Holly: Last time are crew were MSTing the 1st part of a Miho-kiyo fic Crew : Tseng:Normal Mihoshi:Tramatized Paladin: bleeding Kiyone;KOED Bender: Breaking Leela:Pissed Tseio-ohki:normal slightly phased Paladin:*nose spurts blood* Mihoshi:Oh dear *hands Paladin her Hankie* Kiyoni winced,there were several bruises on either one,and one of her dusty brow nipples was deeply bruised. Paladin*Blood starts pouring out of his nose* Bender:we got a bleeder!!! Kiyoni shook her head and swore revenge Tseng:sorry we called Dibs first!!! Tseio-ohki: before moving down a litter further to Mihoshi lean,but Muscular ,stomach. Tseio-ohki: Leela:Amen... Finding not so much as a scratch, Leela:Good Kiyoni steeled her nerves and moved even lower. Tseng:*glances at Kiyone on the floor*That would be the.....*gulps* Paladin:THAT area my nose is bleeding hellva bad She took Mihoshi shoes and socks off and then slid her torn pants off a bit hesitantly. Bender:*Porno music starts echoing from his speakers* Leela:Bender stop it!!! Kiyoni looked down at Mihoshis ripped panties,Exposing just a bit of Blonde hair, Paladin:*Blood starts pouring down his nose* Tseio-ohki: and then back at Mihoshi. All:.......... "Im just going to check for Blood,If thats okay with you."Kiyonis said,Looking Mihoshi in the eye. Leela:There blood allright. "I know Kiyoni,its okay." Mihoshi said,Something in her voice again. Leela:Bad lust bad!! Paladin:*Blood starts slowing down* Kiyoni slid Mihoshis torn black panties off,Exposeing a small tuft of Blond hair and Mihoshis slit. Paladin*Blood pours at a rate that would make Niagar falls ashamed* Tseng:what couler was that Hankerchief before it was given to Paladin. Kiyoni bent down close to it,able to feel heat coming off it. Bender:MELTDOWN!! All:*Make siran noises* and took a deep breath in.As soon as she did she smelled something almost sweet but with a spicy edge to it.It took her a moment to realize that she was smelling Mihoshi herself. Paladin :The Phamton smellice Kiyonr used two fingers to spread Mihoshis "Lips" apart and Looked around as best she could for any sigh of blood. Paladin:*Blood gushis* Leela:ACK were gonna drown!!!! Much to Kiyonis relief she Found none,but she found herself trying to resist burning her face in Mihoshis softness. Tseio-ohki: Tseng:My Braaaaiiinnnn Kiyoni slipped off the bed and Looked at Mihoshi Laying almost spread eagle looking back at her. Bender:Ranchy Lesbain s-*Crack* Tseng:i stil can use my mini shovel... Bender:SO sad my power ended allready. Kiyoni felt an electric spark rush through her stomach and settle somewhere lower."Uh M-Mihoshi,"Kiyoni stammered,"do you want me to get you some fresh clothes to put on?" Paladin:*Nose bleeding increases 4%* Tseng:*Get a camra out*If Kiyone cloths go a flying im going snapping... Tseio-ohki: "No Kiyoni,Im fine.I just want you to come back and lay with me."Mihoshi said.and then added,"I have to tell you something," Tseng:Its acomeing... Kiyoni resisted the urge to dive into bed and as calmy as she could walked over and slipped in. Bender:and put her face in Mi-*CRACK* Tseng:Bender no Hentai This time it was Mihoshi who pulled the covers up over both of them."Do you want to know what the worst part was Kiyoni?" Mihoshi asked. All:...... Kiyoni nodded and Mihoshi continued,"The worst part was that i knew that i was about to lose something that i only want to give to one love." Leela;Comics dont count Mihoshi Kiyoni felt something close to Being heart broken at hearing this, wondering if Mihoshi already had someone in mind,but she also felt she needed to make Mihoshi feel better in anyway possible. Paladin and Tseng:*bands arms on armrest*BULLSHIT BULLSHIT!!! "Mihoshi," Kiyoni started,"Let me tell you something.Saving your Virginity for the one you truley love is a beautiful thing,one thing that everyone wants to be able to do,but unfortuanatley doesent happen that often.My Mom used to tell me that you would know if you truly loved someone,and if they truly loved you,by your first Kiss with them.If you are raped you do technically lose your Virginity,but the way I see it is this:The first time you give yourself to someone compleatly and fully and you truly love them is when you lose your Virginity.You see?" Tseng:that S.O.B he stole that speeach from "Chaseing army"!!! Tseio-ohki: Mihoshi thought about Kiyonis speech for a few Minutes,Trying to take it all in at once. Bender:*makes rusty cogs sound* After a considerable amount