DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters. Smolken belongs perhaps to Roger Corman, Zap Rowsdower belongs to a guy who comes from a long line of great anuses, and Garlic Junior belongs to the evil forces behind Dragonball Z. Washu and all the Tenchi Muyo! characters in the fic being MSTd belong to Pioneer/AIC. The cast: the digger Smolken (DS): gravedigger and musical genius. Surprisingly logical and intelligent, for all his claims of being mad. Zap Rowsdower (ZR): homeless drunk, murderer, and former lawyer. Surprisingly caring and kind. Garlic Junior (GJ): the son of Demon Lord Garlic. Unsurprisingly evil. Washu: greatest scientific genius in the Universe! Based on the growth in Tenchi's courage when faced with powerful villains and nasty situations, Washu developed a hypothesis that exposure to really terrible fanfics could cause Tenchi to grow a pair of balls. Some preliminary calculations indicated that in order to test the hypothesis fully, she needed to subject a wide range of personalities to said fanfics: a hero, a madman and a demon. These did not take long to find. In order to have a small and relatively easy-to-manage demon, she offered Garlic Junior a sort of work-release program from his eternal prison (the terms, unluckily for him, include a prohibition on killing, enslaving or physically harming the other MSTers, which will be enforced by Washu's tentacle monster). The madman is the digger Smolken, and the hero is Canada's greatest, Zap Rowsdower. Washu tricked these two into losing bets with her (something to do with the relative durability of carrots and skulls), then used a dimensional transporter to bring all three to her lab. After explaining the purpose of the experiment and attaching some small discs to the MSTers foreheads, Washu sent them into a theater, locked them in, and started typing on her holo-laptop. A simple explanation, but simple ones are often best... Thus, yet another MST series begins with "No Need For Good Partners" chapter 1 by Mr. Schjmo - experiment #1 of Project Corpseflower. (door sequence: 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...) Copywrite ZR: Great. The first word of the disclaimer is already spelled wrong. DS: A certain sign of ill boding. shit: Look i don't own any of the charactrers in this story, never claimed to, don't want to, and probably never will. Don't sue me cause i'm broke as fuck. DS: Ah, makes you want to bring back the debtor's prison system... ZR: Then if he's broke he just gets thrown in prison instead of having to pay. Message to the kids: Kids, this is a lemon, it will include sexual content. If your not old enough, don't read it. you probably shouldn't be here anyway. SO FUCK OFF!! ZR: What a nice disclaimer... GJ: So, kids shouldn't read this, but it's OK for a kid to write it and post it? An odd sort of hypocrisy. Appoligy: My spelling and grammer is bad, GJ: That's OK... just makes it easier for us to rip into you. i know and i don't give a fuck and i know this is short but the next few will be bigger. k? Now, on with the fucking story! DS: "Fucking story"... could this be a euphemism for "lemon"? -------------------------------------------------------------------- No need for Good Partners. ^_^ DS: No need for good plot. ZR: No need for good taste. GJ: No need for good English. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting[Mihoshi and Kiyone are relaxing in their bathing suits inside the Yagami's recreation room. They are on a two weeks payed vacation to pluto and back. They have been gone for 3 days so far.] GJ: There's a lot to do on Pluto. ZR: Come see the cold rocks, the frozen gases, the really tiny sun and... well... that's all, I guess. GJ (Kiyone): Mihoshi! This Pluto vacation was your stupid idea! This is just like our patrols, only even more boring! DS: Of course, a "payed" vacation doesn't do them much good - there's not much GP work on the backwater that is Earth anyway, so they have plenty of time to relax. Whatever currency GP pays them in isn't worth anything on Earth, which is why they need jobs flipping burgers and so on. ZR: You don't expect these authors to watch the series, do you? DS: No. But then again, they are wearing bathing suits on a spaceship. I'm not expecting this author to make much sense at all... but I cannot be sure, for I am mad! For some time it had seemed to Kiyone that Mihoshi was asleep. ZR: Pick a tense and stick with it! DS: An oft-repeated MST comment, but it didn't take us long to get it out of the way. Her mindless chattering about how great it was to finally get some time off had now ceased and Kiyone was damn proud of it. ZR: Proud? How is Mihoshi ceasing to babble Kiyone's accomplishment?. GJ: Maybe she slipped Mihoshi some sleep-inducing drugs. She too was glad that for two weeks they wouldn't have to work but only because it gave her time off from Mihoshi's constant mistakes and slacking off. DS: It is a good thing Mihoshi only makes constant mistakes when not on vacation. GJ: I already see the author's thought this through well. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Then took a chance to queitly enjoy this long deserved break. ZR: And this undeserved poor spelling and grammar. She let her body completely relax and silently let go into her own privite Nirvana. Her head gently drift to the right. She opened her eyes to see GJ: Mitsuki in a dominatrix outfit and Yosho in a leather miniskirt, all over each other! ZR: Your comments are worse than the fic! Go back where you came from! GJ: Hahaha! The doors are locked - you'll just have to suffer! (Rowsdower sighs) Mihoshi's body. Tanned and smooth. When she was asleep she seemed somewhat...attractive to Kiyone, DS (Kiyone): Perhaps she would be even more attractive if she was dead. GJ: Well, a necrophiliac lesbian lemon would be somewhat original... ZR: We'll have to have Washu enforce a "don't give authors ideas" rule on this guy... or at least give us powerful weapons to hit him with. though she would never admit it to Mihoshi herself. DS: Not for another five seconds, anyway, when the author will have finished gnawing her brain away and the lemon logic will have entered fully. She let her eyes wander to Mihoshi's large tanned breasts, her long slender legs her smooth blonde hair. ZR: The smooth blond hair on her long slender legs? DS: I think so. ZR (Kiyone): I find your hairy toes very attractive, Mihoshi! Suddenly Mihoshi turned her head to Kiyone and said, "Man, Kiyone, it's so great to finally relax after all the hard work we've been doing. It's so great the boss gave us this vacation i mean-" That was just too much for Kiyone. "GODDAMNIT MIHOSHI WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND, I CANT RELAX WITH YOU BABBLING ALL THE TIME!!! GJ (Kiyone): WHICH IS WHY I'M IN THE SAME SMALL ROOM WITH YOU! IF I DIDN'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOUR BABBLING, I'D GO RELAX ON SOME OTHER PART OF THE SHIP! IT'S BIG ENOUGH TO KEEP A WHOLE HOUSE IN, AFTER ALL! Mihoshi cringed back at Kiyone's remark. She covered her face and started to cry. DS: Kiyone yelling, Mihoshi crying... how much more cliche can this get? ZR: They'll turn out to be lesbians. DS: Ah, yes. Then all the cliches will be in place. "I'm sorry Kiyone <sniff> I just wanted to say something. ZR (Mihoshi): You just sat on a scorpion. But I guess I won't tell you now! <sniff> But I'll just <sniff> be quiet. GJ (Kiyone): BE QUIET THEN! AND NO SNIFFING! AND WHY AM I YELLING? Kiyone melted inside. DS: Molten Kiyone snacks, anyone? As much as she hated it when Mihoshi messed up, she hated it more to see her cry. ZR: This author sure is making Kiyone sound horribly hateful. GJ (Kiyone): HATE! HATE! HATE! I'M GONNA JOIN THE KKK AND DRAW SWASTIKAS EVERYWHERE! SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME, MIHOSHI? "That's okay Mihoshi. I didn't mean to yell. We can talk if you want." GJ (Kiyone): AS MUCH AS I HATE IT WHEN YOU TALK! "Really? Thanx Kiyone!"^_^ GJ (Kiyone): ARRRRRRRRRRRGH! I HATE IT WHEN YOU THANK ME! ZR: Calm down, will you? GJ: HATE! HATE! (Rowsdower sighs) "Mihoshi, I wanted to ask you a question. Why do you keep turning down all the promotions that come to you. Don't you want to get away from this job, all the chasing around criminals. Don't you want a quiet little desk job?" ZR (Mihoshi): Sure - we'll both take desk jobs at the end of the series. "Why of course not, silly. GJ (Kiyone): I HATE... ah, never mind... it's getting boring. ZR: Mihoshi calling Kiyone silly... what next? Aeka calling Ryoko flat? DS: It's been done... A desk job would be so boring all i would do is sit around all day. DS: No. She'd cause several disasters of various sizes and spend her time dealing with those. That girl knows how to stay busy! ZR: Only the author doesn't know much about her, apparently. GJ (author): Watch the series? What for - I'd rather just read lemons! I like chasing around criminals and, well i like being with you..." Mihoshi blushed slightly and looked down as if she was ashamed. ZR: Garlic Junior, as the anime insider, would you like to take care of this physics lesson? GJ: Certainly. In anime, blushing indicates arousal, not embarrassment. The author's telling us Mihoshi's getting turned on already. "But Mihoshi, all i do is get mad and yell at you about not getting promotions and stuff." DS (Kiyone): Especially about not getting stuff. I HATE IT WHEN YOU DON'T GET STUFF! "Yeah, but when your not getting mad we have a lot of fun, like at the Kareoke bar, and i just really lo... like you." This last statement supprised Kiyone a bit. DS: But only a bit. Then she realized this is a bad lemon, so what else could Mihoshi have to say? Mihoshi almost said that she loved her. =Maybe it was just my imagination, but what it it wasn't?