ง-( Continue with your life off )-ง ( And have your nephew jump upon you to wake you up ) The Armageddon Prophecy Part 2- MSTied By John "CrowBar" Hurst Continuing Epidsode 104 http://crowbar.cjb.net Let's Continue...shall we? _____________________________________________________________________________ (Iria, Mike, and the bots enter the theater) > Please forgive me for any spelling mistakes I may Have made in the writing of >this fanfic:) It will be better written in the future. Tom: NOT GOOD ENOUGH! GUILTY OF HARSH PUNISHMENT! Mike: Woah, Tom. Calm down, laddie. Tom: (Starts to sob) It's just not fair... we have to sit in here day and night. And plus you have a god dam* better impersion of Paladin from Wing Commander 3! Mike: Don't worry, everything will be just A-ok. Crow: BTW, you guys forgot the fanfic Mike and Crow: AHH!! > Chapter 2 of The Armageddon Prophecy > Almost Together Crow: But The Sci-Fi channel grew them closer... Tom: Shameless Plug of the Sci-Fi Channel....although that one didn't make any sense. >Ten thousand years ago in the system of the gray star ALL: (Singing) MEMMMOORIIESSS >A shogun magi known only as Dark Raven emerged Iria: And died! The End! >His only thought was to destroy the Universe >Only to create his own and be hailed as a god >His selfish wish would go on unfulfilled Tom: Until he invented MicroSoft. Crow: That would explain a lot. >The magi was soon chased by three goddess >In an attempt to save the universe Mike: But it utterly failed and they ate Ice Cream instead! Iria: (Goddess) Now THAT'S what I call a sticky situation! ALL: (LAUGH) (All sleep for a few minutes) (a couple minutes pass and Crow wakes up) Crow: Hey! New stuff guys Mike: (waking up groggy) Like we care. >Lead by Tenchi Masaki and Ranma Saotome >A small army will try to stop an end to all things >As we know them ALL: ID4! ID4! >And a war will be waged >One like this world has never seen. Crow: What? Because it has only 5 groups fighting instead of armies? That stuff has been used COUNTLESS number of times! Tom: Yeah...except with the battlestar stuff. >_________________________________________________________________________ >Ranma, shrug off that comment Tom: Tired of useless Shrug? Use Shrugoff! >and went to his seat at the table for breakfast Iria: (Computer Voice) Warning. Warning. Akane Food approaching. Man battle station 5, 6, and 8. Crow: Incoming Noodles!! RUN!! Tom: Wait! The Ukyou force is coming! Mike: Hooray? >and wondering again how did he get into this mess in the first place. 'I got >three fiancees and I'm only in high school, to some people that's good but I >want...' Iria: Cheesy Poofs? Tom: VR Stuff? Mike: Money? Crow: I'm not gonna say it. That's just too easy. >Ranma's train of thought was interrupted by Akane came down to her >seat at the table and started in on the conversation. She was all dressed up >for the picture day and actually looked like a normal girl. 'Why haven't I >noticed her like this before?' Ranma questions to himself. Mike: Because you have 3 fiances, fight all the time, and hate her cooking. I don't think she would dress up a lot for you. >_________________________________________________________________________ >A-ko had just gotten up for the day. Iria: For her... that would be 8 o' clock at night. > She wiped the sleep from her eyes and >looked at her cloak. Crow:(A-ko) My My, it's icky and sticky. Tom: (A-Ko also) Maybe I shouldn't have worn it to the movies Mike: (A-ko Also) I'll tell mom to go the dry cleaners Iria: (A-ko for more variety) Watch me and my cloak do magic tricks! > "Eight O' Cloak, I'm late!" A-ko gasped. ALL: (slight laugh) Tom: Thats a lot of cloaks Crow: She might be late for Cloaks Annoymous. >She got >dressed for school when a familiar voice filled the air. Iria: This IS your life! Mike: Do you remember this faithful and distrubing voice? > "A-ko I've got some >news for you!" C-ko cried, Tom: (C-Ko) I made Pizza ala crap! Others: (Start turning green) > "Because of your fighting with B-ko (Inventive >names!) Crow:(Sarcastic) Yes...REAL inventive names! Tom: But you also have D-ko, E-ko, F-ko, G-ko... Mike: Thats enough... Tom: ...H-ko, I-ko, J-ko, K-ko.... Iria: Thats enough... Tom: and L-ko, M-ko, N-ko... Others: THAT'S ENOUGH!! Tom Ok, Ok. > we have been switched to a school on the other side of town from the >old one!" Iria: (A-ko) Well, you gave Miss Auyumi a heart attack with White Castle Food! Crow: (C-Ko) But I bought that