Disclaimer: Except for me, I don't own any of the characters used in this FF. No money is passing hands here, no need to sue. This MST is done in fun. Yea. The Millennium Eagle continues to patrol the Romulan border. There isn't so much as a misplaced molecule on the sensors, and the crew is getting restless. Several flying pizza slices (Star Destroyers for those of you who don't know the analogy) have been seen on long range sensors, but they are just sitting in their own territory. Jim and company had just finished their last MST, and where taking a break before doing yet another story. Saliva's "Click, Click BOOM" can be heard on the speakers, as Jim looks for good material. That, and everybody else turned the Eagle into a party ship. Headbanging and trashing about, the crew takes out some of their stress. Jim: "Alright MSTers, back to work we go." Everybody runs into the theatre, trying to get the worst seats in the house. MSTers: Jim Ohki: "For cryin' out loud." Tenchi Masaki: "Come on, quit it!" Ash Ketchum: "I CHOOSE you!" Misty Ketchum: "GGrrrrrrrr." >Authors Notes: Ok, this is my first lemon fan fiction so don't laugh at >me if it sucks. Jim: "Now why would we laugh at you?" >Well, I do not own any of these characters, nor do I claim to own them. (Yawn) >Blah, Blah.(hours later) Tenchi: "It took you hours to come up with the five minute disclaimer?" Jim: "I have a feeling that I'll get to make my Rhubarb jokes." Ash: "FA! Just you wait . . ." >so anyways, if you are under 18, you should not be reading this. Nope. (But >even if I were 10 I'd be sneaking a peek at a few of the words) Anyway, read it >now! Oh yeah, this chapter has a few drops of lemon, a fuck that! IT HAS TEN >CASES OF LEMON! Misty: "JESUS CHRIST THAT'S TART!" Jim: "Ten cases? HA!" > Meow, Meow, purr Jim: "And there it is folks . . . the best title hint to lesbian sex." Ash: "What do you mean?" Tenchi: "He means they'll be pettin' the kitty." Misty: "So THAT'S what it's called!" > It was a day like any other, Ayeka and Ryoko were out back >fighting, Sasami was cooking, Washu was in her lab, and Tenchi was out >in the fields with Ryo-ohki. Mihoshi and Kiyone had gotten a call from >the GP headquarters so they were to return. Mihoshi (from Jim's quarters): "I GOT WRITTEN OUT ALREADY?!" All: "YES! NO MIHO-KIYO CRAP FEST TODAY!" > "YOU NASTY BEAST!" Ayeka was screaming "YOU HELL WHORE!" Ryoko >snapped back. "YOU BITCH!" "YOU PIGLET BITCH!" They continued for what >seemed like hours until Sasami broke them up. Jim: "Piglet bitch? Man, you best leave Pooh out of this one." Ash: "What are you, a sissy?" Jim: "My niece LOVES Pooh Bear. And Piglet." > "AAAAAHHH! TENCHI IS LEAVING FOR THE WEEKEND!" Sasami ran out >waving her hands around like her butt was on fire. All: O_O "What the hell was that?" Jim: "She burnt the buns." >"WHAT!?!?" Ryoko and Ayeka both yelled together. They both yanked at their own >hair. "Tenchi! Nooo!" They repeated over and over. "This is your fault Ryoko." >Ayeka snapped. "What? You were the one that ate him out of the house." Ryoko >grinned. "What?" Ayeka growled. "Well, you've eaten all the food, my dear sweet >Tenchi decided to leave so there would still be food left." Ryoko began to >augh, as Ayeka turned red. "SHUT UP YOU.YOU" "Aw, little princess prissy out of >words to say to her loyal subjects?" Ryoko laughed. "Shut up." Sasami growled >and walked away leaving Ayeka and Ryoko to fight. Tenchi: "And this is so out of character man." Jim: "And your first clue was what?" Misty: "I've met Sasami. She's a very nice person." > At the dinner table, (Washu was still in her lab), Tenchi stood >up, "Um, excuse me everyone. I am leaving tomorrow for Tokyo to train >for a while." "Probably to be with that penny whore Sakuya." All: "AAAHHH! NOT MORE SHIN TENCHI WRITERS!" Jim: "They oughta rename that series to Shit Tenchi." Ash: "Penny whore? What, she gives out pocket change?" >Ryoko whispered to Ayeka. Ayeka