Achika: Mother of Tenchi
	It was a nice fine day when Tenchi was a baby. 
"Nobiyuki, hand me Tenchi's bottle please." said Achika.
"Sure Achika." replied Nobiyuki.
Achika started rocking Tenchi in her arms.  Nobiyuki handed Achika 
Tenchi's bottle.
" Oh, I sure wish I can live when Tenchi is big." Said Achika.
"Oh, don't worry Achika, you can make it!" said Nobiyuki. 
Three years past. Tenchi was four years old. Achika walked to Tenchi. 
Tenchi ran to Achika.
"Hi Tenchi!" said Achika.
" Hi mommy!" replied Tenchi.
"Want to go to a store with me?" Achika asked Tenchi.
"Sure!" replied Tenchi.
They walked along to a groceries store. Achika went to an isle full of 
fruit and cabbages. 
" Tenchi! Want some peach?" asked Achika.
"Okay!" yelled Tenchi
Achika got some peaches. She also got carrots, broccoli, and cabbage. 
Soon it was time to go home. 
" Tenchi! Time to go!" yelled Achika.
"Okay" yelled Tenchi.
When Achika and Tenchi came home, they saw a spaceship that crashed 
near their house. Nobiyuki came outside to greet Achika and Tenchi.
"Achika, people crashed from space. Come in to see them." Said 
"Well, okay." Said Achika.
Achika went inside holding Tenchi's hand. When she got in, the people 
asked what her name was.
"Achika. Achika Masaki. I am the daughter of Yosho." She told them.
"What!!!!! You. are Achika!" said Ayeka surprisingly. 
"Oh, I am so sorry for my sister ." said Sasami.
" I.I am Achika mother of Tenchi why?" asked Achika.
"You!!?? Mother of Tenchi?  Mother of prince of Jurai?"  Ayeka said.
Thirteen years past. Tenchi was now seventeen. Achika, Ayeka, Ryoko, 
Washu, and Sasami became friends. Achika and Sasami were the best cooks 
in the house. 
"Hmmmmm. What is for dinner Sasami?" asked Ryoko.
"It's fried noodles I suppose." said Achika.
"Mom! Grandpa wants to see you!" yelled Tenchi.
"Okay Tenchi!" replied Achika.
Achika walked to the shrine where Yosho was. 
"Yes, what is it father?"  said Achika.
"I need more cabbage to do something." said Yosho.
" I'll get some." Replied  Achika.
Achika walked to the groceries store. She went to the isle where there 
were fruit and cabbages. She got six cabbages. She went home. She went 
to the shrine where Yosho was.
"How is this father?" she asked Yosho.
"Perfect!" said Yosho.
Achika went to the kitchen. The fried noodles were ready when she got 
"Thank you for cooking Sasami." Said Achika.
"Nobiyuki! Dinner!" yelled Achika.
"Wow! Fried noodles! My favorite!" said Nobiyuki.
They started eating dinner.
" So, Ayeka, You knew my dad ever since he was around Tenchi's age?" 
asked Achika.]
"Indeed Achika. I am supposed to know him. He is my half brother!" said 
" Really? He never said anything. Wow! That means you are related to 
me!" said Achika.
They continued eating. The very next day Achika went out to Yosho's 
" Father! Breakfast is ready!" Achika said.
" I am not hungry Achika." Replied Yosho.
" But breakfast.. Oh well then." said Achika.
Achika went back to the house and found everyone eating. 
" It seems father is not hungry. Please do save food for him." Said 
"Enough with the chit-chat go eat Achika!" said Ryoko.
"I just love being Tenchi's mother." said Achika.
" How can you not. You are Achika Mother of Tenchi." said Ayeka.
"Everyone on Jurai calls you Achika Mother of Tenchi." said Sasami.
Soon it was afternoon. Ayeka and Sasami were preparing for a visit to 
Jurai. Achika was going. They all packed their stuff. They used Ryu-oh 
to get to Jurai. When Achika got off, everyone saw her and yelled, 
"Hey! It's Achika Mother of Tenchi!"
It was dark when they left for Earth. They got to Tenchi's house around 
" So it is true. I am known as Achika Mother of Tenchi after all.
After that, Achika died. So when Tenchi always whispered, "I miss you 
mother." everyone said, "Achika Mother of Tenchi died a few weeks. It 
must be hard for Tenchi to have no mom but one dad."