at some fast food place! Iria: (A-ko) Yeah but you had to microwave them on Hydorgen! Crow: (C-Ko) Wah!!! Mike: Crow! Stop it!! >"What's it's name C-ko!?!" A-ko cried as she grabbed her books and went out >the door. She stood and waited for an answer to her question. >"Furikan High," C-ko answers in her cheery voice, "I hear with the people >there we'll fit right in." Mike: They also must be super-strong and fast... Tom: and have bad food... >"Okay lets go. I think I know where it is," A-ko replies, "C-ko is it another >all girls school?" >"Nope, but A-ko....." C-ko answers being cut off in her sentence. >A-ko grabs C-ko's arm and dashes off in the direction of the school waving C- >ko behind her. Crow: And A-ko suddenly hit a semi....The End. >_________________________________________________________________________ Tom: Hey! We are at the end of the line! Crow: Let's get outta here! (Crow goes to the door, but it is locked) Crow: Crap. (sits back down) >Ranma saw something out of the corner of his eye. Mike: There was that white crusty stuff.... >He turned to see a red >haired girl running at a very high speed waving what appeared to be a little >blonde girl holding on for dear life behind her. Iria: And several police cars as well.... > The girl charged through the >street knocking Ranma into a wall. He got up a bit dazed but still able to >walk, Tom: Funny....that D dude couldn't walk.. Crow: He must be super-strong like A-ko. Iria: Well...He does go to the 'Anything goes martial arts studio'. >He looked over to see Akane and Nabiki standing there amazed a strange >sight as he stumbled to his feet. "What is it you two?" Ranma looked at Akane >in a puzzled manner. "What is going on here?" >"That girl Crow: Well...Crap! A Oscar flashback is occuring! Others: (Shudders) >that ran by here looked a lot like Ranma-chan, but the hair was a >bit different," Nabiki answered. >"Erie," Tom: Indiana? Crow: That show just plain sucks. Mike: As well as the whole freaking network, > Akane said. >"Well on our way we go.... Akane can I have some of your wallet sized photos?" Iria: (Questionare) Oh great Magic 8-ball...is there a lemon scene in the near future? Tom: (8-Ball) You question shall be anwsered. Yes there shall be a horrid scene. >Nabiki asked with a grin on her face. Tom: (8-Ball) And it definitly won't be pretty. >"Not if they wind up in Kunos locker again," Akane said with a sour look on >her face. Crow: Look at the new different flavors Akane comes in! Sour, Lemon, Chocolete... Mike: Now that was just plain sick. Crow: Why thank you, Mike. I needed more direct feedback! >A yell came from the distance, "What do mean I don't have to be here till >8:30!" Suddenly a very angry red haired girl comes up the path with her >little blonde friend right behind her. Iria:(Mr.Garrison) Well...just great. A-ko Megami is pissed off! > She then heads toward Nekohanten, a >small ramen shop near by. Magic Voice: The Cat Cafe!! ALL: WHA??? Magic Voice: Thats like one of my favorite sites and stuff.... plus that person who owns it helped me with the logo. Mike: Magic Voice....don't break the fourth wall. Tom: That was a tad late...this crossover has already done so. > "We have time, we should meet this new girl..." Iria: And choke her. >Ranma said being cut off in the middle of his sentence. >"And add another fiancee to the collection," Akane laughed, "Maybe you'll >marry this one." ALL: LEMON ALERT! LEMON ALERT!! >"Ha ha ha, very funny," Ranma says, "We should stop her before she takes m...I >mean Ranma-chan's job." >"Good point," Nabiki argues, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost a job." >"Make up another," Akane sneers, "Like selling my picture to Tatewaki! Okay, Crow: So Nabiki is a secret black market dealer in nude pics....wow! Iria: Crow? Crow: Yes? Iria: Shut up! Crow: (imitating Cartman) Yes Ma'am! >I'm game. May we found some one to get Tatewaki off both our backs, Ranma." >They head toward the shop oblivious of a shadow behind them. "Good, Good," The >shadow laughed, "Jaws should be waiting for you!" ALL: (Hums the theme to Jaws) >_________________________________________________________________________ >"Serena, get up it's time for school," Serena's mother yells into her room. >"Do I have to?" Serena cries back. >"Yes, especially since your going to a new school," Serena's mother yelled >into her room (Fate or writers block you decide.), "Furikan High." Iria: (mother) In Which you will be