Holly:with only 3 episode left are heros rejoice that the fact they will returnt to there dimensions....but a horribl fic bars there path.... Holly:Additional message to all MSTers...in space no body can here you scream about your foot problems.... (Cut to the H.M.S Reducer a star destroyer with its name painted on the sides and a red flag in the front,Cut to kitchen area Kiyone Makibi is eating some toast while reading MST weekly when Wicked lady walks in) Wicked lady:Have you sen Tseng for the past 2 days...... Kiyone:he been gone? (Tseng walks in with a black cabbit with silver eyes on his sholder) Tseng:anybody miss me... Kiyone:no. (Tseng get the rejeceted look while Tseio-ohki (the cabbit)leaps on the tabble in front of Kiyone) Kiyone:who this? Tseng:Tseio-ohki.....my Cabbit Tseio-ohki:<Hello> Wicked lady:is it me or did he just speak? Tseio-ohki:<Yep.....power to the Cabbits!!!> (Mihoshi,Paladin and Fry walk in) Mihoshi:Hat Tseng....*spots Tseio-ohki*Cuuuttteeeee *Scoops him up and Hugs Tseio-ohki) Tseng:Yo Paladin Paladin:Hay Tseng cuss,Who the furball... Tseio-ohki:<*gasp...*Tseio-ohki> Wicked lady:I feel allmost recoverd from Rays Fic... (A screen comes down and Jeff mug apears) All:Ah crap... Jeff:Mwhahahahahahahaha how are my cretens... Tseng:pissed now you have arived..... Jeff:..i been thinking....i been to kind...time for a REAL lemon.... All:Ho Christ!!!!!!!!!!! Tseio-ohki:<who is this jerk> Mihoshi:Jeff are tormenter.... Jeff:..who the furball........ Wicked lady:<sweet tone>Please dont include me in the MSTing team.... Fry:Me to...i want out..... Tseng:..wait who the Auther and name of the fic.... Jeff:Blonde to green by Highly flammable man.... Tseng:*eyes flash* Mihoshi:..that name sound suicidel.... Jeff:see you in the Theatere in 15 mins Mwahahahah *screen disapears* Tseng:i gotta ask Jerrod is Jeffs related to Matt.... Kiyone:whats so bad about this auther? )Tseio-ohki jumps on Tsengs sholder then hat as a skutter with a hover box rolls near are heros) Tseio-ohki:<if im gonna survive im gonna need salt> Tseng:okay *Puts some barf bags 15 cans of petos 56 horse tranqs and His Whooping Shovel in the back box* Kiyone:..ok what gives... Paladin:yeah we dont use this stuff in a normal MST.. Tseng:i wont lie to you...hardcore Lemon... Alll:*gasp* Tseng:Holly Holly:Yeah, Tseng:Send Bender and Leela down hear for the MST. Holly :gotcha.. (Canon apears Leela and Bender apear) Leela:hay i though you said we wernt comeing back arfter the Cabbit fic Paladin:we lied... Mihoshi:i shouent have eating that big breakfast Kiyone Tsieo-ohki:<has anybody got any salt on them Bender:here you go *Hands a salt shaker* Tseio-ohki:thanks... Tseng:Might as well get to are seats . ****************************************************************************** ******************* (Are heros enter the Theatre and sit in the front row in the following order:Bender ,Leela,Kiyone,Tseng,Mihoshi and Paladin with Tseio-ohki on Tsengs hat) Tseng:*inhales deeply* start the fic holly...... Blonde to green. Tseng:Releaf to pain Bender;Hard to weak Leela:eyes to blaster... Mihoshi was walking back to her and Kiyonis apartment...... Tseio-ohki:<Oh shit!!! he spelt a name wrong...> Kiyone:Death! Doom destruction..my name is Kiyone.. Tseng:..oh allmost forgot Holly activate the cencers Holly:Ai ai Captin after a late night to the grocery store for some impule buying of..... Leela:whipped cream... Bender:...anti birth tabblits Mihoshi:.. i am not a whore.... ..chocolate. Kiyone:Lets me get this straight...ell dumbass here riskeing her life for a SWEET!!! Tseio-ohki:..im getting a bad feeling guys..... She had been waiting for Kiyoni Kiyone:This auther is a retard!!! its spelt... Mihoshi:K Leela:i Paladin:y Tseng:o Bender:n Tseio-ohki:<e> All:WHAT DOES THAT SPELL KIYONE!!!! th return from a friends house and had suddenly develped a craveing for.... Bender:..duff beeer Paladin and Tseng:#Duff duff cant get enough of that wonderfull