Ksa and the MSTers: File 2: Feelings are Blind.
Disclaimer: I only own Scimitar, and I'm Ksa, so don't sue me for them/

The Ksawarrior was waiting in the theater. He knew the others hated it when he called them for
an MST, since that Sammy one, but he had a feeling that they may enjoy this one.
Scimitar walked in with a knocked out Ryoga and Rei.
"What happenned to them?" Ksa asked.
"They tried to excape, but I won't suffer alone so I kinda..."
Ryoga and Rei came to. "What the hell are we going to watch this time?" Ryoga gave Ksa a glare.
"A Ranma/Tenchi X-over. No lemons this time."
The others breathed a deep sigh.
"Lets get it over with" Scimitar muttered as they entered the theater.


>Ryoga: so if Ranma is in this, so am I?
>Ksa: 30 seconds. You're getting smarter all the time
>Scimitar: Can we get this over with? I got a date with Botan later.
>Ksa: you lucky dog.

PM Productions Presents

>Ryoga: PMS? (nosebleed begins)
>Ksa:(whacks Ryoga) PM, YOU BAKA!

A Phillip Masters Fanfic

>Rei:(concerned) didn't he write that other Sasami lemon?
>Ksa: No I don't think so.
>Scimitar: If its him, I'll beat you to death, slowly.

Feelings Are Blind

>Ksa: Indeed they are
>Scimitar: Like how Akane and Ranma like each other and won't admit it.
>Rei: without you telling her how you feel? 
>Ryoga:(sweatdrop) well, uh...

     "A water, please."
>Ryoga:(jumps) NOOOO!!!
>Ksa: its just in the fic, relax.
>Scimitar: Jusenkyo hydrophobic syndrome. So sad.

The bartender stared at the teenager sitting on the creaky stool
before him.  The kid seemed to be having a bad day, but at least he
didn't try ordering alcohol to solve his troubles. "Sure, kid."  He
reached under the counter and picked a glass, then filled it from the
faucet.  He placed it in front of his customer with the dull clink of
glass on finished hardwood.  Then, he left him in his state of
reflection to go tend to another person.

>Scimitar: wait a minute, thats me after Urd messed up my last date!
>Scimitar: At least I can get a date, Ryoga.

     Ranma stared down into the water.

>Ryoga:(excited) yes Ranma, jump to your watery grave!
>Rei: Then how are you going to defeat him?
>Ryoga:(thinks about it for a second) No, Ranma don't jump!
>Ksa: just like a piece of putty.
>Scimitar: yep

  His silhouette was returned to
him, an ouline of himself without eyes to see.  Yet, he knew what was in
them without looking.  Dispair, a feeling that he couldn't escape.

>Ryoga: Cause you know I'll get you soon enough!
>Scimitar:(Froyd) obsessive, with a bit of denial. Very interestink.

Entrapment, almost to the point of claustrophobia.  He wasn't sure what
to do, and he wasn't used to being in that sort of situation.  He found
he didn't like it one bit either.  A small bit of ash landed on the
placid surface of the liquid, causing miniscule ripples to traverse it,
rebouning off the walls, unable to break free of its borders.  It was so
much like his life he almost cried at the symbolism.  

>Scimitar: it must be bad. Usually his ego helps him bounce back.
>Ryoga: Hey, only I get to bash Ranma, you jerk!
>Scimitar: Ya wanna go right now?!
>Ryoga: Lets do it!!
>(they leap at each other. Then _BAM_ they fall back to their seats)
>Ksa: you been taking lessons from Akane?
>Rei:(putting mallets back with a small smile) Maybe.

     He sighed and lifted his head.  That's when he noticed he wasn't
alone in his misery.  While he was lost in his thoughts someone had come
to sit next to him.  A person who seemed as alone as he did.  A person
who also had nothing but a glass of water sitting in front of him.

>Ryoga and Scimitar:(bolted back up) someone described us?
>Ksa: god, its amazing how pathetic you two can be

  He briefly wondered what the chances were.  Math was never one of his
strong suits, and he had absolutely no idea how to figure statistics.
About all he was good for was guaging whether or not he could beat the
person in a fight.  A talent he took no pride in at that moment, in
fact, he was beginning to loathe it.

>Ksa: Ranma disliking fighting?!
>Ryoga: How OOC can you get?!
>Rei:(confused) What is OOC?
>Scimitar: When someone is out of character.
>Rei: Oh
>Scimitar: IE you with a personality. (BAM!)
>Rei:(putting back mallet) jerk.

     The young man, must have been about his age, looked up suddenly.
Then, he turned his gaze to Ranma.  The martial artist discovered
himself looking straight into the eyes he knew were missing from the
water's surface.  The two stared at one another for a few moments, as if
deciding whether or not to actually talk, or if it would cause more
problems than they already had.

>Ryoga: I don't like where this is going.
>Scimitar: Hey thats my line!

     "Hello," the young man greeted with no warning.  So, thought Ranma,
this guy has more balls than I do it seems.

