MST D-12 Mission 3 Aboard the Soja II our heroes/victims have currently met up at the entrance to the theater, minus Bizarre. Slim: So Bizarre hasn't recovered from that ass kicking he recieved from Faye? Tokimi: Yes. He is still in the med-lab recovering from his injuries. (gives Faye a dirty look) Faye: -_-; Sorry...kinda lost it for a while. Spike: From what I hear these fics do that to many people. Tokimi: Well I got you a replacement until Bizarre fully heals. (There is a flash of light and a young man appears. He's possibly in his late twenties, light brown skin, very well built, with very short hair, and side-burns. He's wearing a black tanktop that has a picture of a blue bull on the front, black jogging pants, and white sneakers. He glances around at his surroundings and arches his right eyebrow) ???: WHAT in the blue Hell is the Rock doing here!? Buu: Buu favorite wrestler! (attempts to glomp The Rock but is stopped) Rock: Whoa whoa whoa WHOA!! Just what on God's green earth are you!? Somekind of pink marshmallow? Tokimi: Welcome. You were brought here by me. You see.... Rock: (interupts) So your the one who brought the Rock here? (looks her up and down) And just why did you bring the Rock? Tokimi: I.... Rock: (interupt) IT DOESN"T MATTER WHY YOU BROUGHT THE ROCK!!! Now the Rock says that your gonna twich your nose, nod your head, do whatever little magic trick you did to return the Rock back!! Tokimi: Are you finished? Your going to go in that theater and MST a lemon with these people or ELSE!! Rock: Or esle what? (Tokimi fires a blast of energy at a nearby wall. The Rock stares at the scorched crater then back at Tokimi. He turns and heads for the theater entrance.) Rock: What are you jabronies waiting for? Didn't you hear the nice woman? The Rock says get your candy asses inside, now!! Others: -_-; (Once they leave Tokimi blushes, grinning wildly) Tokimi: OH!! He's even more cute in person! (runs off giggling like a schoolgirl) Rock: Let the Rock get this straight. We have to watch third rate porno written by some jabronie? Spike: That about explains it. Rock: This can't be that bad. The Rock has seen some pretty scary things. Slim: None like this. Disclaimer: I own all of the Tenchi characters and pioneer is my fucking company! got it? (an evil looking man in a black suit, carrying a breifcase glares at the screen. He pulls down his black shades revealing glowing red eyes) Man: (denomic voice) WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! (vanishes) Rock: Who in the blue hell was that!? Spike: Pioneer's attourney. Chapter2: THE EROTIC TORTURE CHAMBER (Washu's lab)----- "There, it's complete," said Washu as she wiped a bit of sweat off her eye brow. "It's a masterpiece! Truely some of my best work ever. "Yeah Washu, your the greatest!" said Washu #1 "Ra ra ra Washu!" said Washu #2. "The erotic torture chamber is finally complete!" All: (deadpan) Hooray. (LIVING ROOM) "Ayeka, will you go to Washu's lab and tell her that dinner is ready please?" said Sasami. "Oh, sure Sasami" said Ayeka. Spike: Sasami's doing well, seeing how she was just raped by her sister. Rock: WHAT!? As Ayeka walked towards Washu's lab, she couldn't help but feel slightly scared, because Washu's been acting very stange the past couple of months. Tsunami: How could she tell? Washu acts that way on a daily basis. Buu: (plays a rimshot) Others: 0_0; Slim: What's this!? Tsunami actually made a joke about her beloved sister!? "Um, Washu, um, are you in there?" 