Duff# Tseio-ohki:<warning may cause drunkenness> chocolate,and by walking to the store and spending the last of her money.... Kiyone:YOU DID WHAT!!!! Mihoshi:ok ok i go buy stuff with YOUR money now!! Guys:O.O!!! ......she bout severel candy bars and a miniature pie for Kiyone. Kiyone:oh wow a Pie..that WILL make me happy when me and Mihoshi are starveing on the street (!) Mihoshi:ACK there gun on the floor.... Bender:what kind of pie..... Leela:Hanaballs Human Flesh pie *does the tounge thing* Al but Leela:*Shudder* Tseio-ohki:<Me and Tseng saw that Movie...scared the hell outa us.... Now as Mihoshi was walking back... (I ran and kissed her on the mouth....) Tseng:...Brendan... (what!!!) Mihoshi:did the auther just say that.... Tseio-ohki:<wait..we need him or else this fic will never been done..we will be stuck here forever.... All:*Shudder* (dont worry you got 2 MSTs left....) Tseng;Rock!!!! (And a fanfic at FanFictionnet staring you and your buddies) Tseio-ohki:<later Brendan> Bender:who? Tseng:me and Tseio-ohki creater...like Matt Leela:whos matt All but Leela:!!!!!!! she realized just how dark it was. Kiyone:no shit sherlock its 2A.M Tseng:..a young woman alone in the dark..... Bender:Danger Danger Rape scene!!!!! *Shuts down* Mihoshi:this is not good!!!!! Paladin:AHA!! I knew this dumbassed auther would slip up its spelt Realised!!!! Most of the street light were out. Leela:..popping LSD in an allyway while commenting on how big dents the bublegum machine has..... Kiyone:..i getting that unsure feeling.... Tseio-ohki and Tseng:uh oh are DOOM feeling AHHGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All:!!!!!!!!!! and the ones that were on were very dim. Mihoshi as Dim light:How do i turn myself on... Kiyone as Dimlight as Butt head:Uhuhuhu he said Turn himself on Tseng:beaves and Butt head are assholes The streets were also deserted,but why shouldnt they be at 3 in the morning. Leela:i knew it was late.... Kiyone:were gonna die were gonna die.... Mihoshi tried to ignore the darkness and silence..... Tseio-ohki:<because they were looking down her underwere... All???!!!????!!! Tseng:you cant like IGNORE the darkness its allways there.... Paladin:Groovy man..... Mihoshi started humming to herself,always looking straight ahead. All:BIG MISTAKE!!!! Leela:ok Tseng hands out the Tranqs (Tseng hands 5 tranqs to each member of the MSTers exsept Bender who was comatose) Leela:ok...., Kiyone;..i have a bad feling about this.... Tseio-ohki:<ACK need salt> The Alleyways she passed every so often were pitch black and even if Mihoshi tried to look into them it would have been useless effort, All:*hum the Death March* Tseng:Come on!!!! dark allyways big city for A.M Rapists stomping grounds!!!! Mihoshi:even IM not that Dim.... Tseio-ohki:<whens the SPG when you need them...> Kiyone:The what... Tseng:Speachel Patrol group V vilonet.... Tseio-ohki:<THEY shoud be lurking behind the Rapeists in the Allys...WHAM Rapeits whacked over the head skulls cracking> besides she really didnt like the dark any ways..... Tseng:...Holly mental note..when we find this Auther plannet BLOW THE SHIT OUTTA IT!!! Holly:...outa it...got it.... Paladin:Anyways one word Dumbassed Retard.....洵 Mihoshi:i DO NOT like were this is going.... As she passed the ally between RA suply company and PE distribution services..... (So THATS were they dump the bodies arfter PE) All:!!!! Tseng:i think he is only 14.... Leela:This is BAD.... Tseio-ohki:<OH ACK THE SMEELO VISSION IS WORKING!!> All:*Gag and cover there noses* she treated it like another ally Paladin as ally:why *sob*why Mihoshi do you treet me this way... Mihoshi as herself mimeing holding a whip:Sit down and shut up *Make whip sound* All but Paladin and Mihoshi sweatdrop* and did not look down it, All:ACK!!!!! Tseio-ohki:<were gonna die!!!