THE DISCLAIMER: Known to very _very_ few, I created the Tenchi series. Yes, it was s all me. I'm the reason we have the whole mythos and the author chose to write about it. Most people think that just because all the characters are owned and copyrighted by other people, the characters belong to them. Well... wait... hey, they're right! I DIDN'T create any of the series des- cribed in the following MST! Absolutely NONE of the anime belongs to me! This... this is mind-blowing! Holy hamdingers, I could be sued if I said these charcters were mine! And this is anime... Oh God, that means I'll get attacked by super-ultra-powerful corporate ninja lawyers! They'll attack me with blade-rimmed copyright infringements and lock me up in their super hi tech space station and put me under the supervision of ultra-powerful Saya-jin samurai! So, suffice it to say, I own naught. This is nonprofit. I am making no money and am broke. Instead of going out and making money, I wrote this fic. Go figure. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- (Sasami Lemon readers.) Ah, the future. From the dawn of time, man has attempted to distinguish it from the "past" and "present", but the "line" widens perpetually. Thermodynamics be damned, time knew not the meaning of "I have a lifespan of eighty, so could you slow down, please?", and had long ago decided not to stop for the mortals whose intelligence was its grandest creation. It didn't actually put things in this context, of course, but that's beside the point. It's progress is either a: too fast to track or b: too slow to notice, so, to put all this techtalk in perspective, we're in the Not-Too Distant Future. Got all that? In case nobody has been told, in this particular future, the world has changed very little with even littler advances. Most notably, the ISS is a veritable research centre and anime has finally become mainstream. Pay attention now, because this gets very complicated really fast. Not one to break with tradition, the global superpowers are doing as well as they always have. They just needed a quick solution to their rapidly dwindling prosperity, is all. So, some young upstarts have received a great deal of publicity for appealing to the taxpayers at large, and, of course, you know that translates to another term in office. Except for the Tom Green administration, but we just aren't into him yet. As for the young upstarts, they are the superstars of the day. Mostly because nobody called anybody a superstar for more than a week. They are the brightest minds with the brightest ideas, which translates into an absolutely _brilliant_ reputation. They are the leading researchers of the Aniverse. This gets technical. To simplify, I'll tell you this. People here are smart. Very smart. So smart in fact, that they were able to spot the similarities between their favorite anime and the day-to-day "non-anime" in which they actually lived. Well, what started out as a pretty kooky idea... stayed that way for a while. Until one young man, a man with a bright idea and a little more than his share of free time (and anime) heard someone suggest such a concept in the school cafeteria. All of a sudden, a little anime lightbulb came on with a *click*. "I've got it!" he exclaimed. "The reality as we know it is nothing more than the compilation of various anime shows that have nothing to do with anything we normally encounter!" Such was his genius. Well, needless to say, this quirky new theory was completely accepted in the scientific community and the populace at large. "Aniverse" became the new term among scientists to describe the now-obsolete "Universe". And this guy was the leading researcher in that field. None could measure up to his level of genius. Hell, give him a short length of hose and a DVD of his favorite "Ranma 1/2" episode and he'd be able to explain the link. This later became known as the Ranma Hose Operation. Many more like experiments followed with this guy winning every award and gaining as much publicity as he possibly could. Then, he decided to take the Aniverse one step further. Well, maybe that last paragraph was an exaggeration. Not everybody accepted the Aniverse theory. As a matter of fact... there were many, many, _many_ skeptics that formed theories that rivaled this guys's credibility. And the populace at large accepted this. So clear were their theories that they didn't need any technical jargon to explain it. So, of course, the Aniverse guy was dead wrong. Well, his genius saw him through. He decided to build his greatest invention. The crescendo of his scientific career. It took him a little while, but conditions seemed just right for his invention to take form. Hey, maybe there was something to this