just blushed when she noticed how close >Ryoko's breasts were to her own. "Ryoko." Ayeka just mumbled softly. >"Tenchi! When you're gone can I sleep in your room!?" Sasami said with >tears spilling from her eyes. "Tenchi I'm going to miss you!" Ryoko >growled when Tenchi nodded to Sasami. "Thank you." Sasami sat down and >smiled. "But Tenchi?" Ryoko whined. "Ryoko, it's okay. You have your >own room." Tenchi: "Ah, quit your bitching. My room is big enough for all of us." Jim: "You're goin' to regret that one later." > Just then everyone heard a loud boom come from Ryoko's room. >"SORRY!" Washu yelled as she ran downstairs. "Um, Little Ryoko, I um, >kinda blew up your room." Washu edged toward the table slowly afraid of >what Ryoko might do. "Aw that's too bad." Ryoko grinned. "I guess I'll >have to sleep in Tenchi's room since he is leaving." Ryoko began to >smile wider. Ayeka stood up and was about to talk when Sasami cried. >"NO! I wanted to stay in Tenchi's room. Besides Ryoko, you can always >stay on the couch." Sasami pouted. "Well, if I must I will. Ryoko." >Ayeka was interrupted by a very horny Nobuyuki. "Well, I wouldn't mind >at all if Miss Ryoko stayed in MY room." Everyone fell over. All: Face-vault. Jim: "So he's IC. What else is new?" >"NO WAY DAD! RYOKO IS NOT GOING TO BECOME MY MOM!" Tenchi screamed. "Well, like >I was saying." Ayeka was about to start again when Grandpa Yosho chimed in. >"She can sleep with me and I'll train her." He grinned. "GRANDPA!" Tenchi >growled. "Oh I was just kidding Tenchi. I would never bring Ryoko to do that." >Yosho laughed. "EVERYONE SHUT UP PLEASE!" Ayeka boomed. Everyone became quiet >as Ayeka spoke. "Ryoko can stay in Sasami's bed." Ayeka smiled at how no one >else had thought of that. "I wouldn't mind much if a demon slept in the same >room as I. Besides, maybe this goddess can teach her manners." Ayeka said >pointing, referring to herself as goddess. "Oh no! You won't get me to sleep >near that brat!" Ryoko yelled. "Ryoko, it's settled, you sleep in Sasami's >bed." Tenchi nodded. "Erg." Ryoko stormed off muttering curses under her >breath. Jim: "Ho boy. This story is stuck in the mud." Tenchi (dead-pan): "What's the matter, still sore Ryoko?" > After dinner (finally it's over! Lol) Jim: "Somebody thinks they're in a chat room." >everyone got ready for bed. Ryoko phased into lavendar kimono (like the one she >wore in OAV: I love Tenchi), Ayeka wore a kimono almost like Ryoko's only hers >was pink, Sasami wore blue Pajamas, Washu wore her crab pajamas, and Tenchi, >Yosho, and Nobuyuki drove off to Tokyo. Jim: "Here we go. While the guys are away, the ladies will play." Tenchi: "Jeez man, don't you stop?" Misty: (breaks out the notepad.) > Later in Tenchi's room, Sasami plopped down onto his bed and >grinned. "Ah, now I won't miss Tenchi so much!" She smiled sniffing in >the smell of Tenchi's shampoo on his pillow. "Wow! I never noticed his >hair smelled like Ayeka's baby powder she puts in her panties!" Sasami >just giggled and went to sleep. Jim: "Too bad 'don't ask, don't smell' doesn't apply here." Tenchi: (also gets out a notepad.) > In Ayeka and Sasami's room, Ryoko phased down onto Sasami's bed >only to be stopped by something poking up into her kimono. "What the?" >She lifted the covers and saw a little doll. "Oh gosh. How creepy." Ash: "Sasami has a doll? I thought Ryo-Ohki slept by her side." Jim: "I don't remember a doll. And what's so creepy about a ten year old with a doll?" >Ryoko said as she tossed the doll at the wall. "Much better." Ryoko >said as she slipped under the covers. Just then, Ayeka tiptoed into the >room smiling from ear to ear (ouch. How can someone's mouth stretch >like that?) Thinking about something other then sleeping. Ayeka sat >down onto her bed and looked at the sleeping Ryoko at the other side of >the room. "Yes. I WILL teach her something." Ayeka whispered. "Ryoko." >Ayeka cooed softly. "Ryoko." She said again. Then