> Tseng:if i were this auter id be writeing my death sentence.... not that it would have matterd any. Kiyone :it would... Tseng:she could of drawn her pistol and shot there heads off... Paladin:Or scream HELPPP The three guys Tseng:who we shall now Christian Beaves,Butthead and Tomm.... Kiyone;there all sick basterds...good choice of names... Paladin:god no!!! it officel.... All:(Get there pill ready) in the dark ally...... Tseio-ohki:<they just raped Mcbeal and they wnat more horrible sex!!! All:No RUN MIHOSHI RUN!!!!!!! watched as she passed by, All:MUST..KILL 3 RAPISTS!!!!! Holly:hmmm i got a plan..... shopping bag in hand,and waited until she passed by without looking to jump her. Tseio-ohki:<ACK thats it *Swallows the hole packit of salt and colapses down in the Aisle) Leela:First Bender now Tseio-ohki.... Tseng:Noooo little buddy speak to me......... Tseio-ohki:<*weakly*Sa...lt *gasp* Tseng:NOOO!!!! Kiyone:...Tseng *puts her hand on his sholder* Tseng:holy prep Project fic out!!!! Holly:uh...okay...... The biggest one hooked an around her throat and tightend it,Preventing her from screaming, Paladin:DAMN YOU TODD!!! Tseng:YOU S.O.B YOU KNOCKED OUT MY BEST FREIND AND COMPANION WHO WAS A PART OF ME. Mihoshi:YOUR GONNA RAPE ME WAHHH *Pops her pill and falls otta her seat KOED. Leela:Holly schnit thaty got Mihosh!!!! All but Leela :*looks at her strangly* While the other two grabbed her legs and carried her back into the conceiling darkness. (Bender wakes up) Bender:is it over.. All:no Bender:*notices Tseio-ohki and Mihoshi*OH SHIT!!!! Tseng:Poor Mihoshi... Paladin:Concealing dumbassed Retard...... of the allyway,Her shopping bag feel to the ground,spilling its contents onto the streets... Kiyone:ACK what a waste of food and plastic.... Paladin and Tseng:DIE THUGS DIE THUGS DIE!!!!! _____________________________________________________________________ Tseng:Allright the Authers cut his own fic in half!!!!!! Kiyone:and hopefully his throat (Paladin and Tseng get there hopefull looks) Bender:were boned Leela:Prepping for explosion..... "Listen you litle b**ch," the biggets one said, Kiyone:Huzzah for the Cencers!!!!! Tseng:insert Officer here incer gun here incerst Rapits corpses with blood spilling out of wound here... You make one noise...... Tseng:..id never though i say this but WERE THE GODDDAMN SAILOR SENSEI..well exsept for Ami i think she hot and cute. Leela:Good bye guys *pops pill and faints* Bender:DAMN this stuff is for Humans only... and I will kill you... and i promise to make it painful,Understand?" Bender:oh and his Mother thought he was Innocent.... Kiyone:before he was left home with a female Babby sitter (All but Leela and Mihoshi :*Shudder* Mihoshi nodded,tears already pouring down her face.The two guys holding her down to her knees and Immediately started to fel over her body!!! Paladin:HAY IM ONLY ALOUD TO TOUCH THOISE!!! Tseng:Paladin keep that Info to your self.....Readers we might be going into heavy Lemon tereitorty...dont worry Fans we have Cencers on.... Kiyone:there opparated by Holly.... Bender:Eep One of them ripped open her shirt and began to squeeze her breasts roughly. Paladin:DIIEEEE YOU BASTERDS!!!! *runs at screen with his Machine gun at full fire in his left hand his sword in his right choping the screen motilble times* Jeff through P/A:You cant damage the screen..sit down of die...... Kiyone:My GOD were gonna die!!!! The other one unzipped her pants Paladin:..then a pissed solder ran into the ally gus ablazeing shooting the thugs half to death..... Tseng:..then came along his couson Tseng who kicked there heads off and played Football with them kicking the head onto the wall splattering them... Kiyone:..then came me who spat on the corpse and called an Police station... All:DIE YOU RAPEITS DIE THUGS BE SHOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! having a hard time due to a bad angle and the fact that Mihoshis pants were abit tight..... Paladin:God f*cking help you Auther when i find you and your goddamn rapeist lackys!!!!!! Kiyone:Thanks god for tight Jeans!!!! Tseng:I prefer Trousers.... (Tsieo-ohki wakes up and spots the scene) Tseio-ohki:<Oh Crap!!!!!!