beaten the crap out of! >"What!!" Serena yells back, "What about my friends?" Serena says running out >of her room ready for school. Mike: (Mother) I blew them up Tom: SOMEONE is dark today >"Your friends will be there too, so move or you'll be late," Serena's mother >says. Crow: (Mother) Some nice young man offered to drive you. I think his name was Nav. >"Yes mom," Serena says running out the door alone to be meet with her good >friend Amy. >"Hello Amy,"Serena says, "Do you know why we got transferred to a new school?" >"Plot hole," Amy says under her breath. ALL: WOAH!! Tom: Bad...Very Bad. Iria: Someone just tore down the 4th wall. Crow: Can I, Mike? Mike: What the heck, the 4th wall was just broken down... Crow: HEY! CrowBar! What the hell is wrong with you!!?! You and all those other MSTers are making us go through torture. And another thing... [CrowBar a.k.a John Hurst somehow materializes onto the SOL's Theater] CrowBar: Crow...it's a fanfic...relax. Crow: I'll relax whenever This thing stops! CrowBar: I can't stop it. Then the reader will hafta go read another MST. Crow: I don't give a damn! CrowBar: Look here's some money. Now shut up! (Hands Crow a 50 dollar bill and somehow disappers) Crow: Thank You! >"What?"Serena asked. >"Nothing, look there's the others," Amy points to the other members of the >team. Mike: They want to kill you too. >"Hello everyone!" Serena yelled waving her hand in the air. Iria: We are the little brats with tiaras! Mike: Don't do that. Moonies will come and get you. Crow: Yeah...but I don't feel like it right now. >They continued to chat until they reached a small dojo and they saw who else >but Ranma and the others standing there talking. "Who's that guy over there >he's cute," Mina said pointing at Ranma. Tom: (Little Girl) as a wittle wutton! Mike: Huh? Tom: Never mind. >"See those two, Mina, one could be his girlfriend," Rei said pointing at Akane >and Nabiki. She suddenly jumped in the air and land in front of a bush and >reach in with one of her wards in one hand. Suddenly a dark hair man jumps >out of the foliage and looks at the girls and rips off the ward. Crow: And *suddenly*, 4 people *suddenly* got the urge to *suddenly* destroy the fanfic. Tom: Thats enough. >"You think you can out match a dark knight, HA," Tom: Here we go with the www.ha3.com joke again... > The man laughed aloud as he >shouted catching the attention of the three on the other side of the street, >"My power is that of my name..... SET TO ARMS!!! Mike: Tonights Tennis Matchup. Wierd Dude is winning 1-0 and the score is currently 15-love. >I wear the armor of cruelty, >now face your pain!!! Iria: (Odd Guy) A few words of pain... Crow: Barney... Mike: Hanson... Tom: Oscar... ALL: (Shudders) >SCORPION STRI....." Tom: MORTTTAALLLL KOMMMBBAAATTT! > In the middle of his maneuver Set Iria: And he could have won the match too! Dang! >was interrupt by two sharp kicks to the back. He turns to see Akane and Ranma >read to fight him. "Puny mortals I don't have time for you. Crow: (Guy) Cartoon Sushi is on. > I will return if >you best Jaws and Rampage. Tom: I bet those games...you guys? Others: (nods) > Adue," Set bows and disappears. >"Are you okay ladies?" Ranma said but was followed with a punch in the back of >the head. >"Of course they are," Akane add in, "Now we were on are way." Crow: I have predicted a lemon scene! >They all head toward the ramen shop and find A-ko at a table in a conversation >with C-ko about politics for some strange reason. "I've got an idea to get >their attention," Akane says. Mike: Gee...Crow! Your a Physchic! Crow: Really...oh I mean...YES I AM!! >"Shampoo think you are nuts, Shampoo think your plan won't work," Shampoo >interrupts >"You haven't even heard it yet," Akane screams. >"I'm with her," Rei remarks pointing toward Shampoo. >"Who asked you!" Akane screamed and a faint blue aura started to appear around >Akane. Iria: Whats happening? Tom: Something thats not here for sure. >"Shampoo think it would be wise for Hot-headed girl to run for the hills," >Shampoo whispers to Rei. Tom: (Shampoo) Because Shampoo talks and thrid person and will kick your ass! Mike: Easy there Tom. >"No I'll stan...." Crow: He might mean stain. Tom: Or South Park! > Rei is cut off in the middle of her words and is knock flat >on her back. >"Hot-headed girl should have listened to Shampoo, Shampoo see this all the >time," Shampoo said. Iria: Say it if you hate RAM and Terabyte chips Bots: We'll shut up. >"What the heck was that!" A-ko screamed getting up from the table. >"That was Akane Tendo mad," Cologne said as she entered the room, "I think she >should have listened to Shampoo's warnings a little better." Iria: (A-ko) Does she do FBI Warnings on the tapes good too? >"Mommy I don't want to pet the pretty pony," Rei said in a semi-consutous >daze. Mike: Well...don't pet the ugly one either. >"Remind me never to get on her bad side,"Serena said pointing to Akane. >"Hello, my name is...." Tom: Someone. Crow: (Newspaper dude) Extra! Extra! Someone says name! Someone dies! Mike:(News Dude) Who cares! >Ranma starts but Akane splashes him with ice water. >He changes into Ranma Chan. The sailor moon team, A-ko, and C-ko gasp as >every one else laughed at Ranma, who was now Ranma-chan. ALL: (Sarcasticly) Gee...wow...what a surprise. >"You look like..."A-ko gasps as she notices the resablance to her self, "Me >but with a different hair cut. Amazing how did you do that." Iria: (Ranma-Chan) As amazing as how you turned a question into a statement. >"A curse, and not one I particularly like," Ranma-chan said looking down, >"Well for once I can't wait to get to school." Tom: Who said that? >"Let's go," Amy said. >"Not so fast you," Jaws counts the people in the party as he stops them in >their tracks, "Eleven, now prepare to....... Set I could use some help here >out numbered you know." Upon saying that four lightning bolts streak down >from the sky. Crow: Lightning Stab!! Iria: Has he been playing Final Fantasy Tactics again? Tom: Yeah... He is stuck with a Lv. 22 Agrias on Orbornne Monastary Ground Lvl. 3... Iria: Oh...wha? >"You called," One said. Mike: (Jaws) Yeah...10-10-321! >"Do we have to fight them wolffie, why can't we just anality them in one >blow,"Another, this one a girl, remarked to the first. Crow: I have no idea what is happening Tom: Same here >"Shut up, you ditz. We fight for the glory of my home planet and for my >mentor," Another girl shouted, "DARK KNIGHTS TO ARMS!" Then all of them >formed into armor one you would remember as Darkwolf. One was dressed in Snake >armor. Another in that of an owl and one of Black Eagle. Jaws formed into >Pirhnia armor and was swinging a chain with hooks on either end. Mike: They must have the same exact animals back at their planet! >"I'm Flightwing," The one in owl armor said to the stunned mass of people, "My >mentor, Miss Washuu Chan would be so proud. Crow: I gave her something special! Mike: Crow.... > Now I can take her place and I >will be the greatest scientific mind in the universe." Tom: (Flightwing)...for 2 miles >"I'm Eagle eye," the one in black eagle armor screamed, "My bow screams for >your blood!!! prepare to die!!!" Crow: If his bow screams for blood, then what does his... Mike: CROW!!! Crow: Never Mind Mike: Thats right (Grabs some super glue and glues his mouth shut) Crow: MMPH! >"My name is...ah," The one in snake armor said twirling a bit of hair coming >out of the face mask, "Wolfie what is my name again, I forgot." Tom: Is Wolf in this? Iria: No... Mike: No one can be that dumb to forget their name >"Silia dear," Darkwolf said, "For the thousandth time it's Silia!" Crow: (Silia) Uhh...Ok....What is it now? Mike: 2 seconds...thats a record Crow for escaping. Crow: I'm Houdini! >"Lets get to it though I'm board standing here and talking," Jaws said. Iria: I want to play Final Fantasy 7 Mike: Shamless Stock Plug number 5562. >"Sorry Jaws we have to leave now, you too. We found Dark Raven," Darkwolf >said. ALL: THAT WAS FAST! >"But still before then we should destroy all meddlers, that threaten Dark >Ravens plan," Jaws said. >"Your right my putrid friend let us defeat one of the two great generals," >Darkwolf laughs. Mike: (DarkWolf) Lets get one of those chineese generals with his own chicken. >_________________________________________________________________________ >"What!?! Not now I have to get moving to track them. I know!" Washuu said in >one breath. Tom: (Darth Vader) Impressive.... (Breaths Heavily) >"Not now what?" Ryoko asked as she entered the room. >"This is terrible!!!! Crow:(Washu) They posted nude pictures of me in Penthouse Mike: You want to beat your record? > My arch nemeses has returned from the grave and he has >followers!!! Get Tenchi and the others in here, PRONTO!!!!!" Iria: Not now, but Pronto! > Washuu screamed. >"Kagato!!! Back from the dead!!!! But how!!!" Ryoko screamed back. >"Not Kagato, some