Mike's Desk Theatre 3000: episode 4 By Mike MacDonald (KNIGHTSABR@aol.com) DISCLAIMER: The characters of Mike's Desk are from a comic strip currently under development (when I get the resources ready, anyway), and are my property. However, if you'd like to incorporate any of them in a story or MST, please let me know and I'll give you my blessing! I would also like to note that I mean no harm to the authors of bad fanfics. . . .actually, I would mean that if the fics weren't by AAA- PhuckNut or Tank Cop. I'll be honest. >;( Hell, or by any of their associates. I've read some real horror shows on this site. NOTE: I have also officially added AncientYume to that endless list for the pain he put me through in episode three. Anyway. . . Now, let's meet the cast! These are the toys in Mike's room (see episode 1 for descriptions): NATHAN: "Pedophile isn't all that bad when you really think about it. . .wait, yes it is. What am I thinking??" ANTOINETTE: "How many episodes do we have to go through???" SNICKER: "I still have no arms." BRIANNA: (choking noise) (see description in episode 1) MACKIE: "Malon's got the cutest butt!" TINA: "I don't like being called Tinkerbell, either. Although, it is more flattering." SPUD MC: "I got an o-ri-gi-nal flow. . ." BAKA: "Fortune cookie say: 'Don't write fanfics!!'" GINNY: "Mike's Desk; the other red meat." NORMAN: "I still have no body!!" PRINCESS MIRANDA: "Why does everyone always want Brianna? I have a great ass, too!" EVOL: DALEK: Now, if you'll step over to the desk, please. . . (Spud MC, Snicker, and Nathan are crowded around a little Donkey Kong arcade machine keychain, causing a ruckus.) NATE: C'mon, Snick! You're lagging behind! SPUD: Jump over the barrel! Jump over the barrel!! Jump,fool!! SNICKER: I don't have any hands!! NATE: Ahh, well, it's just a keychain, anyway. SPUD: It is? SNICKER: Then how's the stuff on the screen moving? NATE: Lenticular technology, my friend. Like the box for "The Frighteners" at the video store. You tilt it and the picture animates. SNICKER: We've been playing that for an hour?!? (An evil clown approaches, with a hot, young jester by his side.) NATE: . . .hi there. And you are? BITTER: I'm Bitter, the satanic clown. This is my associate, Prank. (Nathan checks her out. He likes what he sees.) NATE: Much better than Dalek. PRANK: Why, thank you! SPUD: Uhh, dude, Dalek was a guy. NATE: Exactly. SNICKER: He was? BITTER: When you're done drooling over my sidekick, I'd like to get down to business. I got a meeting with Pennywise, the Joker, and Sweet Tooth at the Demonic Clown's Guild. Gotta discuss our next line of vandalism and chaos in Mike's Cabinet. SNICKER: So you're the one that changed the clothes of the Tifa Lockhart statue to a dominatrix outfit! PRANK: No, that was me. NATE: Well, how can we help you? (Bitter hands him a letter.) BITTER: I have a message from Dalek. (Everyone looks at the letter, including Bitter and Prank.) NATE: "Dear Knuckleknobs, I regret to inform you that Evol cannot host your next fanfic session, as our men are currently putting him back together from having been shattered under mysterious circumstances regarding episode 3. So, Evol has sent his old buddy, Bitter, to take charge until he returns. We've briefed him already, so have fun! -Dalek" (They look over at Bitter and Prank.) NATE: Why are you reading over my shoulder?! You delivered this!! PRANK: That doesn't mean we know what it says. SPUD: So we get a fanfic anyway? BITTER: Looks like it. Evol explained the whole thing to me, and he showed me the ones you guys had already done. Fun-E-shit! NATE: He taped episodes one through three?!?!? BITTER: He's indirectly taping this one, too. He's collecting 'em. NATE: What, to document our progress?? BITTER: No. He watches them when he's bored. He showed us the website all the gut-churning fanfics are on, and we picked out a nice one for you guys. Prank thought it was hilarious. (Prank giggles in remembrance.) SNICKER: What's it called? PRANK: "Extremely Sick Sex Fest" NATE: . . .can we pass? BITTER: Prank, load 'em into the laptop. (Prank goes to the laptop.) NATE: Hey, hold on!! SPUD: Yeah, we