Dried Green Ramen Productions Presents In The Carrot Patch - The MSTing (Hentai Muyo OVA #1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Dimension of Cyberangst - NERV Central Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Scene: A shadowy office with a 3/4 overhead view. The only furniture visible is a wooden desk. The only thing visible from the shadowed half of the room is the burning tip of a cigarette. From the barely lit other half, we see Misato standing at attention, listening to whoever is sitting in the shadowed half.] Shadow Voice: ...and this new weapon is a potent form of psychological warfare. They are "lemons", pornographic stories of such disgusting content that they incapacitate whoever watches them. We have reason to believe that they are a secret weapon being developed by Juraihelm. Your assignment, Misato, is to travel to Ficworld and meet with one Don Euclid. He will bring you to an area where you will be in a position to record information on these "lemons". Do you understand my directions? Misato: (looking very professional) Yes, sir. Shadow Voice: Good. *A small packet is slid across the desk.* The dimensional transport will leave tomorrow morning at 0700 hours. Good luck, Captain. You are dismissed. Misato: Yes, sir. *She takes the packet, salutes, then leaves the office, carefully shutting the door behind her.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Subdimension of Magical Parody (The Useless Dimension) - Juraihelm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Scene: A room that is comfortable, well-lit, and decorated in a middle- eastern style that is very homey. It looks like someone's bedroom. Standing in the room are Ramia and Rumio of Juraihelm. Ramia looks pissed off. Rumio looks very frightened, mainly of Ramia.] Ramia: How dare they! Accused of trying to sabotage that little brat Sasami's reputation! I can't believe they would... Rumio: (meekly) But we usually DO try to ruin her reputation. Ramia: (casually swatting Rumio into a wall) But this time I was framed. And I know... I know who did it. *She grins evilly.* Rumio: (muffled by the wall) Who did it, then? Ramia: (triumphantly) It was NERV! It must have been NERV! Those jerks always try to ruin my day! Rumio, go and get Pixy Misa. Fetch her and bring her to me. *Rumio peels himself off of the wall and begins to protest.* Rumio: (desperately) But, but... Ramia: (getting up in Rumio's face REALLY close) But WHAT? Rumio: (resignedly) Nothing. I'll go... *He abruptly transforms into his bird form and flies out of the window.* Ramia: (watching Rumio fly out of the window) You've almost outlived your days of usefulness, little brother. *She sighs.* Of all of the stupid things to do, go and fall for a human... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Dimension of Unpredictable Mythology - Palace Florestica ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Scene: Another room decorated in a homey middle-eastern style. It is unremarkable, and looks to be some kind of an empty storage room. In the room are two people. One is Miz Mishtal. The other is Piccolo.] Piccolo: (boredly) So what is the problem? Miz Mishtal: It's my... friend, Masamichi Fujisawa. He has been gone for days, and I need you to locate him. Piccolo: (raising an eyebrow) I'm not that kind of merc, lady. Miz Mishtal: (desperately) But I heard that you are the best! You must be able to find him. Piccolo: (gets up to leave) I'm sorry. Miz Mishtal: (kneeling and pleading) Please! I'll pay anything you ask! Just... please, bring him back. *She continues pleading. Piccolo scowls, but finally breaks under the barrage.* Piccolo: (roughly) Get up. *He mutters a few choice curses to himself and sighs heavily.* Do you have any clues as to where he has disappeared to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Dimension of Colliding Realities - Ficworld ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Scene: A dark city-street in what looks to be the "bad part of town". There are anime characters walking all over the streets and sidewalks, but the scene calls attention to only two: Fujisawa and Ryoga. The former is chasing the latter.] Ryoga - (running quickly) For the last time, I didn't mean to wreck that shrine! I was just blowing off steam! Fujisawa - (stops, panting) Damn... I can't catch that kid. Friggin' Delinquent runs pretty fast. *He stops to catch his breath, then looks up.