TENCHI > Here, I'll put it back in the > sword. > >ADAM goes to give the gem to TENCHI, just as he opens his hand he >freezes. They both look into his palm. MIHOSHI: And his palms are still pretty smooth despite... REI: Don't go any further then that! > > TENCHI > What happened? > > ADAM > It -- its embedded into my hand! ALL: NANI?!?! REI: Wow! What a shock! WASHU: Yeah. We actually used Nani despite the fact that this is in English! MIHOSHI: But how can the gems, which only Ryoko and the Tenchi-ken can use, be imbedded in his hand? RYOKO: I have this horrible feeling that not only is Adam Jurian, but that he was created by Washu as well. SHAMPOO: Actually, Adam *is* part Jurian. Samantha told me. WASHU: Aeka is going to be pissed when she hears that. > >Cut to space, pan across a few stars before it's all blocked off by a giant >ship that flies in orbit of earth. MIHOSHI: AHHH!!! *BONK* REI: There goes another camera. >Fade into the ship, across a great hall, a >beautiful looking organ, and finally the back of a man dressed in greens >with whitish hair looking down into a globe. WASHU: Beethoven? >Pan over his shoulder to >look into the globe which is showing a playback of the beam from Tenchi’s >gem. RYOKO: Stupid globe. All that's on is reruns! >The globe goes black and we see the reflection of the man who we >can clearly see is KATAGO. MIHOSHI: Ever since he started using those oxypads, his face really cleared up. > > KATAGO > Now Ryouko, we will finish what > we had started 700 years ago. WASHU: Hey Adam, check the series a few more times! This whole thing started 1200 years ago! It was 700 years ago that Ryoko got... REI: Don't bother correcting the otaku's work. It only makes you frustrated. > >The image of KATAGO shimmers and disappears in a cloud of green >energy. Fade to black. MIHOSHI: Oh damn. Someone forgot to pay the electric bill. > >A part of the blackness is pealed away and we see RYOUKO’S face. > > ADAM (V.O.) > Ryouko! Stop that! SHAMPOO: Ryoko, you sly devil you! RYOKO: You know I wouldn't do anything like that with him! > >Cut to the inside of the Masaki house, ADAM is replacing the bandage >over his hand that RYOUKO had just pulled off. AEKA is sitting in a >nearby sofa with SASAMI. > > RYOUKO > Awww, come on. Lemme see it! MIHOSHI: Upon seeing it, Ryoko proceeded to laugh at how small it was. SHAMPOO: Wow! Obscure lemon riff! > > ADAM > Absolutely not! What’s wrong > with you, this is serious. SHAMPOO: The otaku is powering up. Must stop him before he reaches full self-insertion power levels! > >TENCHI walks in from the kitchen with a piece of plant and a glass of >water. > > TENCHI > Ryouko, stop bugging him. > Here Adam, this is > Grandpa’s secret pain relief > herb. > >ADAM looks at the plant in disgust. REI: While we look at... WASHU: It's been done. > > ADAM > And I gotta eat this? > >TENCHI nods. > > ADAM > When > did I end up in an episode of > Dr. Quinn? Gimme that glass. RYOKO: MIHOSHI: Hmm... Person is angry and proceeds to take it out on other people, preferably the ones which are helping him. This leads me to believe that Adam is very anti-social and would like to be left alone. REI: Still working on that Ph.D. in Psychology? MIHOSHI: Only a few more months and I'll get it! > >ADAM takes the herb, and quickly after, the water. RYOUKO goes >back to clinging to TENCHI. RYOKO: At least he got one thing right. Even if Adam had a *hundred* gems, I would still cling to Tenchi. > > RYOUKO > You know, Tenchi, if you had > given me the gems like I had > asked before, you wouldn’t have > these problems. ALL: How true. > > AEKA > If we had given you those gems, > we’d have a whole different set > of problems to worry about. > > RYOUKO > Yes, but you wouldn’t have > *these* problems, princess. > > ADAM > If you're so good with these gems > why don't YOU try to take them out? RYOKO: Oh, a challenge!!! > >RYOUKO teleports away from Tenchi and behind ADAM, then proceeds >to drape her arms around him. ALL: AAHHH!!! > > RYOUKO > Oooh! I