=. DS: It was just a horrible lemon author with no time for in-character behavior. ZR: Don't count on a lot of foreplay, either. Mihoshi was looking at her nervously she decided it was time to answer. "I really lo... like you too mihoshi bu-" GJ (Kiyone): You- speec... impedime- seem- t... b... contagiou-. Kiyone was in shock she had almost said that she loved Mihoshi =Oh my god, whats going on. This can't be happening. I'm supposed to like guys. ZR (Kiyone): I must be in a bad lemon. How shocking! Usually, Sasami or Ryoko are in those. DS: She's supposed to like guys? In fanfics, she's about equally likely to be straight, lesbian or bi. Therefore, I cannot know whether she's supposed to like guys... for I am mad! And mihoshi's just...she's just...= DS: She's just =? ZR: Equal? DS: Perhaps the author meant "she is just" as in "just and fair". But I do not know, for I am mad! GJ: I don't think he'd say something that nice about Mihoshi, unless it was on the level of "she's really hot". They both were blushing a deep red ZR: Very aroused already. This author sure moves fast... and looking down. Niether of them could believe the situation. Silence went on for ten minutes GJ: I smell a Dragonball Z crossover! ZR: Why? GJ: Nothing happened for ten minutes. That's an average DBZ pace of events. until Kiyone suddenly felt something touch her arm. DS: It was Noboyuki. GJ (Noboyuki): Hurry up with the lemon scene, I want to get it on film! It was Mihoshi. She was standing in front of Kiyone holding her arm. ZR (Mihoshi holding her arm): I fell and I have a boo-boo on my arm. Kiyone could almost see tears in her eyes. "I...I love you Kiyone" Kiyone completely melted inside DS (Mihoshi): OK, I think you're ready to take out of the oven! as Mihoshi ran away crying. But Kiyone caught her by the arm before she got to the door. GJ: Even molten, she's pretty fast! "Mihoshi I...I love you too." DS (Kiyone): I...I think you're somewhat attractive when you're asleep, and I think your blond toe hair is nice. That will have to suffice as "love" for the purposes of this lemon because the author has no time for more. ZR: What's with this "I...I" thing they're doing, anyway? DS: I do not know, for I am... ZR: Yeah, yeah, mad, I know! DS: ...mad! ZR: Will you stop that? DS: I do not know... for I am mad! ZR: Go to hell! Or at least Edmonton! They both fell to the floor ZR (Kiyone): Ow! My head! Mihoshi, you klutz! in a passionate kiss. Their arms and tounges intertwined. It was only a minute but to Kiyone it seemed like an eternity. They finally broke DS: First molten, now broken... this author really hates poor Kiyone. an Kiyone lay staring into Mihoshi sweet,innocent eyes. [All right here's the lemon part. if there are still any kids there, hey like i said before FUCK OFF!! GJ (author): Like I said, if you're underage go write your own, like I did! now back to the lemon] Kiyone's hand wandered down to Mihoshi's breasts. (Smolken suddenly sticks a finger down his throat and vomits profusely) ZR: What's wrong? GJ: What the hell? DS: Well, every MST seems to have vomiting during lemon scenes. I have no idea why, but I think it's an important tradition, and therefore... GJ: Fool! I think other MSTers vomit because the fics make them sick! DS: Oh. Well, I thought it was a pointless tradition, so I decided to make it interesting by eating lots of alphabet soup. ZR: Yes. We can see that. GJ: Hey - you spelled "MYNAMEISPAULMCCARTNEY"! ZR: That's creepy... let's just get back to the fic and let Washu clean this mess up later. GJ (alphabet soup Nazi): And no more alphabet soup for you! She pulled off her top (with no objection from Mihoshi) and lay there admiring her perfect round tits. Her nipples looked the size of a quarter and were standing strait up. ZR: Whose tits is the author talking about here? GJ: I have no idea. DS: I also do not know, for I am mad! ZR: No, I think the author's stupid, and you're not mad, you're just being annoying! DS: Perhaps, but that I cannot know, for I am mad! GJ: Can we trade that guy for Xellos? He'd be less annoying... ZR: That... is a secret. DS: A secret I do not know, for the madness has taken away my reason. Therefore, it logically and