"The Lonesome Dreams of a Scientist" A Tenchi Muyo OVA songfic By Kagato Akara Disclaimer: This is a Tenchi Muyo songfic using the Aerosmith song, "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing." I don't claim to own the rights to Tenchi Muyo, which is owned by AIC and was created by the wonderful Masaki Kajishima, or to any of Steven Tyler's songs and defenitly not to his incredible voice. All characters contained within this fic also belong to AIC and I claim no right to them. I am simply writing this for entertainment purposes and I am not making a profit from it. So, without further ado... On with the show! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scientist sleeps, dreaming of things undiscovered and territories unexplored. Her upper body leans upon an enormous console, right cheek pressed against the cold metal. Her posture portrays the current situation of her life quite clearly, for she is utterly alone with only the prospect of working on new inventions and theories to comfort her. And now she is only accompanied by the darkness that surrounds her, the only constant companion. Such a lonely life to lead, yet nothing compared to the loneliness seen within her slumber. Her dreams constantly turning to nightmares, haunting her with their errie depictions of reality. The darkness around her shifts slightly, announcing the presence of another soul there. <<I could stay awake just to hear you breathing... Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you're far away and dreaming. I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever. Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure!>> He stood there, draped within the darkness of her cold and metallic laboratory, utterly lifeless. Crimson eyes fell upon her, watching her while she dwelled within a troubled slumber. The intruder silently steps forward, emerging from the shadows to reveal pale skin accentuated with soft purple and light green robes. Those eyes of his gazed at her, watching her body shift ever so slightly. His heart leapt as he found his feet guiding him slowly towards her, a feeling within his soul invoking the want, no, the need to just wrap his arms around her and hold on forever; to try to set right all the wrongs he had committed. She murmured softly in her restless state of slumber, turning her head and allowing his eyes to grace upon her beautiful yet utterly childish face. A guise, he knew that from the many times he had seen her true form. Yet still, that face brought a slight shimmer of the physical sensation to his hands that he had lost so long ago. The soft supple feeling of her face, which his hands had oft come upon during the days before... <<I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep. Cuz I'd miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing! Cuz even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do! I'd still miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing!>> How he had missed her, for nearly five thousand years he had longed to be with her. It was five thousand years of torture and insanity for him, a mental variation upon the horrors of Hell itself. During which he had oh so longed to gaze upon her with his own eyes, not from behind the windows of madness that they were at the time. He ached just to hold her; his eyes not able to leave her or even blink. Feet carried him towards destiny; ever so slowly to her, towards the object of his undying affection. His beginning and end, the only reason that he had ever decided to return. She mumbled cutely in her sleep, causing him to actually smile; the change apparent and rather odd when coupled with his yet still longing eyes. Finally he came upon her, standing overhead and just watching her with soft eyes; for he would not dare yet move beyond that point. <<Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating... And I'm wondering what you're dreaming, wondering if it's me you're seeing. Then I kiss your eyes, and thank God we're together. I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever! Forever and ever!!!>> He finally dared to move once more after what seemed like an eternity of just staring at her while she breathed softly, bending down and wrapping his arms gently about her. He could feel the warmth of her as he pressed his body lovingly against her back, careful not to wake her and break this precious moment. He was so close, close enough to feel the slow and soft beating of her heart. Piercing crimson eyes set upon her and watched her once again move about slightly in her sleep.His eyes closed for but yet a moment, a soft sigh escaping lips as the beautiful thought of being with her forever exactly like this intruded into his mind. As pleasant as the dream seemed, he managed to force his eyes open and let them befall upon the reality; which was far richer than any dream. His eyes widened slightly as she began to mumble something yet again, curiosity urging him to draw closer to hear what it was. Sensitive ears faintly picked up her low whispered statement, soft and filled with angst, "Kagato... Why? Why did you... leave me. You promised that... you would never leave me like... like Mikamo did..." Kagato's pale and formerly serene face filled with pain, as if taking in the terrifying reality of exactly what he done. <<I don't wanna close my eyes! I don't wanna fall asleep! Cuz I miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing! Cuz even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do! I'd still miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing!!!>> Kagato gripped at her tighter; knowing that by doing such there was a clear risk of waking her up, but he just couldn't bring himself to care at the moment. A fierce emotional battle began to wage deep inside of him, blaming himself for all that had happened. Narrow set eyes turned almost emotionless as his gaze continued down upon her, an incredible mind bringing forth thoughts of the past. A barrage of images flying by at high speeds as if upon a metaphorical whirlwind, stopping finally upon a certain scene thousands of years ago. Washu stood there trembling with tears emerging from the pores of her eyes, gazing upward into his own eyes with those deep emerald orbs. She turned her head to the side and let her gaze come to rest upon the floor as if she was pained to look upon him, a small teardrop rolled down her right cheek and fell onto the floor only to burst into a thousand tiny droplets. She drew herself up as best she could, arcing her head back towards Kagato just as those tears began to flow down her beautiful face in rapid succession. In but an instant she transformed into her true self, no longer gazing upwards towards him but right into those eyes, face to face with him. The first step forward came hesitantly, but then turned to a wavering pace as if she was about to collapse; by the time she had finally reached him she had already begun to speak with an uneasy voice, "Kagato... Yes... I do love you, but... Every time I look at you, I see Naja instead! And... it pains me..." <<I don't wanna miss one smile; I don't wanna miss one kiss. I just wanna be with you, right here with you just like this... I just wanna hold you close, feel your heart so close to mine! And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah !Yeah! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!>> Washu fell onto him, her body being pressed up against his as she buried her face into his right shoulder. Kagato felt her tears soak into the fabric of his garments, his eyes soft as he watched her cry. Arms moved upward, wrapping around and pulling her closer against him. Her chin raised to reveal a tear-stained face, looking at him with questioning eyes. He grinned softly at her and actually snickered slightly, something which seemed wholly inappropriate at the time. Kagato then allowed words to grace upon his tongue, the tone mischievous in nature, "Well then my dear Washu-chan, perhaps I might be allowed to blindfold these magnificent eyes that I behold so that you don't have to see such illusions. You need not look upon the face of true love to know that it exists, simply give yourself to it." Washu could only stare into his utterly feral yet strangely beautiful eyes and actually smile at his altogether witty comment. But before she could say anything in response she found herself drawn into a luscious kiss. She could feel him leaning into her as his lips pressed lovingly against her own, as smooth as silk. Kagato's arms held her tighter, as if she could slip away from his grasp if he dared to loosen it; his tongue skillfully parted lips and delved deep into the warmth of her mouth. Their tongues intertwined in a marvelous dance as his right hand finally pulled away and made its way upward, grasping lightly at the back of her head, supporting it. The two kissed for what seemed like an eternity before the memory simply faded away, back into the reality that had originally spawned it. <<Don't wanna close my eyes, don't wanna fall asleep... Cuz I'd miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing! Cuz when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do! I'd still miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing! I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep! Cuz I'd miss you baby, and I don't wanna a thing!>> He resisted the urge to close his eyes, or to shed any tears. So engaged in a hard fought battle against them as he gazed upon her with sorrow-filled eyes, wishing that he could undo everything that had already been done, all the pain that he had caused. Kagato's mind tried to wander back through the near eternity of his life to the day when he had finally given up and been overtaken by insanity; so consumed with the utter rage of the fact that he couldn't feel her or hold his dear maiden in his arms because the body he possessed wasn't even corporeal anymore. But he pushed back at it, not wanting to even try to dwell on such sore subjects. He only allowed himself to live with this moment, to hold her and comfort her, if only briefly. Washu squirmed slightly in his arms, muttering that accursed painful question yet again, "Why Kagato?" <<Cuz even when I try! The sweetest dream will never do! I'd still miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing!>> Kagato breathed an almost silent sigh of distaste towards that question, since it struck at his heart so. He felt the urge to answer her, even if it meant risking revealing himself onto her. He leaned forward slowly, whispering soft words of repentance into her ears, "I'm sorry... I didn't ever mean to hurt you... I don't know if saying this can even atone for my sins, but... I'll never leave you alone again, even if I have to just be content to watch you from the shadows and protect you. I love you..." He allowed himself to breath softly as he closed his eyes and lowered his head, placing the forehead ever so gently upon her left shoulder. Kagato lifted his head slowly as he felt the shoulder twitch, revealing two bright emerald eyes are to him, his body tensing slightly as if to prepare for whatever oncoming reaction he will have to face. Washu's face seemed mature, since she had already haven taken on her adult form by reflex, and her lips were quivering as she searched those eyes of his. She allows her own eyes to study them, seeking something lost long ago and almost forgotten, buried under the sands of time. The answer she was searching for is found as his gaze upon her softens, mirroring the feelings of pure love towards her instead of the evil that had plagued them before. <<Don't wanna close my eyes... I don't wanna fall asleep yet!!! And I don't wanna miss a thing!>> Washu's lips tremble harder as she tilts her head back slightly and comes face to face with him, loosing herself in the infinite unearthly beauty of those eyes. Her voice is feeble and scared, so afraid that this is just some sort of dream or that the man before her is still enveloped in the darkness, "I... I knew you'd never leave me..." He smiles softly as a small tear forms in his right eye, dropping onto her cheek and splattering across warm skin. His face is brought closer to her own, breathing hot air across her face, "I'll never leave you again... I love you..." The two consummate their reunion with a passionate kiss; Washu's arms reaching backwards and linking themselves round the back of his neck. She pulls him even more into the kiss just as he begins to deepen it, holding her tighter than he has ever before. They continue to kiss each other as the darkness of the lab consumes them, holding them in its tender grasp. The scientist is no longer lonely, wrapped forevermore within the arms of her lover... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The two characters mentioned, Mikamo and Naja, are not characters created by me. They are from the Shin Tenchi Muyo Novel, which was written by Kajishima-san himself and basically showed many events from the past, including Washu's days at the Academy on Todain. Mikamo is the actual name of Washu's lost husband and Naja is her best friend and... Get this... Kagato's mother! She had created a clone of herself, Kagato, and it is assumed she did this because she was lonely and wanted a family, a son to be percise. Not long after Kagato's birth she apparantly died on a Jurain planet when the excavation site she was working on was attacked by pirates, however the body was never found so it was never confirmed. I suggest you go looking around the net, because there is a site that actually has the novel fully translated along with beautiful pictures drawn by Masaki. There are even some pictures of Naja around the net in various places. If you want to know the address to any of these things, feel free to email me. Feel free to send comments and criticisms to my email address at XellosMetallium@hotmail.com. Flames will be promptly ignored and put out with a fire extinguisher. Ja ne!