though you'd never ask! > Now, hold still. RYOKO: I feel so ashamed... MIHOSHI: And it would appear that Adam prefers beautiful women to drape themselves about him in his fanfics in order to make up for what is probably a lack of a love life in reality. RYOKO: You guys know I wouldn't do this, right? WASHU: We know, dear. Just be thankful that this is only a *script* for a fanfic. > >ADAM mentions something inaudible under his breath as RYOUKO >grabs his hand takes off the bandages. REI: Head... spinning... from... trying to make... sense of... sentence... WASHU: Do not look directly at the sentence. Look away from the bad grammar. Failing to do so results in a loss of sight. >To her surprise, it's glowing. > > ADAM > Wow! What are you doing? > > RYOKO > Umm … Nothing. I > don't know what's going on. > >RYO-OHKI bursts into the room and runs screaming into RYOUKO's >hands. MIHOSHI: How could you? Not Adam!!! NOT HIM!!! REI: How does one runs screaming into someone's hands? SHAMPOO: Words make sense apart but together... > > RYOKO > Not now, Ryo-ohki. MIHOSHI: Later, when we're alone. *THWAP* OWW!!! RYOKO: Don't be getting too hentai on us. > > RYO-OHKI > Myaa! MYAAA MYAA! Myaa! > >RYOUKO looks up, looking angrier than before then runs out of the >house. RYOKO: And then out of this fanfic. > > TENCHI > Ryouko! Wait, what's going > on? > >The rest of the group runs out of the house. When they are all gone >MIHOSHI walks in from the kitchen with a handful of pastries. > > MIHOSHI > Where is everybody? MIHOSHI: The way Adam writes me, you'd figure that I would rather eat then do anything else. > >Cut to the edge of the Lake, RYOUKO, TENCHI, AEKA, ADAM, and SASAMI are >standing around. SHAMPOO: Not doing anything, just standing around. >RYO-OHKI is in SASAMI's arms, and everyone is looking at >RYOUKO. WASHU: As she proceeds to display the new line of swimming suits. > > TENCHI > What's going on, Ryouko? > >RYOUKO looks around, darting her head in every direction before >looking straight up. REI: I sense a disturbance in the force. One I have not felt since... > > RYOUKO > Katago. > >A green ball of energy appears above RYOUKO and cracks open as KATAGO floats >out of it, the ball of energy sealing itself behind him and dissapearing. WASHU: Such amazing description! I'm enthralled! MIHOSHI: Been borrowing the Warrior's thesaurus again, haven't you, Adam? > > KATAGO > Well, Ryouko, good to know you > haven't forgotten about me. I, of > course, haven't forgotten ALL: The author. > you. > > RYOUKO > DIE! SHAMPOO: Shampoo amazed that you three not attack screen from rewriting of history and shows. RYOKO: Well it would only be a waste of energy. WASHU: And besides, Justice was served thoroughly to Adam at the AAA tournament. MIHOSHI: So we can relax and just riff this. But that doesn't mean *I* won't shoot the screen if he goes too far. > >RYOUKO flies up at KATAGO at full speed and runs into a green tinted >force field that knocks her off to the side. KATAGO slowly floats >towards RYOUKO. ALL: Ohmmmmm... > > KATAGO > You are quite > an imperfection. You should know > by now you can't attack me like that. > Now, come quietly and I won't be > forced to harm you further. WASHU: Despite the fact that he harmed and carted her off in OVA # 5... > >As KATAGO approaches, TENCHI jumps in with the Tenchi-ken extended >and its blue blade pointed at KATAGO. ADAM rushes in behind and grabs >RYOUKO. RYOKO: Pervert! > > TENCHI > You'll not come any farther! > > KATAGO > Ahh, so you are the one with the > Master Key. But I wouldn't go > waving that around boy, it’s the > Kings property. > > TENCHI > What king? > > KATAGO > Foolish boy, you would attack me > with a sword without fully knowing > its properties. Give that to me! > >KATAGO points his hand at TENCHI as a pulse of wind strikes him, >knocking him backwards. KATAGO reaches for the sword again with >a pulse of wind that TENCHI fights, allowing KATAGO to get within >inches of the sword before ADAM jumps in and knocks TENCHI