Ryoko rolled over >onto the floor still fast asleep. "Gr. Ryoko, you really need to sleep >lighter." She sighed. Ayeka slipped off of the bed slowly just in case >Ryoko would wake up. She moved over towards the door and locked it. She >moved back and crouched down near the sleeping Ryoko. Ryoko sniffed a >little and could smell the baby powder in Ayeka's panties but she >didn't seem to notice much. "Mmn. Tenchi." Ryoko rolled over. "Ayeka." >She repeated. Ayeka blushed that Ryoko was dreaming about her so she >kissed Ryoko on the cheek. Ryoko sat up instantly and began kissing >Ayeka passionately slipping her tongue in and out. Ayeka did the same. >Ayeka moaned "Oh. Ryoko." Then Ryoko's eyes popped open and she >screamed "What the fuck!?!" Tenchi and Misty: (taking notes.) Ash and Jim: "BORING!" >Ryoko pushed away from Ayeka and growled. "What are you doing?" Ayeka just >grinned an evil grin, "Well MY Ryoko, you just kissed me." Ryoko turned red, >"What do you mean?" "Well," Ayeka began but she quickly leaned over to Ryoko >and kissed her on the cheek. "I think, I love you Ryoko." Ayeka stood up and >looked down at Ryoko. "Make love to me Ryoko. I need you to be mine. Mine >only." Ayeka said in a lighter tone. "No way princes-" Ryoko was cut off by >heavy breathing in her ear. Ayeka had lowerd her self to talk to Ryoko, "Oh >Ryoko. Ryoko." Ayeka moaned in pleasure as she rubbed her hand over her pussy. >"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?!" Ryoko yelped as Ayeka began to lean in on >her. "Ryoko. Are you feeling a little horney? I am." Ryoko just nodded, giving >into her hormones and began to slip under Ayeka. Ayeka moaned as Ryoko began to >slither up her kimono and rub her tongue against Ayeka's now wet panties. >"Ryoko! Ryoko! Oh Oh!" Ayeka >yelped in pleasure. "Okay now, Ryoko, It's MY turn to pleasure you!" She pushed >Ryoko over to her bed and pulled off Ryoko's kimono. "Oh Ryoko! Your body is >even more, how can I say, sexier than I ever thought!" Ryoko nodded. "Yep." >Ayeka giggled and looked hungrily at Ryoko's panties. "Ryoko. I bet you taste >sweet." She bent over and began to tug at Ryoko's panties with her teeth. "Oh!" >Ryoko moaned "Are you ready for me?" Ayeka asked. Ryoko nodded. "WAIT!" Ryoko >ran into the closet, and a few minutes later she was in bright purple panties >with a cat tail, and a bra to match. She also wore a purple set of cat ears on >her head. "Now I am ready." She looked at Ayeka for a moment. "Hm. Ayeka. You >need one to match." Ryoko phased out of the room and then fazed back with a bra >and panty set just like her own only Ayeka's was pink. "Put this on." Ryoko >handed the set to Ayeka who jumped into the closet. She came out wearing the >outfit and grinned. "What's the tail for? And why is there a little button >under the panties?" Ayeka knew the answer but she'd rather hear it from her >Ryoko's lips. "Well, the button at the bottom, is so you can open it dear. Then >the tail-which you can control yourself and make it do whatever you want- is >used to slip inside of yourself, or someone else." Ryoko grinned. "Washu isn't >the only one who makes neato stuff." "Ah. You are so smart, AND sexy Ryoko." >Ayeka unbuttoned her little thong panties and slipped her tail inside, "OH! OH! >OH YES! OH GOD! OH YES!" Ayeka moaned. "HEY! Don't forget, I'M the one your >after." Ryoko added jealously. "I know." Ayeka took the tail out and kissed >Ryoko. "Ryoko!" "Ayeka!" Ayeka reached down and unbuttoned Ryoko's panties and >slipped her finger inside. "OH AYEKA! OH!" Ryoko moaned as Ayeka began to walk >them both to Sasami's bed. They both laid down, Ryoko on top and Ayeka on >bottom. They both stopped to laugh for a moment, and went back to kissing. >"Ryoko. I never really loved Tenchi, I was just jealous that he had your heart. >Ryoko, don't fall for Tenchi, I can treat you better then he could." Ryoko >nodded. "I will always love you Ayeka." "Good. I