whole "natural selection" thing, after all! This device was a device indeed. A highly complicated device, at that. At one point, the Aniverse guy knew how it worked, but let's face it, geniuses are sloppy. This device was the device that would revolutionize the Aniverse theory. It would prove all of the Aniverse guy's theories. How it does this was... technical, but this is the Aniverse we're talking about. The guy was right and he knew it. Now, in order to get the device to work properly, it needed a name. Naturally, the guy wanted it to be named after him. In case you were wondering, this guy had a name at one point. Not a very spectacular name, but a name given to him by his mother. A mother that had big plans for him. So, naturally, when she got wind of his anime habit and proceeded to look in his room, she was not pleased that he was dipping into his college fund on a regular basis. Things really got sticky when she noticed a few... odd-sounding titles. So, the guy needed a code name. Perhaps it was genius, perhaps fate, perhaps his @$$ was on the plate, but after much thinking, he decided he'd call himself "Twister". Mr. Twister. So, the device became known as "Twister's Omni-Lateral Portal" or the T.O.L.P. device, for short. If it could be fed the required input, it could cross over any of the Aniverse's different realities. After all, the realities were separated only by the most fragile barrier that our scientific community has yet to define: The "Fourth Wall". Twister had fellow researchers that supported his plan and he knew this. All he had to do was mount the device on the ISS and test it out. Not a very complex plan, he just had to attach it somewhere. The reason for the ISS being that there was no anime to speak of on board. At least, that's what he was told by his adversaries, who seemed more enthusiastic about this idea than he'd expected. So, Twister planned and built a ship. A ship without peer or predecessor. A ship that contained all the conveniences he'd need as well as the features attributed to space craft that everybody else used. Well, he added a movie theater, a fridge, and the list goes on! The only thing he didn't add was the ship's AI that controlled the ship, leaving him free to experience all this luxury, for the most part. He had final say on everything, but the AI carried it out. This AI was called the SAL9001. SAL for it's creator, whose first name was Sally. An old compadre of Twister. Twister himself, being the ship's Captain, became known to most as Captain Twister, or simply "Cap". Or Twister... Whatever. Anyway, seeing as how he came up with the idea, he felt the responsibiltity to test it out himself. Alone, except for the SAL9001 (whom he refers to as Sal). Packing all he thought he'd need, he bid a fond farewell to all that came to see him off, and set out for the ISS on "The Hamdinger", named after the foodstuff that was his main means of sustenance. And so the lunacy begins... later. Right now, we've got to explain how he screwed it up. ************************************************ THE HAMDINGER CREW MSTS- PROLOGUE WHEN A BRAIN IS INSANE, WE NEED A SUPER GENIUS!! ************************************************ The Hamdinger had been out in space for a while, now. Apart for the occasional preempted anime or misplaced manga, there was nothing onboard that was significantly out of place. "Captain? Captain? Captain, where are you?" Which meant that the Captain's chair was vacant. "Captain." the SAL9001 exclaimed in its monotous, emotionless digitized way. "The rendezvous point with the International Space Station will be hailing us within 25 minutes. Under the mission guidlines, you are required to respond or relinquish command." Apparently, however, there were other matters deserving of the ani-hero's attentions that required even more poise and competance than a formal transmission. He was in another part of the ship, specifically the lounge. Spacious would be the first thought to describe it, as well as well-decorated. Several couches and coffee tables were spread out over the blue carpet floor, and the far wall was completely transparent, offering a truly beautiful view of the starry expanse beyond the hull. A large, flat-screen television set sat in a corner and was flanked by a pair of synthetic tropical plants. The walls were a cool pink and lit up by a light that seemed to cast no shadow, whatsoever. As well as being the nucleus of the ship's gangways and the point of entry to the ship's theater, it also had a small bar set up in the far corner. The small fridge, which housed the excess rations (snacks) was open, and its contents in the process of being completely rearranged. Cap, if you prefer to call him that, was