3 minutes went by and Ayeka was feeling quite scared......she finally came up with enough courage to open Washu's door about 4 inches and peeked inside. She couldn't see much besides darkness and a few lights in the distance......she proceeded to open the door and slowly walked in....she Faye: Fell down a flight of stairs to her death. Thus we were spared the rest of this garbage. Slim: And there was much rejoicing. walked down a narrow staircase lite by torches untill she came to a hallway with several doors on each side, at the end of the hallway was a massive door with some demonic symbol on it. Slim: (denomic symbol) Please! Ya gotta help me! She molests me when you're not here! Ayeka was now trembeling with fear.She saw agiant keyhole and thought to herself how dungeons and dragons like this place appeared to be. Then she heard a faint screeming voice... Tsunami: (as missing letter A in screaming) AHH! I must escape this horrible story! "no! please don't! stop it please! I have a wife...and kids...and....and...." Ayeka then heard Washu saying something but couldn't make out the words. Out of her natural female nosieness, Faye and Tsunami: HEY!! We're not nosey! she peeked through the keyhole."gasp!!!" Ayeka covered her mouth with her hands in complete shock at the sight of what Washu was doing to a middle aged man. "okay Ayeka , your just seeing things, there's no way what you just saw is what it appeared to be." Ayeka tried to tell herself. S he then braced herself to look into the hole again.....she almost fainted at what she saw....Washu was circumcising the man with her teeth! Guys: AHHHH!! (whince) Faye: That's just not right! Rock: The Rock says he's gonna find this peice of shit author, polish his shoe, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up his candy ass! Washu looked like a demon, her teeth were pointed and sharp like a sharks, her eyes were completely red as she continued to tear at the poor mans dick. blood was everywhere. Slim: AHH! Just like the author's blood is gonna be everywhere after I get a hold of his ass! With the press of a couple of buttons, the machine that the man was strapped to, formed his body into a "T" shape. Washu sat in what appeared to be a thrown with a giant control panal in front of it. Washu smirked as she put on a giant platnium crown with diamonds all over it on her head. Buu: Buu confused. Would not a crown made of that be too heavy? Rock: The Rock says just smile and nod. She pressed a few more buttons and the machine shot out a fat leather wip and began wipping the man..... Faye: Wipping? Tsunami: I think he meant whip. Buu: (singing) Whip it good! Ayeka, still frozen with shock, decided she'd seen enough and slowly took a few steps back...she tripped and fell over one of the cracks in Washu's stone floor and fell. Ayeka fell down on the hard floor with a loud bang. Slim: (singing) BANG BANG! Kill a man. Let his brains hang! Spike: I'd like to let the author's brains hang. Faye: What little he has. The noise made a loud echo throughout Washu's giant Medevil looking dungeon. "Did you here somethimg?" said Washu with a satasfied smile on her face. But the only answer she could get out of the man was a low groan of pain because he was wipped so many times. Spike: If I'd been circumsized (cringes) then whipped repeatedly I think I'd be doing more than groaning. Buu: More like AHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!! "I'm, gonna go check on that noise and leave you there to bleed to death k? Don't go anywhere now." said Washu silently laughing to herself. Spike: What a way to go. Rock: To hell with that. The Rock wants to know how you laugh silently? Ayeka was so scared that she couldn't move. Washu opened the evil looking door only to see pathetic little Ayeka frozen stiff. Slim: I'd be frozen stiff too. Washu is scarier than my Mom's lawyers! "What the fuck are you doing here?!" Exclaimed Washu. "Oh was yeah! I was just gonna tell you that dinner was ready!"Ayeka said very happy that she remembered what to say. "Well just how long have you been standing there?! How much did you see?!" Spike: I never tell ya, copper, see? I ain't seen nothin! Faye: (Ayeka) I didn't see anything, Little Washu! I certainly didn't here any man scream! Tsunami: (Washu) Oh ok...buh bye! "oh, I just got here"said Ayeka looking guiltier than ever. "Well, what are we waiting for, let's go get some grub!" Spike: Didn't Washu already eat? Others: EEEEWWWWWW!!! Ayeka was very relieved that she got off so easily. Slim: Like she's been getting off with her little sister. *THWACK!!