of Time passed Kiyoni thought that Mihoshi had fallen asleep, All:Awwwwww but the blonde spoke up finally."You know what Kiyoni?" Leela as Mihoshi:That was the biggets load of bull i ever heard.... She asked,"Thats the smartest,best thing,that anyone has ever told me".Mihoshi was crying again,But they were the good kind of tears,"You always know just what to say to make me feel better. All:..... Mihoshi hugged Kiyoni tight... Leela:Entereing Lemon Country Forgetting she was completeely naked. Paladin:*blood spurts* Kiyoni did not forget however,and she hugged Mihoshi tight against her,the electric feeling inside grew more intense. Guys:YES!!! Kiyoni gently rested her head on top of Mihoshi,Burying her face and neck. Leela:Thats impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both woman were now blushing,but neither could tell,and finaly Kiyonis resistence broke. (Kiyone wakes up and seats back down in her seat then she relises what happend) Kiyone:..OH...MY ...GOD!!!!! She gentley began to brush her lips against Mihoshis neck,Wanting so desperatley to run her tounge lightly over it and up to Mihoshi own lips and kiss her. Tseng;Get thois cloths off...*WHAM*Ow Kiyone:Forgot about Mr Wappy.... Kiyoni hoped that Mihoshi wouldnt notice,or if she did, wouldnt say anything,but Mihoshi would be the one to point out thats its raining during a flood. "Kiyoni,waht are you doing?" Mihoshi asked. Leela as Vampire:I Van To SUck your blood Kiyoni stomach feel out Bender:Makes a spalt noise Leela:You dropped your Stomach.. and she tried frantically to think of an explanation, Leela as Kiyone:i was cleaning your throat Mihoshi as herself:Okies ^^ "Im sorry Mihoshi,I dont know what i was- "Because it feels good."said Mihoshicutting her off All:OUCH!!!! Kiyonis eyes widened and she pushed herself up to look at Mihoshi.Mihoshi looked back up at her through half -closed eyes and a little smile on her face. (Tseng grabs his camra on the floor ready) Kiyoni was completely numb with shock,but now a new emotion was rushing through her,not only love but also Joy.A small strange warmth was also passing through her body,Much like the small wet spot spreading on her panties. Kiyone:Epp Kiyoni gave up on trying to actually think and let her instincts and emotions guide her.She slowly leaned closer to Mihoshi,all the while staring straight inot her beautiful,china blue eyes. Leela:ACK *closes her eyes* Kiyone:NO *Ditto* Mihoshi:eek*ditto* Tseng:YES wellcome to pin up city!!! Kiyoni slid a hand through Mihoshis hair and to the back of her head,Using it to bring their faces closer together. Bender:Come chicks lose the cloth... Leela;Bender your a Robot!!! Bender:SO?? Kiyoni closed her eyes when their faces were mere inches apart.Eagerly waiting for there lips to meet. Tseng as X wing pilot:Its right in front of us... When they did meet,they found out that the other had soft lips and natural talent for kissing.The kiss started off very gentle but Quickly deepend into something so passionate,so meaningful that it is near impossible to describe save to say that in moment both knew that they truly loved eachother. Tseng as eric idle:Now REMOVE bras!! Tseio-ohki: (Tseng Ducktapes Tseio-ohki down on the floor) A feeling like fire mixed with electricity raced through their bodies and clouded there minds,it was a feeling of pure ecstasy, Tseng:There takeing DRUGS!! Kiyone:*Goes into the fetel position and wimpers* a feeling that would be in every kiss,every hug, Bender:And every time they woud screw eachother... Leela:HI YAHH* sends Bender flying into the screen* everything(which is something that few people get to experience).As they finnaly broke the kiss,a small moan escaped both of there lips and all they could do for a minute was look at each other. Tseng:*Chomps down on some popcorn* Without saying anything Kiyoni took her shirt off, Tseng:YES!!! Leela:You have a promblem.... Revealing a black bra,and then slid her panties off,Revealing a tuft of green hair. Tseng:*nose sprays blood evereywere*ACK!!! Paladin:Look who bleeding now... She then reached up to her bra,But hesitated in taking it off. Tseng;...she took her panties of nom sweat..but her bra??? Not sure of what Mihoshi would think.Kiyoni mentally shook her head and undid her bra, Tseng:*Make a drumroll kindsa sound* Letting it fall of her.Mihoshi was immediately saw what Kiyoni was scared she might see,It was all quite hard to miss.Kiyonis nipples and Areola were deep green,A