>Ksa: depends on your form at the moment.

     "Hey," he returned noncomitmentally.
     They sat in silence for a while longer before the guy spoke up
again.  "Name's Tenchi."

>Scimitar: Two guys with women trouble AND a disability to decide on anything?
>What are the odds?
>Ksa: According to Washu's theory of 'Tenchi and Ranma meeting' 36000896342 to 1.
>Ryoga: what about the time I met Ryoko?
>Ksa: 2 to 1.
>Ryoga: Huh?

     "Ranma," he replied.  He agreed with Tenchi that the formality of
last names was useless at that point.     "What brings you here?"
     He shrugged, "Nothing in particular, life in general.  How aboutyou?"
     "Same.  Kind of amusing how your own life can turn on you so
violently."  He laughed at his little irony.

>Ryoga: what about the irony that only one guy can mess up your life, condemming you to hell?
>Scimitar:(whispering) He's still upset about that bread feud?
>Ksa:(ditto) yep

     Ranma couldn't say that he saw the humor, but grinned anyway.  It
was good to have someone to talk to, someone who understood. "I suppose,
but I'd rather just live a day without it trying to explode in my face."
     Tenchi nodded, "I hear you there.  If *anything* else tries to blow
up in my face, I swear I will lose it completely."
     "Is it women problems?"  Ranma was just so curious he could't help
but ask, even if it could be considered rude.  He had to know.

>Rei: How predictable was that?
>Others: Incredibly

     "Yeah, you could say that."     "I understand, I have plenty of my own."
     Tenchi looked over at Ranma and smiled grimly, "Not like these youdon't."
     Not wanting to be underscored, Ranma puffed out slightly and asked,
"What makes yours so different?"
     "Oh, I don't know... the fact that they could destroy the planet,
possibly the whole galaxy if they were so inclined.  The fact that
they're all aliens," he paused a second, "but so am I, at least in part,
so I suppose it's only proper."

>Ryoga: y'know, he does sound like his life is as messed up as Ranma's
>Ksa: Now he may get why they had to meet.

  He grinned, "Don't believe a word I'm
saying, do you?"
>Ksa: lets check. Ryoga if you were in Ranma's place, would you believe him?
>Ryoga: I'd just laugh and say how at least he doesn't turn into a pig when he gets wet.

 Ranma shook his head.  "Actually, I do believe you.  It's far
fetched, sure, but I would be a hypocrite to distrust you.  I have
multiple fiancees through various extaneous circumstances.  They are all
top notch martial artists,

>Ryoga:(Dreamily) Like Ukyo..no! I mean, Akane!

 they are all beautiful,

>Ryoga:(same as last time)
>Ksa: I knew that the time you saved her on Togenkyo meant something.
>Scimitar: And he couldn't be satisfied with Akari.
>Ryoga: Who?
>Ksa: Which aniverse is he from again?
>Scimitar: the anime version of Ranma apparently.

 a few of them are
insane.  On top of that, I have a curse that causes me to turn into a
girl, so I also have a small number of the male population after me."

>Ryoga:(screaming) AT LEAST YOU STAY HUMAN, DAMN YOU!!!!

     Tenchi's eyes widened in disbelief.  Ranma smiled, "Now who's the
hypocrite?"  With that, he threw his mug of water into his own face.
     "Hey!" the bartender protested.
     Ranma turned to the now stunned man and asked, "Yeah?" 
     "N... Nothing."  The shaken bartender returned to cleaning glasses,
blinking his eyes a bit more than before.
     Ranma looked back to Tenchi, whose face was a mask of complete
surprise.  "I know, blew me away at first too."
     After another moment Tenchi could speak again, "How do you changeback?"
     "Hot water."
     "Oh..."  He reached out a hand toward Ranma's face.  He paused, "Do
you mind?"

>All: ....
>Scimitar: Are you sure this isn't a lemon?
>Ksa: Last time I checked.

     Ranma looked Tenchi over for a second, for the first time realizing
what a handsome young man he was.

>Ryoga:(freaking out) if Ranma is becoming like his cursed form, then I might be next!
>Ksa: since this is a fanfic, I doubt it.

  However, he didn't seem to have any
alterior motive other than basic curiosity so he nodded.  He felt
Tenchi's warm hand against his face, almost like a feather's touch. 

>Ksa: Doesn't the memory of his mother and seppuku pop in at this moment?
>Ryoga: Wait, if Ranma becomes unmanly, his mom kills him, then I can have Uk- I mean Akane!!
>Ksa: Are you sure he isn't from that fic, 'The More things change'?
>Scimitar: Then he would be slightly over Akane.
It was a tentative and slightly shaky contact, as if Tenchi were afraid he
would vanish without warning. Then, the hand made full contact, its
fingers digging in behind his ear and into his hair. 

>All: ...
>Ksa: god he just went straight to it!
>Ryoga: If Ranma is true to form, then Tenchi will be on his way to Jurai soon.