* Tsunami: >_< Don't remind me! "So whats Sasami making for dinner?" Asked Washu, trying to break the silence. " oh um..uh....salmon!" said Ayeka glad that she remembered what tosay for the 2nd time. Tsunami: There shouldn't be quotation marks after silence. Slim: To hell with that! What kind of dinner is salmon? What happend to the miso soup, eggrolls, shrimp and fried rice? *THWACK!!* Tsunami: I'll give you the miso soup, but the shrimp and fried rice remark was a bit much! "Well thats just great. Um..that sounds pretty good." said Washu struggling to engage in conversation. " sure does" Ayeka replied more akwardly than ever. After what seemed like hours, but was only 5 minutes went by, everyone was sitting at the table and eating. Things were very akward at the table between Ayeka, Sasami, and Washu. Tsunami: I could go on about the grammar and punctuation mistakes but we'd be here all day. Spike: Seemed like hours but only five minutes, eh? Sounds like your normal Dragonball Z storyline. *WHAM!!!* Buu: >_< Spike: x_X ....ouchies..... "Mmmmmm, this is very tasty Sasami." Said Mihoshi. "Oh yeah, it's great!" said the rest of the gang. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah whatever...moving on to more important matters, like WHAT WASHU HAS BEEN DOING IN THAT DARK LAB OF HERS ALL ALONE THESE PAST COUPLE OF MONTHS!" said Ryouko in a badgering tone of voice. Tsunami: Well....atleast Ryoko's in character. "Yeah Washu what have you been working on all of this time?" Asked Kiyone. "Probably another disaster of hers!" said Ryouko. "I just know that I don't wanna be around when what ever she's making makes it's way into this house." Tsunami: Ryoko is very in character! Buu: Buu not wanna be round Washu disaster either. "Nonsense, i'm sure that whatever Washu is making will be as delightful as she is." said Yosho. "giggle old people must have some sort of bond with each other."said Ryouko, stuffing her face with fried rice. All: OOOOOOO!!! Slim: She told his old ass off! Rock: What in the blue Hell is 'giggle giggle'? Who says giggle giggle? Why didn't she just laugh? "Thats it! you have insulted meand this family enough Ryouko! I am getting sick and tired of your arragent attitude and if you don't pull together your act, i will have to ask you to leave!"exclaimed Yosho. Tsunami: I don't think Yosho would say something like that, even if Ryoko said something rude. "Grandfather, don't talk to Ryouko that way!" Rock: When did that jabronie grow a pair? "It's okay Tenchi, I was just Leaving!" shouted Ryouko. Faye: Out of this fic hopefully. Ryouko stormed out the door and was about to fly away when------"Ryouko wait!" shouted Tenchi. "Come back!" Faye: NO! Tsunami: You must resist, Ryoko! Resist the urge to beckon to Tenchi's sweet call! "huh?" said Ryouko. Ryouko was amazed at how Tenchi actually wanted her to come back."Ryouko, I have to talk to you." said Tenchi. "what about Tenchi?" Said a very curious Ryouko. "it's been really driving me crazy lately but eversince i saw you....well, well i've alway's loved you. Rock: This is definately OOC for Tenchi. Tsunami: As much as I'd like to see Tenchi finally admit his feelings to Ryoko I don't think he'd do it like that. Others: 0_0 !!!!! (all crowd around Tsunami) Buu: What you mean admit feelings? Faye: How did you know he was in love with Ryoko? Slim: So will he admit it in the new Tenchi Series!? Tsunami: Um...erm....who me? I didn't sat anything! ^_^; This was too much for Ryouko, she could hardely stand on her own two feet! Spike: Then why didn't she float in the air? Faye: (lights a cig and shrugs) Girls act weird when the guy they want admits his love. Spike: Good thing I don't love anyone. Faye: (sulks) "Are you serious?"asked Ryouko. "Yes my darling." said a very nervous Tenchi. "Here why don't we go somewhere where we can talk." suggested Tenchi. Rock: Aren't they outside the house? That's a perfect place to talk. Slim: Because they aren't just gonna talk, their gonna have some hot steamy sex!!! Tenchi and Ryouko walked to a nearby bar where Tenchi and Ryouko coincedentally both go when they want to drain their problems. They both engage in deep conversation about how Washu is alway's in her lab and how they love