natural coloring and one that matched her hair. Tseng:She has green nipples so. Kiyone:HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW!! Kiyoni looked away fearing disgust or worse,she knew her color was not normal, Tseio-ohki: and the very few people who had seen it were almost scared of it.Kiyoni also a virgin. Tseng:*looks at Kiyone and then down* Kiyone: I AM NOT!!!! and one guy that she had revealed her breatss to simply got up and walked out on her,leaving her crushed on the inside. Tseng:THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!! Mihoshi mind is very creative and the first thing that came to it she could not help from saying, Leela:Lucky charms!! All:*sweatdroop at Leela* "My Beautiful emerald.",Kiyoni looked at Mihoshi surpised,"You dont think there desgusting?" Tseng:They are so NOT desgusting.... "I think there beautiful"Mihoshi said. Paladin:*stands up*LIAR *sits down* Tseng:You got that from Jim right? and then leaned forward and took one of Kiyonis breasts into her mouth Leela:Docking now. Kiyone:SHUT UP!!! Mihoshi gently sucked on Kiyonis nipple,circling it with her tounge and got low moaning noises in return.When she let the breats go,she looked up into Kiyonis eyes,about to cry. Tseng as Mihoshi:it tasted like lime.... Tseio-ohki: "Take me Kiyoni"she said softly but strongly,"I give my body,my heart and soul to you fully." Tseng:I give a girl cash ^^ Leela:Okay that one sucked "And i give mine to you."Kiyoni said Deeply touched by the words and about to cry her self. (Im gonna rip those words) Kiyoni kissed Mihoshi again and gently laid her down on her back.She then kissed down her jaw line to her neck,Slowing a bit to lick as she continued downward.By the time Kiyoni got to her chest,Mihoshi Bender:Had fallen asleep.. was making soft Moaning noises of her own.Mihoshi had allways loved Kiyoni and had been looking forward to this day for some time,glad it finnaly come Tseng:That goddamn well not be a a pun.... As Kiyoni licked and sucked on Mihoshis breasts she forced herself to be very carefull of the bruises not wanting to cause Mihoshi any Additional pain tonight. Leela:oh yeha SHE WAS RAPED 3 HORUS AGO!!! Bender:I say we shoud beat this auther to death and throw him in the spring of the drowned 41 year old virgin... She quickly moved lower,lightly running her tounge down Mihoshi stomach.which made the woman giggle,and then wvwn lower than that. Tseng:Man is boreing me have they f*cked yet i wannna go back to painting... Kiyoni spread Mihoshi legs a little farther apart and then dove her face Mihoshis softness. Tseng and Paladin:*Noses explode blood pours like crazy outa them* She ran her tounge in wide circles aroud Mihoshi opening All:*Sound of racecars*Vroom vrommm before sticking it inside of Mihoshi,getting a low moan from her.She moved her tounge up and down,loving Mihoshi taste,and then retreated back out aiming for something else. Tseng: what does Mihoshi taste like? Paladin:*grabs Mihoshi arm rolls up her sleve and licks it*One for the records Mihoshi tastes like sugar.... Tseng:*ditto but with Kiyone*Hmmm Kiwi Mihoshi and Kiyone :*sweatdrop* Kiyoni easily found Mihoshis clit and she immediately began to flick it with her touge. Kiyone:WHY woukd i DO something like that? Bender:Because your Horney. Kiyone if i was Horney i woud have dragged Him *points at Tseng*To my cabit long ago. Tseng:Ouch. Mihoshi moaned louder and grabbed handfuls of Kiyonis hair,wild pleasure coursing through her body. Paladin:*blood spurts from his nose* A devililsh smile crossed Kiyonis lips Tseng:I know that smile.... and then she began to suck and gently nip Mihoshis clit with her teeth. All:OUCH!!!! Mihoshi Moaned Kiyonis name as she drew ever closer to her climax.and Kiyoni began to work even faster... Tseng:im SO bored.* throws the used camra over the theatre and into the stormtrooper bunks. "Kiyoni I-I-IM gonna- Tseng:...take photos of this!! Bender:Man the fics have got to him allready... This was all Mihoshi was able to get out beforeshe came,the end of her sentence turning into an almost high-pitched moan.Mihoshis hips buckled.Burying Kiyonis face in her warm ,slick sex Leela:I bet this auther would like to be there... Mihoshi:is is it over... Kiyoni got a mouthful of Mihoshis cum but did not swallow it.Instead her snaked her way back up to Mihoshis body until she was lying practically on top of here. Tseng:*Loks at Kiyones behind*Nice as Kiyone*...