> The big guy positioned himself directly in front of Mihoshi and dropped his pants,Revealing his hardened member. Tseng:He keeps an SAS member in his pants... All:EWWWWWW*throws up* (My god who can write such revolting things ACK im copying it out *Puke*) Tseng:I agree......i allso Regret choseing the front row.... He put a hand on either side of her head and tried to force himself into her mouth... Tseio-ohki:<YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!> Mihoshi:*wakes up* ACK!!!!! Tseng:*throws up more* Mihoshi kept her jaw clenched shut and the guys **** slid off her teeth. Kiyone:*kisses Tseng*Thanks you the cencer work!!! Mihoshi:*Throws up* "Listen you little slut," the big guy said, Paladin:SLUT!! KISS YOUR F*********** ASS GOODBYE IM GONNA KILL YOU WHEN THIS IS OVER Tseng:im gonna help..... Leaning down close th her face "you either open wide and **** my **** or ill wraps a ***** in barbwire and shove it into your skanky little ***** Tseng:TAHT IS F*CKING IT!!!!! (Tseng hurs white fireball and popcorn at the screen on the thug) Paladin and Kiyone:Go Tseng go Tseng to Tseng Tseng:DIEE YOU FOUL MOUTHE BASTERD!!!!!! Bender:Jeeze he broken..... Mihoshis only reaction to this was to emit a samll sobbing sound and cry harder. JeffP/A:Poor Mihoshi (All the crew sweatdrop) Tseio-ohki:<My god i can feel the sickness in the Auther building.....> Tseng:Jerrod and Jim were right this fic is sick!!!! Kiyone :<To Mihoshi>Kick the thug in the nads Tseng:GO MIHOSHI KICK THAT SICK F*CK!!!! She had never been so scared in her life,she didnt know what to do or what was going to happen to her, Mihoshi:im scared WAHHHH All:we all are (Fic Mihoshi nods in symphony) Kiyone:what the hell???? Tseng*Grabs an Artic drath and hammers it down* Tseio-ohki:<OI share....> (Tseng hands evereybody an Artic draph) and for some reason she wished that Kiyoni was here to help...... Tseng:SHE wants KIYONE to help the THUGs!!! ACK my brain!!!!!! Tseio-ohki:<ACK my brain hurts to> The Guy squeezing her breasts..... Kiyone:...head exploded and the shards blinded the other two thugs.... Tseng:HURAAHHH!!!!! Paladin:The soon to be deceased thugs hands fell off...... Bender:ACK GOD HELP US!!!! Undid her Bra and threw it aside,and then started to pinch her nipples. Paladin:IM GONNA KILL THAT SICK SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tseng:THIS GUY IS ON MY DEATHLIST NEXT TO THE AURTHER AND THAT WENDY BITCH IN SOUTH PARK!!!! Mihoshi:AHHHHHH (Leela wakes up) Leela:Goddamn fic..... The guy trying to shove his hand down her pants was makeing Limited success,he could now feel her wetness though her panties. Bender:what the fic age rateing Leela:NC 17 Tseio-ohki:<were in deep....> Tseng:we used up are swearing rato today... The Big guy made another attempt to shove his **** in Mihoshi mouth All:WE CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! Tseng:Ahahahahah im going insane.... Paladin:*throws a Horse tranq in Tsengs mouth* Tseng:NIgHtYnIgHT *Colapses on the floor* Leela:ACK the captins down... and met with the same results,this time though he dug his fingers into the sides of her head,Squeezing as hard as he could. Paladin:wich broke off his fingers!!! All:*Make a snapp and a scream* suddenly the guy "Playing" with her nipples squeezed one of them way to hard, Mihoshi:Leave them alone WAHHHH*Cries on controliby* Tseng:I swere im gonna kill you Jeff.... Causing Mihoshi to yelp in pain.The big guy wasted no time and shoved himself into her mouth cutting her yelp short He immediately began to pump his hips.... Tseng:THE SICK F*CK!!!!!! Paladin:DIE THUG DIE!!!! Holly:errr guys we have a problem.... Kiyone:what.... Tweety bird:I though i saw a .... (Tseng turns around and sse the gay little bird holding a mallet he grabs it and shoves it in his mouth and chomps down realy hard then swallows) Bender:WHAT THE HELL!!! Tseng:That was for all the Ctarl Ctarl in the land..... Back and forth while holding her head still,to put it crudely.