______________________________________________________ The dark chair slowly turns, revealing a surprisingly handsome and humble (heh) otaku. “Welcome to my private hell!” He cackles on for about half an hour. “Anyway I am here to destroy a horrible piece of worse than Sasami or ryo-ohki lemon shit. And don’t point out how messed up that last sentence was. This is my first mst but this fic must be destroyed!” Yet more cackling. “This is my first mst but I hope it will be alright.” The lights dim and the annoying disclaimer comes up. Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. But I’m using them. Don’t bother suing, I’m broke. Well wait fear my five dollars. Besides I am doing this out of love for the characters, don’t hate if they are a little ooc (this IS a mst). This Mst is of Washu’s Erotic Torture Chamber by an unknown guy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vegita:What the hell, why am I here? M:Because I called you here from another dimension. Vegita:Hey your getting hit by the censors too. M:No, literally another dimension, just wait and I will explain when the others get here. A large light forms and it steps Duo Maxwell Tenchi Masaki and Ryoko. Ryoko:TENCHI!!! Duo:Why am I here I was just having a good time with Hilde, a good time. Ryoko:Banging Noin’s mini-me, for shame. Tenchi:What the.... now what? Vegita:Who are all these people? M:SILENCE! I am M. I am here to mst a horrible fic. Well wait your are here to mst a horrible fic. I’m here to lock you in a room and make you watch it. No I’ll just watch it too. 5 is too much, who shall I kick out? I know, later Duo, another time maybe. Duo disappears M:now on with the fic. Vegita:What are we supposed to do? M:Just make fun of the damn fic till you can’t any more. Here are some buckets by the way. Tenchi:buckets, what for, and mst what? Ryoko:Stop confusing my Tenchi. Tenchi:Your Tenchi I thought I was a freeman. Vegita:What are we watching? M:You’ll see don’t worry, You’ll see. They all enter the theater. disclaimer:i do not own Tenchi or any of the Tenchi characters, blah, blah, blah, blah okay......cool...^_^ M:Disclaimers hah, who bothers suing these types of people just sit around masturbating with one hand and typing this filth with the other. Except for Happosai he rules. Tenchi:Hypocrite M:damn, good point Ryoko:Think about what you just admitted. M:The disclaimer thing, not the masturbation. Vegita:How bad can this be? M:You remember Yodo’s phrase “You will be, you will be.”? Let me change it “It will be, It will be.” (Washu’s lab)---------”Yes! it’s almost complete!” Washu says wiith a sense of completion in her voice. “Those rotten good for nothin little brats! they’ll all be sorry. Aaaaahahahahaah!!!!! Ryoko:No title? M:How about horrible Sasami Lemon? Tenchi:Lemon? M explains what a lemon is. Tenchi and Ryoko:For the love of God. Vegita:Who’s Sasami? M:8 year old girl. Vegita:Urp, not good. M:By the way, it’s called Washu’s Erotic Torture Chamber. Ryoko:My Mom isn’t like that. All:I should hope not. (dinner time, tenchi and the gang are all sitting around the dinner table getting ready for a fabulous feast prepared by sasami) Vegita:He likes his parenthesis. M:yep -----”gee, i wonder why washu hasn’t come down for dinner.” said yosho, in a slightly dissapointed voice. M:Gee golly mister. All: @_@ M:What? Tenchi:Were you born in the 40’s? M:No the time before my birth was scary. Ryoko:Yosho err Kashuhito never has inflection in his voice. Tenchi:Sometimes, not often though. M:Like when he is getting his ass kicked by Kagato. BTW I love saying that name all slow and menacing. Almost as much fun as saying Kenshin! in a chibi voice. “i know, she’s been really busy lately,” said tenchi, “all cooped up in that dark cold lab. i could’ve sworn i heard several different people screeming in agonizing pain!” M:That’s just your imagination, they’re screaming in agonizingly painful death. Vegita:I’ve heard lots of those screams. Ryoko:So have I. Tenchi:Great I’m stuck in the middle of you too. Vegita tries to fire a blast at Tenchi but gets malleted by Ryoko. Vegita:Damn I though I only got beat up by her in Webersan’s mst. M:Now let us all bow down and praise the king of mst, the destroyer of lemons... Tenchi:Calm down. “oh, that was just me and aye--ow! ayeka that hurt!” screemed sasami. M:I told you never to tell them our secret about our special times Ryoko:That was just plain sick. No two parts to it. Never say that about Sasami again. Tenchi:Besides Ayeka would never do that to her. “uuhh, she doesn’t know what shes talking about, i think she has turets or something” M:No need for good English Skills Vegita:Damn straight, I got a good education on my planet. Ryoko:I was illerterate for a while. But I can read now. Tenchi:Wait shouldn’t it be Japanese Skills? M:dubbed fic. Ryoko:Yeah the Japanese version makes sense. “Sasami!, i thought i told you not to mention what we do every night after everyone goe’s to bed!” Ayeka whispered in sasami’s ear. M:That doesn’t sound good. Ryoko:If you were right I’m gonna kill you. Tenchi:Urp, I don’t feel so well. “oh, sorry Ayeka.” “thats okay, just don’t let anyone find out, i’d hate to think about how tenchi would react if he found out that i’m a-a-a child molester!” Ryoko:YOUR DEAD! M:Just stay calm! Tenchi immediatly throws up. Tenchi:Urp pail please. Vegita:That was just plain wrong. M:Honest mistake, just calm down “its okay ayeka, your