*WHAM* Kiyone:Sorry Tseng your snapping *blushis at cmooment* "Open up" Kiyoni commanded around a mouthful of cum. Tseng:Oh god!!! *goes pale* All:ACK!!!! Mihoshi obediently opened her mouth and Kiyoni basically poured her cum into own her mouth,allowing Mihoshi to taste it herself All:*Get Sickbags and BARF*Pukekkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Kiyone:MY GOD!! *URP*WHAT WAS THAT!! Tseng:Snowballing.... and finished with another kiss.Mihoshi swallowed her own cum,which she thought tasted good. Tseio-ohki: Mihoshi:ERGHHHH and then wrapped her arms around Kiyoni ready to finally go to sleep when a thought entered her mind. Tseng:if it was "That tasted good can i have more "im gonna puke... "But what about you Kiyoni?" she asked.. Kiyone and Mihoshi:NOOOOO!!! Tseng:DO NOT DO THAT!!! "Kiyoni smiled and said "Dont worry about me,My golden Treasure,well get to that another time.Just sleep now." All:Phew Kiyoni knew the name she had given Mihoshi wasnt the best.but it would work under the circumstances. Leela:NOW you remember and besides Mihoshi like it as Kiyoni would find out later.Kiyoni is one the rare people out there that get pleasure from giveing it to others,but of course she doesnt mind it a bit getting "Pleasured"her self,but only by Mihoshi of course. Tseng:What ever *starts picking stucko ogg the seat in front of him* Hold me Kiyoni," Mihoshi said,sounding almost sad,but actually couldent be happier. "Always!"Kiyoni replied,and wrapped her arms tighter around her golden Treasure,soon falling asleep along with her. Kiyone:Is it allmost over? Tseng:*Looks at the bar*yep!! Two days later.Mihoshi and Kiyoni were walking down the street,holding hands and lloking at everyone that passed by them. They both stopped short. Kiyone:A group of pissed Angry MSTers includeint the REAL Mihoshi and Kiyone attacked and killed them.. Bender:were allmost done!!!!! when they saw a teenage boy walk past them.he was wearing fatigue pants and a blue lab coat,he also had a black eye and stitches running from eyebrow to jaw. Tseng:he must of tried to Bed Akane.. (Akane apears once more and Mallets Tseng) Akane:Tseng no Baka *walks out the Theatre* He nodded and smiled as he passed by them,they recongnized him of course but didnt register in their minds who it was at that Moment. Leela as Kid;Ungratefull Bitches They continued down the street heading to Tenchis House,leaning on eachother,and wondering what the Others would have to say about their...um...well...about them realy Tseio-ohki:To HFM The Teenage boy came into their lives again,and actually was a big part of it for a while,but thats another story entirely. Bender:when you tell it i wont listen The three rapeits were caught and sent to the Prison for armed robbey and Murder and they are now getting a taste of their own medicine in cell block D.It aint fun being bubbash b**ch. All:Aahahasahahahahahahahah Leela:a fate worse that death will arive for them in 12 mins So how do you like it. Leela:Go tie lead weights on your feet and jump in the ocean. Bender:yeah!! Please Review and tell me so i know if im any good at this,or shouldif I just quit now All:DO US A FAVER AND QUIT FAT ASS!!! Actully there is more to the story, Kiyone:KAME HELP US!!! Actual plot, Tseng:We kill you you die THATs a plot.. action,more sex Kiyone:goodie NOT S.O.B ..and a few big decidions Tseng:SMEG OFF HFM!!!! Tseio-ohki: Leela:fasfowerd Holly Holly:gotcha!!! (The crew walk out) ****************************************************************************** ******************** (In the hanger were are heros met stands a giant cannon ready pointing) Holly:..and they arive Kiyone;Lets Kick some auther asses!!!! (The beam blast the thugs wereing orange prison uniforms onto the Floor) Tseng;The next scene contains Violence *Pulls down a picture of Chibi Tseng holding up a we will be right back sigh we hear punching sounds followed by slizeing blasting screaming and thje sound of fire the screen goes up like a blind there a pile of red ash on the floor being scooped up by a skutter) Tseng;Ahh now Highly flammable man.... (Cannon creates HFM. the bind goes down more punching sliceing blasting and screaming the screen goes up we se a flameing pile of ashis there wrre HFM.) Tseng:ok what do we do now... Kiyone:YOUR gonna paint a nude of ME *grabs Tseng and walks in her way* Tseio-ohki:< well thats the end of another MST ^^> (View outside of the Reducer Red Dwarf Themetune Anime style) Cool huh.Brentoki2887@aol.com