each other so much. Slim: Oh yeah they walked to a bar. It would only take all that day to get to the city. Faye: I could use a drink about now. (ice cooler appears. Faye opens it and pulls out a bottle of Brandy) Wow! Tokimi: (voice on ic.) I think adding alchohol would make your MSTing more interesting to see. "So my grandfather wants me to marry Ayeka so I can become successor to the thrown of Jurai." said Tenchi. "Big woop! my mother wants me to marry Satan so I can overpower him and become successor to hell! said Ryouko as she downed a small cup of saki. Slim: I don't think Satan would be happy with Ryoko. Buu: Me thought he gay. Slim: Yeah wasn't he seeing Sadam Hussein (or however the hell you spell it). Faye: (Sadam) Hey guy, reeeelaaaax! Another two hours pass and....... "Well i'm bored, let's go home and have sex okay Tenchi?" "Um...okay Ryouko...but I must warn you, I don't have a very big........." "Dick? oh thats okay i'll take care of that" said a very nonchalant Ryouko. Slim: Yeah she'll fix it up nice and good *THWAP!!* Tsunami: Don't be a pervert! All of the sudden, Tenchi felt his dick grow about an extra 6 inches and he was quite amazed. (The MSTers are also quite amazed) Buu: WOW! Rock: What did Washu make her daughter out of, Viagra? Spike: (drinking beer) Eh, not THAT impressive. Faye: Got something to share? Spike: -_- You'd like that wouldn't you? Faye: (blushes) "uuuuhhh, Ryouko?" "Yes Tenchi?" "Is this permanet?" asked Tenchi "Let's just put it this way, you've got 4 hours to show me a good time, and if your as good as Ayeka dreams of you being...than you'll be almost good enough for me!"said Ryouko Rock: This should be entertaining. (Corny 70's porn music begans to play) Tenchi and Ryouko both burst out laughing..... (BACK AT THE MASAKI RESIDENCE...) Slim: (Super Mario) Here we go! "Sasami, you know what time it is?!" said Ayeka with a very evil smile. All: 0_0;;;;;;;;;;;;; Faye: OH NO!! (downs the entire bottle of Brandy) Tsunami: W-why is she smiling evilly? Sasami almost burst into tears. (The MSTers HAVE burst into tears) "Oh please Ayeka! not tonight...please! i beg of you! pussy is still soooooo sore from the other night! please no!!! Rock: The Rock says hand him some of that beer! Ayeka grabbed Sasami by the hair and pulled her all the way down the hall to where her room was. "Shuddup you little bitch!" exclaimed Ayeka. " I'm really pissed off about Lord Tenchi taking the side of that pirate tramp! and i'm gonna take itallout on you!" Tsunami: could Ayeka say such mean things? Spike: If this perverted fic Ayeka is half what the real one is then the when Tenchi chooses Ryoko the outcome will be much worse. Slim: But in that movie didn't Ayeka admit that Tenchi had strong feeling for Ryoko? Didn't she say that the pirate had won? "Oh Ayeka, i'm really sorry about what happened withTenchi but please don't do it to me tonight! PLEASE!" Faye: For all.....hic...our...shakes...don't....hic....dooshit. Sasami tried all the reasoning she could to get out of her nightly chor, but she would have to be a little more realistic, Ayeka has had an exceptionally hard day today, and the better the day, the nicer Ayeka would take it out on Sasami. Ayeka ripped off Sasami's clothes. That was the fifth pair she's ripped in a week thought Sasami. But Sasami knew she had bigger things to worry about. Ayeka took off her own clothes and revealed the black leather sex mistress outfit she would wear every time she tortured her sister. Ayeka looked VERY sexy in it... Slim: (licking lips) Ya ain't bullshitting! Come to daddy, baby! (enter volley of logs) Uh oh.....*KRRRRRZZZAPAPAPAPAPAPAP!!!* Ha! That the best you can do!? her top sufficated her double D chest and her blackleather thong fit tightly around her clean shaven cunt. Slim: HA! Double D my ass! (twice as many logs appear) *KRRRAAZZZAAAPAPAPAP!!!!* T-t-that...all ya got.... *KRRRRRAAAZAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP!!!!* I' ain't got....nothing......*KRRRAAAAAZZZZZZAAAAAPPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAP!!!!!!!