reasonably follows that I cannot know the secret. (Garlic Junior growls and Rowsdower sighs) Kiyone brushed her hand along Mihoshi's nipples, making her shutter GJ: Like a camera lens shutter, or like a window shutter? DS: I do not know, for I am mad! GJ: No, the author is a moron! I very much doubt you're half as mad as you claim to be. and moan with delight. She massaged Mihoshi's tit DS: It appears Mihoshi only has one tit now. I wonder what happened to the other one? ZR: This fic definitely raises more questions than it answers. GJ: The main one being "What the hell is wrong with this guy?" ZR: That answer would probably take up several volumes, so let's just drop it, OK? withe her left hand and then she started to lick and suck mihoshi's right nipple. "Ohhhhhhhh DS (clearing throat): Hhhhhhhhhhh! yes." she moaned softly. Mihoshi's hand s trailed down kiyone's spine. She started to massage Kiyone's firm ass. Then she removed the bottom of her swim suit and rubbed the area by her pussy. ZR: If this was in character, Mihoshi'd slip, fall and accidentally set off the ship's self-destruct mechanism. DS: Don't expect any more in-character behavior; the typical lemon features an introductory paragraph of cliched behavior followed by several horribly OOC pages. GJ (character development Nazi): No character development for you! This made Kiyone shiver DS (Kiyone shivering): It's a bit cold in here... why are we wearing swimsuits on the spaceship, again? and moan. Kiyone then released Mihoshi's well massaged tits ZR: ...on $50000 bail... and moved down to position her face above Mihoshi's now sopping wet pussy. "Please Kiyone..." Mihoshi urged her down. ZR (Mihoshi): Not there... lick my kneecaps! I have this fetish... "Your gonna have to beg me Mihoshi." She said with a devious smile. "Please...lick my...c...cunt." With that Kiyone went at it hungrily moving her tounge over her hard clit, over and over. Making her overflow with juice. Then moving her tounge into her love tunnel, now well satirated with juice. Kiyone thankfuly lapped at the juice. It was unlike anything she'd ever tasted. Almost like peaches and cream. ZR (Kiyone): Have you been keeping peaches and cream up your pussy? Suddenly she reached a barrier. she was very supprised. GJ (Kiyone): Hey, you got a peach pit stuck there! ZR: Damit... if you weren't a powerful demon I'd kick your ass! DS: It seems the author starts dropping periods everywhere when excited. ZR: Tank Cop used exclamation points instead. Punctuation fetishists, I guess. "Mihoshi your a virgin?!" GJ (Kiyone): That's great! I need one to sacrifice to Garlic Junior! ZR: Right. You wish. Mihoshi's eyes looked very guilty and she turned away. "Don't be sad. I...I am too." ZR: Hey, there's that I...I thing again. (Garlic Junior shrugs) Mihoshi looked at her in disbelief. "You are?" Kiyione nodded. "Wow so were really sharing something special." GJ (Mihoshi): We're both social retards who can't get laid! DS: They're sharing that with the author, too. GJ: Awww... Well, the author definitely is "special", anyway. Kiyone nodded then pushed in hard with her tounge. It broke and she started to bleed. ZR: WHAT? DS: Kiyone pushed in hard with her tongue (as opposed to her tounge). It (Kiyone's tongue) broke and she (Kiyone) started to bleed. ZR: That's what I thought... and that's why I asked "WHAT?" GJ: Stupid author. ZR: Ah. Yes. "Ouch! That hurt..." DS: Exploding tongues tend to. "I'm sorry Mihoshi, I just..." GJ (Kiyone): ...made a horrible bloody mess of my tongue all over your groin. I thought it would turn you on. ZR: I hope I don't have to do any PhuckNut or Alienboy fics with this guy... "Thats okay, it's better now just...keep going." Again Kiyone smiled that devious smile of hers but kept going without a second urging. She cold now reach her tounge even deeper into Mihoshi. She hurgily lapped up her sweet jucices and tickled at her clit. This went on for about twenty minutes GJ: I see. Kiyone's superhuman power is incredible tongue stamina. until, finally. ZR: They noticed Sasami, who's been standing in the corner all along. "Oh...God Kiyone, GJ (Kiyone): That's "Goddess Kiyone" to you! yes, please. Oh yes. Lick me. Oh Lick me deeper. DS (Mihoshi in a monotone): Yes. Please. I'm not excited enough to use exclamation points. Lick me. Deeper. And more boring. ZR: Mr. Schjmo seems to think that tongues are best used for penetration. DS: Perhaps he thinks that tongues are as large and firm as penises. GJ: Probably because he's using his own penis for reference. OH GOD YES KIYONE I'M GONNA CUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!" Mihoshi sprayed Kiyone's face with her