only got three people! We need at least one more! (Princess Miranda enters with Masked Maiden Polylina.) MIRANDA: There you are, you disgusting clown!! SNICKER: How convenient. POLY: You've got a lot of nerve, doing what you did to Galaxy Fraulein Yuna!! MIRANDA: Not to mention the positions you put all the pokemon in!! Ugh! BITTER: (grinning) It's great to be famous. NATE: You got a real knack for walking headlong into a crisis, Princess. MIRANDA: Why? What's. . .oh, are you going into another fanfic today? SPUD: Yeah. But we needs uno more person to go in with us, anyway. MIRANDA: No thanks!! I barely made it out of the last one. Besides, I need to make sure these two haven't done anything else creative to my subjects! POLY: Oh, I'll go. Why not? BITTER: Good! There, happy? NATE: Not really. BITTER: This one's actually pretty short. About ten pages. SNICKER: Trying to traumatize us in record time? (Prank has trouble at the keyboard.) PRANK: How do you work this thing? NATE: Uh, press CONTROL/ALT/DELETE. It'll suck us right in. PRANK: Thanks! SPUD: DUDE!!! Why are you helping them??? NATE: DUDE!!! She wants me! (Prank hits CTRL-ALT-DEL and sucks the heroes into Word 2000.) PRANK: Wow! That was cool! BITTER: Bon apetit, losers! (Bitter loads the fic and the shorter-than-usual horror begins. . .) NATE: So, what'd Bitter do to Yuna? POLY: Don't ask. SNICKER: I don't think I want to know. SPUD: I don't like that guy. NATE: Yeah, me neither. POLY: So, what do you do in here? SNICKER: We're forced to read raunchy Tenchi Muyo fan fiction as a method of torture. POLY: Mmm-hmm. What are they usually about? NATE: Judging by the short length of this one, I think you're going to find out what all of them have been about. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Sue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPUD: . . .was that the disclaimer? POLY: Rather vague for a disclaimer. Maybe it's the title? NATE: Oh, no. You'll know the title when you see it. Extremely Sick Sex Fest POLY: Oh. . .I think I want to leave. SPUD: Can't. Not 'til the fic's over. POLY: Man. . .this is gonna suck. . . By the fucked up mind of AAA-PhuckNut NATE: Our favorite author, everybody. SNICKER: Damn it!! Why didn't he warn us beforehand?? NATE: Miss Neustein, you'll want to prepare for a lot of screaming coming from the guys in this room. POLY: How do you know my real name??? NATE: Oh, come on, Yuna's childlike intellect is the only one that hasn't figured it out yet! POLY: Actually, she's not the "little kid" you used to know. She had a recent experience that kind of. . .changed her a bit. She watched a friend die. Then made her first kill. SPUD: Whoa. Reality check, huh? POLY: Yeah. Messed her up pretty bad. . . NATE: Suck. . . Disclaimer: This Fic is extremely disgusting and filled with sex so you have to be 18+ to read this, oh, and read at your own risk. POLY: Oh, I can tell I'm just gonna love this. SNICKER: He may as well put a barbed wire border on the story and soak the paper in Ajax. All the characters in this fic are owned by AIC and Pioneer, I do not claim these characters. SPUD: (Phucknut) But I do rape, mangle, and violate them. _______________________________________________________________________ Tenchi woke up extra early this morning before Ryoko would show up so that Tenchi could test out something he's always wanted to do... SNICKER: Acquire large breasts through plastic surgery! NATE: Make babies! Lots and lots of babies! SPUD: Invent a car that runs on bad fanfiction! POLY: Pick a damn girlfriend! NATE: Points go to Polylina. "Yes! No body will be bothering me for at least 2 hours!" Tenchi gleefully said. "Now will be the perfect time to do what I've always wanted to do! SUCK MY OWN DICK!!" Tenchi beamed very proudly. POLY: Wha. . .?!? (Nathan and Spud burst into laughter.) NATE: Damn, that was spontaneous!! SNICKER: I thought I'd seen it all. . .I hadn't even considered any author doing this with Tenchi! Tenchi then got a big erection at the thought of this. SPUD: Hey. Talk about convenience. ALL: SPUD!!! SPUD: It is, ain't it? Tenchi then bent forward as far as he could, but it