The scene opens with a overview of the arena and the crowd is cheering loudly. The scene shifts to the ring where pyro flares from every corner of the ring. Tony Schovone's voice breaks into the picture. Tony: Welcome everyone to WCW Monday Nitro. We have an exceptional night of action for you tonight and get this sports fans in the main event tonight we have are you ready for this?....(dramatic pause) Goldberg vs. Kindel Windam. Should be a incredible match dont you agree "Brain"? Bobby "The Brain" Hennen sits down at the table next to Tony. Brain: Oh definitly Tony but I thought it would be Goldberg vs. La Parka tonight? Tony: Are you kidding? We're saving that one for the Pay-Per-View. Anyway its about time for are first bout of the evening Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan the two oldest wrestlers in are sport will sqaure off in a loser must(finally) retire from wrestle should be a great match. I am tellin ya hennen this is going to be the greatest night of Nitro ever. With that the camera scolls to the entrance area as the music starts... Tony: what the? But GenSao's music plays instead and out comes...Tenchi? Dressed up like GenSao? Tony: Tenchi? I am sorry sports fans this was supposed to be Flair's entrance and why is he dressed like like GenSao? Tenchi enters the ring smirking the whole time as he passes through the middle rope. After pulling a mic out his shirt pocket he begins. Tenchi: Hey GenSao here by now everyone know why I am here. I run a Tenchi site and I want Absolute Zero to join with my site of authors. So its decision time Absolute so come out here. Then the camera view shifts the entrance area As Absolute Zero's Music plays in the backround and out comes....Mankind!(dressed in what looks like a parody of Absolute Zero's outfit) By the look on his face he is clearly trying to keep from bursting out laughing. Finally he enters the ring and stands in front of Tenchi. Both are grinning at this point. Tenchi: All right its like this I have a spot. Not a COOL! spot, a G-spot(the crowd laughs at this and a chuckle can be heard from the anounce position untill Tony whacks the Brain upside the head causing the noise to stop) not a spot where someone hold the barbelle for you when lifting weights, not even a spot like the one XOOM would'nt give me when I needed more space for my Tenchi fanfic's, no I am talking about a spot on my website among the other fanfiction authors. What ya say AB's? Mankind:(grinning) IT WOULD BE AN HONOR! (Mick Folley and Tenchi mock shake hands and laugh all the while) Tony: I apologise sports fans this site before us its positivly digust............ Just then Gensao and Absolute Zero hit the ring wielding chairs. Then very quickly the ring is cleared of the duo and GenSao and Absolute Zero stand side by side triumphantly in the center of the ring as the two jokers retreat to the stage entrance. Then GenSao picks up the microphone Tenchi droped earlier. GenSao: You took think your funny! Why dont you come back next week and we'll kick your @$$'s back to where you belong! Tony: Well there you have it it looks like Absolute Zero has accepted GenSao's offer. Fans we gotta take a commercial break and when we come back we'll have Bobby Eaton against Prince Iukea should a classic dont you agree Hennen"? Brain: Yep Tony but its guna be be hard to top what we just saw. Tony: Yep you got that right. Stay tuned for more TNT Monday nitro Live! and we will be right back. Scene fades as they go to comercials. Authors Notes: GenSao I would like it very much for you to put my fanfic's on your site in fact to coin a phrase " It would be an Honor" Cant wait to it by for now. Absolute Zero P.S. I also apologise for my slow progress with my Tenchi fanfic series but havent decided which Idea's to you and when but I'll get started soon.