******** her mouth. All:*Puke in the speed of light* Leela:Oh gawd of feel sick.... Tseio-ohki:<dammnit!> (Oh this fic is a limated in other words there only one coppy at TMFFA..im NOT copying down this crap again!!!!!!) Kiyone:HAIL The guy forcing her hand down her pant Bender:DOES NOT COMPUTE Paladin:...was swalloed up by an Alien from Alien 3 achived limited success,he could feel the softness of sex and began to rub it as best he could.... Leela:ok 1 this is desgusting me the rest of the crow and the Auther.. (Damn right) Kiyone:..2 Mihoshi is not wereing pants yet a bra.....does he live in a world were woman do that? Paladin:and 3 it her sex not THE sex dumbass... All:RETARD!!!!!! feeling the wet spot on her panties grow.The guy pinching her nipples moved on her other breast and began the process again. Tsieo-ohki as old man with no pants:EEEVVVVVIIILLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All:*flip of the screen* The big guy continued his thrusts,causeing Mihoshi to choke..... Tseng:WHY THE HELL DO THEY HAVE TO GO GRAPHIC!!!! CANT THEY JUST SAY SHE WAS RAPED NOT THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!! All but Tseng:eep..... and gag,and neared his climax (For gods sake i cant believe im MSTing this crap..) Leela:..well because HFM pissed you off? (Yep..i forgot about THIS) Bender:...if this was an Sailor Moon fick TM would come in right this moment.... Tseng:or some hero.... Kiyone:i wished he came in earlier Tseio-ohki:<to kill the author> It was about at this time that a teenager,who could have been sixten at the oldest,came walking by on business of his own. Tseng:WOAH Bender you were right!!!!!! Leela:what was a kid thta age doing at 3A.M Bender:prombley buying some...*WHAM* Tseng:Bender no Hentati!!!!!! He heard muffled grunts coming from an allyway and was going to ignore it and go about his business until he saw the shopping bag and spilled candy on the ground near it. Bender:Candy?? i though it was chocolate Kiyone:and a pie... Leela:Not sherbert and stuff.... Tseng:The Teenager was Paladin he grabbed his sword ran in the ally cut off the thugs heads and saved Mihoshi brought her home and made love to her.... Paladin:..i hope the kid does that.... As he listened more closely to the noises coming from the dark ally,realization dawned on him. Tseio-ohki:<about time rescue her!!!!> Tseng:Kick those thugs in the nads!!!! He heard two guys laughing quietly,one grunting softly,and extremely muffled crying sounds.The Youth slowly drew a knife with an extremly long and thinn blade. Tseng as crocadile dundee:Thats a knife this IS a knife... He stepped into the opening of the alleyway,letting his eyes get used to the darkness,and was enraged and disgusted at what he saw but none to suprised. Leela:..this thing happens daily to him.!!!! Tseng:..he cut off the bug guys head and stabed the other twos chest slashing blood pooring and guts flying!!!! Tseio-ohki:<dude THAT is dark> (Im as pissed as he is!!) Three guys were in the process of raping a young woman;one of them was ramming his manhood in and out of her mouth, Tseng:ACK!!! THAT DESGUSTING!!!! Mihoshi:HELP ME!!! Bender:KICK THERE ASSES KID!!!! All:WE SUPPORT YOU *they all salute* One was viciously squeezeing her tits,and his hand down her partially ripped pants. ALL:KILL THEM !!!!!!!!! "Hey you hood rat scum," Tseng:This guy must be related to the dubbed Usagi... Leela:Sounds that way.. Paladin as kid:I ment PISS ASSED MOTHER HUMPERS!!!!!! Kiyone:Stop that language!!!! the youth yelled out,quickly gaining their attention,"Get away from the lady before i cut that pathetic excuse of a **** off Tseng:now THATS a threat.... and use it to **** the other guys" Tseio-ohki:<ACK stupid YAOI> Tseng:Just kick there asses.... The Three guys jumped up,letting the woman fall to the ground,and looked toen between wanting to fight the teenager and Turning tail and running away. All:DIE SCUM!!!! The