just wasn't quite enough though, he was so close... He pushed himself farther and farther and finally got it! POLY: Not much for a story conflict. SNICKER: I could do it. (Everyone looks at him.) SNICKER: What!! I'm a slinky!! POLY: Flexing like that actually isn't that hard if you do the right exercises. . . (Nathan's nose explodes in a bloody mess.) POLY: Oh, you perverted bastard!!!! NATE: You set me up for that! SPUD: Hey, I never seen your nose bleed, Nate. "YES!" Tenchi managed to mumble out as he stuck his dick into his mouth. Tenchi moaned as sucked his own dick faster and faster. After a half-hour of dick sucking action, he finally blew his nut into his mouth. POLY: Y'know, I feel really sorry for you guys. NATE: Would you hold me close and comfort me? POLY: I'd break your skull. How's that? Tenchi swallowed his own seed very happily, SNICKER: I highly doubt Tenchi would ever even think of doing this! Even if he does avoid all those horny women in his house!! "MMMMM! Absolutely FUCKING delicious!" Tenchi said after swallowing his jizz. (Nate's laughing so hard, he's teary-eyed.) NATE: This is actually pretty funny! POLY: It's sick and wrong, Nathan! And all-around inhuman! Little did Tenchi know though, that he wasn't the only one commiting bizzare sexual acts this lovely morning... SPUD: (narrator) Otherwise we wouldn't have a story, would we? SNICKER: We don't have a story, period! POLY: Oh, I can't wait. . . _______________________________________________________________________ Noboyuki proceeded up the stairs to the shrine to meet his father-in-law, Yosho. SNICKER: But they've been living together for three shows. NATE: Okay, this is no longer funny. SPUD: I'm feeling violated by the approaching concept! "Grrr, he's late again." said Yosho. Yosho opened up a orange blow-pop to satisfy his sucking need NATE: He should read this fic. That would satisfy his sucking need. SNICKER: There are orange blow-pops? SPUD: . . .I don't understand you, Snick. while he waited for Noboyuki to arrive. "Oh no! Im late again! I hope father isnt angry!" said Noboyuki. POLY: (Noboyuki) Or about to have gay sex with me! Noboyuki finally arrived at the shrine and apologized to Yosho for being late, "Im sorry for being late, honorable father." said Noboyuki. "That is ok." said Yosho as he threw his blow-pop into the trash. NATE: (Yosho) I'm throwing my blow pop in the trash. POLY: Are they normally this redundant? SNICKER: No, they're usually a lot worse. "Shall we get started? Would you mind if I could go first?" asked Noboyuki. SNICKER: He means "go" as in "leave", right? SPUD: He better go first so he don't pee in his butt. (Everyone gags, including Spud at his own comment.) "Yes you may go first Noboyuki, because I was first last time." said Yosho SNICKER: (Yosho) I mean last first time. . .no, wait. Last. . . NATE: Sounds like they don't wanna do it, either. as he started to warm up his mouth muscels some more. POLY: What? SPUD: How? Noboyuki then took off his pants to reveal a large schlong. Yosho then started to work his mouth magic on Noboyuki's cock. NATE: (singing) Monkey Magic! ALL: UUGH!!! "Mmmmmm, that feels so good father." moaned Noboyuki. POLY: What, Luke Skywalker's getting head?? SNICKER: Michael Jackson as Darth Vader. POLY: That's not nice! Yosho then worked faster on Noboyuki's penis, POLY: (narrator) He had to get this one done before the deadline, or he wouldn't see his paycheck on Friday. slowly turning his penis SPUD: . . .to the dark side. SNICKER: . . .over to the police. orange from the blow-pop. NATE: Now it's time to blow Pop! (Everyone jeers.) NATE: It was a good one and you know it. "Ooooohhhhh, YYESSSSSSSSS! here i come!" yelled Noboyuki. SPUD: They're doin' this from across the room? Noboyuki then exploded into Yosho's mouth. SNICKER: (narrator) . . .blowing his head off and thus ending the fic. POLY: Hell, or at least the scene! Yosho held it in his mouth then stood up and kissed Noboyuki and spit half the jizz into Noboyuki's mouth so that he could swallow some too. SPUD: . . .anyone else feel like throwing up? "mmmm, very tasty, Noboyuki" said Yosho. SNICKER: Then