love you, my little sex >kitten." Ayeka and Ryoko giggled and then sighed. "I love you too master." >Ryoko added. Jim: "Oh . . . my . . . god. What the hell WAS THAT?!" Tenchi: "That was . . . the female version of Tank Cop." Ash: "And I think the MikeForever part is coming up." Jim: "I deem thee . . . unworthy of thy Rhubarb jokes." Misty: "Hmm . . . can Washu make me a kitty suit like that?" > While in Tenchi's room, Sasami seemed to be enjoying herself as >well; she had taken out a Tenchi doll and was humping its little dick. >"OH! TENCHI! OH, OH, OH! I'M READY TO CUM TENCHI! CUM, CUM, CUM!" She >did cum indeed. All over the little Tenchi doll. "Oh Tenchi. How can we >explain to all of them that we love to have sex with each other and >that you love only my sweet young pussy?" She pretended to whisper in >the doll's ear. "Sh. don't say a thing my horn doggy." Sasami giggled >at her joke. "Lets just see if you dick can fit into my mouth my dear." >She began to suck rapidly at the doll's little dick. > Back in Washu's lab, she was currently playing with one of her >machines. "HIT ME BABY!" Washu yelled. It seems she wasn't the only >horny girl in the house. "HUMP MY PUSSY DRY!" She screamed at the top >of her lungs as a robot began to hump her. "OH OH YEAH! HUMP ME MORE >YOU BITCH!" The robot slapped her ass. "You are only MY bitch." The >robot said in a fake mechanical voice. Washu moaned. "You really know >how to have fun." Washu giggled as the robot began to spill its juices >inside of her. "I'm-OH! - So glad that-OH!- I -OH GOD!- added that - >AHHH!- cum storage space -ugh!- inside of you!" Washu yelled as the >robot began to hump her harder. "MAKE ME CUM EVEN MORE BITCH!" the >robot said while slapping her breasts. "I will then." She turned a knob >on the robot with said 'horny meter' she turned it all the way up to >'Nobuyuki' (lol). "OH OH OH OH OH! AH AH AH AH AH! HUMP ME BABY! HUMP >ME!" The robot just slapped her ass again, "NO! GIVE ME HEAD OR I'LL >SLAP YOU AGAIN BITCH!" Washu brought the robot's dick up to her mouth >and began slurping as the robot humped her head. "Oh yes! Yes bitch! >YES! YES!" Washu took the dick out of her mouth and shut off the robot. >"Good boy." She laughed as she licked his metal body down. "Time to let >you rest." All: O_O . . . @_@ . . . o_o . . . -_- . . . (._.) (that last one means they're catatonic.) > And back in the kitchen, Ryo-ohki seemed to be occupied as >well. "MIYA! MIYA!" She yelped as Ken-ohki pounded into her. "CHEOW! >CHEOW!" Ken-ohki responded. Just then Ken-ohki slapped her and growled. >He hopped out of the kitchen leaving poor Ryo-ohki to think what she >did wrong. >See? What did I tell you? Gallons and gallons of lemon spilled >here I bet! Well, the next chapter will be a little more ON THE BALL >(get it? Ball? Um guess not.) So it will still have a lot of lemon, but >it will actually lead to something. Well, feel free to e-mail this >horny bitch at HorneyHoneyChik@yahoo.com I know, it was probably bad of >me to use Sasami as one of the horny girls, but that's the only way >you'll get the next chapter. And about Ryo-ohki? Well, I thought she >needed to have a little fun too. Jim: "Alrighty then . . . what did you think of that?" Tenchi: "I got some great ideas for later . . . but the story . . ." Ash: "And somebody needs to learn the continuities." Misty: "I've also got some stellar ideas for later. As for the story . . . why do people imitate Tank Cop/MikeForever more than anybody else?" Jim: "Simple. Crappy spelling and shitty sex is easier to write. That, and the writer of this fic might need to get laid really badly. Dismissed." Jim heads up to the bridge, and plops down in his chair. The chair. The Captain's Chair. Jim: "Helm, time to go. Heading 133 mark 22. Speed, transwarp four." Selphie: "Course and speed laid in, sir." Jim: "Engage." And with that, the Millennium Eagle vanishes, heading to wherever Captain Ohki sends her . . .