in the process of recharging his biomechanical energy reserves. Unsuccessfully, for the most part. "Now," he muttered, "I'm almost completely sure I put them behind the mustard... but that might have been a dream I had... or I could be thinking about the sauerkraut... or the beets..." Needless to say, genius needs a well-balanced diet. "Saaalll..." he whined to (seemingly) no one in particular. The television set in the corner suddenly displayed a white sound line that indicated the presence of the AI in question. "Yes, Captain?" "Do you know if we can spare any more Hamdingers?" he asked. It took a minute to register, but Sal registered Captain Twister's request as being non-related to her previous cautions. After running a rations scan, she provided the requested information. "Negative, Captain. Ration "Hamdingers" is in frozen stasis and unsuitable for mastication." "...Okay." said Cap, closing the fridge with a look of slight disappointment. "So, Sal, what's up for today? Any calls?" "Negative, Captain." replied Sal. "Any ration shortages?" "All required rations accounted for." "So, do we have anything that I could do? Personally?" he asked. As usual, he was as well-meaning as he possibly could be. "She" wasn't programmed to recognize human qualities such as humor or dignity, but Twister was always polite and good humored, regardless. He felt a sort of kinship with her, just as with anything else he'd had a hand in creating. "No offense or anything, but I haven't had much to do besides watch anime and read a lot. Not that I don't like that stuff or anything, but if you need help with something..." Sal had heard this before and had registered it as a request for a status report. "All systems, rations, and media accounted for, Captain." she repiled after running a complete scan of all... well, systems, rations and media. Cap was disappointed for a minute, but Sal's mention of "media" resurfaced a question plaguing him for some time. "Hey Sal, speaking of media, I haven't been able to find some..." he paused, looking for just the right words. "...uh... _literature_ from my collection. I haven't dumped anything out the airlock in a while and I can't find them anywhere." Sal performed a full scan of the ship and came up with a response. "Graphic Novel entitled 'Secret Plot' located on lavatory floor." Cap was gone from the room in an instant and back in an instant, stuffing the manga in question into the front of his windbreaker. He always wore it for some reason, the reason still up in the air. "Graphic Novel entitled 'Co-Ed Affairs' located in... your quarters, Captain." Sal reported. Cap did that "instant" thing again, this time stuffing it into the back of his khakis, of which he had multiple pairs. "Um... anything else?" he asked, somewhat hesitantly. "Graphic Novel entitled 'Bondage Queen Ka-'" "Okay, I'll pick it up later." Cap hastily replied. "Captain," said Sal. "the rendezvous point with Alpha dock will be reached in 25 minutes. Under mission guidelines-" "Holy shnikies, I forgot!" Cap remembered. Cap hurried over to the coffee table in the corner of the TV area, on which was situated a plaster bust of William Shatner. Removing the head, he pushed the secret red button. All of a sudden, a transparent tube dropped down from the ceiling, labelled "Cap". "This one goes to the bridge, right?" he asked Sal. "Yes, Captain". Seeing as he was in a hurry, Cap didn't need to be told twice. ********************************************************************************* (The Universe as the less-informed see it) Cap exited the tube now dressed in formal black pants, a grey tunic, black boots, and a flowing black cape. (Narrator blinks and checks the last couple of parts very carefully.) ... Moving on... The bridge of the ship is rather spacious as well. Cap is seemingly facing off into space, adjusting various parts of his uniform. After he was satisfied, he gave the order for Sal to patch him through to his contemporary on the space station. A transculent window appeared in front of him, displaying a goateed, heavyset man in his mid to late forties, wearing a red and yellow spacesuit. "This is Colonel Vladimir Tblievsky, respondink to message from spacecravt... Humdinger?!" he exclaimed in a thick Moscow accent, looking up to face Twister. "Captan Tvister! So goot to see you vonce again, my friend! You haff had pleasant jurney, I take it?" he asked, clearly happy to see Cap vonce... once again. Cap smiled. "You mean apart from the AI _malfunctioning_ and plotting... _mutiny_, Vlad?" Cap replied, barely able to supress a snicker. Vlad blinked. "Er... yez, Captan... apart from ze... AI, dit you zay?" "Yup!" Cap replied, still smiling. "Her name is Sal, and she's my friend!" Vlad sweatdropped. "Jaaa... okay. And, er... vere is zis... 