     Ranma, try as he might, couldn't help but feel comfort from
Tenchi's caress.

>Ryoga: ...
>Scimitar: so much for that theory.

  He felt so alone sometimes, for having all those
people around him.  They were there, but they weren't truly caring.
Kasumi was about the only person who came close, and she had too much
work on her hands as it was.  Ranma craved a touch like the one he was
receiving, and he didn't give a damn what the gender of the person
giving it was.

>Ksa: so is Ranma gay in this scene, or just acting female?
>Ryoga: thats tough
>Scimitar: I'm stumped
>Rei: no clue at all

  It was another human being, even if only in part, and
that was enough.

>Scimitar: Just cause some of his blood is from another world doesn't make him less human.
>Ryoga: Tenchi got an alien blood transfusion?
>(Rei plays a rimshot, then Ryoga is elbowed by Scimitar)
>Scimitar: Baka

  He closed his eyes and moved his head slowly, softly
rubbing his cheek against Tenchi's hand.

>Rei: the fact that they keep saying 'he' although he is in female form, is not helping this not
>seem strange.

     What felt like an eternity later, he felt something touch his lips.

>All: ....NO WAY!!!

He opened his eyes to find Tenchi's face right up against his own. Then,
his eyes widened completely as he realized Tenchi was kissing him.

>Ryoga: OH MY GOD!!
>Scimitar: Do you think they're over-reacting?
>Rei: what gave you that idea?

  He pulled away sharply and instinctively wiped his mouth.
     At first, Tenchi looked shocked.  It soon transformed into regret.

>Ryoga: yes, regret your shame.
>Ksa: this, from a guy who had a thing for Girl-Ranma for a few seconds.

He bowed his head. "I'm sorry.  I had no right to do that, and I know
you're really a man.


  I don't know what came over me."
     Ranma calmed his breathing.  Tenchi seemed almost as upset as he
was over what had happened.  He couldn't deny he had felt something
while his face was in his hand anyway.  "It's okay.  Just don't do it
again, alright?"

>Ryoga: something is wrong. Ranma would have just made him a LOMAE
>Ksa:(eyebrow raised) LOMAE?
>Ryoga: Low Orbital Martial Arts Expert.
>Ksa: Oh

     Tenchi nodded, "Okay.  Sorry, really."
     "I know, I know.  Forget about it, I know I can."  So, he was
lying, what of it?

>Scimitar: Denial is a bad thing.
>Ksa: Just think what Akane will do to him
>Scimitar: Ok, its a good thing

     Tenchi smiled lightly and looked out the nearby window.  "I suppose
I had better get home before they send out a search party."
     Ranma nodded, "Yeah, I'd better too."

>Rei:(Ryoko as head of the mob from Frankenstien) Kill him!
>Ksa:(Mob member) yes kill the OOCs!!

     They rose together and headed out the front door.  They split up
and headed in opposing directions down the sidewalk.  A few steps away
from the bar, Ranma touched his lips softly, as they still burned from
the touch of Tenchi's.  Try as hard as he could, he couldn't get the
thought or feeling out of his mind.  It troubled him to no end that he
felt somehow that he actually enjoyed it, and would do so again if given
the chance.

>Ryoga: Thats it, Akane will kill him.
>Ksa: You're upset about it?
>Ryoga: He may be a jerk, but he is my rival, and that matters to me.

     He paused and turned his head, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tenchi
as he walked off. Much to his amazement, he found him looking right
back, having turned himself.  He saw a longing in those eyes that caused
him to blush, and was shocked to find they once again mirrored his own.
>Ksa: Ok, Ranma, we're not sure about, but is Tenchi gay, or just following the idea that Ranma
>is really attractive in his female form?
>Scimitar: Why do you keep asking?
>Rei: Its like you're trying to figure out what gay is.
>Ksa: the Eva board flamed me when I called Kaoru gay.
>Rei: he isn't
>Ryoga: And how would you know?
>Rei:(blushing) thats my business

      Ranma wasn't ready for this.  He couldn't deal with it, not yet


He turned away and jumped to the roof of the nearest building,
wanting to put as much distance between himself and Tenchi as possible.

>Ryoga: if I fell in love with a piglet, I'd do the same thing.

He knew he was running away, something he was not used to, and he hated

>Rei: huh?
>Ksa: they run away in another direction.
>Rei: Ah.

  However, he felt inside that he would meet Tenchi again soon.  He
wasn't sure yet if he hated that or not.     He supposed he would find out.


>Ryoga I'm confused.
>Scimitar: you aren't the only one.


Out in the lobby, the MSTers were contemplating an idea.
"So, should we watch the rest?" Scimitar asked.
"Well now I'm curious, so I say, ok." Rei replied.
"Guess I'm in as well." Ryoga added.
Ksa looked at them all. "Let me check with my sources, and see it they want see the rest"
"OK" the others responded.


So I ask you, readers, would you like me and the others to continue on this fic?
It means alot of hearts will be broken in this story.
But it is, as always, your choice.