teenager leapt forward and swung his dagger at the biggest guy of the three... Tseng:..he cut into his intestine Killing the basterd!!!!!! Paladin:KILL HIM !!!! The blade sliced across his lower abdomen,a little to low for comfort.... Kiyone:SCORE:KID 1 THUGS -0 Tseng:Ahhhyooo and then all three of the guys ran off. Leela:Cowerds!!! Tseng:*whispers something to Leela* Leela:Good. The Teenager immediately dropped to his knees next to the woman and put a hand on her shoulder,also trying to look her in the face. (Thank god that hell is over.....) Tseng:..for the Thugs its Just the begging *takes a sip from his Artic draft* "Miss,are you hurt bad?Are you going to be okay?" Leela as Mihoshi:Sure i WAS beaten and raped im sure i can walk it off... He asked,knowing that she was obviously hurt he wasnt going to ask the stupid question of "Are you ok?". Bender:No shit sherlock..... The Womans only response was to cry openly now, Tseng:what she gonna say "oh im allright (!) Sobbing loudly with her face buried in her hands,her entire body wracking with sobs. All:BAD SOBS BAD!!!!! The Youth wasnt exactly sure what to do; Tseio-ohki:<call the cops dammnit!!!!!!> Tseng:kid get here to the hospital *holds up his sako gun*we will get the revenge part...... he had never experienced anything remotely like this,and hopefully never would again. Leela:DITTO to a rape scene in this fic (Id rather see nude pics of the flat chested one Aeka that MST this fic again..) So he did what naturally to him,he wrapped his arms around her gently and whisperd softly in her ear/ Tseng:...Ro..se....bud Leela:there...is..another..skywalker.. Tseio-ohki:<dont...order ...sald... All but Tseio-ohki:*look at him strangely* "its okay,there gone now and no one is going to hurt you now"He whispered Mihoshi now felt only pain;on her chest,in her jaw,down at her crotch and by far worst was the pain on the inside.She wasnt sure why it hurt so mutch,it was all a swirling mass of confusion,hurt,despair and the heavy feeling Kiyone as Mihoshi:Can you give me some tooth paste and Mouth wash.... that she almost lost one of the most important things in her life before she could give it to the person she loved. Kiyone:uh oh *Chugs her Artic draft* Mihoshi:whos that *sips her Pepto* The boy she was being held by kept rocking her gentley and telling her that nobody else was going to hurt her... Bender:while trying not to look at her t-*WHAM* Tseng:*wielding his Whapper snow shovel*BENDER NO FRICKEN HENTAI!!!!!!! Strangely through,even though she knew that he had saved her from a horrible fate,she could only think of one thing to say to him. Bender:*leafing through a Robot version of Penthouse while smokeing*Uh whats that.. Kiyone as Mihoshi:STOP LOOKING DOWN THERE!!!! All:*Sniker dirtly* Mihoshi turned and Looked up at him through tear clouded eyes and said,"Please dont hurt me." All:*fall down Anime style* Leela:He being telling you he is NOT gonna do taht for 3 mins now Tseng:*swighs his Artic draft* After talking to the woman for an undetermined amount of time the Teenager found out where she lived and carried her there, Kiyone:Tom my apartment... Tseng;..Kiyone..this is a Miho-kiyo Kiyone:WHAT (Note:This is OAV Kiyone not the oen Jerrod and Jim had) thankfully there were no other people about because the Womans clothes were all but torn off.The door to her Apartment was unlocked.# Mihoshi:WHOOPS!!!! All:*sweatdrop* and when the youth kicked the door open,His arms being full of Sobbing Woman. Leela:He found more!!!!! Tseng:The rapeist must of been busy..... Paladin:Were gonna kick there asses... he was greeted by a comfortable darkness. Leela as Darkness:Hi son how was your day Bender as kid:I saved this cute girl form some pissed asssed Thugs mom!! As the Teenager maneuverd through the dark apartment he had to run a Miniature obstacle course consisting of empty bottles,cloths and other things that he couldnt identify in the dark. Leela as commentator:he doges the teqela