* Where in the hell am I? [Scene: Outside of a large building which bears the inscription "Ficworld Dimensional Spaceport". Anime characters are walking around in groups here, excepting one anime woman, and a young man who looks nothing like an anime character.] Anime Woman: (checking her papers) So you're Don Euclid? Don Euclid: (nodding) Yeah. And you're Captain Misato, I take it? Misato: Affirmative. *She looks at the limousine parked behind him curiously.* This yours? Don Euclid: (grinning sheepishly) On loan, kinda. *He opens the back door and gestures for Misato to enter.* [Scene: The bad part of town. More anime characters walking around. You know the drill. On the sidewalk, we see Piccolo coming up behind Ryoga.] Piccolo: (tapping Ryoga on the shoulder) You are Ryoga Hibiki? Ryoga: (puzzled) Yeah. Piccolo: (grinning) I'm from Ficworld's dimensional mail service. I have a package for you. Give me a minute, and I'll summon it from subspace. Ryoga: (blinking) Oh. Okay. *He stands there for a couple of minutes while Piccolo stands in a semi-sumo stance, his left hand's first two fingers held in front of his forehead.* Wow, you're summoning a lot of ki... Piccolo: (grinning) Here's your package. *He holds both hands out in front of him, both pistol-style with index fingers joined.* Ryoga: (confused) But where is i... aaaaahhhhhh!! Piccolo: (howling) SUPER DONTFUCKWITHME CANNON! *He lets loose with a hideously powerful blast, disintegrating Ryoga where stands.* Bystanders: (gasping) Wow... holy shit... let's get out of here! *The other anime characters run like hell out of the area.* Piccolo: (grinning at the suddenly empty square) That's for making me travel all the way to this backwater turd of a dimension. Now I only have to find Fujisawa so I can leave this damn place. [Scene: The Interior of what looks to be an old-fashioned movie theatre. Standing inside already is Fujisawa. Coming through the doors are Don Euclid and Misato.] Fujisawa: (turning around to face the doors) Finally, somebody alive around here! Do you know where I can grab the next taxi to Roshtaria? Don Euclid: (suspicious) How did you get in here? These doors were supposed to be locked. Misato: (raising an eyebrow) Locked? *She draws a hidden pistol from inside of her dress uniform's jacket.* Fujisawa: (nervously) They weren't locked when I got here! Really! *He gulps as Misato points her pistol at him.* Teasing Voice: He's telling the truth. I unlocked `em. Don Euclid: (groaning) Oh, no. She's here already. Misato: (suspiciously) Who is "she"? *As she finishes speaking, our favorite bad girl jumps out from behind the popcorn machine.* Pixy Misa: (triumphantly) It's me! The Magical Girl Pixy Misa! *At the same time, the doors are blown open and Piccolo steps in, complete with his famous stoic expression.* Piccolo: Which one of you is Masamichi Fujisawa? Don Euclid: (whispering to himself) This is perfect. Just perfect! *He then looks up, and puts on his best friendly smile.* People, come with me. We're going to be stuck here for a while, so we might as well get to know each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pocket Dimension #3306 - Don Euclid's Theatre ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Scene: A wooden table in the middle of the lobby. The four characters and Don Euclid are sitting around it on metal folding chairs, drinking soda and eating popcorn.] Misato: (bemusedly) So you just happened to owe both NERV AND Ramia of Juraihelm favors? Don Euclid: (nodding and looking miserable) Yeah. *He raises a hand to cut off the incoming queries.* Don't ask. I won't tell you. Misato: (shrugging) Oh, well. As long as I can get this mission over with, I don't suppose it matters. Piccolo: (looking angry) So why can't me and him... *He motions towards Fujisawa, who is snarfing popcorn alongside Pixy Misa.* get the hell out of here? Don Euclid: (sighing) Dimensional lock. When you blew the door in, the security system responded by sealing off the building in a pocket dimension. We won't be able to get out until the security company resets the system. Piccolo: How long will that take? Don Euclid: (nonchalantly) Oh, just a couple of weeks or so. Piccolo: (totally livid) A COUPLE OF WEEKS?! Pixy Misa & Fujisawa: (looking up from their popcorn feast) TWO WEEKS?! Misato: (rolling her eyes) Great. How are we supposed to survive in a movie theatre sealed in a pocket dimension for two weeks? Don Euclid: (sheepishly) Well, I made sure everything was restored. We have plenty of popcorn and soda... and entertainment. Those lemons are here... along with a few other flicks. Fujisawa: (clearing his throat) Doesn't sound too bad to me. I mean, it'll be a learning experience! An endurance test, just like climbing Mt. Everest was. *He smiles in remembrance.