* Spike: (pokes ashes) Stick a fork in him...he's done. Tsunami: Wish I thought of that...he doesn't have to see the rest of this abomination. She also wore kneehigh leather boots with red laces. Ayeka tied Sasami down to her 4 post bedin the shape of an "X", so that Sasami's legs were wide open. Rock: I can't get drunk enough! " okay Sasami, instead of the usual ducktape I have to use to shut your little mouth, i'm gonna use the traditional ball gag." Tsunami: I think I'm going to be sick......urp. Ayeka strapped the ball gag around Sasami's haed, wich completely muted Sasami from trying to screem out in agonizing pain. Ayeka pulled out a wipfrom her catwoman halloween costume she wore last year and began to snap it just to intimidate Sasami. Ayeka then cocked her hand back, and lunged the wip at sasamis bare pussy and slashed it. Ladies: IIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Slim: (back) That's what I call some snapping pussy! *THWAP!!POW!!THUD!!!* "MMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHMMMMMMOOOOOONNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Were the only words that could be heard coming from Sasami's mouth. Rock: The Rock says that's one hell of a word. Faye: (to Rock) Your running out of material aren't ya? Rock: ...........yes........ -_-; " I knew it was a good idea to use a ball gag this time. better get used to the taste of that ball gag because your gonna be wearing it for a long time." Tsunami: ARGH! (smacks Spike) Spike: OW! What was that for? Tsunami: I got the sudden urge to hit something, sorry. Ayeka did one of her loud evil annoying laughs and cracked the wip at Sasami's pussy another 23 times. All: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Sasami's pussy was very swollen when Ayeka decided to do something differen't. Slim: What could be possibly worst than having you pussy lashed 23 times by a whip? Buu: Feelin we find out now. "I'm not getting enough pleasure out of this!" yelled Ayeka. Spike: Well we're not getting any pleasure out this either. Slim: What we're getting is nauseous. At that moment, Ayeka slide off her leather panties and massaged her pussy.. All except Slim: 0_0; Slim: Mmmm rub it good baby. Yeah rub that sopping wet..(glances at the others) I mean EW! "oooooooo yes! mmmmmmm yes! oooooooo baby!" All: o_0; Ayeka knew she was going to cum so she stood on top of her bed hoovering over sasami's body and just let it all flow out on Sasami. Sasami's body was completely drenched with liquid. Tsunami: Can't....take...any.....more......SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWW!!!! Ayeka then got on top of Sasami and slithered up and down her body so that her fluids were evenly smeard everywhere.Blood mixed with the fluids giving Sasami a pleasent shade of pink. Faye: 0_0; GOD!!! BAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!! Spike: I think we're gonna need some buckets. "Okay Sasami, thats enough for tonight." Tsunami: Thank you....Kami...... (TENCHI'S ROOM) "Alright Ryouko, make yourself comfortable on my bed and i'm gonna go take a shower." Said Tenchi. "Okay my Tenchi" Said Ryouko in a soft sexy voice that she knew drove Tenchi wild. Buu: No like where this go. Slim: Its better than the Sasami rape! (IN THE SHOWER) Tenchi was looking down admiring his new cock with the biggest smile he had ever had on his face before. Spike: (ducking) GAH!! Put that thing away! (The Tenchi from the fic blushes and turns away from the screen. At that moment the soud of shattering glass is heard) Rock: What in the blue Hell was that!? Buu: Fourth Wall go byebye BYE BYEBYEBYE BYEBYEBYEBYE!!!!!! He begain to jack off when he remembered that he'd better save it for Ryouko. At the end of his shower Tenchi dried off and put on a pair of silk boxers. (TENCHI'S ROOM) Ryouko stood on all fours looking hotter than ever...her huge chest smiling right at Tenchi. Her nipples were the color of her hair. Spike: If a girl's chest was smiling at me I would haul ass outta the vicinity! "Well Tenchi what are you waiting for?"said Ryouko in the same voice tone. " are so fucking hot!" said Tenchi, with a very