he ate his son-in-law like Jeffrey Dalmer. NATE: (Yosho) Mmm, Noboyuki very tasty! "Yes I agree very much." said Noboyuki. Just then Ryo-ohkie walked into the shrine, a very hungry Ryo-ohkie. When she saw Noboyuki's orange penis she thought it was a carrot, and she became overjoyed. POLY: As we became mortified! She lunged at Noboyuki and bit off his whole dick in one swift chomp. "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Noboyuki screamed as his cock was bitten off. NATE: I agree. Suprisingly though, Noboyuki seemed to be not mad at all. NATE: (narrator) Since, not surprisingly, he was in shock. "Noboyuki! Your penis was just bit off and you dont care at all??!!" beamed Yosho. POLY: (Noboyuki) Nah, I'll have it back again in the next "Tenchi in Tokyo" episode. SPUD: Frankly, I'd give quite a damn. "No, actually I kinda like it. Cause now I got an extra hole for you to fuck!!!" said Noboyuki proudly. POLY: Oh, Jesus H. . . "Ahh yes! I see! I can insert my penis into the hole on the little remaining stub where your cock used to be!" said Yosho very excitedly. SNICKER: Yosho used to be in Speed Racer. SPUD: And Dragonball. NATE: And Powerpuff Girls. POLY: Talk about obscure dialogue references. Yosho then removed his robe and stuffed his old schlong into Noboyuki's penis stub. He then rapidly fucked Noboyuki. NATE: PhuckNut has achieved what millions of pornography writers have only dreamed of achieving. SNICKER: Grossing out even the most hardcore hentai? "Oh yes! Its so smooth!" yelled Yosho. Noboyuki was in total exctasy from all the pleasure he was getting from Yosho fucking him in his small intestine. NATE: DAMN IT!!! Now I'll never get rid of that feeling!! Thank you, PhuckNut!!! Ryo-ohkie just watched with a puzzled look on her face, then she just left and headed back to the house. POLY: (Sasami) Hey, there, Ryo-Ohki! What's that you've got in your- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK!!!!!! NATE: You're not that bad at this, Lia. "Here I come!!!!" screamed Yosho. Yosho then dropped a steaming hot load into Noboyuki's small intestine. NATE: Miss Neustein, would you please kill me? (Polylina pulls her sword out nonchalantly.) NATE: WHOA!! You're serious!! POLY: Hey, don't let the outfit fool you. When I switch to battle mode, I have no conscience. Although, my friend, Misaki, has been in much hairier situations than I have. . . NATE: Really? What kind of "hairy situations"? (Polylina punches him.) POLY: She's a police officer, not a callgirl!! "That felt so great!! It was almost as good as getting fucked in the ass by an elephant!!" said Noboyuki excitedly. SNICKER: No need to be cynical, Noboyuki. "You have been fucked in the ass by an elephant before??" questioned Yosho. "Yes it was pure exctasy!" said Noboyuki. NATE: Pure what? (Polylina's covering her face, chuckling.) POLY: Oh, man, this is bad. . .how are you guys still alive after all this? "Damn! You are one lucky bastard!" said Yosho. They both french kissed each other, then got dressed and headed to the house for breakfast. SNICKER: Didn't they just have breakfast? SPUD: Noboyuki hasn't eaten yet. POLY: You two are revolting!!!! _______________________________________________________________________ Tenchi had already gotten up and waited in the kitchen for Sasami earlier this morning. Everyone else arrived in the kitchen after smelling the good cooking. NATE: (Tenchi) That good smells wonderful, Sasami! (Spud does a rimshot.) "Watcha cookin Sasami?" asked everyone else as they came into the kitchen. SNICKER: (Sasami) Ryo-Ohki. (Everyone winces.) "Oh I cooked something we've never had before!" said a very proud Sasami. NATE: Orange Flavored Penis! ALL: UUUGGHH!!! "And what may that be?" asked Ryoko. SPUD: Ryoko doesn't know what a penis is!? What has she been wanting from Tenchi all this time?? NATE: The penis joke was me, dude. SPUD: Oh, yeah. "Elephant Penis!" said a happy Sasami. NATE: (Sasami) With white sauce! (Everyone gags.) "Sounds delicious!" said Ryoko and Ayeka. Yosho and Noboyuki just looked at each other and smiled. POLY: I can picture upbeat muzak playing through this whole fic. SNICKER: Yeah, me too. "All done! here ya go guys!" said Sasami. Sasami placed the platter with a giant sausage looking thing on it, down on the table. Everyone dug in and complemented Sasami on her excelent cooking. SPUD: Well, I guess Sasami could make anything taste good. POLY: Then again, most anime characters would eat dirt if you put enough soy sauce on it. "Hey guys, I got something to show all of you." said Sasami. "What is it?" everyone asked. Sasami then jumped on the table and stripped naked quickly. She then grabbed Ryo-ohkie and masturbated with her head. NATE: (Ryo-Ohki) What the f-!!!!! SNICKER: . . .that was pretty spontaneous, too. POLY: That little Sasami! Always so unpredictable! "Wow thats a great trick!" Tenchi said. NATE: Yeah, pretty impressive for someone too young to even get stimulated. (Nate tries to pull Polylina close.) NATE: Speaking of stimulation. . . POLY: Maybe using small forest animals as dildos is arousing to you, but it sure as hell isn't to me!!!! Ayeka then grabbed ahold of Ryo-ohkies legs and spread the little cabbits pussy lips apart and started to lick them viciously. ALL: !!!!!!! NATE: Where the hell did that come from??? SPUD: The wonderful mind of AAA-PhuckNut. After a while the little cabbit had an orgasm at the same time that Sasami had one. Both their female cum covering the table. POLY: (Tenchi) Well, the table needed waxing anyway. . . ALL: UUGGHH!!! "Hey Ryoko... I got something I need to tell you." Tenchi said. SNICKER: (Tenchi) Oh, yeah, that reminds me. . . "Ok Tenchi, lets go to your room." Ryoko said as she grabbed onto Tenchi and teleported them to Tenchi's room. "Ryoko... I... I... WANT TO FUCK YOU LIKE A WILD ANIMAL!!" Tenchi said nervously to Ryoko. NATE: I want to feel you from the inside. . . SPUD: My whole existence is flawed. . . SNICKER: You get me closer to god! POLY: I hope he hasn't been practicing on the wild animals around his house. . . (The others laugh.) "Oh Tenchi!! You dont know how long I've waited for you to say that!!" said Ryoko very excitedly. SPUD: Tenchi fans everywhere are thinking the same thing. Tenchi then felt a sudden wave of insanity come over him as he grabbed onto Ryoko and shoved his penis into her. (Nathan laughs like the Joker.) SPUD: (Harley) Ohh, Puddin'!! "OOOOOOOHHH TENCHI!!! YEEEEEEESSSS!!!" screamed Ryoko. "GGGGRRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRR!!!!" screamed Tenchi as his eyes suddenly glowed red. ALL: SUPER SAIYAN BONER!!!!!!!! As soon as Tenchi's eyes turned red, his penis just suddenly grew massive in girth and length. It grew so big that all the blood went to his penis and he fainted. NATE: Well, at least he's being somewhat realistic. His penis got so big it pierced through Ryoko's body and straight up through her head, splitting her whole body in half vertically. Each half of her body slid off Tenchi's penis and each one slid down to opposite sides of the bed. Then Tenchi's penis went back to its normal size and Tenchi woke up, SPUD: Now I understand why he avoids the girls in his house. SNICKER: He's still no Stephen King, but he's gotten better. NATE: You'll pay for that compliment, Snick. SNICKER: Hey, you complimented him on his realism! You oughta die first! "whaaa... whaat happend?" Tenchi said as he woke up. "OH MY GOD!!" Tenchi screamed as he saw Ryoko's mangled body halves. "It must have been that bitch Ayeka!!" Tenchi screamed not knowing that it was actually him. SPUD: (Tenchi) That blasted Ayeka, always plotting against me! POLY: Dumbest son of a bitch that ever lived. Tenchi then ran down to the living room and up to Ayeka, who was sitting on the couch by herself, SNICKER: He's gonna inconspicuously murder her under cover of afternoon in the living room of a house of nine people. NATE: And probably with a dick the size of a blue whale, no less. "You filthy hore!!!! You killed my Ryoko!!!!" screamed Tenchi. NATE: (Bruce Lee) Now I shall kick your ass in a nonviolent manner. (He and Spud make sounds of kung-fu attacks, breaking furniture, and Bruce Lee noises.) NATE: (Bruce Lee) And now for some slow-motion moves. (They make the same noises, but much slower