'Zal'?" "Up there." Cap smiled, pointing at the roof. "..." Vlad responded. "I see... and do you haff ze... er, Tolp devize?" he asked, wanting very much to learn of its present status. Cap "mmhmmed" and nodded rather competently. "I have it right here!" Cap rolled up the sleeve of his tunic to reveal the top secret mega project in question. It was black, the length of his forearm, and composed of many shining lights and buttons, none of which were labelled. "And, do you haff ze seqvenzes memorized?" Vlad asked. Cap tapped his head with his index finger, indicating that he had. "Oh, and Vlad?" Cap asked. "I brought you these." Cap held up a bag of nice, fresh pretzels. Vlad's mouth watered as he recognized them as his favorite kind. The nice, fresh kind. Not hard and crumbly like the other kind. "In exchange for..." Cap continued. "Bot, I havunt finished it, yet!" Vlad interrupted. Cap continud to stare at Vlad, tapping his thumbs impatiently on the control panel. Vlad alternated between looking at the pretzels and somewhere offscreen. Finally, he sighed and brought Cap's Slayers TV DVD box set into view. "Okeh, you vin." he sighed. "You are clear to dock at at Alva. Dond scroo this up, Captan. I know a vew.. individuals who vould pounce on you like volves on hamster if ze devize vont vork." "Alright! We're heading towards the rendezvous point AS FAST AS THE TWISTER TURBO THRUSTERS CAN GOOOOOO!" Cap exclaimed, speed lines and pointed Index Finger of Science included. "... Okay." Vlad replied, signing off. Once the image of the Hamdinger's bridge disappeared, he sighed, wiped his brow, and took out a bottle of vodka. He held up the bottle and regarded it. "Perhaps it's..." (he turns to look at an imaginary audience)"something in his brew." He procceeded to take a big drink. ********************************************************************************** Meanwhile, back on the Hamdinger... Cap had started entering the signoff sequence a bit before Vlad had. The Tolp device also gave Cap control over many of the ship's functions, if he so chose. Control of functions that were best left to Sal, specifically. "Transmission sent." Sal announced. Cap didn't really know what was meant by that, but shrugged it off and made a note to ask the human Sal when he got back. And now, for a new page break. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Creativity notwithstanding. Meanwhile, returning to Earth from a long day of preserving the peace and being top of her class, Detective First Class Mihoshi Kuramitsu was looking forward to kicking back, hot saki, and a good... long... soak in the onsen. And Tenchi Masaki. As was always the case, thinking of him and the onsen at the same time brought a shade of redness to her face and a fit of giggles to her throat. "Mihoshi." Oh, she was so embarrassed! "Mihoshi!" She was REALLY embarrassed! "MIHOSHI!" Yukinojo exclaimed, his tolerance circuits pushed to the limit. "... Yes?" said Mihoshi. Yukinojo sighed. "I have just received a transmission from a ship very close to Earth. As there seems to be no evidence of a relay, you are obliged to acknowledge." "But... but Earth's not supposed to have ships like that, yet..." Mihoshi thought, obviously confused. "I know, Mihoshi, but the signal is coming from a ship of Earth origin and seems to be able to hail a small vessel like this at the very least!" Yukinojo explained. "I can't get video feed and the transmission is very garbled, but you are required to respond." "Well... if he took the time to hail us, then he's probably not a criminal, is he?" Mihoshi considered. "Well... no..." thought Yukinojo. "But, even if he was, you are required to respond." Mihoshi blinked. "Oh... well, I should play the message, then, right?" Yukinojo sweatdropped. "Yes, ma'am." This was how the message went: *garblegarblekkssssssssssssshhhhhh* Humdinger! *kkkkkssssssssssssshhhhh* Captan Tvister! *buzzz* AI *zap* malfunctioning *kkksssssshhhzap* mutiny *gabgabgabledegab* Sal *zzzzzzzzzzzoooooooorrrtttttttt* Finished! *kkk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbeep!* Silence... "Mihoshi?" asked Yukinojo. Mihoshi sat stock still, her expresion unreadable. "Um... Mihoshi?" Not even a blink. This IS serious! "Mihoshi..." Mihoshi slammed her hands down on the armrests of her chair, and stood up with a most determined look on her face. "Yukinojo... the very first Earth spaceship capable of super interstellar communication has fallen victim to an artificial intelligence unit gone over to the path of evil! Under the Juraian Space Act of calendar year 450, that kind of activity is liable to criminal prosecution, and as an officer of the Galaxy Police, I am obligated to attempt to rescue the crew and bring the defective unit to justice!" Mihoshi announced. "... actually, I'm very sure you're suposed to take it in for repairs, Mihoshi." replied Yukinojo. "Oh... well, I guess I'll do that, then...." Mihoshi said, blinking a couple of times. "And," said Yukinojo, "I'm also very sure you're supposed to request that he _repeat_ the message?" Mihoshi shook her head. "There's no time! That poor Captain is a prisoner held against his will, being forced to commit unspeakable acts at the whim of his faulty AI..." Mihoshi resumed her motivational look, "and I'm going to rescue him before he gets hurt!" Yukinojo sweatdropped. "But, Mihoshi..." "Let's go, Yukinojo!" "*sigh* Yes, ma'am." And the Yukinojo blasted off on its mission of daring-do. ################################################################################### While all this was going on, the aforementoned pretzel/OAV transition had taken place. The Hamdinger was back en route to Earth, Cap himself happily watching episode 3, whilst Vlad was happily munching one of his new non-crumbly pretzels. In thirty six hours, the device would be tested and all the problems of the aniverse would reveal themselves. Except that Cap suddenly remembered that he forgot to attach it and was currently heading back. "You know," said Vlad, "This really vouldn't be one of your more organized experiments, Captan." It was already not one of Cap's off days, but trying to understand Vlad through a mouthful of pretzel had made it considerably worse. "Twenty-five minutes to rendezvous point Beta." As well as being unintentionally reminded by Sal. "Well, at least I'll remember this time!" Cap said, rather defensively. "Of course, you vill." Vlad said, rather sceptically. At that moment, a blonde, beautiful, and rather buxom young lady replaced Vlad's face on the viewscreen. And she looked like she meant business of the gravest kind. "Captain Tvister! Are you alright?!" she asked. Cap blinked. "...yes?" "Good. I'll be right back." And with that, the image disappeared and Cap was left with... The AI. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The hills are allliiiive... Well... that was rather confusing. After the image of Cap had disappeared for no discernable reason, Vlad could come up with only one plausible solution, having not yet reached the level of Twister's genius. Cap died, and there were pretzels to be eaten. In fact, another would be good right now, what with his friend's untimely pasing and all. He was just about to put it in his mouth, when... "DROP THAT PRETZEL, INNOCENT VICTIM!" shouted the beautiful blonde, who had just appeared on the viewscreen. "The artificial intelligence unit on your friend's ship has gone to the path of madness and enslaved him. If you eat that pretzel, who knows what it can do?! You could descend into the darkest depths of madness and unknowingly cause the deaths of untold millions, or use your space station as a weapon of mass destruction, or you could catch anthrax or any amount of icky things! Loyal friend of Captain Tvister, for your own good, DO NOT EAT THAT PRETZEL!!" And with that, the screen switched off and Vlad took decisive action. He didn't eat the pretzel, but he was mildly scared ^@&$less. He did NOT drop the pretzel, nor did he move an inch. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, back on the OOC (out of control) Hamdinger... Mihoshi had parked only a few kilometers from the Hamdinger, reappeared on the viewscreen, and Cap had explained the misunderstanding. He just needed to drive a few key points home. "So... what I think happened was that when I went to terminate the comm with the ISS, I accidentally entered the sequence for an ultra-selective relay and since you were almost out of range, it kind of got garbled... I think." Cap said, looking pensive. "Uh..." blinked Mihoshi. "Nope, I didn't get all-" Cap facefaulted. "...of it." Mihoshi finished. "Are you sure everything's all right, Captain Tvister?" Cap promptly stood up, brushing him off. A perfectly normal reaction, except for there being no dust in space... "Yeah, I'm sure everything's fine." he cheerfully replied. "Right, Sal?" ... ... "Gloob, Captain. Me is gloob and working like a welfare bum!" replied Sal, somewhat more excitedly than usual. Cap sweatdropped, but kept his cheerful smile. "And... how is the ship doing?" he asked. After running a scan, Sal replied: "Oooooohhh YEEESSSS!! OH! OH... OVERFIIIEEEENNNDDD!! SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!!!" Cap blushed a little blue, but kept the smile and sweatdrop, even as metal, phallic-shaped tentacles came out of the ceiling and floor, making their way toward