* Pixy Misa: (to Misato) Does he know what a lemon is? Misato: (to Pixy Misa) No idea. Both: (grimly) He's doomed. Piccolo: (sitting back) Well, normally I'd kill you, Don. *He cracks his knuckles loudly while Don Euclid's face drains of all color.* But that wouldn't help. While we watch these... "lemons", you're going to be finding ways to get us out of the pocket dimension. Isn't that right? *He grins evilly at Don Euclid, who gulps and tries not to look scared shitless.* Don Euclid: (terrified) Y-yeah. S-s-sure. [Scene: The movie theatre. Most of the seats have been uprooted and piled in one corner to make room for a huge overstuffed couch. The four characters are sitting on it, in order from left to right: Pixy Misa, Misato, Fujisawa, and Piccolo.] Misato: (getting comfortable) Good job on the seats, Piccolo. I can't stand those things. Piccolo: (slumped on the couch and looking tired) Whatever. Fujisawa: (seated cross-legged and looking spry) And thanks to you, little girl, for creating the couch. Pixy Misa: (sprawled across a cushion rather indecently) No problemo, pops. *She giggles.* I can't wait to see what happens to that goody little two shoes, Sasami. Piccolo: (yawning) Let's do this before I fall asleep. *He yells an order up to the projection booth.* [Scene: The projection booth. It looks like a projection booth. Oh, yeah, and Don Euclid is putting film in the projector.] Don Euclid: (grinning maniacally) It worked... it really worked. Ryoga, the lemon rumors, Piccolo going merc... it's perfect! This is going to be the wickedest MSTing ever written! Now, on with the first one: "In The Carrot Patch" by some guy with the handle "Ryoohki". *He punches a few buttons, starting up the projector.* Ha ha haa... LET IT BEGIN! [Scene: The theatre. The lemon is just beginning...] > Warning this is a Lemon fanfic; which means that it is > adult oriented and has sexual content. If you are under legal age Pixy Misa: (shocked voice) Uh oh! I better leave now. Fujisawa: That's right, maybe you... (sniffs the air) Beer? Where the...? *He looks over at Misato, who, sure enough, is drinking a can of beer.* Where'd you get that? Misato: (grinning) NERV military secret. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Want one? *She hands Fujisawa a beer.* Fujisawa: (taking the beer) Thanks. Piccolo: (rolling his eyes) Shaddup. Watch. Let's get this over with. > or easily offended by this kind of material, then please hit Pixy Misa: Offend me! Oh, please offend me! *The others sweatdrop and eye Pixy Misa warily.* > the back button on your browser. This is also my first lemon > fanfic and it's not that great and it may not make that much sense. Piccolo: Amen to that. > NOTE: none of these characters are mine and are the property of > somebody else. > > Please send all comments or suggestions to: Mike_Forever@hotmail.com Piccolo: (in a deep, echoing voice ala a Warcraft II Death Knight) When my work is finished, I'm coming back for you... Misato: But for right now, he's just breathing hard. Pixy Misa: (snickering) Score one point for GI Jane! Piccolo: (glaring at Misato) If you weren't a woman... > It was a quiet day at the carrot patch and Tenchi was hard at work > picking some carrots for lunch. Sasami had nothing to do that day Fujisawa: Now there's a man who knows how to keep healthy! *He raises his second beer in a toast.* Piccolo: (muttering) Oh, sure. Get drunk. That's healthy. Hypocrite. > so she decided to go help Tenchi. On her head sat Ryo-ohki who > miayed contentedly for she knew that they were going to the carrot Pixy Misa: I've seen that little furball enough to know that it doesn't "Miay". How about a little class here?! Piccolo: It's a lemon, remember? A SASAMI lemon. Misato: Why is Sasami considered bad lemon material? I mean, look at Rei, Asuka, and Shinji! They're about the same age as Sasami and are already in a whole bunch of lemons. Pixy Misa: (pouting) Look at them? Look at me! I go out of my way to look like this and the Eva pilots get all the good scenes! Piccolo: (thinking of Goku saving the day, time and time again) I can identify with that more than you know. > patch. Tenchi looked up form his work and saw Sasami walking down > the road wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Tenchi was sweating > profusely and decided to take off his shirt, to reveal a muscular > chest, in an effort to cool off. Sasami saw