and deeper.) POLY: Are you done? "Wha.." is all that Ayeka got to say before Tenchi attacked. SNICKER: That particular Ayeka? NATE: All the other Ayekas fled the room. (The others shake their heads.) Tenchi grabbed one of her nostrils and stretched it to acommodate his penis. NATE: (Tenchi) I want your nostril to do my penis a favor. . . POLY: That was obscure. SNICKER: Rather large word for someone of his intelligence, isn't it? He then rammed his hard cock up into her nose, shattering all her facial bones around her nose. SPUD: (narrator) . . .with his hard cock. SNICKER: (narrator) . . .to her nose. NATE: (MGPNoboyuki) I must run. (More kung-fu noises in reference to episode 1.) His cocked pierced up into her brain, then he blew his load into her brain. He pulled his penis out and watched as Ayeka wriggled around on the couch, then finally died. SNICKER: A porno by Wes Craven. POLY: That's what I've been thinking. _______________________________________________________________________ THE END POLY: . . .that's it?! That's how he ends this pain parade?? Fuck this guy!! SPUD: Just thank the good god it's over. POLY: Yeah. . .I suppose. NATE: Hey, wait! There wasn't any one-on-one lesbian action in this fic! POLY: And that's a bad thing?? NATE: You think it's a good thing? POLY: Why the hell wouldn't I??? NATE: I thought you were Yuna's best friend. SPUD: Yeah, isn't she a bi? POLY: That. . .that has absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality, you pig!!! SPUD: You mean you're closer to Yuna Kagurizaka than anyone in the AD Vision library, and you never do any clam diving with her?? NATE: Or anything in the nude??? POLY: . . .. . .not. . .that often. . . (Nathan hoots.) NATE: I thought I was gonna have to ask her creators to find that out. POLY: Oh, go to hell, you horny toad!!!! Well how did you like my second fan fic? NATE: I didn't. POLY: I liked it as much as I like the intestinal flu. SNICKER: I detestfully liked it. SPUD: I anti-liked it. Pretty fucking disgusting isnt it? NATE: Hey, at least he knows what kind of work he does. SPUD: Yeah, maybe we should give this guy more credit. Send me your comments at: viperz00@winfire.com POLY: Dear PhuckNut, @!:##$@@#$%%))*&&^#(^(@:"?<"<><$?><<+_$($*_@+($@&)&@^$)(@($)& @($^))%(&@^)$(_*_$<<>?%>?%?%"|}%{|%%"$$_@(@*!__))()*$*&@)$(!!!!!! -Polylina NATE: . . .. . .. . .I think Miss Neustein needs to take a nap. SPUD: Can we leave now? NATE: Yeah, let's head out. SNICKER: Wasn't too bad, actually. (The group leaves the laptop and is greeted by no one. Prank sits on Mike's floppy disk case, reading a book.) PRANK: How'd you do? NATE: Bitter doesn't want to get a letter from Polylina, I'll tell you that much. POLY: How can you live through these things while you're choosing which one they read?? PRANK: I think they're funny. POLY: Figures. SPUD: Yo, where's the fattie? PRANK: Bitter's at his meeting in the closet. He left halfway through. POLY: That's where I'm going, then. Bye, guys. I'm off to stuff Bitter's head up his ass. SNICKER: Nice working with you! POLY: Same here. I guess. (Polylina leaves.) SPUD: I'm gonna go chill with Cartman an' Kenny. Check you later. SNICKER: Yeah, I think I'll go see where Antoinette is. Are we playing pool later? NATE: I'll let you know when. See ya! (They leave. Nate glides over to Prank on the disk holder.) NATE: Sooo. . .what're you doing now? PRANK: Nothing, really. You? (Prank hops down from the disk holder.) NATE: Nothing, I guess. Not 'til about nine. Playing pool with everyone then. PRANK: You wanna roll in the carpet for a while? (Prank gives him a sly look. Nate looks around, expecting Antoinette to pound him into the desk. He takes Prank's arm.) NATE: Sounds good! I need to regain my stimulation since seeing that fic. END STINGER: "MMMMM! Absolutely FUCKING delicious!" Tenchi said after swallowing his jizz. That's it for episode four. This fic was shorter than I expected, so I felt I had to do it as kind of a sub-episode. I hate to admit it, but I actually thought this one was humorous at some times. Don't worry, all you sadists! Evol will be back for episode five, so hang tight! - Mike