cum. Kiyone drank it gratefully. For three minutes Mihoshi's mind blowing orgasm lasted. ZR (snickering): Why don't you just say "for sixty-eight minutes". GJ: Or for the remaining eleven days of their vacation, for that matter. ZR: The author must have been thinking "my stupid lemon's orgasm is longer than your stupid lemon's orgasm". Then Kiyone moved up and kissed Mihoshi. Feeding her her own juices. ZR (Mihoshi): Eww! That's gross! Where'd you get that idea - gay porn? They lay there, resting for a moment... ZR: ...and, just like in every one of these lemons, lesbian sex caused Mihoshi to stop making mistakes and Kiyone to stop blowing her top. Ah, the miracles of love... DS (singing hoarsely): We can be healed by the passions of lesbian priiiiiide! GJ: My contract says I'm not allowed to whack you, so... Rowsdower? (Rowsdower thwacks Smolken on the back of the head) ZR: Damit, stop that! You singing that is more disturbing than any of Garlic Junion's sick lines! End...for now DS: What? I thought he said "on with the fucking story"... this was just an oral sex story! GJ: Feel cheated? DS: No, rather relieved. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well what do you think of my first one. ZR: It was actually quite amusing - lemons written by people who have no idea about sex often are. GJ: As are fanfics written by people who've apparently never seen the series. I'll say it was better than my eternal imprisonment in a void, but that's not saying much. DS: It was boring, stupid and predictable. Even your mistakes have been made before, and made with more style. It may seem a little clicheish DS: The word "clicheish" is, in fact, more original than your fic. but to tell the truth i wouldn't have any experience in the matter. Yes I'M A VIRGIN!!!* ZR: You don't have to tell us, dear. We can tell from the story... Anywho for questions, comments, ridicule just E-Mail me at Mardev@peoplepc.com GJ: No, I don't think so. We'll post the ridicule for the whole world to read. My name is Mr. Schjmo and thats all i have so say for now. GJ: Oh, we've still got a few things left to say to you... I'm also 14 DS: That's odd. This read more like it was written by a 10-year-old. GJ: It read like someone whose "wet dreams" involve urine, not semen. ZR: Although it does seem that he's carried through his belief that it's OK for kids to write lemons but not read them, and skipped the proofreading stage. (The screen goes dark, nine doors click open, and the MSTers exit the theater. They are met by Washu, who is furiously clicking away at some machinery.) Washu: This concludes today's experiment. Let me just take some final measurements and I'll send you guys back home. GJ: Do I have to go? Washu: Yes. Definitely. ZR: Before you send him back, please explain the concept of not giving authors ideas. Washu: Hm. You may have a point, but if he does, that will just give me more material to experiment on you guys with! ZR: Do you really want necrophiliac lesbian lemons? Washu: Hm. You do have a point there. But Yosho in a leather mini... that I might like. But I have a better solution for you to test for our next MST - the Garlic Press, to press Garlic Junior with when he acts up. GJ: The fic was bad enough, but I'm liking you less and less... DS: We will gladly test that for you! ZR: I hope you can get it finished in time. Washu (removing the metal discs from the MSTers foreheads): Of course I can! Washu puppet A: She is Washu! She is a genius! Washu puppet B: She can do it! Washu: Well, I'll send you guys home and get to work on the Garlic Press, then. Washu puppets: Hooray for Washu! So, Washu's first experiment is complete... will she find a way to make Tenchi grow a pair of balls? Even if she does, would she really do that? What terrors will she subject our heroes to next? How well will the Garlic Press work? Does anyone care for these short mega-crossover fics about the MSTers? Rather than answer any of that, we'll give you some author's notes. Direct any ire, comments or raven skulls to smolken@spacemoose.com. I really have little interest in "normal" fanfics, but I like good MSTs, so I picked a random short bad lemon and went at it. I do have an odd cast of MSTers, but after all Rowsdower and Smolken are from movies that were on MST3K, and Garlic Junior provides the anime insider perspective. At least I didn't go with Noboyuki, Azaka and Kamidake. Thanks to Cyrus "Rowsdower" Marriner for encouragement and giving me back my alphabet soup, and to countless MSTers for inspiration. And now, your moment of Zen: Kiyone nodded then pushed in hard with her tounge. It broke and she started to bleed. "Ouch! That hurt..."