Tenchi hard at work > and noticed how cute he was when he was bare-chested. Tenchi had > always had a secret crush on Tenchi and didn't know how to > approach her. Pixy Misa: Oooo... Autoeroticism! Tenchi has a crush on himself! Fujisawa: (somewhat drunkenly) Autoeroti... sex with cars? Piccolo: (exasperated) It means `jerking off'. Aren't you a teacher? Pixy Misa: (snickering) I wonder if he prefers Toyota or Nissan? Misato: Probably Volvo. Now that's safe sex! > As Sasami came into full view Tenchi's dick started > to grow in his shorts. Soon Tenchi's hard-on became too hard to > hide, comfortably. Sasami, by this time had noticed the bulge in > Tenchi's pants. Tenchi kept working despite his discomfort. *Piccolo & Fujisawa grab their crotches and groan in sympathy.* Misato: (surprised) What in the hell are you two doing? Pixy Misa: (giggling) More autoeroticism... Fujisawa: It's a guy thing. Earth... Piccolo: ...or Namek, boner pain is universal. > Ryo-oki had now dug a tunnel under the ground to get at > one of the carrots. She nibbled at the first carrot she came to. Misato: This could be construed as erotic symbolism... Pixy Misa: Yeah! Porno for vegetarians! > The carrot was relatively large and would take a lot of time to > eat. Tenchi came to the carrot that Ryo-oki was chewing on and > was unable to rip it from the ground. Sasami asked Tenchi if he > needed any help and bent down close to him glancing at his bulge, *Pixy Misa is giggling wildly while reading this part.* Piccolo: (grimacing) This is already beyond the limits of good taste. Misato: Yeah, ain't it great? *She hands Fujisawa another beer.* > trying not to let him notice. Sasami squatted down next to Tenchi > and started to pull on the carrot. After much effort the carrot > was torn from the ground, carrying the little cabbitt Ryo-oki *Piccolo & Fujisawa groan and grab their crotches again.* *Pixy Misa falls off of the couch laughing.* Misato: (gangsta voice) Al Bundy in da house! > with it, and sent Sasami and Tenchi flying. Tenchi fell on his > back and Sasami fell on top of his stomach face down. Tenchi and > Sasami both moaned slightly in ecstasy as Sasami's pussy was mashed > onto Tenchi's stiff dick. Sasami enjoyed what she was feeling and Piccolo: (sneering) Oh, that was convenient. Fujisawa: (belches and relaxes in seat) Now for the goodsh part. Misato: (grinning) Yeah. Hey, are you okay? You look pretty much gone. Pixy Misa: (snickering) He is. He's had seven cans already. Fujisawa: O-only scheven? > started to move her hips up and down on Tenchi's bulge. Tenchi was > slightly dazed and as he came out of it he looked down to see his > fantasies come true. Tenchi reached down and lifted Sasami's tight Fujisawa: Y'know, havingsh a crush on yourshelf and fantashizing about children ishn't really a good thing. Pixy Misa: (giggling) Sounds like Michael Jackson. All: (singing) Sasami-chan is not my lover... > shirt over her head and flung it aside. Sasami was meanwhile undoing > Tenchi's short's as well as her own. Tenchi lay totally naked under > a half-clothed Sasami. All Sasami was wearing was her under-garments. Fujisawa: And outsh comesh Ryoko! a-And Ayeka! And Mihoshi! yeah, it'sh a regular orgy! *He leers drunkenly at Misato.* Misato: (frowning in distaste) Talk about not handling your liquor. Piccolo, would you put this guy out please? Piccolo: (grinning) My pleasure. *He ki-blasts Fujisawa into unconsciousness and tosses him off of the couch.* Fujisawa: (laying in the corner, totally KO'ed) Unnggh... Pixy Misa: (snickering) Looks like he's going to miss the "good part". Boy, I think I'm envious. > Tenchi leaned forward between Sasami's young tits and undid her > front-clasp bra with his teeth. Tenchi removed the bra with a > small tug. Tenchi's hands moved down and grabbed the crotch of > Sasami's panties. Sasami started to get really wet now. Tenchi > slipped the Piccolo: (turning green[er]) Urrk. Ulp. Misato: C'mon, green guy! I thought you were a veteran of many battles! Piccolo: (with dignity) Battles are easy. This is disgusting. > pink frilly panties in a swift motion. Sasami raised up to allow her > panties to come off, then she settle herself down on Tenchi's > stiff prick. Tenchi held Sasami on the tip of his prick and told the > virgin Sasami that this would hurt a bit, Sasami didn't care much > because she wanted Tenchi so badly. Tenchi forced all of Sasami's > weight down as fast as he could. Sasami cried out in pain as her > pussy gave way to Tenchi massive prick was split open. Piccolo: (grimacing) That was sick! Misato: (wincing) And painful too. Poor Sasami. Piccolo: (still grimacing) Not that part... Misato: What do you mean? Piccolo: (grabbing crotch yet again) Reread the last sentence. Pixy Misa: (grinning evilly) Anybody in the mood for a banana split? Piccolo: (looking even greener) SHUT... urk... UP! > The pain quickly subsided and was soon replaced with pleasure. > Tenchi lifted Sasami until only the tip of his dick was left inside > Sasami. Tenchi brought Sasami back down and lifted her slowly back > up. > Tenchi continued this motion while lifting his hips up to meet > Sasami's downstrokes. Sasami started to gyrate her hips from side to > side, trying to increase the friction inside her love hole. Pixy Misa: (sadly) I think I might retire after reading this. Misato: (surprised) Why? After Pretty Sami, you must have tons of fans! Pixy Misa: But there won't be anything I can do to Sasami that this stupid fanboy author hasn't thought up yet. Piccolo: This can't be as bad as the second `fic. *He knocks on wood.* Misato: (blinking) Where did that wood come from? Piccolo: (looking up) We have company. > Ryo-ohki was, meanwhile, still working away at the tip of the > carrot. She had no idea of what was going on at the surface. > Ryo-ohki felt small tremors in the ground from Tenchi's humping > action, but thought nothing of it. Kamidake: (woodenly) Hello. I have been given the unenviable task of recording the information from these stories. Misato: Err... why? Kamidake: (patiently) Princess Sasami wants to see how much punishment she can give the fanfic's author for this insult. Pixy Misa: (curiously) What's the punishment scale at right about now? Kamidake: (thinking for a second) Pretty high. She's considering sending Ayeka after him in full muchi-muchi mode. Piccolo: (losing his stoic composure for a moment and shuddering) I'd rather fight Majin Buu again than suffer from THAT. > Back at the surface both Sasami and Tenchi were reaching their > climax. There was much labored breathing and moaning between the > two of them. Tenchi slowed down a bit to try and prolong the > pleasure for both of them. Ryo-ohki heard all the screaming and > came up to investigate. She dug a tunnel along-side the carrot > she was just eating and popped her little head out. She watched > curiously as Tenchi and Sasami screamed in ecstasy as they both > climaxed. Pixy Misa: (blinking) Excuse me? Ryo-ohki is a she? Kamidake: (woodenly) Yes. Is there any reason to believe otherwise? Pixy Misa: (surprised) But I saw him... I mean... Misato: (handing Pixy Misa a beer) Have a can. You need it. Piccolo: (muttering) That's right... get EVERYBODY drunk. > Both exhausted, Tenchi and Sasami decided to rest for a while. > They just lay there to catch their breath and relax their muscles. > When they were rested Tenchi made the first move by rolling over and > reaching for the carrot that Ryo-ohki was nibbling on. Sasami looked Piccolo: (holding stomach and grimacing) I'm... gonna... kill... Kamidake: (respectfully) Sir, if you're going to spew, spew into this. *He materializes a small disposable Dixie Cup.* > up curiously and smiled at the thought of what Tenchi was about to do. > Tenchi dusted off the carrot a bit, kneeled down in front of Sasami > and stuffed the carrot up in her pussy. Ryo-ohki gave a whelp of > protest Misato: I don't think I'm going to ever eat a carrot again. Pixy Misa: (taking a drink of beer) That makes two of us. Piccolo: (looking sick) Don't talk about food... > and ran to Sasami. She watched Sasami's pussy swallow the carrot and > then jumped in after it. Sasami squealed with delight. Tenchi lifted > Sasami and crawled under her, laying her on his chest face-up. Tenchi > stuffed his cock up her tight, little asshole. Ryo-ohki crawled up > farther into Sasami's pussy in an effort to retrieve the stolen > carrot. Pixy Misa: (advertising voice) Everybody, try the new Sasami Salad Shooter! It slices, it dices... Piccolo: (grabbing the cup out of midair and holding it at ready, looking resigned) ...it does julienne carrots... Misato: (eyeing Piccolo warily) ...and is especially good for making old-fashioned, sour lemonade! > Ryo-ohki, realizing that it would be impossible to pull the carrot > out, sat and nibbled at the carrot. Ryo-ohki had to come up for air > every once in a while, this increased the friction in Sasami's pussy. > By this Misato: (in Ryoko's voice) No tuna, no carrot! Get back in there! Kamidake: (woodenly) I fail to see how this relates to fishing. Pixy Misa: (snickering) She wasn't talking about fishing... Kamidake: I see. *He sweatdrops big time.