secrets safe with me.” (flash-back) “Ayeka.” “what is it sasami” M:HTML tags! Vegita:what? M:nevermind. ”today while i was picking carrots, a group of boy’s about my age surrounded me and ripped off all my clothes and started feeling feeling my-my private area’s. I screemed and told them to stop but they wouldn’t! i was really scared and i didn’t know what to do!they hurt me really really badly.” M:My God, this author needs to be killed! Vegita:Slowly and painfully Ryoko:Castrated first. Tenchi:Who would write this kinda crap? ”show me where they hurt you.” “o-okay” sasami replied in a trembling voice. M:No sailor moon jokes. This isn’t the time Vegita:I’m not saying a word Ryoko:Never seen it Tenchi:I watch it all the time it really makes me h... uhhh nevermind M:Damit Tenchi this isn’t the time. Tenchi:I was serious Ryoko:Tenchi I love you but now I’m gonna hafta kill you. “eww!” ayeka replied in a discusted voice. “what exactly did they put inside of, well you? M:Can’t resist making bad joke. Vegita:Please for our sake, resist. Ryoko:One joke, one kill Tenchi:I feel ill “they put these weird stick looking things attached to themselves into me.” M:Sex Ed the hard way Ryoko fires a energy ball and M. Ryoko:Die M dodges, barely Vegita:That was wrong man. M:Like you would of said something different? Vegita:I woulda get a higher power then said something. M:Good point. “here, let me clean you up” said ayeka. Ryoko:Damn that’s sexual tension. M:You wanna rape your little sister, damnit control yourself. Tenchi:I’m never going to look at Ayeka the same way ever again. Ryoko:Then marry me Vegita:If she rapes Sasami I’m killing her All:Do It! M:Wait a minute Ayeka’s only 720 years old, what the hell. Ryoko:OWWWWWW! Vegita:I’ve seen worse M:Ever see a carrot shoved up a pussy and a cabbit go after it? Vegita:No, what’s a cabbit M:Read at the carrot patch, then burn it! Tenchi and Ryoko:Nooooo not that fic. M:Ahhh nostalgia Vegita:Wait even not knowing what a cabbit is, that’s screwed up. “oo ayeka please stop! it hurts! it hurts!”sasami sceemed. M:I’m sure it would Ryoko:It does Vegita:And you would know how? Tenchi:You may not wanna make her mad. Vegita goes flying across the room after Ryoko hits him. Tenchi:Told him Vegita:Is it just me or are you two enjoying this? Tenchi:Just you M:Speak for yourself “shutup you little bitch this will only take a second!” ayeka exclaimed. But deep down ayeka knew that it wouldn’t take a second,she was gonna keep doing this untill she didn’t know when. M:Ackkk this gets worse by the second. Everyone but Ryoko throws up. Ryoko:I don’t know if it wasn’t Sasami I’d be turned on, I’m kinda into S&M. Tenchi:What the hell. M:Ryoko please never say that again. Vegita:You are, are you? Vegita once again meets the far wall. “please ayeka stop!” “there! all better” ayeka said as she smirked. “I’m gonna rape you sasami!” said ayeka with an evil look in her eye. M:NOOOOOOOOOO Ryoko:Wrong but hey, wait yes wrong Everyone fills a bucket, not a pretty sight. “your gonna what!?” asked sasami more confused and scared than she’s ever been. Ryoko:I’d be too. M:Anyone would. Tenchi:Don’t forget ill, horribly ill. M:Make it stop make it stop. Ryoko:No jokes to make, make it stop M:We hafta be brave, we must make comments. Tenchi:I just realized that she has already been uhh “gang banged/raped” today. ayeka slapped sasami in the face and told her to shut up or she’d bring the whip out. ayeka put in another 3 inches. sasami screemed so loud that it hurt ayekas ears. Tenchi:Poor Sasami, poor poor sasami. Ryoko:You just ain’t whistling Dixie M:Oohh take me to the land of cotton... Vegita:That joke has already been used. Ryoko and M:We know. “thats it!” she screemed, “after i’m done ass fucking you i’m gonna lash you! you little bitch!” M:Why did Happosai hafta give Ayeka a whip? M:If your gonna write, use spell check damnit. Ryoko:No don’t, least this way half the time it’s unreadable “okay little sister, i think thats enough for tonight. i’m gonna release you now,but if you dare tell anyone ESPECIALLY Tenchi, i will rape you ten times harder. Do you understand!?” Vegita:It can’t get harder than that, come on I’ve seen some groesome stuff, but that’s the worse I’ve ever seen. M:I agree Peter Suzuki got nothing on this, Okay maybe he does but still... (preasent time: Washu’s lab) Ryoko:K I can’t stand it, LEARN TO SPELL There all gonna pay, every last one of them! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!! M (as Washu):Teach them to take my loans, 15 percent is a nice figure to be continued... Tenchi:Please don’t be M:It is, but don’t worry we won’t do it, yet. I have a worse one in store. i’m sure i probably took a lot of you by suprise with the whole ayeka raping and torchering her little sister , and i’m sure your all curious as to what Washu ( my dream goddess) has in store for tenchi and the others. It will all be revealed in my next fics! i am open to comments,questions negetive or positive, i love em all!!!!! M:Negative, o you will see negative Ryoko:Damn right we were suprised, and nauseated. Vegita:And no we are not curious about anything except why you write instead of killing yourself. Tenchi:Well said Ryoko:Let’s kill him. M grabs two swords from their stand M:I’m ready ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I hope you liked my first mst, it kinda sucked but still. email me with comments, suggestions, etc at aragornlotr@yahoo.com.