up come the panties SCORE!!!! Bender:Drink Taqela He made it to the bedroom without dropping the Woman,fortunately,and laid her down on the bed. Tseng:FUTON DAMMNIT!!!!! Kiyone:we had two small ones and one spare one... She curled up in the fetal position and began to cry, Paladin:*wimpers* and even thought Leela:...that Kiyone was not going to like the pie.... Tseng:Leela she dropped the shopping bag... the youth wanted to stay with her but his own time was short Tseng:oh I see the selfish moron wanted to clean his cloths instead of comferting a raped Mihoshi. All:SELLFISH ,BAD KID BAD!!!! "Listen," he said,his voice gentle,"I really want to stay with you but i have to go and take care of some personal matters. Bender as kid:I gotta feed winkie my goldfish Is there anyone who you want me to call for you?" Kiyone as Mihoshi:Yes my Lawer Tseng ditto:And seamstress "Kiyoni wil be here soon, Kiyone:ACK worse case of Mispselt name ever.... Leela:There there..people though i was called Leia She can take care of me," Bender:GOOD care eheheh *SMACK* Kiyone:BENDER NO HENTAI!!!!!!!!!! Tseng;EPP!!! the woman said though the last part was barely a whisper.The teenager nodded and left the apartment,ouy in the hallway he saw a woman with green hair walking his way, Kiyone:Oh for Christ sake..TEAL TEAL!!!!!!!! Leela:My hair more Magenta than Purple... "Kiyoni" Kiyone as herself:No i dont know Kiyoni??? Leela:Auther wellcome to teh MST zone were your fic will be killed with no mercy he asked and the woamn nodded tentatively,"Okay no time to explain how this happend,but your blonde freind was almost raped,I came along brought her here and she waiting for you inside.Now I really must be off,Please excuse me." Tseng:Wait a sec....Thats Trunks from DBZ!!!! Leela:It looks like it... Tseio-ohki:<dude trunk saved Mihoshi!!> with that he ran outside and down the street,late and Expecting to get slammed...... Bender:...into a Lemon Tseng:Into a FBI wagon in the face when he finally got to his destination. Tseng:what is he dateing Akane Tendo.. (Akane apears) Akane:i heard that *gets her mallet and mallets Tseng 6 times and leaves* Tseio-ohki:<Tseng bud..R U okay> Tseng:NEver bEtTeR Mr niNIkl ,WeReS tHe PuRpLe MOnkeY!!! Kiyone:*sweatdrops at Tseng* Kiyoni stood in shock,trying to put together what a Teenager in a blue lab coat and fatigue pants had told her before running off. Leela as Kiyone:UM lets see wee put this pit there..no damn it goes in wrong... Tseng:RabIts HaVe BIg Tails WiTh FLuuF!!!! Mihoshi:*sweatdrops at Tseng* Paladin:Tseng was right..THAT is Trunks!!!! Mihoshi almost raped,guy came along and brought her here waiting inside the jagged pieces fell into place Kiyonis face turned into a Mask of Horror. Paladin:Good Kiyone *Throws a cookie at the screen* Tseng:DinKle DiNKLE Pop oP wENt THE fAT mAN at mS dEMoINS hOUse!!! Leela:*sweatdrops at Tseng* She Busted through the door, Paladin:Burts RETARD!!!!!! Tseng:PaPa SMurf Is Momma SmUf With a .. im feeling sensable again good. Bender:wellcome back Tseng.... Slamming it shut her fet barely touching the ground. Tseng:I can do that *jumps in the air and sits there* Kiyone:wow. when she set foor into the bedroom she stopped at what she saw. Leela:Her money belching up Mihoshi Mihoshi:HAY!! Tseng:Me holding her panties!!! Kiyone:MY PANTIES!!! Mihoshi was curled up on bed,Her clothes in Tatters,Crying softly,At the sight several more things feel into place in Kiyonis mind,along with a surge of powerfull emotions. All:*Makes Buzzing sounds* And as simply as that Kiyoni realized that she loved Mihoshi. Kiyone and Mihoshi:...AS sisters Dammnit!!!!! Paladin:..can we kick the auther ass as well... She knelt down beside the bed and put a hand on Mihoshis arm,and tried to think of something to say as she looked into the blondes blood shot eyes. Leela as Kiyone:..so..had a good day "Mihoshi," Kiyoni said in a very gentle and soothing tone,"its going to be okay now,im here for you." Bender:Crap!, that sentence was perfect.... Leela:You think you SO perfect MR i got better grammer that the MSTer Auther.. Kiyoni brushed a bit of hair out of Mihoshi face,and then ran her hand through the rest of her hair. Bender as Kiyone:EW Mihoshi you have Lice!! All:EWWWWWW Mihoshi looked up at Kiyoni and tried to say something,but the words caught in her throat. Tseio-ohki as a word:<ACK were stuck in her throat SOS the garlick bread getting to us!!!!