one a lot worse. Mike: Barney? Crow: Elmo? Tom: Oscar? Iria: MMPR? > Just get them it's a matter of life and >death for countless souls!!!"Washuu screamed. >"On it," Ryoko said as she left. Crow: (Ryoko) And it feels goood Mike: (Groans) >"The fate of this and other worlds rest on our shoulders,"Washuu said with a >tear in her eye as she watched a little screen blink on with a bio of what >looked to be a spirt. Tom: But it was a Sprite. Thank You! >End of Part two! Mike: (Monty Python Narritor) And there was much rejoicing. Others: (Sarcasticly) Hooray. >Will Dark Raven come to earth? >Will the universe end? >Will Ranma and his friends defeat five Dark Knights? Crow: Will this fanfic end? Iria: Will Elmo take over the world? Mike: Will DJ Croft come and suck up to Misato? Tom: Will Mickey D's reveal the secret of the special sauce? >Only time will tell. ALL: Oh... Mike: C'mon..let's get out of here... งงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงง [Door 1: You exit the theater and the door swirves to the right.] [Door 2: It's a a small paper opening.] [Door 3: It's a stack of Metallica CD's. You put the one you got earlier back] [Door 4: It's a portal. You Enter it to continue.] [Door 5: You walk past a broken TV.] [Door 6: It's the game of Tetris. You play it some more and continue on.] งงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงงง Mike walked back onto the bridge. The Bots were nowhere in site, and that was not odd. They were probably back on the HoloCabana killing the Author or something similar to that. Gypsy was watching the monitor from her usual spot, and Mike decided to join here. On the monitor, it showed a pissed off Iria with a M-16, Garnede Launcher and several ammo clips on her ala Rambo. Then a flash of Gold and Red filled the screen. "YAHHH!!" yelled the bots, running as fast as they could. " A fantasy of me, huh..." started Iria, Pointing the M-16 at Crow. "I'll show you" she fired as the Golden Bot and the Gumball One ran out of the HoloCabana. And Iria chased them. But when they exited, Iria no longer had the Rambo style weapons and burns. "Damn" said Iria. The Bots were celebrating that they didn't get their butts kicked in the Cabana....a small victory. And all of a sudden, The Mads light flashed and they all had to go into the bridge area. Dr. F was already on the HectoScreen as they entered. "Greetings, and say good-bye to your Girl-friend Mike" sneered the Doc. "What do you mean, Dr. Forrester?" asked Mike. "Yeah" said Iria. "Well, I just manage to crack my own code on the Dimensional Transporter and I'm gonna send your friend back." "Why?" asked Crow. "She wasn't here that long." "Thats just it" started the Doctor. "She has manage to go through 3 fics without even a insanity craze. She is not mad material." "Well..." said Iria, turning to the Bots and Mike, "I Guess this is goodbye" "Yeah" said Crow. "We'll come and visit ya if we get out though" said Tom. "I guess See You later, Iria" stated Mike. Mike and Iria shaked hands. "Keep Crow on guard..ok?" asked Iria "Sure...I always do that" said Mike. And as fast as she came on board, she was off. She was free from the insanity on board the SOL's Bad fics. "And I Plan to use the transporter for something else.... You'll wait and see" said the Postal Doctor Clayton. "I have a bad feeling about this" said Mike. "Joel once said to us 'Stay Frosty'" said Servo. "May the force be with us?" said Crow. The 2 stared at him... "Why Hell....it was worth a shot." ______________________________________________________________________________ Well.. I finnaly finished my 4th MSTing!!! Not bad huh? Anyway, Thanx for reading my first Multipart one. And you wanna know whats worse.... there are two more parts that are coming out soon! And I will be there to MST them....hehehe. Well, in the mean time for my next MSTing, check out my website at http://crowbar.cjb.net Thanx for your time, CrowBar Episodes of MSTings by me 101- Neon Exodus Evagelion, By Benjamin Hutchins: MSTied 6/13/98 102- Tenchi Muyo!- BEHIND THE SCENES By BGlanders@aol.com: MSTed 6/14/98 103-Tenchi Vrs. USA Today By The IceFalcon (???): MSTed 6/16/98 104- The Armageddon Prophecy Part 1 and 2 By Pyrous: MSTed: Part 1 (6/25/98) Part 2: (7/2/98) ______________________________________________________________________________ >"My name is...ah," The one in snake armor said twirling a bit of hair coming >out of the face mask, "Wolfie what is my name again, I forgot."