and >the Tenchi-ken out of the way. REI: You know, those scenes are actually pretty good until Adam gets into them. > > ADAM > I get the feeling that > this guy is bad. MIHOSHI: Such witty repartee! This guy had to have helped the Marx brothers with their skits! RYOKO: Talk about out of shape. Adam jumps and pushes Tenchi away and he's panting for breath. REI: I'm not out of shape, I'm just big-boned! > > KATAGO > You are even more foolish than > this boy. You're life means little > more to me than dust. RYOKO: Yeah! You tell him Kagato! > >KATAGO shoots a green bolt of energy towards ADAM who holds up his >hands in defense. ALL: >The green bolt smashes into his hands, knocking him a few >meters backwards onto the ground. ALL: >His hand jumps with electricity as >the Gem in his palm glows serenely. KATAGO hovers closer to ADAM, >who is unconscious, and looks down at his hand. MIHOSHI: They're surprisingly smooth... > > KATAGO > Even more intriguing. You may > be of use to me yet. But WASHU: As target practice. > as to the Master Key -- > >As KATAGO turns around, TENCHI leaps up at him with the sword and >takes a long swing at him. KATAGO quickly hovers off to the side as >the blue streak of the sword flies past his face. As TENCHI lands, a >drop of green blood trickles down from KATAGO's cheek. SHAMPOO: Despite fact that Mihoshi not written in scene, this just footage from Pioneer. RYOKO: The best Anime dubbers in the world!!! REI: Kiss up. > > KATAGO > If you want to fight > me, boy, a fight is what you > will get! > >KATAGO generates a sword, much like RYOUKO's, only green and >larger. He takes a swing at TENCHI that knocks him back, then >continues to swing at TENCHI, knocking him back farther towards the >lake. In a sweeping gesture, KATAGO knocks TENCHI into the lake, >knocking the Tenchi-ken away from him. ALL: > >As KATAGO reaches for the sword, it flies away, over the tops of >everyone's head and into YOUSHO's hand, who is suddenly standing >behind the girls. > > YOUSHO > Playing with toys that aren't > yours, eh? > >KATAGO looks at YOUSHO with scorn, he then grins and looks to >RYOUKO. She holds her head for a moment then her eyes turn green. > > KATAGO > You remember what > it's like under my control, don't you? > Well, if it isn't > Yousho, the first crown prince of > Jurai! I finally have the pleasure > of meeting you for the first, and > by far, the last time. WASHU: You ever get the feeling that Adam's creativity and imagination is nil? SHAMPOO: Never cross mind at all. > >Cut to AEKA's face, she gasps then looks at YOUSHO. Cut to a >younger looking YOUSHO, which fades into the present day YOUSHO. > > YOUSHO > Big words from someone who is > such a coward. > >KATAGO grits his teeth evilly then shoots off a green bolt of energy >at YOUSHO which slams against a translucent shield and dissapates. > >Cut to a close-up of YOUSHO's face, he closes his eyes, then activates >the Tenchi-ken and opens his eyes. Panning backwards, YOUSHO >unleashes a series of skillful moves against KATAGO, who dodges them >masterfully. YOUSHO manages to get up close and is pointing his sword >at KATAGO's throat when RYOUKO begins firing at the two of them from >above. She plummets to the ground, continuing to fire at YOUSHO until >she actually hits the ground. She levitates upwards like a puppet and >activates her sword. > >KATAGO is laughing maniacally. > > YOUSHO > Using a woman as > your shield, COWARD! > > KATAGO > We'll see who the coward is, > attack! RYOKO: Okay, I can vouch for Kagato when I say that he never said that! MIHOSHI: Yeah, he just kinda laughed and attacked. > >RYOUKO rushes into YOUSHO with her sword extended. The sword hits >YOUSHO's shield and the two energies spark as they fight against each >other. YOUSHO leaps into the air as KATAGO tries to shoot him while he >is distracted. > > YOUSHO > Ryouko! Wake up, don't let > him control you like this! > > KATAGO > Nonsense, she can't wake from > the control I have on her. RYOKO: Nor did he say that.