A No Need For Tenchi. Fan Fiction. Daddy’s Girl. By Peter Suzuki. The series "No Need For Tenchi", is owned by Hitoshi Okuda. All rights reserved. It was a relatively quiet day, in Washu’s lab. A delivery to the two Jurian princesses, possibly accounted for this. It was an old photo-album of emperor Azusa, and his two wives, Misaki and Funaho. Ryoko, Sasami, and Ayeka were looking at the pictures, so all seemed calm. "I do not!!" "You do so!!" Up until this point. Ryoko and Ayeka were walking into the lab, arguing about something. Sasami was walking cautiously behind them, carrying some photos. "This should be fun." Thought Washu, sarcastically. "I do not!" shouted Ayeka. "You do so!" Ryoko shouted back. "What is it about, now?" asked Washu. Sasami sighed. "It has to do with these." She handed Washu the photographs. "What about them?" "Well, we were noticing how much me and Ayeka looked like our parents." "Yeah, that’s common in Jurians." "And especially in the royal family. Just look at this picture of my mom, when she was my age." Washu looked at the picture of a young Misaki, and sure enough, it looked just like Sasami. Only with one pig-tail, instead of two. "I see." Washu picked up another photo. "Say, isn’t this a picture of Yosho, with his mother?" "Uh-Huh. Just before he left Jurai." "He looks almost exactly like her." "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE MY MOTHER!!!" Yosho’s voice echoed through the house. "He’s got good range, doesn’t he?" said Sasami. "Yeah, I think I’ll check the lab, for bugging equipment." "So, anyway. We find this old picture of my father, when he was Ayeka’s age." "And Ayeka looks exactly like he did, right?" "I do not look like my father!! Resemble him, maybe, but I do not look like him!!" "Oh can it, princess." Said Ryoko. "You look exactly like him. The same as Tenchi looks like his mother." "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE MY MOTHER!!!" Tenchi’s voice echoed through the house. "Maybe they have good ears?" said Sasami. "So, can I see this picture?" "Sure, just give me a minute." Sasami searched through the stack of photos. But began to get frantic. "Hey! Its not here!" "Ayeka probably hid it, while we weren’t looking." Commented Ryoko. "How dare you accuse me, of trickery! You, you,-" Ayeka was interrupted, as Mihoshi walked in. "Hello everybody! Whatcha doing?" "MIHOSHI!?!? How in the world did you get in here!?! I had sensors tuned to warn me if you ever entered into the lab!!!" "Oh, I just used the back door." Washu face-faults. "Anyhow, I found this picture of Ayeka, and I was just wondering why she was wearing ‘boys’ robes." Washu looked at the picture. It was of Ayeka, dressed in dark blue robes, usually worn by ‘male’ royalty, on Jurai. Ryoko and Sasami took one look at the picture and started giggling. Washu arched an eyebrow in confusion. And Ayeka looked like she was both angry, and deeply embarrassed at the same time. "Mihoshi, that is not a picture of me." "Really? Then who is it?" "That is a picture of my…father." "Really? He looks just like you." Ryoko, Sasami, and Washu all burst out, laughing. WAY BACK IN THE PAST. The duke, Kirin of Oroko, was arriving to engage one of his children to the emperors child. This would automatically make the duke’s family, royalty. Not to mention, he heard that the emperor’s child was really good looking. Kirin walked up to the emperor. "Greetings, my lord. And many thanks for agreeing to my requests." "I bid you welcome old friend. Shall we get this discussion underway? "But of course." The emperor’s child walked in, flanked by two bodyguards. Long dark hair, and a regal grace that befitted a princess of her obvious upbringing. "Duke Kirin, this is my heir." "Greetings. My father has told me so much about you." "My, she is a pretty young lady." The young lady looked shocked, and blushed deeply. "Um, Duke." "And so polite. Quite the perfect lady." She started to look angry. "Old friend." "She will be a perfect bride, for one of my sons." She looked ready to explode. "Kirin, please listen!" "Wha-?" "ARRRGH!! THAT’S IT!!" she screamed. "THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME THAT THIS HAS HAPPENED, AND I AM SICK OF THIS!! I’M GOING TO LOCK MYSELF UP IN MY ROOM, AND I’M NOT COMING OUT UNTIL I GROW A BEARD!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?!?!" She stormed out of the chamber, and went to her room. "Er, um, a beard?" Kirin turned toward the emperor, who was clutching the bridge of his nose. "Uh, what is her name?" "Azusa." Said the emperor. " ‘Prince’, Azusa." END. AUTHOR’S NOTES: I’m sorry. I know that I am demented, but try to see it from my point of view. Mentally I am a loony-toon, trapped in the real world, and forced to act quiet and normal day-in and day-out. My comic books, and my writing are my only outlets for my pent-up craziness. If you must know, I got my idea for this story while looking at "Tenchi Muyo" pictures, on the Internet. I began to notice how Misaki looked a lot like Tsunami, or rather Sasami. How Funaho looked like Yosho, when he was young. And how Azusa looked (Yes.) like a forty year old, male, version of Ayeka. If you have watched the "Tenchi Muyo" movies, you would notice that Tenchi’s mother, Achika, looks even more like Tenchi, than his father does. I don’t know why, he just does. That last part was just for fun. I think that it was a funny thing that I could put in to the story. It would also explain why the emperor has such a long beard, and why he seems grouchy, most of the time. Peter Suzuki.