> "What is it Mihoshi?" Kiyoni asked.Leaning a bit closer to her."Tell me,Please.... Bender:Ro...se...b..ud Tseng:Done that allready Tseio-ohki as Mihoshi:My pet spider is on you hand!!!! Mihoshi took a few dep shuddering breaths and whispered,"Lay with me ?please?" Kiyone:ACK!!!!!! Tseng:NOOO Paladin:O.O!!!! Kiyoni couldnt help but smile a little at this Request: Kiyone to herself:Traitor!!! it was like something a young child would say to a parent arfter waking up from a bad dream. Mihoshi:i dont act like THAT!!!! Kiyoni stood up kicked off her shoes and socks,undid her pants.... Tseng:WOOO* waves flag *clang* Bender:Tseng no Hentai!!!!! ..and let them fall to the ground,and almost took her shirt off but then thought better of it. Tseng as disapointed Zoidburg:Oh.. Kiyone:Tseng...wanna be hurt.. Tseng:NO!! Kiyone:Shut up then... Kiyoni slid into bed next to Mihoshi and pulled the covers up over both of them. Tseng:Aahahahah Your on candid Camra Kiyone:i wish... Mihoshi immediately wrapped her arms around Kiyoni and burried her face in Kiyonis neck. Kiyone:*Wileding Whapper (The snow shovel) Laugh and die.. Tseng:how did you get whapper from me!!! Kiyoni wrapped her arms around Mihoshi and held her,Gently rocking her.The Two stayed like that for an undetermined amount of time before Mihoshi finnaly spoke. Bender as Mihoshi:Kioyne whats that wetness in your panties *WHAM* Kiyone:Hay this things great no wonder Tseng caries it with him all the time "So how are you Kiyoni?" she said,though her voice was still shaky."Im fine,but the Question is,How are you/"Kiyoni said ,a hint of shock in her voice. Mihoshi:Oh im fine i was RAPED though... "Im okay,Mihoshi said,her voice no longer shaky but still very soft,"A guy came along before anything could really happen." All:YAY TRUNKS!!! It was at this point that Mihoshi realized that Kiyoni didnt know what had happened to her,and was about to explain the night events when Kiyoni interrupted her. Kiyone:I gotta go to the bathroom... Jeff through P/A:Not so fast Miss Makibi your scans show your urine intake is 2%.... Kiyone:..CRAP!!! "I met him in the hallway,he told me about what happend to you."There was a moment of silence and then Kiyoni added,"Im sorry I couldnt have been there for you...I...Im Just sorry." "Its okay Kiyoni im fine now." Mihoshi said,and then added with a hint of something else in her voice ,"Im just glad youre here with me now." Kiyone:ACK thats lust!!!! Kiyoni was shocked,she knew that Mihoshi recovered from most anything rather quickly,but this was almost strange. Kiyone:GET HER OUT OF THE BED HFM!!!! Tseng:Hold her down!!!! (Leela and Bender pin Kiyone down while Tseng gives her a horse tranq) Tseng:There Kiyoni reached over and switched the lamp on hoping what she was about to ask wouldnt freak Mihoshi out. Bender as Kiyone:Have you ever sen a grown Woman naked before? "Mihoshi,"she said,Taking a deep breath,"Lay flat on your back,I-I want to check and see if your hurt." Bender:yeah right "check!!! "*flinches* wait no Whappy.. MWHAHAAHAHHA the Henati in control!! (Tseng is trying to pull the hammer out of Kiyones hands) Much to Kiyonis relief Mihoshi simply nodded and lay flat on her back.Kiyoni bent down close to her and began to inspect her. All:*Hum the inspecter gadget Themetune* First her head,then either side of the face,her jaw,neck,throat,shoulders and finnaly moveing down to her chest.Kiyoni removed the tatters of Mihoshis shirt,there was no bra to be found,and looked at her naked breasts. end PT 1