big bulgein his boxers. (Everyone is laughing) Tsunami: T-that h-has to be the most out of character thing Tenchi has ever said! Slim: HAHAHAHA...s-sure Ryoko's hot b-but Tenchi would never have the balls to say it! Spike: HAHAHAHAHA Oh I didn't just here Tenchi say that! "Fuck ME!!!!" demanded Ryouko. All: 0_0;;;; Spike: I heard that....... "Yes master."said Tenchi. Tenchi pulled down his boxers reveling his incredible cock. Ryouko layed back waiting for Tenchi to make his move. Tenchi put his face between Ryouko's legs and began to insert his toung in and out of Ryouko's pussy. Slim: (Tenchi) Mmmm tase like chicken! (an energy ball flies out of seemingly nowhere and scorches him) .....ouchies.... "OOOOOO GOD TENCHI OOOOO!!!!!!"screemed Ryouko. Ryouko arched her back in pleasure.she wrapped her legs around Tenchi's head so that he had no chance of escaping her deathgrip, but Tenchi didn't care he kept sucking and slurping on her hot wet sex. Ryouko began to act violent. She threw Tenchi down on the bed and sat on his face, practically sufficating him with her ass and clit. She began humping Tenchi's face, grinding her pussy violently on Tenchi's mouth. Faye: (Ryoko) OOOOOHHH YESSSS!!!!! Slim: (Tenchi) Mmmmmmmph!! Myokommmmph! Faye: (Ryoko) IS IT GOOD FOR YOU TOO TENCHI!? Tenchi? Slim: ......................... (others laugh) "OOO TENCHI! OOOOHHH TENCHI!!!!!!!!OOOOOHHHHHHH TENCHI!!!!!!!!!! (Everyone is covering their ears) Rock: I SEE THE SPEKERS ARE WORKING PROPERLY!!! Buu: WHAT!? Rock: I SAID.....OH FORGET IT!!! Faye: WHAT!? Ryouko furiously continued to hump Tenchi's face. She climaxed about 3 times already and gooo was running down the sides of Tenchi's face. Tenchi was choking and gagging on Ryouko's cum and slapped Ryouko's left cheek to signal her to get off of him but Ryouko kept humping hisd face and suddenly realized that humans can't live without air. All: DUH!!!! "oh my dear lord Tenchi are you okay?"said Ryouko sorrier than she's ever been. "It's okay Ryouko." Said Tenchi, still gasping for air. "But it's my turn!" Tsunami: (deadpan) Goodie.... Right before Ryouko could reply, Tenchi grabbed her head, and shoved his dick down her throat. Ryouko was overwhelmed with dick. So Ryouko began to suck....she sucked it so hard that Tenchi's dick was turning purple. Slim: Wow! Talk about deep throating! *THWAP!!!* Vains began to bulge through Tenchi's dick as Ryouko continued to suck. 35 minutes went by and Ryouko kept sucking and swallowing Tenchi's cum. Ryouko was getting tired of the same salty semen taste so she bit down on Tenchi's dick with her sharp teeth and drew some blood from Tenchi's cock. Guys: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! (grab their crotches) Gals: Heeheehee It didn't hurt Tenchi that much so he continued to let her suck and swallow. Slim: Didn't hurt!? Rock: This author is one sssssick frrrrreak! "Thats enough Ryouko, I want to be inside of you" Ryouko, now more excited than she's ever been removes her lips from Tenchi and gets on top of him. Tenchi's giant cock penetrats her pussy and give's Ryouko the chills.Tenchi bounces Ryouko up and down, up and down, up and down. Ryouko's eyes roll backwards as Tenchi fucks her all night. Buu: It over? "Get on alll fours Ryouko!" Demanded Tenchi. Tsunami: Not yet little one. Without a word Ryouko got on all fours with her big firm (every black man's dream) ass Voice from above: HEY!! Spike: Who's that!? Tsunami: The author of this MST. He happens to be black. V.F.A.: I happen to adore all parts of a woman, physical and emotional. (Spike laughs at the authors attempt to look good infront of the ladies.) and arched her back so that her ass was sticking straight up ,in the air. Tenchi grabbed his dick, and shoved the whole thing in to Ryouko's ass hole at once. Slim: I thought ladies didn't like that. Faye: >_< We don't! Spike: Actual I here that the majority of the women do it but simply never tell anyone about it. Rock: Like giving guys head, girls do it but refuse to admit it. (Tsunami and Faye are popping their knuckles....) Buu: um....guys... Slim: Women are just