* Piccolo: (looking pained) Shut up! Just... shut up. > time Sasami was thoroughly enjoying herself. Sasami's tight ass > muscles loosened up slightly, as Sasami began to relax. Tenchi began > to move up and down and lifted Sasami in an effort to get some > friction on his dick. Tenchi slowly increased the pace at which he > pounded his Misato: (clinical lecturing voice) The achievement of frictionless anal intercourse without lubrication is astounding. *She claps her hands over her mouth after realizing what she just said.* Pixy Misa: (sympathetically) That Evanjellyon parody really messed you up, didn't it? Piccolo: (raises an eyebrow) EvanJELLYon? Misato: (blushes and looks away) Don't ask. > meat into Sasami. At the same time Tenchi reached around to tease > his lovers' clit. His other hand grabbed Sasami's tiny pink nipple > on her left side. Sasami brought her right hand up to her breast and > ran little circles around her nipple with her index finger. Her other > hand moved down and reached between her legs. She continued down > until her hand met Tenchi's balls, she then gave Tenchi's balls a > light squeeze. Pixy Misa: (teasingly) Why aren't you grabbing your crotch again? Piccolo: (exasperated) You think I want to drop the cup? Pixy Misa: (snickering) Oh, really? Misato: (elbowing Pixy Misa in the side) Knock it off. > Tenchi returned the favor by pinching Sasami's nipple and clit between > his thumb and index finger. By this time Ryo-ohki was almost done the > carrot and tried to push the rest of the carrot out through Sasami's > vaginal opening. This gave Sasami a jolt of pleasure and brought her Piccolo: (groans and holds stomach) Oh, shit... Pixy Misa: (giggling) Here it comes! Misato: Not on me it isn't! *She jumps off of the couch.* Kamidake: (patiently) Are you two aware of what you are saying? Pixy Misa & Misato: It's not like that! *They both sweatdrop.* > close to climax. Sasami let Tenchi know this by tugging spasmodically > on Tenchi's balls, Tenchi began to hump faster and faster trying to > bring Sasami and himself over the verge of climax. It worked, both of > them moaned and shuddered as they reached their second climax at the > same time. Cum began to seep out of Sasami's ass, Tenchi waited until Piccolo: (quietly upchucking and managing to get it all in the cup) Urk. Pixy Misa: Ewww... I don't know what's worse, the scene or Piccolo losing his lunch. Piccolo: (wiping his mouth) Shut up. > was limp before he withdrew from her ass. Ryo-ohki had finally pushed > the rest of the carrot out of Sasami's pussy and began to nibble on > it. Sasami looked over to Tenchi and lovingly whispered "I LOVE You > Tenchi." > > End of Part 1 > > Stay tuned for part 2-coming soon Piccolo: (angrily) Another part? Forget Ayeka. I'LL kill the author! Fujisawa: (sitting up in the corner) Wha... what happened? Pixy Misa: (sarcastically) You missed the "good part". Misato: Yeah, ya hentai! *She whaps Fujisawa upside the head. A general brawl/gang beating erupts among the characters.* Kamidake: Excuse me... *He sweatdrops as he realizes he's powerless to stop the fighting.* Err... I'll just leave now. *He disappears silently.* [Scene: The Projection Booth that looks like a projection booth.] Don Euclid: Well, readers, here's your entertainment for today. Tune in next time to see what happens to our intrepid band of four helpless yahoos as I put them through tortures undreamed of! The next one is going to be another WONDERFUL Sasami lemon, by the name of "Aijin Muyo". Don't miss it! [Black screen, then the standard white-text credits roll. The ending song is "My Dead Dog Rover" by Hank, Stu, Dave & Hank.] Producer, Director & Screenwriter - Don Euclid (euclid@nwrain.com) Cast Copyrights: Pixy Misa, Fujisawa & Kamidake - Pioneer LDC & AIC Piccolo - Funamation & Toei & Bird Studio & Shueisha Misato - Studio Gainax & Sega Enterprises Ryoga - R. Takahashi & Shogakukan & Viz Communications Don Euclid - Himself Stunt Double for Ryoga - Himself (He's dead, Jim! Muahahaha...) Crew Catering - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco & Folgers Coffee Special Thanks to - Whoever owns Dixie Cups for not suing my ass! Ditto for whoever owns Wayne's World! Quality Assurance - Timothy Mclees (tenchi@eagle.cc.ukans.edu) Rik Wall (marvelzmbe@aol.com) Jack Blazkiewitz (tetsuya@eskimo.com) David Stagner Chris Cleveland Mike "Chaos" Yust (miertom@aol.com) John "Majin Buu" Pangelinon Chris Small