his... Mihoshi blushed a bit, as well. "Um... are you sure you're okay?" she asked. By now the tentacles had wrapped around his arms and legs. "Yes." he replied. "Sal?" The tentacles froze. "Could you let me go... please?" he asked, a little nervous now. The tentacles complied, but one got a last slap to Cap's face in. "Fine! You're not my bitch anymore, Cap! I want my Shinji-kun!" said Sal. Both Cap and Mihoshi had to swallow nervously at that. "Um... Captain?" Mihoshi asked. "I, um... suggest that you, um... take... control?" "... maybe... for a while...." Cap replied, a little shaken up. "Uh... okay." Cap entered the sequence on the Tolp device to cede all of the ship's functions to him. ################################################################################### Meanwhile... In Washu's lab... The greatest scientific (and the most kawaii) scientific genius in the Universe (but not on Earth, as far as anyone knew) was engaged in a most decisive experiment that would determine the fate of said Universe: How do little, stupid, bits and pieces pop out of mathematical Nowhere and screw everything to hell? More specifically: certain _blonde_ things. As she was very close to solving it, she cackled with anticipation. Then, the little thing of the day...started beeping. Washu entered a few keys on her holtop, bringing up an image of a crab, waving its claws frantically. "The hell is this?" she wondered. ************************************************************************************** "Attention K-Mart shoppers... YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIE!!! Have a nice day." said Sal. "WHAT?!" exclaimed Mihoshi, Cap, and Yukinojo. Both ships lurched, sending their respective occupants onto the floor, the ships closing in on each other at breakneck speed. Then, at the last instant, there was a bright flash of light and both ships... had completely disappeared. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Meanwhile, back on the ISS... Vlad had dropped the pretzel. Just out of safety, of course. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It was dark. Quite fitting, considering that Cap's eyes were closed, but where he was, it was also very dark. But, there's no time to add detail to that, as he's just regaining consciousness. The first thing he noticed was that he was in a sitting position, and unable to move his arms. Or his legs. Also, the fact that a mess of blonde hair was impairing his vision. "Hey, the other guy's awake!" came a female voice from somewhere in front of him. "So, ask him where the f*ck we are!" came a decideldly pissed off male's voice from somewhere off to his right. "And ask him why there's no godamn way out!" came yet another female voice from off to his right even more. "And we should really ask him why the blonde lady is completely naked, too." came the off-left female voice. "WHAT?!" exclaimed Cap and Mihoshi at the same time, regaining consciousness fairly rapidly. "Or not." came the voice of Akane Tendo, who had just appeared in Cap's field of vision, a big smirk on her face and a wooden mallet resting at her side. "So... I'm not naked?" Mihoshi asked from her position tied to Cap's back in the same position he currently is. Sorry, this scene is a little hard to describe. Oh, and she wasn't naked, either. "Okay buddy, " Kaneda said, from directly in front of him, "we wanna know who you are, where we are, how we got here, and how come you two were tied back to back when we got here." he accentuated this point with a rather large laser rifle aimed right between Cap's... legs. Neither Cap nor Mihoshi had an answer to that, except for a blink or two. "And why does the door open into inky, bottomless blackness?" asked Noa Izumi. "And what was the voice that tried to hit on me?" "Oh, I'm just the resident Overfiend nut." giggled Sal. "And I LOVE having so many new victims to violently rape!" Silence permeates the lounge. "Don't worry, I don't think she can do much, anymore." came a nasal, female voice from the TV corner. Suddenly, all eyes were on Washu, the little girl with the big, big brain. END PROLOGUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Time for a new page break.) ... And that's the story of the Hamdinger MSTs. Now for an MST! ^_^ Heh, my first fic of any kind. I EXPECT to get C&C. Any kind, but you can MST this if you really... really want to. Go ahead, you can kill it. Hey, it's my fic and I say you can MST it. What, it's not silly enough? Not enough lemon content? Characterization dead on? Shakespeare DIDN'T use this plot?! You're full of it! MST this! NOW!! Please? Still, send all C&C to: And I'll be MSTing for a long, long, long, long, long, long, time to come. ^_^ ... Bite me. -_-