as dirty and nasty as us guys. The only diffrence is we aren't ashamed of our shit. Girls are so self-concious. They worry about being called sluts and all. Buu: GUYS!!! Guys: WHAT!? (Buu points to the two ladies that have grown 8ft. tall, horns jutting out of their heads, glowing red eyes, and flames spewing from their mouths) Slim: eep..... Rock: 0_0;;;;;;;;; Buu: -_-;;;;;;;;;; Spike: Eh, (lights a cig) (The following scene has been cut due to extreme violence and graphic language. But so you aren't left in the dark about it what happend is basically Faye and Tsunami verbally(and physucally) expressed their disagreement with the guys in the theater. After much deliberating the guys decided to withdraw their past statements. Thank you very much.) The threads of her ass ripped and Tenchi held it in there...not humping or anything and wondering why Ryouko hasn't screemed yet. Faye: So you guys have anymore comments? (All males with the exception of Buu are currently piled on the floor, unconcious) Tsunami: (dusting herself off) Oh and its spelled "screamed". "Ryouko.....are you okay?"said Tenchi in a very worried voice. "RYOUKO! ARE YOU OKAY!" Faye: Gee you just stuck your "incredible" cock inside of her ass. What do you think? Tenchi was so scared that he killed her or something. Tsunami: I doubt its THAT big. "I...I...I am a...a...alright tenchi" said Ryouko. Tears were running down her precious cheeks. Tenchi had fucked her in the ass soo hard, that she wouldn't be able to express the pain by she remained quiet, with tears pouring down her face, and blood gushing from her ass. They both said good night and held eachother in their arms and went to bed. The End Tsunami: Thank the stars! Buu: Buu hungry! (Exits) well, that was chapter 2, i know you guy's are about ready to explode on me Faye: You have no idea. but just remember that i am human and have feelings just like ewach and everyone of you...oh and i know i don't capatilize much but who the fuck cares, Tsunami: Everyone. Besides, I thought you people were taught how to capitalize in grade school. i don't think any of you mofo's are my teacher's. Faye: We're grateful for that. Your teachers is probably sulking in a dark corner and drinking a bottle of tequilla after seeing this crap. but it's cool I love anyone who loves tmffa as much as i do. Tsunami: How bout we find this author and show him how much we LOVE him, eh Faye. Faye: (placing a full clip into her..erm..Spike's Desert Eagle) Already on it. (The gals exit, leaving the guys still unconious on the floor) (Later that day. Everyone is in the kitchen sitting at a table. Tsunami sips some of her tea then pops another asprin into her mouth. Slim is swigging down some beer with an ice pack on his head. Spike is sitting back as relaxed as ever. He is as equally bruised as Slim and Rock. He currently has his eyes on Faye, who is bent over in the fridge. The Rock is sipping coffee as well.) Slim: Well I'm thankful you gals spared us of having to watch the rest of the fic. (Tokimi saunters in) Tokimi: Well hello there my pets...(turns to The Rock) I have a proposal for you! Rock: I thought the Rock was going home after this! Tokimi: Have you heard of "The Hustler"? Rock: That jabronie, Buck!? Oh The Rock has some unfinshed business with that walking and talking peice of monkey crap! Tokimi: Then here's the proposal. Stay here as my Commander and you shall have your chance to settle your differences with him. Rock: And what exactle do I do as a Commander? Tokimi: Well you order the others around, pick out the fics, and summon special guests. Rock: You got a deal Lady Tokimi. I can't wait to find Buck. Tokimi: (trembling) And what shall you do when you find him? Rock: Take my boot. Polish till its all nice and shiny, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up his CANDY ASS!! IF YOU SMELLLLLLALALALOW What the! Tokimi: (grabs his arm) Then shall we leave this kitchen and further discuss relationship? Rock: (smirks) I think I'd like that. (The two exit) Spike: I got the feelin that everything just went from weird to seriously fucked up! END?